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Volume 112, Number 7 „ November 13, 2023

Transfer Pricing of
Financial Transactions —
A Challenging Landscape

by Vinay Kapoor, Sayantani Ghose,

Hans Gerling, and Sherif Assef

Reprinted from Tax Notes International, November 13, 2023, p. 887

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Transfer Pricing of Financial Transactions —

A Challenging Landscape

by Vinay Kapoor, Sayantani Ghose, Hans Gerling, and Sherif Assef

as equity, to generate deductions or avoid
Vinay Kapoor and Sayantani Ghose are
principals and Hans Gerling is a managing dividend withholding taxes on repatriation of
director with KPMG LLP. Sherif Assef recently income. Tax authorities have manifested these
retired a principal with KPMG LLP. concerns through aggressive enforcement actions.
In the United States, guidance on
In this article, the authors explain the
intercompany loan pricing is found in reg. section
important steps in planning and undertaking
intercompany financial transactions, 1.482-2. In addition, general transfer pricing
particularly in the area of transfer pricing, to concepts — for example, accepting the transaction
efficiently carry out the transactions and be as structured unless it lacks economic substance
prepared for challenges from tax authorities. — are emphasized throughout reg. section 482;
and regulations under section 385 provide general
Copyright 2023 KPMG LLP.
guidance on whether an instrument is debt or
All rights reserved.
equity and point the taxpayer to case law for
Multinational corporations routinely engage relevant factors to consider.
in intercompany financial transactions to operate Until recently, the OECD transfer pricing
their global businesses. These transactions may guidelines did not explicitly address financial
include loans to fund a capital investment or transactions. But the 2015 release of the OECD’s
acquisition, short-term working capital loans, final reports for the base erosion and profit-
factoring to free up cash at a subsidiary, and cash shifting actions 8-10 led to a new Chapter X of the
pooling to maximize the group’s use of internal OECD guidelines that provides guidance on how
cash and minimize external interest expense. to price financial transactions and whether a
Financial transactions are primarily contractual transaction should be regarded as debt, including
obligations and often less subjective compared a discussion on reasonableness of contractual
with other areas of transfer pricing. In addition, terms. In some areas, such as delineation of the
unlike many other areas of transfer pricing, financial transaction (discussed below), the
extensive reliable market data exist for OECD’s approach under Chapter X diverges
determining the arm’s-length price, or interest sharply from U.S. practice.
rate, for most financial transactions. Compounding the pain felt by taxpayers from
However, many tax authorities have concerns, new rules, increased tax authority scrutiny, and
whether justifiable or not, that it is relatively sometimes inconsistent interpretation of rules or
straightforward for taxpayers to use enforcement among taxing jurisdictions,
intercompany financial transactions to shift
profits and reduce their tax burden with no
underlying business rationale — such as by 1
Often referred to as the Mixon factors, these include factors such as
manipulating contractual terms by adding loan presence or absence of a fixed maturity date, typical creditor rights to
terms, like the ability to prepay the loan or defer enforce payment of principal and interest, ability of the borrower to
obtain a loan from a third party, adequate capitalization of the borrower,
cash interest, that increase the interest rate. There and failure to pay interest or principal.
is also concern about taxpayers characterizing as OECD, “Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
debt what might be more accurately characterized and Tax Administrations 2022” (Jan. 20, 2022), at Chapter X: Transfer
Pricing Aspects of Financial Transactions.


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numerous companies also face internal pitfalls. compared with the multinational group,
Many of the decisions involving where, how, and may benefit from or prefer the stability of
at what price internal financial transactions occur, having a fixed interest rate for 10 years
are made by the company’s treasury department. versus being subject to the unpredictability
At times treasury departments fail to appreciate of year-on-year interest rate changes. While
the tax considerations of these transactions — an this is a stylized example, the overall tenor
oversight that could potentially be catastrophic of discussion in Chapter X seems to suggest
for the company once the transaction is audited. the multinational group’s practices be given
This article equips tax departments with preference at the expense of the specific
practical tips for navigating challenges when circumstances of the borrower and the terms
structuring and pricing intercompany financial of the related-party agreement.
transactions, giving due consideration to recent • In another example the parent of a
developments and continued sources of multinational group makes an unsecured
uncertainty. loan to a subsidiary. Chapter X posits that
the parent, because of its ownership of the
Define the Transaction Carefully subsidiary, effectively controls the
Chapter X outlines factors to be considered in subsidiary’s assets and hence unless these
accurately delineating (or describing) a financial assets are already pledged elsewhere, the
transaction. Some of these considerations overlap accurate delineation of the transaction
with the typical factors under U.S. practice and would be to assume it is a secured loan
law. But as discussed below, Chapter X despite the terms of the agreement
problematically goes a step beyond: specifying that the loan is unsecured. This
scenario could be viewed as a departure
• General U.S. practice respects contractual
from the arm’s-length principle of treating
terms of the financial transaction and
the members of a multinational group as
pricing of the transaction given those terms.
separate entities rather than inseparable
Chapter X, however, suggests inquiry into
parts of a single unified business.6
the economically relevant characteristics to
inform the nature and terms of the Recharacterization of the financial transaction
transaction. As part of this inquiry, Chapter with imputed terms is not just a hypothetical
X suggests inferring the terms of the concern. In Australia, the federal court in two
financial transaction based not on the actual prominent cases assumed the parent company
contract and risks involved, but on would have provided a guarantee for a related-
hypothetical constructs that may party loan, even though the contractual loan
recharacterize the actual transaction. terms did not have one in place. This presumption
• Chapter X gives an example in which two ignored the financial cost and risks to the parent
related entities enter into an intercompany of doing so.
loan with a 10-year term. However, because In Canada, a recent consultation paper on
the multinational group typically uses modernizing Canada’s transfer pricing rules8
one-year revolving loans from unrelated states that intercompany loans are burdensome to
lenders for working capital management, audit and recommends that the credit rating of all
Chapter X takes the position that accurate intercompany loans be based on the multinational
delineation of the related-party debt group’s credit rating and that only a limited set of
financing is also assumed to be a one-year
revolving loan rather than the 10-year term
in the contractual agreement. The example 5
Id. at Chapter X, para. 10.56.
ignores that the borrower, a smaller entity 6
Id. at Chapter I, para. 1.6.
Singapore Telecom Australia Investments Pty Ltd. v. Commissioner of
Taxation, [2021] FCA 1597; and Chevron Australia Holdings Pty Ltd. v.
3 Commissioner of Taxation, [2017] FCAFC 62.
Id. at Chapter X, section B. 8
4 Department of Finance Canada, “Consultation on Reforming and
Id. at Chapter X, para. 10.37. Modernizing Canada’s Transfer Pricing Rules” (2023).


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contractual terms be allowed. This would It is essential that the intercompany contract is
contradict the very definition and application of not an afterthought and that it is consistent with
the arm’s-length principle. Assuming the parent’s the desired terms and structure of the loan and the
credit rating without analysis of its applicability transfer pricing study (and not an automatic
to the intercompany loan violates the separate- leverage from existing older agreements), leaving
entity approach of applying the arm’s-length as little room for creative interpretation by a tax
principle. Further, limiting the allowable authority as possible. Some contractual terms are
contractual terms of a related-party loan may particularly relevant to supporting the debt
ignore the actual economic conditions of the nature of the transaction, such as maturity date,
transaction. obligation to make payments, the payment
While taxpayers cannot predict how tax schedule, and rights of the obligee or lender in the
authorities will view the facts of a financial event of default. Contractual loan documents that
transaction or the inferences they will draw from are vague may call into question whether this is
these facts on the terms of the transaction, truly a debt obligation.
taxpayers can control certain variables such as There is also the question of whether an
their selection of financial transaction terms. intercompany contract should include covenants.
Therefore, it is best practice for taxpayers to make Covenants either restrict one party from certain
conscious decisions around the terms of the actions such as incurring additional debt
transaction and to document the rationale for the (incurrence covenants) or are financial metrics
selections made. For example: that need to be monitored for continued
• Does the financing require an eight-year availability of funds (maintenance covenants). It
loan, or will a five-year loan meet the needs? would be unduly onerous for intercompany
• Is the clause allowing the related-party agreements to include maintenance covenants to
borrower to accrue interest into principal the same degree as the typical uncontrolled
rather than cash pay interest based on a agreement. However, incurrence covenants (for
reasoned expectation of future cash flow example restrictions on additional senior debt)
variability? help protect the interest of the lender without
• Is there a rationale, such as maintaining much additional monitoring effort. Inclusion of
financial flexibility, to have no collateral for certain select covenants can go a long way in
the loan or to include the option of defending the debt characterization of an
prepaying the loan without any penalty? intercompany loan.
Taxpayers seeking to limit their exposure Correctly Price the Transaction
should avoid the appearance of selecting
gratuitous terms primarily to increase fees or Estimate Credit Ratings of the Borrower and Loan
interest rates on their intercompany financial
transactions. Credit risk is the foundation of pricing any
financial transaction — higher credit risk entails a
Accurate Intercompany Agreements higher price. Credit risk captures the risk that the
obligor will fail to meet its contractual obligations
Contractual agreements governing — for example, the risk a borrower will fail to
uncontrolled financial transactions, such as a make interest payments or repayment of principal
bond issuance, can be extensive, with significant on a timely basis.
details governing every aspect of the financial Often, the obligor or borrower in the financial
instrument. While some taxpayers take this transaction will not have a credit rating published
approach, especially for large intercompany by a public ratings agency. There are various
loans, it is usually best to limit the agreement to methods and subscription models published by
terms that fit the particular circumstances of the
transaction, can be reliably implemented by both
parties, and are consistent with the pricing. 9
In a recent case in the United Kingdom, the court cited lack of any
covenants in the loan agreement as one of the key factors in disallowing
interest expenses.


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ratings agencies that can be relied upon to presumption of implicit parental or group
estimate credit ratings. Some of these, such as the support.10
industry-specific credit scoring methods However, the position taken in Chapter X is
published by Moody’s Investors Service, that group support should be accounted for when
incorporate both quantitative and qualitative estimating the credit rating of an intercompany
factors. Others, such as Credit Analytics from loan. Under this view, the separate-entity
S&P, primarily rely on financial data. approach does not entail treating the borrower as
These methods or models do not, however, an “orphan” but rather viewing it as a legal entity
fully incorporate the proprietary information, with all its characteristics, including membership
approaches, models, or judgments used by the in a group. The argument being that an
ratings agencies in their credit ratings. uncontrolled lender would assess the credit risk
Consequently, for larger or more significant of the borrower keeping in mind the possibility
financial transactions, it is helpful to enhance the that the parent company or other affiliate (even in
reliability of the estimated credit rating the absence of an explicit guarantee) may come to
conclusion through multiple approaches. The the rescue in the event of the borrower’s
quality of the analysis will be judged by the impending default.
reasonableness of the final result. These dueling positions are an area of
Using credit rating methods and models is not disagreement both in the United States and
simply a matter of plugging in information. elsewhere. So far, implicit support has been raised
Reliable application requires taking account of by the IRS in audits, but there has not yet been any
other considerations: settled U.S. court case on this issue. If one accepts
• Do the financial data appropriately reflect the argument that implicit group support matters,
the impact of the additional debt? there is still the question of what value, if any, to
• Is the choice of the credit rating approach or ascribe to it. Answering this question requires
model (for example, RiskCalc) appropriate assessing:
for the type of transaction, such as a loan to • The parent’s ability to help the subsidiary:
a real estate asset holding company? Does the parent or group have the financial
• Is there an explicit analysis to distinguish wherewithal to reasonably come to the
the rating of the issuer (borrower) from the financial rescue of the related-party
rating of the issue (transaction under borrower?
review)? • Parent’s willingness to help a subsidiary:
• If the group credit rating is the starting point The question of willingness revolves around
of the analysis, what adjustments have been a number of qualitative judgments, such as
made to assess the credit rating of the the extent of the ties between the borrower
transaction under consideration? and its affiliates or the potential harm to the
group’s credit rating, reputation, or business
Assess Parental or Group Support from the borrower defaulting.
U.S. rules state, among other things, that the In its discussion of credit ratings, Chapter X
interest rate on any intercompany loan is a provides some encouragement for tax authorities
function of the “credit standing of the borrower.” to rely on the parent or group credit rating as the
Taking the separate-entity approach in applying default when there are perceived challenges in
the arm’s-length principle means the borrower’s ascertaining the credit rating of the related-party
credit risk or profile should only be a function of 12
borrower. This would be in direct contradiction
its own financial and business health and not take
into account the financial and business health of
related parties. This means that a borrower’s 10
We use the terms “parental support” or “group support”
credit risk should not be affected by its group interchangeably as typically support would be provided by the parent
membership — that is, there should be no company or by the group including the parent company.
A recently filed case in the U.S. Tax Court will involve this issue.
Eaton Corp. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, No. 2608-23.
OECD guidelines, at para. 10.81.


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to the arm’s-length principle as stated in Chapter Furthermore, these transactions should be
I of the OECD guidelines. Also, assuming the selected without bias, with adjustments made to
parent or group credit rating as the default improve reliability if possible.
without appropriate economic support for doing A reliable transfer pricing benchmarking
so may create tax risk in the lender’s jurisdiction. exercise should account for the contractual terms
In addition, research from Moody’s Investors of the intercompany transaction or for differences
Service suggests that, except in limited between the intercompany transaction and
circumstances, the borrower’s credit rating would uncontrolled comparables:
not be uplifted to that of the parent without an • Have we selected the right database to begin
explicit parental guarantee incorporating with? For example, would it be appropriate
provisions that provide complete substitution of to use corporate bond data to analyze a
the parent’s credit for that of the affiliate. leveraged investment in a real estate asset
Regardless of the ultimate position a taxpayer through a blocker structure?
takes regarding implicit parental or group • If we have the right database, have we
support, evaluating the effect of that support is a identified the right set of comparables? For
worthwhile exercise and should be part of a example, if the related-party loan has an
robust transfer pricing analysis — if only to option to allow prepayment without
understand any adverse tax authority penalty, then is it appropriate and sufficient
interpretations or to reserve for uncertain tax to select all callable transactions?
positions. • Have all the necessary adjustments been
made to the comparables to improve
Set the Appropriate Price or Interest Rate reliability?
The interest rate can only be reliably
benchmarked after setting contractual terms that Get Everyone at the Company on Board
are well-reasoned and estimating the credit rating The preponderance of intercompany loans
considering the key features of the loan. The and the increasingly bright spotlight shined on
breadth and depth of publicly available market these transactions by tax authorities make it more
data are helpful in setting transfer prices for most imperative than ever for taxpayers to have robust
financial transactions including loans of different governance processes around them. Taxpayers
types (for example, corporate loan for acquiring a need to define roles and responsibilities to govern
business, shareholder loan to acquire real estate both common and repeating small transactions as
assets, or loans for investing in credit funds). well as less frequent or larger ones, such as loans
While the taxpayer’s tax team can defer to to finance an acquisition or guarantees for
their treasury colleagues for an estimate of external loans. Other financing activities, such as
interest rate, the treasury team may not be cash pooling and factoring, should also have
thinking in terms of transfer pricing rules and robust processes managing them. Consequently,
could potentially trigger transfer pricing this is another area in which tax professionals
exposure. For example, pricing an intercompany should be working with other parts of the
loan based on a survey or a quote from the enterprise, rather than leaving implementation
taxpayer’s bank may appear to be an efficient and management of financial transactions solely
approach, but this would not be accepted as to treasury colleagues for example.
appropriate support for arm’s-length pricing It is understandable that the efforts and
under either the U.S. transfer pricing regulations resources required to administer and support
or the OECD guidelines. Transfer pricing rules large loans or material financial transactions may
require reliance on actual market transactions. be scaled down for smaller ones. For example,
some of the burden in documenting and
analyzing smaller loan transactions can be
Moody’s Investors Service’s publications, “Assessing Affiliate
handled by having a standard approach and set of
Support in the Absence of a Guarantee” (July 19, 2021) and “Moody’s policies that can be duplicated across
Identifies Core Principles of Guarantees for Credit Substitution” (Nov.
11, 2010).


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transactions. Either way, the underlying Routine monitoring of the loan is equally
principles should be the same: critical to respecting the debt nature of the
• Are the loan terms reasonable? financial transaction. Important steps include
• Are they properly recorded in an ensuring:
agreement? • interest and principal payments are made
• Is the credit rating supportable, including timely;
taking into consideration the possibility of • any loan covenants are respected;
implicit support? • in-the-money options are evaluated to
• Does the borrower have the financial consciously decide whether to exercise the
capacity to incur the loan? option; and
• Is the interest rate benchmarking • planning is undertaken prior to the maturity
supportable? date of the transaction so there are no lapses
or automatic renewals.
Recent guidance and emerging standards
emphasize the importance of considering the Continued documentation justifying business
suitability of key terms to an intercompany rationale behind not exercising a specific option
financing transaction, relative to market listed in the financial transaction’s contractual
conventions as well as the company’s practices; agreement, or departure from a loan amortization
ensuring consistency with written agreements; schedule, or plans of refinancing are key to a
evaluating the possible effect of implicit support; successful defense in the event of an audit.14 
and applying the proper transfer pricing
principles when pricing the transaction.

Document and Monitor 14

The information in this article is not intended to be “written advice
Successful planning and defense of any concerning one or more Federal tax matters” subject to the requirements
of section 10.37(a)(2) of Treasury Department Circular 230. The
intercompany financial transaction hinges on information contained herein is of a general nature and based on
efficient execution of the steps discussed in this authorities that are subject to change. Applicability of the information to
specific situations should be determined through consultation with your
article and robust documentation of the work tax adviser. This article represents the views of the authors only and
done. There is no good substitute for detailed, does not necessarily represent the views or professional advice of KPMG
complete, and contemporaneous transfer pricing Copyright 2023 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership
documents that detail all the facets of the and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private
transaction and the analyses undertaken. English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.


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