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I. Use the word in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.

For each question,

write your answer in the gap.
1. _____________ are warning about the effects global warming will have on us.
2. Matt quickly came to the ____________ that Jane was not telling the
3. The______________ of our flight was delayed due to fog. (ARRIVE)
4. Both teams gave a wonderful _________________ in the match. (PERFORM)
5. Easter Island is famous for its _____________ statues. (ASTONISH)
6. The woman was hit so hard that she lost _____________ . (CONSCIOUS)
7. For their own ___________ the visitors of zoos are kept at a distance. (SAFE)
8. You should take the antibiotics for a whole week so that it is ____________ .
9. Jane has been suffering from headaches ____________ . (LATE)
10. Most people believe that it is ___________ that UFOS exist. (PROBABLE)
11. Chris accepted the doctor’s news although it was very ___________ to hear. (PAIN)
12. The first settlers came from ____________ islands of the Pacific. (DISTANCE)
13. This area is very dry, and __________ is very difficult. (FARM)
14. Divers went down to a _____________ of over 50 metres. (DEEP)
15. The book contains a _____________-of anecdotes from the past decades.
16. Jack, who was an excellent shooter, ___________missed his target. (REPEAT)
17. My teacher has been putting together ______________ articles for the
18. _________________farmers in Japan have figured out a way to produce square-
shaped watermelons. (INNOVATE)
19. We had_____________ in deciding who would be the best for the job. (DIFFICULT)
20. Even ______________ people can’t buy everything. (WEALTH)
II. For Questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to form a word
that fits in the gap. There is an example at the beginning.
Garlic, a member of the Lilliaceae family which also includes onions, is (0) ........
(COMMON) used in cooking all around the world. China is currently the largest (1) ........
(PRODUCT) of garlic, which is particularly associated with the dishes of northern Africa and
southern Europe. It is native to central Asia and has long had a history as a health-giving
food, used both to prevent and cure (2) ......... (ILL) In ancient Egypt, workers building the
pyramids were given garlic to keep them strong, while Olympic athletes in Greece ate it to
increase their resistance to infection. The forefather of antibiotic medicine, Louis Pasteur,
claimed garlic was as (3) ........ (EFFECT) as penicillin in treating infections. Modern-
day (4) ........ (SCIENCE) have proved that garlic can indeed kill bacteria and even some
viruses, so it can be very useful for people who have coughs and colds. In (5) ........ (ADD),
some doctors believe that garlic can reduce blood (6) ........ (PRESS) The only (7) ........
(ADVANTAGE) to this truly amazing food is that the strong and rather (8) ........ (SPICE)
smell of garlic is not the most pleasant!

(Source: FCE Handbook. Reproduced with permission from Cambridge English)

III. Substitute the underlined parts with prefixed vocabulary showing number.
1. That’s a problem because most urban retailers in China are in buildings that have several
2. Here, Bell Beaker people assimilated local pottery forms such as the cup with many feet.
3. In 1980, while competing at the junior nationals in Devil's Thumb, Colo., he watched his
first competition that combines events in cross-country skiing and rifle shooting, then took up
the sport with his usual intensity.
4. These have faces which are all regular flat shape with many straight sides but not all of the
same kind, while all their solid angles are equal.
5. Because the singers sung in together like in one voice, it sounded like only one person was

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