Cultural Competence. Def Typ

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What is cultural competence?

Cultural competence is the ability to communicate effectively and

interact with people across cultures through positive behaviors,
attitudes and policies. The word “culture” refers to the beliefs, values
and thoughts of a racial, ethnic, religious or social group. While
“competence”, implies the ability to function effectively.

Culture in Cultural Competence

According to M. Davis, if we examine the relationship between

“cultural” and “competence” it becomes evident that the concept of
culture must be understood as dynamic and expressive: as process.

Taking the entire formulation of “cultural competence,” we might

define it as being qualified for the task of culture, as in having
effective, appropriate and legitimate skills, experience, abilities and,
perhaps, qualities in the matter of culture.

Three main types of Cultural Competence:

• Cognitive Cultural Competence - refers to the ability to
understand, appreciate, and effectively interact with individuals from
diverse cultural backgrounds at a cognitive or intellectual level. It
involves developing the knowledge and awareness necessary to
navigate cultural differences and engage in cross-cultural interactions
in a thoughtful and respectful manner.

Scenario: Lunchtime Cultural Sensitivity

Imagine an elementary school classroom with students from
different cultural backgrounds. The teacher, Mrs. Johnson, notices a
situation during lunchtime.

Lunchtime Incident:
During lunch, the students often bring a variety of foods reflecting
their cultural backgrounds. One day, Sarah, a new student from a
different country, looks uncomfortable and doesn't eat her lunch.

Teacher's Observation:

Mrs. Johnson, being culturally competent, notices Sarah's discomfort

and decides to approach her to understand the situation better.

Conversation with Sarah:

Mrs. Johnson asks Sarah how she's finding lunchtime and if there's
anything specific bothering her. Sarah mentions that she feels
embarrassed because her lunch looks different from what other
students have.

Cultural Understanding:

Mrs. Johnson takes the opportunity to explain to the class the

importance of respecting and appreciating diverse food choices. She
shares a simple discussion about how different cultures have unique
and delicious foods.

Class Discussion:

Mrs. Johnson encourages the class to talk about their favorite foods,
fostering a positive discussion where students can share their cultural
backgrounds through the lens of food.

Cultural Celebration Day:

To celebrate diversity, Mrs. Johnson suggests having a "Cultural

Celebration Day" where students can bring a dish from their cultural
background to share with the class. This turns lunchtime into a fun
and inclusive event.

Classroom Norms:

Mrs. Johnson establishes classroom norms that emphasize respect

for cultural differences, making it clear that everyone's background is
valued and appreciated.

Encouraging Friendship:
Mrs. Johnson takes steps to encourage students to sit with different
peers during lunch, promoting cross-cultural friendships and

In this simpler scenario, Mrs. Johnson's cognitive cultural

competence helps her address a potential issue related to cultural
differences during lunchtime. By fostering an environment of respect,
celebration, and understanding, she ensures that all students feel
included and appreciated in the classroom.

• Affective Cultural Competence - refers to the emotional and

manneristic aspects of an individual's ability to engage effectively
with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. It involves developing
positive attitudes, emotional intelligence, and the ability to connect
with others in a culturally sensitive and empathetic way.

**Scenario: Cultural Celebration and Inclusivity**

In a middle school classroom, Ms. Taylor, the teacher, is

preparing for a cultural celebration project. The students are tasked
with creating presentations about their own cultural backgrounds, and
the goal is to promote inclusivity and appreciation for diversity.

*Scenario Unfolding:*

1. **Project Introduction:**

- Ms. Taylor introduces the cultural celebration project, explaining

that each student will have the opportunity to share aspects of their
culture with the class.
2. **Student Reluctance:**

- Maria, a quiet student from a minority cultural background, seems

hesitant and withdrawn. She is not very eager to participate in the

3. **Teacher's Empathetic Approach:**

- Ms. Taylor notices Maria's reluctance and takes a compassionate

approach. Instead of pressuring Maria to participate immediately, she
privately talks to her to understand her concerns.

4. **Empathetic Conversation:**

- During the conversation, Ms. Taylor learns that Maria is worried

about how her cultural background might be perceived by the rest of
the class. She feels a bit isolated and uncertain about sharing personal
aspects of her identity.

5. **Creating a Supportive Environment:**

- Ms. Taylor reassures Maria that her cultural background is valued

and that the class is a safe space for everyone to share. She
emphasizes the importance of fostering understanding and learning
from one another.

6. **Small Group Discussions:**

- Ms. Taylor organizes small group discussions where students can

share their thoughts and feelings about the cultural celebration
project. This creates a supportive environment for students to express
any concerns they might have.

7. **Encouraging Peer Support:**

- Ms. Taylor encourages students to support one another and
express curiosity in a respectful manner. This helps build a sense of
community within the classroom.

8. **Highlighting Commonalities:**

- As part of the project, Ms. Taylor incorporates a segment where

students highlight commonalities between their cultures. This fosters
connections and helps students recognize shared values and

9. **Celebrating Differences:**

- Throughout the project, Ms. Taylor emphasizes that the goal is not
just to tolerate differences but to celebrate and appreciate them. This
positive framing helps create an atmosphere of acceptance and

10. **Final Presentations:**

- When it comes time for presentations, Maria feels more

comfortable sharing aspects of her culture. The class responds
positively, and there is a palpable sense of camaraderie and

In this scenario, Ms. Taylor's affective cultural competence

plays a key role in creating an emotionally supportive classroom
environment. By empathizing with Maria's concerns and fostering a
sense of community, Ms. Taylor helps ensure that the cultural
celebration project is a positive and inclusive experience for all

• Behavioral Cultural Competence - refers to the ability to

effectively and appropriately demonstrate specific behaviors in
interactions with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. It
involves putting knowledge and attitudes into action, adapting one's
behavior to be inclusive, respectful, and responsive to the cultural
context. Behavioral cultural competence is a crucial component of a
comprehensive approach to cultural competence, complementing
cognitive and affective aspects.

**Scenario: Bridging Communication Gaps**

In a high school classroom, Ms. Rodriguez, the teacher,

encounters a situation where cultural differences contribute to
miscommunication between two students, Ahmed and Mia.

*Negative Scenario Unfolding:*

1. **Communication Breakdown:**

- Ahmed, an international student from the Middle East, struggles

with expressing his opinions in class discussions. Mia, a local student,
perceives Ahmed's quietness as disinterest or a lack of contribution to
the class.

2. **Isolation and Misunderstanding:**

- Ahmed, feeling misunderstood, becomes increasingly isolated in

group activities, and Mia assumes he is not interested in collaborating
with his classmates.

3. **Teacher's Initial Reaction:**

- Ms. Rodriguez notices the tension but attributes it to individual

personalities rather than considering potential cultural differences in
communication styles.
*Positive Transformation:*

1. **Cultural Awareness:**

- Ms. Rodriguez, recognizing the communication gap, educates

herself about communication styles in the Middle East and how they
may differ from Western norms.

2. **Individual Conferences:**

- Ms. Rodriguez schedules individual conferences with both Ahmed

and Mia to understand their perspectives. During these meetings, she
learns about Ahmed's cultural background and Mia's concerns.

3. **Cultural Sensitivity Training:**

- Ms. Rodriguez organizes a cultural sensitivity training session for

the entire class. This session includes discussions on various
communication styles, highlighting the importance of understanding
and respecting diverse approaches.

4. **Facilitating Dialogue:**

- During a class discussion, Ms. Rodriguez facilitates a conversation

about different communication preferences and encourages students
to share their experiences. This helps create an open and
understanding atmosphere.

5. **Pairing Activities:**

- Ms. Rodriguez strategically pairs students for activities, ensuring

that Ahmed and Mia collaborate on a project. She provides guidance
on effective communication strategies, emphasizing the value of
diverse perspectives.
6. **Encouraging Written Reflections:**

- Ms. Rodriguez introduces written reflections as a way for students

to express their thoughts and contributions outside of class
discussions. This allows Ahmed to articulate his ideas more

7. **Peer Support:**

- Ms. Rodriguez encourages Mia to provide support to Ahmed by

facilitating communication and helping him feel more included. This
collaborative approach fosters a sense of camaraderie between the

8. **Celebrating Different Perspectives:**

- Ms. Rodriguez incorporates lessons that celebrate the importance

of diverse perspectives. This includes exploring literature and
historical events from various regions, allowing students to gain a
deeper understanding of different cultural contexts.

9. **Positive Class Environment:**

- Over time, the classroom environment becomes more positive and

inclusive. Ahmed feels more confident expressing himself, and Mia
appreciates the richness that diverse perspectives bring to the class.

In this scenario, Ms. Rodriguez's cultural competence helps

bridge the communication gap between Ahmed and Mia, fostering a
positive and inclusive classroom environment. By actively addressing
cultural differences and encouraging understanding, the teacher
transforms a potentially negative situation into a learning opportunity
for everyone involved.
Five ways to practice cultural competence
in your classroom
By Christina Bruno
Meeting peers from a new community or another country can be a fun and
exciting way to introduce your students to the many different languages,
cultures, and experiences that exist around the world.

However, it may also be a new experience for you and your students, and
meeting new peers who are culturally different can sometimes create anxiety
in the classroom – especially for students who may not know how to respond
or what is considered to be appropriate behavior.

Whether it’s a new or regular experience for your classroom, the benefits of
practicing cultural competence are vast. Learning about new cultures not only
helps students better understand other perspectives and experiences, it can
also help them learn about and appreciate their own culture. Also, connecting
with peers from various backgrounds in meaningful ways enables students to
make new friendships that can last a lifetime.

There are a number of ways educators can model positive behaviors and
transform curiosity, questions, or even fear into mutual understanding and
respect. Below we outline a few steps you can take in your classroom to

Cross cultural vs. intercultural vs.

cultural competence
But first, a quick note on definitions.

”Culture” is a term that can relate to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual

orientation, age, ability, religion, income level, education, geographical
location, or even working styles.

As a result, “cross cultural communication” refers to communication between

people who have differences in any of these areas. This term can sometimes
be considered more transactional as it does not necessarily suggest mutual
understanding or respect.

“Intercultural,” on the other hand, focuses on the interchange of ideas and

norms as individuals of different cultures form meaningful relationships.

Similarly, “cultural competence” refers to the ability to interact effectively with

people of different cultures, and is also a term that implies more
understanding and respect.

At Empatico, we focus on both intercultural exchanges and cultural

competence, based on the belief that meaningful connections between
students and teachers will lead to lasting relationships and improved skills that
will benefit individuals in a variety of contexts from school to family to work.

Crossing cultural divides to make

friends around the world
Below are five evidence-based tips to help you and your students have a
positive experience as you navigate intercultural relationships with curiosity,
kindness, and respect.

1. Encourage and model respectful behavior:

 Teach the Empatico Skills (perspective taking, critical thinking,

respectful communication, and cooperation) using mini-lessons and
model them throughout the school day through questions, role plays,
and stories
 Reinforce positive behavior by praising students who show compassion,
respect, and empathy for others
 If a student is disrespectful in any way, intervene and immediately
address the situation
2. Emphasize commonalities with new peers:

Call attention to the separate identities of students in your class and the
students they are meeting (whether in-person or virtually through an Empatico
exchange), while simultaneously emphasizing a shared identity that brings
them together. This ‘dual identity’ perspective is associated with more positive
experiences and perceptions among children from different backgrounds.

Example: “Even though we are from Mexico and our partner class is from
Italy, you are all students and you’re all in the 3rd grade!”

3. Promote an equitable relationship between peers and partner classrooms:

 Remind students that no matter who their new peers are or what their
region/country is like, there is always something to learn from them.
 Encourage your students to perceive their partners as potential friends
to learn from, rather than perceiving them as subjects to learn about.
 If you recognize ‘power language’ (anything showing a student feels
inferior or superior to a new peer or partner class), help your students
see themselves as equal to their partner classmates in terms of
personal traits. One strategy is to ask students to consider the many
different abilities and traits required to be a “good student,” a “good
friend,” etc. Then start a relevant discussion: “No one has all these
abilities and traits, but we all have some of them. What are some of your
strengths? What might be some strengths of our partner classmates?”

4. Encourage students to approach differences with curiosity and kindness:

There will likely be many differences in the lives of your students and their
new peers, which makes virtual and global exchanges very exciting. As your
students discover this, be sure to explain that it’s normal to notice differences
between ourselves and others, but we must do so in a respectful way.
Encourage your students to be curious and open to learning about new ideas
and show kindness when they discuss their differences. If a student does
negatively judge another’s way of life, have a discussion to show why it could
be hurtful. Most of the time students don’t even realize what they said could
be offensive.

If a student says something negative about a custom they’re not used to, try
the following:

e.g. Student comment: “They eat that? How disgusting!”

 Challenge the student’s assumption by explaining there is never just
one way of doing things — we all have different preferences and
perspectives, which are influenced by our personal experiences and
culture (customs, beliefs, etc.).
e.g. “Joel noticed that his new friend eats different foods than he does.
What we eat depends on our culture and personal experiences. Who
has noticed that people from different cultures eat different foods?”

 Encourage perspective taking to help the student understand why the

comment could be offensive or hurtful.
e.g. “It’s okay to notice differences, but when we say ‘it’s disgusting!’
we’re judging other people and that’s hurtful. Imagine if someone said
that about the foods we like to eat.”

 Reframe the comment in a way that conveys curiosity and kindness

about differences (“I wonder…”) and turns assumptions into questions.
e.g. “Instead of judging differences, we can try to learn more about our
new friends. For example, Joel, you could say: ‘I’ve never eaten that
before. I wonder what it’s like?’”

5. Respond to generalizations and stereotypes by emphasizing individual

differences and encouraging critical thinking and perspective taking:

It is likely your students will have preconceptions about their new peers’
culture or country. If you recognize any stereotypes or generalized language
(e.g., “all people do this,” “everyone does that”), encourage critical thinking by
guiding students toward counter-examples that emphasize individual
differences and show that not all people from a certain group are the same. If
the generalization does not involve personal traits and is not offensive in any
way (e.g., “everyone there rides the subway”), you can encourage students to
investigate their assumption by asking their new peers about this topic.

However, take careful notice if you think the student’s comment might be
offensive to their peers or partner classmates. If a student says a negative
stereotype or generalization that could be perceived as offensive/hurtful, try
the following:

e.g. Student comment: “I’ve heard that people from that country smell bad.”
 Challenge the student’s assumption by asking “how do you know it’s
true for all people?” Proceed to emphasize individual differences and
promote critical thinking.
e.g. “How do you know that’s true for all people living there? Remember
that assumptions are not facts, which is why we need to investigate and
evaluate information to discover truth. In every place I’ve visited, I’ve
encountered people who smell bad sometimes and people who smell
good sometimes. Not all people from a certain place are the same.”

 Encourage perspective taking to show the student how it might feel if

they were on the receiving end of a stereotype.
e.g. “It’s okay to notice differences, but we must discuss them
respectfully. Imagine if someone visited our school and started in the
preschool class, where they saw 4-year olds napping. How would you
feel if they assumed ALL kids at our school (including you) nap during
the day? Would it be accurate for them to think that about you?”

 Reframe the comment in a way that conveys curiosity and kindness

about differences (“I wonder…”) and turns assumptions into questions.
e.g. “Instead of judging others, let’s investigate to learn more about this
difference. I wonder why some visitors might think someone in that
country smells bad? Maybe they cook with strong spices that visitors
aren’t used to? Maybe they use a different kind of soap? Maybe it’s
extremely hot there?”

The more your students practice meeting peers from different cultural
backgrounds – either within their own school or community, or perhaps
through virtual exchange experiences, the more comfortable you and your
students will be with intercultural experiences and developing cultural

“I signed up because I wanted to make connections outside of my

classroom’s walls. It’s important for students to see how other people
live, and see what they’re experiencing; it expands their knowledge.”
– Janie L. Hachen, 2nd grade teacher
Teaching empathy – is it possible?

By Chelsea Donaldson

Empathy is defined as the ability to understand and share the feelings of

another person. It is not necessarily something that individuals have or lack
and is often experienced naturally when you see another person who is in
need of help. However, the ability to understand another’s perspective can
be strengthened over time and expanded to more situations and people
with the right practice. In many ways, empathy is a collection of skills that
can bring about positive change in individual relationships, within
classrooms, as well as across communities.

While it’s tough to claim that one can ‘teach’ empathy, educators can
create experiences that help students exercise their ability to empathize
with other people. In particular, educators can help students learn about
their own points of view, appreciate different perspectives, think critically
about different perspectives, and cooperate and communicate in a
respectful, positive manner. Empatico activities incorporate each of these
key skills to help educators and students as they practice empathy in the

Three types of empathy

• Emotional empathy: Physically feeling another person’s

emotions. This involuntary response to another person’s feelings is difficult
to “teach”, but can be modeled and discussed with students to help them
understand the process and to apply it in more situations.

• Cognitive empathy or “perspective taking”: Putting yourself in

another person’s shoes to “take their perspective” and see their point of
view. Perspective taking is a voluntary, conscious skill that can be honed
over time. After students learn how to see a situation through another
person’s perspective, it then becomes easier to understand how that
person is feeling, in essence enhancing emotional empathy, as well.

• Compassionate empathy or “empathic action”: This goes one

step further in the empathy progression. After someone understands
another person’s perspective (cognitive empathy) and feels what they’re
feeling (emotional empathy), they may then feel the desire to help the
person, which is compassionate empathy. This kindness to others can be
modeled and practiced to show students what it means to help someone
based on understanding their situation and feelings.

It’s also important to know the difference between sympathy and empathy.
“Sympathy” means feeling concern (or pity) for another person’s
misfortunes, which may create a difference in perceived power between the
two people. In contrast, “empathy” means feeling with the person — as an
equal — and truly understanding their situation, which strengthens the
connection among two people.

Understanding another’s point of view and perspective

The ability to understand another person’s perspective requires three

cascading components, which build upon each other:

• Recognize differences: First, students must recognize that others

can have different thoughts, feelings, and knowledge than themselves.

• Understand influences: Then, they can begin to see how someone’s

immediate circumstances, past experiences, beliefs, and culture can
influence their perceptions and feelings. There is often a reason behind
someone’s actions that are not visible..

• Relate to differing perspectives: Finally, they can practice the skill of

relating to another person’s perspective by thinking about their unique
circumstances, experiences, beliefs and culture to see the world through
the other person’s eyes. Students can try to find commonalities with their
past experiences to relate to the other person’s experience and feelings,
even if that’s different from what they would feel in that exact situation.
Questions students can ask themselves: “What is life like for that person?
What might be influencing how they perceive this situation? How can I
relate to their experience to begin to understand how they feel?”
Understanding another person’s perspective involves thinking about their
unique circumstances, beliefs, preferences, experiences, and culture.

One of the best ways for children to practice perspective taking skills in a
practical setting is to provide them with opportunities to meet real students
who come from another part of the world. During these fun interactions,
students learn that there are many different ways of life and many different
cultures, beliefs, experiences, and circumstances that create different
perspectives around the world. Students inevitably discover how their lives
are similar to and different from their peers’, and with guidance from
teachers, they can begin to truly understand what life is like for people in
other parts of the world.

Students can learn how to cooperate with peers who are different from
them by working together toward a common goal and respecting each
other’s ideas and perspectives along the way. These abilities of
understanding the perspectives of and working together with others who
are different are difficult skills even for adults to learn. Rather than trying to
teach these complex skills through theoretical exercises, it’s more effective
(and exciting!) for students to learn these insights in a fun, practical setting
while interacting with peers, which will help solidify their learning. The
experience of building a meaningful connection with someone who is
different can become a transformational moment in a child’s educational
journey that can influence their perception of the world.

Thinking critically to understand other perspectives and practice empathy

Critical thinking skills can greatly enhance students’ ability to understand

other perspectives, feel how others are feeling, and act with compassion.
Many conflicts are due to misunderstandings caused by one person not
fully understanding the other person’s perspective.

To help students overcome these misunderstandings in the future, we can

teach them to try to learn more about the situation and the other person’s
perspective before making conclusions.
The three steps of critical thinking social skills involve:

Recognize that assumptions and opinions are not facts — they are
personal interpretations

Ask yourself if you have all parts of the story

Investigate new explanations with an open and curious mind

To help teach critical thinking skills to students, the Empatico Skills Mini-
Lesson guide uses a modified version of the “Ladder of Inference” model
developed by Harvard professor Dr. Chris Argyris. First, students learn how
to observe evidence and ask themselves if they have all parts of the story.
Then, based on the facts they observed, they think about other possible
explanations and test their assumptions, which usually involves directly
asking the other person a question rather than accusing them of
something. Finally, they make conclusions and take action based on their
investigation of the situation, making sure their conclusions are based on
their own observations rather than hearsay from someone else.

Establishing norms of active listening and respectful communication in the


In order for students to apply their perspective taking and critical thinking
skills to any situation, they must also have the ability to actively listen and
respectfully communicate with their peers. This will help students have
more meaningful conversations with others and deepen their learning about
other perspectives and experiences.

The components of respectful communication are:

Actively listen to the speaker

Make eye contact and turn your body toward the speaker

Focus on what the person is saying (don’t think about other things)

Show interest in what you’re hearing by using nonverbal cues, such as

nodding or facial reactions

Take turns speaking, waiting until the speaker is done before responding

Respond in a respectful and positive manner, whether you are agreeing or

disagreeing with what was said

Here are a few tips for reinforcing respectful communication skills in the

Model respectful communication skills by having a practice conversation

with a student (e.g., by asking what they did last weekend) and think aloud
as you demonstrate the steps of respectful communication (active listening,
posture toward the speaker, etc.). Repeat with another student, but this
time model what not to do by avoiding eye contact, looking bored,
interrupting, etc.

Work as a class to come up with a collaborative definition of respectful

communication and how this skill can benefit students and apply to different
situations. Write the definition on a poster, and refer to (and revise) this list
throughout the year as relevant situations arise.

Consider using a ‘talking stick’ or other small object during discussions to

signal turn-taking. When a student has the object, it’s his/her turn to talk
and everyone else listens.
Post a list of sentence starters (or print on notecards for each student) that
can help students respond respectfully and empathetically during

Reframe negative comments, e.g., ‘What you meant was that you don’t
agree with what was done’ and prompt the student to consider why she/he
reacted that way, e.g., ‘Why do you feel that way? What would you have
done differently? What are some other potential
explanations/solutions/ways of doing this?’)

Establishing norms of respect, kindness, and empathy for all

It’s important for teachers to establish a supportive, respectful classroom

environment so that students internalize the norms of being respectful and
compassionate toward all peers, no matter who they are or what they look
like. Peer group norms can strongly affect a student’s use of perspective
taking and critical thinking skills, or even negate them completely under
certain circumstances. For example, if Student A’s peer group makes it
seem “cool” to be disrespectful to other students who look or act differently
from them, then Student A will be less likely to apply his perspective taking
skills to understanding peers who are different from him. In order to reduce
these instances, teachers can establish the importance of kindness,
empathy, and respectful communication throughout everything they do in
the classroom.

Here are a few tips for how to establish a supportive, respectful


Teach and model respect, empathy, and kindness for all. Your behavior will
signal norms to students and help build a stronger community in your
Ask students what they think it means to be respectful and kind, and hang
the class definitions in a place where students can refer to it throughout the

If a student is disrespectful in any way, intervene immediately. Encourage

perspective taking skills by guiding the student toward understanding why
their behavior could be offensive or hurtful to the other person, and then
help them reframe their comment or behavior in a way that conveys respect
and kindness.

Promote equitable perceptions among all students by reminding them that

everyone is unique and has their own strengths and weaknesses. If you
recognize any ‘power language’ (anything showing that the student feels
inferior or superior to others), help the student see themselves as equal to
their peer in terms of personal traits. One strategy is to ask the student to
consider the many different abilities and traits required to be a “good
student”, a “good friend,” etc. Then start a relevant discussion: “No one has
all these abilities and traits, but we all have some of them. What are some
of your strengths?… What might be some strengths of your peer?…”

Practice, practice, practice!

Practicing these skills can help establish a supportive, respectful

environment in the classroom and strengthen connections among peers,
which create the building blocks for more empathetic relationships. As an
educator, you can support your students by modeling positive behavior
through language, expressions, and demeanor, and providing students with
fun opportunities to hone their skills in an practical setting – such as
connecting with peers from another part of the world.

“It’s about finding the similarities not just the differences — it’s
finding the humanity in all of us. They learned that we can all talk
together, even if we don’t know each other. It’s about not being afraid
of asking questions and really listening.”

– Vicky Masson, PK-8 Spanish Teacher

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