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Specifications and Reporting
01. A common specification format used in the USA is …?
A. CSI format
B. CIS format
C. CIA format
D. CIP format (A)

02. Available ‘industry standards’ are never as reliable as standards defined by the
specifier in the specification …?
A. True
B. False (B)

03. Big company safety manuals are often used as an addendum to coating specifications
A. True
B. False (A)

04. Changes to the specification should be made only in conjunction with the specifier …?
A. True
B. False (A)

05. Coating manufacturers technical representatives are always expert inspectors …?

A. True
B. False (B)

06. Coating products on a job are often provided by several different manufacturers …?
A. True
B. False (B)

07. Conflicts found in specifications should be referred to the owner and/or their engineers
A. True
B. False (A)

08. Consensus standards are always legally associated with the coatings process …?
A. True
B. False (B)

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09. Curing times of coatings are temperature dependant, and likely to half or double for
each __ change in temperature …?
A. 3ºC (5ºF)
B. 5ºC ( 8ºF)
C. 10ºC (20ºF)
D. 20ºC (36ºF) (C)

10. European norms will, when completed, replace national standards in European
countries …?
A. True
B. False (A)

11. In general, repair work on coating projects is performed using a different specification
than the main work of the project …?
A. True
B. False (B)

12. Inspectors are often required to make changes to the specification …?

A. True
B. False (B)

13. Inspectors should undertake any task the owner requests …?

A. True
B. False (B)

14. It is normal with film thickness to specify only the average DFT of each coat …?
A. True
B. False (B)

15. Pre-job conferences are generally held to discuss specification requirements …?

A. True
B. False (A)

16. Problems that are found with specifications should be resolved…?

A. True
B. False (A)

17. Resolutions made at the pre-job meeting generally become official additions to the
specification …?
A. True
B. False (A)

18. Specification writers should use the same tense throughout the document …?
A. True
B. False (A)

19. Specifications do not require a pre-job conference be held…?

A. True
B. False (B)

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20. Standard format specifications are generally more difficult to read than custom
specifications …?
A. True
B. False (B)

21. Standard of surface preparation should be verified immediately before coatings are
applied …?
A. True
B. False (A)

22. Technical information on which coating specifications are built is generally provided
by the coating manufacturer …?
A. True
B. False (A)

23. Technical requirements for a coatings project are generally defined by …?

A. Coating manufacturer
B. Coating inspector
C. Specifier
D. Owners commercial department (C)

24. Terms that are defined in a specification are terms that are always used in a
A. True
B. False (B)

25. The ability to write clear reports is critical for coating inspectors …?
A. True
B. False (A)

26. The coating application section of a specification generally defines time interval limits
between surface preparation and application of the first coat …?
A. True
B. False (A)

27. The cost of inspection is historically recognized as which proportion of the coatings
project costs …?
A. Less than 1%
B. 2-3%
C. 5-8%
D. 15-20% (C)

28. The general scope section of a specification describes the work to be performed …?
A. True
B. False (A)

29. The general scope section of a specification may include references to maps or
drawings …?
A. True
B. False (A)

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30. The primary purpose of coating inspection is to determine whether work performed
meets the specified requirements …?
A. True
B. False (A)

31. The specification should be a clear communication of the owner’s requirements …?

A. True
B. False (A)

32. Under quality assurance systems, workers are required to inspect the results of their
own work …?
A. True
B. False (A)

33. When a pre-job conference is specified, which of the following is NOT normally
defined …?
A. Attendees
B. Agenda and purpose
C. Waste disposal requirements
D. Circulation of minutes (C)

34. When coating specifications are prepared, which of the following is NOT a common
area of required expertise …?
A. Ability to make accurate inspection measurements
B. Analysis of coating condition
C. Selection of coating materials
D. Choice of coating materials (A)

35. When consensus standards are not available to define required surface preparation, the
experience and judgement of the contractor will govern the finish achieved …?
A. True
B. False (B)

36. When retention of coating samples is required, dry samples are generally preferred …?
A. True
B. False (B)

37. When testing of coatings is required by the specification, specific pass/fail criteria
should be specified …?
A. True
B. False (A)

38. When the specification requires submission of a work schedule, the document may be
used to establish technical credibility of the applicator …?
A. True
B. False (A)

39. Where coatings are specified from different manufacturers as direct equivalents, it is
common to provide the information in a table of equivalents…?
A. True
B. False (A)

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40. Which of the following is least likely to be specified when coating samples are
required …?
A. Color of coating components
B. Size of sample required
C. Instructions for storage
D. Instructions for labeling (A)

41. Which of the following is NOT an aspect of safety that a coating specification is likely
to identify …?
A. Required training
B. Scaffold construction standards
C. Emergency response procedures
D. Work permits (B)

42. Which of the following is NOT a recognized stage in preparing reports …?

A. Research and fact gathering
B. Organizing the material
C. Making all necessary DFT measurements
D. Writing the first draft (C)

43. Which of the following is not a record of a coating project that may be consulted when
a report is written …?
A. The specification
B. The contract
C. Inspection records
D. Work permits (D)

44. Which of the following is NOT commonly specified in the surface preparation section
of a specification …?
A. Correction of fabrication defects
B. Surface profile required
C. Degree of cleanliness required
D. WFT required (D)

45. Which of the following is NOT commonly used as a basic element (section) of
specifications …?
A. General scope
B. Reference standards
C. Lump sum price
D. Repair & remedial work (C)

46. Which of the following is NOT commonly used as a basic element (section) of
specifications …?
A. Product technical data
B. Pre-job conference
C. Surface preparation
D. Repair and remedial work (A)

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47. Which of the following is NOT commonly specified in the surface preparation section
of a specification …?
A. Correction of fabrication defects
B. Surface profile required
C. Degree of cleanliness required
D. WFT required (D)

48. Which of the following is NOT likely to be found in the Appendices of a specification
A. Coating schedule
B. Work schedule
C. Contractor submittals
D. Reference documents (D)

49. Which of the following is NOT likely to be found in the inspection procedure …?
A. Definition of hold points
B. WFT and DFT requirements
C. Requirements for access to work
D. Inspectors’ authority (B)

50. With regard to environmental regulations, the coating specification should identify
required containment procedures …?
A. True
B. False (A)

51. Workmanship standards can be specified by reference to minimum training levels for
workers …?
A. True
B. False (A)

52. Workmanship standards cannot be specified by reference to testing of workers …?

A. True
B. False (B)

***** THE END *****

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