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to a Healthy Holiday
The Ultimate Svelte Guide to
a Healthy Holiday Season
The holidays are a wonderful time of year where we get to
spend time with family, friends, and co-workers at holiday
parties and events. An essential part of these gatherings
revolves around food and alcohol. Not to worry, here are
some healthy tips to help you navigate these joyful events
without preventing you from achieving your health goals!
Top 10 tips to for a
Healthy Holiday Season

1. Come Correctly… Bring Something Healthy:

It’s a tradition for guests to bring a plate or side dish to help
contribute to the holiday feast. One way to ensure you stick
to your nutrition plan is to bring a healthy dish. A crowd
favorite is always Carrot Fries! The best part about the Carrot
Fries is the fact that they only require these 4 ingredients:

6 to 10 Large Carrots
1 tbsp Coconut Oil
1 tbsp Lemon Pepper
1 tbsp Salt and Pepper
1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
2. Cut carrots into quarters, then into
halves and season
3. Cook for 15 minutes until lightly browned.

2. Don’t Slack… Eat a Snack:

A major key to a successful night is to NOT arrive hungry.
Eating a healthy snack before you go to an event or party is a
terrific way to ensure you don’t overeat.
3. Hang Out with Family, Not Food:
The most important part of holiday parties is bonding with
your family and friends. Focusing on loved ones will help
keep your distance from the food.

4. Choose Wisely:
At a holiday party, you may
be tempted to sample a bit
of everything, but try to avoid
appetizers high in carbs and
desserts full of sugar. Stick with
proteins, vegetables, and fruit!

5. Proper Portions:
You may not be able to control what’s being served, but you
can watch your portion sizes. Grab a smaller plate instead of
a full size one. This will make you feel like you’re getting a
bigger portion and help prevent you from overeating.

6. Looking for Protein... GO Lean:

Typically there is a variety of protein options at holiday
parties. Consider going for lean options such as white meat,
poultry, or seafood.
7. Take Time to Digest:
Sometimes you may be tempted to eat with your eyes, but it’s
important to listen to your body and give it some time. Let
your body digest before going for a second plate.

8. Avoid Alcohol:
Boozy beverages are often filled with tons of sugar, carbs,
and calories. Try to avoid alcohol or drink in moderation as
it can cause inflammation to the body. If you’re looking for a
substitute, try making this Lavender Lemonade Mocktail!

2 tbsp Dried Lavender

8 Mint Branches
3/4 cup Fresh Lemon Juice
3 Tablespoons of Honey
6 cups of Water

1. Add Ingreidents.
2. Stir and Chill … Enjoy!
9. Stay Active:
Have fun with your family and friends by doing activities that
take the focus off of eating. Try playing games, singing, going
for a walk or bike ride or dancing!

10. Enjoy the Moment:

Eat slowly and savor every bite. It’s not a race!

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