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PSYC 4183: Dialogue Reflection

Shannon and Ian


Both were willing to challenge the establishment of their day and make their own voices heard despite

Both traveled to Europe to study

Both worked in multiple disciplines and drew on historical sources of information to shape their practice
of Psychology

Both of their fathers had an influence on their education

Both were involved in increased opportunities/education for women

Both had organisational leadership roles


Sex difference

He was born in the year she died

He focused on bringing religion into his study of Psychology; she was religious but seems to have kept it
separate from her academic work

He was more focused on international/intercultural work

He didn’t face ‘glass ceiling’ type barriers to education or employment

One thing learned:

We were struck by the sheer range of different pathways people took towards being able to contribute
to the discipline of Psychology, and the different approaches to working around the barriers they faced.

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