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I think you are right about it being about raising one's kundalini.

this seems to
be apparent in everything they lay out before us; it is even in the Netflix
'symbol', which really isn't much of a symbol...merely an 'N'. But therein lies
what you are making mention of - the actual ascension, Jacob's ladder of one's
kundalini. The N....two pillars on the sides are not where one wants to be, it is
the slant of the N, between the two pillars, that is the path. I can speak from my
own experiences, my first kundalini awakening occurred in 2013 and I had no idea
what was even transpiring. It took me 3 weeks to even sort out what the heck was
going on. I woke up one morning and BAM, everything was completely different. For 5
months this lasted and during that time about every twenty minutes I would feel a
huge pulse, a warm rush of kundalini up my spine from my sacrum into my skull and
terminating around my eye after it crossed my skull. For years prior to that
morning, once or twice a year I would experience this warm rush and actually
thought it might be a precursor to a stroke or some such thing.
I even reached out to my siblings and told them about these experiences in case I
suddenly stroked out or something. While I agree with you that it is about the
activation of kundalini, I'm not convinced that 'higher consciousness' is something
that can simply be handed out on a platter, via your process or any other. while
these practices may lead one to such an experience, it still does not prepare one
for the experience, in my opinion. As blissful and insanely beautiful as the
experience has been for me (I've now had this occur 4 times) it is also filled with
challenge. It can be a very lonesome experience while at the same time you feel
utterly connected to all things. I would say, it is an experience filled with
dichotomy and intense contrast. Plus, no one around you will understand one iota
what you are going through! Lol. It can be nuts.
I can say for myself, one practice I feel that lead to these experiences has my my
practice within the Chinese internal martial arts. I've been a 26yr practitioner of
various arts. Within these practices there's something called 'Zhan Zhuang' which
translates as something like "standing practice". It is whereby one stands in
static postures and slowly learns to relax, but also crate a lot of work within the
body. So clearly involving a contrast in energies/states. In 2017 I was reading a
book called "Zhan Zhuang" written by a man named Mark Cohen. He is a
Taiji/Yiquan/Hisng-i guy who lives in Hawaii. Anyways, mark says, on page
17....something like (I'm pulling from memory)...."zhan Zhuang is the old school
path to enlightenment".
He also talks about piezoelectricity in his book being one of the principles by
which we are 'cultivating Qi' in the body. The notion that tendons tugging on
bones, and in the static standing (which involves the relaxed squatting down of the
body, which then activates the 'standing'...) one is compressing their bones. Bone
is one material that exhibits the properties of piezoelectricity. I agree with Mark
Cohen on these matters as I've now connected the dots and shared these experiences.
One book that I find fascinating regarding all this kundalini business is Jana
Dixon's book, "Biology of Kundalini". This book helped me to discover what I was
going through circa 2013, and since. In it she talks about the body preparing
itself for the kundalini awakening process. Its quite a dense read and goes well
into, in her opinion, what the actual alchemy is within the body. I highly
recommend it. One thing she mentions is that the body's organs will prepare itself
prior to actually 'popping' (her term). And, I agree. For approximately 4 years
prior to 2013 when I popped, I daily felt an ache around my heart. It concerned me
greatly. I'm in good health and exercise etc., so I was confused for sure. The
morning I popped, that sensation, which had been with me daily for 4 years,
In subsequent bouts of kundalini I've found that the rev up period to an awakening
will focus on a different organ; with my second experience it was all about the
stomach, best I could tell.
There's so many 'symptoms' when one is in this energy, its truly incredible. My
roommates back then would tell me I had white light emanating from my eyes, and
when I'd look in the mirror, it was true.

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