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A. Underline the correct alternative in the conversations.

Conversation 1

A: Can I have a / an cup of coffee, and a / some cakes, please?

B: Sorry, we don't have some / any cakes.

A: What? But this sign says 'cakes'.

B: Yes, but there are some / a lot of people here today.

A: OK, can I have a / an egg sandwich then?

Conversation 2

A: Excuse me. I don't speak Spanish. Do you have a / any newspapers in English?

B: Yes, there's a / an American newspaper here, but it's from yesterday.

A: You don't have a / an English newspaper?

B: No, we usually have some /an English newspapers but not today.

Conversation 3

A: Hello, I want to study English and I have a / some questions.

B: OK.

A: Are there any / a lot of students in the classes?

B: No, we have small classes - only twelve students in a class. There aren't some / any big classes.

B. Rewrite the sentences putting the words in the box in the correct places. One word is extra.

of a an aren’t any some (x2)

1. There are a lot words on this page. ___Ex. There are a lot of words on this page.__
2. Words on this page have four letter. __Some words….____________
3. There are names of people on the page. __some names….__________________________
4. There any words with twelve letters. ___There aren’t…__________________________
5. This sentence doesn’t have letter “B” in it. __doesn’t have a letter...______________
6. There aren’t numbers on the page. ___There aren’t any numbers…__________________
Unit 4B

C. Complete the questions with “how much” and “how many”. Then complete the sentences.

Ex. How many cigarettes do you smoke.  Not many.

He doesn’t smoke many cigarettes.

1. _How much___ fruit do you eat?  A lot.

She __eats a lot of fruit._____________________ .

2. ___How much___ milk do you drink?  Quite a lot.

He _drink quite a lot of milk____________________ .

3. __How much_____ exercise do you do?  Not much.

He __doesn’t do much exercise______________________ .

4. __How many_______ cups of tea do you drink?  Not many.

She __doesn’t drink many cups of tea_______________ .

5. __How many____ biscuits do you eat?  A lot.

He __eats a lot of biscuits______________ .

D. Read the chart below and write questions looking at the answers.


Ally eats 46 hot dogs in 11 minutes.
George eats 128 chicken wings in 28 minutes.
Nicole eats 10 hamburgers in 11 minutes.
John eats 7 liters of ice-cream in 14 minutes.
Gustav drinks 6 liters of milk in 3 minutes and 29 seconds.
Barbara eats 5 kilos of fruit in 9 minutes 15 seconds.
1. How many hot dogs does Ally eat? 4. __How much ice-cream does John eat_?
46 hot dogs. 7 lt.
2. _How many chicken wings does George eat_? 5. _How much milk does Gustav drink_?
128 chicken wings. 6 lt.
3. _How many hamburgers does Nicole eat_? 6. _How much fruit does Barbara eat_?
10 hamburgers. 5 kg

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