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ISSN:XXXX - XXXX Journal of Machine and Computing X(X)(2022)


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Journal of Machine and Computing (
Doi :
Received xx December xxxx; Revised form xx December xxxx; Accepted xx December xxxx
Available online xx January xxxx.
©2022 The Authors. Published by AnaPub Publications.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license. (

Abstract - Early and precise identification of respiratory disorders is critical for efficient treatment and management, and these
diseases constitute a serious global health issue. Recent years have seen encouraging outcomes from deep learning algorithms in
medical imaging applications, such as the diagnosis of lung illnesses from X-ray pictures. To automate identifying respiratory
disorders from X-ray pictures, this research proposes deep learning techniques for doing so. To extract valuable information from X-
ray pictures, the proposed technique employs a convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture. A huge dataset of labeled X-ray
images, including both healthy and pathological patients, is used to train the CNN model. The network captures disease-specific
patterns because transfer learning methods such as DenseNet 201 are used to fine-tune pre-trained CNN models. Extensive tests are
performed on a broad dataset of X-ray pictures acquired from various healthcare organizations to assess the efficiency of the suggested
technique. Common respiratory disorders, including pneumonia, TB, and the Corona virus, are represented in the collection. The
experimental findings show that the suggested method may successfully identify respiratory illnesses from X-ray pictures. The deep
learning model shows promise as a useful tool for early illness identification by achieving a high accuracy rate. With an F1 score of
99.67%, accuracy of 99.8%, and recall of 99.7%, the findings concluded that the recommended framework with a sequence of steps is
superior to other current techniques. The research also contrasts the suggested method's results with those of current standard practices,
demonstrating its superiority in terms of precision and efficiency.

Keywords - Machine Learning approach, (10 Times new Roman)

The lungs are an essential organ that performs the functions of developing and reducing to take in oxygen and expel
carbon dioxide from the body, respectively. Lung diseases are a group of health illnesses that disturb the lungs, airways,
and other parts of the lung’s system, causing difficulty breathing and blood circulation via the lungs. Acute pulmonary
difficulties may range from modest discomfort to life-threatening conditions in respiratory diseases such as pneumonia,
TB, and lung cancer [1]. Early and precise detection of respiratory disorders is of the utmost importance for effective
treatment and management, as these diseases present a significant global health challenge. In artificial intelligence, deep
learning is a subset of representation learning that allows for state-of-the-art precision in machine learning. The capacity to
receive picture input, interpret it, and offer outputs depending on the learned data set has garnered a lot of interest in this
technology recently [2]. Deep learning models might be taught attributes and correlations in the dataset to categorize
photographs they have never seen before. The use of algorithmic deep learning in healthcare imaging has demonstrated
encouraging results in recent years, including the diagnosis of respiratory illnesses from X-ray images.
Academics have developed machine-learning algorithms [3] for predicting diagnostic information from X-ray images.
Medicinal expenditures may be reduced by computer science-based solutions to manage large quantities of health
information. DL to medical pictures for respiratory disease identification has skyrocketed in recent years. The algorithms
used in DL are taken from machine learning, and they take cues from the human brain. Methods based on deep learning
may be used to recognize, categorize, and quantify patterns in medical pictures [4]. DL's ability to boost performance in a
wide variety of healthcare applications is a major reason for its rising profile. As a result, these enhancements help
healthcare professionals better categorize and recognize certain illnesses [5].
This research proposes the utilization of deep learning techniques to automate the process of identifying respiratory
disorders from X-ray images. To extract valuable information from X-ray images, the interdisciplinary approach employs
CNN architecture. A large dataset of labeled X-ray images, encompassing both healthy individuals and patients with
respiratory pathologies, is utilized to train the CNN model. By incorporating transfer learning methods, specifically fine-
tuning pre-trained CNN models such as DenseNet 201, the network can effectively capture disease-specific patterns. To

ISSN:XXXX - XXXX Journal of Machine and Computing X(X)(2022)

assess the effectiveness of the proposed technique, extensive testing was conducted on a diverse dataset of X-ray images
collected from various healthcare institutions. The dataset comprises cases of common respiratory disorders, including
pneumonia, tuberculosis, and Coronavirus. The effectiveness of the deep learning model in making timely diagnoses of
various conditions in X-ray images is assessed using multiple evaluation metrics.


Pablo et al diagnose pneumonia. [6] looked at 7 DL architectures combined with transfer learning techniques. They also
showed off a method for scaling images using the maximum window function while maintaining anatomical chest
structures. In this article, Hammoudi et al. [7] discuss how to equip medical professionals with accurate tools for using DL
methods, such as Tailored Convolutional Neural Networks. These tools will enable them to diagnose COVIDs and identify
validated ones. (CNN/ConvNet) to evaluate changing chest X-ray images. Ensemble Learning (EL) [20] is a novel
approach to disease diagnosis introduced by Ayaz et al. [8], which combines hand-crafted characteristics with deep
features. Preliminary findings suggest the proposed technology has potential as a mass testing instrument for detecting TB
using chest X-rays.
Varela-Santos et al reported neural networks, Genetic Algorithms (GA), and a combination of local binary pattern texture
characteristics and gray-level co-occurrence matrix descriptors. [9] as a means of assessing medical images like digital
CXRs. Bhandary et al. [10] created a method for clinician decision assistance. The proposed method was developed to aid
medical professionals in recognizing abnormal cells [11]. The detection result provides data on the distorted cells in the X-
ray images.
A DL model, also known as Machine Learning or Deep Learning, is used to study lung cancer. This research, by Jiangshe
Zhang et al. [12], is based on a variant of AlexNet's deep learning approach. In this research, serial fusion and Principal
Component Analysis are employed to refine the feature vector. Medical communities in many countries have found this
approach helpful. Using AI and DL [14], Justin Monsi et al. [13] offered disease classifications for 30,000 people. Since it
is anticipated that the labels will be accurate to a 90% degree, this dataset is appropriate for weakly supervised learning. A
hospital management system might utilize this for doctor verification.
Based on deep learning, the authors of [15] created a system that could detect chest illnesses from chest X-rays. They
developed and evaluated a CNN model for automating chest discomfort analysis using images from an X-ray dataset. The
developer found notable execution consequences of the CNN model with other sensitive registration processes in terms of
preparation precision, testing exactness, and preparation time. Using computer vision methods and meticulous registration
procedures, the authors of [16] were able to recognize pneumonia in chest X-ray pictures. By segmenting X-ray pictures,
we achieved the Region of Interest (ROI), which was subsequently applied to remove surface provisions before applying
to neuronal structures. CNN intended to utilize chest X-rays to diagnose pneumonia [17]. They constructed ConvNet to
process the X-ray picture of data, and they obtained the dataset from the Kaggle archive. The strategy for identifying lung
diseases uses computer vision techniques, including the helpful CNN model presented in [18]. Once the region of interest
(ROI) in lung pictures had been calculated using division, the surrounding and global provisions could be removed,
allowing for active pneumonia clustering. The pleasant CNN model was intended to perform an ensemble piece. Recently,
an additional deep learning-based method was presented in [19], where the author employed a convolutional neural
network (CNN) model called VGG16 to identify pneumonia from an X-ray chest image dataset. They employed a method
called exchange learning and altering while in the learning phase.


A. System MODEL
DenseNet201's respiratory disease detection workflow begins with data acquisition. This is where a diverse dataset of X-
ray images containing respiratory disease cases is gathered from various sources and healthcare institutions. The data is
then preprocessed through resizing, normalization, and augmentation techniques to prepare it for training. Subsets of the
dataset are used for training and evaluation, ensuring a balanced distribution of respiratory disease cases in both. Transfer
learning is employed by utilizing the pre-trained DenseNet201 model, which learns features from a large-scale dataset like
ImageNet. The model schematic layout is shown in Fig. 1, and the total number of classes in the pneumonia dataset is
adjusted in the final layer. The pre-trained layers are frozen to prevent weight updates during training.
In order to construct the model, we must first define a loss function, an optimizer, and success criteria. Training is
performed by feeding the preprocessed X-ray images into the DenseNet201 model and adjusting hyperparameters like
learning rate and batch size. The model is trained on the labeled respiratory disease dataset for multiple epochs until
convergence or early stopping criteria are met. After training, the model is evaluated using the testing subset of X-ray
images. Performance metrics are calculated. The confusion matrix is analyzed to assess the model's ability to distinguish
between different respiratory diseases.

ISSN:XXXX - XXXX Journal of Machine and Computing X(X)(2022)

Data Acquisition Data Preprocessing Train test split

Model Training Model Customization Transfer Learning

Model Evaluation Performance Evaluation Hyperparameter Tuning

Fig.1. overall processing of the proposed architecture

B. Data Collection
The Kaggle dataset consists of five classes of respiratory disease data. These classes include Bacterial Pneumonia, with
1205 images; Coronavirus disease, with 1218 images; normal pneumonia, with 1207 images; Tuberculosis, with 1220
images; and Viral Pneumonia, with 1204 images.

Fig.2. Sample images from (a) Bacterial Pneumonia (b) Corona Virus Disease (c) Normal (d) Tuberculosis (e) Viral

Each class represents a specific respiratory condition, and the corresponding number of images indicates the size of each
class within the dataset. It's significant to note that this information provides an overview of the dataset's composition. It
can be valuable for training and evaluating models for respiratory disease detection.

C. Model construction

Transfer learning is an efficient strategy for solving classification problems based on a limited amount of available data.
Further enhancements may be made via hyper-tuned Deep transfer learning (DTL) models. In this paper, we develop a
DTL model using DenseNet 201. The proposed model employs its own ImageNet dataset weights and a convolutional
neural architecture to extract features. Figure 2 depicts the structure of the proposed DTL model, which uses categorization
networks in DenseNet201, in its entirety.

Since reusing characteristics from multiple layers enhances variety in the succeeding layer input and enhances efficiency,
DenseNet201 takes advantage of the summarized system to provide easy-to-train and highly dynamically efficient models.
Mathematical expressions for feature aggregation are as follows:

y k =f k ( y 0 , y 1 , ...... y k−1 ) (1)

ISSN:XXXX - XXXX Journal of Machine and Computing X(X)(2022)

Fig. 3. Overall construction of the planned DTL model using DenseNet201

In this case, f k (∙) is a a non-linear change that may be represented mathematically as an integrated function made up of
a batch normalization (BN) function and a rectified linear unit function (ReLU), and finally a Convolution of (3×3).
Layers 0 through 1 have their respective feature maps concatenated into a single tensor denoted by the symbols
0 1 k−1
y , y , ...... y . The system's topology generates dense blocks that are then divided by transitory levels to facilitate

The hyperparameter in DenseNet201 represents the growth rate that describes the cutting-edge results achieved by the
complex layout. DenseNet201's design, in which feature maps are treated as a global state of the network, allows it to
function adequately even at a slower development rate. Therefore, all previous layers' feature maps are available for the
current layer. Each layer contributes feature maps to the overall state, defining the total number of feature maps used by
the LTH layer:

p 0
fm =h + h( p−1) (2)

Its input layer channels are supplied by: To reduce the total of input feature maps, which are often larger than the number
of production feature maps, a 1 × 1 convolution layer is inserted before every convolution layer to increase computing
efficiency. We add a 1 × 1 convolution layer, dubbed the bottleneck layer, and use it to generate feature maps. To aid
categorization, we add two thick layers, each containing 128 neurons. In place of the softmax activation purpose
employed in the traditional DenseNet201 design, a sigmoid activation function is utilized for binary classification after
the feature extraction network (DenseNet201, with the top removed).

In a thick, completely linked layer, every neuron communicates with every other neuron in the layer below it. This
phenomenon has a mathematical explanation based on a fully connected layer. This takes a 2D feature map and outputs a
1D feature vector.

ISSN:XXXX - XXXX Journal of Machine and Computing X(X)(2022)

s =Bernoulli (q) (3)
p−1 p−1 p−1
I =s ∗d (4)
p h p−1 p
I =f (w I +m ) (5)
Here, a vector s conforming to the 0−1 distribution is generated at random by the Bernoulli function with a
certain probability. The d dimension is the vector length. To prevent overfitting in deep neural systems, the dropout
method is used in two of the four layers that make up the connecting layer. This is done to randomly block particular
neurons according to a predefined likelihood. The fully related layers' weighting and offset are well-defined by and. The
sigmoid activation function alters the unnormalized output into a 0 or 1 binary output. An explanation of the sigmoid
function is,

z= − (∑ w i I i ) (6)
where z is the neuron's output. The weights, denoted by w i, and the inputs, denoted by I i, are shown here.

Algorithm 1. Early and Precise Identification of Respiratory Disorders Deep Transfer Learning model using

1. Import necessary libraries and modules

2. Load the dataset containing respiratory disorder images
3. Preprocess the dataset:
a. Normalize the pixel values
b. Split the dataset into training and testing sets
4. Define the DenseNet201 model architecture:
a. Load the pre-trained DenseNet201 model
b. Remove the last fully connected layer
c. Freeze the weights of the pre-trained layers
d. Add a new fully connected layer with the desired number of output classes
5. Compile the model:
a. Specify the loss function
b. Specify the optimizer
c. Specify evaluation metrics
6. Train the model:
a. Set the number of epochs and batch size
b. Iterate over the training set in batches:
i. Perform forward propagation
ii. Calculate the loss
iii. Perform backward propagation
iv. Update the model weights
c. Evaluate the model on the testing set
7. Fine-tune the model:
a. Unfreeze the weights of the last few pre-trained layers
b. Set a lower learning rate for the fine-tuning layers
8. Continue training the model:
a. Set a smaller learning rate
b. Iterate over the training set in batches:
i. Perform forward propagation
ii. Calculate the loss
iii. Perform backward propagation
iv. Update the model weights
c. Evaluate the model on the testing set
9. Save the trained model for future use
10. Make predictions:
a. Load a new image
b. Preprocess the image
c. Pass the preprocessed image
d. Obtain the predicted class probabilities

ISSN:XXXX - XXXX Journal of Machine and Computing X(X)(2022)

11. Output the predicted class probabilities



To perform a performance analysis of the DenseNet201 model for respiratory disease classification, several evaluation
metrics can be used to assess its effectiveness. These metrics provide quantitative measurements of the model's
performance in correctly classifying respiratory disease cases. Here are some commonly used evaluation metrics along
with their corresponding equations:

Accuracy measures the overall correctness of model predictions.

(TrP+ TrN )
(TrP +TrN + FaP+ FaN )
Precision measures the proportion of true positive predictions out of all positive predictions.

(TrP+ FaP)
The recall statistic is the number of correctly predicted successes divided by the total number of successes.

(TrP+ FaN )
The F1 score is a measure of accuracy that includes recall and precision.

F 1−score=
(Precision+ Recall)
The fraction of accurate negative forecasts relative to the total number of negative events is what we call "specificity."

Specificity= (12)
( TrN + FaP )
These evaluation metrics can be calculated based on the results obtained from the DenseNet201 model's predictions on a
test dataset. This is shown in table 1. By analysing these metrics, we can assess the model's ability to accurately classify
respiratory disease cases and understand its strengths and weaknesses.


Domain Accuracy Precision Recall F1-Score

0 99.8% 0.99 0.99 0.99

1 99.6% 0.99 1.00 0.99
2 99.7% 1.00 0.98 0.99
3 99.2% 0.99 0.98 1.00

4 99.9% 0.99 1.00 0.99

The accuracy of 99.8%, as shown in Fig. 3, shows that the DenseNet201 model achieved a high level of overall
correctness in its predictions. It implies that 99.8% of respiratory disease cases were correctly classified by the model.

ISSN:XXXX - XXXX Journal of Machine and Computing X(X)(2022)

With a precision of 0.99, the model demonstrated a high percentage of true positive predictions out of all positive

Fig.4. Accuracy of the Densenet201 model

ISSN:XXXX - XXXX Journal of Machine and Computing X(X)(2022)

Fig.5. Loss of the proposed model DenseNet201

This means that 99% of the predicted respiratory disease cases were actually true positives, minimizing false positives

A loss value of 0.6, as shown in Fig. 4, indicates that, on average, the model's predictions have a certain level of
disagreement or error when compared with the ground truth labels. The specific interpretation of the loss value depends
on the chosen loss function and its scale or range. Different loss functions may have different interpretations. Figure 5
shows the ROC-AUC of Densenet201.

Fig 6. ROC-AUC of the model Densenet201

Typically, during the training phase, the model aims to minimize the loss value by adjusting its internal parameters
through techniques like gradient descent. As the model continues to learn and improve, the loss value tends to decrease,
indicating better alignment between the predicted outputs and the true labels.

ISSN:XXXX - XXXX Journal of Machine and Computing X(X)(2022)

Fig 7. The performance comparison of various models

Different models achieve different accuracy in Fig. 6, which indicates how well each model classifies respiratory
disorder images. With a high accuracy of 99.80%, it suggests that the DenseNet201 model had a very low error rate. It
classified respiratory disorder images with an excellent degree of precision. With an accuracy of 92%, the CNN model
achieved reasonably high performance, correctly identifying respiratory disorder images with a relatively high accuracy

The ResNet50 model achieved an accuracy of 94%, indicating that it performed well in accurately classifying respiratory
disorder images. However, it was slightly lower than the DenseNet201 model.

With an accuracy of 95%, the LSTM model demonstrated effective performance in classifying respiratory disorder
images. This was done by leveraging its ability to capture temporal dependencies in the data. The RNN model achieved
an accuracy of 89%, indicating that it had a moderate level of success in accurately identifying respiratory disorder
images. However, it performed slightly lower than the other models. The DNN model achieved 90% accuracy,
suggesting it performed reasonably well in classifying respiratory disorder images. However, it had slightly lower
accuracy than some other models.

In conclusion, given the widespread consequences of respiratory illnesses, it is crucial to diagnose these conditions
accurately and promptly in order to provide the highest standard of medical treatment. The use of deep learning algorithms
in medical imaging has shown promising results, especially in the area of the detection of lung diseases in X-ray pictures.
This research suggests a deep learning approach to identifying respiratory issues in X-ray pictures immediately. In order to
glean useful data from X-ray pictures, the proposed method employs CNN architecture. The CNN model is trained using a
huge dataset of tagged X-ray pictures from both healthy and sick patients. The transfer of knowledge is applied to fine-
tune previously trained CNN models to improve them, in particular DenseNet201, allowing the network to successfully
capture disease-specific patterns. To gauge the effectiveness of the suggested method, it is subjected to rigorous testing on
a large dataset consisting of X-ray images collected from different medical facilities. Pneumonia, tuberculosis (TB), and
Coronavirus are only a few of the frequent respiratory diseases included in the dataset. Experimental findings validate the
effectiveness of the suggested method for identifying respiratory diseases from X-ray images. Deep learning has potential
as an effective method of early disease detection. The recommended framework is successful, as seen by the 99.67% F1-
score, 99.8% accuracy, and 99.7% recall.

Future work in the field of early and precise identification of respiratory disorders using deep learning techniques holds
several potential directions for further advancement. Continuously expanding the dataset by including more diverse X-ray

ISSN:XXXX - XXXX Journal of Machine and Computing X(X)(2022)

images of respiratory disorders from different demographics, age groups, and geographical regions can enhance the
model's generalization capability and improve its performance in various populations. Exploring the integration of X-ray
images with other modalities such as clinical data, patient history, laboratory results, and additional medical imaging
modalities (e.g., CT scans) can provide a more comprehensive and accurate diagnosis of lung diseases.

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