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Care of Mother, Child & Adolescent (Lecture) - NCM107A

Module 4: Care of Mother The Mother & Teratogenic Maternal Infections

The Fetus During The Perinatal Period
● Malaria
- caused by Plasmodium protozoa
(bite of infected female
anopheles mosquito)
Effects of Teratogens on The Fetus
- maternal anemia, fetal loss,
premature delivery, intrauterine
Teratogen - is any factor, chemical or
growth retardation, and delivery
physical, that adversely affects the
of low birth-weight infants (<2500
fertilized ovum, embryo, or fetus.
g or <5.5 pounds), a risk factor
for death
Factors that influence amount of
damage of teratogens:

● Strength of the teratogen ● Herpes Simplex Virus

● Timing of the teratogen (Genital Herpes Infection)

● Affinity for specific tissue- there - Herpes 1 virus is the causative

are teratogens that cause agent of the common cold sore

specific damage like: - Herpes 2 virus- is generally the

- Lead cause of genital lesions.

- Mercury
- Thalidomide ● Rubella (German Measles)
- Tetracycline - the worst viral infection that
- Rubella virus causes extensive fetal damage.
The greatest risk to the embryo

1 Hannah Leal Rendaje Shariff BN1E

Care of Mother, Child & Adolescent (Lecture) - NCM107A

from this virus is during The newborn’s skin may be covered

organogenesis with large petechiae (i.e.,
- classic sequelae: hearing “blueberrymuffin” lesions).
impairment, cognitive and motor
challenges, cataracts, cardiac
● Syphilis - a spirochete
defects (most commonly patent
infection and STD
ductus arteriosus and pulmonary
- Effects to fetus: congenital
stenosis), restricted intrauterine
anomalies, extreme rhinitis
growth (i.e., small for gestational
(sniffles), and a characteristic
age), thrombocytopenic purpura,
syphilitic rash
and dental and facial clefts, such
as cleft lip and palate
● Toxoplasmosis - a pathogen
infection contracted by eating
● Cystomegalic Inclusion
undercooked meat; it is spread
Disease (CID)
through cat stool, and cat litter
- a salivary gland disease,
transmitted by droplet infection Effects to Fetus:

effects to fetus: severe neurologic miscarriage / stillbirth / premature birth

challenges (e.g., hydrocephalus, or an abnormally low birth weight.
microcephaly, or spasticity) or with eye Health Instructions:
damage (e.g., optic atrophy or
- Should be cautioned to avoid
chorioretinitis), hearing impairment, or
undercooked meat
chronic liver disease.

2 Hannah Leal Rendaje Shariff BN1E

Care of Mother, Child & Adolescent (Lecture) - NCM107A

- Should be careful not to change a Infections that cause Illness at Birth

cat box or work in soil where cats
● are maternal infections not
harmful to the fetus during
- Taking a new cat is not wise but pregnancy but harmful if they
see to it that the cat is clean and are present at time of birth.

- Lyme - a multi system disease Gonorrhea
caused by bacteria carried by ● caused by bacteria Neisseria
ticks and transmitted through tick
● effects on the fetus:
bites miscarriages, premature birth
- Rashes spreading around the and low birth weight,
premature rupture of
membranes, and
- Fever, chills, muscle pains, chorioamnionitis.
- Lyme arthritis
- Nerve and heart problems Candidiasis
● a monilial infection cause by
● Other Viral Diseases
● effects in the fetus as a
(rubeola/measles, mumps, sequelae: prematurity or an
chicken pox, varicella, underlying infection

polio, influenza, viral

hepatitis, HIV) ● So, a baby born with CNS
damage or anomalies may
- may cause: fetal death, severe
have a TORCH Screen of
anemia and congenital heart

3 Hannah Leal Rendaje Shariff BN1E

Care of Mother, Child & Adolescent (Lecture) - NCM107A

T - Toxoplasmosis ● Tranquilizers
● Vitamin A derivatives
O - Other viral infection
(including syphilis)
R - Rubella
C - Cytomegalovirus Teratogenicity of Alcohol

H - Herpes II ● Fetal alcohol syndrome

Teratogenicity of Cigarettes
● fetal growth restriction
Potential Teratogenicity of Vaccines ● Low birth weight
● a fetus may be at greater risk
● Live virus vaccines (measles,
for being stillborn
HPV, mumps, rubella, polio)
● after birth, may be at a
greater risk than others for
sudden infant death
Teratogenic Drugs
● Thalidomide
● Cytotec drugs
● Analgesics (Aspirin, NSAID) Environmental Teratogens
● Antineoplastics
● Androgens ● impure air or water – fetal
● Anticonvulsants growth restriction
● Anticoagulants
● Antidiabetic
● Antithyroid
● Antibiotics Metal & Chemical hazards
● Antischizophrenic
● Anthelmintics Pesticides, Carbon Monoxide,
● Antivirals Mercury, Fluoride, Lead
● Caffeine
● Angiotensin - ingestion may cause mental
● Hypoglycemics
retardation and CNS damage to
● Nicotine
● Radiopharmaceuticals fetus
● Narcotics

4 Hannah Leal Rendaje Shariff BN1E

Care of Mother, Child & Adolescent (Lecture) - NCM107A

Toxic Waste (Dioxin)

- may cause fetal malformation Health Assessment During the

and leukemia later in life First Prenatal Visit:

- produces a range of A. Demographic Data

malformations depending on the address, telephone number, race/ethnic
stage of development of the group, religion, health insurance
embryo or fetus and the strength
and length of exposure
B. Family profile

Hyperthermia and hypothermia identify support system, size of house,

her age & partner’s age, educational
- advise pregnant women not to
levels, occupation
use hot tubs, saunas, or tanning
beds during pregnancy
- effect of hypothermia is not well C. Family history
known - Inherited disease
- Congenital Anomalies
Teratogenic Maternal Stress: D. Past medical history
- anxiety and worry beyond the - Cardiac, kidney, STD’s, DM,
usual amount could produce Thyroid, Respiratory, Surgical
physiologic changes through their procedures, Injuries, Childhood
effects on the sympathetic Diseases, Allergies/ drug
division of the autonomic nervous sensitivities\

5 Hannah Leal Rendaje Shariff BN1E

Care of Mother, Child & Adolescent (Lecture) - NCM107A

E. Social profile ○ G - # of pregnancies

Information of woman’s lifestyle ○ P- # of delivered full term

○ T – term pregnancy
● Exercise
○ P – preterm pregnancy
● Hobbies
○ A – abortion
● Smoking
○ L – living children
● Drinking habits
○ M – multiple pregnancies
● Medication history
● Recreational drugs
Tests for fetal growth and
development are commonly done for
F. Gynecologic history
a variety of reasons, including to:

○ Reproductive tract ● Predict the outcome of the

○ Breast problem pregnancy
● Manage the remaining weeks of
○ Menarche
the pregnancy
○ Menstrual cycle (interval, ● Plan for possible complications at
duration, amount, birth
● Plan for problems that may occur
in the newborn infant
○ Past surgery on ● Decide whether to continue the
reproductive tract pregnancy
● Find conditions that may affect
○ Reproductive planning
future pregnancies
○ Sexual history

G. Obstetric history

6 Hannah Leal Rendaje Shariff BN1E

Care of Mother, Child & Adolescent (Lecture) - NCM107A

Nursing responsibilities for these Fundal Heights:

assessment procedures include: ● at the symphysis pubis – 12
● verifying that a signed consent form
has been obtained as needed
● at the umbilicus – 20 weeks
● being certain the woman and her
support person are aware of what
● at xiphoid process – 36 weeks
the procedure will entail and any
potential risks
Mc Donald’s rule:
● preparing the woman physically and
psychologically, providing support ● lunar months:
during the procedure ○ fundal height(cm)
● assessing both fetal and maternal x 2/7
responses during and after the ○ ex: 14 cm x 2/7 = 4
procedure months
● providing any necessary follow-up ● weeks:
care, and managing equipment and
○ fundal height (cm)
x 8/7
○ ex: 14 cm x 8/7 =
- any pre pregnancy illnesses
Laboratory Tests
- drugs a woman takes
- nutritional intake 1. Blood grouping - to determine the
- personal habits blood type
- exposure to teratogens 2. Hgb/Hct - to detect anemia Hgb <
11 g/dl or Hct < 32% requires iron
- unintentional injuries or intimate
partner violence
3. CBC - to detect infection or cell
4. Rh factor - for possible
maternal-fetal blood incompatibility
● vital signs 5. VDRL or RPR (Rapid Plasma
● height & weight Reagin) - serologic test for syphilis
● pelvic measurement 6. Urinalysis
● Abdomen 7. Antibody titers for rubella &
Hepatitis B
8. HIV Screening

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Care of Mother, Child & Adolescent (Lecture) - NCM107A

9. Glucose Tolerance test Assessing the fetal heart tones:

10. Tuberculosis Screening
11. Ultrasonography
● Schedule of Pre- visits up to 32 1. Fetal heart tones
weeks - once/ 2 months - a very rapid, somewhat muffled
● 32- 36 weeks - 2x / months ticking sound
● 36 weeks to delivery- once a
normal: 120-160 bpm

Leopold’s maneuver 2. Uterine bruit / Souffle

● a soft murmur caused by the
- a systematic way of observation &
passage of blood thru the uterine
palpation to determine fetal position
● synchronous with maternal pulse
1. Let the patient void. 3. Funic Souffle
2. Position the mother supine with ● hissing sound produced by
knees flexed passage of blood thru the
Steps: umbilical arteries
● synchronous with FHB
1. Palpate what is lying in the
fundus. “Fundal Grip”
BREECH – round, hard, mobile VARIATIONS IN F H B

CEPHALIC – irregular, soft, non- mobile

2. Palpate fetal back in relation to 1. Early deceleration
the right & the left. “Umbilical - caused by fetal head compression
- Management: no intervention required
3. Locate the presenting part at
pelvic inlet & check for 2. Late Deceleration
engagement. “Pawlik’s Grip” - caused by uteroplacental insufficiency
4. Palpate just above the inguinal - delayed until 30-40 secs after the
the relationship of the presenting onset of contraction.
part to the pelvis. “Pelvic Grip”

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Care of Mother, Child & Adolescent (Lecture) - NCM107A

- Management 1. Fetoscopy
change the woman’s position to left side 2. Pre-Implantation diagnosis

admin O2, IV
3. Variable Deceleration Genetic Counseling:

- caused by umbilical cord compression ● an educational process that

seeks to assist affected
- Management: change the woman’s individuals in getting an inherited
position to relieve pressure on the cord condition to understand the
nature of the genetic disorder,
Genetic Assessment & Counseling its transmission and the options
there might be for prevention and
● Genetics - the study of
or testing.
individual genes and their
impact on relatively rare
single gene disorders. Purpose of Genetic Counseling:
● Assessment: 1. Provide concrete, accurate
1. History information about the process
2. Physical Assessment of inheritance and inherited
A. Inspection of body areas disorders
3. Diagnostic Test: 2. Reassure people who are
A. Karyotyping concerned their child may
B. Maternal Serum screening - AFP inherit a particular disorder
that the disorder will not occur
4. Chorionic Villi sampling
3. Allow people who are affected
5. Amniocentesis by inherited disorders to make
6. Percutaneous Umbilical Blood informed choices about future
Sampling reproduction
4. Allow people to pursue
7. Fetal Imaging
potential interventions that
A. Computed tomography Scan may exist such as fetal
B. MRI surgery

9 Hannah Leal Rendaje Shariff BN1E

Care of Mother, Child & Adolescent (Lecture) - NCM107A

5. Allow families to begin - If an hour passes without 10

preparation for a child with movements, they should walk
special needs around a little and try to count
- If 10 movements (kicks) cannot
Assessment of Fetal Well being & be felt in a second 1-hour period,
Maturity they should telephone their
primary healthcare provider. The
fetus could be healthy but
sleeping during this time, so lack
- heard and counted as early as
of typical movements may not be
the 10th to 11th week of
serious, but it is an indication for
pregnancy by the use of an
further assessment
ultrasound Doppler technique
- Done routinely at every prenatal
visit past 10 weeks. ● AMNIOCENTESIS
- done during the 26th week of
- in amniocentesis, a hollow needle
is inserted through the mother's
- occurs at approximately 18 to 20
abdomen into the uterus, and
weeks of pregnancy and peaks in
amniotic fluid is drawn for
intensity at 28 to 38 weeks
- early 1st trimester: to detect
● DAILY FETAL MOVEMENT congenital abnormalities
COUNT (KICK COUNTS) - 3rd trimester: determine fetal
- Lie in a left recumbent position lung maturity
after a meal. a. Lecithin/Sphingomyelin (L/S) Ratio
- Observe and record the number
- measures maturity of fetal lung
of fetal movements (kicks) their
- the protein component of the
fetus makes until they have
enzyme surfactant
counted 10 movements.
- Record the time (typically, this is Normal Ratio 2:1
under an hour). b. Alpha-Feto Protein

10 Hannah Leal Rendaje Shariff BN1E

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- major plasma of early fetus NON-REACTIVE:

- decrease after 13 weeks of - FHR does not increase to fetal
gestation activity
- with AFP: neural tube defect - Less than 3 responses in 20
c. Color of Amniotic fluid minute recording


- Let the mother drink 2-4 glasses TEST (OCT) /
of water within 2 hours CONTRACTIONS
- Monitor vital signs STRESS TEST (CST)
- done for evaluation of the ability
of the fetus to withstand the
stress of uterine contractions
● used to evaluate FHR in
response to fetal activity
● non stress because the fetus is - If the woman has a non reactive
not challenged or stressed by non stress test -
uterine contractions Procedure:
- Diluted IV Oxytocin is given via
Indications: infusion pump
- women with prolonged pregnancy
- diabetes Interpretation:
- hypertensive disorders - Negative:
- history of stillbirth ● 3 contractions in 10 min
● No Late Deceleration (Indicates
Interpretation: Placental Insufficiency)
REACTIVE: - Positive:
- FHR greater than 15bpm in ● presence of Late Deceleration in
response to fetal activity for 15 response to uterine contractions
- 5 responses in 20 minute ● ULTRASONOGRAPHY

11 Hannah Leal Rendaje Shariff BN1E

Care of Mother, Child & Adolescent (Lecture) - NCM107A

- Diagnose pregnancy as early as 2. Identify health problems,

6 weeks gestation. discomforts and needs of
- Confirm the presence, size, and pregnant mothers.
location of the placenta and 3. Enumerate the different
amniotic fluid. prenatal exercises.
- Establish a fetus is growing and 4. Formulate the plan of action
has no gross anomalies such as in taking care of prepartum
hydrocephalus; anencephaly; or clients
spinal cord, heart, kidney, and 5. Discuss possible danger S/S
bladder concerns. of pregnancy, during the
- Establish the sex if a penis is course of labor, delivery and
revealed. its nursing interventions.
- Establish the presentation and 6. Explain factors affecting the
position of the fetus. normal process of labor and
- Predict gestational age by delivery.
measurement of the biparietal 7. Show behaviors of concern,
diameter of the head or compassion and competence
crown-to-rump measurement. in the care of prepartum and
- Discover complications of intrapartum mothers and
pregnancy family


○ Normal weight
Objective of Health Education to A. 2-5 lbs – 1st trimester
Pregnant Women and family B. 1 lb/week – 2nd & 3rd trimester
C. Total Weight Gain: 25-35 lbs
D. Components of Weight Gain
1. Use effectively the knowledge
- Fetus 7.5 lbs
gained in the discussion of
- Placenta 1-1.5 lbs
prenatal care.
- Amniotic Fluid 2 lbs
- Uterus 2.5 lbs

12 Hannah Leal Rendaje Shariff BN1E

Care of Mother, Child & Adolescent (Lecture) - NCM107A

- Breast tissue 3 lbs C. Pelvic tilt – for relief of backache

- Blood Volume 4 lbs Shoulder circling –
- Maternal stores 4-8 lbs for relief of
2. Nutrition 5. Sexual Relations
- Calories – increase 300 Kcal/day ○ no restrictions
- CHON – 4 servings of meat ○ CI: vaginal
recommended or 60 g/day bleeding, ruptured
- Ca – 1200 mg/day membranes
- Folate – 0.4 mg/day ○ strong uterine
- Iron – 30 mg/day contraction after

3. Rest
- encourage mother to sit down &
elevate the feet
Common Discomforts of
- 10 hours of sleep
- modified Sim’s
4. Exercise
- amount & type of exercise
A. Breast Tenderness
depend on the physical condition
- often one of the first symptoms
of the woman & stage of
noticed in early pregnancy and
may be most noticeable on
A. Walking - most ideal exercise
exposure to cold air.
because it stimulates muscular
- Management: encourage a
activity of the entire body & does
woman to wear a bra with a wide
not result in fatigue or strain.
shoulder strap for support and to
B. Kegels exercise - aid in
dress warmly to avoid cold drafts
restoration of perineal muscles &
if cold increases symptoms.
prevent stress incontinence
C. Tailor sitting – for relief of
backache; stretches perineal B. Varicosities

13 Hannah Leal Rendaje Shariff BN1E

Care of Mother, Child & Adolescent (Lecture) - NCM107A

○ due to pressure of the diminished gastric

gravid uterus to the large motility
○ Management:
- avoid constricting clothing - traditional solution: to keep dry
- avoid crossing legs at the knees crackers by their bedside and
- frequent rest periods with legs eat a few before rising
elevated - sucking on sour candies
- wear support (elastic stockings} - eat small but frequent meals
- keep within the recommended rather than large infrequent
weight gain
- avoid prolong standing (change
- avoid greasy or highly
position frequently if standing)
seasoned food.
- delay breakfast until nausea
passes (eat snacks before
C. Nausea & Vomiting bedtime)
- No definite cause has been - avoid sudden movements and
established for this symptom of fatigue because these may
early pregnancy, but it may be increase or cause nausea.
related to:
- sensitivity to the high level of
A. Fatigue
chorionic gonadotropin ○ due to increased metabolic
hormone produced by the requirements
trophoblast cells ○ Management:
- high estrogen or progesterone - increasing the amount of rest and
levels sleep
- lowered maternal blood sugar - elevate the feet
caused by the needs of the
developing embryo
B. Hemorrhoids
lack of pyridoxine - due to smooth muscle relaxation
(vitamin B6) effect of progesterone
- Constipation

14 Hannah Leal Rendaje Shariff BN1E

Care of Mother, Child & Adolescent (Lecture) - NCM107A

- pressure of the gravid uterus ● avoid caffeine

● hot sitz bath E. Backache
● avoid constipation - caused by the enlarging uterus/
● rest/ sleep in sim’s position lordosis
● avoid long standing or walking Management:
● topical anesthetic agents as
prescribed ● tailor sitting
● shoulder circling
● pelvic rock
C. Leg cramps ● squat rather than bend when
- caused by imbalance of Ca & lifting
Management: F. Leukorrhea
● to relieve cramps, extend the ● profuse whitish vaginal discharge
affected leg, keeping knees ● cause: in response to high
straight, bend your foot toward estrogen level and the increased
you /or ask someone to help you blood supply to the vaginal
flex your foot epithelium and cervix in
● diet rich in calcium, phosphorous pregnancy
● B- complex supplement. Management:
● daily bath or shower
D. Frequent urination ● clean perineal area always (front
to back)
- due to pressure of the gravid ● wear perineal pads
uterus on the bladder ● wear cotton underwear
● will be resolved without G. Hypotension
intervention. However, you can - occurs when a woman lies on her
use Kegel’s exercise to lessen back and the uterus presses on
the discomfort
● void every 2hrs/ or as necessary

15 Hannah Leal Rendaje Shariff BN1E

Care of Mother, Child & Adolescent (Lecture) - NCM107A

the inferior vena cava, impairing ● associated with Iron Deficiency

blood return to her heart Anemia
Management: Management:
- a woman turns or is turned onto ● help plan an intake that includes
her side the food, at least in moderation,
- rising slowly and avoiding to help her enjoy her pregnancy
extended periods of standing without feeling guilty
- advise pregnant women to ● iron supplements
always rest or sleep on their side, ● small, frequent meals
not their back (prevention) Pica - cravings for nonfood substance
G. Dyspnea J. Palmar Erythema / Plantar
● difficulty of breathing Pruritus

Management: cause: increased estrogen levels

● elevate head of bed Management:

● avoid having a full stomach ● explain that this type of itching in
● avoid physical exertion early pregnancy is normal
● use of calamine lotion

H. Ankle edema
● reduced blood circulation in lower K. Heart Palpitations
extremities ● cause: circulatory adjustments
Management: necessary to accommodate her
increased blood supply.
● avoid constricting clothing
● open, flat footwear Management:
● elevate leg while resting ● gradual, slow movements will
● avoid long standing or walking help prevent this from happening.

I. Cravings
● are so common they are
considered a normal part of
adaptation to pregnancy.

16 Hannah Leal Rendaje Shariff BN1E

Care of Mother, Child & Adolescent (Lecture) - NCM107A

Teaching Self-Care Needs During Discomforts of Pregnancy ( Middle to

Pregnancy late pregnancy)
1. Backache
1. Bathing 2. Headache
2. Breast Care 3. Dyspnea
3. Dental Care 4. Ankle edema
4. Perineal Hygiene
5. Dressing Substances and Drugs to Avoid:
6. Sexual activity
7. Exercise 1. Caffeine
8. Employment 2. Tobacco/ Cigarettes
9. Travel 3. Alcohol
10. Nutrition 4. Marijuana
5. Cocaine

Discomforts of Pregnancy: (First

A. vaginal spotting/bleeding
B. leaking of fluid from the
1. Breast tenderness vagina
2. Palmar Erythema/ Pruritus C. unusual abdominal cramps
3. Constipation - 1st trimester- ectopic pregnancy
4. Morning Sickness - 3rd trimester- abruptio placenta
5. Fatigue D. persistent headache, blurring
6. Leg cramps of vision
7. Supine Hypotension E. marked swelling of hands &
8. Varicosities feet
9. Hemorrhoids F. painful, burning urination
10. Heart palpitations discharge
11. Frequency of urination G. foul smelling vaginal
12. Leukorrhea discharge
H. chills & fever
I. persistent nausea & vomiting

17 Hannah Leal Rendaje Shariff BN1E

Care of Mother, Child & Adolescent (Lecture) - NCM107A

5. Do not withhold breath while

Preparation for Labor and
6. Do not continue with exercise
Delivery if any danger signs of
pregnancy occurs.
Childbirth Education: 7. Never exercise to a point of
Goals: To prepare the expectant 8. Never practice second stage
parents emotionally and physically for pushing
childbirth while promoting wellness
behavior that can be used by parents
and their families for life. Preparation for childbirth
1. childbirth exercise
2. reduce and manage pain 1. Childbirth exercise:
3. increase enjoyment and ○ Tailor sitting
satisfaction with childbirth ○ Squatting
exercise ○ Kegel’s exercise
4. birthing plan ○ Abdominal
○ Pelvic rocking
Exercise Guidelines for preparation
2. Pain management:
of Labor
● the 3 premise:
- discomforts during labor can be
1. Always rise from the floor minimized if the woman comes
slowly into labor well-informed.
2. To rise from the floor, roll over - discomforts during labor can be
to the side then push up minimized if the woman’s
3. When exercising the leg, abdomen is relaxed
never point the toes (extend - Pain perceptions can be altered
the heel) instead. by distraction techniques or by
4. Do not attempt exercises that Gate Control Theory of pain
hyper extend the lower back. perception.

18 Hannah Leal Rendaje Shariff BN1E

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According to Gate Theory: depending on the intensity

● Stimulus > peripheral nerve fiber of contraction
> cells of dorsal horns of spinal ○ Consciously controlled
cord > substantia gelatinosa (a breathing:
dense interfacing network of cells E. Level 1 or A - Low and rhythmic
in the spinal cord) creates a chest breathing.
sudden synapse > motor nerve > F. Level 2 or B - A shallow chest
impulse > spinal cord > breathing & lighter breathing than
hypothalamus and cortex of the level 1.
brain (where the impulse is G. Level 3 or C - breathing is
interpreted as pain) shallower mostly at the sternum.
H. Level 4 or D - the woman uses a
Gating Mechanism to control pain/ ‘’ pant blow’’ pattern of breathing.
discomfort: I. Level 5 – is chest panting. A
A. Cutaneous stimulation continuous shallow panting.
B. Distraction
C. Reducing anxiety A. Bradley method - (husband
D. Lamaze method coached) it is based on the
(Psychoprophylaxis) - a premise that childbirth is a
combination of two words joyful and natural process.
which are: ‘’prophylaxis’’ B. Dick Read method - the
and ‘’psyche’’; based on the premise of this method
theory “Stimulus response is that ‘’fear leads to tension
conditioning” and that it leads to pain."
○ Cleansing breath - done to ○ Whole body relaxation
begin all breathing exercise
exercises ○ Abdominal breathing
○ Conscious relaxation - this THE BIRTH SETTING
is done by relaxing body 1. Birth Attendants/ Support
portions. person
○ Consciously controlled 2. Birth Setting
breathing - a woman uses ○ Hospital
different rates in labor ○ Birthing chair

19 Hannah Leal Rendaje Shariff BN1E

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○ Home birth water bath may become

○ Alternative Birthing contaminated.
centers (ABC’s ) ● most women who choose
3. Activities during labor underwater birth, however,
4. Birth enjoy the experience and are
5. Postpartum pleased that they chose this

Alternative Methods of Birth


● the birthing room is darkened ● unassisted birthing /

(no sudden contrast in light) freebirthing / couples birth
● environment is pleasantly ● refers to women giving birth
warm without healthcare provider
● soft music played; harsh supervision
noises kept to a minimum ● a woman learns pregnancy
● infant is handled gently care from reading books or
● cord is cut late articles found on the Internet
● infant is placed immediately in and then arranges to have her
warm bath water child birth at home
● “birth is such a natural
process that no medical
HYDROTHERAPY AND THE WATER supervision is necessary”
BIRTH ● others choose it because they
have no health insurance and
so can’t afford either a
● women are encouraged to not
hospital or alternative birth
only labor in warm showers or
tubs but also to give birth in
● potentially dangerous
spa tubs of warm water
● disadvantage: most women
expel feces from pushing in
the second stage of labor, the

20 Hannah Leal Rendaje Shariff BN1E

Care of Mother, Child & Adolescent (Lecture) - NCM107A

Nursing Diagnosis ● Planning with couples for

1. Health seeking behaviors r/t labor and birth should be;
learning more about the birth ● Realistic
setting and newborn care ● Flexible
- Or if lack with support person,
this nursing dx may apply; Implementation

2. Ineffective coping r/t lack of 1. Provide a woman and her

support person. partner with information on
the benefits of birthing
3. Anxiety r/t absence of options.
significant others 2. Remain objective, examine
- For a couple unable to make a your own attitude, cultural
decision for a birth setting. influences and values related
to childbirth and explore how
these differ from those of your
4. Decisional conflict r/t lack of patients
information about advantages 3. Refer couples to a childbirth
and disadvantages of various preparation course
childbirth setting. 4. Review the arrangement a
- If there are older children in the woman needs.
family, the nursing diagnosis ○ Preparation for
might be; transportation
○ Preparation for
5. Anxiety r/t sibling role in
○ Purchase supplies
pending birth event and
needed for
sibling ability to welcome a
new family member.

Outcome Identification/ planning

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Care of Mother, Child & Adolescent (Lecture) - NCM107A

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