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Guaranteeing Credit by the absence or under education, training, and

experience of the people under whose shoulders rest

A good man is willing to guarantee his neighbor's
the management of the credit and collection
debts. Only someone who has lost all sense of
operation. They may be educated in their chosen
decency would refuse to do so. If someone does this
academic field but maybe want the demands and
favor for you, don't forget it; he has risked his good
expectations for a no-nonsense credit and collection
name for you. There are some ungrateful sinners who
performance. Compounding this situation is the
abandon those who stand behind them, and they
disregard by creditors of how the credit and
cause them loss of property. Guaranteeing loans has
collection function is looked at in relation to the sales
ruined many prosperous men and caused them
operation of a company. Generally, in cases of
unsettling storms of trouble. Influential people have
conflict between the sales and credit and collection
lost their homes over it and have had to go wandering
operations, the latter is most often than not sacrificed
in foreign countries.
for a sale. But wait when a credit is uncollected the
A sinner who hopes to make a profit by credit and collection operation is blamed for sales'
guaranteeing a loan is going to find himself involved witting or unwitting negligence, in not being able to
in lawsuits. So, help your neighbor as much as you collect its sale. There is a misplaced bias for sales
can, but protect yourself against the dangers over credit and collection operation.
involved. -Sirach 29: 14-20
It must be remembered that "a sale is never sale'
• Credit management - is the science of unless collected. There is also the lack of a
evaluating the creditworthiness of a person collegially developed capacity bias credit and
and its grant. collection policy. Experience will attest to the
• Collection management - is the art of practice of most creditors/lenders or sellers to just
collecting what has been granted in credit to come up with credit policies that are practically
persons and maintaining continued patronage based on the “character" of the person applying for
and goodwill in the process. credit. No one in this world was born without
integrity and character. Everyone has integrity and
Bad credit can never be eliminated but maybe character; it's the circumstances of an individual's
minimized. As long as people are managing it, they upbringing, education, work, culture, and discipline
are bound most often than not to commit negligence, in using, enforcing one's credit that spell the
either by commission or omission in its grant or difference between a good and bad debtor. Under a
enforcement. This is so because discipline is not capacity bias credit granting paradigm the emphasis
ironclad like science, particularly in its enforcement is on the cashflow of the credit applicant, buttressed
being an art. But how does one become artful in a by good character, capital and acceptable condition
collection? One need not be very educated, or risk. Last but not least, there must be a positive
intellectual, and learned. An ordinary educated exchange of value for the credit granted. The sales-
person in the arts, socio-economic discipline may marketing and credit and collection people must be
become artful; or, to our way of thinking a no- trained and immersed in this paradigm so that
nonsense credit and collection practitioner. This goes collection may be effective and efficient.
without saying that the person's personality fits into
dealing with persons/debtors of varied cultures, Collection is an art to be developed in a person,
habits, idiosyncrasies, practices, regarding its particularly the salespeople supported actively by the
extension and enforcement. credit and collection personnel. Collection out of
court is not limited to the routinary efforts of sending
Many a creditor or debtor when confronted with collectors, statements of account and collection
cashflow or illiquidity problem put the blame on letters or attorney's demand letter. It's much more
socio-economic-political factors never their own acts than that in the sense that there are many laws to
of negligence. Bad credit is traceable to negligence comply with or avoid in order to collect extra-
in credit and collection management brought about judicially or legally without complication.
Efforts have been exerted to provide the PRINCIPLES, CONCEPTS, USES,
fundamentals of the laws directly related to credit FUNCTIONS OF CREDIT
and collection transactions. Many collectors do not
know how to identify debtors and their defenses in
delaying and/or not paying their credit. More so, the • It's rooted in trust in an individual.
strategies and tactics to use in their collection efforts. • As to its use or function, it is the ability of a
The various forms of collection negotiation as well person to obtain goods or services under the
as handling angry debtors are wanting in collectors. promise of future payment.
These are the arts of the trade which one must be • Credit used generically may mean many
immersed in to be artful in the discipline. things to different people. It is a power,
If extra-legal collection efforts fail, of necessity legal ability, and capacity to repay one's financial
collection efforts ensues. There is much to be desired obligation. Debt on the other hand is the
and good room for improving the knowledge, skills outstanding unpaid balance of credit obtained
and art of the credit and collection man/woman on from another. Purchasing power must not be
how to able to collect, legally working closely with confused either with credit because
the attorney. There are rules provided in the law to purchasing power comes about only by one's
reduce the time of litigating a case in court which the tangible use or availment of credit and the
credit and collection person must know and actual payment of that debt adds or increases
understand so he may be able to work better with the one's purchasing power.
attorney on the case. • Credit may be a boon or bane depending on
the skills with which it is managed in credit
Most credit and collection operation of a company is transactions. All credit extension is as sound
not evaluated or audited whether or not it has attained as the promises under which it was granted.
the goals, objectives set by management unlike the The vulnerability of credit is generally
sale marketing operation which is scrutinized and caused by the imprudent use by an individual
given sanctions, penalties, and rewards in applicable or person of his/her credit and the weaknesses
cases. of the credit operation of a business
There are ways to evaluate, appraise and audit credit enterprise due to the unwitting or witting
and collection operation which are not use by negligence of commission or omission by the
companies vis-à-vis sales operation with the end in credit and collection rank and file due to lack
view of synergizing their relationship and operation. of education, training, and experience on the
The culture, psychology, credit and collection • Credit per se must be viewed from its totality
practices, idiosyncrasies of debtors and creditors because credit in business cannot be
alike must be part and parcel of the education and considered apart from its use in the political
training of the sales-credit and collection persons if economy.
their operations hopes to attain their goals. • It's government that creates the climate for
Finally, for the education and development of credit favorable or unfavorable credit environment
consciousness and discipline in the no-nonsense use, due to its administrative and supervisory
enforcement of one's credit guides have been put in powers over the economic life of the country.
this book so that the reader may not only be • When the government flexes its powers over
creditworthy but progressive by their use, the economy thru the mechanisms of the legal
enforcement of their personal credit for the and liquidity reserves, interests ceiling rates,
attainment of their temporal growth, security, and public debts, rediscounting windows for
progress as well as the country in general. commerce and industries and fiscal deficits,
necessarily the credit available for commerce
and industry or its effect on business will be
substantial. The ways and methods of quantities between and among people and
government use of its managerial, fiscal nations.
power over the economy will either expand 3. Credit is a liquidity medium - Credit, to a
or contract economic activity. large extent, has a direct relationship with
money as a medium of exchange, because
credit has the effect of increasing the total
amount of money in circulation and liquidity
THE IMPORTANCE OF CREDIT TO in a country. More money, as long as it is in
BUSINES/COUNTRY correct proportion with the gross national
product and supported by sufficient foreign
The value of credit management to a business and to exchange reserves, increases the purchasing
the national economy lies in its vast power to help power of people.
ensure an uninterrupted flow of money and 4. Credit is a medium of capital formation -
resources. One cannot pay when one cannot save or Business today grows and continues to grow
collect enough to pay with. by relying on credit for the accumulation of
5. Credit complements the monetary system
1. Facilitates the movement of goods and - This is best exemplified by the Bangko
services through the channels of trade to the Sentral's credit instruments such as its
consumers. certificates of indebtedness (CBCIs), various
2. Sustains and promotes production. government securities and bonds and similar
3. Establishes rules for credit and collection instruments issued by the private sector.
transactions. 6. Credit is a tool for the redistribution of
4. Leads to efficient collection of accounts wealth - Credit makes it possible for
receivable. someone without financial resources to
5. Contribute as a profit center to the attainment acquire goods and services necessary to earn
of a company's desired profit targets, either or save to acquire wealth.
by itself or in cooperation with a company's 7. Credit helps in the creation of business -
sales and marketing units. Credit makes possible the organization of
6. Helps in teaching debtors good credit habits business firms by providing vital funds
and practices. necessary for the start-up of any
7. Can serve as a tool in attaining personal and business/economic enterprise.
business goals. 8. Credit motivates higher business
WHY IS CREDIT IMPORTANT TO THE standards and practices - Credit makes it
COUNTRY? possible for the consumer to acquire more
goods and avail of more services. Credit,
1. Credit is an agent of production - Credit therefore, contributes to improving business
makes possible the availability of funds for standards by providing manufacturers,
productive purposes. This is amply sellers, and lenders with the initiative to
demonstrated in the many socially oriented improve the quality of their products or
loans and credit programs of the national services in the hope of boosting sales.
government and the private sector. 9. Credit Increases Purchasing Power - The
2. Credit develops the salability of goods and additional liquidity provided by loan or credit
services - Economic development in the to debtors, correspondingly increases their
Philippines and in the other market-oriented purchasing ability.
economies of the world would stagnate 10. Credit makes it possible to attain growth
without credit. Because of credit, goods and and progress - More economic activities can
services will move faster and in greater
be made by using credit judiciously, 3. The savings potential of the population to
prudently. determine their disposable income and to
determine what sector of the population must
be extended or not liberal or restrictive credit.
4. The public sector debt (deficit) which has a
1. Can be a wedge between people. direct bearing in the availability of macro-
2. May motivate for unwise and/or conspicuous credit; and, as stimulus for socio-economic
consumption. activity, as well as its effect on the cost of
3. May lead to speculation / over expansion. money.
4. Credit causes dependence on others. 5. The debt service of the country as it directly
5. Lack of credit is one bit reason for impacts on public sector ability to stimulate
stagnation/retrogression of people. the economy.

CATEGORIES OF CREDIT The banking sector's level of non-performing

loans and assets which greatly influence the
1. Consumer Credit. availability and cost of credit to the private
a. Retail credit sector.
b. Personal credit
2. Mercantile or commercial. 1. The nation's (and regional) buying and credit
3. Commercial, development, investment bank practices for the sales and credit
credit. professionals to be able to develop programs
4. Rural, thrift bank credit. of selling and marketing; and, credit and
5. Cooperative, credit union or savings and collection strategies.
loans and micro-credit. 2. Interest ceiling rates which determine the
6. Government credit. cost of money:
7. Foreign credit. 3. Consumer price index which indicates the
market environment for sellers and buyers in
MACRO-ECONOMIC FACTORS AFFECTING their interplay in the open market through
A good credit and collection professional needs a GOVERNMENT MECHANISMS TO
good understanding of the macro-economic factors ADMINISTER CREDIT:
that influence liberal or restrictive credit and
collection operation. The professional credit 1. Increasing or decreasing the legal/liquidity
professional must not have a parochial view in the reserve requirements of banks and other
exercise of his/her functions, responsibilities. The financial institutions.
professional credit and collection man and woman 2. Issuing government credit instruments such
must know, understand, and act within a much wider as; bonds, government securities, treasury
horizon and playing field, because his performance bills and the like.
is part and parcel of the bigger picture-the national 3. Selective credit controls such as;
economy. rediscounting facilities given to Board of
Investment registered industries and
Among the basic and very important socio-economic companies.
factors a credit and collection professional must 4. Legal and moral persuasion such as; the 5-
know and understand are: day banking week and uniform clearing
1. Population as it impacts on the sales, procedures for checks, debt instruments;
marketing and liquidity arena of commerce 5. Legal action or outright coercion by the
and industry. secretary of finance, BSP Monetary Board.
2. The gross national product reflects the
economic performance of the country.
WHAT KIND OF A CREDITMAN ARE YOU? appreciate the value of the figures as reflected in the
financial report.
The management of the credit and collection
function particularly in the Philippines is viewed as Take as example companies which have filed petition
a staff or non- productive overhead in relation with for suspension of payments preparatory to
the sales operation. Very few recognized its influence rehabilitation. Generally, most have positive
or contribution to the attainment of more good, networth at the time of filing their petition. There is
collected sales leading to profit maximization. If at a school of credit managers who practice the
all, acceptance of the role of the credit manager in quantitative extension of credit up to 10% of a credit
companies is accorded passive acceptance only for applicant's networth or 20% of the working capital.
its role in the corporate administrative levels.
While managers in production, sales, finance, human
Comparative Consolidated Financial Statements
resources and similar positions aspire to be in the
upper echelons of management like vice presidency,
the credit and collection manager is looked at as a
mere staff manager not worth giving a higher degree
of confidence or higher responsibility in the
For the credit and collection officer to be recognized
in his company he must endeavor more seriously to
improve himself/herself professionally, be provoked
and dare to accept challenges within the organization
to be recognized like his peers within the
In my more than 50 years in the credit and collection
service industry very few exceptional credit and A "Mathematician Creditman" may extend a 10% of
collection persons have attained higher the networth or 20% of the working capital or
responsibilities in their company. To those who were Php300,000.00 credit line to both companies. A more
able to rise in the hierarchy of their company they detailed analysis of the financial statements will
have dared to improve themselves via further show the difference in the companies' current ratios,
schooling, accepted challenges not only in their vis-à-vis the degree of pressure; the quality of the
credit and collection realm, but in other operating receivables and inventory, relating them to sales;
units of their organization. and, in the operating results.
Those who are left behind and are satisfied with their If the trend of operations for both companies
status quo are most often than not fall under the continues company A may not be rehabilitated
following categories of credit and collection whereas company B will be rehabilitated To extend
personality. the same credit line to both companies does not
recognize the companies financial strength and
• "MATHEMATICIAN" CREDITMAN weakness which is foolish of the credit manager.
One who is generally impressed by the financial The other school of "Mathematician Creditman"
reports submitted or obtained from the credit practices the extension or rejection of an order on
applicants. They fail to appreciate and recognize the whether the credit applicant has a 2:1 current ratio or
element of relativity or the fact that the figures in the better. This again is a quantitative method of credit
financial reports are historical, quantitative figures, extension that fails to recognize the influence on
which must be subjected to qualitative evaluation to payment performance exerted by the receivables
quality or inventory. If current assets are inflated by
delinquent, uncollected or slow paying receivables or paid to recall history or for that matter current
by overvalued, sluggish inventory, the 2.1 ratio performance. Instead his value generally lies in
losses its apparent significance. anticipating the future because every current credit
decision is future oriented. Credit granted now will
Both of these quantitative methods of credit
be paid in the future. While past and present is
extension will deny credit to customers in deficit,
important- it is just an aspect of the perspective
many of whom may be regular discounters of bills
needed to make a good value judgment as to how the
and who may be actual or potential quality customers
customer will perform in the future.
in the future.
Credit extension decision anchored on mathematical
calculation demean or does not speak well of a credit Many a credit manager unwittingly practices this
manager. Anyone who has mathematical skills may mode of managing their department operation
replace the credit manager. generally due to lack of education, training or
experience and challenges met in the demanding role
Mathematical approach to credit extension in the
of their position. The credit department is an ally of
long run doesn't bring out the best in the credit
the sales department in boosting, cultivating more
good or even fairly marginal accounts resulting to
• "GAYA-GAYA PUTO MAYA" more profitable sales volume. Manager of companies
(FOLLOWER) CREDITMAN do not wittingly select and fit their choice of credit
manager into the demands, expectations of the sales
This credit manager will extend credit to a customer force to have an ally, so much so that it results to
up to 25% -50% of the amount extended by the unnecessary conflict and friction between these two
recognized leaders of the credit manager's industry departments.
The rationale for this kind of credit extension is the
perception that the industry leader's credit and This kind of a credit manager will invariably pose no
collection operation have outstanding credit and objection in having some losses in the management
collection operation. This way of credit extension by of his receivables, conscious of the fact that not all
the "Gaya-Gaya Puto Maya" credit manager most credit transactions can be collected. So he provides
often than not do not consider profit margin, capacity for a bigger than generally acceptable level for
to absorb loss, whether the amount involved is too allowance for uncollected receivables.
much for his company, whether there is security or
Every credit manager must aspire for perfection as a
collateral given and similar factors secured by the
goal even if it may not be attainable. Perfection may
leader or model in the industry.
mean acceptable bad debt loss; and of equal
Anchoring one's credit extension decision based on importance no loss of profitable sales due to
what big competitors extend is a haphazard "oido" incompetence, unartful credit and collection actions.
kind of credit decision and implied admission that the
credit manager does not know any better, because
you may have been a wrong choice for credit
manager for your company. Credit and collection management encompasses the
whole range of activities and responsibilities from
the planning, development and formulation of a
This credit manager generally based his credit capacity bias credit and collection policies and
extension decision on the past performance of the procedures. Proper and expeditious recording of
customer without giving serious consideration about credit transactions until the completion of the
the exigencies of socio-political, economic factors collection processes either out of court and/or thru
locally or internationally. Credit managers are not
the courts and the critical evaluation, analysis of the Synergistic cooperation is the raison-d-itre" of
results of its operation. business for all operating units to cooperate
positively with each other to attain overall business
It's the expectation and goal of management of any
objectives. The sales and credit, collection operations
business organization to be generally in liquid and
must endeavor to develop a positive symbiosis
profitable condition.
because their success or failure directly affects their
To attain these objectives management must set stakes in the business organization.
conditions for:
1. Maximization of sales via credit.
2. Rationalize or control the amount of assets
invested in receivables.
3. Control costs of credit and collection
4. Develop credit consciousness, discipline
among its people and customers.
The accounts receivable may be rationalized or
controlled by the mechanisms of:
1. Credit limits, terms, or periods.
2. Adjustment in the volume of credit sales due
to socio-economic factors in the economy.
3. Competitive and strategic considerations.
The costs and expenses of credit and collection
operation maybe controlled via the following:
1. The correct number of personnel as well as
the salaries, wages of the rank and file in the
credit and collection operation.
2. Costs of funds tied up in receivables.
3. Bad debt losses.
4. Costs of credit information.
5. Depreciation expense.
6. Charges and fees of outside assistance in the
credit and collection efforts particularly for
distressed or bad accounts receivable
Controlling costs and expenses for the credit
operation must not be on a 'false economy" mode
where needed and necessary expenses such as for;
no-nonsense educational training programs for the
rank and file is avoided to the detriment of a no-
nonsense collection efforts. A low percentage of bad
debt is not a convincing proof of good credit
management. Losses may be made low by sacrificing
good sales which may give profit over and above the
anticipated loss therefrom. Have a reasonable bad
debt loss, proportionate to a maximum sales volume.

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