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This makes it possible to list or maintain condition records indepently of condition type and condition table.

Pricing indexes are not condition type, or condition table, specific. This allows for the maintenance of multiple
condition types across multiple condition tables, all at the same time. This can be particularly useful when
updating all prices for a given customer or material.


A customer / material discount is created for 10% using condition type ZZ01.

A customer specific discount is offered to the same customer, but for only 5%, using condition type ZZ02.

Using normal condition record maintenance these two records will always need to be maintained separately, as
they are two different condition types, even if they were the same they are in two different condition tables.

Using standard condition index 2, which is not activated by default, it is possible to maintain both of these
conditions at the same time.
Condition Update:

Condition update
Controls whether limit values are relevant for pricing.

E.g.: you can make the use of a particular condition record in the document dependent on a specified total


Scale basis indicator

Determines how the system interprets a pricing scale in a condition. For example, the scale can be based on quantity,
weight, or volume.

Checking rule for scale rates

Indicates whether the scale rates must be entered in ascending or descending order.

Scale Type
Indicator that controls the validity of the scale value or percentage:

 From a certain quantity or value (base scale)

Formula for scale base value

Formula for determining the scale base value.

Scale unit
Unit of measure that the system uses to determine scales when you use group conditions.

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