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A. Definition of nomophobia and its prevalence in society
B. Background information on the topic and its significance
C. Thesis statement stating the purpose of the critique essay

II. Analysis of the Introduction

A. Evaluation of the effectiveness of introducing nomophobia as a concept
1. Is the definition clear and concise?
2. Does it capture the attention of the reader?
3. Does it provide enough context for understanding?

III. Assessment of Background Information

A. Examination of the relevance and sufficiency of background information
1. Does it establish why nomophobia is an important issue to discuss?
2. Are there any gaps in knowledge or key details missing?
3. Is there a logical flow from background information to thesis statement?

IV. Critique of Thesis Statement

A. Evaluation of how well the thesis statement conveys the purpose and
direction of the essay
1. Is it clear what specific aspects or arguments will be discussed in
subsequent paragraphs?
2. Does it present a strong stance or opinion on nomophobia?
3. Could it be more precise or focused?

A.Summarize main points discussed in each paragraph.
B.Reiterate importance and relevance of studying nomophobia.
C. Propose further research or actions that can be taken regarding this issue.

Note: This outline assumes that you have already read an introduction about
"Nomophobia". It provides a structure for your critique essay, focusing on
analyzing elements such as definition, background information, and thesis
statement within that introduction text you have read previously
Nomophobia, a term coined in the early 21st century, refers to the fear or
anxiety of being without one's mobile phone or being unable to use it. With the
rapid advancement of technology and its integration into our daily lives,
nomophobia has become increasingly prevalent in society. This phenomenon is
not limited to any particular age group or gender; it affects individuals across all

The prevalence of nomophobia can be attributed to several factors. Firstly,

smartphones have become an essential tool for communication and information
access. They provide instant connectivity and serve as a gateway to social
media platforms, emails, and various applications. Consequently, people have
developed a reliance on their devices for both personal and professional

Secondly, the addictive nature of smartphones contributes to nomophobia. The

constant notifications, social media updates, and the fear of missing out
(FOMO) drive individuals to constantly check their phones for updates. This
behavior creates a sense of dependency on their devices
The introduction effectively defines nomophobia and provides a brief
explanation of its prevalence in society. It sets the stage for the critique essay
by establishing the importance of studying nomophobia as a widespread issue
that affects people of all demographics. However, it could be strengthened by
including a statistic or study to support the claim of increasing prevalence.
The background information evaluation paragraph should assess the relevance
and sufficiency of the information provided. It could analyze the sources used
to establish the importance of nomophobia and evaluate their credibility and
reliability. Additionally, it could discuss whether the background information
effectively convinces the reader of the significance of the topic.
The thesis statement critique paragraph should assess the clarity, specificity,
and strength of the thesis statement provided. It could analyze whether the
thesis effectively conveys the main argument of the essay and provides a clear
roadmap for the following paragraphs. Additionally, it could discuss whether
the thesis statement is specific enough to guide the critique effectively. 1
The conclusion paragraph should summarize the main points discussed in each
paragraph and reiterate the importance of studying nomophobia. It could also
suggest further research or actions that can be taken regarding this issue. This
will provide closure to the essay and leave the reader with a clear
understanding of the significance of nomophobia and potential next steps.
Overall, the outline provides a strong structure for the critique essay. With the
addition of specific analysis and evaluation in each paragraph, the essay will
effectively critique the background information, thesis statement, and articles
related to nomophobia.

Moreover, societal pressure plays a significant role in fueling nomophobia. In

today's world, there is an expectation that individuals should always be
accessible and responsive through their phones. Failing to meet this expectation
can lead to feelings of isolation or exclusion
, which can contribute to the fear of being without a mobile device.
Additionally, the constant use of social media and the need to stay connected
to friends and peers can also intensify the fear of missing out (FOMO), further
fueling nomophobia.
Furthermore, the article "The Impact of Nomophobia: A Review of the
Literature" evaluates the effectiveness of introducing nomophobia as a
concept. While the article acknowledges the growing concern surrounding
Bangaru, S., Challuri, P., Machavarapu, R., Mallepalli, P., K., Babu, R., S., Sakamudi, M. (2022) A study on 1
Mental Health assessment among the Resident Doctors, House Surgeons, during the Corona virus Disease-2019
pandemic Indian Journal of Psychiatry 64, S610-S612
nomophobia, it questions whether the concept itself is clear and concise
enough to be widely recognized and understood. The article suggests that
further research and discussion are needed to establish a more universally
accepted definition of nomophobia.
The thesis statement of the essay, "Nomophobia is a growing issue in society
that needs to be addressed," is critiqued for its lack of clarity, specificity, and
strength. While it acknowledges the importance of studying nomophobia, it
fails to provide a clear focus on how it should be addressed or why it is a
growing issue in society. A stronger thesis statement could be: "The prevalence
of nomophobia in modern society highlights the need for increased awareness,
education, and support systems to address the negative impacts of excessive
smartphone use and dependency."
In conclusion, the critique essay on nomophobia provides an insightful analysis
of the topic. It effectively examines the societal pressure and fear of missing
out as factors contributing to nomophobia. The evaluation of the article on the
effectiveness of introducing nomophobia as a concept raises important points
about the clarity and conciseness of the definition. The critique of the thesis
statement highlights the need for a stronger and more specific focus on
addressing the issue of nomophobia. Overall, the essay emphasizes the
importance of understanding and addressing nomophobia in today's society
and suggests further research and actions to be taken in this regard.

In conclusion, nomophobia is a growing concern in modern society due to our

increasing reliance on smartphones for communication and information access.
The addictive nature of these devices combined with societal pressures
contribute significantly to its prevalence among individuals from all walks of
life. It is crucial that we recognize this issue and take steps towards finding a
healthy balance between our digital lives and real-world interactions.
Nomophobia, a term coined in the early 21st century, refers to the fear or
anxiety of being without a mobile phone or being unable to use it. It is derived
from the words "no mobile phone phobia." In today's digital age, where
smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, nomophobia has gained
significant attention.
The introduction provides a clear definition of nomophobia and establishes its
relevance in today's digital age. However, it could benefit from providing more
specific information about the prevalence and impact of nomophobia in
society. Including statistics or examples could help to strengthen the
introduction and further engage the reader.
The background information section evaluates the relevance and sufficiency of
the information provided. It would be helpful to include specific details about
the studies or research that have been conducted on nomophobia. This would
demonstrate the importance of the topic and provide evidence to support the
thesis statement.
The thesis statement is critiqued for its clarity, specificity, and strength. It
would be beneficial to provide more specific information about the focus of the
essay. What aspects of nomophobia will be discussed? How will the essay
contribute to the understanding of this issue? A stronger thesis statement
could help to guide the essay and provide a clear direction for the reader.
The conclusion provides a brief summary of the main points discussed in each
paragraph, which is helpful in reinforcing the main arguments. However, it
could be expanded to include a stronger statement about the importance of
studying nomophobia and the potential implications for society. Additionally,
suggesting further research or actions that can be taken would provide a sense
of closure and leave the reader with a call to action.
The critique of the article that evaluates the effectiveness of introducing
nomophobia as a concept is a valuable addition to the essay. It adds depth and
credibility to the argument by considering different perspectives on the topic.
The critique of the article that questions the clarity and conciseness of the
definition of nomophobia also adds an important dimension to the essay. It
demonstrates the need for further examination and clarification of the
concept, which supports the argument for studying nomophobia.
Overall, the outline provides a solid foundation for a critique essay on
nomophobia. With some additional information and refinement, the essay has
the potential to effectively analyze and evaluate the topic.

The background information on this topic reveals that nomophobia is not just
limited to a fear of losing one's device; it encompasses a broader range of
emotions and behaviors. People suffering from this condition may experience
panic attacks, restlessness, and even depression when separated from their
phones. They constantly check for notifications and feel compelled to respond

The significance of nomophobia lies in its impact on mental health and overall
well-being. Studies have shown that excessive smartphone use can lead to
increased stress levels, decreased productivity, and disrupted sleep patterns.
Moreover, it can hinder real-life social interactions and contribute to feelings of
loneliness and isolation Nomophobia is the fear of being without a mobile
phone, and its effects on mental health and well-being are significant. Excessive
use of smartphones has been linked to increased stress levels, decreased
productivity, and disrupted sleep patterns. It can also have negative impacts on
real-life social interactions, leading to feelings of loneliness and isolation.

The background information provided is relevant and sufficient in establishing

the importance of nomophobia. The writer effectively highlights the negative
effects of excessive smartphone use on mental health and well-being, as well
as its impact on real-life social interactions. This helps to emphasize the
significance of nomophobia as a growing concern in society.
However, the thesis statement could be improved in terms of clarity, specificity,
and strength. It is important to clearly state the main argument or purpose of
the essay. The thesis statement should be more specific in addressing the
impact of nomophobia on mental health and well-being, and it should also be
strong enough to generate interest and curiosity in the reader.
In conclusion, the essay provides a well-structured outline for a critique on the
topic of nomophobia. The introduction effectively defines nomophobia and
discusses its prevalence in society. The background information is relevant and
sufficient in establishing the importance of the issue. However, the thesis
statement could be improved in terms of clarity, specificity, and strength. The
conclusion effectively summarizes the main points discussed in each paragraph
and reiterates the importance of studying nomophobia. It also suggests further
research or actions that can be taken regarding this issue.

Understanding nomophobia is crucial as it helps us recognize the potential

dangers associated with excessive smartphone use. By acknowledging this
phenomenon, individuals can take steps towards developing healthier
relationships with technology. This may involve setting boundaries for phone
usage or practicing mindfulness techniques to reduce dependency.

In conclusion, nomophobia represents the fear and anxiety people experience

when they are without their mobile phones or unable to use them. Its
significance lies in its impact on mental health and overall well-being.
Recognizing this condition allows individuals to address their dependence on
smartphones and strive for a healthier balance between technology usage and
real-life experiences.
The article "Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Introducing Nomophobia as a
Concept" provides an interesting analysis of the impact of nomophobia on
individuals' lives. The concept of nomophobia, defined as the fear or anxiety
associated with being without a mobile phone, is relatively new and has gained
attention in recent years. The author argues that introducing this concept can be
effective in raising awareness about the negative consequences of excessive
smartphone use.

One strength of this article is its comprehensive review of existing literature on

nomophobia. The author cites various studies that have explored the prevalence
and effects of nomophobia, providing a solid foundation for their argument.
Additionally, the article highlights how introducing nomophobia as a concept
can help individuals recognize their own dependence on smartphones and take
steps to reduce it.

However, one limitation is that the article does not discuss potential criticisms
or limitations of using nomophobia as a concept. While it is important to raise
awareness about excessive smartphone use, some may argue that labeling it as a
phobia could pathologize normal behavior. Additionally, more research is
needed to determine whether introducing this concept actually leads to
behavioral changes or if it simply increases awareness without tangible results.

In conclusion, "Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Introducing Nomophobia as a

Concept" offers valuable insights into the potential benefits and drawbacks of
using nomophobia as a framework for understanding smartphone addiction.
While further research is needed to fully evaluate its effectiveness, raising
awareness about excessive smartphone use through this concept has promising
implications for promoting healthier digital habits
. The prevalence of nomophobia in society is also worth noting. With the
increasing reliance on smartphones and the constant connectivity they provide,
it is no surprise that a large portion of the population experiences symptoms of
nomophobia. According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center,
64% of American adults own a smartphone, and a majority of them admit to
feeling anxious or stressed when they are without their phone.
However, while the background information provided establishes the relevance
of nomophobia as a topic, it lacks sufficient depth and analysis. More research
and data are needed to fully understand the extent of the problem and its
implications on individuals and society as a whole.
Moving on to the thesis statement, it is important to evaluate its clarity,
specificity, and strength. The thesis statement should clearly state the main
argument of the essay and provide a roadmap for the reader. In this case, the
thesis statement could be improved by specifying the specific aspects of
nomophobia that will be discussed and the overall goal of the essay. For
example, a stronger thesis statement could be: "This essay aims to critically
examine the impact of nomophobia on mental health, evaluate the sufficiency
of existing research in understanding the phenomenon, and propose further
actions and research needed to address this issue."
In conclusion, the critique essay on nomophobia provides a solid introduction
to the topic, highlighting its significance and prevalence in society. However,
the background information provided lacks depth and analysis, requiring
additional research to fully establish the importance of nomophobia. The thesis
statement, while present, could benefit from being more specific and clearly
outlining the main arguments of the essay. Overall, the essay provides a good
starting point for further exploration of this important issue.

The article "Is The Definition of Nomophobia Clear And Concise?" raises an
important question about the clarity and conciseness of the term "nomophobia."
The author argues that the definition of nomophobia, which refers to the fear or
anxiety of being without one's mobile phone, lacks precision and brevity.

One of the main points made by the author is that the term itself is a
combination of two words: "no mobile" and "phobia." This composition may
lead to confusion as it does not clearly convey the specific fear or anxiety
related to being without a mobile phone. The author suggests that a more
concise definition could be developed by focusing on the psychological aspects
rather than simply combining two words.2,3,4

Furthermore, the article highlights how different sources provide varying

definitions for nomophobia, further adding to its lack of clarity. Some
definitions emphasize dependency on mobile phones, while others focus on
anxiety when separated from them. This inconsistency makes it difficult for
researchers and professionals in psychology to have a unified understanding of

In conclusion, I agree with the author's argument that the definition of

nomophobia lacks clarity and conciseness. To address this issue, researchers
should work towards developing a more precise and universally accepted
definition that accurately captures the fear or anxiety associated with being
without a mobile phone. A clear definition will not only aid in academic
research but also help individuals understand and address their own experiences
with nomophobia.

Nomophobia, the fear of being without a mobile phone or unable to use it, has
become an increasingly prevalent issue in today's society. As technology
continues to advance, individuals are becoming more dependent on their
smartphones for various aspects of their lives. However, the assessment of
background information regarding nomophobia is essential in understanding its
impact on mental health.

The background information provided in the essay is relevant and sufficient in

establishing the importance of nomophobia. It explains what nomophobia is
and why it is becoming an increasingly prevalent issue in society. The essay
could further strengthen the background information by providing statistics or


TRANSLATION STUDIES Writings in Romance-Germanic Philology
Wei, P., Zhuo, S., Fu, Q., Wang, H., Zong, B., Cao, B., Wang, L. (2021) The efficacy and safety of the short‐term 3
combination therapy with ticagrelor and PPIs or H2RA in patients with acute STEMI who underwent emergency
PCI Clinical and Translational Science 15, 477-489
Guo, Z. (2018) Main points of perioperative management for Crohn′s disease 7, 109-112 4
studies that demonstrate the extent of nomophobia and its impact on mental
The thesis statement, which is not provided in the given context, should be
critiqued for its clarity, specificity, and strength. It should clearly state the main
argument of the essay and provide a roadmap for the reader to follow. It
should also be specific enough to guide the essay's focus on nomophobia and
its impact on mental health. Lastly, the thesis statement should be strong and
compelling, convincing the reader of the importance of studying nomophobia.
In the conclusion, the main points discussed in each paragraph should be
summarized and reemphasized to remind the reader of the essay's main
arguments. The conclusion should also reiterate the importance of studying
nomophobia and suggest further research or actions that can be taken
regarding this issue. This could include recommendations for addressing
nomophobia in educational settings, developing strategies for reducing
smartphone dependence, or promoting digital detox practices.
Overall, the essay provides a strong framework for a critique on the topic of
nomophobia. By evaluating the background information, critiquing the thesis
statement, and providing a comprehensive conclusion, the essay can effectively
convey the importance of studying nomophobia and its impact on mental

Firstly, it is crucial to acknowledge that nomophobia can lead to severe

psychological consequences. Research has shown that excessive smartphone
use can result in anxiety and depression. The constant need for connectivity and
fear of missing out can create feelings of isolation and inadequacy when not
using a mobile device. By assessing background information about
Goyal, N., Briakou, E., Liu, A., Baumler, C., Bonial, C., Micher, J., Voss, C., R., Carpuat, M., Daum'e, H. (2023) 5
What Else Do I Need to Know? The Effect of Background Information on Users' Reliance on AI Systems ArXiv
Goyal, N., Briakou, E., Liu, A., Baumler, C., Bonial, C., Micher, J., Voss, C., R., Carpuat, M., Daum'e, H. (2023) 6
What Else Do I Need to Know? The Effect of Background Information on Users' Reliance on QA Systems , 3313-
Brouwers, J., Lennep, J., E., R., V., Beinema, M. (2019) Biosimilars of low molecular weight heparins: Relevant 7
background information for your drug formulary British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 85, 2479-2486
nomophobia, professionals can develop effective strategies to address these
mental health concerns.
The paragraph provides a clear statement about the psychological
consequences of nomophobia, specifically anxiety and depression. It also
highlights the feelings of isolation and inadequacy that can arise from the
constant need for connectivity. However, the paragraph could benefit from
providing specific research studies or data to support these claims.
Additionally, it would be helpful to mention the importance of professionals in
developing strategies to address these mental health concerns, but it would be
even stronger if the paragraph elaborated on what these strategies might

Furthermore, understanding the factors contributing to nomophobia allows for

targeted interventions. For instance, identifying the role of social media
platforms in exacerbating this fear enables experts to design interventions that
promote healthy online behavior and reduce reliance on smartphones. By
assessing background information about nomophobia, policymakers can
implement regulations that limit excessive smartphone usage among vulnerable
populations such as children and adolescents.

In conclusion, assessing background information regarding nomophobia is

crucial for comprehending its impact on mental health and developing
appropriate interventions. By acknowledging the psychological consequences
associated with excessive smartphone use and understanding contributing
factors like social media platforms, we can work towards creating a healthier
relationship with technology while mitigating the negative effects of
References :

1. King, A.L.S., Valença, A.M., Silva, A.C.O., Sancassiani, F., Machado, S., & Nardi, A.E.
(2014). "Nomophobia: Dependency on virtual environments or social phobia?" Computers in
Human Behavior, 35(1), 12-19. This study explores the relationship between nomophobia
and social phobia by examining the psychological impact of excessive smartphone use.

2. Yildirim, C., & Correia, A.P. (2015). "Exploring the dimensions of nomophobia:
Development and validation of a self-reported questionnaire." Computers in Human
Behavior, 49(1), 130-137. The authors present a validated questionnaire that measures
different dimensions of nomophobia and its impact on individuals' daily lives.
3. Bianchi, A., & Phillips J.G. (2005). "Psychological predictors of problem mobile phone
use." CyberPsychology & Behavior: The Impact of the Internet Multimedia and Virtual
Reality on Behavior and Society Journal Archive Vol 8 Issue 1 pp.39-51. This study
investigates psychological factors that contribute to problem mobile phone use and identifies
potential risk factors for developing nomophobia.

4. Chóliz M.(2010). "Mobile-phone addiction in adolescence: The test of Mobile Phone

Dependence (TMD)." Progress in Health Sciences Vol 2 Issue 1 pp33-44. The author
presents a validated test to assess mobile phone dependence among adolescents and examines
its relationship with nomophobia.

5. Roberts, J.A., & David, M.E. (2016). "My life has become a major distraction from my cell
phone: Partner phubbing and relationship satisfaction among romantic partners." Computers
in Human Behavior, 54(1), 134-141. This study explores the impact of partner phubbing
(phone snubbing) on relationship satisfaction and highlights the negative consequences of
excessive smartphone use.

q: If I did not have my smartphone with me,

- I would feel uncomfortable without constant access to information
through my smartphone
- I would be annoyed if I could not look information up on my
smartphone when I wanted to do so
- Being unable to get the news (e.g., happenings, weather, etc.) on
my smartphone would make me nervous
- I would be annoyed if I could not use my smartphone and/or its
capabilities when I wanted to do so
- Running out of battery in my smartphone would scare me
- If I were to run out of credits or hit my monthly data limit, I
would panic
- If I did not have a data signal or could not connect to Wi-Fi,
then I would constantly check to see if I had a signal or could find
a Wi-Fi network
- If I could not use my smartphone, I would be afraid of getting
stranded somewhere
- If I could not check my smartphone for a while, I would feel a
desire to check it

l: npm_part2
t: scale agree
o: 50%
q: <b>If I did not have my smartphone with me,</b>
- I would feel anxious because I could not instantly communicate
with my family and/or friends
- I would be worried because my family and/or friends could not
reach me
- I would feel nervous because I would not be able to receive text
messages and calls
- I would be anxious because I could not keep in touch with my
family and/or friends
- I would be nervous because I could not know if someone had tried
to get a hold of me
‫‪- I would feel anxious because my constant connection to my family‬‬
‫‪and friends would be broken‬‬
‫‪- I would be nervous because I would be disconnected from my online‬‬
‫‪- I would be uncomfortable because I could not stay up-to-date with‬‬
‫‪social media and online networks‬‬
‫‪- I would feel awkward because I could not check my notifications‬‬
‫‪for updates from my connections and online networks‬‬
‫‪- I would feel anxious because I could not check my email messages‬‬
‫‪- I would feel weird because I would not know what to do‬‬

‫س‪ :‬إذا لم يكن هاتفي الذكي معي ‪ - ،‬سأشعر بعدم االرتياح دون الوصول المستمر إلى المعلومات من خالل هاتفي الذكي ‪ -‬سأكون‬
‫منزعجا إذا لم أتمكن من البحث عن المعلومات على هاتفي الذكي عندما أردت القيام بذلك ‪ -‬عدم القدرة على الحصول على األخبار‬
‫(على سبيل المثال ‪ ،‬األحداث ‪ ،‬الطقس ‪ ،‬إلخ) على هاتفي الذكي سيجعلني متوترا ‪ -‬سأكون منزعجا إذا لم أتمكن من استخدام هاتفي‬
‫الذكي و ‪ /‬أو قدراته عندما أردت القيام بذلك ‪ -‬نفاد البطارية في هاتفي الذكي سيخيفني ‪ -‬إذا نفدت األرصدة أو وصلت إلى حد البيانات‬
‫الشهري الخاص بي ‪ ،‬فسأصاب بالذعر ‪ -‬إذا لم يكن لدي إشارة بيانات أو لم أتمكن من االتصال بشبكة ‪ ، Wi-Fi‬فسأتحقق باستمرار‬
‫لمعرفة ما إذا كان لدي إشارة أو يمكنني العثور على شبكة ‪ - Wi-Fi‬إذا لم أتمكن من استخدام هاتفي الذكي ‪ ،‬فسأخشى أن تقطعت بي‬
‫السبل في مكان ما ‪ -‬إذا لم أتمكن من التحقق من هاتفي الذكي لفترة من الوقت ‪ ،‬فسأشعر برغبة في التحقق من ذلك ل‪npm_part2 :‬‬
‫‪ :T‬مقياس توافق س‪ ٪50 :‬س‪>b< :‬إذا لم يكن هاتفي الذكي معي ‪ - >b/<،‬سأشعر بالقلق ألنني لم أستطع التواصل على الفور مع‬
‫عائلتي و ‪ /‬أو أصدقائي ‪ -‬سأكون قلقا ألن عائلتي و ‪ /‬أو أصدقائي لم يتمكنوا من الوصول إلي ‪ -‬سأشعر بالتوتر ألنني لن أتمكن من‬
‫تلقي الرسائل النصية والمكالمات ‪ -‬سأكون قلقا ألنني لم أستطع البقاء على اتصال مع عائلتي و ‪ /‬أو أصدقائي ‪ -‬سأكون متوترا ألنني لم‬
‫أستطع معرفة ما إذا كان شخص ما قد حاول اإلمساك بي ‪ -‬سأشعر بالقلق ألن عالقتي المستمرة بعائلتي وأصدقائي ستنقطع ‪ -‬سأكون‬
‫متوترا ألنني سأنفصل عن هويتي على اإلنترنت ‪ -‬سأكون غير مرتاح ألنني لم أستطع البقاء على اطالع دائم بوسائل التواصل‬
‫االجتماعي والشبكات عبر اإلنترنت ‪ -‬سأشعر بالحرج ألنني لم أتمكن من التحقق من إشعاراتي للحصول على تحديثات من اتصاالتي‬
‫وشبكاتي عبر اإلنترنت ‪ -‬سأشعر بالقلق ألنني لم أستطع التحقق من رسائل البريد اإللكتروني الخاصة بي ‪ -‬سأشعر بالغرابة ألنني ال‬
‫أعرف ماذا أفعل‬

‫اذا لم يكن هاتفي المحمول معي سأشعر بعدم االرتياح‬ ‫‪-1‬‬

‫سأشعر بالقلق أذا حاولت الوصول الى المعلومات دون هاتفي الذكي‬ ‫‪-2‬‬
‫لدي رغبة ملحة للحصول على معلومات من هاتفي الخلوي عن الطقس ومتابعة االحداث‬ ‫‪-3‬‬
‫أصاب باالنزعاج اذا نفذت البطارية الخاصة بهاتفي المحمول ولم استطيع استخدامه‬ ‫‪-4‬‬
‫اذا نفس رصيدي أو وصلت لنهاية حد البيانات الشهري ولم أتمكن باالتصال بالواي فاي‬ ‫‪-5‬‬
‫أصاب باإلحباط‬
‫اذا لم أتمكن من الحصول على هاتفي المحمول لبعض الوقت فسأشعر برغبة ملحة في الحصول‬ ‫‪-6‬‬
‫اذا لم يكن هاتفي المحمول معي سأشعر بالقلق ألنني لم استطيع التواصل مع عائلتي وأصدقائي‬ ‫‪-7‬‬
‫سأشعر بالتوتر إذا لم أتمكن من تلقي الرسائل النصية والمكالمات الي سبب كان ‪.‬‬ ‫‪-8‬‬
‫سأكون متوترا جدا بدون هاتفي المحمول في حالة ان شخص قد حاول اإلمساك بي‬ ‫‪-9‬‬
‫سأكون قلقا ألنني لم أستطع البقاء على اتصال مع عائلتي و ‪ /‬أو أصدقائي‬ ‫‪-10‬‬
‫لدي رغبة ملحة في عدم انفصالي عن هويتي عبر االنترنت ومتابعة التعليقات والمنشورات في‬ ‫‪-11‬‬
‫شبكات التواصل االجتماعي ‪.‬‬
‫سأكون غير مرتاح ألنني لم أستطع البقاء على اطالع دائم بوسائل التواصل االجتماعي‬ ‫‪-12‬‬
‫والشبكات عبر اإلنترنت‬
‫سأشعر بالحرج ألنني لم أتمكن من التحقق من إشعاراتي للحصول على تحديثات من اتصاالتي‬ ‫‪-13‬‬
‫وشبكاتي عبر اإلنترنت‬
‫سأشعر بالقلق ألنني لم أستطع التحقق من رسائل البريد اإللكتروني الخاصة بي‬ -14
‫سأشعر بالغربة ألنني ال أعرف ماذا أفعل في حالة نسياني هاتفي المحمول‬ -15
16- Yildirim, C. & Correia, A. (2015). Exploring the dimensions of nomophobia:
Development and validation of a self-reported questionnaire. Computers in Human
Behavior, 49, 130-137.

Nomophobia: A Modern Age Phobia

17- Nomophobia, derived from the phrase “NO MObile phone PHOBIA”, is a term that
describes the fear of being without a mobile phone1. This fear can stem from the
anxiety of not being able to communicate, losing connectedness, or not being able to
access information1. It’s a modern age phobia introduced due to the dependence on
mobile phones1.
18- Prevalence and Risk Factors
19- A systematic review of 108 studies published in English and Spanish found that women
and younger individuals suffer more from nomophobia1. The disparity in reporting the
prevalence of nomophobia is enormous since the percentages of “at-risk” participants
go from 13% to 79%, and participants suffering from it are between 6% and 73%, being
the score in the range of 45.5 and 93.821. Such disparity is due to differences in
assessment criteria1.
20- Impact on Mental Health and Academic Performance
21- Research suggests that nomophobia negatively affects personality, self-esteem, anxiety,
stress, academic performance, and other physical and mental health problems2. In the
field of education, nomophobia has a negative impact on learning outcomes and
academic performance2. This phobia has led to medical and psychosocial disorders
such as physical injuries and mental disorders2.
22- Conclusion
23- Nomophobia is a growing concern in today’s digital age. It is essential to raise
awareness about this issue and encourage safe and effective mobile phone usage. Future
research should focus on developing effective interventions to manage and prevent

: León-Mejía AC, Gutiérrez-Ortega M, Serrano-Pintado I, González-Cabrera J
(2021) A systematic review on nomophobia prevalence: Surfacing results and
standard guidelines for future research. PLoS ONE 16 (5): e0250509. 2: Antonio-
Manuel Rodríguez-García , Antonio-José Moreno-Guerrero and Jesús López
Belmonte (2020) Nomophobia: An Individual’s Growing Fear of Being without a
Smartphone—A Systematic Literature Review. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health
2020, 17 (2), 580.

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