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Usborne Essential Guides

.'v •; ssc*
Philippa Wingate
Illustrated by Sean Wilkinson and
Robert Walster
Designed by Robert Walster
Additional designs by John Russell and Radhi Parekh

Consultants: John Allen/ Dr. Tom Petersen

and Paul Bonell
Series editor: Jane Chisholm
3 Using this book Essential Physics is a concise reference section includes the key principles and
Structure and measurement of matter book and revision aid. It is intended to facts for that topic, and their
act as a companion to your studies, applications. Particularly important new
6 explaining the essential points of physics words and equations are highlighted in
8 Turning forces •> clearly and simply. bold type. If a word is explained in
9 Pressure %^ Physics is the study of matter and more detail on another page, it is
energy, and the way in which matter and printed in italic type with an asterisk,
W Linear motion ^ energy interact in the world around us. ike this: magnetism*. At the foot of the
12 Dynamics XS The book is divided into sections which page there is a reference to the page on
13 Energy '"0** cover the main concepts of physics. Each which the explanation can be found.
14 Work, energy and machines
16 Waves The information at the back of this book
18 Sound The social, economic and environmental You will also find a section which
19 Light implications of some of the topics covered contains some of the more difficult
The reflection of light in the main part of the book are looked at mathematical ideas in physics. This
20 in more detail in the black and white includes some sample examination
21 The refraction of light section at the back. This is followed by a questions and model answers, to help
Colour and the spectrum variety of information, including a list of you become familiar with using equations
22 Lenses and optical instruments symbols used to represent components in and mathematical ideas.
electrical circuits, advice on number Finally, there is a glossary that explains
23 The eye and the ear
WALTHAM FOREST notation and constructing graphs. difficult words in the text, and an Index,
24 The Earth in space
26 Heat and temperature Examinations
27 Heat and expansion oxo SHS 230 This book contains the essential bodies require you to learn different
28 Heat transfer information you will need when studying material. You may find that there are
physics. Far examinations, however, it Is' topi cs in this book that you do not need to
30 Changes in state
important to know which syllabus you are learn, or that certain topics covered by
31 Electricity studying, because different examining y6ur syll a bus do not appear in this book.
32 Current electricity
34 Controlling current Equations and symbols
36 Magnetism
P T 03029 6 J A
When studying physics if is necessary to The triangles are used as follows:
38 Electromagnets m measure certain physical quantifies, such Decide which quantify you wish to
40 Electromagnetic induction as speed, weight and distance. Each of calculate. Cover up the symbol for / :
these quantities is given its own symbol that quantity. /
42 Radioactivity
and unit of measurement. For example, If the symbol you have i t
44 Using radiation and nuclear energy time is represented by the symbol t, and covered is at the bottom of * 1 j
45 The electromagnetic spectrum is measured in seconds (s). the triangle, you will need
46 Electronics To find some quantities, you have to to divide the quantity at /
multiply or divide others. The relationship the top of the triangle by A... ,
48 The cathode ray oscilloscope between quantities can be expressed as the one which remains uncovered at
49 Logic gates an equation, either with words or the bottom.
50 Household electricity symbols. For example, the relationship If the symbol you have covered is at the
52 Energy, power and the environment between force, mass and acceleration top of the triangle, the two quantities at
can be expressed as: the bottom must be multiplied.
54 Circuit symbols, Number notation Force = mass x acceleration or F - ma For example, in an examination
55 Graphs, In this book you will find triangles beside question you might be asked to calculate
56 Sample questions and answers some of the equations in the text. These the acceleration of a mass of 2 kg, when
triangles are a mathematical device to affected by a force of 6 newtons. Cover
60 Summary of equations help you remember and rearrange a, and replace the symbols for force and
61 Glossary equations to find unknown quantities. mass with their values,
62 Index The triangles contain the symbols of the a = 6 = 3 m/
quantities involved in the equations.
;. .* s

All matter is made up of molecules. The diffusion, as described below, Atoms
smallest naturally occurring particle of Matter can exist in three physical
any substance is called a molecule. states - as a solid, a liquid or a gas. The Molecules are made up of groups of A helium atom The nucleus is
Molecules are too small to be seen with kinetic theory explains the structure and smaller particles called atoms. Atoms are a cluster of
the human eye, but their existence can be behaviour of substances in these states in formed of even smaller particles called protons and
demonstrated by Brownian motion and terms of the motion of their molecules. electrons, protons and neutrons. The neutrons.
structure of an atom is shown here using The electrons
the example of a helium atom. The central
Solids Molecules closely packed are held in a
nucleus of an atom is formed of protons ''cloud-like'
The molecules in a solid are packed closely and neutrons. Protons have a positive orbit, attracted
together in regular structures. They do not have electrical charge* and neutrons have no by the positive
enough energy to break free of the forces of charge. Protons and neutrons are charge of the
attraction whi ch b ind them to their protons.
approximately 2,000 times more massive
neighbouring molecules. They can only vibrate. than the electrons which orbit the nucleus. called the proton number (Z). The total
This is why solids have a fixed sh ape and a Electrons have a negative charge, equal number of protons and neutrons in a
fixed volume* and do not flow like liquids. Molecules can only vibrate. in magnitude to the positive charge of the nucleus Is called the nucleon number (A)
protons. The number of electrons in an The nucleon and the proton number of an
Liquids atom Is the same as the number of atom are written next to the symbol for the
The molecules in a liquid have just enough protons in the nucleus. element* to which the atom belongs. For
Molecules energy to break free of the forces which oind The number of protons in a nucleus is example, helium is written: ?He
have just them to their neighbours, This is why liquids
enough are able to flow and do not have a fixed Measuring mass
energy to shape. However, the forces are strong enough Known rma^s
move. The mass of an object is the measure of
to hold the molecules close together, giving
how much matter it contains. Mass is
liquids a fixed volume.
measured in kilograms (kg). To find the
mass of an object, simple balancing scales
Gases like the ones shown are used to compare
The molecules in a gas have so much energy that the unknown mass with a known mass.
the force of attraction between them is negligible.
They can move freely and at great speed. The Measuring volume
molecules in a gas are much Further apart than A Eureka can is
those in a liquid or a solid. This is why gases can Filled with water. The volume of an object is the measurement
be compressed easily. of the amount of space it occupies. It is
apart, moving freely The object
measured in cubic metres (nr ! or cubic
displaces water
centimetres (cm3), The volume of regular
into the measuring
Brownian motion cylinder.
shaped solids is found using a ruler and
A cell of pollen grains in water
mathematical formulae. For example, the
The molecules in liquids and gases are continually volume of a rectangular block is found using
The object's
r rnsrnnp moving in a completely random fashion. Th is is known volume is equal the equation: length x breadth x height. The
as Brownian motion, after the botanist Sir Robert to the volume of volume of a liquid can be found by pouring it
Brown who first studied the nature of their movement, the water it into a measuring cylinder. The volume of an
Hed emonstrated that pollen grains placed in water displaces.
irregular shaped solid is measured by
< move erratically. He decided this motion must be due displacement as shown in the diagram.
| to their unseen impact with water molecules. The tiny
' water molecules are able to move the much larger Measuring density
pollen grains because there is a large number of water Objects which are the same size and To find the density of a solid or a liquid
molecules and they are moving very fast. shape can vary greatly in mass. For its mass and volume must be measured
example, one cubic centimetre of cork is using the methods described above.
much lighter than a cubic centimetre of These quantities are used in the equation: ,
Diffusion is the gradual mixing of two or through a room because its molecules lead. This is because the materials have m \
Density (d) = mass (m)
more different gases or liquids. Diffusion diffuse through the air. The process of a different density. Molecules of lead are volume (v) / d
happens when the molecules of the diffusion supports the idea that gases are heavier and more closely packed Density is measured in kilograms per
substances collide and intermingle. For made up or moving molecules, since the together than those of cork. This makes cubic metre (kg/m3), or grammes per
example, the scent of flowers spreads particles must be moving in order to mix. lead a more dense material than cork. cubic centimetre (g/cm3).

4 * Volume, 5. 'Electrical charge, 31; Element, 6J

A force is a push or a pull which can affect the Elasticity
A man pushing a Material being
motion of an ob(ect bv changing its speed or tested
direction. If two equal and opposite forces act broom with 2 N When a force i$ applied to an object which cannot
force. move, the object stretches, Its molecules are pulled Ruler
on an object it may be squashed or stretched. A man exerting
Both the magnitude and direction of a force slightly apart and it becomes distorted. If the object Pin used as
a stretching
acting on an object must be stated, because remains distorted when the force is removed, its pointer on
force of 40 N.
both affect the way in which the object moves. distortion is called plastic. If its molecules return to scale.
If the direction in which a force is acting is their original position, the distortion is called elastic. Force of 2 N
A man exerting
known, it is possible to predict the way the The golf club 0 500 N pulling Elasticity is, therefore, a material's ability to return
object it affects may move.jForces are exerts □ 50 N Force. to its original shape. To study the elasticity of a
Material ceases
represented by arrowed lines whose length material, such as a strip of copper, rubber or nylon, Tc to be elastic Material
weights of increasing size are suspended from the O
corresponds to the magnitude of the force. The
arrow indicates the direction in which it is material The amount by which the material is
" tf>
acting. Force is measured in newtons (N). stretched is found by subtracting its original length LU / Material stretches in
from Its extended length. The size of the force is then A proportion to the food
Magnetic and electricai increased and the results are used to make a graph.
forces Frictional forces Force

Friction is the force which resists the Hooke's law

motion of two materials rubbing together.
Hooke's law states that the extension of can be used in calculations to determine
Magnets Sometimes it is a useful force - for
a material is proportional to the force an unknown force or extension. For
can exert a example, it enables us to grip the ground
which is stretching it example, if a force of 10 N stretches a
force of as we walk. A vehicle Is able to grip the
attraction There is a point, however, beyond spring by 60 mm, the force which would
road due to the friction between its tyres
and which Hooke's law Is no longer obeyed. produce an extension of 42 mm Is
and the road surface. But friction also
repulsion. This is called the limit of proportionality. calculated as follows:
has unwanted effects. The friction
If the substance is stretched further than 60 mm extension Is produced by 10N
are two types between the moving parts of a machine*
this point, it reaches its elastic limit The 1 mm extension is produced by K)
at a distance: magnetic* and electrical* produces heat which wastes energy. The
substance stops being elastic and 60
forces. Both types of force are described fiction between a cyclist and the air
remains distorted even when the Therefore, the force which would produce
in detail later in the book. Objects which resists his or her forward movement.
stretching force is removed. a 42 mm extension is calculated as follows:
exert a magnetic or an electrical force Provided a material's elastic limit is not 10 X 42 = 7 N
can attract or repel objects which are Friction
between the between the
exceeded, the principle of Hooke's law 60
brought near them. The region in which air and
lyres and
the forces act is called a field. The cyclist's
the road
magnitude of the forces depends on the body A spring balance
distance between the objects. The closer The easiest way of measuring forces is to
I he sprin inside a
they are together, the stronger the force use a spring balance, often called a
spring aaiance
they exert. Newton balance. This is a device
extends in proportion
to the force applied. containing a spring. The spring obeys
Gravitation and weight Hooke's law. This means that it stretches
Gravitation is another force which acts on the distance between objects. The closer The scale is calibrated in direct proportion to the force applied
at a distance. It is the force which exists the ob ects are together, the stronger the in newtons. The to it. For example, if the force applied to
between any two masses, attracting them extension of the spring the spring is doubled, its extension
force they exert on each other,.
toward each other. Usually it is a weak ives the size of the
force, but if one object is massive, such
Weight is a measure of a planet's
ravitationol pull on an object. Like all
iorce in newtons.
doubles. The spring balance will
meosure forces accurately until it is
as a planet, the force becomes Pcorces, It is measured in newtons (N). The Force applied stretched beyond its elastic limit and it
noticeable. Gravitational force depends here '— -- becomes permanently distorted.
weight of an object depends an its
distance from a planet and the planet's
A man of mass mass. On the Earth's surface, the force of
100 kg weighs 980 N gravity acting on a mass of 1 kg is
Scalar and vector quantities
on Earth. At a distance approximately 9.8 N. The magnitude of Quantifies in physics are described as A vector quantity Is one which has both
of 1 0,000 km from the the force diminishes as the mass moves either scalar or vector quantities, direction and magnitude. Force is a vector
Earth's surface, for further away from the Earth's surface. An A scalar quantify is one which has quantity. The magnitude and direction of
example, he weighs magnitude only. For example, mass and a vector must always be stated. Vectors
object's mass, however, remains the same
only 150 N.
wherever it is in the Universe. temperature are scalar quantities. can be represented with arrowed lilines.
*Magnetic force s, 36; Electrical forces, 31; Machine, 7
If an object is fixed at a point around moment* A moment is exerted if a door is Pressure is affected by the magnitude of a The boots T
which it may rotate, the point is called the opened, if a crowbar is used to lift a load force and the area over which the force / exert a
fulcrum. If a force is applied to it, at a and when a spanner turns a nut. acts. It is calculated with the equation: / F\ smc^er shoes exert
distance from the fulcrum, the object may The moment which tries to rotate an Pressure (P) = force (F) f~ \ Pressure O larger
rotate. This turning effect is called a object in a anticlockwise direction is area (A} — pressure.
ca (led an anticlockwise moment. The Pressure is measured in newtons per
moment which tries to turn the object metre2 (N/m2) or Pascals (Pa). acting on a small area produces a large
clockwise is called a clockwise moment. A woman with high-heeled shoes exerts pressure. Her weight acting over the
A turning moment is equal to the a greater pressure on the ground than If larger area of the boot produces a
magnitude of the force, multiplied by the she wears flat -soled boots. Her weight smaller pressure.
distance of the point where the force is
acting from the fulcrum. Th is is written: Pressure in liquids rf*Pressure Increases
Moment = force x distance from fulcrum. f with the d epfh of
Turning moments are measured in Pressure in a liquid depends on its depth and density*. water.

newton metres (Nm). For example, as a swimmer dives to the bottom of a pool
the pressure acting on him or her increases. The pressure
The principle of moments dj?Child A Chi Id 6 is produced by the weight of the water above the
swimmer. The more wafer there is, the greater the
Jt i
If an object is in equilibrium (or balanced}, Pressure in liquid = depth of
pressure It exerts. If the pure wafer Is replaced by a
the sum of the clockwise moments about the liquid fh] x the density of
denser liquid, such as sea water, the pressure exerted on the liquid (d) x acceleration
any point is equal to the sum of the the swimmer Is greater. due to gravity (g)*
anticlockwise moments about the same
point. This is the principle of moments and,
when two moments are exerted, this is
Hydraulic machines
from the fulcrum, or point of balance. A hydraulic press
written as follows: Hydraulic machines use liquids to function,
Child B, of unknown weig ht, sits 0,5 m Pressure acts equally in all directions
Weight { x distance 1 = Weight x distance. from the fulcrum. The weight of child B ... ri Small piston Large
Small ft*—r piston throughout liquids and changes in pressure
If an object is in equilibrium it is possible can be calculated as follows: I'oree udVr. Ji are transmitted instantly. In a hydraulic
to calcu ate an unknown wei ght, or the W.i x d, = W?x d. press, a small force applied to a small
unknown distance between a weight and 200 x 0.75= W2 x 0.5 piston is magnified as it is transferred to a
the fulcrum. For example, the seesaw W„= 200 x 0.75 second piston with a larger surface area.
shown here is 2 m long. It is balanced. 0.5
Child A weighs 200 N and sits 0.75 m W. - 300 N Atmospheric pressure
The centre of gravity Stability Atmospheric pressure is the pressure □ressure is smaller on a mountain top
exerted by the weight of air particles. It Decause the air column above is shorter
An object's centre of gravity is the point The stability of an object is Its ability to varies with height above the ground. A and the air itself is less dense. The
through which its total weight is return to its original position when tilted. long column of air exerts a greater mercury barometer and aneroid
considered to act. The centre of gravity of Stability is governed by the position of an pressure than a short one. Atmospheric barometer measure atmospheric pressure.
a regular shaped object is its geometrical object's centre of gravity and the surface
centre. For example, the centre of gravity area of its base. A mercury barometer An aneroid barometer
of a square is the point at which lines Stable objects The column of mercury in a An aneroid barometer measures the
bisecting each of its angles cross. have a low centre mercury barometer is pushed # effect of pressure on a metal box which
Di ii- The centre of gravity of an of gravity and a
up the glass tube by air has had some of the air removed from
„i ii. irreqular shaped rlaf obiect large base.
Plumbline . c 3 i . r i. L. pressure. The height of the inside it.
markings 's bund by suspending it Centre of gravity The levers translate the
mercury column Is directly If air pressure
from a pin fixed in a clamp movement of the spring
An object, like this affected by the magnitude of Increases, the case to move a pointer against
and hanging a plumbline
motorcycle, will become atmospheric pressure h is slightly a scale.
from the pin. The position * , Vacuum squashed, moving
unstable if tilted to a
Centre of the plumbline Is marked, Atmospheric pressure the spring.
position where a vertical Mercury
of This is repeated with the pin can be expressed as
ine passing through its Partial vacuum
“he height of the Glass
gravity at different places on the centre of gravity falls
mercury column (h). tube Thin metal
rreguiar shape's edge. The centre of outside the area of its
base. Atmospheric pressure case
shaped gravity lies where all the f
card plumbline markings intersect. Centre oF gravity Spring
Vrr:-.- v:- -~ ...

8 Density, 5; Acceleration due to gravity, 1 ?

motion .V- 4 ■. ryVS . V.'---

••:•••• • .
-l.*se •. - V. .

Any change in an object's position is >4 ticker-timer tme graphs

called morion. When a force acb on an Constant speed
Motion can be studied using a ticker- A velocity/time graph can be constructed using
object which is able to move, the object-
timer. A moving object pulls a paper ticker-tapes as shown in this diagram. The Uniform Uni Form
will begin to move in the direction in
tape through the timer which prints a dot tapes are cut into strips showing 5 time acceleration ration
which the force is acting. If the object
on the tape every 1 /. . . th of a second. intervals between them. The length of each strip
moves in a straight line, its motion is said
to be linear. A ticker-timer ^ A paper tape is a measure of the trolley's average velocity
pulled through over a Yi0ths of a second period (0.1 s). The
Speed Vibrating d\'\\ the timer by a trolley's acceleration at any moment is equal to
arm —moving object.
The speed of on object is defined as the the gradient of the graph at that point. The
distance it travels in one second. For distance the trolley travels is equal to the area
t i ( i y ■r I i> r. (

example, the speed of a train might be under the speed/time graph it produces.
5 metres per second. If an object's speed
does not change from the beginning of Force, mass and acceleration
its journey to the end, it is moving at
constant or uniform speed. If its speed The relationship between force, mass The experiment is repeated with the
constantly changes, the object's average and acceleration can be studied with the force applied to the trolley kept constant,
speed can be calculated with the tapes equipment shown in this diagram. but the trolley's mass is increased by
following equation: nee between the dots on a tape A trolley is pulled down a ramp by a stacking another trolley on top of the first.
Average speed = distance travelled depends on how fast the object travels. A fixed pulling force. This fixed force is Acceleration is calculated.
time taken slow-moving object produces dots printed applied by one elastic band which is This experiment shows that, when the
Speed is measured in metres per second close together. A faster moving object stretched by a fixed amount. To calculate trolley' s mass is doubled, its acceleration
(m/s), it is a scalar* quantity. produces more widely spaced dots. the trolley's acceleration, a velocity/time is halved. This means that, if the force
graph is constructed from the tape remains constant, acceleration is inversely
produced. The force exerted on the proportional* to mass.
Distance/time graphs trolley is then doubled by using two
Distance/time graphs The results produced by the experiments
The ticker*timer tapes produced by a elastic bands and the trolley's prove the fol owing equation:
moving trolley can be used to construct acceleration is calculated again. Force (F) = mass (m) x acceleration (a) ^
distonce/time graphs. One dot on the The resubs of the (in newtons) (in kg] (in m/s2) rn a
tape is chosen as a starting point and the experiment show that the icker timer
A slightly inclined ramp T{
distance between this dot and successive trolley's acceleration doubles compensates for friction. ^trolley**
when the force doubles. This pulled with an
dots is measured. This gives the distance
Time means that, if the trolley's elastic band.
travelled by the trolley in / th, 2/50 fhs
and 3/ ths of a second and so on. mass remains constant, that
An An object acceleration is directly
When a distance/time graph is drawn,
whose whose speed proportional* to force.
the trolley's speed at any moment is
is increasing is decreasing
equal to the gradient* at that point.
I , 1 K‘ .*• '« / r r ;fl‘V ■, j i 1 r . j,
* *. ri.-. . m ‘ ■lilii J - r— —

The acceleration of a free-falling object

Velocity Acceleration
- Electromagnet An object falling toward the ground
An object's velocity is a measure of how An object is accelerating when its
accelerates as it falls, because of the pull
fast It travels in a given direction. velocity increases, if its velocity Connection of gravity*. The value of acceleration
Velocity is a vector4 quantity. For decreases, it is decelerating. An ob|ecf to
due to gravity (g) can be determined
example, the velocity of a car might be whose velocity 1$ changing by the same millisecond
using the equipment shown in the
10 m/s north. An object whose velocity amount In equal periods of time is said to hmer
diagram, A steel ball is held by an
does not change is said to have a be moving with uniform acceleration.
electromagnet. A switch turns off the
constant velocity. If an object's velocity is Acceleration is a vector quantity and
magnet and turns on the millisecond
constantly changing, its average velocity includes an indication of direction. The
timer simultaneously. The ball falls a
can be calculated with the equation: average acceleration of an object is
known distance, hitting a gate which
Average velocity calculated with the following equation: Connection turns off the timer.
- distance travelled in a given direction Acceleration = change in velocity to
The results show that the value of g at
time taken time taken for change millisecond
the Earth's surface is 9.8 m/s\ This
Velocity is measured in metres per Acceleration is measured in metres per means that for each second an object is
second (m/s) in a given direction. second per second (m/s2). falling, its velocity increases by 9.8 m/s.

w 'Gradient, 55; Scalar, Vector, 7. Graph calculations, 55; Directly proportional. Inversely proportional, 61; Gravity, 6. 1 1
Dynamics is the study of the effect of a Everything needs energy to function, need the energy stored In chemical fuels to
Force on the motion of an object Newton Creatures need the energy stored in food perform tasks. All forms of energy are
de scribed this relationship in three laws. to carry out their vital functions. Machines measured in joules (J)
Newton's first law
When the forces acting on an object are A spacecraft out of Different forms of energy
the Earth's gravitational puff
eaual and opposite; they cancel each
no forces are acting on it, ■gy exists in many forms. Heat/
Energy Elastic energy is the potential energy
other out If the object on which they act $ouna*f nuclear energy*, electromagnetic some materials have when they are
is at rest; it will stay at rest; if it is weight, and his velocity remains cons radiation* and electrical energy* are all squashed or stretched, They have the
moving, it will move at constant velocity *. Th is law also explains why a spacecraft forms of energy and each is looked at in potential energy to spring back to their
For example, if a parachutist jumps from deep In space moves at a constant velocity detail later in this book. normal shape. For example, a spring
a plane, there is a period before his unti a force acts on it. This force could Potential energy Is the has elastic energy when it is squashed.
arachute opens, when the drag force come from having its engines fired, or from
t etween his body and the air balances his entering the gravitational field* of a planet.
energy an object has because
of its position. It is energy
Chemical energy is stored energy
which is released during some chemical
which has been stored. reactions. Coal and wood contain
Newton's second law Gravitational potential chemical energy and produce heat when
energy is an example of burnt. Cells contain chemical energy
If an unbalanced force acts on an engines doubles. Newton's second law is
potential energy. It is the which is used to produce electrical
object, it accelerates in the direction in also demonstrated by the ticker-timer and
energy an object has because energy.
which the force acts. The object's trolley experiment (page 1 1) which proved
of its position above the Earth,
acceleration is directly proportional to the equation; Kinetic energy is the energy possessed
The further above the Earth it
the force, if its mass remains constant. Force = mass x acceleration. by any object because it is moving. For
is, the more gravitational
For example, the constant force This is an important statement of Newton's example, a swing has kinetic
potential energy It stores up.
produced by the rocket engines of a second law, ft produces the definition of a energy when it is moving.
For example, a diver on a
spacecraft makes it accelerate*. The newton as the force which gives a mass of 1 As the swing moves,
high board has more
acceleration doubles if the force of the kg an acceleration of 1 m/s2, energy is continually
gravitational potential energy
converted from
than she has when standing
Newton's third law on the ground. When she
potential energy, of the
For every force there is an equal and opposite force top of its swinging
dtves and returns to ground motion, to kinetic
called a reaction force. level, she loses her energy a+ the bottom of
Newton's third law shows that forces always occur in gravitational potential energy, its swinging motion.
pairs. When one object (A) exerts a force on another
object (B), object B exerts an equal but opposite force
on A. For example, if a person on roller skates pushes
Energy conversion
someone else on roller skates, both skaters will move When energy changes from one form to The source of most of the energy on Earth
away from each other in opposite directions, The equal another It Is called energy conversion. is the Sun. In most energy chains the last
and opposite forces do not cancel each other out, For example, the diver's potential energy form of the energy is heat. The diagram
the ground the football because each force is acting on a different object. is converted into kinetic energy as she below shows the chain of energy
dives. If o number of energy changes conversions which take place in a coa -
Before collision the cars' tata take place, an energy chain is produced. fired power station,
Momentum momentum - m1u1 + m.:.u,;,
The momentum of an object is its mass The moving car has a The stationary car
velocity u, „ has a velocity ll.
multiplied by its velocity. Momentum Is a
Fossil fuels store Furnace Fuel Ss Steam driven Dynamo Kinetic
vector* quantity. A car of mass 1,500 kg
chemical energy. burnt to produce turbines produce energy is used to
travelling at a velocity of 10 m/s has a heat energy. kinetic energy., produce electrical
momentum of 15,000 kg m/s. energy,
When two objects collide they apply
equal and opposite forces to each other. After the collision the cars move fiheir
total momentum = (rrij+m^v. Then the law of
One object may gain an amount of
momentum equal to the amount the other
conservation of momentum: The law of conservation of energy
m.u,:+ itl, ll - [m, + m,Jv Final
object loses, but their total momentum The la w of conservation of energy states chain of energy conversion the number
velocity v
remains the same before and after the that energy cannot be created or of joules of energy present is the same,
collision. This is a statement of the destroyed; only converted from one because the total amount of energy In
principle of conservation of momentum* form to another. At any stage in a existence cannot alter.

vConstant velocity, Acceleration. 10; Gravitational field, 6; Vectors, /. 26; Sound, 18; Nuclear energy; 44; Electromagnetic radiation, 45; Electrical energy, 32,
Work, energy and machines
Work is done when a force is applied to when a force moves an object, the Machines
an object and the object moves in the magnitude of the force is multiplied by A four-wheeled pulley system
direction the force is acting. For The force applied to a machine is called
the distance the object is moved. This is Rope
example, work is done when a crate is the effort. The force moved by an effort
written as follows: Man applies
lifted or a car is pushed. However, if o is called the load. Machines are used in
Work (W) = force (F) x distance object moves effort
crate is too heavy to be lifted, or if the many different situations to make work
in direction of force ;d)
person pushing the car is unable to get easier. They achieve this by magnifying Friction in the
Work is measured in joules (J). 1 J of pulley and -ifting
the car moving, no work is done. the effect of an effort. In this way, a small
work is done when a force of 1 N moves the bottom
To calculate the amount of work done effort can be used to overcome a much
an object a distance of 1 m. wheels wastes
greater load.

Work and energy Pushing and pulling A pulley LoacJ

Energy is needed for work to be done. Work is done when an object es pushed A pulley is a machine made up of one greater distance than the load. In the
For example, if an object A exerts a or pulled and it moves. For example, or more wheels and a rope, belt or pulley system shown above, the effort
force on another object B, and B moves, when the man below pushes the car, the chain, A small effort applied to a pulley must move far enough to shorten all four
then work has been done by A on B and car starts to move, gaining kinetic system can lift a heavy load. However, in strings of the lower part of the pulley
energy lias been transferred from A to B. energy *. The amount of kinetic energy it order to do this, the effort has to move a before it lifts the load.
The amount of energy transferred is gains is calculated with the following
equal to the amount of work done. equation: Power
Lifting Kinetic energy (ICE.) The power of a person or a machine is a human body can be calculated with the
” V2 mass (m) x velocity2 (y2)
measure of how quickly they do work or following equation:
Work is done when on object is lifted off This can also be written as follows: the rate at which they change one form of Power output - force x distance moved
the ground against the force of gravity. K.E< = Vi mv2
energy into another. Power is calculated time taken
The object which is lifted gains potential
The man must do work to overcome the with the following equation: For example, if a boy weighing 600 N
energy‘ as the work is done. The amount Power (P) = work done (W)
force of friction between the car's tyres W runs up a flight of stairs [vertical
of potential and the ground. time taken (f) p ’ , height of 3 m) in 6 seconds, his
Mass (m energy the object Power is measured in watts (W). L-‘- power output is
gains is calculated ) W is equal to 1 joule of work done in 1 calculated as follows:
with the equation: second. Large quantities of power are Power output
Potential energy (P.E.) measured in kilowatts (1,000 watts) and = 600 x 3
Force of = weight (mg) x megawatts (1,000,000 watts). 6
gravity height raised (h) Fhe power output of a system like the = 300 watts
, (g) Th is can also be
Height (h) written as follows:
t P.E. = mgh Efficiency of a machine
Efficiency is a measure of how good a did not waste any energy would be
machine is at doing its job. Machines are 1 QG/o efficient. Efficiency Is calculated
Non-renewable sources of Renewable sources of never perfectly efficient. When they with any of the following equations:
energy energy convert one form of energy to another Efficiency = work output x 100
Electrical energy* is essential to many Some sources of energy, such as the Sun, form, some of the energy supplied by the work input
aspects of human activity. A variety of are virtually inexhaustible. These are effort is not changed info the required or = energy output x 100
fuel sources are used to generate called renewable energy sources. Solar form. This means for all machines, the energy input
electrical energy, Fossil fuels, such as work output is less than the work input. or - power output x 100
power can be converted into electrical
coal, oil and natural gas, are called non For example, fhe man lifting a crate power input
energy in solar furnaces or solar
renewable energy sources. They were powered homes. Other Windmills gain (shown at the fop of this page) not only For example, if the man using the pulley
laid down under the Earth's surface renewable energy^ kinetic energy lifts fhe weight of the crate, he also lifts system exerts a 200 N effort through a
millions of years ago. sources include from fhe wind. the weight of the lower wheels and the distance of 2 m, to lift a 600 N load a
At present these resources are in geothermal power (heat rope of the pulley. In addition he does height of 0.5 m, his work input is 400 J
plentiful supply, but once used up, they energy from the centre of work to overcome the frictional forces (200 x 2). The machine's work output is
cannot be replaced. Energy-saving the Earth), wind and which exist between the moving parts of 300 J (600 x 0.5).
measures, ranging from increasing the wave power, Renewable the pulley system. This wasted energy The pulley system's efficiency
efficiency of machines to insulating energy soruces will reduces the efficiency of fhe pulley. =300 x100
homes to reduce heat loss, will help become more and more Efficiency is usually expressed as a 400
preserve non-renewable resources. important in the future. percentage, A 'perfect machine' which = 75%
'Potential energyt Kinetic energy, Electrical energy, 13. 'Faction, 6. 15

When an object disturbs the medium * example, as a wave passes along the The behaviour of waves
around it, the disturbance travels away surface of water, the water partic es
from the source in the form of waves. vibrate up and down. They do not travel The behaviour of waves is studied using shadows on to a piece of paper below
Waves which transport energy away from with the wave; they eventually return to a ripple tank. This is a shallow tank of the tank. A bar in the tank produces the
a source are called progressive waves. A their original positions. Waves are either water, with a lamp above which casts straight-fronted waves shown below.
wave does not permanently disturb the longitudinal or transverse, depending on Reflection
medium through which it travels. For the vibrations which cause them.
Direction of Barrier
A wave is reflected when it bounces off a
Transverse waves incident barrier. Before reflection the waves are called
In a transverse wave the vibrations wavefronts incident waves and, after reflection, reflected
which form the wave move at right waves. The angle at which incident waves hit a
angles to the direction in which the Direction o? barrier is equal to the angle at which they are
wave is travelling. Water waves reflected reflected. All waves experience reflection,
have a transverse motion. including light and sound waves.
Longitudinal waves Refraction
A longitudinal wave is one in which the backwards, the particles of the medium Refraction is the change in the direction of a
particles vfbrate in the same direction as Deep water Shallow
become widely spaced, forming wave as it passes from one medium to another. water
the wave is travelling. As a vibratine rarefactions. The compressions and Refraction is caused by the wave changing
object moves forwards, it squashes the rarefactions produced both travel away speed as it passes Into the new medium. If, for Refracted waves
particles of a medium together to form from the object. Sound waves* have a example, water waves in a ripple tank pass
compressions. When the object moves longitudinal wave motion. Incident
from deep water into shallow water they waves
Compression Rarefaction Direction the wave is travelling change speed and direction as shown in the
diagram. Light waves are also refracted when changes
they pass between different media. and direction

AJV \J \J \J \J u lily \J\J Diffraction

The coil is vibrated backwards and forwards Straight-fronted Diffraction occurs when waves bend around a
waves barrier or spread out after passing through a gap.
Waves are diffracted most when the gap through
Wave measurements Peak !points of maximum Narrow Waves.
which they pass is about the same size as their
opening spread
Amplitude (a) is the size of a wave i X Posi^ive displacement*) wavelength, For example, sound waves have a
measured from its peak to its rest long wavelength and are diffracted by large gaps.
position. A wave carrying a lot of Mean position Light waves have a short wavelength, and are
energy has a large amplitude. As a Amplitude (position when diffracted by a very tiny gap.
wave travels away from its source, it Or* at rest)
loses energy and its amplitude
Wove interference Constructive interference
Distance Wave interference occurs when two
Wavelength (X) is the length of one Wavelength Waves in phase
wave measured between two identical Trough (points of
waves combine with each other. When
points in the wave's motion (for maximum negative the waves have the same frequency and
example, two consecutive peaks). displacement) direction, and peak and trough at the
same time, they are said to be in phase".
I he combined amplitude of two in phase
Frequency (f) is the number of complete waves Velocity (v). The velocity of a waves is larger than a single wave. This is Resultant wave has
made in one second. It is measure d in Herlz (Hz). wave is the distance travelled ~ ± t / greater amplitude
called constructive interference. Destructive interference
by one wave in one second. It

is calculated by multiplying the

Destructive interference occurs when "out
Waves out of phase
number of wave motions of phase" waves meet, They peak and
completed in one second (the trough at different times. The amplitude of
Time (s) frequency), by the wavelength their resultant wave is smaller than that of
of one wave. The wave v the waves before they meet. Constructive
equation is written; f y interference of light waves causes patches
Period (T) Is the time taken for one wave motion Velocity of a wave (v) - of bright light, and destructive interference
to be completed. It is measured in seconds. frequency (f) x wavelength (X)
produces patches of darkness.
16 *Medujm/ 61; Sound waves, f 8; Displacement, 61, 17
Sound is produced by vibrating objects The tuninq fork's Light is a form of energy emitted by daylight or lamplight is bouncing off it
such as musical instruments and the vocal prongs vibrate. luminous objects such as the Sun or into your eyes. Light energy is carried
cords which produce a human voice. candles. An object which emits light is from a source by waves. Light waves are
Sound waves are longitudinal waves* called a source. A few living creatures, part of the electromagnetic spectrum *
which carry vibrations from a sound such as fireflies, glow worms and some They travel in straight lines away from
source. A vibrating object disturbs the deep-water fish, produce their own light. the ir source. This is called rectilinear
medium which surrounds it by moving Compression Rarefaction Human ear Most objects are non-luminous and can propagation. In diagrams light is
backwards and forwards producing only be seen because light from another represented by straight lines called rays.
compressions and rarefactions in the a bell ringing in a jar from w hich the air source bounces off them into the eye. For An arrow on a ray indicates the
particles of the medium. has been removed cannot be heard. It is example, you can see this page because direction in which the light is travelling.
Sound waves need the particles of a silent on the Moon because there is no
medium to travel through. For example, atmosphere and, therefore, no medium. Shadows
If light rays from a small source hit on If the source of light is large, a shadow
The speed of sound object sn their path, a sharp edged with blurred edges, cal lea a penumbra, is
Sound waves travel at different speeds To calculate the speed of sound in air, shadow or umbra is formed. The umbra formed around the umbra. A penumbra is
through different media. They travel stand 100 m away from a wall which appears behind the object in the area an area of less sharp shadow, whi ch a
fastest through solids, and faster through has no other walls or trees nearby. Clap that no light has reached. small amount of light has reached,
liquids than gases. When a sound wave your hands and listen for the echo.
hits an obstruction it may be reflected. Practice clapping rhythmically until the Large light
This is called an echo. Trie speed of echo cannot be heard because it source
sound in air can be measured by a coincides exactly with the next clap. 1 ime
simple method using echoes. how long it takes to clap 20 times.
Experiment to calculate the speed of sound
S to p w a t c h Jh no t h o f th 2 seconds

When the Moon
]00 m moves to a position
directly between
the Sun and the
Earth, it casts a ^
The shape of sound Pitch and frequency circular shadow ^ Moon

The shapes of different sound waves can High frequency Law frequency on the Earth's *
be compared by feeding them info a surface. This is
microphone and displaying them on the
screen of a cathode ray oscilloscope*.
lagram is not penumbra, some
Loudness and amplitude rawn to scale
Large amplitude Small amplitude

Low pitch
A pinhole camera is the simplest form of
If a musical note has a sound wave with Paper box camera. It can be made from an ordinary
a high frequency*, it will have a high screen box with a tracing paper screen. Light rays
pitch, Many musical instruments can from an object enter the box, crossing over
produce similar pitches, but they sound as they pass through a pinhole in the side
Loud note Soft note very different from one another. This is of the box. This produces an upside down
A sound can be loud or soft depending because each instrument produces other image* on a screen. If the object is moved
ject nearer to the camera, the image becomes
on the amplitude* of its wave, A sound frequencies called overtones which
with a large amplitude is carrying a lot change the shape of a sound wave. ight rays larger. If the screen is replaced with
of energy and will be loud. A sound with Overtones vary according to the size, photographic paper, a permanent picture
Inverted image
a small amplitude will be soft. shape and construction or an instrument. of the object will be formed,

18 longitudinal waves, 16; Cathode ray oscilloscope, 48; Amplitude, Frequency, 16, * Electromagnetic spectrum, 45; Image, 20,
The reflection of light e refraction of light
\ y\

Reflection of light occurs when a light Angle of Vy. ^Incident ray. The light
ray hits a surface and bounces off, incidence —-— —1 ray before refraction.
changing direction. Mirrors are usually The angle of
incidence is the \
used to demonstrate the reflection of light the nght wave changing speea as u passes Angle of
angle between the
because their shiny surfaces reflect more into tFie new medium. Normal"^ refraction
incident ray and the
light than dull, rough surfaces. normal. For example, a ray passing from one
Reflected light always obeys two laws, medium into an optically more dense
The normal is a Sine at right ang medium (such as from air into glass), slows
called the laws of reflection. These state:
to the mirror's surface at the point / \
1. The incident ray, the reflected ray down and bends toward the normal. A ray
and the normal are all in the same
where the light ray hits the mirro
passing into an optically less dense medium
Refracted ray, The light
plane. The reflected ray speeds up, bending away from the norma . ray after refraction.
2, The angle of incidence is equal to the is the light ray
angle of reflection. after reflection. The critical angle
The diagram shows light being reflected Incident ray , Weak reflected if n |;nUt r
and identifies the terms used above. the reflected ray and
the normal,
Real and virtual images
There are two types of image; real and only appear to come from it.
virtual. A virtual image is formed when, A real image is formed when rays from
for example, light rays from an object an object actually pass through the Critical angle Refracted raf ess dense mi
placed in front of a mirror are reflected image, as in the pinhole camera*. A real Total internal reflection
into the human eye. The eye sees an image produces a photographic image if
image of the ob|ect behind the surface film is placed where the image forms. The If a light ray which hits the boundary between
of the mirror. The image is called a image projected onto the screen at the glass and air has an angle of incidence greater
virtual image, because the light rays cinema is a real image. them the critical angle it is not refracted. All the
light is reflected back inside the denser medium
This is called total internal reflection.
Reflection in a plane mirror Right angled prisms k
Angle i" as greater Total internal
than the critical angle reflected ray
The image formed by reflection in a
\ |\
interchanged with the right. Ray turned 90° k X /
plane mirror is always virtual and erect It is possible to construct a ray diagram Optical fibres use total internal
(the same way up as the object). It is the to find the position of the virtual image reflection to transmit light along a
same distance behind the mirror as the formed by an object in front of a mirror. glass or plastic tube. They are used in
object is in front. The image is laterally The steps below should be followed medicine and telecommunications.
inverted, which means that the left side is carefully to produce an accurate diagram.

i . uraw two sample rays from Right angled prisms use total internal
the top of the object, travelling reflection to alter the path of light, turning it
in a straight line to the mirror, through 90° or 1 80°. These prisms are used in
periscopes, binoculars and cameras.

2, Draw a normal where

Colour and the spectrum
each ray hits the mirror. 5. The top of the Spectrum
image is formed at ^hite light is made up of different colours
rT light. When a ray of white light is Red ight is
the point where the
"' ’•:'e through a glass prism it splits into a refracted least
rays intersect.
3inbow of colours called the spectrum,
3. Show the reflected ray fhe splitting of light in this way is called
bouncing off the mirror. Ensure sper$ion. Dispersion is caused by the
that each angle of reflection is 4. Trace the reflected
different colours of light travelling at
equal i rays back behind the
mirror to the point at Rightly different speeds in glass or water.
measu e norma
which they intersect. 1--^ch of the colours is refracted by slightly
different amounts.

rPinhole camera, 19.

Lenses and optical instruments The eye and the ear
A lens is a piece of glass with curved which have outward curving surfaces, and The human eye The coloured iris contains a hole called the
surfaces. When light is refracted by a diverging lenses which have inward puprl. In bright light, the iris expands
lens an rmage is formed. There are two curving surfaces. Lenses are used in a The eye is a highly developed optical to reduce the pupil's size and let
main types of lens; converging lenses variety of optical instruments. instrument. Light rays are refracted by the in less It ght. In dim light it
cornea and the lens to form on image on contracts to increase
the retina. The retina, made of light the pupil's size and
sensitive cells, changes light into electric let in mare light.
The optical centre is the centre / The principal focus (F) is
of the lens. Rays travelling point at which all rays signals which are sent to the brain by the The lens is the fine
through the optical centre pass _2^*._travelling parallel to the optic nerve. The focal length* of the lens focusing component
straight through the lens, j? j principal axis intersect a) depends on its shape. The lens's shape is of the eye.
The principal axis is an —? retraction, controlled by a ring of muscle called the The transparent
imaginary line through the | \ ^^^-The focal length (f) is the ciliary muscle. When the eye looks at cornea is one of
optical centre of the lens at ~ \f f distance from the optical distant objects, the muscle relaxes. The focusing com
right angles to the lens. , centre to the principal Fo< of the eye.
ring becomes larger, tightening the fibres
Measuring the focal length of a converging lens €■ of the suspensory ligament. This flattens Fibres of the
the lens, giving it a long focal len gth.
A converging lens is held betwee Image formed at the When viewing close objects, the muscle ligament 1 iar.^ Rett
muscle Optic nerve
contracts, the fibres relax and the lens
becomes fatter, with a short focal length. diverging lens is used to correct this. A
A short-sighted person has difficulty long-sighted person has difficulty
focusing on distant objects because the focusing on cose objects because the
light rays are focused in front of the fight rays are focused behind the retina,
retina. In glasses and contact lenses, a A converging lens is used to correct this.

Converging Image formed in image formed

front of retina ^ behind retina

i. Draw one ray 3. Refraction takes place at both

straight through faces of the lens, but on a ray
the optical -—" diagram the lens is replaced by a
centre. It is not single vertical line and refraction Diverging lens / Lonvergmg lens
refracted, is shown at this line only. corrects short sight corrects long siq

2. Draw another ray travelling parallel to 4. The top of the

the principal axis. After refraction it pass^ image is formed The human ear
through the principal focus. mage where the two rc Sound waves travel down the ear canal to the amplitude of the vibrations. In the
intersect. the ear drum. The ear drum vibrates at inner ear the vibrations pass along the
the same frequency '1 as the sound waves, cochlea where sound waves of different
he vibrations are then transferred by a frequencies stimulate different nerves. The
A slide pro lector uses converging lenses to chain of three bones in the middle ear, nerves change sound waves into electrical
form a real, magnified, inverted image of called the ossicles, to the oval window. signals, which are sent to the brain.
a photographic slide on a screen. A The ossicles and the oval window increase Humans can hear frequencies ranging
magnifying glass is a converging lens from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. Sounds above
which produces a magnified, erect, virtual 20,000 Hz are called ultrasound and can
image as shown in the ray diagram below. be heard by some am mats, such as bats.
Old age leads to an inability to hear
high frequency sounds. Listening to loud
Refracted sounds can damage the sensory cells in
image the cochlea and result in an inability to
hear certain frequencies.
Poor hearing can be improved with a
hearing aid, which increases the
nner ear amplitude* of sound waves.

*Focal length, 22; Frequency, Amplitude, 16 23

The reflection of light e refraction of light
\ y\

Reflection of light occurs when a light Angle of Vy. ^Incident ray. The light
ray hits a surface and bounces off, incidence —-— —1 ray before refraction.
changing direction. Mirrors are usually The angle of
incidence is the \
used to demonstrate the reflection of light the nght wave changing speea as u passes Angle of
angle between the
because their shiny surfaces reflect more into tFie new medium. Normal"^ refraction
incident ray and the
light than dull, rough surfaces. normal. For example, a ray passing from one
Reflected light always obeys two laws, medium into an optically more dense
The normal is a Sine at right ang medium (such as from air into glass), slows
called the laws of reflection. These state:
to the mirror's surface at the point / \
1. The incident ray, the reflected ray down and bends toward the normal. A ray
and the normal are all in the same
where the light ray hits the mirro
passing into an optically less dense medium
Refracted ray, The light
plane. The reflected ray speeds up, bending away from the norma . ray after refraction.
2, The angle of incidence is equal to the is the light ray
angle of reflection. after reflection. The critical angle
The diagram shows light being reflected Incident ray , Weak reflected if n |;nUt r
and identifies the terms used above. the reflected ray and
the normal,
Real and virtual images
There are two types of image; real and only appear to come from it.
virtual. A virtual image is formed when, A real image is formed when rays from
for example, light rays from an object an object actually pass through the Critical angle Refracted raf ess dense mi
placed in front of a mirror are reflected image, as in the pinhole camera*. A real Total internal reflection
into the human eye. The eye sees an image produces a photographic image if
image of the ob|ect behind the surface film is placed where the image forms. The If a light ray which hits the boundary between
of the mirror. The image is called a image projected onto the screen at the glass and air has an angle of incidence greater
virtual image, because the light rays cinema is a real image. them the critical angle it is not refracted. All the
light is reflected back inside the denser medium
This is called total internal reflection.
Reflection in a plane mirror Right angled prisms k
Angle i" as greater Total internal
than the critical angle reflected ray
The image formed by reflection in a
\ |\
interchanged with the right. Ray turned 90° k X /
plane mirror is always virtual and erect It is possible to construct a ray diagram Optical fibres use total internal
(the same way up as the object). It is the to find the position of the virtual image reflection to transmit light along a
same distance behind the mirror as the formed by an object in front of a mirror. glass or plastic tube. They are used in
object is in front. The image is laterally The steps below should be followed medicine and telecommunications.
inverted, which means that the left side is carefully to produce an accurate diagram.

i . uraw two sample rays from Right angled prisms use total internal
the top of the object, travelling reflection to alter the path of light, turning it
in a straight line to the mirror, through 90° or 1 80°. These prisms are used in
periscopes, binoculars and cameras.

2, Draw a normal where

Colour and the spectrum
each ray hits the mirror. 5. The top of the Spectrum
image is formed at ^hite light is made up of different colours
rT light. When a ray of white light is Red ight is
the point where the
"' ’•:'e through a glass prism it splits into a refracted least
rays intersect.
3inbow of colours called the spectrum,
3. Show the reflected ray fhe splitting of light in this way is called
bouncing off the mirror. Ensure sper$ion. Dispersion is caused by the
that each angle of reflection is 4. Trace the reflected
different colours of light travelling at
equal i rays back behind the
mirror to the point at Rightly different speeds in glass or water.
measu e norma
which they intersect. 1--^ch of the colours is refracted by slightly
different amounts.

rPinhole camera, 19.

Developments in science and technology The explosion sent matter flying out in all
have fed to space travel, advanced directions. This matter later formed stars
communication systems and the chance and planets. The galaxies, which are the S un gets higher in the sky and is
to study the Earth from space. huge collections of stars, are still moving seasonal changes ana a variation in the visible longer. In winter it is lower in the
Astronomers think the Universe began away from each other today as a result number of daylight hours in a day. sky, rising above the horizon later in the
about 15,000 million years ago with a of the explosion. No one knows whether Summer is the period during which the day and disappearing earlier.
huqe explosion, called the Big Bang. the Universe will continue to expand land is inclined towards the Sun and the
Summer in Rays hit the
Before the Big Bang all the matter in the forever, or whether gravitational forces Sun's rays hit the ground almost
the northern ground aim
Universe is thought to have been of attraction* will start to pull the galaxies perpendicularly. When it is summer in th
concentrated into a very small volume. back towards each other. northern hemisphere, it is winter in the
southern hemisphere and vice versa. In
winter, the Sun's rays slant across the
The Milky Way is the Earth's surface. Their heat is spread over
galaxy in which the a larger area, weakening their intensity.
Earth 1 ies. It is just The ength of a day Is governed by the
Sun's position In the sky. Due to the Angle or
one of millions of inclination
galaxies that -WBM inclination of the land during summer,
make up the iflHg
Universe. On a The Moon's motion
5 J-.- • ; • WBf"/
In position (5)Hie
clear night the other 1 he Milky way is spir
whole of the Moon The Earth has one moon which orbits it
stars of the Milky Way shaped and Formed
is iliuminoted, ca lied
can be seen as a faint band me sun is a star like the millions from an estimated once every 27.3 days. The Moon spins on
a full Moofi.X
of other stars In the Milky Way, 100,000 million stars its axis once during this orbit. This means
of light in the sky.
that the same half of the Moon is always
facing the Earth.
The Solar System ^ V/J7 The Moon does not produce its own light
The Sun lies at the centre of our Solar " ^ ' It is visible because It reflects* light from
System which Is made up of nine know In position0 ^Tace^of ^un' "^e Par^ ^oon w^'c^ >s
major planets, including the EqrthT^-" the Moon is s seen visible from Earth depends on its position
invisible. This' :jrs.t # in relation to the Sun, The different
Also orDfting me ours are forge Is called a d the last illuminated sections of the Moon shown in
A satellite rs an object numbers of lumps of rock, ca lied new Moon.
spec lively. the diagram are called its phases.
in space, such as a asteroids, and balls of frozen
moon, which orbits gas and rock called comets.
another larger object When comets get near the Sun, The effects of gravity
like a pla net. Many the ice vaporizes \ leaving a
frail of qas and dust. There is a strong force of gravitational called a high tide. There are two high
planets have their own
natural satellites, . „ a; attraction which exists between two tides and two low tides every twenty-four
objects the size of planets and stars. hours. When the Sun is in line with the
Gravity keeps the planets in orbit around Moon, the combined gravitational force
the Sun, and the Moon in orbit around on the water is greater, producing higher
the Earth. tides called spring tides.
The Earth's motion The Moon is constantly moving forward The Moon's path if 1
Northern in a straight line. It would move further no gravitational Moon's orbi
The Earth takes 365.26 days to travel hemisphere away into space if the Earth did not exert force were acting
once around the Sun. The shape of its a gravitational force which pulls it back in
orbit is elliptical', which is like a slightly the direction of the Earth s centre. The \ -V X-Th e amount by which the
squashed circle. As the Earth orbits the \ | Moon is pulled toward the
effect of this gravitational pull acting at
\ / Earth by gravity
Sun, it spins on its axis once every twenty- right angles to the Moon's motion
four hours. The axis is an imaginary line produces the circular orbit of the Moon. Gravitational
which runs through the Earth from the Gravity also affects the seas and oceans force of
North Pole to the South Pole. As it orbits on Earth, The gravitational force exerted attraction
the Sun, the Earth is not completely by the Moon on the Earth attracts the Moon
upright. Its axis is tilted at an angle of water on the side of the Earth it faces,
approximately 23‘; to the plane of its orbit Th is causes a bulqe in the water's surface

Gravitational forces, 6; Vaporizes, 61 Reflection, 20

Heat is a form of energy. When a
substance is supplied with heat energy,
mean the same thing as 'heath It depends Most substances increase in size when I A bimetallic strip
on the average speed of the molecu es in heated. This is called expansion. The
its molecules gain kinetic energy* from a substance. Far example, a hot spark of molecules in the substance gain kinetic Different solids expand ot different rates.
the heat source and move at a greater magnesium has a higher temperature energy a nd beg in to move faster. They This is demonstrated in the behaviour of
speed. The faster they move, the hotter than a mug of boiling water, because its a bimetallic strip, which is used in
are able to make larger vibrations and
the substance becomes. The substance is molecules are moving faster. However, push each other further and further thermostats to regulate temperature in
said to have gained interna! energy. the water has more heat energy than the central heating systems.
apart, causing the substance to enlarge.
Temperature is a measurement of how spark because it has more molecules and A hi metallic strip is a strip
hot or cold a substance is. It does not their total energy is greater. The expansion of solids and of copper and iron fixed
firmly together.
Thermometers A clinical thermometer Solids will only expand by a very small Heater
Temperature is measured using a amount This is because their molecules
A clinical thermometer is used to
thermometer. Thermometers contain are held together by strong forces of When heated, copper expands more than
measure the small variations in
substances which change when heated. attraction. Most liquids expand more iron. Th is causes the strip to bend outwards
the temperature of the human
Some contain liquids which expand than solids because their molecules have breaking the electrical circuit and turning off
more energy to break free of the forces the heater. When it cools the strip bends back
when heated. For example, if a liquid-
The triangular glass acts as which attract them to their neighbours. and the heater is switched on.
in-glass' thermometer is placed in a hot a magnifying g ass.
substance, the liquid inside it will expand scale is
and rise up the tube. Alcohol and A constriction in the tube calibrated The expansion of gases Thermometer ^Gas at constant
prevents mercury in degrees tempera fore,
mercury are commonly used in these 1 he volume of a gas is affected both by
returning to the bulb Celsius, pressure and
thermometers. Alcohol freezes at a lower between heating and by the pressure exerted on
b e fo re a rea d i n g co n volume
temperature than mercury and iis used to 35 :'C and it. Therefore, when studying the
be taken. The Pressure control
measure very low temperatures, for

thermometer must 42 X expansion of gases, three variables must

instance at the North and South Poles. A single arrow
be shaken to
A narrow tube
be considered: temperature, volume and
Other thermometers include the ^ indicates standard
force the pressure.
ensures the mercury pressure.
resistance thermometer, which contains a mercury back
moves a visible distance
wire whose resistance* to electric current Into the bulb
even for very small
Gas at constant temperature
changes if its temperature changes.' changes in temperature. If Ine volume of a gas is decreased, ifs
pressure increases. The pressure in a gas
depends on the rate at which its Gas at constant ^
The Celsius temperature The absolute temperature molecules hit the sides of the container. temperature
scale scale As volume decreases, the gas molecules Volume decreased —-
The Celsius scale has two fixed points. The absolute temperature scale starts at a are pushed closer together. Although
External and internal
The lower one [0 X), called the ice ooint called abso ute zero. This is the they are moving at the same speed, they pressure increases —
point, is the melting point of pure ice. owest temperature theoretically hit the container’s walls more often,
The upper one (1 00 X), called the achievable. It is the point at which no increasing the gas's internal pressure.
steam point, is the temperature of the more heat energy can be removed from a ^Gas at constant
Gas at constant volume volume
steam above water, which is boil ing at substance. Measured in degrees Celsius,
normal atmospheric pressure. One absolute zero is -273 X, Tlhe absolute If a gas is heated, but not allowed to Temperature
expand, its internal pressure Increases. increased
hundred divisions are made between scale uses units called kelvins (K), Kelvins
these points, called degrees Celsius |°C). This means the gas molecules gain -External and internal
are the same size as degrees Celsius.
kinetic energy from the heat source and pressure increase.
Finding the fixed points to calibrate a Celsius How to convert between hit the walls of their container more n_
scale on a thermometer
degrees Celsius and kelvins violently and more often.
100 °C marked tlfcr \ .2 H
ermometers- To convert a temperature from degrees Gas at constant pressure
Celsius to kelvins, add 273 to the Cels ius A gas at constant pressure expands
Pure, melting ice Pure,
temperature, For example, 0 °C is 273 K, when heated because its molecules gain
bat ing
0 C marked water 50 °C is 323 K and 100 °C is 373 K. To kinetic energy. The internal pressure of Gas at constant ^
convert a temperature from kelvins to he gas remains constant because the pressure
degrees Celsius, subtract 273 from the molecules hit the walls of their container Temperature increased
temperature in kelvins. For example, Qt the same rate because they have more The gas’s volume
200 K is -73 C 300 K is 27 °C. space to move in. increases.

26 'Kinetic energy, 13; Resistance, 34. 27

If a temperature difference exists between Heat can travel in three ways: by Experiment to show water as a poor Experiment to show convection currents
two places, heat energy Is transferred conduction, convection and radiation. It conductor of heat. in water
from the hotter to the cooler place. Th is is important to be able to recognize Heat Is supplied to the
The water at the top is heated.
heat transfer continues until the which of these three processes is taking base of the test tube.
temperature is the same in both places. place in any given situation. The ice melts slowly,
because heat conduction
Heat rises in a
Conduction through water is very slow
Conduction is the transfer of heat, from The ice floats current and
Ice is covered with at the top of
molecule* to molecule, throughout a melts the ice
wire gauze to stop the test tube.
material. The molecules inside the Heated electrons rapidly.
it Floating.
gain kinetic energy
material which are nearest to a heat
and collide with
source gain kinetic energy*. They vibrate
atoms passing on
vigorously, and their movement affects heat energy. Hot atoms vibrate Radiation Comparing the heat absorption of two
the molecules immediately next to them. surfaces
and collide with
They pass on some of their energy, Heat source Radiation is the method by which heat is
neighbours. ■Thermometers
spreading heat through the material. transferred through empty spaces. Warm
Conduction is chiefly associated with electrons near the heat source gain objects emit heat waves which can travel A larger temperature
solids, because the closely packed energy and move rapidly throughout the through a vacuum*. These waves are rise is registered in
molecular structure of a solid is most metal They collide with atoms, passing callea infra-red waves*, and are part of this container.
suited to it. on their kinetic energy. Saucepans, the electromagnetic spectrum*. Infra-red Radiant heater
Metals are very good conductors of radiators and central heating pipes are waves travel away from their source at
heat. They conduct heat rapidly, because made of metallic materials to ensure the speed of light, until they hit an object
they contain 'free' electrons*, The rapid heat conduction. in their path. The object absorbs the heat
energy and its temperature rises. The
surfaces of some objects absorb more
Fibre-glass loft insulation Insulation
--X---- ■'V ..'^N
heat than others. Darkly coloured, dull
Substances which conduct heat slowly, such surfaces absorb more radiation than
r _ as wood and water, are called insulators. shiny or light coloured ones. Th is is
insulating roam Double Air is one of the best insulators of heat. because shiny, light objects reflect back Dull black surface Shiny, silver
glazing Therefore materials which trap air inside more heat energy than they absorb. surface
them, such as cork, polystyrene and wool,
are good insulators. Insulating materials The greenhouse effect A vacuum flask
have a variety of uses. Wrapping an object
A greenhouse traps the Sun's heat. High
with insulation can keep heat in or out. A vacuum flask is designed to reduce
Underfloor insulation energy, short wavelength radiation from
Fibre glass and polystyrene are used for loft heat transfer in any Form. It is made of
V insulation. Woollen clothing prevents heat
the Sun passes through its gla$s~ The
glass, which is a bad conductor of
5 U I eaving the human body.
radiation is absorbed by the plants and
soil inside, whi ch in turn emit their own
heat, A vacuum surrounding the liquid
eliminates convection and conduction,
radiation. The radiation they emit is low
Convection energy, long wavelength, which is unable
A shiny, silvered inside surface
minimizes radiation by reflecting the
The most efficient way of transferring to pass through the glass and is reflected
heat energy back into the flask.
heat in liquids and gases is by back into the greenhouse.
convection. Convection is the upward The warming effect produced when insulating stopper
movement of a warm liquid or gas. radiation cannot escape the atmosphere
The I iquid remains at the
When a liquid (or gas) is heated, the is called the greenhouse effect. It is
same temperature, because
part nearest the heat source expands, The hot caused by carbon dioxide in the heat energy cannot pass in or
becomes less dense and rises. The cooler, water atmosphere forming an insulating layer out of the flask.,
denser liquid then sinks towards the heat remains on around the Earth and behaves like the
top of tank glass in a greenhouse. Industrial pollution Shiny inside
source. The upward currents of hot liquid
or gas are called convection currents. is constantly adding to carbon dioxide surfaces
Some water heating systems work on the evels. If this continues, experts predict an
The cool water sinks increase in global temperatures, which
principle of convection. Water rises to
toward boiler. Vacuum
the hot water tank when it is hot, and may have a damaging effect on
sinks to the boiler when it cools. agriculture and human livelihood.

28 * Molecule, 4; Kinetic energy, 13; Free" electrons, 3/. "Vacuum 61; Infra-red waves, Electromagnetic spectrum, 45. 29

The physical state of a Electricity is the phenomenon caused by A neutral

Solid Liquid Gas
substance can change if the production of electrically charged atom The nucleus
heat is added or removed particles. There are two types of charged
from it. For example, if particle: positive and negative. These An electron
water is supplied with charged particles are caled ions. Ions
enough heat it will change are produced when an electrically
to steam. If water is made neutral atom loses or gains electrons* in
cold enough it changes to a process called ionization. An object
ice. Changes in state are which has a surplus of electrons is said to
caused by the molecules* be negatively charged and an object
in a substance gaining or which has a deficiency of electrons is
losing their kinetic positively charged. The magnitude of the
electric charge on an object is measured A positive ion A negative ton
energy*. has a deficiency has a surplus of
in coulombs (C).
of electrons. electrons.
Melting and boili Freezing and condensing Static electricity
The change from a solid to a liquid is The change from a gas to a liquid is An object is said to be charged with static produced by touching a metal object after
called melting. When a substance melts, called condensing and the change from electricity if electrically charged particles walking across a nylon carpet, or the way
its molecules use the kinetic energy they a liquid to a solicf is called freezing. are 'held' on its surface. The charqes are in which dust clings to a record.
gain from the heat source to break the These changes in state are the reverse unable to move through the material of Charged objects exert an electrical force.
forces which hold them in a solid form. processes or melting and boiling. which the object is made. There are many Objects which carry like charges repel
The change from a liquid to a gas is Condensing and freezing involve the everyday examples of the effects of static each other* Objects which carry opposite
called boiling. The molecules of the removal of heat energy. As a substance electricity, such as the tiny electric shock charges attract each other
liquid use heat energy to escape the freezes or condenses, its molecules lose
attractive forces of other molecules and kinetic energy and reform their bonds Conductors and insulators
move independently and freely as a gas. with neighbouring molecules.
Most materials fall into two groups: copper have a large number of these 'free'
conductors and insulators. Conductors
Latent heat
‘—JJ-| MU.! mm_rm ■ » Mp. ^l|>. -
1 f.j Mir
f 1 war
9 allow electric charqes to move through
electrons and are very good conductors of
electricity. Insulators are materials, such as
While a substance is changing state its them. The atoms of metals have some acetate and polythene, which do not allow

temperature does not change. For |

electrons which are free to move through charges to flow through them. They hold
example, when water beqins to boil its i the material. Metals such as silver and the electric charge on their surface*
temperature remains constant even though
heating continues. The heat supplied is Time Charging objects
used to enable the water molecules to
The two mam ways of producing electric Static charge can be induced on a
escape the attractive forces of their bonds molecules give out energy.
charge are by friction and induction. If a conductor by bringing a charged object
neighbours. Th is heat is called latent heat The graph above shows the cooling
plastic pen is rubbed with a doth, the close to it, but without the two touching.
No temperature change is obsei^ed at curve which is produced by a liquid
friction causes a transfer of charge The electrons are
the condensing and freezing points of a from which heat is removed unti the
between the pen and the cloth. Both the repelled by a negatively
substance. In the process of reforming
pen and cloth are insulators and hold the charged rod. ™
charge on their surface. When charged, The metal sphere is a
Evaporation the pen will attract small pieces of paper. conductor and allows
When a liquid changes into a vapour* it liquid is not boiling,, The average kinetic Friction transfers The cloth becomes charges to move through it. Insulator
is said to have evaporated. Some of the energy of the molecules left in the liquid is electrons from negatively charged, The electrons flow
molecules in a liquid have greater energy the pen to the
then lower, This means the temperature of away through the
than others and manage to escape from the liquid has become lower. This process experimenter s
the surface of the liquid, even when the is called cooling by evaporation. body. Thi
The energetic molecules escape, When human beings sweat, they process is
ing away heat energy. produce water which evaporates from the
surface of their skin* Energy is needed to
The slower molecules The finger is removed,
give the water molecules enough energy
remain in the liquid., e pen becomes and then the rod is
to change into a vapour. The molecules
positively taken aw ay. The positive
average energy of absorb neat energy from the skin. This
charged. charges spread out.
molecules left is lower. has the effect of cooling the body down.
*Electrons, 5; Earthing, 50.
* Molecule, 4; Kinetic energy, 1 3; Vapour, 6 1.
Current electricity
Electricity is a form of energy whi ch can depends on the rate at which electric Creating a potential difference A seleciion of
be converted into different forms of charges flow through a conductor. It is batteries and ce
r a
energy, such as heat, light and calcu ated with the following equation: A potential dtffe rence Is produced by an
mechanical energy. It has a wide variety charge [Q1 electrical energy source. An electric cell
of uses ranging from light bulbs and time M is a source of electrical energy. It
calculators to high speed trains. Electric current is measured in amperes contains two metal terminals. Chemical
An electric current is a flow of electrically (A). One ampere is equal to one reactions in the cell give one terminal a
charged particles. In wires this current is a coulomb* of charge passing any point in higher electrical potential than the other.
stream of electrons. The size of a current the conductor in one second. When the terminals are oined by a Electromotive force
conductor a current will flow. The size of An electromotive force (e,m,f,) is the
the p.d. between the ends of the energy which a cell or dynamo* produces
Electric circuits conductor can be increased by to get electric charges moving. It is a
To maintain the flow of a current, a increasing the number of cells Included source of electrical energy because if
continuous conducting path is needed, in a circuit. A number of cells joined maintains a p.d, between two terminals.
called a circuit. A brea < in a circuit stops together is ca lied a battery. An e.m.f. is measured in volts (V).
current flowing. Circuits contain
components, such as lamps and ammeters Series and parallel circuits
(see opposite). Components convert the
electrical energy carried by a current into Components can be arranged in a circuit in two
other forms of energy, such as light and This circuit ways: in series and in parallel, A series circuit
con be drawn "Wire Batte^ The current is the same at any
heat. They do not use up the current itself. has a single path for the current. The current
as a diagram Switch point in the circuit,
The size of the current at the en d of the passes through components one after another.
circuit is the same as at the beginning.
using circuit Light bulb
The voltage across the cell in the circuit equals A
symbols. Light bulbs arranged in series
the sum of the voltages across each of the
Conventional current components. One disadvantage of a series
Scientists decided that current would circuit is that if one component stops working it
Source of electrical .
always be shown travelling from a breaks the circuit and the current will not flow.
energy i “ Conductor «'re
positively charged area to a negatively
t charged area. This is called conventional
A parallel circuit has more than one path for the
current. The current splits up and passes through
Elect rons travel In current and is indicated with an arrow
XT' Light bulbs arranged in parallel A each branch at once. The voltage across each of
this direction on circuit diagrams. This convention was
the components is equal, and equal to the voltage
decided before it was known that the
current in wires consists of electrons
> across the cell. The total current in the circuit is
equal to the sum of the currents in all Its branches.
Di rection of conventional current travelling in the opposite direction. In the circuit shown, the total current is the sum of
The current The current joins
splits up. up again the current through both bulbs. If a component in
Potential difference - P- -—E>-
one branch of a parallel circuit breaks, the current
continues to flow through the other branches.
Charged objects have electrical potential areas, a current will flow if a conducting
energy *. The amount of potential energy path is placed between them. Energy is
they nave depends on the size of their carried from an area of higher electrica Ammeters and voltmeters
charge, When there is a difference in the potential to an area of lower electrical An ammeter is a device used to measure measure the potential difference between
electrical potential energy between two potential. A potential difference (p.d.) is the amount of electric current flowing any two points in a circuit. If must be
Positive charges move toward said to exist between the two areas. through a particular point in a circuit. An connected in parallel across these points.
lower potential. This is the A has a higher Potential difference is measured In volts ammeter must be connected in series at To measure the potential difference
conventional current direction. potent[a| rhan B. (V) and is often called voltage. The p,d. the point in the circuit where the current across a circuit component, a voltmeter
between the ends of a conductor is equa is to be measured, must be connected in parallel across the
to the amount of electrical energy {in A voltmeter is a device which is used to component, as shown below.
joules) which is converted into different Ammeter Voltmeter
forms for every coulomb of electric t t
charge which passes through the E\
conductor. P.a. is calculated with the
following equation: _ Tq\ Ammeter connected
Voltmeter connected in
in series
Potential difference (V) = electrical energy [£} parallel
charge (Q)

*Coulomh, 31; Electrical potential energy, 13. rDynamo, 40, 33

It is important to be able to control the affected by the type of components in the Non-ohmic conductors ~c
amount of current flowing through a circuit. Different components use different
circuit. The size of the current flowing amounts of electrical energy provided by Conductors which obey Ohm's law are called ohmic. Some c
through □ component can be controlled the energy source. Some components can conductors, such as a filament bulb, do not obey Ohm's u
by varying the potential difference* be used to limit the current flowing law. These are called non-ohmic. The resistance of the
across the component. The current is also through parts of a circuit. bulb's tungsten filament increases as Its temperature
increases. It produces a cur rent/ voltage graph like the one
Current and potential difference shown. A thermistor* h also made of non-ohmic material
Its resistance decreases as its temperature increases.
A current will flow through a component to the potential difference. This means that
only if there is a potential difference when the potential difference in the circuit Resistors
across it. The size of the potential is doubled, the current doubles. When the
difference directly affects the amount of p.d. is trebled, the current trebles. Resistors control the current flowing in a supplied by the battery, enabling
current which will flow. If the results of the experiment are circuit. When included in a circuit, different sized currents to flow through
The circuit shown below can be used to plotted on a resistors limit the current passing through different parts of a circuit,
demonstrate the relationship between graph showing components, reducing the danger of A rheostat is a wire
current and p.d. The current in the circuit current against damage caused by overheating, coi with a moving
and the p.d., across the component is voltage, the There are two main types of resistor: connection.
recorded. The p.d. is then increased by gradient fixed resistors and variable resistors.
adding batte ries into the circuit one by produced is a Fixed resistors are available at different
one. The current is recorded each time. straight line. resistance values. Variable resistors are
P.d (V) called rheostats. By adjusting a rheostat
The experiment shows that, for the
circuit and the particular component the amount of current flowing through a
shown, the current is directly proportioned Ohm's law circuit can be controlled, A device c lied
a potential divider (or voltage divider]
Ohm's law states that the current flowing
can be used in a circuit to produce a A fixed res!star
through a conductor is directly
required p.d. from another higher p.d.
proportional to the p.d. across its ends, The stripes indicate
A potential divider divides the voltage resistance value.
provided the temperature remains
The p.d. across a conductor divided by
the current through It produces a quantity
Resistors in series Resistors in parallel
called the conductor's resistance. If the If the resistors in a circuit are arranged in The total resistance in a circuit where the
conductor obeys Ohm's law, this ratio series* the total resistance in the circuit is resistors are arranged in parallel* is
always gives a constant value. equal to the sum of the resistance of all calculated with the equation:
the resistors. This is written: 1=1+ 1+1
Resistance Total circuit resistance R) = R, + R2 + R3 R R, R2 R3
Wire with resistance R For example, the total resistance in the For example, the total resistance in the
Resistance is the ability of a substance to circuit below is calculated: circuit below is calculated:
resist, or oppose, the flow of an electric Wire twice as thick
Total resistance |R) = 3 + 5 + 2 1= 1+ 1+ 1— 6
current in a conductor. All the with resistance 14 R
- ] 0 ohms R 6 12 4 12
components in a circuit have a certain The magnitude of the current in this R —12 =2 ohms
Wire twice as long
resistance to current. This resistance circuit is calculated using Ohm's law: 6
with resistance
makes the electrons in the current Current (I) - p.d. (V) The total current In the circuit is
flowing through the component give up resistance (R) calculated:
some of the electrical energy they carry. Calculating resistance = 20 i=v - 20 = 10 am ps
If the component is a lamp, for example, To calculate the resistance of a conductor 10 R
it converts the electrical energy into heat the p.d. across its ends is divided by the
and light energy. The element in a kettle current passing through it. /y
is a resistor which converts electrical Resistance [R] = p.d, (V)
energy into heat energy. current (l) i rTi\
A conductor's resistance decreases if Resistance Is measured in ohms (12).
the area of its cross-section is increased, One ohm is the resistance of a conductor
Its resistance increases if its length through which □ current of 1 amp passes
increases. when the p.d, between its ends is 1 volt.

34 *Potential difference, 32. "Thermistor, 46; Series, Parallel, 33. 35

The ability to attract iron and steel is called The end which Magnetic fields Neutral point
magnetism and materials which have this points south is
called the south A magnet is surrounded by an area called Magnetic
property are called magnetic. Knowledge of
its magnetic field. Magnetic objects nes.
magnetism goes back to the Ancient Greeks entering this field ore affected by the
who realized that a rock called magnetite magnet's forces of attraction and
attracted pieces of iron. If a bar magnet is repulsion. The pattern of a magnetic field
hung by a thread, it will rotate until it is can be plotted on a sheet of paper using a
pointing in a north-south direction. The regions
plotting compass. The position of the
near the ends of a magnet are called its poles.
compass's needle is marked as shown in
the diagram, The north pole of the
compass is attracted toward the south pole
If one north pole and one south pole of
two magnets ore brought together, they of the magnet.
will pull towards, or attract, each other. The strength and direction of a magnetic
field is shown by magnetic field lines
The law of magnetism [sometimes called magnetic flux lines). plotting
The behaviour of the magnetic forces* These lines have arrows which indicate the
exerted by the two bar magnets shown direction in which a plotting compass's
demonstrates the law of magnetism. This north pole would point if placed in the placed dose together, as shown in the
law states that the like poles of two field. Magnetic force is strongest near a diagram, their magnetic fields combine to
If two north or two south poles are
brought towards each other, they wi magnets repel each other, and the magnet's poles, and so the magnetic field produce neutraf points. These are areas
push away, or repel, each other, unlike poles attract each other. ines are drawn very close together, where the magnetic forces are equal but
if the like poles of two magnets are opposite and cancel each other out.
Magnetic materials How to make a magnet
If materials such as cobalt, nickel or iron
Creating a permanent magnet with a solenoid
are put near a magnet they begin to act The most efficient and effective way of must have a large number of turns of wire
like magnets. This is called magnetic creating magnets is by an electrica per unit length and must be supplied with
induction. Materials which react in this method using a solenoid coil*. An electric
‘ «f<
a large direct current*, A steel bar placed
way are called ferromagnetic. current flowing through the wire coil of a in this magnetic field will become
Iron is a 'soft' ferromagnetic material. solenoid produces a magnetic field which magnetized, retaining its magnetism even
Th is means it will became magnetized is similar in shape to that produced by a when the current is switched off.
very easily, but quickly loses its magnetic bar magnet. If a bar of ferromagnetic The position of the new magnet's poles
properties if the magnetizing force is A steel bar will become magnetized if it material is placed inside the solenoid, the depends on the direction of the current in
removed. Steel is more difficult to is stroked repeatedly with one pole of a magnetic force makes the domains in the the solenoid. The memory aid below Is a
magnetize, but once it is magnetized, it permanent magnet. The magnet should metal line up in a north-south direction, useful means of working out which end of
retains Its magnetic properties far a long De lifted high above the bar between and the bar begins to act like a magnet. the magnet is a north pole and which end
time. Steel is called a 'hard' each stroke. This single touch method To create a permanent magnet, a strong a south pole. These will be reversed if the
ferromagnetic material. produces a weak magnet. magnetic force is needed. The solenoid current direction is reversed.

What happens when something is magnetized . Direction of the

In magnetic materials there are groups of molecules*, current
called domains, which behave like tiny magnets. When
a piece of magnetic material is In a non-magnetized
state, these domains are jumbled up.. When it is
The domains are jumbled in a magnetized, the domains line up, with all their north
non-magnet!zed state poles pointing north and their south poles pointing south.
flowing in a
Most materials [including some metals] cannot be
magnetized. This is because the molecules in these direction
substances do not behave like domains. viewed
Magnetism can be destroyed by extreme heat. Heat end-on
makes the domains in a magnetized material vibrate and creates a
Current flowing in an anti clockwise current south pole.
domains line up in a break out of their ordered pattern. They return to a
viewed end-on creates a north pole.
magnetized state jum bled, non-magnetized state.

*Magnetic force, 8; Molecules, 4.

* Solenoid coil, 38; Direct current, 40. 37
When an electric current flows in a conductor it The thumb points
The motor effect Direction of thrust force
produces a magnetic field* This effect is called in the direction of
electromagnetism. The field is circular and can the current. When a current-carrying wire is brought
be plotted with a small compass. The direction of into a magnetic field, a force acts on it
The fingers point an
the magnetic field around a wire depends on the the direction of the
producing an effect called the motor
direction the current is flowing through the wire. magnetic held. effect. The wire may be thrust out of the
The right-hand grip rule (shown in the diagram), magnet's field. The motion of the wire is
is a useful method of working out the direction of always at right angles to both the
the field. If the right hand is held as if gripping magnetic field and the current direction.
the wire, with the thumb pointing in the direction If there is an increase in the size of the
of the current, the fingers are pointing in the current through the wire, or the strength
of the magnetic field, the motor effect
•v' Direction of the direction
direction of the magnetic field lines. Wire magnetic held
becomes stronger.
A solenoid The direction of the motor effect can be The magnetic field of the current
Current direction worked out using Fleming's left-hand and the magnet combine below the
A solenoid coil rule, which is a useful memory aid. The wire, producing an upward force.

Position Position
thumb and first two fingers of the left .The Thumb will point in the
of the of the hand are held at right angles to each direction of the Thrust Force,
south north other, as shown in the diagram. If the
pole pole first finger points in the direction of the The first finger
magnetic field and the second finger points in the
direction of the
points in the direction of the current, the
Direction of magnetic field magnetic field.
thumb will be pointing in the direction of
A solenoid is a cylindrical coll of insulated poles can be found using the memory aid the thrust force or the motor effect. The seCond finger
wire. When a current flows through it, the shown on page
R 37. The strength of the points in the direction
magnetic fields produced by each part of the Current is flowing.
magnetic field in the solenoid win increase A simple d.c, electric motor
the wire combine to produce a strong if the size of the current increases, or if the
The direction of
magnetic force inside the solenoid, The length of the wire on the solenoid is Wire coi
A simple direct current* electric motor
the current in
shape of the field outside the coil is like increased, by wrapping it more closely Magnetic [be wire coil d force uses the motor effect to convert electrica
that of a bar magnet*. The position of the along the length of the solenoid. energy into kinetic energy*. A flat coil of
current-carrying wire is p aced in a
Electromagnets magnetic field. One side of the wire coil
I-1 ‘.' '
experiences an upwards force, while the
The electromagnetic effect is used to make powerful
other side experiences a downward force.
magnets called electromagnets. If a piece of 'soft' iron*
This makes the coil rotate until it is
is placed inside a solenoid coil and the current is
vertical. At this point the coil stops
switched on, the iron becomes magnetized. The
moving, unless the direction of the current
combined magnetism of the solenoid and the
through the coil is reversed. A
magnetized iron core is very strong, 'Soft' iron is used
commutator, formed of a metal ring split
because it only acts as a magnet when the current is on.
into two halves, is used to reverse the
So the magnetism of an electromagnet can be switched
current direction in the coil every half turn,
on and off with the current. Electromagnets which are
An electromagnet formed from making the motion of the coil continuous.
the shape of the one shown here, with unlike poles next mmuta tor
two solenoids with iron cores. The current enters and leaves the
to each other, produce a very strong magnetic field, Carbon brushes commutator through two carbon brushes.
A relay switch Downwards force

When electromagnets are switched on they A galvanometer
Soft iron
attract ferromagnetic* materials towards them. Galvanometers measure electric current.
Electromagnet Fo ce on
For example, in a relay switch, an electromagnet They contain a moving coil which turns COI
" Contacts operated by a small current is used to close a when a current flows through it. The
pair of metal contacts, which completes a main Soft t Wire col
greater the current, the more the coil
circuit. This means that a small current in the cylinder
=o turns, tightening a return spring. This
Main circuit electromagnet s coil can switch on a large current moves a pointer across a scale, Return
-O without the circuits being electrically linked. indicating the size of the current. spring

*Magnetic field, Bor magnet, Soft iron, Ferromagnetic, 36. * Direct current 40; Kinetic energy, J 3.
if a conductor wire is moved in a The current only flows while the wire is Transformers The soft iron core is made of
magnetic field so that it cuts through the cutting through magnetic field lines. The laminated layers of Iron,
maximum e.m.f, is produced when the Transformers are used to change the
magnetic field lines, an electromotive
size of a voltage, A transformer consists
force (e.m.f.) is induced in the wire. If wire's movement is at right angles to field
of two coils of wire wound on to a soft
the wire forms a circuit, the e.m.f, causes lines, When the wire is stationary or
iron core. An alternating voltage is
a current to flow. This effect is called moving parallel to the field lines without
supplied to one coil (the primary coil].
electromagnetic induction. It happens cutting them, the current does not flow.
The changing direction of the alternating
whenever a conductor cuts through
A sensitive ^ Magnetic flux lines current produces an alternating magnetic
magnetic field lines or if It is placed in a
gal van ometer field in the iron core. This has the same Primary coil, a.c. Secondary coil,
changing magnetic field.
effect on the other coil (the secondary voltage supplied here voltage induced here
The size of the e.m.f. induced in the A current is
coif as moving a wire through a
wire is affected by three Factors: the induced in The circuit
magnetic field. The changing magnetic Primary Seconda ry
length of wire moving in the magnetic the wire, symbol for the
field induces a voltage in the secondary coil coiil
field; the speed of the wire's movement; transformer
coil. Therefore, by using a transformer,
and the strength of the magnetic field. If
electrical energy can be transferred from The size of the voltage in the secondary
any of these three quantities is The direction
the primary coif to the secondary coil coil also depends on the number of turns
increased, the size of the e.m.f. induced of the wire's
without the coils being electrically of wire on the two coils, ft is calculated
in the wire increases. movement
connected. with the following equation, known as
Simple dynamos The size of the voltage induced in the the turns ratio:
secondary coil depends on the size of Primary turns |Np] = Primary voltage (Vpj
Magnetic field
The principle of electromagnetic induction the voltage applied to the primary coil. Secondary turns (Ns) Secondary voltage (Vs)
■The wire Coil
is used in a simple dynamo to convert
rotates in this
direction. kinetic energy * into electrical energy. A Step-up transformers Step-down transformers
flat coil of conducting wire is rotated in a A step-up transformer is one in which A step-down transformer is one in which
An e.m.f, is magnetic field. This induces an e.m.f, in the number of turns of wire on the the number of turns of wire on the
generated in the wire and a current flows, secondary coil is larger than those on the secondary coil is smaller than those on the
the coil
In the alternating current dynamo, primary coil. When a voltage is applied primary coil. When a voltage is applied
shown here, an alternating e.m.f is to a primary coil, a voltage of greater to the primary coil, a voltage of smaller
induced in the coil as it rotates, This magnitude is produced in the secondary magnitude Is produced in the secondary
The position of the coi means the direction of the induced e.m.f. coil. As the number of turns of wire on a coil. Many electrical appliances require a
changes at regular intervals, which secondary coil increases, the total voltage much lower than that supplied by
produces an alternating current in the-coil. voltage produced increases. Step-up the grid system. These appliances often
Maximum e.m.f
Another simple dynamo called the direct transformers are used to produce the contain step-down transformers to
■ the wire• ■ ,•

cuts the field lines

current dynamo has a commutator, high voltage at which electricity is change, or transform, the mains voltage
at right angles, similar to the one on the electric motor transmitted by the grid system T to the lower voltages they require.
Time (s)
shown on page 39. The commutator rings Step-up transformer Step-down transformer
Zero e.m.f, when the
ensure that the current always flows in
wire moves parallel
to the field lines. one direction only.

Direct and alternating current > L


Direct current (d.c.) is usually supplied by a celt* Cu

or battery*. If flows in one direction only.

The electricity which is supplied to houses by Time (s may coi naay coi CQ3

power stations is called alternating current (ax.}. D.c , VC>ttage/time graph

The direction of this current changes many times a The efficiency of a transformer
second. This means the electrons in the current > i Transformers are very efficient devices. the amount of heal produced. The iron
flow alternately one way and then the other, as ~Q Two circuits linked by a well-designed core of a transformer is made of
the ends of the circuit change rapidly from positive transformer lose very little electrical varnished sheets of iron, which have been
to negative and bock again. . energy. A current flowing through a glued together, The se insulated sheets
If d.c. and a,c voltages are displayed on the Time (s) material produces heat which wastes reduce the waste of energy in the form of
screen of a cathode ray oscilloscope* they energy. Therefore, low resistance copper heat by minimizing the currents induced
produce the voltage/time graphs shown here. A.c. voltage/time graph wire is used on a transformer to minimize in the core by electromagnetic induction.

40 *Kineiic energy, ) 3; Cell, Battery, 33; Cathode ray oscilloscope, 48. *Grid system, 50.
Some substances, like uranium and Three isotopes of hydrogen Ionization Alpha particles travel a few
radium, are radioactive. This means the H ?H
Alpha particles, beta particles and gamma centimetres in air. They can be
nuclei of their atoms are unstable. They Electron 15639 stopped by a sheet of paper.
rays ionize* the substances through which
break up, and emit particles or rays
known as radiation. This process is called Neutron o they pass. However, producing ions
recfuces the energy of the radiation. Alpha
Beta particles travel a few metres in
air. They can be stopped by about
radioactive decay Some substances only
Proton particles cause a great deal of ionization, 1 mm of copper.
emit radiation in controlled conditions.
Some atoms belonging to the same number*, but a different nucleon number* which quickly reduces their energy and The intensity of gamma
limits the distance they can travel. Beta rays can only be halved
element have a different number of Some atoms have a much larger number
particles are more penetrating because by 10mm of lead.
neutrons in their nucleus. These atoms are of neutrons than protons in their nuclei. It
called isotopes. All the isotopes of a is thought that this causes atoms to be they cause less ionization. Gamma rays
particular element have the same proton unstable and prone to radioactive decay. travel the greatest distance because they
cause only minimal ionization in the
Radiation substances through which they pass.

Three types of radiation can be emitted emitted, a new nucleus is formed. This A Geiger counter Background radiation
by radioactive materials: alpha (a) change in a nucleus can be written as an
A Geiger counter is used to detect radioactivity. It Background radiation is the
particles, beta (p) particles and gamma equation. The equations vary according
consists of a Geiger-Mijller tube, a scaler and/or radiation which is continually
(j) rays. When a nucleus decays, energy to the type of radiation emitted and some
a ratemeter. Raaiafion produces ionization in the present on Earth. It has a
is released, if alpha or beta particles are examples are shown below.
gas-filled tube. This causes electrical pulses to pass variety of sources including the
between the positively charged central wire and the following: radioactive
Alpha particles negatively charged metal wail. The scaler then materials in the Earth; cosmic
Alpha decay Radium-228
An alpha particle is a helium nucleus, which counts each of the pulses and the ratemeter radiation from outer space;
consist of two protons and two neutrons. It is measures the average rate of pulses In counts per radioactive waste (from both
emitted from an atom's nucleus in a process second. A high count-rate indicates a high level of the nuclear power industry and
called alpha decay. The diagram shows alpha ionizing radiation in the test sample. The tube can the use of radioactive isotopes
decay taking place. If a thorium-232 nucleus also be connected to an amplifier and loudspeaker, in medicine - see page 44};
undergoes alpha decay, its original proton so that a click is heard every time a pulse passes and the nuclear weapons
number is reduced by two and its nucleon between the wire and the wall. industry. There are even some
number is reduced by four. This can Alpha radioactive elements which
be written: ^Ra + JHe particle occur naturally in the human
body, Background radiation
Beta particles can easily be measured with a
A beta particle is an electron formed in an Geig er counter, which
Beta decoy Polonium-21 2
nucleus atom's nucleus when a neutron decays, produces a background count.
splitting into a proton and an electron. The
electron is emitted in a process called beta
decay. The diagram shows beta decay. If a
Radioactive half-life
The process of radioactive decay is The graph below shows the decreasing
bismuth-2 1 2 nucleus undergoes beta decay,
completely random. This means it is count-rate of a substance whose half-life
its original proton number increases by one. Is ten seconds. This means that for every
Its nuc eon number remains the same, impossible to say when any particular
Bismuth-21 2
O Beta because a neutron has formed a proton, atom of a radioactive sample will decay. ten second period that passes the count-
particle Physicists can measure how long it takes, rate of the sample will be halved.
This is written: m^2uPo + oe
on average, for the radioactivity of a test
sam pie to fall by half. This is called a
Gamma rays Gamma radiation
half-life. Each type of isotope has a
After an atom has undergone alph a or beta decay. It different half-life. It varies from a
may be left with excess energy. The atom becomes fraction of a second to millions of years. 400
more stable by emitting this excess energy in the form if the count-rate of an isotope is plotted
of gamma radiation. Gamma rays are part of the against time, a graph is produced. It
electromagnetic spectrum T The rays are not particles, can be used to calculate an isotope's
so the atom's nucleon and proton number remain Gamma rays half-life and predict the count-rate of a
unchanged. This is written: ^22s Ra + Radium-228 sample at any given moment.

* Proton, Nucleon number, 5; Electromagnetic spectrum, 45. *tonize, 31. 43

The radiation emitted by some isotopes Radioactive tracing uses the movement The electromagnetic spectrum is made up can pass through a vacuum as they do

can be put to a variety of uses in and concentration of radioactive isotopes of a huge range of energy-carrying not need the particles of a medium to
rn ed icine and industry. in the body to study the functions of waves called electromagnetic waves. The travel. All the waves travel at the same
Radiocarbon dating is a method used organs and to diagnose disorders. For waves are produced in different ways, by speed (approximately 300,000,000 m/s
by archaeologists to calculate the age of example, radioactive iodine is used to different sources and have different in a vacuum). This is very much faster
preserved, organic materials such as study the thyroid gland, A high wavelengths* and frequencies*. However, than the speed of sound (330 m/s), ft is
leather, parchment or textiles. All livi ng concentration of the isotope in the gland they do nave common properties which important to remember where each group
things contain carbon-1 4 whi ch emits may indicate the presence of cancer. link them. They are all transverse waves* of electromagnetic waves appears in the
radiation. After death, carbon-1 4 is not Radiography Is used in industrial quality and are made up of oscillating electric spectrum. In the sequence below the
replenished and its emission decreases. control. Faults in materials can be detected and magnetic fields. All the waves carry wavelength of the waves becomes shorter
The age of remains can be calculated using a beta radiation source and a Geiger energy from one place to another. They as you go down the page.
from the strength of the emission, using counter. For example, to ensure a roll of
carbon-14's half-life (6,000 years). paper is of even thickness, a scalar is used Sources Detection Uses
Radiotherapy is the use of carefully to alert machine operators. When the
Electrical Rad jo waves Radio waves are used in
controlled doses of high level radiation to count-rate goes down the paper is too
circuits can be detected communication systems. Microwaves
destroy cancerous cells. thick; if it goes up the paper is too thin.
and by radio aerials are used in radar detection and satellite
transmitters and television. communications. They are also used
Radioactivity and safety for cooking in microwave ovens.
Exposure to radiation must be minimized Special Dosimeter
protective contains Warm and infra red is With heat-seeking equipment, hot
because it can seriously damage living
suits are film which hot objects strongly absorbed objects can be identified at night by
cells, in laboratories and schools
worn in records by objects and the infra-red radiation they emit. Infra¬
radioactive sources are stored in lead exposure to
emergency causes a rise in red sensitive cameras are used in
containers. When in use they are handled situations. radiation. temperature. medicine to detect disease.
with forceps and kept at a distance from
people behind lead shields. In nuclear Hot objects, Light is visible to Apart from enabling us to see objects,
power stations, people working with Personal such as fire human eye and light is used in optical fibres for
larger radioactive sources must wear supply of photographic medicine and communications. Plants
special clothing and devices. clean air ilm. need visible light to grow.

The nuclear power industry Very hot UV rays are Some washing powders use fluorescent
objects such detected by chemicals to make washing look whiter.
A vast amount of energy is stored in the nuclear reactor ", the fi 55ion process is
as the Sun photographic UV rays causes the human skin to tan.
nucleus of an atom which can be released slowed down using control rods which
and ilm. Fluorescent High energy UV waves can damage the
by a process called fission. During this absorb some of the neutrons. Fission
mercury materials absorb cells of plants and can cause skin cancer
process uranium nuclei are bombarded produces heat which is used to generate
vapour UV rays and in humans. Most UV rays from the Sun
with neutrons. They become unstable and electricity using steam driven turbines".
lamps radiate visi b!e are absorbed by the ozone layer*. If the
split, releasing energy. Each nucleus also Nuclear power stations generate more
light, ca lied ozone layer continues to be destroyed
emits two or three neutrons which hit other energy per unit mass of fuel th an any other
fluorescence. cases of skin cancer may increase.
atoms, causing more fission. This is called type of power station. Nuclear power is
a chain reaction. An uncontrolled reaction clean to produce, compared with the
would cause an atomic explosion. In a burning of fossil fuels which causes X-ray tubes X-rays are Low energy X-rays are used in
environmental problems like the [ detected by medicine for studying broken bone
Nuclear fission causing a chain reaction
greenhouse effect*. However, building special types of and detecting cracks in metal objects.
reactors is expensive. The waste materials photographic X-rays are harmful to living cells.
are radioactive, and great care must be f I Him Repeated exposure to X-rays can
taken when transporting and disposing of V cause cancer.
them. They are sealed in concrete and
buried deep in vaults underground or Radioactive: Gamma rays are Gamma rays are used in medicine to
dropped into the sea. The consequences of materials detected by kill cancerous growths, to kill
a nuclear accident are catastrophic. In Geiger-M tiller bacteria when sterilizing instruments
1986 an accident at Chernoby , USSR, left tubes *. and to study the function of organs.
many dead and vast areas of land were Large doses of gamma rays can
Neutrons damage living cells.
cause more contaminated with radiation.
"Reactor, Turbines, 61; Greenhouse effect 29. * Wavelength, Frequency, Transverse waves, 16; Vacuum, Ozone layer, 61;
Radioactivity 42, Geiger-Muller tube, 43.
* tj.

Electronics An
- r
fO ■

Electronics is the careful and precise Semiconductor materials, such as silicon, Transistors Collector
control of tiny electric currents* and are mixed with a small amount of impurity A transistor is a component which is used
voltages*. Electronic components are in a process called doping. Depending on Base
as an electronic switch. It is connected into Emitter
built into circuits which perform specific the type and quantity of Impurity used, the a circuit at three points called the base, the A transistor
tasks. Digital watches, calculators and semiconductor produced has different collector and the emitter. When a small
computers all work by electronic means, current-carrying properties. current flows into the base, the resistance On the transistor s circuit symbol an arrow
Electronic components are made from Electronic components are used as between the collector and the emitter shows direction of the conventional current,
substances called semiconductors whose ''switches’ in circuits, because their ability changes from very high to very low and a <1-di¬
ability to conduct electricity lies between to conduct electricity is affected by factors current flows. Therefore, by controlling the
that of conductors * and insulators T such as heat, light and current direction. size of the base current, the much larger
collector/emitter current can be switched
Diodes on and off The voltage between base and t
Diodes can be used as 'one way' emitter must exceed 0,6 V before the base smal I base
switches. They allow an electric current current can switch on the collector current. current
to Flow through them in one direction
only. A diode is said to be ''forward
biased when current flows through it. / .
//I \ Electronic switches
Forward biased diode
However, if the diode is reversed in the has low resistance Current flows. Electronic components can be combined to make
circuit, it will not conduct current and is switches which turn on and off in response to
said to be 'reverse biased'. Diodes can different conditions. In a switch circuit which
be used to change a.c. * to d.c. * in a includes a transistor, a potential divider* is used to
process called rectification. If a circuit vary the voltage between the base and the emitter.
which includes a diode is supplied by an Resistors Rj and R? (shown in the diagram* form a
ax, voltage, the diode acts as a valve, aotential divider. They divide the voltage supplied
because it allows the current to flow in Reverse biased diode Negligible
ay the battery. This creates a lower voltage between
one direction only A diode used like this o has high resistance current flows. them which can be used to supply a smof base
is ca lied a half -wave rectifier, because c current to the transistor.
half of the a.c. Is cut out, A.c. which has "o
> A light sensitive switch
undergone half-wave rectification will
produce the time/voltage graph shown. When light fall s on the LDR in this circuit, Its
The half-wave
rectification of a.c, resistance becomes low. The p.d. between the
Light emitting diodes (LEDs) base and emitter is very low. The transistor is
switched off and no current flows between the
Light emitting diodes emit light,
collector and emitter. In the dark the LDR's 10 K U +
glowing like tiny bulbs, when they are
resistance is much higher. The p.d. between the
forward biased, LEDs and diodes can ba se a nd emitter becomes large enough for a \
Digital displays use be damaged by large currents, so a Tran
current to flow and to switch on the transistor. LDR
The LED s shaped LEDs. resistor* must be included in the circuit.
circuit symbol A heat sensitive switch
/y The LDR's
Light dependent resistors (LDRs) r circuit symbol Thermistor Lamp
In this circuit, when the thermistor's temperature is
low, its resistance is high. The p.d. between the base
The resistance of a light dependent resistor depends ]0Kll and the emitter is too low to switch on the transistor.
on the amount of light it is exposed to. In the dark, its *§ ss|g|!

When the thermistor's temperature rises, its resistance

resistance is very high and it allows only a very tiny current Transistor becomes low, The p.d. between the base and emitter
to flow through it. However, in the light, the LDR's of the transistor becomes large enough to switch the
The LDR is
resistance is very low and a much larger current can flow transistor on and the warning lamp light up.
sensitive to
through it, LDRs are used in alarm systems to detect light. light.

Thermistors The uses of electronic devices

The miniaturization of electronic equipment and the
The thermistor's A thermistor s resistance depends on Its cheap cost of components has lead to the widespread
circuit symbol temperature. When it is cold, its resistance is high. use of electronic systems - in industry, offices, schools,
As the temperature Increases Its resistance hospitals and communication systems. Complex circuits are
decreases. Thermistors are used in fire alarm systems built to perform particular tasks. Devices ranging from
A thermistor ^ and thermostat systems to regulate temperature. calculators to word processors contain electronic circuits.
46 *Electric currents, Voltages, 32; Conductors, Insulators, 31; Resistor 35; A.c, D.c., 40. ’Potential divider, 35.
I ne carnoae ray oscilloscope Logic gates
The cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) is of light. The spot is swept repeatedly A logic gate is an electronic component of a logic gate. These voltages can be
used to study wave frequencies* and across the screen at a prese ected speech which can be used as a switch in a either high or low. When the right
waveforms*, and to measure voltage*. This produces a trace across the screen. If circuit. Logic gates have one or two input combination of high and low votages is
The CRO contains a cathode ray tube a voltage signal is fed into the CRO's connections and one output connection. fed into the inputs, the gate opens which
which produces a beam of electrons signal inputs, the spot's position on the They are called gates because they are means its output is high. For example, the
called a cathode ray. This ray hits a screen is affected. The trace produced either 'open', which means their output is symbol below is for a logic gate called an
fluorescent screen and produces a spot shows how the voltage changes with time. at a high voltage*, or 'closed', whicn AND gate. The output of an AND gate (C
means that their output is at a low will only be at a high voltage when both
A cathode ray tube Control grid, The number of electrons in the ray is voltage. The gates can only be opened if its input voltages (A and B) are high.
varied by changing the voltage here. This affects the
Electron gun a certain combination of information is An AND gate
fed into them. This information takes the Input A
form of voltages. Output C
Voltages are applied across the inputs Input B

Truth tables NAND gate

There are five basic logic gates, The A
combinations of high and Tow voltages c —c
which will open these gates can be B
cathode produces represented in the form of a truth table.
Positively charged Input Input Output Input Input Output,
a beam of In these truth tables high voltages are
onodes accelerate
electrons called a
and focus electrons coded ' 1' and low voltages are coded 'O' A B c A B c
cathode ray.
into a ray.
0 0 0 0 0 1
X-plates and Y-pfates. Two pairs of parallel plates affect
spot's position on the screen. A voltage across the Screen. The electrons
c c 0 1 0 0 1 1
Y-plates moves the ray vertically. A voltage across the hit the screen's
X-plates affects the speed of the ray's ho rizontal movement. fluorescent coating Input Input Output 1 0 0 i 0 1
Input Input Output
and produce light.
The control panel of the oscilloscope A B c A B c 1 1 1 i 1 0

The fluorescent screen is The timebase is a dial 0 0 0 0 0 1

graduated so that used to select the time it NOT gate
accurate readings can be takes for the spot to move 0 i ] 0 1 0 Input Output
taken from it. across the screen. Once
0 1
the spot reaches the right- 1 1 0 0 Output
The brightness and focus hand of the screen, it flies 0

control vary the voltage of 1 0

the control grid and the
back to its starting point. 1 i 1 1 1 0
anodes, to produce a The gain alters the
bright, sharp trace. magnitude of the spot's
vertical deflection by Combining gates
The X-shift and Y-shift varying the voltage Logic gates can be linked together as n most electronic devices, many logic
alter the position of the across the Y-plates. shown below. A truth table can be gates are linked together to form complex
spot on the screen, produced to determine the Final output.
Signal inputs
circuits. These circuits can be used to
vertically and horizontally.
AND NOT perform all sorts of functions. For
A example, the central processing unit of a
Displaying waveforms on the CRO screen C D computer contains thousands of linked
B logic gates.
When the CRO's timebase is switched on These complex circuits
and the spot is moving across the screen
Input A Input B c Output D
are called integrated
at a constant speed, the screen's 0 0 0 i circuits when they are
horizontal axis becomes a time-scale. If put on to an electronic
a voltage is then applied across the
0 i 0 i
component called a
Y-plates, the trace displays a waveform
Trace produced by a
i 0 i microchip Each
which shows how the size of this voltage Trace produced by a 0 i
microchip is made from
4 V a.c. voltage source. 4 V d.c. voltage source. i 1 0
varies with time. i a tiny slice of silicon.

48 *Frequencies, f 6; Waveforms, / 8; Voltage, 32 'Voltage, 32, 49

Household electricity
Electricity for domestic and industrial use supplies alternating current*. A.c. is used
is mostly produced in power stations using because transformers*, which are used to Household electrical circuits
large generators*. These generators are reduce or increase voltage*, only
Electricity is carried around a house by which limits the current in the cable. It
Dowered by the heat energy produced by function if they are supplied with an
circuits. There are three main types of also contains fuses to protect each of the
Durning fossi fuels, or from the heat alternating voltage. The electricity is
circuit: ring mains, lighting circuits and electrical circuits in the house. Fuses and
energy produced by nuclear fission*. transmitted at very high voltage. It is
the cooker circuit. Appliances are switches used in the circuits are placed
Electricity is transmitted around the cheaper to transmit electricity at high
arranged in these circuits in parollei*. in the live wire of an electricity cable.
country by a network of overhead cables voltage because less energy is wasted as
This ensures that if one appliance breaks This means that if a fuse blows or a
known as a grid system. This grid system heat in the cables.
or is switched off the others in the circuit switch is turned off, the current does not
The grid system Substations - step-down transformers still function. continue to flow, The appliances are
The power station reduce the voltage before it enters The electricity cable enters the house connected into the circuit by three-pin or
households or industrial through a fuse box containing a fuse two-pin plugs as shown below.
Generators premises.
Cooker circuit Lighting - A three-pin plug
output a.c.
circuit 1 3 amp fuse
Earth ire_
'5?5\ 1T
Live wire

•EKy tCKa p •/ i i n i
'©[ -XU-
Cable gap J<yo r i cbJs
A two-pin plug

The five and

the neutral
wire can be
connected to
either pin,
Electrical safety devices in the home
volts, is calculated as foil ows: Neutral wire
When an electric current flows through a
wire it produces heat. If wires overheat, Current (I) = power rotinq (P) Fuse box Live wire
appliances can be damaged and fires voltage [V)
Ring circuit
may start, Fuses are fitted in circuits to = 2400 O
Power socket Cab I e grip
reduce the possibility of overheating by 240
and switch
limiting the size of the current which can - 10 amps maximum
flow through a wire. A 1 3 A fuse should be used in the kettle.
Fuses have current ratings, which specify The cable bringing electricity into a
Electrical energy and power Paying for electricity
the maximum current they will allow house contains three wires, the live, the The amount of electrical energy As an electricity cable enters a house it
through them. If a current exceeds the neutral and the earth wire. The five and converted by an appliance into other- passes through a meter box. The meter
number of amps specified, the wire inside neutral wires carry the current. The earth forms such as heat or light is calculated measures how much electrical energy a
the fuse melts and cuts off the electricity wire is a safety device. It provides a very with the following equation: household uses in kilowatt-hours (kW hr).
supply. The fuse is said to have 'blown'. low resistance path between the casing Energy (E) ~ p.d. (V) x current (l) x time (t) One kilowatt-hour is the amount of
It is possible to calculate the fuse rating of an appliance and ground through (in joules) (in volts) (in amps) (in seconds) electrical energy used by a 1 k W device
required to protect an appliance. For which an electric current con escape into Electrical power is the rate at which in one hour and is called one unit. The
example, the current required by a the Earth. This reduces the danger of electrical energy is converted. Power is amount of energy an appliance uses
2,400 watt electric fire supplied with 240 electric shocks which may occur if the calculated with the following equation: depends on its power rating and the time
insulation around the wires inside an Power (P) - energy (V x I x t) = V x I for which it is used. It is calculated using
Fuses There is a fine wire time ft)
appliance or a plug becomes worn and the foil owing equation:
inside the fuse case. (in watts) (in joules/in seconds)
the live wire touches the casing. The Energy used = power (P) x time (t)
electricity supply may then begin to flow Electrical power is measured in watts (W), (in units) (in kW) (in hours)
through the casing and through anybody Larger quantities of power are measured For example, an appliance rated at 5 kW,
touching the appliance. in kilowatts (1,000 watts). used for 2 hours, uses 1 0 units of energy.

50 *Generator, 61 / Nuclear fission, 44; Alternating current, 40, Transformers, 41; Voltage, 32, *Parallel 33. 51
Energy, power and the environment
Energy is needed to generate the management of fuel resources and
electrical energy that provides light, heat investment in new technology will ensure
Oil and natural gas, which are fossil
and transport all over the world. Careful we have enough energy in the future.
fuels*f provide over 60% of the world's
energy requirements. They can be stored
Comparing energy sources and transported easily and, at present,
resources are plentiful. However, if
The different sources of energy used considerations usually determine why
energy consumption continues at
worldwide have different benefits and governments and companies chose a
its current rate, in 20 to 40 years
costs. Some resources produce more particular source of energy. However, as
new reserves will be increasingly difficult
energy than others, some are expensive evidence of the damaging effects of
to locate and extract.
to exploit and others are difficult to pollution increases, environmental issues More areas un
The price and availability of oil Is
transport. Economic and political are becoming more and more important. drilled for oil as resources on
controlled by the oil producing countries land are being used up.
in the Middle East. T lis can cause
Hydro-electricity problems for other countries which many years. At sea, oil spilled from
More than 20% of the world's power become dependent on imported fuel. For tankers or oil rigs can kll sea birds and
comes from hydro-electricity. The water example, in 1 976 the USA suffered from fish, destroying the livelihoods of
that is held high up in the lakes behind its dependency on imported oil when fishermen. In March 1 989 an oil tanker
hydro-electric dams has 'stored' potential prices increased by 400%. called the Exxon Valdez caused a slick of
energy* and is at high pressure. It is used The burning of oil and gas contributes up to 2,400 square kilometres. Experts
to drive turbines*, which produce to major environmental problems such as predict the damage could take over ten
electricity in generators*. Although the the greenhouse effect* and acid rain years to clear up. Oil companies are
initial building costs are high, the dams (see below}. Oil accidentally spi lied on often unwilling to spend the money and
go on to provide a limitless supply of land is messy, poisonous and a fire time necessary to repair the damage oil
electricity at little cost. Hydro electric hazard. It can make soil infertile for spillage inflicts on the environment,
power produces no waste or pollution. the lake behind the dam filled up. The
Iraqis, even further downstream, would
Building the large dams, however, can Acid rain
cause po itical, social and environmental also be deprived of water.
The lakes behind dams can become Acid rain Is a damaging mixture of rain outside of buildings.
problems. Often when dams are
blocked by silt tsoil carried by rivers). For or snow with polluting chemicals, such as Acid rain can now be prevented by the
constructed large areas of fertile land
example, the Sanmenxla Dam on the sulphuric acid and nitric acid, which are installation of new anti pollution
must be dearea of people and animals
Huang Ho River in China, built in 1 960, produced by the burning of fossil fuels. technology in power stations. However,
before flooding. 'Water wars' may
was taken out of action after just four The acid can kill trees, people and many countries say they cannot afford
develop when dams are built on rivers
years when its lake filled with silt. In hot animals, pollute soil and damage the the expensive equipment needed.
which run through several countries. For
example, if Turkey built a dam across the countries the lakes can cause an increase
River Euphrates, downstream the people in diseases, such as bilharzia, caused by Energy efficiency
of Syria would have no river water while tiny organisms in still water.
As the world population increases and such as wood and dung).
third world countries develop, the Money must be invested to develop
Nuclear power demand for energy will increase. appliances which require less energy to
nuclear waste produced by the power Knowledge and technology must be function. For example, light bulbs have
Almost 20% of the world's electricity is
stations. shared between developed countries and been developed recently which use less
provided by nuclear power. Initially it
Public fears about nuclear power have the third world, to enable the third world than half the amount of electricity used
seemed cheap. Vast amounts of energy
been aroused by nuclear catastrophes such to develop their own efficient and by standard light bulbs. Refrigerators are
can be produced from small amounts of
as those at 'Three Mile Island in the USA appropriate ways of producing energy. being produced which use on y a fifth of
fuel. For example, two pellets of nuclear
and Chernobyl in USSR. On a smaller Greater energy conservation and the electricity used by other refrigerators
fuel the size of sugar lumps can produce
scale, the increased number of cases of efficiency is needed in order not to use of the same size.
the same amount of energy as two and
leukaemia icancer of the blood), in people up the world's energy resources. More A collection of wind generators
a half tonnes of coal.
working In and living near nuclear power money must be provided for research on a wind farm' in Altamont
Today, however, many countries are
stations, has caused concern. into cleaner, safer, renewable energy Pass, California
cutting back on nuclear power. Although
experts predicted the huge cost of sources. Examples of these are solar
building nuclear power stations, they power, wind power, wave power, tidal
This sign warns of the
failed to consider the massive cost of presence of radioactive
power, geothermal power and the
research, of incorporating rigorous substances. burning of biomass (the energy stored in
safety features, and of reprocessing the living or dead plant and animal matter,

52 ’'Potential energy, 13; Turbines, Generators, 61. *Fossil fuels, 14; Greenhouse effect, 29.
Circuit symbols and number notation
This fable shows the main symbols used There are many more circuit symbols, but A graph is a visual representation of how 2. Mark the scale of each quantity along
to represent the various components the table includes all the components that one quantity changes in relation to its axis. (The scales do not have to be
used in electric circuits. appear in this book. another. Graphs can be used to show the the same on both axes.) When choosing
information gained from an experiment. scales, use the squares on your graph
paper to represent values which make
Constructing a graph plotting the points easy (e.g. avoid the
1. Draw two axes. Along the x-axis plot squares representing multiples of three).
the quantity which is varied during an 3. Plot the points on your graph, marking
experiment. This is ca lied the each one with a cross X or a dot within a
independent variable. Along the y-axis circle 0.
plot the quantity which changes as a Draw a smooth curve or straight line
resu It. This is called the dependent which best fits the points. This is called
variable. the line of best fit. The points may be
Label each axis with the quantity which scattered about this line. One or two may
is plotted along it and the quantity's unit, be a long way from the line due to
e.g. distance (m) or time ($), experimental error.

The distance/time graph produced by a moving object

If me crosses on a graph produce a

straight fine which passes through the
origin, it means that the.quantities
plotted are directly proportional* to
each other.

The line of best fit

follows .the crosses as
closely os possible.
A scale is marked
on both axes.

’I rv**/.-•

he orsgrn is fh
Very large or very small numbers (e.g. if you have a large or small number, move quantities plott
10,000,000 or 0.000001) take a long the decimal point until it is after both zero.
time to write out and are difficult to read. the first numeral. Write 1 0 to the power of
For this reason a method called index the number of places you have moved the
notation is used instead. This notation decimal point. If you move the decimal
indicates the position of the decimal point point to the left the index is positive, e.g.
in a number by showing what power of 107 If you move the point to the right the V •;
v .* '/-Vjj

ten the number should be raised to. index is negative, e.g. 10 7 ■ *, a_. • - . • |ri
T •
. » i'»

•' ’■ . -y . ;

1,000.000 is written 10* For example:

100,000 is written IQ5 32,874 is written 3.2874 x 10A Calculating the gradient of
10,000 is written !04 3,000 is written 3 x 10 ■ a graph
1,000 is written 101 45.7 is written 4.57 x 101
The gradient shows the rate of change of
100 is written 1Q2 0.98 is written 9.8 x 10 1
the quantity plotted an the y-axis with
10 is written 10: 0.00287 is written 2.87 x 103
that plotted on the x-axis. The gradient of
1 is written 10° When multiplying numbers, their indices
a straight line graph is value A y divided
0.1 is written 10 are added together. For example:
by A x (where A means 'change in').
0.01 is written 10 106 x 104- 107
The unit of the gradient is the unit of the
0.001 is written 10 3 When dividing one number by
quantity y/x. For example, the unit of the
0.0001 is written 104 another, the indices are subtracted as
gradient of the graph shown here is m/s
0.00001 is written ] 05 follows :
0.000001 Is written 1 06 103^105- 103

"Directly proportional. 55
Sample questions and answers
This section contains some of the more the water must be added together.
Pressure = 1,01 x 1Q5 + 1.96 x 1G: Answer E : From the principle of
difficult mathematical ideas used in
physics. It includes examples of how to = 2.97 x 105 N/m2 conservation of momentum:
use some of the equations which appear mjui + ni2U2 = (m?+m?) x v
in the coloured section of this book, and Linear motion (page 1 0} A B (2,000 x 3) + 0 - (2,000 + 1,000) x v
some new and more complex equations O 6,000 = 3,00Gv
The following equations relate to moving >. /\ f\ v = 2 m/s
are Introduced. There are sample 20
/ 1 ! \ The principle of conservation of
examination questions and model Average velocity - change in displacement* (d) / 1 1 \ momentum applies to all Interactions,
answers to show you how to tackle time taken (f) f \
10- / ^ including explosions (as long as no
certain types of question. and / J 1 \
external forces act). This is demonstrated
The mathematical ideas and examples Acceleration (a) - change in velocity Iv-u) 0 ■ ’15' t ' 2b ' D 10 E ' in the following example.
appear under the heading of the topic to time taken for change [t) ! ime (s)
which they relate. The page num ber [where v is the final velocity and u is the Example F : A bullet of mass 0.01 kg is
which follows each heading indicates original velocity). Answer D : An object's acceleration or fired from a rifle of mass 4 kg. If the rifle
where you can find the topic in this These equations are usually used on their deceleration is equal to the gradient of recoils with a velocity of 2.5 m/s, find
book. own, but occasionally you may need to the velocity/time graph it produces, the velocity of the bullet.
use them together, as shown in the a) Acceleration = AC = 20
Pressure (page 9) examp le bellow. Answer F : The total momentum of the
OC 15 rifle and bullet before the explosion is
The pressure at a certain depth in a fluid Example C : Calculate the value of = 1.33 m/s2
can be calculated with the following zero. Therefore, the total momentum
acceleration due to gravity using the afterwards is zero too. The velocity of
equation; b) Deceleration = BD = 20
following results gained from the the ri le must be considered to be a
Pressure in a fluid P) experiment described on page 1 1, A steel DE 10
= depth of liquid (h) x density of fluid (d) = 2 m/s2 negative quantity as it is moving In the
ball falls a d istance of 1 m in 0,45 s. opposite direction to the bullet.
x acceleration due to gravity (g)
Answer C : If the steel ball's initial velocity c) The distance travelled by the object is 0 = (0,01 x vi) - ( 4 x 2.5)
This equation can only be used when the equal to the area under the velocity/time
(u) is 0, and its final velocity is v, its 0.01 XV, = 10
density throughout the fluid is constant. graph. This is calculated as follows:
average velocity = v = a vi = 1,000 m/s
Example A : What Is the pressure due to 2 t Distance = area OAC + area ABDC +
the water at the bottom or a lake which this can be rearranged as v = 2d
area BED The expansion of gases
is 20 m deep. [The density of the water is t = [V2 x 15x20)+ (20x20) + (page 27)
1,000 kg/m3.} f/2 X 10x20)
If Its acceleration (a) = v - u = v
= 150 + 400+100 When considering the expansion of a
Answer A : P = hdg t t
= 650 m fixed mass of gas, three quantities must
- 20 x 1,000 x9,81 then, a = 2d
be considered: pressure, temperature and
= 1.96 x 105 N/m2 f2
Momentum (page 12) volume. If any of these quantifies
- 2x1
changes, it is possible to work out how
In the atmosphere the density of air is 0.452
According to the principle of the the other quantifies are affected by the
not constant with height. A mercury = 9.9 m/s2
conservation of momentum, when objects change using the following equation
barometer* can be used to measure which is called the general gas equation:
Velocity/time graphs collide, their total momentum is the same
atmospheric pressure.
(page 11) before and after the collision (as long as RiVi = Q2V2

no outside forces act). For two objects in Ti T*

Example B ; What is die value of the The velocity/time graph produced by a collision, this principle can be written:
atmospheric pressure which supports a moving object can be used to calculate (where pi, Vi and Ti, refer to the
Momentum before = momentum after
column of mercury of height 76 cm the object's acceleration and the distance rrhui + m?U2 = rruvi + nijV2
pressure, volume and temperature in
[76 cm - 0.76 m) in a mercury <elvins of a gas before it undergoes a
it travels in a given time. (where mi and m2 are the masses of two
barometer. [The density of mercury is change, andp?, V2 and T2 to the values
Example D : A car accelerates uniformly objects, U: and u? are their velocities afterwards).
13,600 kg/m7)
from rest to a velocity of 20 m/s in before impact and vi and V2 to their It is important to remember that the
Answer B : P = hdg 15 s. It then travels at constant velocity velocities after impact). temperature must always be In kelvins.
- 0.76 x 1 3,600 x 9.81 for 20 s before decelerating uniformly to Example E ; A car of mass 2,000 kg, The pressure of a gas is often measured
= 101,000 rest in 10 s. 1 moving at 3 m/s, collides wi th a in atmospheres. One atmosphere is the
- 1.01 x 105 N/m2 From the following velocity/time graph stationary car of mass 1,000 kg. After pressure considered to be normal
To calculate the total pressure at the below calculate a) the object's the impact they move together. Calculate atmospheric pressure. A pressure of one
bottom of a 20 m deep lake, the acceleration, b) its deceleration and the Final velocity of the cars after the atmosphere would support a mercury
atmospheric pressure and the pressure of c) the total distance it has travelled. impact. column of height 76cm.
56 *Mercury barometerf 9; Displacement, 6 J.
Sample questions and answers continued

The general gas equation can often be Answer I ; a) The resistors are in
simplified. For example, if the temperature parallel, therefore, the p.d. across each
Transformers (page 41)
of a gas remains constant (Ti - Tj), resistor is 2 V. The turns ratio shows the relationship
between the number of turns of
then, pi Vi = P2V2 If Ohm's law is applied to the 4 £1 conductor wire on the primary and
If Sts volume remains constant (Vi = V2), resistor, then h = V secondary coils of a transformer and the
then, q\ = p2 R p.d.s produced in both coils.
Ti T2 = 2
if its pressure remains constant (pi = p2-), 4 No. primary turns (NO - primary p.d. fV„l
then, V, - V2 - 0,5 amps No.secondary turns (NJ secondary p.d. [VJ
T, J7 If Ohm's law is applied to the 8 Q
resistor, then Ig = 2 Example L : if an alternating p.d. of
Example G : If 2mj of a gas at 240 V is applied to the primary coil of a
] atmosphere pressure is compressed to
8 h?
- 0*25 amps transformer which has 200 turns of wire,
0.25m3 at constant temperature, what is Answer K : The combined resistance of what will be the p.d, produced in the
b) Total current - I4 + Is
its new pressure? the 4 12 and 1 2 12 resistor in parallel is secondary coil which has 1 0 turns?
= 0.5 + 0.25
Answer G : As temperature is constant, = 0J5 amps calculated as follows:
Answer L : N:, = V.
then, pi Vi = p:V; 1=1+1 K V,
1 x 2 - pj x 0, 25 Example J : For the circuit below R 4 12
200 = 240
P2 = 8 atmospheres calculate: a} the current flowing, and b] = 3+1
10 V,
the p.d. across each of the resistors. 12
20 = 240 ‘
Example H : A gas at 27 “C (300 K) is =4
heated at constant pressure until its 12 20 x V, = 240
volume has doubled. What is the new 1= 1 V, =240
temperature of the gas? R 3
R = 3 Li
Answer H : As pressure is constant, = 12 V
then, V: - V2 The total resistance in the circuit (R)
R = 2+ 3 = 5 Q Electrical power is calculated with the
Tt h
V, = 2 x Vi equation:
300 T2 It Ohm's law is applied to the whole P = VI
T? = 2 x 300 circuit, then the total current through the
(where P is power, V is voltage and I is
circuit h = 6
= 600 K (327 °C) current).
In a perfectly efficient transformer the
= 1.2 amps
Ohm's law (page 34-35} electrical power supplied by the primary
if Ohm's law is applied to the 2 £) coil would be equal to the power
Ohm's law produces the equation:
Answer J : resistor, the p.d. across it is: delivered to the secondary coil. This
Resistance (R) - p.d* [V)
current (I) a) Total resistance = 5 + 15 + 20 P d. = 1,2 x 2 relationship can be written as follows;
Th is relationship can apply to single -4012 = 2.4 V V, Ip = V, Is
components or any group of components If Ohm's law is applied to the whole Therefore, the p.d. across the 4 £) and
circuit, then I = V = 10 1 2 Li resistors = 6 - 2.4 (where Ip and I5 are the currents in the
in an electrical circuit.
R 40 = 3.6 V primary and secondary coils).
Example I : For the circuit below, -0*25 amps if Oh m's law is applied to the 4 ii
calculate: a! the current through each of b) If Ohm's law is applied to each of the resistor and 1 2 i> resistor in turn then, Example M : Using the same transformer
the resistors in the circuit, and b) the total resistors in turn, then: the current through the 4 i> resistor is as in example L, calculate the current in
current flowing. P.d. across 5 12 resistor (Vs) = 0.25 x 5 calculated as follows: the secondary coil (Is) if the current in the
= 1.25 V L, =3.6 primary coil (Ip) is 0.1 amp.
P.d, across 1 5 12 resistor (Vis) = 0,25 x 1 5 4
- 3*75 V = 0.9 amps Answer M : 240 x 0.1 = 12 x I,
P.d. across 20 12 resistor (V^b) = 0,25 x 20 and the current through 1 2 resistor, 24 = 1 2 x I
=5 V I|2 = 16 I, = 24
12 12
Example K; Calculate the current through - 0.3 amps - 2 amps
each of the three resistors in the following
circuit diagram. (Note: h = h + In)

Summary of equations Glossary
The glossary explains some of the more continues to be destroyed and more UV
The following table as acts a summary of quantities. The unit of a derived quantity difficult terms used in this book. The radiation is allowed to reach the Earth, it
some of the important equations in this (called a derived unit) is found from its terms defined appear in bold , as do may lead to an increase in the number of
book. The table contains derived defin ing equation. Some derived units other related words which are used in the cases of skin cancer and be harmful to
quantities which are worked out by are given special names. These are definition. Words within the explanations crop production.
dividing or multiplying two or more other shown in the table. which have their own entries in this list
are followed by a '. Rate. The amount by which one quantity
changes in relation to another. For
Directly proportional. When applied to example, acceleration is the rate of
two quantities, if one quantity changes by change of velocity in relation to time.
a certain proportion, then the other (Note that the second quantity is not time
changes by the same proportion. For in all cases.)
example, if one quantity is doubled, the
other quantity is doubled too. Reactor. The container in a nuclear
power plant in which atoms are split to
Displacement. A measurement of the release a vast amount of energy,
distance and direction of an object at any
time from a chosen fixed point. Reciprocal. The value obtained from a
Displacement is a vector* quantity. number when one is divided by that
number. Fhe reciprocal of any number x
Earth potential. The electrical potential* would be 1 /x. For example, the
of the planet Earth, The Earth is able to reciprocal of 10 is 1/10 which is 0,1).
supply or absorb electrical charge
without changing its own potential. If is Spectrum. A particular range of
considered to be at zero electrical wavelengths or frequencies. For
potential. example, the wavelength of the waves
which make up the visible spectrum of
Element. A substance which cannot be light ranqe from 4 x 107 m to
split into simpler substances by a 7.5 x 107 m.
chemical reaction* Atoms of the same
element have the same number of Turbine. A device with rotating blades.
protons in their nucleus. There are over The blades are turned by a force. For
one hundred known elements. example, jets of steam turn the turbines
in a coal-fired power station. The kinetic
Generator. A machine which converts energy of a moving turbine can be
kinetic energy into electrical energy. The converted into electricity in a generator7.
kinetic energy may be provided by an
A turbine
engine or a turbine7,The simple dynamo*
is an example of a generator.
Inversely proportional. When applied to
two quantifies, this means that one
quantity is directly proportional1 to the
reciprocal of the other. For example, if
one quantity is doubled, the other
quantity is halved.
Medium. The substance or space in
which objects exist and phenomena take Vacuum. A space which is completely
place. For example, glass is described as empty of matter A partial vacuum is
o medium when light travels through it. created in a container from whi ch some
air or gas has been removed, so that the
Ozone layer, A layer of gas which forms
pressure inside fhe container is much less
part of the Earth's upper atmosphere. It
than the atmospheric pressure outside it.
absorbs some of the harmful ultra-violet
radiation from the Sun. Vaporization, The change of state from
The ozone layer is being destroyed by liquid to vapour. A liquid will vaporize
man made chemicals. If the ozone layer at a temperature called its boiling point.

60 "Vector, 7, Electrical potential, 32; Simple dynamo, 40 61


A compression, 16, 18 efficiency, 1 5, 41 electrical, 6, 31 intensity (sound), 18 principle of, 8

absolute temperature scale, 26 condensi ng, 30 effort, 1 5 electromagnetic, 38-41 interference (wave), 1 7 momentum, 1 2, 57
absolute zero, 26 conduction elasticity, 7 Frictional, 6, 1 4, 15 integrated circuits, 47, 49 principle of conservation of,
acceleration, 10-11,56-57, electricity, 31,46 elastic limit, 7 gravitational, 6, 1 1, 24-25 internal reflection, 21 12, 57
60 heat, 28, 29 electric magnetic, 6, 36-37, 38 ions, 31,43 Moon, 19, 25
due to gravity, 11,56 conductors cell, 33, 34, 54 magnetic lines of, 37-40 ionization, 31,43 motion
acid rain, 53 electricity, 31,32, 38, 46 charged particle, 5, 31,32 turning, 8 isotope, 42, 43, 44 Brownian, 4
alpha decay/particle, 42, 43 heat, 28 current, 32-35, 38-41, forward biased, 46 linear, 10-1 1, 1 2, 56
alternating current (a.c), 40, conservation of energy, 46-47,'50-51,58, 59, 60 fossil fuel, 1 4, 50, 53 J Newton's laws of, 1 2
41,46, 48, 50, 54 law of, I 3 energy, 13, 32 33, 51-53 freezing, 30 joule (J), 13, 14,51,60 motor (electric), 39, 54
ammeter, 33, 54 conservation of momentum, force, 6, 31 frequency, 16, 18, 23, 45, motor effect, 39
ampere (A), 32 principle of, 12, 57 electricity, 31-35, 38-41, friction, 6, 14, 1 5, K musical instruments, 1 8
amplitude of a wave, 1 6, 1 8 constructive interference, 17 46-47, 50-51,52-53 fulcrum, 8 kelvins (K), 26, 57, 58
aneroid barometer, 9 convection, 28, 29 static, 31 fuses, 50, 5), 54 kinetic energy, 1 3, 30 N
angle of incidence, 20, 21 convection currents, 28, 29 current, 32 35, 38-41, kinetic theory, 4, 30 neutral point, 37
angle of reflection, 20 conventional current, 32 46-47, 50-51,58-59, 60 G neutrons, 5, 42, 44
angle of refraction, 21 converging lens, 22, 23 electric motor, 39 galaxy, 24 £ newton (N), 6 8, 1 2, 60
atmospheric pressure, 9, 56 conversion of energy, 1 3 electromagnetic galvanometer, 39, 40, 54 latent heat, 30 newton metre, 8, 60
atomic coulomb (C), 31,60 induction, 40-41 gamma radiation, 42, 43, lenses, 22, 23 Newton’s laws of motion, 1 2
explosion, 44 critical angle, 21 spectrum, 19, 29, 42, 45 44, 45 converging, 22, 23 non-o hmic, 35
structure, 5, 31,42 current waves, 45 gases, 4, 27, 30, 57-58 diverging, 22, 23 non-renewable resources, 1 4
atoms, 5, 31,42 electric, 32-35, 38-41,46- electromagnetism, 38-39 Geiger counter, 43, 44, 45 eye, 23 normal, 20, 21
47, 50-51,58-59, 60 electromagnets, 38 general gas equation, 57 light, 19-21,22, 45 nuclear
e alternating (a.c.), 40, 41,46, electromotive force, 33, 40 generator, 50, 52, 61 light dependent resistor I’LDR),. energy, 44, 52, 61
background 48, 50, 54 electrons, 5, 28,31-32,42, 48 gradient, 55 46, 47, 54 fission, 44, 50
count, 43 direct (d.c.), 39, 40, 46, 48 free, 28, 31 graphs, 55 light emitting diode (LED), 46, power station, 44, 52
radiation, 43 electron gun, 48 gravitational field, 1 2 54 reactor, 44, 52, 61
balance D electronics, 46-49 gravitational force, 6,11, 24, limit of proportionality, 7 nucleon number, 5, 42
simple, 5 decay element, 5, 42, 61 25 linear motion, 10-1 1, 12, 56 nucleus (nuclei pi.), 5,31,42,
spring, 7 (radioactive), 42, 43 energy, 1 3, 52-53, 60 gravitational potential liquid 44
barometers deceleration, 10, 56-57 chemical, 1 3 energy, 1 3 pressure in, 9
mercury, 9, 56 deformation, elastic, 1 3 gravity, 6, 1 1, 25 state, 4, 30 O
aneroid, 9 elastic, 7 electrical, 13, 32-33, 51, acceleration due to, 9, 11, load, 1 5 ohm (Q), 34, 60
battery, 33, 54 plastic, 7 52-53 centre of, 8 logic gates, 49, 54 ohmic, 35
beta decay/particles, 42, 43, density, 5, 9, 56, 60 gravitational potential, 1 3 greenhouse effect, 29, 44, 53 longitudinal waves, 16, 18 Ohm's law, 34, 35, 58-59
44 optical, 21 heat, 13, 26-30 loudness, 18 oil, 53
bimetallic strip, 27 derived quantities, 60 kinetic, 13,61 H optical centre, 22
boiling, 26, 30 derived units, 60 law of conservation of, 13 half-life, 43, 44 M optical density, 21
Brownian motion, 4 destructive interference, 1 7 nuclear, 13, 44, 52, 61 half-wave rectification, 46 machines, 15 optical fibres, 21
digital display, 46 potential, 13 heat, 26-30 hydraulic, 9 optical instruments, 22
C diffraction, 17 sound, 1 5, 1 8 latent, 30 magnets, 36-40 orbit, 24, 25
camera, 22 diffusion, 4 wave, 1 6 heat transfer, 28-29 magnetic field, 37-41 overtones, 1 8
cathode rays, 48 diode, 46, 54 environment, 52-53 Hertz (Hz), 1 6, 60 magnetic field iines/flux lines, ozone layer, 45, 61
cathode ray oscilloscope, 1 8, light emitting (LED), 46, 54 equations, 3, 60 Hooke's law, 7 37, 38, 40
40, 48 direct current (d.c.), 39, 40, equilibrium, 8 hydraulic machines, 9 magnetic force, 6, 36-37 P
cell (electric), 33, 34, 54 46, 48 Eureka can, 5 hydro-electricity, 52 magnetism, 36-37 parallel (circuits), 33, 35, 51
Cels ius temperature scale, 26 dispersion, 21 evaporation, 30 domain theory, 36 partial eclipse, 19
centre of gravity, 8 displacement, 5, 16, 61 expansion, 26, 27, 57-58 / law of, 36 pascal (Pa), 9, 60
chain reaction, 44 diverging lens, 22, 23 eye, 1 9, 20, 23 ice point, 26 induced, 36 penumbra, 1 9
charge, 5, 31,32, 60 domains, 36, 37 image, 1 9, 20, 22, 23 magnifying glass, 22 phases of the Moon, 25
chemical energy, 1 3, 33 doping, 46 F incidence (angle of), 20, 21 mass, 5, 6, 1 1 pinhole camera, 19, 20
circuit, 32-35, 50-51,54 dosimeter, 44 ferromagnetic materials, 36 incident ray, 20, 21 measuring cylinder, 5 pitch, 18
integrated, 47, 49 dynamics, 12 fields incident wave, 17 medium, 1 6, 1 8, 21,61 plugs, 51
symbols, 32, 54 dynamo, 40, 61 gravitational, 12 induction melting, 26, 30 poles, 36, 37, 38
clinical thermometer, 26 magnetic, 37, 38, 39, 40 electromagnetic, 40-41 mercury barometer, 9, 56 pollution, 29, 52-53
coil E fission, 44, 50 magnetic, 36 microchip, 49 potential difference (p.d ),
electromagnetic, 37-39, 40 ear, 1 8, 23 Fleming's left-hand rule, 39 infra-red radiation, 29, 45 microwaves, 5, 45 32-34, 40-41,48-50,
primary, 41,59 Earth, 6, 1 3, 24-25, 61 flux (magnetic), 37, 38, 41 insulation, 28 Milky Way, 24 58-59, 60
secondary, 41,59 earthing, 31,50, 54, 61 focal length, 22, 23 insulator millisecond timer, 1 1 potential divider, 35, 47, 54
comet, 24 echoes, 1 8 focal point, 22 electricity, 31,46 molecules, 4, 28, 30, 36 potential energy, 1 3, 1 4
commutator, 39, 40 eclipses, 1 9 forces, 6-7 heat, 28 moments, 8 power, 15, 51,52-53, 60
electrical, 51, 52-53, 5^ right-hd^l grip rule, total eclipse, 1 9
pressure, 9, 27, 56-57, 60 ?Vf rir^Main, 51 total internal reflection, 21
primary coil, 41,59 transfer of energy, 13
principal axis, 22 5 transformers, 41,50, 54
principal focus, 22 safety transistor, 47, 54
principle of conservation of radioactive, 44 transverse waves, 1 6, 45
momentum, I 2, 57 electrical, 50 truth tables, 49
principle of moments, 8 scalar quantity, 7 turbine, 44, 52, 61
progressive waves, 16 scaler, 43, 44 turning forces, 8
proton number, 5, 42 secondary coil, 41,59 turns ratio, 41,59
protons, 5, 42 semiconductors, 46
pulley system, 15 series (circuits], 33, 35 U
shadow, 1 9, 25 ultrasound, 23
R simple balance, 5 ultra violet radiation, 45, 61
radiation single touch method, 36 umbra, I 9
heat, 29 slide projector, 22 uniform acceleration, 10
nuclear, 42-43, 44, 45 solar eclipse, 1 9 uniform speed, 10
background, 43 Solar system, 24 uniform velocity, 1 0
electromagnetic, 45 solenoid, 37, 38 Un iverse, 24
infra-red, 29, 45 solid state, 4, 30
ultra-violet, 45, 60 sound V
radioactive decay, 42-43 musical, 1 8 vacuum, 61
radioactive isotopes, 42-44 shape of, 18 flask, 29
radioactive tracing, 44 speed of, 18 vapour, 61
radioactivity, 42-44, 45 waves, 1 6, 1 8, 23 variable resistor, see rheostat
radiocarbon dating, 44 spectrum, 61 vector quantity, 7
radiography, 44 electromagnetic, 45 velocity, 10, 12, 60
radiotherapy, 44 visible light, 21,45 virtual image, 20
radio waves, 45 speed, 10 visible light spectrum, 21,45
rarefactions, 16, 18 spring balance, 7 volts (V), 32-33, 60
ratemeter, 43 stability, 8 voltage, see potential difference
ray static electricity, 31 voltage divider, see potential
cathode, 48 steam point, 26 divider
gamma, 42-44, 45 step-down transformer, 41,50 voltmeter, 33, 54
incident, 20, 21 step-up transformer, 41,50 volume, 5, 27, 57-58, 60
reflected, 20 Sun, 13, 24-25, 29, 45, 61
refracted, 21 switch W
reactor, 44, 61 electronic, 46-47, 49, 54 watt (W), 1 5, 5 1,60
rectification, 46 relay, 33, 54 waves, 16,17
rectilinear propagation, 1 9 electromagnetic, 45
reflection, 1 7, 20 T wavelength, 1 6, 29, 45, 60
total internal, 21 temperature, 26-27, 30, 35, wave motion, 1 6
refraction, 17, 21, 22, 23 46, 57-58 wave velocity, 1 6
angle of, 21 temperature scales weight, 6
relay switch, 38, 54 absolute, 26, 58 work, 14, 15, 51,60
resistance, 34-35, 58-59, 60 Celsius, 26, 58
resistors, 32, 35, 54, 58, 59 thermistor, 35, 46, 47, 54 X
resources, 14, 52 53 thermometer X-rays, 45
reverse biased, 46 clinical, 26
rheostat, 35, 54 resistance, 26
right angled prism, 21 ticker-timer, 10, 11, 12

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