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Section 1: Multiple Choices Questions (MCQ)

1. E-commerce transactions between a company and its stakeholders, be their consumers

or businesses are referred to as

A. B2C, C2C C. B2C, B2B

B. C2C, C2B D. B2B, C2B

2. Which segment do eBay and Amazon belong?

I. B2Bs III. C2Bs

II. B2Cs IV. C2Cs

A. I only C. I and III

B. II only D. II and IV

3. Compared to B2C e-commerce, B2B e-commerce is

A. equal size C. slightly larger

B. slightly smaller D. much larger

4. All of the followings are disadvantages of e-commerce EXCEPT

A. Strong dependence on the Internet connection.

B. There is time lapse to receive the purchased product.
C. Buyers may loss privacy and economic identity.
D. Online catalogues are available around the clock.

5. When dealing with e-commerce, business vendors have to keep in mind that this
industry is vulnerable to cybercriminals.

Which one of the followings BEST explains how does a web fraud detection system

A. The system runs background process to check whether the online transactions are bound
to the possibility of fraud attempts.
B. The system gives scored based on algorithm after analyzed users’ behaviour, device ID,
geo-location and any transaction abnormalities.
C. The system approved the users’ transaction if compared data fall within an accepted
normal range or else an alert is issued and the transactions may be automatically
D. All of the above.

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6. Which one of the followings BEST describes Credit Card and Debit Card?

A. Debit uses money borrowed from the bank. Credit uses the money you already have.
B. Credit uses borrowed money or the bank’s money. Debit uses money from your account.
C. Credit and Debit are the same because both are payment cards provided by the banks.
D. Debit charges interest until the balance is paid. Credit does not because you are using
your own money.

7. Below are examples of Onsite S-Commerce EXCEPT

A. Etsy C. Fashism
B. Facebook D. Zazzle

8. Given below are examples of platforms that allow people to shop where they socialize.
Which pair is NOT CORRECT?

A. Etsy and Fashism C. Facebook and Twitter

B. Facebook and Pinterest D. Twitter and Pinterest

9. Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn are examples of ___________________.

A. E-commerce C. Web portal

B. Social networking D. Wiki

10. Twitter is an example of _________________.

A. Blogging C. Microblogging
B. Media sharing D. Social networking

11. Nolan would like to discover, share and save new trending contents and media.
The MOST suitable social media that enables him to do that is

A. Digg C. Instagram
B. Facebook D. Pinterest

12. Ajda is planning for a backpack trip to Korea during her semester break. The following
social sites will help her to find, review and discuss information such as accommodation,
restaurant and visited places EXCEPT

A. Pinterest C. TripAdvisor
B. Traveloka D. Zomato

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13. Miss K is a famous vlogger. She always uploads and shares her videos at Platform X.
Platform X most probably refers to ______________ .

A. Facebook C. Google+
B. Instagram D. Youtube

14. What is the type of social media based on the following descriptions?

 Oldest types of social media

 Allows users to get a share of collective knowledge that accounts for
Wide reach and numerous users on this platform

A. Discussion forum C. Microblogging

B. Media sharing D. Online reviews

15. Which of the following is NOT CORRECT about the future of the Internet?

A. Information sharing over the Internet will be effortlessly interwoven into daily life and
become invisible often without human intervention.
B. The Internet-enabled revolution in education will spread more opportunities with more
money spent on buildings and teachers.
C. Augmented reality and wearable devices will be implemented to monitor and give quick
feedback on personal health.
D. The Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data will make people aware of their
world and their own behaviour.

Section 2: Short Answers (SA)

1. What is meant by electronic commerce (e-Commerce)? (1m)


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2. Describe each type of e-commerce and give ONE (1) example of e-commerce website.

Example of
Type Description




Table 1

3. List TWO (2) advantages and TWO (2) disadvantages of using electronic commerce.

TWO Advantages TWO Disadvantages

Table 2

4. a) Name FOUR (4) payments method for e-commerce. (4m)

Payment Methods Explanation

Table 3

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b) Give ONE (1) example of digital cash provider. (1m)


5. a) What is web fraud detection system? (2m)


b) How does the system works? (4m)

i. ______________________________________________________________
ii. ______________________________________________________________
iii. ______________________________________________________________
iv. ______________________________________________________________

6. a) What is social media? (1m)


b) Complete the table below with SEVEN (7) types of social media and give ONE (1)
example for each type.

Type of Social Media Example

Table 4

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7. List TWO (2) advantages and TWO (2) disadvantages of using social media. (4m)

TWO Advantages TWO Disadvantages

Table 5

8. In your opinion, state TWO (2) consequences or risks when using the social media.
a) _________________________________________________________________
b) _________________________________________________________________

9. As a Muslim, briefly explain TWO (2) ways how you can use the social media platforms
for da’wah purposes. (2m)
a) _________________________________________________________________
b) _________________________________________________________________

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