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Approval Sheet i
Acknowledgement ii
Dedication iii
Contents iv

Chapter I

1. The problem and its settings

Introduction 1

Statement of the problem

Significance of the study

Scope and Delimitation of the study

Definition of terms

Chapter II

2. Review of Related Literature

Related Literature

Related study

Chapter III

3. Research Design and Methodology

Chapter I



Education is a learning process to develop the potential of each individual and create
quality human resources. Therefore education is important to be carried out as well as
possible, so that it is in accordance with the objectives. Educational goals have been stated
in the opening of the 1945 Constitution which reads "educating the lives of the nation and
participating in carrying out world order". The development of science and technology has an
impact on rapid progress in the world of education.

Considering, the importance of education, the government strives to improve the

education system by recovering of the existing curriculum. The curriculum that has been
implemented is the curriculum in 2013, which is intended to improve and develop the
existing education. The growth of education is expected to the implementation of the
learning process to be more creative and innovative through learning strategies and employ
the developments of technology in learning process in order to make the students to be
active in the learning process. Thus, the role of teacher has shifted from the only source of
knowledge in the classroom to be a facilitator for students in the classroom. The
development of technology should be utilized as well as possible, in which the students can
learn not only depend on the source of the book, but can use the internet services and
electronic books that can be accessed freely without limit of time and space. It is supporting
the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process. The development of technology
which is currently being global is a Smartphone technology.

The technology of education includes two forms; they are software and hardware
technology. According to (Cahyadi,2014: 12) Smartphone is a set of technological tools that
have major applications required in the needs of life, the Smartphone has incredible
capacity, using mobile phone. One of the capacities is able to operate like computer, and
ease the users to bring it everywhere". Meanwhile, according to Backer (2010: 21) revealed
that: smartphone is a phone that brings leading capabilities; as a form of the capacity of the
Wireless Mobile Device (WMD) that can function as a computer by offering features such as
Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), internet access, email, and Global Positioning System
(GPS), so it makes the users easier to find the data or needs.

Information technologies play an important role in the life of each of us. The activity of using
gadgets is increasing rapidly every year. More and more students around the world cannot

imagine their learning without modern gadgets. Moreover, the faster the changes in the
modern world, the better people realize the importance of modern education and knowledge
of current technologies. At the same time, many domestic and foreign authors study the
problem of academic performance; they also note a decrease in the level of academic
performance. The problem of academic performance is a serious problem both at school and
at University. The main problems of academic performance study are the essence, causes
of failure; recommendations for his problem was studied in the pedagogy of secondary
school, but remains the subject of heated debate, and the area of confrontation of opposite
points of view on the aspect of determining the leading factors of academic performance and
prevention of failure. Pedagogy of higher education is experiencing in our time an urgent
need to study this problem. The problem under consideration was studied in pedagogy from
the point of view of the definition of failure, lag in the pedagogical process. The researchers
tried to find ways and methods to overcome the phenomenon of student underachievement.

Initially, attempts were made to explain the causes of this problem; a hypothesis was put
forward about the impact of intelligence on the educational activities of students. Further, an
active search for effective approaches to learning, methods in which special attention was
paid to the skill of the teacher; the need for an individual approach to each student was
emphasized. Later, the research a tendency began to manifest to study the influence of
motivation on the academic performance of students. Finally, it was found that the most
important factor that has a direct impact on academic performance, learning activities and
their success is the personal characteristics of the student. Therefore, in recent years,
researchers have established the impact of different groups of factors on the academic
performance of students, such as intellectual and personal characteristics, motivation, level
of self-regulation and self-government, value orientations, organization the educational
process, the level of pedagogical skills, independent work of students.


This study seeks to determine The Utilization of Gadgets and its Impact on Academic

Performance of Grade 10 students in Baungon National High School.

Objectives of the study

The main objective of this study is to determine the utilization of gadgets and its
impact on academic performance in grade 10 students of Baungon National High School.
We, the researchers will also look into the student's basic profile, which gadget do they use

frequently and to come up with recommendation to improve the learning processes of the
students with the use of gadgets.

Research Questions

This study will be guided by the following questions:

1. Do you use gadgets such as smartphone, tablets, or laptops for your

Academic activities?

2. Are there any specific rules or guidelines in place regarding the use of
gadgets during school hours?

3. Did your teachers incorporate the use of gadgets in their teaching method?
4. Do you find the use of gadgets helpful in your learning process?


Gadgets is becoming more prevalent in education. Gadgets can be used as a great

resource. Learning is the aspect of development that connects modication of behavior, skills
and knowledge.

The generalization of this study would be a great contribution to the vast knowledge of
students achievements. Vital results of this study could be highly significant to the following:

Students - They are considered the main priority of this study the findings of this research
will help and enlightened them to know the effects of technological gadgets to their academic
performance and health.

Teachers - They will be gaining insights as to what measures are appropriate to help the
students regarding the effects of gadgets on grade 10 students in Baungon National High

Parents - It is significant for them to take action before its late, and before it become worst.

School Administration - This is significant for them to apply discipline for the students who
is addicted of using technological gadgets. And help the teachers to orient and guide the


The purpose of this research paper is to study The Utilization of Gadgets and its
Impact on Academic Performance in Grade 10 students of Baungon National High School.

The use of gadgets in schools has become very common nowadays. It can help
students to increase their thinking and creativity learning tastes and also to have access to
the latest information on different subjects.

On the other hand, gadgets can also have negative effects on students. Sometimes,
mobile phones can be used in cheating during classroom assessments, it can be used in
instant gaming messaging, and also using facebook application may affect the classroom

This study hopes to fill this gap and provide a context to policy makers in schools
which they can base their strategic directions and intervention in use of gadgets.


To facilitate understanding of the study, the following terms are defined conceptually and

Gadgets – This refers to a small tool or device that is designed to perform a specific
function, often of a novel or unique nature. Gadgets are typically considered to be more
unusually or cleverly designed than normal tools. They can include electronics devices such
as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and so on.

Academic Performance – This refers to the level of achievement of students in their studies.
It’s often measured by grades or GPA (Grade Point Average) in the context of school or
university. It can be influenced by a variety of factors including student’s personal abilities,

study habits, level of effort, and even factors like their physical health and family

Technology – This refers to the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. It
includes techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or
services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. Technology
can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, and the like, or it can be embedded in
machines to allow for operation without detailed knowledge of their workings.

Education – This refers to the discipline that is concerned with methods of teaching and
learning in schools or school-like environments, as opposed to various nonformal and
informal means of socialization

Achievements – This refers to something that is accomplished, especially by superior

ability, special effort, great courage, etc.; attainment or accomplishment: the achievement of
one’s object.

Health – A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the
absence of disease or infirmity.

Intellectual – means involving a person’s ability to think and to understand ideas and
information. High levels of lead could damage the intellectual development of other people.

Motivation – This refers to the initiation, direction, intensity, and, persistence of behavior. It
is having desire, intentions, and needs that determine human behavior.

Self-Regulation – The ability to control one’s behavior, emotions, and thoughts in the
pursuit of long-term goals. More specifically, emotional self-regulations refers to the ability to
manage disruptive emotions and impulse-in other words, to think before acting.

Intelligence – The ability to solve complex problems or make decisions with outcomes
benefiting the actor, and has evolved in flatforms to adapt to diverse environment for their
survival and reproduction.

Chapter II


This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough and in-depth
search done by the researchers. It includes ideas, finished thesis generalization and/or
conclusions, methodologies and others. Those were included in this chapter helps in
familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to the present study.


These days, technology is a big part of our life. It fulfills many functions and has
diverse meanings for many individuals. According to Muir-Herzig (2008), technology has
completely changed the educational landscape. One cannot downplay the significance of
technology in the classroom. In actuality, the introduction of technology into the classroom
has made it simpler for both teachers and students to learn new material. The process of
teaching and learning has become more fun with the usage of technology.

Accordingly, Hooft (2006) discovered that technology is a valuable tool that enhances
instruction by making it more relevant and interesting and enhancing students' reading and
numeracy abilities. in agreement with this. According to Attewell (2004), using a device while
studying promotes both solitary and group projects and boosts confidence and self-worth in
the process. Similarly, Kukulska-Hulme and Traxier (2007) thought that technology is a type
of multiple literacy that creates a link between community texts and formal education,
offering a multimodal literary approach to education.

The most frequently mentioned educational advantages of mobile phone

technologies are the ease of content access, integration of a wide range of educational
activities, support for student organization and independent study, student enthusiasm,

support for classroom collaboration and interaction, and support for inquiry-based instruction
and learning (Roschelle, 2003).More advanced mobile devices, sometimes referred to as
smartphones, can help students retrieve material from the internet modify it, transfer it, work
together with other students, and also develop a more media-rich approach to teaching
Ferry. Since the majority of respondents used their phN~ for study, Kahari (2013)
emphasized the importance of cell phones as a tool for learning: the study shows that
although students tend to misuse them, cell phones are beneficial for learning and are
becoming one of the most popular information access devices. What stands out from the
study is the high use of interactive, multi-user functions which can occasionally be disrupted
or beneficial during study. For today's kids, having a cell phone offers a plethora of
opportunities and obstacles. Cell phones are unquestionably practical and beneficial study
aids, but depending on a student's usage habits and mindset, they can also be a harmful
source of distraction.

According to Serra (2012), the introduction of this technology causes students to

become enslaved to their cellphones and diverted from their academics. This leads to
missed sleep, poor academic performance, and ruined private moments. Students' sleep
schedules are also impacted when they use their phones during the day. Because they are
still using their phones, they might not go to bed at a reasonable hour, which could affect
their academic achievement. Some students don't realize how important it is to retain
adequate sleep for their brains to perform at their best.

Technology is becoming an addiction for people. The greatest problem with

technology is that people don't know when to stop using it. While technology has many
positive effects on humanity, it can also pose the greatest threat to our survival (Chaubey,
2014). The majority of students who use electronic devices more frequently exhibit high
levels of dependence on them, poor academic performance, and good health. In order to
address these issues and help students strike a balance between their academic
performance and health status, healthcare providers should organize effective interventions
like the introduction of health tracking and academic applications on electronic devices
(Othman, Kelana & Jamaludin, (2020).


Foreign Studies

The country has been under lockdown since March 25 and it has been extended
several times. It was supposed to expire at midnight on May 17, but it was extended to May
31 with some restrictions loosened. Many Indians suffer from anxiety and stress for a variety
of reasons, such as dissatisfaction, boredom, fear of contracting a disease, loss of
employment, and interruptions to their education. A lot of false information about the virus

and an abundance of knowledge about it have also given rise to, according to psychiatrist
Sheela Parasher, who volunteers at a government helpline. poor concepts. Saha suggests
that children should only use screens for ninety minutes a day.

The Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences is situated in the southern state of
Karnataka, in Bengaluru. Sharma stated that games like Fortnite, PUBG, and Counter-
Strike, or pornography, are becoming more and more popular among teenagers and young
adults who are housebound (Joseph, 2020).

Chapter III


This chapter emphasizes the following components of research namely: The Research
design, The Research Respondents, The Research Environment, The Sampling Method
used, and The Data Gathering Procedure.

Research Design

This study utilized Quantitative Survey Research design acquiring the Dichotomous
Variables in a Questionnaire Survey type. Survey Research means the collection of
information from a sample of individuals through their responses to questions (Check, Schutt
2012.160) and Dichotomous Variable means questions carry one disadvantage, there is no
other way of analyzing the answer between a "yes" and "no" (last world solution, 2023).


The respondents of this study are the grade 10 students of Baungon National High
School, that is currently enrolled in this school year 2023-2024. Out of 300 grade 10
students in Baungon National High School, there are only 130 students who responded the
conducted survey.

Research Environment

This study is to be conducted in Baungon National High School (BNHS). BNHS is a

public secondary school located in Purok-3 Barangay Imbatug, under the Municipality of
Baungon, Province of Bukidnon. It is a DepED-managed school that offers both junior high
school and senior high school programs. The school has been in operation since June 1,
1991. Baungon National High School is also known as BSHS and was previously called
Baungon Senior High School. It is the main campus of Baungon National High School,
catering to the welfare and needs of students in the area (Philippines Place).

Sampling Procedure

The study entitled The Utilization of Gadgets and Its Impact on Academic
Performance in Grade 10 Students of Baungon National High School utilizes Simple
Random Sampling Method in accommodating the research respondents. Simple random
sampling method is a technique that uses randomization to make sure that every element of
the particular population gets an equal chance to be part of the selected sample ("Inquiries,
Investigation, and Immersion," Quarter 1 Module 42021)

Data Gathering Procedure

To carry out the study, the researcher will produce a letter asking the approval of the
school principal of Baungon National High School (BNHS), Ms. Nanette D. Soriano PhD, and

the subject teacher Ms. Angelie Mae Quiachon, to conduct the study in the school premises.
If the approval will be granted, the researcher will then produce another letter of consent for
the respondents and then arrange time to meet their respondents after their classes or
during their vacant time to further elaborate the significance of their study.




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