English 6

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I. Listening. Listen carefully as the teacher reads the provided texts. Then, answer the
questions that follow. Write the corresponding letter of the correct answer on your answer

1. What is the title in the story?

A. Jack and Jilll C. Jack and the Bean
B. Jack and the Tree D. Jack and the Beanstalk

2. Which of the following images is real?

A. C.

B. D.

3. Which of the following statements is a make-believe?

A. Mother saw the beans.
B. Jack lived with his mother.
C. Jack took their cow in the market.
D. Jack climbed up to the sky through the clouds.

4. What propaganda device was used in the given situation?

A. Bandwagon C. Plain Folks
B. Glittering Generalities D. Testimonial

5. What propaganda device was used in the given situation?

A. Bandwagon C. Plain Folks
B. Glittering Generalities D. Testimonial

6. What propaganda device was used in the given situation?

A. Glittering Generalities C. Plain Folks
B. Name Calling D. Transfer

7. What propaganda device was used in the given situation?

A. Card stacking C. Testimonial
B. Plain folks D. Transfer
8. What were described in the passage?
A. an ant and a rabbit C, an ant and a chicken
B. an ant and a termite D. a termite and a plant

9. What is described in the text?

A. my morning activities
B. riding the bus to school
C. what time I eat breakfast
D. how my brother helps me get ready

10. What is the paragraph about?

A. Tsunamis
B. We have to sleep when there are tsunamis.
C. Tsunamis, large ocean waves caused by underwater earthquakes, can be deadly
and destructive.
D. The tsunami killed more than 20, 0000 people and caused billions of dollars of
damage to the coasts of numerous Southeast Asian countries.

II. Speaking. Read and understand the sentences and questions. Choose the correct answer
by writing the corresponding letter of the correct answer on your answer sheets.
“My brother and I were playing around, when things got out of hand.
As we were wrestling around on the floor, my foot kicked the glass coffee table
and smashed it into pieces.”
11. What type of connection was used in the statement?
A. text-to-other C. text-to-text
B. text-to-self D. text-to-world
“Unlike Iraq, which most experts agreed was five to seven years away
from developing its own nuclear weapons, there is broad agreement that North
Korea is only months away.”

12. What type of connection was used in the statement?

A. text-to-other C. text-to-text
B. text-to-self D. text-to-world

13. Students should be quiet during the online performance, _______ applause at the end
is allowed. What word makes the sentence coherent?
A. Consequently C. In fact
B. However D. In short

14. Mr. Vidad agreed to meet the workers with questions regarding the contract. _______
is interested in hearing their concerns so that they can adjust to the new normal.
A. He B. It C. She D. They

15. ____________ deliver the fruits to your aunt’s house before lunch. Which among the
following words can complete the sentence?
A. Kindly B. May C. Nowhere D. Whether

III. Reading. Read and answer each item.

16. My grandmother is still alive at the age of 93. This statement is _______.
A. fantasy B. fiction C. make-believe D. real

17. Which of the following shows a real scenario inside a classroom?

A. electric fans hearing gossips
B. teacher talking in front of class
C. books and erasers flying around
D. chairs and tables laughing around

18. It refers to the exchange of spoken words between two or more characters in the film
or moving pictures.
A. acting B. blocking C. dialogue D. setting

19. What Ilokano virtue is emphasized in this piece of visual media?

A. Being frugal C. Being studious
B. Being honest D. Being respectful

20. Which of the following is an example of comedy film?

A. Anak
B. Petrang Kabayo
C. Ang Probinsiyano
D. One More Chance

21. Farming is the main source of living of Ilocanos.

Which among the following tells that our Ilocano
farmers are happy with this occupation as reflected
in the picture?
A. The farmers are colorless.
B. The farmers wear dirty clothes
C. The farmers beam with joy on their faces.
D. The farmers use hat that symbolizes delight.

22. What is the main purpose of informational/factual texts?

A. to inform B. to entertain C.to persuade D. to give opinions

23. What is the basis in writing informational texts?

A. facts B. imagination C. ideas for others D. personal interpretations

24. Architects and engineers both design buildings. However, an architect focuses
on the look and feel, while an engineer focuses on whether the design is safe and

What is the structure of the informational text?

A. Sequence C. Problem-Solution
B. Cause and Effect D. Compare and Contrast

25. Frogs have long, strong back legs and webbed feet. A toad has short back legs
and not very much webbing on its feet.

What is the structure of the text?

A. Sequence C. Problem-Solution
B. Cause and Effect D. Compare and Contrast

26. What sources of information are not time-bound because readers may read them back
and forth for as long as they want?
A. Online sources of information C. Broadcast sources of information
B. Printed sources of information D. Broadcast and printed sources of information

27. To which sources of information do Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Podcast, and the like
A. Online sources of information C. Broadcast sources of information
B. Printed sources of information D. Broadcast and printed sources of information

28. What is common between viewing materials and printed sources of information?
A. They tackle different themes and topics.
B. They use dialogues and scripts for characters.
C. They use still pictures or images to support the text.
D. They use reading skills to get the message of the text.

29. Trina loves to watch the television show “Entertainment Live.” As her hobby, she also
collects limited editions of “People Magazine.” What do you think is common between
these television show and the magazine?
A. Both are viewed on television.
B. Both use still pictures and images.
C. Both feature well-known personalities.
D. Both are interactive to their consumers.

Once there was a girl who loves to eat chocolates, candies, fries, and burgers.
She would always spend her money to buy her favorite junk foods. She is Tanya, a
grade four pupil studying at Mabuhay Elementary School. One recess time, Tanya cried
because she had a toothache. Her teacher brought her to the clinic. The dentist told
her she had cavities in her teeth caused by the candies and chocolates anymore.

30. Who is the girl in the story?

A.Tanya B. Tania C. Tanie D. Tonya

31. What are Tanya’s favorite foods?

A. candies, banana and burgers C. sinuman, pancit and empanada
B. spaghetti, guava and macaroni salad D. chocolates, candies, fries and burgers

32. Why did Tanya stop eating candies and chocolates?

A. She had headache caused by candies and chocolates.
B. She had poor eyesight caused by the candies and chocolates.
C. She had stomachache caused by the candies and chocolates.
D. She had cavities in her teeth caused by the candies and chocolates.

33. What is the element of a story which tells about the series of events and actions that
relate to the central conflict?
A. character B. plot C. setting D. theme

34. What do you call an element of a story which is a person, or an animal that takes part
in the action of a short story?
A. character B. plot C. setting D. theme
The Man and the Cat

One day, a man was walking by a road when he heard a cat meowing from the bushes
nearby. The cat was stuck and needed help getting out. When the man reached out, the
cat got scared and scratched the man. The man screamed in pain but didn’t back down.
He tried again and again, even as the cat continued to scratch his hands.

Another passerby saw this and said, “Just let it be! The cat will find a way to come out
later”. The man didn’t pay heed but tried until he helped the cat. Once he let the cat free,
he told the other man, “The cat is an animal, and its instincts make him scratch and attack.

I am a human and my instincts make me compassionate and kind”.

35. What theme is applied to the narrative ?

A. respect, honesty, courage
B. fair, Compassionate, kind
C. kindness, helpfulness, friendship
D. love, fear, struggle, humility, cruelty

IV. Writing. Read and answer each item.

36. Which experience is related to the information you view

in this image?
A. I do not use basin when I wash our plates.
B. When I brush my teeth, I just let the water flow.
C. I enjoy the water in our faucet. I used to play with it
D. Everytime I used the faucet, I always close it because
I want to conserve water and monthly bill.

37. Which experience is related to the information viewed in this

A. I exercise every morning.
B. I go to the market to buy foods.
C. I drink milk so that my bones become strong.
D. I love to eat cakes, chocolates and sweet candies.

38. Which of the following sentences has the adverb in the correct
A. I get often headaches.
B. He drinks always milk.
C. She speaks fluently English.
D. I regularly visit my grandmother.

39. Raymond embraced his grandmother wholeheartedly.

What kind of adverb is the underlined word?
A. adverb of place C. adverb of frequency
B. adverb of manner D. adverb of affirmation

40. Which of the following sentences has an adverb of manner?

A. Mother went to the market.
B. Alex is standing outside the house.
C. Father feeds the chicken every morning
D. My brother sat lazily in the shade of the tree.
41. The girls __________ the tree planting activity next week.
A. join B. joined C. have joined D. will join

42. Right now, we ___________pictures of our local attractions.

A. are taking B. is taking C. was taking D. were taking

43. Reign and Miguel __________ the dishes tonight.

A. wash B. washes C. washed D. will be washing

44. I began singing _______I was seven.

A. before B. since C. until D. if

45. I studied my lessons very well_______ I want to get high score in the exam.
A. because B. so that C. until D. while

46. Which among the following is TRUE about a persuasive essay?

A. A persuasive essay entertains.
B. A persuasive essay destroys one’s reputation.
C. A persuasive essay informs about current trends.
D. A persuasive essay convinces readers to accept a point of view.

47. In what part of the persuasive essay do you need to restate and reinforce the thesis
and supporting evidence?
A. body paragraph C. introductory paragraph
B. concluding paragraph D. opposing view paragraph

48. Which is a thesis statement in a persuasive essay?

A. Most fast food is deep fried in oil and has many calories.
B. Often after eating fast food, people may feel sluggish and even still hungry.
C. Fast food is known to cause heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes and
many more related conditions.
D. People must avoid eating fast food as it provides very little nutrition, slowly makes
one fat and eventually causes many health problems.

49. Which is the best statement for an introduction in a persuasive essay?

A. Fast food is tasty, but is it really good for you?
B. Also, eating fast food can make a person become fat and obese overtime.
C. To conclude, fast food may taste great, but it is not really worth risking one’s health.
D. Firstly, fast food may taste great but it does not provide enough nutrition to our

50. Which is the correct order of the sentences in a persuasive essay?

1. Another reason for eating breakfast is because you need food for you to do well in your
2. It is certain that a lot of people, especially young people, go through the day without having
3. It is time for you to do something for your health, and eating breakfast is the better way to
start your day.
4. The first reason why you should eat breakfast before going to school is for your health.
5. The last reason to have breakfast every day is because you can avoid diseases if you eat
A.some breakfast in the morning.
4-2-1-5-3 B. 3-4-1-5-2 C. 2-4-1-5-3 D. 1-4-2-3-5

A. 2-4-1-5-3 B. 2-4-5-1-3 C. 2-4-3-5-1 D. 2-4-3-1-5

I. LISTENING: Nos. 1-3. Direction: Listen to the story carefully and answer the
following questions. Write the letter of the correct answer.

Jack and the Beanstalk

Once upon a time there was a boy called Jack. He lived with his mother. They
were very poor. All they had was a cow.
One morning, Jack’s mother told Jack to take their cow to market and sell her.
On the way, Jack met a man. He gave Jack some magic beans for the cow.
Jack took the beans and went back home. When Jack’s mother saw the beans
she was very angry. She threw the beans out of the window.
The next morning, Jack looked out of the window. There was a giant beanstalk. He
went outside and started to climb the beanstalk.
He climbed up to the sky through the clouds.
Jack saw a beautiful castle. He went inside. Jack heard a voice. ‘Fee, fi, fo, fum!’
Jack ran into a cupboard.
An enormous giant came into the room and sat down. On the table there was a hen
and a golden harp.
‘Lay!’ said the giant. The hen laid an egg. It was made of gold. ‘Sing!’ said the giant.
The harp began to sing. Soon the giant was asleep.
Jack jumped out of the cupboard. He took the hen and the harp. Suddenly, the harp
sang, ‘Help, master!’
The giant woke up and shouted, ‘Fee, fi, fo, fum!’ Jack ran and started climbing
down the beanstalk. The giant came down after him.
Jack shouted, ‘Mother! Help!’ Jack’s mother took an axe and chopped down the
beanstalk. The giant fell and crashed to the ground. Nobody ever saw him again.
With the golden eggs and the magic harp, Jack and his mother lived happily ever

Nos. 4-5. Directions: Listen to the teacher as she reads the given situations. Then,
recognize the propaganda device used. Write the letter of the correct your answer on your
answer sheet.
4. A young lady promotes her food supplement products by describing them in glowing
terms telling how effective they are.
5. A TV commercial shows a famous host talking about his positive experience on using
the latest model of a touchscreen phone.
6. In a radio interview, the beauty advocates talk about negative things on a particular brand
of soap and convince people not to use it anymore.
7. An advertisement of a product that uses a nationalistic song or a country’s flag in the
background which awakens one’s sense of patriotism.
Nos. 8-10. Direction: Listen to the teacher as she reads the text, Afterwhich, answer the
questions that follow and write the letter of the correct answer.
8. Ants resemble termites, but they are quite different and can be easily distinguished. In
contrast to termites, ants are usually dark in color, are hard bodied, and have constriction
between the thorax and abdomen. Also, ants and termites belong to different orders.
9. Every morning when I get up, I eat breakfast, brush my teeth, comb my hair, get
dressed, and fix my bed. After that, it is my job to feed the dog in the morning. Then, I
read or play until it is time to walk to school.
10. Tsunamis, large ocean waves caused by underwater earthquakes, can be deadly
and destructive. For example, in December 2004, an underwater earthquake triggered a
massive tsunami throughout the Indian Ocean. The tsunami killed more than 20, 0000
people and caused billions of dollars of damage to the coasts of numerous Southeast
Asian countries.

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