L2 Unlock Vocab 2nd Ed Revision Units 1-4

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Prep Program

Level 2



Units 1&2

Part A

Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. Change the form if necessary.

area government village celebrate countryside

pollution noisy move traditional adult city centre

quiet neighbourhood dish culture population meal

Mark is from the _________but he recently _________to a nearby city to attend university. He lives in the

________in a student house. It’s very different to living in a________. It’s very, even at night. He hears people

on the streets until 4am most nights. Although he likes the hustle and bustle of the city, he sometimes misses

the ________countryside and the fresh, clean air. The ________of the city has been a problem for years and

it’s only getting worse! He thinks that the local __________isn’t doing enough to protect the green

_________and the waterways in the city. He thought that the city would be an unfriendly place but he has met

lots of really nice and interesting people in his________. The ________of the city is approximately 12 million

and it is very cosmopolitan with people of different ________living there. His next-door neighbors are from

Poland and last weekend, they invited Mark to their house for a special ________ to _________Christmas.

They cooked lots of delicious ________. After dinner they sang some __________ songs from Poland and the

_________told stories to the children. It was an amazing night.

Part B

Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. Change the form if necessary.

extra guest expert offer local opportunity

modern gift/present activity

1- When I was a student in university, I worked in a restaurant to earn some_______money.

2- My sister is getting married next month and there will be 250 ________at her wedding!

3-Stunt Drivers are driving _______. Film makers use them for car chases.

4-I always ______to help my elderly neighbor with her heavy shopping bags.

5- When Lisa visits other countries she enjoys talking to the ______people even if she doesn’t speak the


6-There are far more job________ in cities than in towns and villages.

7-People today live longer than they did in the past because of_______ medicine.

8-Watching TV is a passive _______.

9-My best friend gave me a lovely __________for my birthday.

Part C

Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. Change the form if necessary.

take place chance product business take part

I think I could be a good inventor or an entrepreneur. I’m creative and I have lots of ______ideas. It has always

been my dream to _______ in the famous reality TV show ‘Dragons’ Den’ on the BBC. It is a show where you
get a _______to meet successful business people and present your business idea to them. Then they decide if

they want to be your business partner or not. So, guess what, my dream will finally come true! I applied to be

on the show and I’ve been accepted. Now, I can show inventors the ______that I’ve invented. The show will

_______next month in London. I’m so excited!

Part D

Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box.

arrive visitor highlight responsibility rest entertainment adult

1- We usually expect trains to _____ on time.

2- Feeding the dogs on the street is the ______of my day.

3- There isn’t much _______in my home town, just a small cinema and a couple of bars.

4- You should prepare a room when a______comes to stay.

5- Owning a pet is a big________. You can’t return it when you get bored of it.

6- The doctor told him to ______ for a week after the operation.

7- _______ lions can weigh up to 190kg.

8- During the pandemic, some people were ______to be able to work from home.

9- I went for an interview last week and the company made me a job_______. I think I’m going to accept

Units 3 & 4

Part A

Choose the correct form of the words to complete the sentences.

(v = verb; n = noun; adj = adjective)

1. Websites ______information about you.

a. collection (n.)
b. collect (v.)
2. Hurricanes are______storms.
a. violently
b. violent
3. Travelling abroad can be an ________experience.
a. education (n.)
b. educational (adj.)
4. He went to France_______ his French.
a. improvement (n.)
b. improve (v.)
5. Some people argue that video games negatively _______people’s behavior.
a. effect (n.)
b. affect (v.)
6. He is an extremely _______designer but I don’t like his style.
a. creativity (n)
b. creative (adj)
7. Nobody puts job _________ in the newspaper anymore.
a. adverts (n)
b. advertise (v)
8. People _________ spare rooms that you can rent on the student notice board.
a. advertise (v)
b. advertisement
9. I’m terrible at making up stories. I’ve got no_________.
a. imagination (n)
b. imagine (v)
10. Jane is a very _______ driver. She never goes too fast.
a. carefully (adv)
b. careful (adj)

Part B

Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. Change the form if necessary.

rise decrease drop benefit protect skill download free

The number of language learning applications has______ in recent years. Paid and _____apps such as
‘Duolingo’ and ‘Babel’ have been _________by millions of people all over the world. This suggests
that more and more people are learning languages these days. However, some people say that this
number will______ due to machine translators. It will ______ because people will only have to speak
into an app on their phones in their own language and it will automatically translate it into another
language. Is this a good or a bad thing? Well, although learning a language can be difficult, there are
lots of ______. Language learning is good for your brain. Studies show that knowing another
language can even _______ us from brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s. It also improves our
communication ________. People trust you more when you speak to them in their own language.

Part C

Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box, and change the form if necessary.

record security survive signal interest increase cover

1- The accident was very serious but luckily everyone________.

2- The light was very bright. I had to ______ my eyes.

3-While driving, you must _____when you want to turn left or right.

4-The students show a lot of________ in politics.

5-I like when the teachers _______the lectures. That way I can watch them again and again.

6-There were a lot of _______guards at the concert. They searched everyone before entering.

7-Homelessness has _________because there just aren’t enough houses.


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