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The Ametropias

Pr. Malika ÇAOUI
Médecine Nucléaire

Semester : 2 Module

Academic Year : 2021-2023 Module Element

Plan : The Ametropias
Spherical ametropias: Myopia
Definition - Position of the PR - Degree of myopia
Correction of myopia
Myopia and presbyopia
Spherical ametropias: Hyperopia
Definition - Position of the PR - Degree of hyperopia
Correction of hyperopia
Hyperopia and presbyopia
Non-spherical ametropias: astigmatism
Regular and non-regular astigmatism
Classification of regular astigmatism
Correction of astigmatism 2
Definition of ametropia
• Ocular dioptric disorders
• Refractive disorders that can be both spherical and non-spherical

Spherical ametropias:
• The diopters of the eye are normally spherical
• But the image of an object situated at infinity does not form on the retina when the eye is at rest

Astigmatism :
• One diopter (at least) of the eye is not spherical
• The reduced eye is no longer a spherical diopter
• 3
Spherical ametropias


Normal eye : the rays arrive //
Definition of myopia :
• The image of a point at infinity is formed in front of the retina
• The myopic eye is either too powerful / its length (or too long / its power)
Position of PR : The rays arrive no // diverge from the PR
• The myopic eye is too convergent: PR is approached to a finite distance in front of eye

Degree of myopia : PR
• By definition it is the excess of power : Degree of myopia = -----
Accommodation Path :
1 1 1
• Pr m Þ ----- k Þ ----- = AA + ----- k Þ Pp m
Pr Pp Pr
• Thus the myopic subject has a PR and a PP close (approached) to the eye, so he doesn't see clearly the distant objects
20 cm

Myopia 7cm

Example Myopia :
• Myopia of 5 D for a 20 years old subject PR AA PP
• (At 20 years : AA = 10 D) 1 1
AA = ----- - ------
• Pr = 20 cm Pp Pr
1 1
10 = ----- - 5 Þ Pp = ----- = 7 cm
Pp 15
Myopia et Presbyopia
• Myopia : PP closer
→ The myopic person becomes presbyopic at an older age than the normal person
• Presbyopia : PP distant
Correction of myopia :
• The myopic eye is too powerful
• Þ correction requires divergent spherical lenses F
• Of power : 1
IpI = ----- = Degree of Myopia
(This divergent lens gives a virtual image of an object at infinity in its focus
F (placed at the level of the PR) This image plays the role of object for the
eye which finally gives an image on the retina.)


Definition of hyperopia :
• The image of a point at infinity is formed behind the retina
• The hyperopic eye is not powerful enough /its length (or too short /its power)
• The hyperopic eye at rest is always in accommodation
Position of PR :
Pr < 0
• The hyperopic eye: the PR is virtual: situated behind the retina

Degree of hyperopia: 1
= ----- The rays do not arrive // but converge seeming to
• By definition it’s the lack of power (or insufficient Power) Pr to come from an object situated behind the eye: virtual
Accommodation Path :
• Hyperopia does not affect accommodation, so at the same age, a hyperopic has the same AA as an emmetropic
1 1
PR is virtual Þ Pr < 0 ; Þ ------- = AA - ------ = AA – degree of hyperopia
Pp Pr
• Two possible cases for the Pp position:
o If AA > degree hyperopia : Þ ----- > 0 (but lower value than normal) Þ Pp > 0 (et > normal):
Þ PP is in front of the eye and more distant than for the normal eye :
Þ Subject has a difficult to see close objects but can see distant objects clearly
Þ But by accommodating therefore tired: "Accommodative Asthenopia".
o Si AA < degree of hyperopia : Þ ----- < 0 Þ Pp < 0 : PP is behind the eye: it is virtual
Þ The person doesn’t see any real object clearly

Hyperopia and Presbyopia

• The hyperopic person becomes presbyopic at a younger age than the emmetropic person.
• It is often the discovery of this early presbyopia that Þ diagnosis of hyperopia
Correction of hyperopia:
• The hyperopic eye is less powerful Þ correction by:
• a Convergent Spherical Lens of power p = degree of hyperopia

(This convergent lens provides an image of an object at
infinity at its focus F, which is the same as the PR of the eye. F
This image plays the role of object for the eye which, at rest,
gives a final image on the retina).
Example1 : A hyperopic person with 4 D at 30 years old (AA = 7 D)
----- = 4 Þ PR is at 25 cm behind the eye
----- = 7 + (– 4) = 3 Þ PP at 33 cm in front of eye
• This person sees clearly the objects situated between 33 cm (PP) and the infinity.
• But must accommodate to see objects located at infinity

Example 2 : Same subject hyperope de 4D à 60 ans (AA = 1D)

----- = 4 Þ PR is at 25 cm behind the eye
----- = 1 – 4 = -3 Þ PP is at 33 cm en behind the eye : This person does not see any real object clearly
Pp 11
The spherical ametropias

The spherical ametropias
¥ 25 cm

Norma Eye PR PP

Myopia PR PP

Hyperopia PR PP

Presbyopia PR PP
Spherical Ametropias

• In 2D section, the eye restricted to a

section plane (a meridian, highlighted in
red at the cornea) can be either myopic,
emmetropic or astigmatic.
• " the cutting plane, the path of rays is
the same in an eye without astigmatism.
Spherical Ametropias

• The eye being globally spherical,

the refraction of light rays can
vary according to the axis of the
meridians considered.

• In this example, if the vertical

meridian (90°) has an excess of
power (the cornea is more curved
along this axis), the eye can be
myopic in this direction.

• Conversely, if the horizontal

meridian (0°) has a power defect
(the cornea is less curved along
this axis), the eye may be
hyperopic along this direction.
Non-spherical ametropias: astigmatism

The astigmatism
• At least one of the diopters of the eye is not spherical: it is often the anterior corneal diopter
• The image of a point is no longer a point but a set of complex points ± : the system is no longer stigmatic

n2 – n1
For a cylindrical plane lens : 2 p: → p = --------- p > 0 : convergent diopter
r p < 0 : divergent diopter ® 1 PM
→ p = 0 ® other PM
• If the object at infinity is a point, the cylindrical diopter will provide two straight images: Focal lenghts
• A focal length due to the p ¹ 0 // the cylinder axis and a focal length due to p = 0 the cylinder axis

For toric diopter : Un torus has 2 orthogonal PM so 2 p ¹ 0 :

n2 – n1 n2 – n1
pH = ---------- ® FV pV = ---------- ® FH
r r’
• Each of the 2 focal lengths is plane of the ray that caused it 17
Regular astigmatism
Non-regular astigmatism are complex:
• Modifications of the corneal surface do not obey any geometric law → not studied

Regular astigmatisms :
• The variations of the radii of curvature of the cornea are progressively from one direction to the other that it ⊥
• So variation of these 2 radii between 2 values → 2 planes of incidence: Principal Meridians (PM) usually ⊥
• The reduced eye becomes a toric diopter (non-spherical)

Characteristics of regular astigmatism : R FH (pV)

• The radii of curvature (cornea+++) do not have the same value in the 2 PM
• The power is different in these 2 PM FV (pH)
Degree of Astigmatism = ¹ between 2 p : Ip - p’I : If the ¹ = 0 Þ Eye is normal
• The position of the 2 focal points depends on the respective values of the 2 p, and thus the 2 radii of curvature 18
PM and focals: H - V

Let us consider 2 beams refracted by the corneal MP on the same diagram,

• The 1st focal point from the most curved meridian (red) is” a Horizontal straight line : H focal
• The 2nd focal length is from the flattest meridian (green), is a vertical straight line : V focal 19
Classification of regular astigmatisms
• Depending on the position of the 2 focal points between them: 2 types of astigmatism: direct and inverse
Direct Astigmatisme: inverse Astigmatisme
• FH in front of FV Þ pV (® MV) > pH(® MH) - FV in front of FH Þ pV (® MV) < pH (® MH)
• Þ Radius V < Rayon H: Cornea is flattened from top to bottom - Þ Radius V > Radius H: Cornea is flattened laterally

pV > pH pH > pV
• Depending on whether one focal point is on the retina or none:
o Simple Astigmatisma : One of the focal points is on the retina (R)
o Composed Astigmatisma : None of the 2 focal lengths are on R (Simple Astig + Spherical Ametropia)

• According to the positions of the 2 focal points/retina

v Myopic astigmatism: 1 or both focal points in front of R
v Hyperopic astigmatism: 1 or both focal points behind R
v Mixed astigmatism: 1st focal point in front of R and the 2nd focal point behind R
Classification of regular astigmatisms
Directs Inverses
Simple Myopic

Simple Hyperopia

Composed Myopic

Composed Hyperopia

Composed Mixted

Correction of regular astigmatisms

Case of simple astigmatisms

• The eye p is : normal in 1 PM
: abnormal in another PM
• The corrective lens should have : 1 p = 0 in PM
1 p ¹ 0 in other PM
• It is a Cylindrical Planar Lens - divergent for a simple myopic astigmatism
- convergent for a simple hyperopic astigmatism
• The p ¹ 0 (non-zero) = Degree of astigmatism
• The lens direction should be such that it acts on the abnormal p of the eye
• So : the axis of the cylinder must be // focal length to be corrected (which is not on the retina)
Correction of astigmatisms

Case of composed astigmatisms : 2 steps

1.Correction of an astigmatism by Cylindrical Planar Lens C or D: (p ¹ 0) p = Astigmatism Degree with axis // focal length to be moved

2. Correction of spherical persistent ametropia :


Divergent Spherical Lens Convergent Spherical Lens

• Total correction of composed astigmatism is obtained with a spherical-cylindrical lens (or toric lens) 23

• The path of light rays in an astigmatic eye is relatively

complex: the refracted rays never all intersect at one
point: astigmatism.

• In an astigmatic eye, there are 2 MP ⊥ of extreme p :

one is the most powerful (max vergence) the other is
the least powerful (min vergence).

• In an astigmatic eye, the refraction of light rays varies

with the meridian considered; an eye can be
emmetropic in one direction (e.g. HM) and myopic (or
hypermetropic) in another (ex: VM).

• In the example: the eye is myopic according to the VM

and hyperopic according to the HM
Contact Lenses
Correction of ametropia by contact lenses
• The contact lenses are soft or rigid, are of transparent material : n = 1.5
• Placed against the cornea covered with tear fluid n : 1.337 Û
• Diopter of the anterior face: cornea - uncorrected air is thus replaced by a series of diopters:
• Diopter : Air - Contact lens: 1.5 - 1 : 0.5
• Diopter : Contact lens - Tear fluid: 1.337 - 1.5 = - 0, 163
• Diopter : Tear fluid - Cornea: 1.377 - 1.337 = 0.040
• So the p of this new system is mainly due to the Air - Contact lens (¹ n: kk)
• Accessory to the diopter Contact lens - tear drop whose surfaces are manufactured with precision
• Correction of spherical ametropia and regular astigmatism: possible with contact lenses or glasses
• But for irregular astigmatism, correction is only possible with contact lens
Diagnosis of Ametropias

Pr. Malika ÇAOUI
Médecine Nucléaire

Semester : 2 Module

Academic Year : 2021-2023 Module Element

Diagnosis of ametropia
• Generalities
• Notion of separating power of the eye
• Notion of apparent diameter
• Visual acuity: Definition
Principle of measurement of visual acuity
Stenopeic Hole Test
• Study of the refraction :
• Subjective methods: Distance vision: Glass box - Clock face
Near vision : Glass box
• Objective methods: Ophthalmoscopy - Keratometry
Diagnosis of ametropis

• When you see the following signs:

• Visual disturbance
• Sensation of fatigue during a prolonged visual effort
• It is necessary to
• Assess the state of vision by measuring the Visual Acuity (VA)
• Search for a refraction, reception or transmission disorder of visual sensations
• Study the state of refraction: Exploration of distance and near vision

Visual Acuity : VA
Notion of separating power :
• It is the smallest distance that two object points must have to be perceived distinctly by the eye,
• So to provide on the Retina: 2 distinct images: 1st condition of Clear Vision

Notion of apparent diameter:

• It is the angle a under which an object can be seen. It is the Minimum Separable (MS) in minutes
• a = 1’ Û Eye is normal : 2 points with ⏀ » 1’ are seen clearly (distincly)
ab b
• Tg a » -------
→ a » very small Þ Tg a ~ a (radian) ; but Ca » 17 mm A A’ C a 5

• ab (mm) = 17 x a (radian)
B B’
• a et b are well perceived on the retina if their images are formed on 2 ¹ cone cells distant of 5 µ
5. 10-3 5.10-3 180 x 60
• a (rad) = ---------- → a (min) = --- ------- x ------------- » 1’ (2π rad = 360° ; π rad = 180° et 1°= 60’ = 3600’’ )
17 17 3,14
• 2d condition VA : N : Size of the retinal image depends on the apparent angle under which the object is seen which must be > MS 29
Reminders on angle measurements (to be read)

The angles measure the distance between 2 intersecting lines.

• Degrees: 1complete rotation around a circle is divided into 360 degrees, so a right angle is 90 degrees, and a straight angle is 180 degrees.
• Minutes: 1 degree is divided into 60 min. So, there are 60 min in 1 degree. Minutes : often used for more precise measurements of angles
• Radians measure a circle in 2π
• The conversion from degrees to radian: Rad = Deg . π/180 (or: 1°= 60')
• The ratio between the two is 2π/360 = π/180 30
Visual Acuity
• The ability to discern small details or letters from a distance.
• Visual acuity is the inverse of the minimum separable (M.S) = A.V = 1/M.S (expressed in min of arc)
• Visual acuity is expressed in "tenths," which refers to the smallest perceived distance that a person can see as letters, symbol on
an visual scale from 5m of distance.
• Normal visual acuity is typically defined as 10/10, which means

VA m : Amblyopia due to :
• A refractive disorder: ametropia
• it is a affection that affects the retina or the optic nerve

Visual Acuity depends on several factors - Shape of the object - Illumination

- The contrast - The topography of the retina
The measurement of the visual acuity is realized : Photopic vision (daytime) = Foveal vision 31
Principle of VA measure


Visual Activity Normal = 10/10 Visual Activity decrease

Normal eye disti distinguishes the M.S Confusion of M.S

Examples :
• AV = 10/10 → a = 1’ → (Subject distinguishes 2 points seen under an angle of 1’)
• AV = 5/10 → a = 2’ →( ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, of 2’)
• AV = 2/10 → a = 5’ → ( ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, of 5’)
• AV = 1/10 → a = 10’ → ( ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, of 10’) 32
Stenopeïc Test

Stenopeïc Test (T.S) → Very illuminated object

• It is a test that allows the distinction between:

• Refractive disorder requiring optical correction
• Retinal or optic nerve lesion: medical or surgical treatment
• The S.T is un hole < 1 mm Æ, pierced in an opaque screen
• The T.S : Strongly diaphragms the incident beam received by the eye,
• Since the incident beam is very thin, it thus reduces the effect of dioptric disorders.
• If the vision through the S.T is:
• Enhanced : it is a dioptric = refractive disorder.
• Unenhanced → retinal or optic nerve disorder. The refraction of the eye's media is not at issue 33
The Refraction study
Distance Vision

Monoyer distance vision scale

Person emmetropic

Refraction study PR PP

Subjective methods: Distance vision Myopic Person

1. Glass box
• On each eye separately, the subject observes, at distance of
5 m (infinity), a visual acuity scale (the object) correctly
illuminated: 2 possibilities:
Hyperopic person with real PP (in front)
• The subject sees clearly at 5m: A.V = 10/10.
• The subject does not see clearly at 5m: A.V < 10/10.

Hyperopic person with virtual PP 35

Refraction study : Distance Vision
The person sees clearly at 5m: A.V = 10/10. it is: 2 possibilities:
• Emmetropic P: who sees to infinity without accommodation (PR at ¥ )
How can you make the difference between both?
• Hyperopic P with real PP who sees to ¥ with accommodation (virtual PR)

We place in front of the eye, a Convergent Spherical Lens (CSL) of low value ex: + 0,5 D
• The vision of the emmetropic person is disturbed, he sees like a myopic of 0,5 D: No possibility to control this k of p
• Hyperopic person at real PP: the vision remains sharp because the subject relaxes his accommodation by 0.5D.
o To determine the degree of hyperopia, scroll through V.S.C. of p k k: 0,5; 1; 1,5; 2; …→ disturbed vision
o Corrective lens → V.S.C of p strongest still providing clear vision +++++: → Degree of hyperopia
Note : Having an A.V = 10/10 for distant objects, doesn’t mean that the eye is emmetropic because it can be hyperopic with real PP
Refraction study : Distance Vision

The subject does not see clearly at 5m : A.V <10/10 : 4 possibilities:

Nerve damage → Stenopteic test → vision not improved.

• 1- No Dioptric disorder k → Refraction of the eye's media not involved
m Loss of retinal sensitivity

• 2- Myopia : We scroll: D.S.L of IpI k k : -0.5; -1; -1.5; -2; ...→ improved vision → myopic eye
- Degree of myopia given by the lowest D.S.L of IpI giving clear vision at 5 m without accommodation
- If we continue to scroll through D.S.L → subject continues to have clear vision but with accommodation
• 3- Hyperopia with virtual PP: - C.S.L : p k k → vision is improved → Hyperopic virtual PP ⇔ p = C < C.S.L < C’ = p’
- From C to C' → improved vision with and without accommodation
- Starting from the p = C → clear vision that starts with accommodation
- Until you get a p = C' → which ends with clear vision at 5 m without accommodation
- Corrective lens → V.S.L of p strongest giving still a clear view of the object at 5 m37
Refraction study : Distance Vision : Astigmatism

The subject does not see clearly at 5m : A.V <10/10 : 4th possibilitie:
• 4- Astigmatism
• The astigmatic system gives an object point two focal length : images // to the P.Meridian (supposed to be H and V)
• If object = V line, H image → blurred along the horizontal meridian (stacking of H line); V image → clear along the vertical meridian
• If object = H line, V image → blurred along the vertical meridian (stacking of V line); H image → clear along the horizontal meridian
• If line object not // to any PM : the 2 images are blurred
• For a focal line to be perceived clearly , it must be formed on the retina and it is // to the object line

Object : a point FH FV Object: line V Objet: line H



Refraction study : Distance Vision : Astigmatism

2. Clock Dial at 5 m (without accommodation): (used to determine the axis of the astigmatism : it’s a circular chart that
represents a clock face, with the numbers 1 through 12 representing different meridians of the eye.)
• The person perceives clearly all the lines of the time dial: he is not astigmatic
• The person perceives clearly one line of the dial, for ex: vertical; the other lines are blurred: he is astigmatic
- If in this ex: the VF is on the retina : simple astigmatism (direct myopic or inverse hyperopic)
- Correction: Convergent or Divergent S.L of p = C ® clear vision of the right ⊥ (ex: horizontal), other right are blurred
- If the S.L is C ® focal length to be corrected: HF behind R : ® Hyperopic astigmatism (inverse in the ex)
- If the S.L is D ® focal length to be corrected: HF in front of R: ® Myopic astigmatism (Direct in the ex)
- The degree of astigmatism: C = IpI
- Correction: Cylindrical plane lens C or D of power 0 and C, the axis of the cylinder being // the focal length to correct


Refraction study : Vision de loin: Astigmatisme
2. Clock dial at Cadran 5 m (without accommodation):
• The person does not perceive any straight line on the dial: composed astigmatism :
v C.S.L ou D.S.L ® clear clear vision of a line of the dial ® or C the power of this lens
• Si C > 0 Þ C.S.L ® The focal length // the right seen, was behind the retina
• C < 0 Þ D.S.L ® he focal length // right seen, was in front of the retina
We thus have the orientation of the 1st focal length, its position / Retina and the power C
v C.S.L ou D.S.L of p = C ‘® clear vision of the right ⊥ the first
v C > 0 Þ CSL : 2nd focal length was behind R. If C < 0 Þ D.S.L 2nd focal length was in front of R
v Degree of astigmatism: I C – C’ I Þ correction : Spherical-Cylindrical lens or Toric lens
Refraction study : Near Vision

• From 45 years old

• Glass box
• Patient reads texts on a scale at 30 cm
• Spherical converging lenses from p k Þ V.A clear
Correction of presbyopia

Parinaud visual acuity scale for near vision

A’ A
Objective studies of refraction

These objective methods are essential for a safer study:

( Assured by the ophthalmologist ++++ )
Obervater Patient

1/Skiascopy : principle A’ A
• Examination of the retina of the patient " fundus " PR
• The retina is illuminated
• The observer is placed behind the mirror of the Blurred Image P.Hyperopic
ophthalmoscope, pierced with an orifice: 2 possibilities:
• Emmetropic : the rays coming from the retina are // A’ A
and converge towards the observer's retina PR

• Ametropic : the rays are not // and are either

divergent or convergent: blurred image
Blurred Image 42
P. Myopic
Objective studies of refraction (II)

2. Ketarometry : Morphological study of the corneal parameters involved in the refraction of the subject:
- Front side of the cornea: used as a convex mirror to assess curvature inequalities and measure astigmatism
- Essential examination for the prescription of lenses and for the pre and postoperative assessment: cataract and refractive surgery
- Splitting device, allows to obtain from the same object, 2 images whose positions depend on their dimensions.
- Ex: Javal's ophthalmometer: The difference in size of the image of an object Þ Degree of Astigmatism

3. Refractometry: Analysis of the eye as a whole.

- Refractometry, automated or subjective, allows the correction of the subject's ametropia by glasses.
- The measured values are the starting point for the subjective determination of the refraction
- Manual refractometry by focusing (Rodenstock) or by coincidence (Zeiss)
- Automatic: Gives a theoretical value of the ocular refraction, including astigmatism, in an automated way.
43 -
Study of the refraction : Procedure of the examination at the ophthalmologist

• First step: Measurement of the global Visual Acuity which gives a first indication of a possible deficit.
• Second step: Objective measurement of the refraction
• Skiascopy
• Keratometry:
• Refractometry: The measured values will be the starting point for the subjective determination of the refraction.
• Third step: Subjective determination of refraction:
• On a trial frame, C or D lenses are placed, chosen according to the responses of skiascopy and/or refractometry.
• We look for those that give the best visual acuity and visual comfort,
• Fourth step: Prescription of the correction: We determine the formula of optical correction on the prescription
Bibliographic references

• Ocular Dioptric and Ametropias : Biophysical aspects - Pr. Michel Zanca - Faculty of Montpellier
• Medial Biophysics : Volume 1 Fasciucle 2: Elements of Radiation Physics - Jacques Llory - Faculty of Montpellier
• Refraction and refractive anomalies - 2013- Collège des Ophtalmologistes Universitaires de France (COUF) - UMVF - Université Médicale
Virtuelle Francophone
• Polycopié National du Collège des Ophtalmologistes Universitaires de France 2009-2010 - Université Pierre et Marie Curie- France
• The refraction of the eye - Site f for professionals (CHU de Nantes)
• Means of study of the visual function - Anne Claire Nonnotte Oct - 2016 : " Ophthalmology Visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and color vision

Perception of the retinal image

Pr. Malika ÇAOUI
Médecine Nucléaire

Semester : 2 Module

Academic Year : 2021-2023 Module Element

Plan : Perception of retinal image and Color Vision
Perception of the retinal image
• Retina : Global description
• General concepts
• The Visual Field : CV
• Perception of the retinal image

Vision of colors
• Perception of the color
• Visible spectrum
• Hue - Saturation - Brightness
• Color Vision Disorders
Human eye - The retina | Britannica
Retina : Global Description

• It’s a transducer and 1st stage of visual message processing. Extension of the brain. Very complex organization
• Circular symmetry of the visual axis / optic axis: joins the top of the corneal dioptre to the center of the retina ® Fovea
• Papilla: zone of emergence of the vessels and departure of the optic nerve: devoid of receptor cells: Blind spot
• Macula: central area of the retina covers 15 - 20° of the visual field: maximum thickness: 500 µm cones+++
• In the center of the macula, the fovea forms a small depression covering 5° of the visual field: where visual acuity is the
highest: Fovea
• The photoreceptors of the retina: Cones more concentrated in the macula / Rods: in the periphery
AURENGO André - PETITCLERC Thierry - KAS Aurélie - Biophysique (4° Éd.)
General notions
Retina :
• Internal membrane of the eye, ensures transduction and the 1st coding of the signal
• Transduction: Transformation of light energy into Nerve Influx at the level of cells: cones and rods
• Color of Retina : - Darkness: retina is purple
- Brief illumination: yellow color
- Prolonged illumination : white color
• Thickness: » 0.5 mm including 0.1 to 0.2 mm at the fovea

Optic Nerve :
• Opens on the nasal side at the level of the papilla
• From the Post retina to the Ant retina: different cell layers

Cones and Rods: visual receptors unequally distributed :

• 7 million cones: fovea
• 120 million rods: periphery
Bipolar cells: 1st neurons
• Fovea: 1 cone → 1 ₵ Bipolar
• Periphery: +++ Cones
+++ Rods → 1 bipolar ₵

Ganglion Cells : 2d Neurons

• Fovea: 1 cone → 1 ₵ Bipolar → 1 ₵ gang
• Periphery: +++ ₵ Bipolars → 1 ₵ gang
• The cylindraxes of the ¹ ₵ gang Þ optic nerve fibers at level of papilla: Blind spot (Absence of ₵ photoreceptors)

• Fovea: Predominance of cones → Light reaches the receivers + easily: → 1 ₵ gang → 1 ₵ Bipol → 1 Cone
Low thickness Û Visual Acuity: Max → measure of the eye's separating power 51
Path of the optic nerve fibers

• The optic fibers of the external halves:

temporal are on the same side
• The optic fibers of the internal halves: nasal,
cross at the optic chiasm

C • Left hemi-retinas : Left Optic bands (red)

• Right Hemi-Retinas: Right Optic bands (green)

Visual system - Wikipedia 53

The visual field : CV
• It is the region of space seen by a motionless eye in all directions
• The visual field is more extended towards :
• Outward: temporal » 100° / Nasal » 60°
• The bottom » 80° / top » 70°
• The visual field is different from the view field which is the region of space seen by the 2 eyes (fixed head)

Visual field disorders :

• Amaurosis: damage at point A or B : Þ Complete loss of visual field
• Hemianopia: Loss of one half of the visual field:
• Homonyms R or L : D - E for the 2 eyes
• Heteronyms: symmetrical halves of the Visual field ( C ) : bitemporal or binasal
• Scotoma : Localized loss of Visual field : Þ Spot
Perception of retinal image

¹ Type of vision
• Day Vision: Photopic due to the Cones, allows a vision of colors and details
• Night vision: Scotopic due to the Rods
• Cones : - Have a rather fast adaptation to the darkness
- But are not very sensitive to the quantity of light
• Rods : - after adaptation to darkness, have a very great sensitivity to the quantity of light.

Notion of photochemistry of the rods

• At the External segment of rod cell → there is a retinal pigment: Rhodopsin : is a protein that consists of two parts:
- Opsine that anchors the molecule in the cell membrane
- Rétinal cis : dérived from A vitamin (a light – sensitive molecule)
• If brief and moderate illumination → Trans Retinal + opsin (Yellow)
• If long and intense illumination → Trans Retinol (retinal white)
→ Vit A in the blood → Cis Retinol + Opsin → Rhodopsin (Slow step: because it requires adaptation to darkness)
• If vit A deficiency Þ Night blindness: Hemeralopia
Diagram of eye fundus

Eye Fundus

The retina and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) | UCL Institute of Ophthalmology - UCL – University College London
Color Vision

Pr. Malika ÇAOUI
Médecine Nucléaire

Semester : 2 Module

Academic Year : 2021-2023 Module Element

Color Vision : reminders
What is color?
• The color is visible by light. In case of darkness: the human eye can not perceive any color
• The light is composed of electromagnetic waves (EM waves)
• An EM wave is characterized by its length l : linear distance between 2 wave phases

• The visible spectrum ® to l perceptible by the human eye: short, medium and long
• Several waves of ¹ l present around us simultaneously, meet an object and interact with the molecules of
this object: they are either absorbed or reflected.
• Only the reflected EM waves enter the eye through the pupil, cross lens, vitreous humor and reach retina
• It is the cones which are responsible for the vision of the colors
Color Vision

Analysis of the color

Human beings perceive » 7000 colors. But impossible to have a specific receptor (retina) for each color.
The analysis of a color depends on:
• The tone of the color :
• is a function of the wavelength: l Short (blue); Medium (green); Long (red)
• refers to the lightness or darkness of a color. For example, a light blue has a different tone than a dark blue.
• The saturation of the color refers to :
• whether the color is pure: saturated or mixed with white: desaturated
• the purity of a color. Highly saturated colors are bright and vivid, while desaturated colors are more discreet and attenuated
• The intensity :
• Related the luminous flux of the colored object (the more waves there are the more luminous it is)
• Refers to the strength or brightness of a color. Colors with high intensity are more powerful and stand out more, while colors
with low intensity are more discreet and less visible.
Color Vision
Pure colors :
• Spectral: from the visible spectrum: 400 < l < 700 nm
• Þ sensation of violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red
• Each tone Þ +++ shades » 200 colored sensations (® ¹ l)
• Purples: Extremities of the visible spectrum: red and blue violet → » 100 tones

Sensations perceived if the eye receives simultaneously with appropriate proportions the ¹ EM waves of the visible spectrum
Electromagnetic Spectrum

Visible Spectrum

l short Medium Long

Source Wikibooks 62
Color Vision
Color Vision: Human Retina
• 3 types of cones are responsible for color vision, being sensitive to a particular range of l . Cones sensitive to waves of :
• A Medium l → a produced color sensation produces a green tint
• A Short l → a color sensation produced produces a blue tint → The human being is trichromatic
• A Long l → a colored sensation produced produces a red tint

• The ¹ l ® Physical characteristics. Now ¹ l will generate ¹ colored sensations which allows to perceive ¹ tints

• To describe the color: 3 parameters

• The tonality → By combining information about the tone, saturation, and intensity of a color, our visual
• Saturation system is able to differentiate between and perceive thousands of different colors.
• Luminosity
Tonality - Saturation - Luminosity

Tonality - Saturation :
• The histogram provides information on the tonality and saturation:
Quantités d’ondes

• The l are present in ¹ quantities (Gauss curve)

• If a l is dominant and the quantity of the other l k Þ color - saturated.
• If this quantity m Þ color: + saturated
• If all the waves present have the same quantity: gray tone

• It is the total quantity of waves present that is considered.
• The more waves there are and the more luminous it is: If all l are
present in large quantities: we perceive white
• The less waves there are and the less luminous it is:
• If no wave is reflected and all the waves are absorbed by the
molecules of the object: the colored sensation produced: black
La vision des couleurs – Michel Binette – CEGEP (Idiko)- Université Laval- Quebec
Color Vision disorders
Dyschromatopsias: Disorders of color vision: An abnormal perception of colors, congenital or acquired. Often frequent, of
late diagnosis (no significant discomfort), without treatment or correction of these disorders.
• Abnormal trichromats: at least one of the 3 colors is well perceived.
• Dichromats : one of the 3 primaries is not perceived
⁃ Protanopes: → red not perceived → Daltonism
⁃ Deuteranopes: → green not perceived → Nagel type
⁃ Tritanopes : → blue not perceived → exceptional
• Monochromats and Achromats: no colored sensation is perceived.

The diagnosis of these disorders: have the subject observe colored objects
Retina : Summary

Rods Cônes

Topography Peripheral Retina Fovea

Domaine vision Scotopic nocturnal vision Photopic Diurnal vision

Visual Acuity Low Strong

Variance Uni-variant uncolored vision Trivariant colored vision

Adaptation High and slow Low and fast

Pigment Rhodopsin 3 distinct pigments


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