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Dekocha-6, BHAKTAPUR


A report submitted for the partial fulfillment of requirement for the

degree of NEB in Computer Science

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Aman Shankar Computer Science Department
Luja Ghaju Khwopa Secondary School
Sujan Bastola Dekocha-6, Bhaktapur
Prabesh Shrestha


Er. Pujan Changubhari
Date of submission:2080 / / i.

This is to certify that the project entitled “Some important
questions of class 11” submitted by Mr. Aman Shankar, Mr. Sujan
Bastola, Mr. Luja Ghaju and Mr. Prabesh Shrestha in a partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the internal marks of Computer
Science in NEB (Nepal Education Board) Class 11 (XI), is a bonafide
work to the best of my / our knowledge and may be placed before
the examination board for their consideration.

Panel of Examiners:
Name Signature Date

External Examiner
Project Supervisors
Mr. Pujan ChanguBhari

We are thankful to all those who has helped us directly or

indirectly with this project. Foremost, we would like to thank the
Department of Computer Science of Khwopa Secondary School for
giving us an opportunity to carry out our mini project entitled
We would like to thank our computer teacher Er. Pujan
Changubhari for his guidance while developing project and also
for organizing the project schedules. Also we would like to
acknowledge their efforts that encouraged us to take this
challenging project. We would also like to offer our gratitude
towards some of our friends who helped throughout our project
development phase by providing several references regarding
different links for code and making project report.


The main goal of this thesis was to develop based some model
important questions for the students of class 11. To give the
information about our questions we create our HTML project. The
questions are made for effective exam results which are upcoming
and repeated yearly which helps in making better performance
and easy in their new challenges. It is simple, useful and
automated link that can handle a lot of information about the
different questions. It is designed for the sole purpose of scoring
better marks in exam, reliable and planning for the students
during exam. Such questions help student to identify their
strength and weaknesses, prepare according to the examiner’s
mind of ability to understand pattern and to do the questions
easily. It maintains the record how the students are focused in
marking good marks accordingly.

Title Page i.
Certificate ii.
Acknowledgement iii.
Abstract iv.
Table of Contents v.
1.1 Background
1.2 Objectives
1.3 Application
1.4 Scope and Limitations
2.1 Code 3-31
2.2 Diagram 32
2.3 Tools and Platforms 33
3.1 Discussion
3.2 Conclusion


The project is “Some Important Questions of Class 11” for

monitoring and controlling the performance of students in their
results. Some Important Questions of Class 11 is a website
designed to help user for maintaining their performance from
previous to better. The website provides various subject links and
user can get the questions which are available in the required link.
The website provides service to the user, collect user usage
records, and preview it as per the demand of the user.


1) The main aim of the study is to develop better performance

in results of the students.
2) To design a website that can be used to store important
3) Easy to learn and guide the user.

1) The main use of our website is to give information about the
questions for their preparation.
2) To make students easier in upcoming challenges.
3) To gather creative and critical thinking the website is
important for the user.
4) To make preparation before exam it might be their helping

Scope and Limitations

The first thing is students are getting problems through the
questions in their examinations and less practice to it. So, the
scope of our website is to make the students of class 11 students
build their knowledge by giving information about our questions
to those people who are appealing class 11 examination.

The limitation of our website is that in some country it is banned

to visit website like ours and other limitations of our website is the
user must have internet connection. Also people are unaware
about such website which have been made for their beneficial.

We used the following code to create our website.
In case of HTML tags we used the following tags:
<head><title><link rel= type= href= ></title></head>
<div></div>=The <div> tag defines a division or a section in an HTML document
<nav></nav>The HTML <nav> element represents a section of a page whose
purpose is to provide navigation links, either within the current document or to the
other documents.
<main></main>=The <main> tag specifies the main content of a document.
<section></section>=<section> tag defines the section of documents such as
chapters, headers, footers or any other sections.
<h1></h1>=heading tag
<h2></h2>=heading tag
<h3></h3>=heading tag
<p></p>=paragraph tag
<ul></ul>=unordered list
<br>=break tag
<img>src>=image tag
<button></button>=button tag
<input>=input tag 3.
(Home page)
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<div class="section-1">
<h1 class="logo">QUESTION OF CLASS 11<span class="dot">.</span></h1>
<li><a href="#">About us</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>
<li><a class="btn-1" href="menu.html">Get started</a></li>
<div class="container-1">
<div class="contains-1">
<p>Our website contains every important question of all subject present in<br>
class 11 NEB of science stream.
Physics, chemistry, math, computer important<br> question for board
examination are presentin this website. it will help student for
<br>studying and learning things.

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<div class="section-1">
<h1 class="logo">LIST OF SUBJECTS<span class="dot">.</span></h1><BR>
<li><a class="btn-1" href="phy.html">PHYSICS</a></li><br>
<li><a class="btn-2" href="chemistry.html">CHEMISTRY</a></li><br> 6.
<li><a class="btn-3" href="#">MATHEMATICS</a></li><br>
<li><a class="btn-4" href="com.html">COMPUTER</a></li><br>
<li><a class="btn-5" href="home.html">BACK TO HOME</a></li><br>
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(Phy html)
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<div class="section-1">
<h3>Short questions</h3>
<p>1. Define displacement, velocity, and acceleration. How are they related?<br>
2. Explain the difference between scalar and vector quantities. Provide examples of
3. State Newton's three laws of motion. Provide examples to illustrate each law.<br>
4. Define force and explain its different types.<br>
5. Describe the concept of inertia and its significance in Newton's first law of
6. What is the difference between mass and weight? How are they related?<br>
7. Explain the concept of friction. How does it affect the motion of objects?<br>
8. State and explain the law of conservation of momentum.<br>
9. Define work and energy. Explain the principle of conservation of mechanical
10. Describe the different types of energy (e.g., kinetic, potential, gravitational) and
their interconversion.<br>
11. Explain the concept of power. How is it related to work and time?<br>
12. Define simple machines and provide examples of their applications.<br>
13. Discuss the concept of circular motion and centripetal force.<br>
14. Explain the principles of projectile motion and provide examples.<br>
15. Describe the concept of elasticity and Hooke's law.<br></p> 9.
<p>1. A car accelerates uniformly from rest to a speed of 30 m/s in 8 seconds.
Calculate its acceleration.<br>
2. A body of mass 5 kg is subjected to a force of 20 N. Calculate the acceleration
produced in the body.<br>
3. A ball is thrown vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 20 m/s. Calculate the
maximum height it can reach.<br>
4. A block of mass 2 kg is placed on a rough surface with a coefficient of friction of 0.4.
Calculate the frictional force acting on the block.<br>
5. A body of mass 10 kg is moving in a circular path of radius 5 meters at a constant
speed of 4 m/s. Calculate its centripetal acceleration.<br>
6. A stone is thrown horizontally from the top of a cliff with an initial velocity of 10 m/s.
If it takes 2 seconds to hit the ground, calculate the height of the cliff.<br>
7. A bullet of mass 0.02 kg is fired from a gun with a velocity of 200 m/s. Calculate the
momentum of the bullet.<br>
8. A car of mass 1000 kg is traveling at a speed of 20 m/s. Calculate its kinetic
9. A spring with a spring constant of 100 N/m is compressed by 0.2 meters. Calculate
the potential energy stored in the spring.<br>
10. A body of mass 2 kg is lifted vertically by applying a force of 50 N. Calculate the
work done in lifting the body to a height of 5 meters.<br></p>
<h3>Short questions</h3>
<p>1. Define heat. What is its SI unit?<br>
2. Explain the difference between temperature and heat.<br>
3. State the Zeroth law of thermodynamics.<br>
4. What is the specific heat capacity of a substance? How is it related to the heat
absorbed or released?<br>
5. Explain the concept of latent heat. Give examples.<br>
6. State the first law of thermodynamics. How is it related to the conservation of
7. Define an isochoric process. Provide an example.<br>
8. What is an adiabatic process? How is it different from an isothermal process?<br>
9. Explain the working principle of a Carnot engine.<br>
10. Define entropy and discuss its significance in the second law of
11. Differentiate between an ideal gas and a real gas.<br>
12. Explain the concept of the coefficient of performance (COP) in a heat pump.<br>
13. How does the efficiency of a heat engine relate to its operating temperature?<br>
14. Discuss the concept of thermal equilibrium and its importance in heat transfer.<br>
15. Define conduction, convection, and radiation. Provide examples of each.<br>
16. Explain the process of heat transfer in a vacuum flask.<br>
17. What is the greenhouse effect? How does it influence global warming?<br> 10.
18. Describe the laws of reflection and refraction of heat waves.<br>
19. Discuss the concept of blackbody radiation and its relation to Planck's law.<br>
20. Explain the principles of the first and second laws of thermodynamics using real-life
<p>1. A 100-g block of aluminum at a temperature of 80°C is placed in 200 mL of
water at 20°C. If the final temperature of the mixture is 30°C, calculate the specific heat
capacity of aluminum. (Specific heat capacity of water = 4.18 J/g°C)<br>
2. A gas in a cylinder expands from an initial volume of 3 L to a final volume of 10 L at
a constant pressure of 3 atmospheres. If the gas absorbs 500 J of heat during the
process, calculate the change in its internal energy.<br>
3. A heat engine operates between two reservoirs at temperatures 600°C and 200°C. If
the engine absorbs 800 J of heat energy from the high-temperature reservoir, calculate
the work done by the engine and the heat rejected to the low-temperature
4. A refrigerator operates with a coefficient of performance (COP) of 4.0. If the
refrigerator consumes 400 J of work, calculate the amount of heat extracted from the
refrigerator and the heat rejected to the surroundings.<br>
5. A metal rod of length 2 m and cross-sectional area 0.02 m² has a thermal
conductivity of 150 W/m°C. If the temperature difference across the rod is 40°C,
calculate the rate of heat transfer through the rod.<br>
6. A glass of water at 25°C is heated using an immersion heater that transfers energy
at a rate of 1200 J/s. If the specific heat capacity of water is 4.18 J/g°C and the mass
of water is 300 g, calculate the time it takes for the water to reach a temperature of
7. A 50-g block of copper at a temperature of 100°C is placed in 300 mL of oil at 30°C.
If the final temperature of the mixture is 40°C, calculate the specific heat capacity of
the oil. (Specific heat capacity of copper = 0.39 J/g°C)<br>
8. A gas in a cylinder undergoes an isothermal expansion at 300 K. The initial volume
of the gas is 2 L, and it expands to a final volume of 5 L. Calculate the work done by
the gas during this process.<br>
9. A heat engine operates between two reservoirs at temperatures 800 K and 300 K. If
the engine absorbs 1000 J of heat energy from the high-temperature reservoir,
calculate the work done by the engine and the heat rejected to the low-temperature
10. A refrigerator operates with a coefficient of performance (COP) of 5.0. If the
refrigerator consumes 600 J of work, calculate the amount of heat extracted from the
refrigerator and the heat rejected to the surroundings.<br></p>
<h3>Short questions</h3>
<p>1. Define the term 'refraction of light' and state the laws of refraction.<br>
2. Explain the phenomenon of dispersion of light. How is a spectrum formed?<br>
3. Derive the lens formula and explain the sign convention used in lens formula.<br>11
4. Differentiate between a convex lens and a concave lens. State the characteristics
and uses of each.<br>
5. Explain the formation of an image by a convex lens when the object is placed at
various positions (beyond 2F, at 2F, between F and 2F, at F, and between F and the
6. Define the term 'power of a lens' and derive the lens maker's formula.<br>
7. What is total internal reflection? Explain the conditions for total internal reflection to
8. Describe the working principle of a compound microscope. How does it overcome
the limitations of a simple microscope?<br>
9. Explain the working principle of a telescope. Differentiate between an astronomical
telescope and a terrestrial telescope.<br>
10. Define the term 'dispersive power' of a material and explain how it is related to
refractive index and wavelength.<br>
11. Discuss the phenomenon of scattering of light. Why is the sky blue during the day
and reddish during sunrise and sunset?<br>
12. What is the critical angle? How is it related to the refractive indices of two
13. Explain the formation of a rainbow. What are the conditions required for the
formation of a rainbow?<br>
14. Differentiate between real and virtual images. Give examples of each.<br>
15. Discuss the phenomenon of polarization of light. How can unpolarized light be
converted into polarized light?<br></p>
<p>1. A convex lens has a focal length of 15 cm. An object is placed 30 cm in front of
the lens. Calculate the position, nature, and magnification of the image formed.<br>
2. A concave lens has a focal length of -20 cm. An object is placed 10 cm in front of the
lens. Determine the position, nature, and magnification of the image formed.<br>
3. A ray of light passes from air to water. If the angle of incidence is 60 degrees, find
the angle of refraction using Snell's law. (Refractive index of water = 1.33)<br>
4. A glass prism of refractive index 1.5 is immersed in a medium of refractive index 1.4.
Calculate the angle of deviation when the angle of incidence is 45 degrees.<br>
5. A convex lens has a focal length of 20 cm. An object is placed 30 cm in front of the
lens. Calculate the position, nature, and size of the image formed.<br>
6. A concave mirror has a radius of curvature of 30 cm. An object is placed 15 cm in
front of the mirror. Calculate the position, nature, and magnification of the image
7. A glass slab of refractive index 1.5 is placed in air. If the angle of incidence is 60
degrees, calculate the angle of refraction and the lateral displacement of the ray.<br>
8. A converging lens forms an image 3 times the size of the object. If the object
distance is 20 cm, determine the focal length of the lens and the image distance.<br>
9. A convex lens has a focal length of 10 cm. An object is placed at a distance of 20
cm from the lens. Calculate the distance of the image from the lens and the
magnification produced.<br> 12.
10. A concave mirror forms a virtual image 2 times the size of the object. If the object
distance is 30 cm, determine the focal length of the mirror and the image
<h3>Short questions</h3>
<p>1. Define electric current. What is the SI unit of electric current? Explain the flow of
electrons in a conductor.<br>
2. State Ohm's law. How is it represented mathematically? Explain the relationship
between current, voltage, and resistance.<br>
3. Differentiate between conductors and insulators. Give examples of each.<br>
4. Define resistivity. How does the resistivity of a material depend on its
5. Explain the series and parallel combinations of resistors. Derive the formulas for
equivalent resistance in each case.<br>
6. A wire of resistance 4 ohms is stretched to double its length. What will be its new
7. Two resistors of 6 ohms and 4 ohms are connected in series. Calculate the
equivalent resistance of the combination.<br>
8. Two resistors of 8 ohms and 12 ohms are connected in parallel. Calculate the
equivalent resistance of the combination.<br>
9. State Kirchhoff's laws of electric circuits. Explain the concept of a junction and a loop
in a circuit.<br>
10. A circuit consists of a battery of 12V and three resistors of 4 ohms, 6 ohms, and 8
ohms connected in series. Calculate the total current in the circuit and the voltage
across each resistor.<br>
11. Define electric power. How is it related to current, voltage, and resistance? Express
the power consumed by an electric device using the three variables.<br>
12. A bulb operates at a voltage of 220V and consumes a power of 60W. Calculate the
current flowing through the bulb.<br>
13. State the principle of a potentiometer. How can it be used to compare the emf of
two cells?<br>
14. Define electric energy. How is it related to power and time? Express the energy
consumed by an electric device using the three variables.<br>
15. Explain the working principle of an electric fuse. Why is it important to use a fuse in
electrical circuits?<br></p>
<p>1. A circuit consists of a resistor of 10 ohms connected to a battery with a voltage
of 12V. Calculate the current flowing through the circuit.<br>
2. Two resistors of 6 ohms and 4 ohms are connected in series and connected to a
battery with a voltage of 10V. Calculate the current flowing through each resistor.<br>
3. A circuit consists of three resistors of 3 ohms, 4 ohms, and 6 ohms connected in
parallel. Calculate the equivalent resistance of the combination.<br> 13.
4. A circuit consists of a 12V battery connected to a resistor of 8 ohms. Calculate the
current flowing through the resistor and the power dissipated by it.<br>
5. A circuit consists of a 6V battery and two resistors of 3 ohms and 4 ohms connected
in series. Calculate the total current in the circuit and the voltage drop across each
6. A circuit consists of a 9V battery and three resistors of 2 ohms, 4 ohms, and 6 ohms
connected in parallel. Calculate the total current in the circuit and the current flowing
through each resistor.<br>
7. A circuit consists of a 220V power supply and a bulb with a resistance of 20 ohms.
Calculate the current flowing through the bulb and the power consumed by it.<br>
8. A circuit consists of a 120V power supply and a heater with a resistance of 10 ohms.
Calculate the current flowing through the heater and the power consumed by it.<br>
9. A circuit consists of a 6V battery and a resistor of 2 ohms. If the power dissipated by
the resistor is 12W, calculate the current flowing through the resistor.<br>
10. A potentiometer is used to compare the emf of two cells. The balancing length for
the first cell is 40 cm and for the second cell is 60 cm. If the potential difference across
the potentiometer wire is 10V, calculate the emf of each cell.<br></p>
<h2>MODERN PHYSICS</h2><br><br>
<h3>Short questions</h3>
<p>1. What is the photoelectric effect, and how does it support the particle nature of
2. Explain the concept of quantization of energy in relation to the Bohr model of the
hydrogen atom.<br>
3. What are the postulates of Einstein's theory of special relativity?<br>
4. Describe the phenomenon of time dilation and length contraction in special
5. What is the concept of mass-energy equivalence? Explain it with reference to
Einstein's famous equation, E=mc².<br>
6. Discuss the dual nature of matter and the de Broglie wavelength associated with
7. Explain the concept of wave-particle duality in quantum mechanics.<br>
8. What are Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and its implications?<br>
9. Describe the Schrödinger wave equation and its significance in quantum
10. What is the concept of quantum tunneling, and how does it challenge classical
notions of particle behavior?<br>
11. Explain the differences between bound and free electrons in an atom.<br>
12. What is the concept of energy band formation in solids, and how does it explain
electrical conductivity?<br>
13. Describe the characteristics of p-n junction and its applications in electronic
14. Explain the working principle of a semiconductor diode.<br> 14.
15. Discuss the concept of transistors and their importance in modern electronic
16. What is the concept of nuclear binding energy and its relationship with nuclear
17. Define radioactivity and discuss the different types of radioactive decay.<br>
18. Explain the concept of half-life and how it is used in radioactive dating
19. Describe the process of nuclear fission and its significance in nuclear power
20. What is nuclear fusion, and why is it considered a potential source of clean
<p>1. The work function of a metal surface is 3.2 eV. If the incident light has a
wavelength of 400 nm, calculate the kinetic energy and velocity of the ejected
photoelectrons. (Take Planck's constant, h = 6.63 x 10^(-34) J·s and the charge of an
electron, e = 1.6 x 10^(-19) C)<br>
2. An electron is accelerated through a potential difference of 100 V. Calculate the de
Broglie wavelength associated with the electron. (Take the mass of an electron, m =
9.1 x 10^(-31) kg and the charge of an electron, e = 1.6 x 10^(-19) C)<br>
3. A sodium lamp emits yellow light of wavelength 589 nm. Calculate the energy and
momentum of a photon associated with this wavelength. (Take the speed of light, c = 3
x 10^8 m/s and Planck's constant, h = 6.63 x 10^(-34) J·s)<br>
4. A particle of mass 2 x 10^(-27) kg is moving with a velocity of 5 x 10^5 m/s.
Calculate the de Broglie wavelength associated with the particle.<br>
5. An electron is confined to a one-dimensional box of length 1 nm. Calculate the
minimum energy that can be possessed by the electron.<br>
6. A radioactive sample has an initial activity of 1000 decays per second. If the half-life
of the sample is 10 days, calculate the activity after 30 days.<br>
7. In a nuclear reaction, a uranium-235 nucleus undergoes fission and splits into two
fragments of masses 118 and 117. Calculate the energy released in the process.
(Take the speed of light, c = 3 x 10^8 m/s and 1 atomic mass unit, u = 1.66 x 10^(-27)
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(Chemistry html)
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<h3>Short questions</h3>
<P>1. Define the following terms: mole, Avogadro's number, and molar
2. What is the difference between an element and a compound?<br>
3. Explain the Law of Conservation of Mass and the Law of Definite
4. Define empirical formula and molecular formula. How are they
5. State Dalton's atomic theory and discuss its limitations.<br>
6. What are isotopes? Give an example.<br>
7. Explain the concept of atomic mass and its determination.<br>
8. Define the terms limiting reactant and excess reactant. How can they be
identified in a chemical reaction?<br>
9. Describe the various types of chemical reactions, including combination,
decomposition, displacement, and redox reactions.<br>
10. Discuss the concept of stoichiometry in chemical reactions.<br>
11. Explain the terms oxidation and reduction. Give examples.<br>
12. What is the difference between endothermic and exothermic reactions?
Provide examples.<br>
13. Define the terms enthalpy and entropy. How are they related to
spontaneity in a chemical reaction?<br>
14. Discuss the different factors that influence the rate of a chemical
reaction.<br> 17.
15. Explain the concept of activation energy and its role in chemical
16. Define the terms catalyst and inhibitor. How do they affect reaction
17. Describe the principles and working of a calorimeter.<br>
18. Explain the laws of thermodynamics, including the first law (Law of
Conservation of Energy) and the second law (Law of Entropy).<br>
19. Discuss the concept of equilibrium in chemical reactions. What are the
factors that affect the equilibrium position?<br>
20. Define Le Chatelier's principle and discuss its application in predicting
the effects of changes in concentration, temperature, and pressure on a chemical
<p>1. Calculate the number of moles in 25 grams of water (H2O).<br>
2. Determine the molar mass of carbon dioxide (CO2).<br>
3. If 2 moles of hydrogen gas (H2) react with 1 mole of oxygen gas (O2) to
form water (H2O), calculate the number of moles of water produced.<br>
4. Calculate the percent composition (by mass) of carbon in methane
5. A reaction between iron (Fe) and sulfur (S) produces iron sulfide (FeS). If
10 grams of iron reacts with 5 grams of sulfur, determine the limiting reactant and the
amount of excess reactant left after the reaction.<br>
6. Calculate the volume of 0.2 moles of carbon dioxide gas (CO2) at STP
(standard temperature and pressure).<br>
7. The enthalpy change for a chemical reaction is -150 kJ/mol. Calculate the
amount of heat released when 2 moles of the reaction occur.<br>
8. Calculate the average rate of a chemical reaction if 0.2 moles of a reactant
disappear in 10 seconds.<br>
9. A reaction has an activation energy of 50 kJ/mol. Calculate the rate
constant (k) at 25°C using the Arrhenius equation.<br>
10. Calculate the change in entropy for a reaction in which 2 moles of a gas
expand from a volume of 5 L to 10 L at a constant temperature of 300 K.<br>
11. A reaction is at equilibrium when the concentrations of reactants and
products are as follows: [A] = 0.1 M, [B] = 0.2 M, [C] = 0.3 M, and [D] = 0.4 M.
Calculate the value of the equilibrium constant (Kc).<br>
12. Use Le Chatelier's principle to predict the direction of the shift in
equilibrium if the pressure is increased in a reaction involving a decrease in the total
number of moles of gas.<br>
<h3>Short questions</h3>
<p> 18.
1. What is the difference between structural isomerism and
stereoisomerism? Provide examples of each.<br>
2. Draw the structural formula and give the IUPAC name for the following
compounds: a) butane, b) 2-methylpentane, c) ethanal, d) propanone.<br>
3. Explain the concept of hybridization with respect to carbon atoms in
organic compounds.<br>
4. What are the major differences between alkanes, alkenes, and
alkynes? Provide examples of each.<br>
5. Describe the mechanism of nucleophilic addition reaction with an
6. Discuss the mechanism of electrophilic substitution reaction with an
example involving an aromatic compound.<br>
7. What is the difference between primary, secondary, and tertiary
alcohols? Provide examples of each.<br>
8. Explain the process of esterification and provide an example.<br>
9. Write the reaction involved in the conversion of an alkene to an alcohol
through hydration.<br>
10. What are carbohydrates? Describe the classification and functions of
11. Discuss the process of polymerization, including the difference
between addition and condensation polymerization.<br>
1. Calculate the degree of unsaturation for a compound with the molecular
formula C₆H₈O₂.<br>
2. A hydrocarbon compound with the molecular formula C₄H₁₀ reacts with chlorine gas
to form a compound with the molecular formula C₄H₉Cl. Determine the type of reaction
and write the balanced chemical equation.<br>
3. Calculate the molar mass of ethanol (C₂H₅OH) and determine the number of moles
present in 250 grams of ethanol.<br>
4. A reaction between ethene (C₂H₄) and hydrogen gas (H₂) forms ethane (C₂H₆).
Calculate the volume of hydrogen gas required to produce 5 moles of ethane at
standard temperature and pressure (STP).<br>
5. A sample of butane (C₄H₁₀) undergoes complete combustion in the presence of
excess oxygen gas (O₂). Calculate the volume of carbon dioxide (CO₂) produced when
5 grams of butane is burned.<br>
6. A reaction between ethanol (C₂H₅OH) and acetic acid (CH₃COOH) results in the
formation of ethyl acetate (CH₃COOC₂H₅) and water. If 10 moles of ethanol react with
excess acetic acid, calculate the number of moles of ethyl acetate produced.<br>
7. A primary alcohol (C₅H₁₁OH) undergoes oxidation to form an aldehyde (C₅H₁₀O).
Calculate the volume of oxygen gas (O₂) required to oxidize 10 grams of the
alcohol.<br> 19.
8. A compound with the molecular formula C₃H₆O exists in two isomeric forms. One
isomer is a ketone, and the other is an aldehyde. Draw the structural formulas for both
9. Calculate the percent composition of carbon (C) in acetic acid (CH₃COOH).<br>
10. A reaction between 2-methylpropane and bromine forms 2-bromopropane.
Determine the major product formed if the reaction is carried out in the presence of UV
<h3>Short questions</h3><br>
1. What is nascent hydrogen? Mention an example to show nascent
hydrogen is a more powerful reducing agent than molecular hydrogen.<br>
2. Name the isotopes of hydrogen. Which isotope is least abundant/radioactive?<br>
3. Differentiate between ortho and para hydrogen.<br>
4. Mention an important use of:<br>
<li>Deauterated water</li>
<li>Nascent hydrogen</li>
5. Write two examples of each:<br>
<li>Amphoteric oxide</li>
<li>Neutral oxide</li>
<li>Mixed oxide</li>
6. How does the formation of ozone take place in the stratosphere? What is meant by
tailing of mercury?<br>
7. Why is water an excellent solvent for polar substances?<br>
8. Explain why:
<li>Ammonia cannot be dried by passing through conc. H_{2}*S*O_{4}
<li>Conc. HN*O_{3} is stored in a dark bottle.
<li>Phosphorus is stored in water.
<li> Conc. H_{2}*S*O_{4} is diluted by adding acid into water but not water into
<li> H_{2}*S*O_{4} always acts as an oxidizing agent but not a reducing
</ul><br> 20.
9. What is aqua regia? Write its reaction with gold.<br>
10. Compare the bleaching properties of C*l_{2} and S*O_{2}<br>
11. Give a chemical reaction for the preparation of HCI. Why HBr and HI cannot be
prepared by treating conc. H_{2}*S*O_{4} with bromide and iodide?<br>
12. How does bromine/chlorine react with hot and conc. NaOH?<br>
1. 'Every ore is a mineral, but every mineral is not ore', give reason.<br>
2. Write differences with examples between:<br>
<li>Calcination and Roasting.

<li>Pyrometallurgy and electrometallurgy.

<li>Flux and Slag.

<li>Write a short note on:

<li> Froth floatation process.

<li>Carbon reduction process.

<li> Aluminothermite process.</ul><br>

4. Explain why:<br>

a. Carbon reduction process is not applied for the extraction of alkali metal.<br>

b. Alkali metals impart characteristic color to the flame.<br>

c. Sodium metal gets tarnished in the air.<br>

d. Quicklime produces a hissing sound when added into cold water.<br>

e. Sodium metal is kept in kerosene.<br>

f. Sodium fire at the laboratory is not extinguished by adding water.<br><br>

5. Define the terms:<br>

<li>Dead burnt plaster.

<li>Setting of plaster of Paris.</ul><br> 21.

6. Write important characteristics of alkali metals and alkaline earth metals.<br>

7. Write the molecular formula and one use of: washing soda, baking soda, caustic
sod, and soc ash.<br>

8. Convert:<br>
<li>Caustic soda to washing soda and baking soda.

<li>Sodium into washing soda.

<li>Sodium into sodium silicate.

<li>Washing soda into soda ash.</ul><br>

9.Action of sodium (Na) with:<br>


<li>Moist air.</ul><br>

10. Action of caustic soda (NaOH) with:<br>



<li> Sulphur</ul><br>
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<h2>Computer system</h2>
1. Define a computer system and explain its components.<br>
2. Differentiate between hardware and software.<br>
3. Explain the functions of the central processing unit (CPU).<br>
4. What is the purpose of primary memory? Differentiate between RAM and ROM.<br>
5. Describe the role of secondary storage devices in a computer system.<br>
6. Discuss the concept of input devices and provide examples.<br>
7. Explain the concept of output devices and provide examples.<br>
8. Differentiate between system software and application software.<br>
9. Define the term "operating system" and discuss its functions.<br>
10. What is a programming language? Differentiate between high-level and low-level
programming languages.<br>
11. Explain the concept of data representation in computers.<br>
12. Discuss the importance of computer networks and the Internet.<br>
13. Define computer security and explain common security threats.<br>
14. Discuss the ethical and social implications of computer technology.<br>
15. Explain the steps involved in the booting process of a computer.<br>
<h2>Number system and conservation boolean logic</h2>
1. Define a number system and explain the concept of positional notation.<br>
2. Discuss the decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal number systems. Provide
conversion examples between these systems.<br>
3. Explain the concept of binary addition and subtraction. Provide examples.<br> 24.
4. Discuss the concept of signed magnitude and two's complement representation in
5. Explain the concept of floating-point representation and its importance in scientific
6. Discuss the concept of error detection and correction codes, such as parity bits.<br>
7. Explain the concept of ASCII and Unicode encoding schemes.<br>
8. Define Boolean algebra and explain its importance in digital logic design.<br>
9. Discuss the basic logic gates: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, and XNOR.
Provide truth tables and logic gate symbols for each.<br>
10. Explain De Morgan's laws and their application in simplifying Boolean
11. Discuss the concept of Boolean functions and their representation using truth
tables and logic gate diagrams.<br>
12. Explain the concept of Boolean algebraic identities and their application in
simplifying Boolean expressions.<br>
13. Discuss the concept of logic simplification using Karnaugh maps (K-maps).<br>
14. Explain the concept of combinational logic circuits and their applications.<br>
15. Discuss the concept of sequential logic circuits and their applications.<br>
16. Explain the concept of flip-flops and their role in storing binary information.<br>
17. Discuss the concept of registers and counters in digital systems.<br>
<h2>Computer software and operating system</h2>
1. Define computer software and differentiate between system software and
application software.<br>
2. Discuss the different types of system software, including operating systems, device
drivers, and utility programs.<br>
3. Explain the concept of operating systems and discuss their functions.<br>
4. Differentiate between single-user and multi-user operating systems.<br>
5. Discuss the features and functions of popular operating systems such as Windows,
macOS, and Linux.<br>
6. Explain the concept of application software and provide examples of different types
of application software.<br>
7. Discuss the differences between proprietary software and open-source
8. Explain the concept of programming languages and discuss their importance in
software development.<br>
9. Discuss the differences between compiled and interpreted programming
10. Explain the concept of software development life cycle (SDLC) and its phases.<br>
11. Define an operating system and discuss its role in managing computer hardware
and software resources.<br>
12. Explain the concept of process management in an operating system.<br>
13. Discuss the different scheduling algorithms used in process management.<br> 25.
<h2>Application package</h2>
1. Define and explain the concept of application software.<br>
2. Discuss the features and functions of word processing software.<br>
3. Explain the components and uses of spreadsheet software.<br>
4. Discuss the features and applications of presentation software.<br>
5. Define and explain the concepts of database management systems (DBMS).<br>
6. Discuss the features and advantages of graphic design software.<br>
7. Explain the uses and benefits of computer-aided design (CAD) software.<br>
8. Discuss the features and applications of multimedia software.<br>
9. Explain the principles and uses of web development tools and software.<br>
10. Discuss the concepts and applications of programming languages and integrated
development environments (IDEs).<br>
<h2>Progamming concepts and logics</h2>
1. Define programming and explain the importance of algorithms in
2. Discuss the characteristics and types of programming languages.<br>
3. Explain the concepts of variables, data types, and operators in programming.<br>
4. Discuss the control structures, such as loops and conditional statements, in
5. Explain the concepts of functions and procedures in programming.<br>
6. Discuss the principles of modular programming and the advantages of code
7. Explain the concepts of arrays and their manipulation in programming.<br>
8. Discuss the concepts of file handling and input/output operations in
9. Explain the principles and implementation of object-oriented programming (OOP)
10. Discuss the concepts of debugging, testing, and documentation in
<h2>Web technology</h2>
1. Define web technology and explain the basic components of the World Wide
2. Discuss the client-server architecture and the role of web servers in web
3. Explain the concepts of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and its structure.<br>
4. Discuss the different types of HTML tags and their uses.<br>
5. Explain the concepts of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and how they are used for
web page design and layout.<br> 26.
6. Discuss the principles and uses of JavaScript in web development.<br>
7. Explain the concepts of web browsers and their functionalities.<br>
8. Discuss the principles and use of web forms for user input and data submission.<br>
9. Explain the concepts of web hosting, domain names, and URLs.<br>
10. Discuss the basics of web security, including authentication, encryption, and
common security threats.<br>
1. Define multimedia and explain its components.<br>
2. Discuss the principles and elements of design in multimedia.<br>
3. Explain the concepts of graphics and image editing in multimedia.<br>
4. Discuss the principles and techniques of audio editing in multimedia.<br>
5. Explain the concepts of video editing and video file formats in multimedia.<br>
6. Discuss the principles and use of animation in multimedia.<br>
<h2>Information security and cyber law</h2>
1. Define information security and explain its importance in modern technology.<br>
2. Discuss the principles and components of a secure information system.<br>
3. Explain the concepts of authentication and access control in information
4. Discuss the principles and techniques of encryption and decryption.<br>
5. Explain the concepts of digital signatures and certificates.<br>
6. Discuss the legal frameworks and regulations for e-commerce and online
7. Explain the concepts of jurisdiction and international cooperation in cyber law
8. Discuss the legal challenges and issues related to social media and online
9. Explain the concepts of cyber bullying, cyber harassment, and cyber stalking.<br>
10. Discuss the role and responsibilities of individuals, organizations, and government
in enforcing cyber law.<br>
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By doing the project of html we are able to create webpage and

design it. In this project we were able to give information about
the possible questions of Class 11 to those people who want to
know about it.


In this project we were able to create a webpage where we

showed some important questions of class 11. In the webpage you
can also contact us to know more about our webpage and about
its uses.


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