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Thesis: The Church will be Raptured before Tribulation

I. Introduction
- Description
- Brief background
II. Rapture and Tribulation
III. Supporting views for Rapture and the Tribulation
IV. Conclusion.

Rapture and Tribulation are events in the study of Eschatology that many
Theologians have not agreed as to which on comes first. Discussions on these
topics are however part of the many issues included in the second coming of the
Lord Jesus Christ. The second coming of Christ as Ericks (P1186) says, “Is one
event which will mark the beginning of the completion of God’s plan.” Proponents of
both rapture and tribulation have been having peaceful debates as to which one
comes first. Theologians from both camps, observes Grudem (1994) “No matter
what their differences on the details, all Christians who take the Bible as their final
authority agree that the final and ultimate result of Christ’s return will be the
judgment of unbelievers and the final reward of believers, and that believers will live
with Christ in a new heaven and a new earth for all eternity.”

This research paper will discuss the resurrection of dead and changing of the living
Christians at rapture. It will further look at Postmillennial and Premillennial in relation
to rapture and tribulation. In addition, the views on pretribulation rapture will be
considered. Finally, supporting views of rapture and tribulation from the biblical
perspective will be discussed.


Rapture is not explicitly mentioned in the bible but its meaning is found in Paul’s
letter to the Thessalonians where it is mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 4:16 For the
Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of
the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise
first.17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with
them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the
Lord forever. “Caught up” is translated from a Greek word HARPAZO which means
to “snatch up.” Latin language uses the word REPERE where English gets the word
“RAPTURE.” Rapture is therefore, the snatching away of believers to meet the Lord
in the air. From the scripture above it is clear that Christ will not touch the earth but
the Church will meet Him in the air. On this event, those who died in Christ will be
resurrected and together with the living Christians will be caught up or raptured to
meet the Lord. Rapture will be used to retrieve believers from the wrath of God, also
known as the Tribulation. Romans 5:9 “…. Saved from God’s wrath.” Since flesh and
blood cannot enter into glory, the resurrected saints will put on the imperishable and
immortal bodies. The living Christians will be changed as 1 John 3:2 ………and what
we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we
shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.

Pre-tribulation Rapture means that the Church of God will be raptured before the
tribulation occurs. Rapture puts to an end the period of grace to the Gentile Nations.
Most Classic Pentecostals believe in Pretribulation Rapture. They are also known as
Pretribulation Rapturists. At rapture, Christ does not touch the earth as recorded in 1
Thessalonians 4:16, 17 while Matthew 24:31-34 Christ will come with His Angels.
The two events are not the same, they are fundamentally different! The difference
between the two is the one seven week also known as 7years period of Tribulation
narrated in the book of Daniel.

According to New Compact Bible Dictionary, tribulation is the, “trouble of the great
sort or period of suffering sent from God upon the earth at the end.” It is important to
look at other teachings regarding this eschatological discussion. Grudem (1994) puts
it clear that throughout history, there have been three major views on this subject:

(a) Mid-tribulation or Pre-wrath – believe that the Church will be present and go
through 3 years of tribulation before rapture
(b) Post-tribulation – this is a view that the Church will go through all the 7 years
(70th week in the book of Daniel) of tribulation before the second coming of
Christ Jesus. They also believe that despite the persecutions and oppressions
the Church will grow remarkably by the power of God.
(c) Pre-tribulation – this is the view that the Church will be raptured before the
7years of tribulation. The Church will not go through God’s wrath on earth as
the Apostle Paul states in Romans 5:9

The book of Daniel 9:20-27 talks about seven years refer to God’s dealing with the
Nation of Israel. The Church is not part of the 7 years of God’s wrath because as the
Apostle Paul states in 1 Thessalonians 5:9 For God did not appoint us to suffer
wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. This statement is in
agreement with what John says in the book of Revelation 3:10 that God will deliver
the Church from the “hour of trial.”

It is believed that after rapture, there will be a World Leader known as the Ant Christ
who will seem to bring peace to the world and will make a treaty with Israel.
However, as Daniel 9:27 says that it will last for only for 3 years and after that the
Anti-Christ will break the treaty and the Great Tribulation will kick-in. Tribulation is
considered as the deliverance period for the children of Israel. This is in line with the
covenant God made with Abraham. In the book of Daniel 12:1“At that time
Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of
distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at
that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be

The Tribulation time is known by other two terms such as:

(a) Day of the Lord – (Joel 1:15) is termed as a day of destruction and that it will
be a terrible day. This may mean that all plans of people will be shattered,
destroyed and abandoned. There will be a terror all over. Great weeping and
no one will have time or chance to comfort the other. Zephaniah 1:15
emphasises by saying that the Great Day of the Lord will be bitter, day of
wrath, distress and anguish. A day of trouble and ruin. It will be a day of
darkness, gloom clouds and blackness.
(b) Time of Jacob’s Trouble – (Jeremiah 30:7) it is narrated as an awful day and a
period of trouble for Israel. God will however remember His covenant with
them and will save them.


As stated before, the Church will be raptured before the tribulation. From the
scriptures we see that the calendar of events seem to show the pattern of
resurrection first, changing of the Christians who are alive at the coming of Christ
and then both be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. This powerful event is
specifically for the Church only – both alive and died in Christ.
There is an interesting comparison by Ice (2009) of scriptures, John 14:1-3 and 1
Thessalonians 4:13-18. In both accounts Jesus Christ and Apostle Paul indicate that
rapture will take place before tribulation. Thy narrate that rapture should not cause
believers to be troubled or sorrowful, that Jesus will receive His Church to Himself
and that the Church will be with the Lord forever!

A similar view is also held by the pre-tribulationists who as Grudem (P1150) says
“maintain a clear distinction between the Church and Israel.” And further assert that
the “Church will be taken out of the world before the widespread conversion of the
Jewish people.”

It is important to note that resurrection and rapture are cardinal events to the effect
that the bodies of believers will be changed to conform to the requirement of the
heavenly place. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians indicate that the “perishable bodies”
will be clothed with the “imperishable bodies” and the “mortal bodies” will assume the
“immortal bodies.” (1 Corinthians 15:51-54) It is also worth noting the point by Ice
(2009) that the rapture is said to be a newly revealed mystery, making it a separate
event from the Second Coming of Christ as recorded in Daniel 12:1-3 and Zechariah
12:10; 14:4

The departure of the Church is the beginning of the Tribulations. The LORD God has
never been known to bring wrath on both the righteous and the wicked. Apostle Paul
in 1 Thessalonians 5:9 “For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive
salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.” The Church will not undergo tribulation
because God’s desire for His Church is that she may be saved from the wrath to
come. The work of the Holy Spirit, in this regard, is to protect the Church from the
wrath to come and all works of the enemy. Tribulations have no role to play before
rapture but it is an event to come before the second coming of Jesus Christ. The
other important point to note about the rapture is that it has no sign while tribulations
are signs of the second coming of Jesus to the earth with the saints.

The Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:10 talks about Christians appearing before the
judgement seat of Christ in heaven and a similar occasion is mentioned in Romans
14:14. The Hebrew/Greek interlinear Bible translates the “Judgement Seat” as the
BEMA Judgement Seat. It was originally used by ancient Greeks when giving
medals at the Olympics. This is the award giving event in heaven before Christ
comes down together with the saints. The raptured believers will appear before the
judgement seat of Christ.

Discussing further on tribulation, the Bible teaches that tribulation is meant for
Israel’s restoration and regeneration. (Ezekiel 20:22-44 and Jeremiah 30:4-11) The
Church is not part of this event but for those who will be on earth as stated in
Revelations 3:10. The Church currently and in various countries may go through
some difficulties but as Ice (2009) affirms “she is never mentioned as participating in
Israel’s time of trouble, which includes the Great Tribulation, the Day of the Lord and
the wrath of God.

The teaching on pre-tribulation rapture is the very reason why the Church should be
vigilant. Rapture has not sign hence the believers should live like it will happen at
any time. The Church will not stop to preach on holiness and in fact John in his letter
(1 John 3:3) declares that, “everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies
himself, just as He is pure.” Among other aspects that belief in rapture brings is the
urgent need to evangelize the earth and to be watchful


Rapture means to be “Caught up” translated from a Greek word HARPAZO which
means to “snatch up.” Latin language uses the word REPERE where English gets
the word “RAPTURE.”

Rapture is an event that the Lord will use to deliver his Church from the wrath to
come. This episode will start with the resurrection of those died in Christ and those
will be alive at the coming of Christ will changed and together raptured to meet the
Lord in the air.

Most classic Pentecostal believe in the pre-tribulation rapture. This means that the
Church will be raptured before the tribulation. Other theologians hold the view that
the Church will go through half of the seven years of the tribulation. They are known
has the Mid-tribulationists. There are others also believe who in the Post-tribulation,
holding the belief that the Church will go through the entire period of the tribulation.

Tribulation is meant for the Children of Israel. It is a way of chastising, restoration

and regeneration of God’s people Israel. The book of Daniel further calls it as the
seven years of God’s wrath. This period is also known as the Day of the Lord and
sometimes known as the Day of Jacob’s trouble

Finally it is generally discussed and sometimes disagreed that God deals with Israel
and the Church separately. This is what shows the difference between the Pre-
tribulationists and Post-tribulationists.

Bryant Alton T. The New Compact Bible Dictionary (1967) Zondervan Publishing
House Grant Rapids, Michigan
Erickson Millard J. Christian Theology 2nd Edition (1983) Baker Book House, Grand
Rapids, Michigan 49506
Grudem Wayne, Systematic Theology, an Introduction to Biblical Doctrine (1994)
Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530
Ice Thomas D, “Why I Believe the Bible Teaches Rapture before Tribulation”(2009).
Article Archives. 118.

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