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Measurement of network harmonic impedance in

presence of electronic equipment

R. Stiegler, J. Meyer, P. Schegner D. Chakravorty

Institute of Electrical Power Systems and High Voltage Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department
Engineering, Technische Universitaet Dresden Imperial College London
Dresden, Germany London, U.K.

Abstract—Harmonic levels and their propagation in the power As the rectifier bridge opens and closes every half cycle, the
system are mainly determined by the network harmonic impedance. impedance changes twice per half cycle, which is not reflected
It is also an essential parameter for the calculation of harmonic by most of the available measurement methods. Fig. 1
current emission limits. Different methods for measuring the illustrates this characteristic by the current waveform of a
network harmonic impedance have been developed in the last simple compact fluorescent lamp (CFL). When the DC-link
decades, but all of them assume that the impedance is constant capacitor is not recharging (state 1) the simplified equivalent
within a cycle at fundamental frequency, which is true in case of circuit is open. During recharging (state 2), the capacitor is
passive elements only. As nowadays most of the equipment in low connected directly to the grid impacting the network harmonic
voltage grids contains power electronics including rectifier circuits,
network harmonic impedance will vary within a half cycle of power
frequency. As more and more equipment operates with switching State 1
frequencies of several ten kHz, knowledge about the network State 1 State 2 State 1
V, I
harmonic impedance in the frequency range up to 150 kHz is also
of significant importance. Based on a review of existing
measurement methods, the paper presents an extended
State 2
measurement method, which is able to address both, above C
mentioned issues. The application of the method is illustrated by t
two example measurements in different low voltage grids.
Fig. 1. Current waveform of a CFL and simplified equivalent circuit
Keywords—impedance measurement; network harmonic The already significant and still increasing share of
impedance; nonlinear loads; harmonics; low voltage network electronic devices in low voltage grids raises the question, how
network harmonic impedance shall be interpreted and how it
can be obtained. The issue of “momentary” impedance
Nonlinear devices emit harmonic currents, which cause variation is also addressed in [1], but with focus on input
harmonic voltages that are determined by the network impedance characteristic of different loads and their impact on
harmonic impedance. If these harmonic voltages exceed certain power line communication.
levels (e.g. the compatibility levels), other connected devices
might be disturbed. Therefore knowledge of network harmonic II. GENERAL MEASUREMENT PRINCIPLE
impedance is crucial for determining the level and spread of The network impedance (Zhn) at a node in a grid can be
harmonic emission in low voltage grids. calculated for a particular harmonic order (h) by injecting a
Virtually all common methods for calculating harmonic current Ih at the respective node and solving Ohm’s law
current emissions limits require accurate knowledge of network assuming Thevenin’s equivalent of the remaining network.
harmonic impedance. As it is often not known, only a Direct use of this method in measurement devices leads to
simplified representation by impedance line (short circuit
impedance multiplied by harmonic order) is applied. h I
h Z pre h
Strictly the network harmonic impedance is only defined in
h Z L
presence of passive loads. Most of the simple electronic mass-
market devices have a rectifier circuit with a capacitor for Fig. 2. Pre-excitation state of the network
energy storage as DC link. During the recharging state the
rectifier bridge is open and the capacitor is directly connected h
to the network thus having significant impact on the effective
h Z
h I post h
network harmonic impedance at the connection point. The V n
h Z L I

impact of these devices increases with increasing frequencies post

and dominates the network impedance already at a few kHz.
Fig. 3. Post-excitation state of the network
errors in case of existing background harmonics. To overcome biggest advantage because it keeps the total cost of the
this, the concept of difference method is applied. In the first experiment low. Disadvantage of this method is the limited
step voltage and current measurements are taken at the injected frequency range (only existing harmonics with
measurement site immediately before the injection (Fig. 2). significant level can be used) and the injected frequency cannot
The second step takes measurements of harmonic voltages and be influenced.
currents while harmonic current of order h is injected (Fig. 3).
In the third step differential voltage and current are calculated B. Invasive measurement methods
from both measurements, which removes constant background In this method an external setup is used to generate
harmonics present in the system voltage and current. In case of excitation current, which is injected into the network with
quickly time-varying background harmonics even the controlled magnitude. This method is more expensive than the
difference method has its limits and is therefore usually non-invasive type. However, it has more general application as
combined with injection frequencies, which are usually not it is independent of the availability of disturbing sources at the
present in the grid (e.g. interharmonics). Finally the network point of measurement and provides better control of the
harmonic impedance at order h can be calculated using (1). generated disturbances. E.g. it can be used to adjust the
injection magnitudes to improve measurement accuracy for
h h
h V post V pre (1)
different system conditions and locations.
Z  h h
I post I pre In the single switching method a RC or LC combination is
switched once per half cycle [4] [5]. This produces a broad
If the above steps are repeated over a range of frequencies, band transient which can be controlled by adjusting the firing-
the network harmonic impedance is obtained. This is angle. Due to high measuring noise, this method delivers good
commonly known as frequency sweep analysis. The difference quality result only till 1 kHz.
method can be applied in time domain and frequency domain
analysis. Experiences by the authors have shown that the The multiple switching method makes use of semiconductor
analysis in frequency domain is more robust and accurate than switches in conjunction with a combination of passive elements
in time domain. For frequency domain analysis a Fast Fourier to serve as a source of excitation current [6] [7]. To generate a
Transform (FFT) tool is used to find the frequency components wide band signal having a rich spectrum till 20 kHz, random
of order h for voltage and current and applies (1) to calculate switching with high frequencies (multiple times per half cycle)
the impedance. is implemented. Since the energy of the injected signal is
distributed over many frequencies, the level of individual
III. OVERVIEW OF EXISTING MEASUREMENT frequency component remains low. Improvement of accuracy
METHODS can be achieved by oversampling techniques, but interferences
Based on an extensive literature survey the most important with other equipment are likely due to the high signal energy.
existing methods can be broadly classified based on the origin The single frequency sweep method injects in each step a
of harmonic current used for system excitation. Fig. 4 gives an single frequency harmonic current of uniform magnitude at the
overview of the different methods, which are briefly discussed point of measurement [8]-[10]. Single frequency current is
in the next sections. particularly used to keep the energy of the signal low compared
A. Non-invasive measurement methods to the multiple switching method. Following the above
procedure multiple measurements at different frequencies have
This method makes use of the existing network components to be executed to obtain the network harmonic impedance over
to generate excitation harmonics [2] [3]. It is one of the oldest a frequency range. This method has an increased measuring
and easiest methods involving no additional setup. This is the duration but a higher accuracy compared to the multiple

Existing non linear

Non-invasive Capacitor bank
Switching of network
Origin of
harmonic current for
harmonic impedance Single frequency sweep
Sweep based
Multiple frequency sweep
Single switching
Switching based
Multiple switching
Fig. 4. Broad classification of existing impedance measurement methods
switching methods. Due to the lower signal energy,
interferences with other equipment are less likely. Computer

The multiple frequency sweep method improves the

measurement time compared to the single frequency method. A Amplifier
multispectral signal, optimized for a minimum crest factor, is
used [11]. The accuracy is comparable to the single frequency D/A, A/D
method, but with more complex calculations. converter
Most of the methods described in chapter III have a limited conditioning
frequency range of few kHz and determine the network
harmonic impedance by analyzing one or more cycles of the Coupling
voltage fundamental. Any impedance change within the cycle device
cannot be identified. Therefore a new measurement system
based on the single sweep method is developed, which is able Fig. 6. Measurement system mounted in a car
to analyze the influence of nonlinear loads on the network simple logic to prevent that the current source is in open circuit
harmonic impedance within the voltage fundamental cycle conditions or the grid is short circuited. The output current is
(momentary harmonic impedance). The system can measure measured with a calibrated shunt. Voltage and current are
frequencies between 130 Hz and 150 kHz in order to cover the sampled with 800 kS/s. The input range of each signal
classical harmonic range up to 2 kHz as well as the frequency conditioning module is automatically set by the control
range above, which is nowadays of increasing importance. software to ensure the best utilization of the A/D converter. In
order to avoid an influence of the power supply of the
A. Hardware measurement system on the network harmonic impedance, it is
The layout of the measurement system is shown in Fig. 5. It always supplied by a mobile generator or by a different low
consists of the following components: voltage network. Fig. 6 shows the measurement system during
a grid measurement.
 D/A converter for signal generation
 Power amplifier operated as current source B. Measurement algorithm
 Coupling device for save connection of the amplifier to Number and interval of frequency steps can be individually
the network set by the user. For each measurement point voltage and
 Signal conditioning modules for isolation and adaption current are sampled for 440 ms. In the first half of the
of measurement signal to the input range of the A/D- measurement duration no current is injected (pre-excitation
converter state) and in the second half a sinusoidal current with the
 A/D converter for data acquisition respective frequency is injected (post-excitation state). This
 PC with MATLAB controlling the whole measurement ensures that for each state a minimum of 10 full voltage
process and calculating the network harmonic fundamental periods is available for further processing.
impedance The measured data is analyzed by two different methods.
The injected current is generated using a linear amplifier The first method calculates the network harmonic impedance
with a maximum output current of 10 A up to 150 kHz and a by using an integer number of voltage fundamental cycles and
maximum output power of 2.25 kVA. The output current is referred to as VC method in this paper. The second method
magnitude is automatically adapted to the situation at the calculates the network harmonic impedance using an integer
measurement site. For most measurements an injected current number of cycles of the injected current, which enables the
between 0.5 A and 5 A provides sufficient accurate calculation of the “momentary” impedance in relation to the
measurement results. The amplifier is connected directly to the fundamental cycle. This method is referred to as CC method.
low voltage grid. The coupling device consists of relays with a

Low voltage grid Coupling Amplifier D/A converter

(control and calculation)

A/D converter

h n
V Vm I

Fig. 5. Scheme of measurement system
channel for current measurement is always utilized with 50%
Vm(t) DFT or more due to the automatic adaption of the input range to the
selection V m  f 
Z f  measured current. Based on the datasheet specifications for
Window I m  f  both input channels, a worst-case uncertainty can be calculated:
Im(t) DFT
VC  400V 
CC Zero-crossing  Z N    0,1%  Z N  0, 025%  h  (2)
detection  I 
Fig. 7. Scheme of the impedance calculation method where Ih is the current injected in the network.
(VC: Voltage cycle based, CC: Current cycle based)
CC windows In order to test the measurement system, several
400 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 measurements were carried out in two different grids.
200 1 A. Office building
Vm in V 

I m in V 
The first measurement has been performed in an office
0 0
building at a sub-distribution box, where the lighting (24
CFL’s) is connected. A current of 1 A was injected for
-200 -1 measurement. Fig. 9 shows magnitude of the network harmonic
impedance measured with the VC method at frequencies up to
-400 -2 50 kHz. The impedance has a distinct first resonance at approx.
0 90 180 270 360
V in °  17 kHz and a second one at 45 kHz. Due to their simple
Fig. 8. Selected windows for the CC method, injected current with 500 Hz
rectifier circuits (cf. Fig. 1) the CFLs have significant impact
on the “momentary” network harmonic impedance measured
The principle processing scheme for both calculation with the CC method. Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 show different ways
methods is shown in Fig. 7. The VC method uses a window of of presentation. Both figures show the magnitude of the
10 voltage fundamental cycles. For the CC method each network harmonic impedance for one voltage fundamental
individual cycle of the injected current is used in order to cycle (0°.. 360°). Both resonances can be clearly seen as well,
obtain “momentary” impedance values within a single voltage but the “momentary” impedance characteristic further reveals
fundamental. Fig. 8 shows an example of the windows for the around the resonances a significant impedance drop at approx.
CC method and a frequency of the injected current of 500 Hz. 97°, where all rectifier bridges of the CFLs conducting and
In this case 10 windows and subsequently 10 impedance values
can be calculated for each cycle of the voltage fundamental. 6
The resolution of the method increases with frequency. For 5
Z N in  

both methods the measured voltage is filtered with a high pass

filter to avoid leakage effects by the fundamental. In order to
compensate possible phase shifts resulting from filtering of one 3
signal only, the measured current is filtered as well. Voltage 2
and current at the frequency of the injected current are
calculated by DFT. The harmonic impedance at order h is 1
finally obtained by applying equation (1). 0
0 10 20 30 40 50
C. Measurement accuracy f in kHz 
The accuracy of the measurement system can be Fig. 9. Measurement result with VC method including uncertainty range
determined in different ways and with different levels of
precision. In a first step the reference impedance according to
the appendix of IEC 61000-4-7 has been measured in the
laboratory and results were better than 5 %. As this impedance
is only passive and VC and CC method provide similar results, 5
a simple rectifier bridge with known element parameters has 6
Z N in  

Z N in  

been connected to the reference impedance. The CC method 4

provided results, which qualitative compare with the calculated 4
ones. 3
The authors still work on the detailed quantification of the 2
measurement accuracy, but have finished a first worst case 0
assessment. The accuracy of the measurement system is mainly 0 50
90 40 1
determined by the uncertainty of the input channel for voltage  180 30 
measurement. Due to the always existing fundamental voltage V in
270 10
20 kHz
°  n
(about 230V), its range in terms of the higher frequency 360 0 f i
components has a very small utilization. Contrary the input
Fig. 10. Measurement result with CC method (3D-plot)
50 with the result of the VC method as reference. The VC method
6 fairly matches the results of the CC method at zero crossing,
because the duration of recharging of DC-link capacitors and
40 5 subsequently the impedance drop are relatively short. At the
time where most of the rectifiers conducting (97°), the network

Z N in  
f in kHz 

30 harmonic impedance behaves completely different, because

significantly more capacitance is connected to the grid
3 compared to the time around zero-crossing of the voltage
20 fundamental. While both distinctive resonances at 17 kHz and
2 45 kHz disappear, the magnitude of network harmonic
impedance between 21 kHz and 38 kHz is up to two times
10 higher.
B. Residential low voltage grid
0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 Further measurements have been carried out at different
 V in °  sites in a public low voltage grid in order to get an idea of the
Fig. 11. Measurement result with the CC method (color-map) impact of domestic customers to the network harmonic
impedance as they commonly operate a mix of nonlinear
7 equipment, which is different to offices. The network is
6 meshed and has about 400 domestic customers. Measurements
were carried out at the busbar of the MV/LV transformer and
Z N in  

4 several locations within the network including the end of a
longer feeder. Due to the very low impedance a measurement
3 current of 7 A was chosen. The measurement results differ
2 CC Method
between the sites with highest impedances and most significant
1 VC Method resonances at the end of the longer feeder. Due to the limited
0 space therefore only the measurements for L1-N at the end of
0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 the longer feeder are presented and discussed in detail in this
 V in °  paper.
Fig. 12. Time characteristic of impedance at first resonance (17 kHz)
including uncertainty ranges Compared to Fig. 11 the color-map in Fig. 14 shows
significantly different resonance locations. Beside a sharp
therefore all DC-link capacitors are connected to the grid.
resonance at 530 Hz, a second, wider resonance is observed at
Fig. 12 exemplarily compares the time characteristic of 2.4 kHz. Furthermore the impedance state around the
network harmonic impedance at the first resonance frequency maximum/minimum of voltage fundamental lasts longer than
(17 kHz) calculated by the VC method and the CC method. in the office building. This results in a larger difference
The VC method reflects some kind of mean value of the between the “momentary” impedance around 0° and the results
“momentary” impedance within the considered fundamental of the VC method (Fig. 15 and Fig. 16). This can be explained
cycle. At the voltage maximum/minimum (90°/270°) the by the use of more diverse equipment with different circuit
impedance drops to a minimum of about 50 % compared to the topologies, which have different firing angles and conducting
impedance close to the zero crossing of voltage fundamental times of the rectifier bridges. Detailed discussions about
(0°/180°). As this variation is exclusively caused by the different circuit topologies can be found e.g. in [12]. The
nonlinear equipment with line-commutating topology, it could synchronicity of the CFLs in the office building is much higher
be e.g. used as indicator for the penetration level of a network and subsequently the duration of the impedance stay is shorter.
with this type of equipment.
Fig. 13 presents the network harmonic impedance based on 10 0.6
CC method for the two extreme cases at 0° and 97° together
7 CC Method, 0° 8
6 CC Method, 97° 0.4
Z N in  

Z N in  
f in kHz 

5 VC Method 6
4 0.3
3 4
1 2 0.1
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 0
f in kHz  0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360
 V in ° 
Fig. 13. Magnitude and phase angle of network harmonic impedance
measured according to the different methods Fig. 14. Measurement results with CC method (color-map)
troubleshoot e.g. problems with signal damping in mains-
signaling applications. On the other hand the significant
0.5 differences raise the question, how network harmonic
Z N in  

0.4 impedance has to be interpreted in presence of electronic

equipment and if the average values obtained from the classical
0.3 methods are still adequate for the assessment of harmonic
0.2 emission limit within the EMC – coordination in IEC 61000.
CC Method
0.1 VC Method Beside the continuous improvement of the presented
0 method more measurements are systematically performed in
0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 different residential grids in order to obtain more detailed
 V in °  information about the behavior of network harmonic
Fig. 15. Time characteristic of impedance at first resonance (530 Hz) impedance and subsequently additional assessment indices.
Furthermore a detailed quantification of realistic measurement
0.6 uncertainty is ongoing in order to determine reliable accuracy
limits for the measurement system.
Z N in  

We wish to thank NRM Netzdienste Rhein-Main GmbH for
supporting parts of the project.
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0.1 CC Method, 90°
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