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Interviewer: First is, uhm, what specific challenges have you encountered in fostering student


Respondent: So when it comes to fostering students engagement one of the challenges that I'm facing in
my in my teaching is some students are really.. its their interest are sometimes uh it's not uhm.. cannot
easily be captured so when it comes to that I need to create (ma) I need to create uhm strategies that
can capture that interest in them, so one of the challenges is ano uhm capturing students interest and
also maintaining once captured, once that interest is captured how to maintain that interest.

Interviewer: Sir, you’ve mentioned strategies in maintaining the students’ interest. What are these
strategies po?

Respondent: When it comes to the strategies uhm I employed in in my teaching so I use different
strategies for example uhm for students most of the students are visual learners so when it comes to
(di) to my discussion uhm I use visuals, photos, videos and all of that.

Interviewer: Uhm, proceeding, can you describe the pedagogical strategies you’ve practiced in
enhancing student motivation and participation in your classroom?

Respondent: When it comes in describing, on my pedagogical approaches um in the classroom there are
many approaches that can be used in the classroom, so it and it also depends on the topic that you are
trying to give to your students so for example, if my topic is about um showing the effect so in my class I
am teaching contemporary issues to my students so one effective strategy is, one effective strategy that
I use or pedagogy that i use this, one is role playing also I use um... reflecting, letting my students reflect
on, on, on the topic by letting them write um... letting their write essays and answering more reflective

Interviewer: Sir, can you recall a time wherein, uhm, this- you’ve successfully navigate the challenges in
fostering student engagement?

Respondent: W-Well yeah, I have. So there are- in my- I’ve been teaching for like, four years now in
Samar National School. So there- before, I was teaching in the regular class, so there was a section
that… they are- parang maaringasa, in a way. Tapos, uhm… in the first- during the first days of the
classes, especially like, uhm, first quarter, some are really not into- into participating, engaging in the- in
the classroom, so…ah… with the strategies that I employ, I was able to- to get that- and successfully let
them engage in the classroom.

Interviewer: So, in your opinion, what are some areas where you believe you can continuously improve
in terms of fostering student engagement?

Respondent: So the areas that I can continuously improve when it comes to fostering student
engagement– first and foremost, to get that engagement, uhm... most of the– one of the best thing that
a teacher could do is first, establishing rules in the classroom, and also classroom management. The
rules is very important to... in fostering that classroom engagement so that the student would know
what are they going to do if... if they... they are being noisy in the classroom or id they have done
something wrong, they would know once you have established those rules.

Interviewer: So, establishing... uhh... first, sir?

Respondent: Yes.

Interviewer: Is that your first step?

Respondent: Mmh.

Interviewer: Do you have other steps?

Respondent: After establishing the rules, then... implementing... the rules to the students. So if they– for
example, the... most of the things na ginagawa ng mga estudyante is nagiging maingay. So, ano yung–
based sa rules na ginawa ko, kung maingay yung mga bata, meron lang sasabihin na "class" or... there
are like mga personal nuances that I would do— nga maigbaw an kiray, maglalain an nawong, and they
would know na-na-nga nagiging maaringasa na hira. So, that's the time na mag-stop na, ganon.

Interviewer: Uhm, moving on from that question, how do you decide which technological tools to
integrate into your teaching and…yeah- how do you decide technological tools to integrate your

Respondent: Okay, when it comes naman to technological tools that I used in my teaching it depends on
the objective of my lesson. And depending on that objective of the lesson because I need to focus in
teaching that...for-for the day, for the class discussion for a day. So if that uhmm.... objective really
requires for the use of technology then, I used it.

Interviewer: So sir your sole basis is the objective-

Respondents: he objective of the lesson and the needs also of the students. If the objective of the lesson
requires the students to see vedios, pictures, and other mga.... other technological ano pa ini, uhmm....
technological activities, then, I used it.

Interviewer: In connection to that, can you provide examples of how integration of technology has
enhanced or transformed the learning experience of your students?

Respondent: Uhm-.there-.. i use-... um-.. using technolo- technological.... innovations, one is i use-..
um-.. ano tawag dun? -um-mga games, mga games, technological games that..- the students will be
really interested into playing, so there are activities-um for example in- in partss of our lesson we have
the motivation part , so in the motivation part you have to capture the interest of the- students and also
to springboard them-or to introduce them to the new topic, so in that area of the lesson-, so i use mga
ga- like, so i have a co-teacher here he's- she's very good when it come to that technological
ano pa- technological integration mga games- mga games- yeah-so-"

Interviewer: Sir uh-um when it comes to utilizing these-um- technological integration like methods in
teaching do you encounter any barriers? How do you overcome this?

Respodent: Ohh one of the barriers also in using that is-.... one is time... time because in our subject- we
are only given an hour-, an hour of teaching can sometimes- using those- using those-technological
integrations it takes time and sometimes nakakain niya yung oras ng klase- so yung ginagawa is- really to
maximize the time-so that- and also to- yung mga estudyante ay- inaano sila- ehh- uh- uhm- minimake
sure na..- they- na-mga -mga mag eengage sila sa laro- at..- hindi makalat- hindi sila magkalat.
Interviewer: So, based on your observation when you are using- or utilizing rather these kinds of- of
technologies, how do you assess your students?

Respondent: How do I assess my students? When it come-

Interviewer: H-How do they… Yes po, how do they… yeah.

Respondent: How- papaano ko sila i-aassess yung mga estudyante? I- ano, I employ rubrics. So, rubrics
so that sila alam nila kung uhm kung saan yung mga scores nila, ganon, and I inform them na this is how
they are they are going to be graded.

Interviewer: So most of the time po sir they- do they…perform well?

Respondent: Yes, yes.

Interviewer: Uhm, next question is, well, from your perspective, how has the adaption of innovative
pedago—pedagogical approaches impacted students' academic achievement?

Respondent: When it comes to adopting this pedagogical innovations in teachings, uhm... this is very
helpful when it comes to— to getting the interest and the attention of student in order for them to— to
be engaging inside the classroom, these are— these are ver— very helpful so that the student, ano sila
meron silang aabangan for a day uhm ngayon may ginawa kayo, so tapos ginagawa niyo na parang ano
na, nagiging habit nga ng inyong klase. So the students, they will anticipate everyday kung ano 'yung
mga gagawin mong mga pasabog here in the classroom.

Interviewer: And- And you observe some… academical- like in, academical- do you see improvements?

Respondent: Yes, yes. Definitely.

Interviewer: Uhm, next. What institutional policies or support mechanisms do you believe are crucial for
the successful implementation of the innovative teaching methods?

Respondent: The institutional- uhm. Come again?

Interviewer: Uhm the institutional policies or support mechanisms do you believe are crucial for the
successful implementation of innovative teaching methods?

Respondent: The (de) department of education is really - is being help when it comes to the task so uhm
they are - also the - the school and the division (nag ah) they would be are - they are conducting
trainings and seminars when it comes to that (to instu) also to institutionalize especially technological
integration and the classroom so... yeah... and also with that helps our (ah) helps to improve our
teaching using with the our seminars and trainings..

Interviewer: So, it helps? Is it always like that or have you encountered any of those ba- challenges you
can recall?

Respondent: At times yeah there are really challenges when it comes to that because some (and mo)
most especially also some are really - hindi sila - they are like technologies that are not really available
when it comes (to) to the students and also - one also the challenges (ah) When it comes naman sa
(technolo) technological innovations or integrations in the classroom especially when if it needs
connection internet connection, so the students don't have, not all the students have the luxury of..of..
of that.

Interviewer: Sir, you’ve mentioned earlier your co-teacher who is very good at implementing uhm
innovative teaching techniques, so how do you collaborate with other teachers or educators- educators
to share and implemate- implement the different pedagogical practices?

Respondent: Uhm in our case, as teacher we have what we called classroom observation teaching so
during the, it was conducted once every quarter so there are 4 for the whole year level during that we
will be observed by our head, head teacher and also our master teacher, in making our lesson or making
our lesson plan that is the time na, na we are collaborating with our students, I mean we are
collaborating with our co-teacher in creating our lesson plan, so if we have something na we will feel like
our lesson plan still not you know very good, we will ask the assistance of our master teacher, also to
have input, to improve the lesson. So collaboration happens during that time and also if in the normal
lesson also if, if the other teacher has something to share to, to the class or to, to me so kung meron
silang i-share sakin na pwede kung magamit for the particular topic, so yes collaborating happened in
that part.

Interviewer: So, sir in collaborating, the benefit you can get there is assistance po?

Respondent: Yes, assistance and also to improving also my practices in teaching.

Interviewer: So, with that, do you see any challenges in this collaborative approach?

Respondent: At times also if there are many voices, if we can't hear when it comes, also when it comes
to making your lesson so yon mga voices sometimes nakakagulo so that when it comes to getting,
getting assistance we have to really choose, what you will get what you will apply to yourself.

Interviewer: Uhm, moving on from that, uhm how have students responded to the adoption of
innovative teaching methods po, and have you observed any changes in their engagement, motivation,
or overall attitude toward learning?

Respondent: Uhm, yeah, there are changes when it comes to that... to that aspect. Good changes,
actually. Because, there are students who care not really, kadalanan andiyan lang sila sa gilid, di — di
nagpa-participate. But using these innovative pedagogies.. dun, nakikita na they are really, like th-
they're trying to you know, to get into the lesson, to get into the class, ayon, and there are many
changes when it comes to that.

Interviewer: So, sir you’ve uhh seen good change?

Respondent: Hmm, hmm. Yes, yes.

Interviewer: Is that always the case, sir? Or…

Respondent: Depends on the section.

Interviewer: Oh, what kind of- how do you encounter- have you encountered uhh challenges- the
students, do they have challenges po when you implement-

Respondent: There are students na… hindi sila nakakasabay when it comes to- to these pedagogies, so…
sometime- so yung ginagawa ko kapag nakikita ko na hindi sila nakakasabay, then uhm- I have this ano-
may ginagawa akong- talk to them. So, especially kung- diba pag nakikita na- nakikita na pag nagqu-quiz
– diba nagqu-quiz? Nagqu-quiz every afternoon lesson, so kung nakikita na maliliit yung mga scores ng…
mga bata. So… dun- dun ako papasok, tas kakausapin ang bata. So- kung ano yung mga pwedeng gawin

Interviewer: So about your uhh pedagogical technologies, how do you assess the effectiveness of this,
and what metrics or indicators do you consider?

Respondent: Ahm when it comes to how I how I see my my improvement when it comes to my
pedagogical approaches so as what I ano said kanina we have we have tools we are grade we are rated
on the tools provided by the Department of Education and so like for example how like how paano
namin nagagamit yung differentiated instructions so there are mga there are indicators when to that, so
kung makikita ko na and also kung papaano ko rin makikita na my my strategies are effective ahm based
din sa performance ng aming studyante , so when it come to their exam, summative test, also when it
comes to their daily quizzes. So kung di, kung malalaki score then that reflect my ano pa, may strategies
at kung malimit yung mga score makikita na yung strategy hindi effective.

Interviewer: Sir, we’re down to the last question. Looking ahead, how do you envision the integration of
emerging technologies in education, and what considerations are essential for their successful

Respondent: Uhm there are.. when it comes to the- on how to make this logical integrations, right? in
the- in the classroom really we have - as teachers, first we have.. to know our students, what- kung ano
yung mga kailangan nila and also... and also knowing yourself as a teacher on what you can offer to your
students and... and also innovating things also to - to make sure that you make your lesson interesting,
enjoyable for the students so that they will be able to learn.

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