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The Centre of Al Jami’ah Islamic

Boarding School
Maulana Malik Ibrahim Islamic State University of Malang

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang i



Desain Grafis


Miftahatul Ma’rifa, S.S Agus Hendri Wahyudi, S.Si

Apriliyanti Shinta Dewi Ibnu Mu’ad

Kantor Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah

Jl. Gajayana 50 Malang 65144
Telp.0341-565418. Fax.0341-565418
Website :

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang ii

We are glad to thank to our God, Allah SWT who has guided us so that
we could finish the revised version of this Conversation Book.

This edition has been greatly renewed, in all terms of the book
including the theme, grammar, excercises, level and so on. Each chapter has
been evaluated from the found mistake. The corrections and suggestions were
accumulated after the previous publication; they come from students and also
tutors who learnt this book.

We would like to express our deep gratitude to the Director of Ma’had,

Dr. K.H. Muzakki, M.A and all the advisors, staffs, murobbi/ah who
completely encouraged us to compile this book. We also thank to the
bookmaking team, that is, the Language Division of MSAA 2017/2018, the
Language Division of MSAA 2018/2019, and all musyrif/ah Pusat Ma’had Al-
Jami’ah who had been dedicating their time, energy, and also thought to
succeed compile this book with a great passion.

The last but not least, we hope that this book will bring great impact to
the language environment and the betterment in Ma’had. Thank you .

Murabbi/ah of Language Division 2017/2018

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang iii

Cover .......................................................................................................... i
Book Identity ............................................................................................. ii
Preface ........................................................................................................ iii
Contents ..................................................................................................... iv
Pengajaran Keterampilan Bahasa ........................................................... v
Silabus Program Shabah Al-Lughah ...................................................... vii



1. About Myself ……………………………………...……………….. 1

2. Studying English in an English Course …………..………………... 6
3. How is my daily life ………………………………….…………… 10
4. How Is My Family? ……………………….……………………… 14
5. Special Dinner …………………………….………………………. 18
6. Who Is Your Idol? …………………………………...…………… 22

7. Watching a Movie ……………………………….………………... 26

8. Hunting for Shopping …………………………….…………….... 30
9. I Like Dancing …………………………………….……………… 34
10. How to celebrate Independence Day? ………….………………… 38
11. How was your holiday? …………………………………………... 42
12. A Fiction Story …………………………………………………… 46

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang iv

ّ ‫الرحمن‬
ّ ‫بسـم هللا‬

Pengajaran Keterampilan Berbahasa

Buku ini diprogram untuk pembelajaran dua semester, sebelum mulai
belajar, pahami setiap langkah berikut ini:
A. Tujuan
Ada enam tujuan dalam pembelajaran berbahasa, antara lain:
1. Mahasantri mampu memahami bacaan dalam teks.
2. Mahasantri mampu mengucapkan dan memahami arti setiap kosakata.
3. Mahasantri mampu menyusun kalimat dari setiap kosakata.
4. Mahasantri mampu memahami materi grammar dan menganalisisnya
dalam teks.
5. Mahasantri mampu menjawab pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan isi
6. Mahasantri mampu berkomunikasi dengan materi yang telah mereka
Untuk mencapai tujuan itu, perhatikan baik- baik cara yang harus
dilakukan dalam proses pembelajaran berbahasa bagi pembelajar
pemula sebagai berikut:
1. Tutor mengucapkan kata dan mahasantri diminta untuk belajar
mengulangi kata.
2. Tutor menjelaskan makna dari kosa kata dalam teks dengan metode
langsung tanpa tarjamah.
3. Mahasantri menyusun kalimat menggunakan kosakata yang telah
4. Tutor memberikan teks percakapan yang harus dihafalkan oleh
mahasantri, kemudian mahasantri mempraktikkannya.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang v

5. Mahasantri menjawab latihan- latihan secara lisan, melakukan
percakapan, atau menjawab pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan isi
teks percakapan yang telah mahasantri baca.
B. Materi
Buku ini berisi teks percakapan ataupun teks bacaan, materi kosa
kata, materi nahwu dan latihan-latihan yang tingkat kesulitannya
disesuaikan berdasarkan level kemampuan mahasantri di Pusat Ma’had
Al Jami’ah.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang vi



KI : Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)

berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,
seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.
KD : Memahami Bahasa Inggris dan Arab baik bentuk maupun makna
secara baik dan benar.
1. Mahasantri mampu memahami teks bacaan atau percakapan.
2. Mahasantri mampu menghafal dan menyebutkan kosakata beserta
3. Mahasantri mampu memahami kaedah bahasa arab dan membentuk
kalimat dari kosakata yang telah di ajarkan dengan kaidah yang benar.
4. Mahasantri mampu berkomunikasi sesuai tema dari materi yang telah


1. About Myself 1. Reading Text
2. Studying English in an 2. Vocabulary Training
English Course 3. Grammar Focus
ENGLISH 3. How is my daily life 4. Understanding and talking
4. How Is My Family? about the text
5. Special Dinner 5. Speaking competence
6. Who Is Your Idol? 6. Writing competence

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang vii

1. Part of Speech part 1 1. Example of Sentences
2. Part of Speech part 2 2. Patterns
GRAMMAR 3. Pronoun 3. Exercises
4. Kinds of Sentences
5. Verbal Sentence


KI : Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)

rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni,
terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.
KD : Memahami Bahasa Inggris dan Arab baik bentuk maupun makna
baik dan benar.
1. Mahasantri mampu memahami teks bacaan atau percakapan.
2. Mahasantri mampu menghafal dan menyebutkan kosakata beserta
3. Mahasantri mampu memahami kaedah bahasa arab dan membentuk
kalimat dari kosakata yang telah di ajarkan dengan kaidah yang benar.
4. Mahasantri mampu berkomunikasi sesuai tema dari materi yang telah

1. Watching a Movie 1. Reading Text

2. Hunting for Shopping 2. Vocabulary Training
ENGLISH 3. Grammar Focus
3. I Like Dancing
4. Understanding and
talking about the text
5. Speaking competence

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang viii

4. How to celebrate 6. Writing competence
Independence Day?
5. How was your holiday?
6. A Fiction Story.
1. Question Tag 1. Example of Sentences
2. Patterns
2. Question Word
3. Exercises
3. Simple Present Tense
4. Simple Future Tense
5. Simple Past Tense
6. Active and passive voice

C. Metode
Kegiatan Sobahul Lughoh ini dilaksanakan 5 kali dalam 1
minggu, yaitu pada hari Senin, Selasa, Rabu, Kamis dan Jum’at.
Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan mulai dari pukul 05. 00 pagi sampai dengan
pukul 05. 50 pagi. Sesuai dengan hari pelaksanaan Sobahul Lughoh,
maka materi dalam buku ini dibagi menjadi 5 bagian, yaitu: Teks
Bacaan, Kosa kata, Tata bahasa (Grammar) dan Latihan.
1. Hari Senin untuk materi Teks Bacaan
a. Tutor membacakan teks bacaan dan menjelaskan isi teks.
b. Mahasantri membaca ulang atau menceritakan ulang dengan
bahasa di luar teks.
c. Praktek dengan berbicara (muhadatsah) bersama teman kelas,
tutor memberikan penugasan dan koreksian secara lisan
maupun tertulis.
2. Hari Selasa untuk materi kosakata
a. Perbendaharaan kata dalam tahap ini mencakup perbendaharaan
kata sesuai dengan teks bacaan dan tema yang berkaitan dengan
hal- hal yang berhubungan dengan kehidupan mahasantri sehari-
hari, baik di Ma’had ataupun di Kampus.
b. Penyampaian kosa kata Bahasa Arab dengan metode langsung
dan aktif (Direct Method).

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang ix

c. Tutor lebih dahulu menerangkan dan menjelaskan arti – arti itu
dengan benda – benda atau gerak gerik atau dengan susunan
kalimat yang dapat menjelaskan artinya, atau dengan gambaran
kosakata lain yang sepadan maknanya, tanpa tarjamah.
d. Mahasantri memahami makna kata dan menghafal kosa kata
yang telah diberikan.
e. Tutor melatih para mahasantri di asrama untuk merangkai tiap –
tiap kosakata yang telah dipelajari menjadi kalimat yang baik dan
benar. Melalui muhadatsah dan sebagainya.
3. Hari Rabu untuk materi Grammar
a. Tutor memberikan materi Grammar dengan menghadirkan
contoh kalimat sesuai dengan kaidah Grammar yang diajarkan
dan menganalisis contoh dalam teks.
b. Kemudian mahasantri diminta untuk membuat kalimat yang
serupa sesuai dengan kaidah Grammar yang diajarkan.
4. Hari Kamis untuk materi latihan soal
a. Tutor memberikan materi latihan dengan soal-soal sesuai dengan
tema dan grammar yang telah diajarkan.
b. Mahasantri diberi tugas menganalisis atau menjawab pertanyaan
yang berkaitan dalam teks.
5. Hari Jum’at untuk materi praktek percakapan dan pidato.
a. Mahasantri mempraktekan percakapan sesuai dengan tema yang
telah mereka pelajari.
b. Mahasantri menyampaikan pidato yang mereka susun.
c. Tutor memberikan koreksian terhadap percakapan dan pidato.
d. Kemudian Tutor memberikan pertanyaan yang berhubungan
dengan percakapan atau pidato.
D. Evaluasi
1. Menyebutkan kosa kata yang telah dihafal.
2. Memasangkan kata dengan terjemahanya.
3. Menyusun kalimat.
4. Menghafalkan percakapan atau beberapa kalimat dalam teks bacaan.
5. Mengisi titk-titik dengan kalimat sesuai dengan percakapan.
6. Menjawab pertanyaan dari Tutor mengenai tema yang dipelajari.
7. Meminta 2 Mahasantri atau lebih untuk melakukan percakapan
mengenai tema yang sudah dipelajari.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang x


About Myself

Good morning, friends. My name is Alfio Abraham. You can

call me Fio. Here, I am going to introduce myself. I was born on January 1st,
1999. I grew up in Bandung but I live in Malang. I love English so much. Now,
I am a student in Humanities faculty. I take English Letters department.
However, I am ambitious person. If I am interested in what I do, I can work
for long time without any taking a rest.
Talking about my family, I have two brothers and one sister
while I am the oldest among them. My father is a journalist in daily post
newspaper in my city. Then, my mother is a house wife. I often help her at
In addition, I like reading a book. I think reading can increase
our knowledge. Besides, I also like writing short stories. My dream is being a
famous writer. Meanwhile, my favorite book is “Harry Potter” novel. I like
Harry Potter novel because it tells about magic.

Vocabulary training

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 1

1. Grow up : 5 Journalist :

2. Faculty : 6 Increase :

3. Ambitious : 7 Knowledge :

4. Take a rest : 8 Department :


Meeting My New Classmate

Danial : Hi! I’m Danial. What is your name?

April : Hello, My name’s April. Nice to meet you.

Danial : Nice to meet you, too. Where are you from?

April : I’m from China.

Danial : Where do you live?

April : I live at Boulevard street number 70.

Danial : Really? It is near from my home. How long have you


studying English?

April : I have been studying English for two years.

Danial : Just two years? Your English is really good!

April : Thanks. Your English is good, too.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 2

Grammar Focus





Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 3


Complete the sentences using words in the box!

1. I help my father paint the . . . .

2. . . . . coffee is already cold.

3. He is a . . . . student in the class.

4. Cindy . . . . a car very carefully.

5. Ronald buys an . . . . book at the mall.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 4

To introduce yourself, you can say :

 Hi. I’m Maharani. You can call me Rani. I am a new student at this


 Hello. I’m Rossa. My nick name is Ocha. I have just moved from


 Hi. I’m Febri. I’m originally from Malang, East Java.

In introduction, you can use these expressions below :

 Let me introduce myself.

 Pleased to meet you.

 Nice to meet you.

 It’s great to meet you.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 5


Studying English in an English Course


I study in Basic English Course (BEC). I study there for 2 weeks. I

focus on developing my speaking skill. For developing speaking skill, I have
to study about daily expressions, pronounciation, telling a story, and reviewing
a movie. However, studying English in Basic English Course is very fun
because all tutors have fun ways to teach.

In this course, I have to memorize five daily expressions every

5-6 a.m. Then, an hour later, I have to study about pronounciation. Studying
pronounciation is one of new challenges for me. It is because English
pronounciation is very different from Indonesian pronunciation. After
studying pronounciation for two hours, I have to study in the next class. In the
next class, I have to tell a story. In a day, I have to tell a new story. The topic
of the story is determined by my tutor. I enjoy to study in the class. Then, every
night, I watch a movie. I have to conclude what the movie presented. By
concluding the movie, I get many new vocabularies. So that, my speaking skill

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 6


1. Develop : 4 Challenge :

2. Skill : 5 Determine :

3. Pronunciation : 6 Conclude :






Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 7

a. in

1. Chindy is a ...........girl b. on

2. I can speak English.......... c. beautiful

3. Marissa............ I go to campus every day. d. fluently

4. The key is........the table. e. for

5. I have studied ..........Malang.........3 years. f. and

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 8

Do you know?

Fancy meeting you here is a genuine expression of surprise

when you meet someone you know in an unexpected place. This
expression also can be used when you meet up with some one at
a previously agreed destination.

To respond fancy meeting you here, you can say:

Fancy meeting, you here!

I didn’t think that you’d be here.

I was not expecting you.

I was not hoping to run into you.

What a surprise to run into you.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 9


How is my daily life

My daily Activity

I stay with some friends in a boarding house. I usually wake up

earlier than all my friends. I wake up at 4 o’clock in the morning. I wash my
face and do jogging on road near the house. Sometimes one of my friends
does jogging with me. I like jogging because I can meet other people.
Besides, jogging makes my body healthy.

After jogging, I buy food and drink for my breakfast. I usually buy
one pack of Chicken porridge with vegetables inside and guava juice. After
having breakfast, I clean my room and take a bath.

When I have a morning class, I go to campus earlier. I occasionally

have my lunch at canteen in my campus. I join some student organizations in
the campus. I spend my leisure time by doing some activities related to
organizations. We have monthly meetings to discuss some events. At the

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 10

boarding house, I finish all tasks as soon as possible so I can sleep early. I
usually go to sleep at 10 p.m. after brushing my teeth.


1. Boarding house : 4 Having breakfast :

2. Wake up : 5 Occasionally :

3. Chicken porridge : 6 Leisure time :


Leisure time
Elsa : Hello! David. How are you?
David : Hi! I’m fine. What about you?
Elsa : I’m fine, too. What
Present are youTense
Continuous doing now?
David : I’m reading a book.
Elsa : How do you spend your leisure time?
David : Mostly, I spend my leisure time by reading some books.

Elsa : What kind of books do you like?

David : I like science fiction, novel, story books, etc. How about your
leisure time?
Elsa : I spend my leisure time by gardening. In my garden I have
many kind of plants.
David : Oh, that’s good.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 11


 A subject pronoun takes the place of a noun as the subject of a

sentence. I, You, They, we, he, She, it.

 An object pronoun takes the place of a noun as the object of a

sentence. Me, You, Them, us, him, her, it.

 A possessive adjective pronoun shows as an ownership. It is always

attached with a noun. My, Your, their, our, his, her, its.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 12

 A possessive pronoun also shows an ownership but it always

become a complement in a sentence. Mine, yours, theirs, ours, his,

hers, its.


Fill the blank using the correct pronoun

1. Today, .... teacher teaches .... mathematic patterns. (me/its/my/she)

2. .... read books in the library with .... friend. (her/mine/I/us)

3. The book that .... brings is .... (them/he/our/mine)

4. The cloth that......wear is...... (your/I/yours/him)

5. Meta is........little sister, very smart. (she/us/it/my)


A difference between "wasting" and "spending"

• Wasting is used for activities which have negative effects. For Example:

1. Waiting for you is wasting my time.

2. You always waste your money for shopping useless things.

• Spending is used for activities which have positive effects. For Example:
1. I spend my holiday for studying.

2. Arie spends his money for buying many books.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 13


How Is My Family?

My Beloved Family

Hello my name is Eva. I am fourteen years

old. I am going to introduce my family. My
family consists of four people. It is a
nuclear family. There are my father, my
mother, my little brother, and me in my
family. I am feeling so grateful for having
a nice and lovely family.

My father’s name is Wahyu. He is a

calm and wise father. He likes to play with his children. My mother is the best
one. Her name is Nita. She is loving mother. Moreover, she is a humorous
person. She always cooks delicious and healthy foods for us. Then, I have one
little brother. My little brother’s name is Azka. He is still five years old. So,
he attends the kindergarten. He is the one that always makes me happy at
home. He likes playing with me and sometimes we sing English songs

We like to have a quality time together. The time of gathering with my

family is very important. It cannot be replaced with anything else. We like to
spend our time doing many things together. Such as watching movies at
cinema, or doing little things together at home. I am feeling so much grateful
and I will always love my family.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 14


1. Consist of : 4 Wise :

2. Grateful : 5 Replace :

3. Nuclear family : 6 Kindergarten :


Situation: Tui and Andrew talk about their families.

Andrew : Tui! You dropped something!

Tui : It looks like you have a happy family.
Andrew : You’re right. There are 5 people in my family. My mother, my
father, my older brother, me, and my younger sister.
Tui : So, are you the third child in your family?
Andrew : Yes. What about you?
Tui : I am an only child.
Andrew : Really? Have you ever felt lonely?
No. I never feel lonely because I have many friends. They are
like my own brother and sister.
Tui : You are right. My friend is also my family, indirectly.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 15

Grammar Focus

Kinds of Sentences

Based on the structure, there are two kinds of sentences:

1. Verbal Sentence

Verbal Sentence is a sentence which the predicate is a verb.

Example: Bricia eats rice

Subject Predicate Object

2. Nominal Sentence

Nominal sentence is a sentence which does not have verbal predicate. The
patterns are:

Example: Naura is beautiful

Subject Predicate (To Be) adjective

Arrange the world to form meaningful sentence and determine whether
they are verbal sentences or nominal sentences!

1. Come – sister – too – older – late – my


2. Always – we – the – are – winner


Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 16

3. That – can – box – lift – he – heavy


4. The– leave – the – students – class


5. My – clever – is – very – brother


6. Together – girls – in – are - two – the – walking – park



The following statements are true about sentences in English:

 A new sentence begins with a capital letter.

o He drinks his coffee.

 A sentence ends with punctuation (a period, a question mark,

or an exclamation point).
o He drinks his coffee.

 A sentence contains of a subject that is only given once.

o Smith he drinks his coffee.

 A sentence contains of a verb or a verb phrase.

o He drinks his coffee.

 A sentence follows Subject + Verb + Object word order.

o He (subject) drinks (verb) his coffee(object).

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 17


Special Dinner
A Special Dinner in A Special Place

Dinner is a need for every people. It is because most of people have a

dinner for getting togetherness from their family. In this case, Kevin also
experiences it. He always has a dinner with his family. Usually, he has dinner
with his father, mother, and little sister. He usually asks her father to have a
dinner in a restaurant. He thinks that there are many menus that are available
to be chosen.

On Saturday night, Kevin and

his family go to a Western
restaurant in Malang. Kevin likes
to eat in the restaurant so much. It
is because his favourite foods are
there. When he and his family
arrive in the restaurant, he calls a waiter and chooses the menus that he wants.
There, he orders spaghetti Bolognese, iced lime green tea and cherry cheese
delight as a dessert. At the night, he is very happy because he can spend his
night with his family. At the restaurant, he finds a warm togetherness that he
has never found before. So, something special is when someone can enjoy his
time with his family because family is everything.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 18


1. Togetherness : 4 Dessert :

2. Experience : 5 Warm :

3. Ask : 6 Enjoy :


Farel : What kind of drink that you want?

Kevin : I want to drink lemon juice.
Farel : Would you like an appetizer?
Kevin : May I get an order of barbeque wings?
Farel : Sure, would you like anything else?
Kevin : That'll be fine for now, thank you.
Farel : Tell me when you want to order the rest of your food.

Kevin : Excuse me. I'm ready to order.

Farel : What would you like?

Kevin : Let me have the baby-back ribs.

Farel : Sure, will there be anything else that I can get you?

Kevin : That will be it for now.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 19


Verbal Sentence

A sentence will be called by verbal sentence when the predicate of the sentence
is a verb.

Subject + Predicate.

Ex.: I sleep
Pronoun verb

Subject + Predicate + Object.

Ex.: Risa eats rice

Noun verb noun

Subject + Predicate + Adverb.

Ex.: Nano runs fast

Noun verb adverb

Subject + Predicate + Object + Adverb

Ex.: Jodie eats the noodle greedily

Noun verb noun adverb


Determine which are verbal sentences below and circle verbs in the verbal

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 20

1. Because the plate is hot, Dani doesn’t eat the steak.

2. Rina cannot go to Illy restaurant because today’s temperature is very cool.

3. If chika smile to me, I will invite her to my birthday party.

4. John cannot buy the T-shirt because it is very expensive.

5. If Nawra don’t buy a new dress, she will not perform her song.


There are five kinds in mentioning “eating”:

1. Breakfast/brekkie: eating in a morning (6-8 am).

2. Brunch: it is a combination of breakfast and lunch. It is
usually done in 9-11 am
3. Lunch: eating in an afternoon (12 am – 1 pm)
4. Dinner: eating in 6-7 pm.
5. Supper: eating before going to bed.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 21


Who Is Your Idol?

A perfect idol

Who is a figure that is appropriate to be chosen as an idol? One of the

perfect figures is our prophet, Muhammad. He is an independent and inspiring
person. Although there is no his father who gives him a motivation, he always
wanted to be a useful person to others. At
that time, he lived with his uncle, Abu

On the other hand, he was a hard

worker. He always became a spirit man
in working until he became a successful
business man by the age of twenty-five.
His carrier began when he was 12 years
old. At that time, he became a merchant.
He helped his uncle in trade world. He was very honest in being a merchant.
When he was 17 years old, he began to work in the world of international
business. He was widely known in Yemen, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Basra and other
trading cities in the Arabian Peninsula. It is because he is very reliable in
running the business.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 22

Vocabulary training
1. Independent :
TRAINING 4 Trade :

2. Inspiring : 5 Business :

3. Merchant : 6 Reliable :


Rachel : Assalamualaikum, can I disturb you?

Harris J : Waalaikumussalam, absolutely, you can.
Rachel : Can I take a picture with you?
Harris J : Please, common.
(Taking a picture)
Rachel : Okay, thank you Harris.
Harris J : You are welcome.
Rachel : May I have your signature?
Harris J : Okay.
Rachel : Thank you so much. You are very humble and friendly.
You are my best idol.
Harris J : Thank you.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 23

Grammar Focus

“Nominal Sentence”

A sentence will be called by nominal sentence when a predicate of the

sentence is a verb which is “To Be/ Be (is, am, are, was, and were)”. A
nominal sentence usually has complement. The complement is adjective or
adjective phrase or noun phrase or pronoun or adverb. In addition, the
use of “To Be” is:

 I : am (present) / was (past)

 You, They, We: are (present) / were (past)
 She, He, It : is (present) / was (past)

The patterns:

 S + Predicate + Complement (adjective/ adjective phrase /noun



S+ Pred +C (adj) S+ Pred +C S+ Pred +C S+ Pred +C

(adjP) (NP) (Pron)

You are You are very Brian is a doctor. The most

beautiful. beautiful beautiful girl in
this campus is you

Marrie is smart Marrie is very I am a student. That boy is mine.


*The bold words are a “To Be”

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 24


Determine the underlined sentences whether the sentences are nominal

sentences or verbal sentences!

Once upon a time, there was a little boy, who was poor, dirty, and
smelly, came into a little village. He was very hungry and weak. He knocked
at every door and asked for some food, but nobody cared about him. Nobody
wanted to help the little boy. Finally, a generous old woman helped him. She
gave him shelter and a meal. When the boy wanted to leave, the old woman
gave him a “lesung”, a big wooden mortar for pounding rice.

She reminded him, “Please remember, if there is a flood, you must save
yourself. Use this “lesung” as a boat”.

The little boy was happy and thanked the old woman.

Frequent Errors

Frequent errors that are usually done by Indonesian is considering that “is”
means adalah. Because of that, many people commonly put two “To Be”s in
one sentence. Many people commonly say “You are is beautiful”. However,
they are better to say “You are beautiful”. In addition, usually, for saying “aku
adalah murid”, they commonly say “I am is student”. Actually, they are better
to say “I am a student”. Simply, one subject has one To Be.

“You are is beautiful”. “You are beautiful”.

“I am is student”. “I am a student”

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 25


Watching A Movie

Harry Potter Movie

This weekend is free time for me because I don't have any assignments.
I decide to spend my free time watching the movie "Harry Potter and the
Deathly Hallows" with my friends. That is the last sequel of Harry Potter's
movie. Harry Potter is our favorite movie. This movie always becomes an
interesting movie and never boring even though it is watched repeatedly.

Harry Potter movie is a fantasy fiction. This movie was adapted from
a novel written by J.K. Rowling. It tells about a heroic story from a young boy
named Harry Potter who attended a magic school, Azkaban. Harry Potter is a
protagonist character in this movie with his friends, Ronald Weasley &
Hermione Granger. They tried to defeat the black witch named Voldemort.
Voldemort is an antagonist character who wants to dominate the world. With
the bravery and intelligence of Harry Potter and his two friends, finally, they
are able to defeat Voldemort.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 26

Harry Potter movie is the best movie I've ever watched. My friends and
I never felt bored watching this movie. Although it is a fiction, this movie
contains many messages and lessons. So, by watching movies, we not only get
entertainment but also lessons. TRAINING

1. Repeatedly : 4 Antagonist :

2. Fiction : 5 Defeat :

3. Protagonist : 6 Dominate :


Going to the Cinema

Farah : What are you doing this weekend?

April : I'm going to go to the Cinema with a friend. How about
Farah : I'm not sure yet.
April : Well, do you want to go with me?
Farah : What movie are you going to watch?
April : I'm not sure yet. Is there something you want to watch?
Farah : There's nothing I can think of.
April : So, do you want to go?
Farah : No, thanks, maybe another time.
April : Okay, sounds good.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 27

Grammar Focus


 What" is the question word to use when asking for information about an
object, an idea or an action.
 What do you write?
 What is your name?
 "Where" is the question word to use when asking for information about
a place.
 Where is the park?
 Where does she buy the doll?
 “Who” is the question word to use when asking about a person.
 Who is she?
 Who is your teacher?
 "When" is the question word to use when asking about a specific time.
 When are we leaving?
 When do you go to school?
 “Why” is the question word to use when asking about a reason or
purpose of something.
 Why are you learning English?


Choose the correct question words!

1. _______ do you live? - I live in London.

2. _______ is that girl? - She's my sister.

3. _______ do you go to school? - By bus.

4. _______ do banks open? - At eight O'clock.

5. _______ are you wearing that coat? - Because it's hot!

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 28

Write a question about the words in bold!


He drank juice. - What did he drink?

1. They went to Spain.

2. He writes novels.

3. Lacy likes soccer

4. The girls watched a serial.



The shortest, oldest, and most commmonly used word is “I”

Medieval Manuscript reveal that some of the oldest word in English

are “I”, “We”, “Two”, and “Three”. This makes “I” as one of the
shortest and oldest word in English language. It is also the most
commonly used word in English conversation.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 29



Shopping in Beringharjo

For tourists who’ve ever visited Yogyakarta, they may not miss
Beringharjo Market which has been famous since 1952. The market was
inaugurated by Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX. It is located in Ahmad Yani
Street or known as Malioboro Street.

In this market, there are many stalls selling various items such as batik
of Yogyakarta, various crafts and typical food such as gudeg, gethuk and much
more. This market is also
becoming a place for
tourists who want to hunt
for antique items which
can be seen on the 3rd
floor of the eastern
market. A wide variety
of antique items can be
found there with a wide
range of prices.

It is very crowded. Although this market is officially closed at

05.00p.m, the market’s life does not stop. Even at night, the activity in this
market is getting crowded. Many young people spend their nights in this place.
At night, there are so many musical performances performed by local youth
and the art performance that is quite entertaining.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 30


1. Naugurated: : 4 Crowded :

2. Stall : 5 Performance :

3. Typical : 6 Entertaining :

How much is it?

Seller : What do you want to buy?

Buyer : I wanna buy seafood here.
Seller : Well, there are fish, crab, squid, and octopus here.
Buyer : : How much squid?
Seller : Twenty thousand per kilos.
Buyer : How about shrimp?
Seller : : I don’t have shrimp.

Buyer : Alright, I wanna 2 kilos squid.

Grammar Focus


Kevin : That will be it for now. How old are you?

The types of How How + adjective How beautiful you are

How difficult this questions

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 31

How often should I study

How + adverb How quickly does your hair


How well do you know me?

How many weeks in a year?

How many countries in the

How + many +
plural count noun
How many days are there in
a week?

How much do you love me?

How + much + How much does kidney cost?

non-count noun
How much money do you

How can you know that?

How must we store

How + modal medicine?

How should you spend your


How did you do that?

How do you do?

How + Verb
How will you present your

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 32


Determine the sentences whether they are true or false!

1. How many money do you bring? (T/F)
2. How much apples do you eat? (T/F)
3. How good do you know me? (T/F)
4. How will you spend your holiday? (T/F)
5. How fast you run? (T/F)\ How sweet this mango (T/F)
6. How much egg do you cook? (T/F)
7. How many sugar do put into the coffee? (T/F)
8. How did you study English yesterday? (T/F)
9. How clearly she speaks? (T/F)

USEFUL vocabularies

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 33

I Like Dancing

Remo Dance

Remo Dance origin is from East Java.

Initially, this dance is performed as opening
dance in ludruk performance. However, later
this dance is performed separately as a
welcome dance for important guests or
performed at the festival.

This dance tells a story about the struggle of a

prince on a battlefield. Later, there is a new
kind of Remo dance, Remo Putri or women Remo. This dance is performed
by women. Gamelan instrument that consists of bonang, saron, gambling,
gender, suling/flute, kethuk, kenong, kempul, and gong accompany Remo

The main characteristic of Remo dance is a smart footwork and dynamic

movement. This movement is supported by the bells that attached at the ankle.
This bell will sound when the dancers step or stomp on the stage. In addition,
the other movement characteristic is from the head movements, facial
expressions, and the horse movements make this dance more attractive.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 34

Vocabulary training

1. Origin : 4 Stomp :
2. Struggle : 5 Attractive :
3. Movement : 6 Footwork :


Can We Dance Together?

Muad : Hai Jo, where are you going to go?

Haj : I wanna go to the dance studio.
Muad : Are you a dancer?
Haj : Yes, I am. I like modern dance.
Muad : I am also a dancer, but I am a traditional dancer.
Haj : That’s good. You preserve Indonesian culture.
Muad : Why don't you learn the traditional dance?
Haj : Yes, I learn. Sometimes I combine modern & traditional
dance in my performance.
Muad : May I join to practice with you?
Haj : Good idea. We can practice & perform together.
Muad : When will we start practicing?
Haj : Tomorrow, I will call you later.
Muad : Okay, See you later

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 35

Grammar Focus
Simple Present Tense

Simple Present is generally used for actions that are factual, normal, or
regular in occurrence, sometimes called habitual actions. Habitual actions are
actions that occur in the present but are not necessarily happening right now.

To form the simple present:

(+) Subject + V1 + O
(-) Subject + do/does not + V1 + O
(?) Do/does + subject + V1 + O Example:
(+) He walks to school.
(-) He does not walk to school.
(?) Does he walk to school?
The simple present is used to express:
• facts, truths
Shane lives in Canada.
• routines
Shane washes his car on Sundays.
• states of being
Shane is happy.
• events that are certain or cannot be changed
The meeting starts at noon.
• future events
Shane works tonight.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 36

Put the correct modal verbs into the blank spaces.

1. Jane (not/drink).___________ tea very often.

2. ____________ (the banks/open) at 08.00 a.m.?

3. ____________ (John/eat) his breakfast?

4. It (take) ______________ me an hour to get to work.

5. They (not/wake) ____________up early on Sundays.

Useful sentences

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 37


How to celebrate Independence Day?

Rousing Celebration in My Village

Tomorrow, August 17th 2018, Indonesian people will celebrate

Indonesia Independence Day. All people in my village will go to the village
field. They will hold ceremony for celebrating Independence Day. Ceremony
will be held for 2 hours. After that, they will continue their activity to hold
competitions. There are many competitions that will be held in my village.
The competitions are moving the marbles, eating crackers, tugging a rope,
singing, football, and putting nails into the bottle. The competitions are very
rousing. All people in my village will participate in the competitions. From
children to grandfathers, they are cohesive to enliven competitions.

This program will be held for a week. Then, the competitions will be
held every night in a field in my village. Seeing the spirit of all people to
celebrate the Independence Day, it reminds me a history of Indonesia before
Independence Day. At that time, the heroes of Indonesia had to fight for the
independence of Indonesia. So that, as the next generation, we have to
celebrate the Independence Day by positive celebration. Furthermore, holding

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 38

ceremony and competitions for celebrating Independence Day like what will
be done in my village, it is one of the examples of positive celebration.

Vocabulary training

1. Rousing : 4 Hero :
2. Celebrate : 5 Fight for :
3. Enliven : 6 Tugging a rope :


Independence Day Ceremony

Andi : Hi Dina, how’s your life?

Dina : I am not bad. Where will you go?
Andi : I will go to the village hall for joining Independence Day
ceremony? Will you join the ceremony?
Dina : Of course, I will join the ceremony. I will be a Master of
Ceremony in the ceremony.
Andi : Thank you.
Dina : Okay, let’s go to the village hall.
Andi : Yeaach, I have to prepare myself first. You can go there
Dina : Okay, good luck for being a Master of Ceremony.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 39

Grammar Focus
Simple Future Tense

Simple Future expresses events or actions that have not yet happened
and that will happen at some point in the future.

To form the simple future :

(+) Subject + will + V1 + O

(-) Subject + will not + V1 + O Example:

(+) They will go to the
(?) Will + subject + V1 + O Cinema.
(-) They will not go to the
(?) Will they go to the
Time Signal:
Later, Tomorrow, Next week,
Next month, Next year

The simple future is used to express:

• promises, predictions
It will rain tomorrow.
• habits, routine
The alarm will sound when you open the door.
The meeting starts at noon.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 40

Rearrange these letters to make English wods then make the sentence by
using simple future form!
1. I–E-M–R–E–O–Z–M
2. G–T–I–F–H
3. E -Y–N–M–E
4. T–E–H–A–D
5. I–T–P–I–S–R
6. R–K–B–A–E
7. C–Y–U–R–N–T-O

Do you know?

Do you know?
Do You Know


Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 41


How was your holiday?

My vacation in Karimunjawa

My holidays are often a little boring, but my holiday last year was
great. My family and I went to Karimunjawa. It was our first time to visit that
place. Karimunjawa is an archipelago in the Java Sea which is included in
Jepara, Central Java. The archipelago consists of 27 islands. We went there by
Ferry. After 3 hours crossing over the sea, we arrived in Karimunjawa, then
we booked two rooms in a
hotel there.

On our first day, we

visited Menjangan Kecil
Island. We were accompanied
by a guide tour. There, we was
invited to snorkel in a spot
near to the island. It was
fantastic! I found a variety of fish and coral. In a moment, I also found
jellyfish. I took lots of photos underwater with some small fish. After that, we
returned to the hotel and in the afternoon we looked the sunset in the beach
near to the hotel.

On the second day, we visited a shark breeding in Menjangan Besar

Island. A shark keeper fished the sharks with pieces of fish meat, so that, the
sharks gathered and crowded around us. Then we took photos with those
sharks. We also visited a turtle breeding there. On the next day, we visited
some beautiful beaches at several small islands, like Ujung Gelam beach,
Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 42
Legon Lele beach, Batu Topeng beach, and the last we visited Love hill to
look sunset. We were very happy to go there because it was unforgettable
vacation for us. Hopefully, we can come back next time.

Vocabulary training

1. Archipelago : training4 shark breeding :

2. Booked : 5 Crowded :

3. Accompany : TRAINING6 Unforgettable :

Summer Vacation

Agus : Hi Elis! How did you spend your summer vacation?

Elis : It was fantastic!
Agus : Did you and your friend spend your vacation at the
Elis : Yes, we did. We spent two weeks at the seaside and then
we went to the mountains.
Agus : And how did you go there?
Elis : By plane. It was very fast and convenient.
Agus : Very good. And how long were you in the mountains?
Elis : We stayed in a little hotel for 6 days, and every day we
walked in the mountains. It was just wonderful!
Agus : And how was the weather during your stay there?
Elis : It was nice, sometimes a bit windy, but usually it was very
pleasant and sunny.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 43

Grammar Focus
Simple Past Tense

Simple Past expresses events or actions that already occurred. These actions
are finite in that they have both a starting and a stopping point.

To form the simple past :

(+) Subject + V2 + O

(-) Subject + did not + V1 + O Example:

(+) I mailed the letter
(?) Did + subject + V1 + O yesterday.
(-) I did not mail the letter
Time Signal (?) Did I mailed the letter
Yesterday, last week, last ?
month, last year.


Find and correct the mistakes below

1. She buy a new car yesterday.

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 44

2. Did Maria drove to work this morning?
3. I was wrote that book last year.
4. I not finished my homework last night.
5. He is not at home last night.
6. They have dinner at six o’clock yesterday.
7. Did they had a good time at the party?

Do you know?

Do you know?
Do You Know


Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 45


A Ficton Story

The Man and His Camel

Once there was a man who had a greedy

camel. Once cold night, the Man went to
sleep in his tent. He heard a noise. He got
up to see what was making the noise. He
saw his camel at the entrance to the tent.

“Master”, said the camel, “It is very cold

outside. May I put my head inside your
tent? You have a warm fire in there.”

The Man answered, “You have a coat of fur to keep your warm. Oh well, put
your head inside.”

A little later, the camel said, “Master the rest of me is cold. May I bring my
front legs inside?” The Man wanted to sleep, so he agreed. He moved over so
there was room for the camel's front legs. The camel was happy but not for

“Master, my back legs are cold. Please move into the corner so that I can get
them in.” The Man moved and the camel came in. Now, there was no room in
the tent at all.

“Master, there is not any room in tent. I cannot turn,” said the greedy camel.

“There is not enough room for both of us. I am bigger than you are. I think
you should go outside.”

Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 46

The Man sat up and looked at his camel. “I knew this would happen. Why did
I let you in?” he said to the camel

Vocabulary training

1. Greedy : training 4 Tent :

2. Entrance : 5 Move :
3. Warm : 6 Leg :


1. exercises
What does the passage tell about?
2. How many characters are in the passage?
the message that we got from the story?

Grammar Focus

Active and passive voice

An action of a subject, in relation to an object is expressed in two ways, are
known as Voices.
 Active voice
 Passive voice


 I write a letter (Active voice)

 A letter is written by me (Passive voice)
Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 47
There are two basic rules for converting sentences from active voice into
passive voice, which are common for all tenses.

1. The places of subject and object will be interchanged in the sentence.

2. Only 3rd form of the verb or past participle (e.g. written) will be used
as a main verb in passive voice.

The main Pattern:

S + Auxiliary verb (to be) + V3 + by

Tenses Active Voice Passive Voice

Present Tense I drive a car. A car is driven by me.

Past Tese He wrote a poem. A poem was written by him.

Future Tense They will make a big A big kite will be made by them


Change the sentences below into the passive form!

1. She sang a song.


2. A thief will steal my car.


3. Thousands of people watched the match on television.


Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 48

4. Steven will fix the flat tyre.


5. Smith sent their son to summer camp.


6. I will clean the car every Saturday.


3. The council recycles millions of glass bottles every year.


Do you know?
Do you know?


Pusat Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 49

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