20e21 W14 Vocab-Game

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Week 14 | Social and Global Issues By Doan Phuong Linh, Bui The Vinh – QH2020. E21. SP.



Students: Doan Phuong Linh, Bui The Vinh

Class: QH2020. E21. SP. CLC
Week: 14
Theme: Social and Global Issues

Table of Contents
A. VOCABULARY LIST........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
B. LESSON PLAN................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
General information:..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Game rules:................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Grouping:...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Questions used in the vocabulary game:...................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Week 14 | Social and Global Issues By Doan Phuong Linh, Bui The Vinh – QH2020. E21. SP. CLC

No Vocabulary Definitions Synonyms Collocations Examples

gases which cause the

greenhouse We need a global system for limiting
1 greenhouse effect, especially
gases greenhouse gas emissions.
carbon dioxide

fish stocks fluctuate/die/be

Flooding is important for maintaining
2 fish stocks the number of fish depleted/dwindle/recover/
biodiversity and preserving fish stocks.
husband/deplete fish stocks

It is now halfway through winter and food

stocks are already low.
The local shop has a good stock of postcards
a supply of something for
stock (n) and guidebooks.
use or sale
Much of the city's housing stock (= the
number of houses in the city) is over 100
years old.

fuels such as gas, coal, and The burning of fossil fuels is causing
3 fossil fuels
oil irreparable damage to our environment.

Unless the oil spill is contained, irreparable

irreparable damage which cannot be damage will be done to the coastline.
4 irreversible damage
damage repaired Smoking has caused irreversible damage to
his lungs.

If we continue to deplete the earth's natural

resources, we will cause serious damage to
the environment.
reduce something in size or consume
Our high living standards cause our current
5 deplete amount, especially supplies exhaust deplete sth of sth
population to consume 25 percent of the
of energy, money, etc use sth up
world's oil.
How long will it be before the world's fuel
supplies are exhausted?

Week 14 | Social and Global Issues By Doan Phuong Linh, Bui The Vinh – QH2020. E21. SP. CLC

causing a lot of damage or The drought has had devastating

6 devastating disastrous
destruction consequences/effects.

alleviate/combat/reduce/ Millions of people have succeeded in

7 escape poverty get rid of poverty
eliminate/eradicate poverty escaping poverty over the last decades.

live below the live below the basic living In 1991 almost 36 million Americans were
poverty line standard living below the poverty line.

poverty threshold Half of the nation lives below the poverty

the minimum level of
poverty limit line.
poverty line income deemed adequate in
poverty line Most students are on/close to/below the
a particular country
breadline breadline.

More and more people are living below the

lift somebody help somebody get out of
9 poverty line, and we must help these people
out of poverty poverty
to lift them out of poverty.

the growing
disparities between Americans are keenly aware of the widening
rich and poor gulf between rich and poor but are divided
the widening gap bridge the gap between A over how to combat the problem, according
the widening gulf between rich and and B to a new study from the Pew Research
the widening difference
10 between rich and poor heal the gap between A and Center and USA Today.
between rich and poor
poor the growing B Peace talks attempted to bridge the gulf
economic chasm between the two warring nations.
between rich and Her election might begin to heal the political
poor gulf that has fractured our nation.

not having the things that

are necessary for a pleasant She had a deprived childhood/comes from a
11 deprived (adj) life, such as enough money, disadvantaged deprived background.
food, or good living a deprived area

Week 14 | Social and Global Issues By Doan Phuong Linh, Bui The Vinh – QH2020. E21. SP. CLC

If someone is on the margins

of a group of people, they He spent the 1980s on the margins of British
are part of that group, but politics.
on the margins
12 different in important ways, We need to reach out to those on the
of the society
and if someone is on the margins of society.
margins of an activity, they
are only slightly involved

to sleep outside because you

Hundreds of kids are sleeping rough on the
13 sleep rough have no home and no
streets of the capital.

The program is in desperate need of

in desperate someone/something really in desperate/dire/urgent
14 financial support.
need of needs to have something need of

annihilate His ambition is to eradicate poverty in his
15 eradicate get rid of completely
obliterate community.
wipe/black out

relieve The drugs did nothing to alleviate her
16 alleviate make less serious
soothe suffering.

protection or safety, or a
protected and safe place,
seek/apply for political The refugees have asked for political
17 political asylum given esp. to someone who
asylum asylum.
has left a country or place
for political reasons

the act of paying off the He is encouraging the world's industrialized

third-world debt
18 money that poorer countries countries to support a plan to repay Third
owe to rich countries. World debt.

Week 14 | Social and Global Issues By Doan Phuong Linh, Bui The Vinh – QH2020. E21. SP. CLC

the number of people who fatality The day after the earthquake the death toll
19 death toll
died as a result of an event mortality rate had risen to 90.

actual or attempted abuse of

a position of vulnerability,
power, or trust, for sexual
Addressing sexual exploitation and abuse is
sexual purposes, including, but not
20 sexual abuse a top priority of the Secretary-General and
exploitation limited to, profiting
the entire leadership of the United Nations.
monetarily, socially or
politically from the sexual
exploitation of another

General information:
1. Time: Monday 5 July, 2021
2. Venue: Zoom platform
3. Duration: approximately 30 minutes
4. Hosts: Doan Phuong Linh, Bui The Vinh
5. Lecturer: Ms. Nguyen Thi Nhung
6. Participants: 20E21 students
7. Objectives:
After this activity, the students will be able to:
- Remember all the words in the vocabulary list, their pronunciation, and their definitions.
- Produce meaningful sentences using the words given in some particular contexts.
- Diversify their expressions using synonymous words and phrases.
8. Timeline:
No Activities Presenter Duration

Introduction 2 mins
1 - Hosts Doan Phuong Linh
- Theme Bui The Vinh

Week 14 | Social and Global Issues By Doan Phuong Linh, Bui The Vinh – QH2020. E21. SP. CLC

2 Vocabulary list revision Doan Phuong Linh 2 mins

Vocabulary game
1. Rules explanation Doan Phuong Linh 1 min
2. Vocabulary game (20 questions) 20 mins
- Question 1 Bui The Vinh
- Question 2 Doan Phuong Linh
- Question 3 Bui The Vinh
- Question 4 Doan Phuong Linh
- Question 5 Bui The Vinh
- Question 6 Doan Phuong Linh
- Question 7 Bui The Vinh
- Question 8 Doan Phuong Linh
3 - Question 9 Bui The Vinh
- Question 10 Doan Phuong Linh
- Question 11 Bui The Vinh
- Question 12 Doan Phuong Linh
- Question 13 Bui The Vinh
- Question 14 Doan Phuong Linh
- Question 15 Bui The Vinh
- Question 16 Doan Phuong Linh
- Question 17 Bui The Vinh
- Question 18 Doan Phuong Linh
- Question 19 Bui The Vinh
- Question 20 Doan Phuong Linh

Wrap-up Doan Phuong Linh 1 min

Bui The Vinh

Total 26 mins

Game rules:
- There are 4 teams in this game.
- There will be a total of 20 questions. With each correct answer, you will receive a gift. It can be bonus points or a special gift.
- If you answer correctly, you can receive the gift. Otherwise, other teams’ members can take the chance to answer the question.
Week 14 | Social and Global Issues By Doan Phuong Linh, Bui The Vinh – QH2020. E21. SP. CLC

- After 20 questions, the team with the highest score is the winner.

Team 1: Ngân Hà, Đức Thọ, Ngọc Anh, Trúc Quỳnh, Minh Huyền
Team 2: Mai Khanh, Linh Phương, Vân Khánh, Anh Thơ, Phương Linh, Ngọc Thủy
Team 3: Thu Hằng, Thùy Dung, Tuyết Hoa, Thanh Thủy, Quỳnh Trang
Team 4: Tuấn Duy, Quỳnh Anh, Tuấn Anh, Thảo An, Bảo Châu, Hải Anh

Questions used in the vocabulary game:

Question 1: Which word/phrase do the two pictures imply? (+500 points)

Answer: greenhouse gas(es)

Question 2: Which word/phrase do the two pictures imply? Can you make a sentence with that word/phrase? (+700 points)

Answer: fish stocks

Suggested sentence: This peril is responsible for the unbelievable event of entire fish stocks being wiped out.

Week 14 | Social and Global Issues By Doan Phuong Linh, Bui The Vinh – QH2020. E21. SP. CLC

Question 3: Which word/phrase does the picture imply? Can you make a sentence with that word/phrase using AT LEAST 1 VERB IN THE VOCABULARY
LIST? (+700 points)

Answer: fossil fuel(s)

Suggested sentence: The combustion of fossil fuels has released a huge amount of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.

Question 4: Can you make a sentence with A SYNONYM OF THE WORD ‘DEATH TOLL’? (+600 points)
Suggested sentences:
There are thousands of traffic fatalities every year.
There is solid evidence that organ recipients have lower mortality rates than people who remain on dialysis.
Malaria's death toll far exceeds the mortality rate from AIDS.

Question 5: We’ve got a mysterious envelope. Let’s see what’s inside. (x2 your current points)
Here comes a night when the moon shines
One caught in a blight and then there are nine
Five go to see if it was a wolf
One looks around and smirkily smiles.
Lying on the ground was a piece of paper.
“A lunatic is in search of shelter.”
I wonder where her home is?
Do you know where “her” home is?
Answer: asylum

Week 14 | Social and Global Issues By Doan Phuong Linh, Bui The Vinh – QH2020. E21. SP. CLC

Explanation: The word “asylum” has two meanings

1. protection or safety, especially that given by a government to people who have been forced to leave their own countries for their safety or because of war
2. [old use] a hospital for people with mental illnesses

Question 6: List AT LEAST 2 PHRASES which have the same meaning to the phrase “the widening gulf between rich and poor”. Can you make a sentence
with one of them? (You’ve received a chance to double the points obtained for the next correct answer.)
Suggested answers:
the growing disparities between rich and poor
the widening gap between rich and poor
the growing economic chasm between rich and poor
Suggested sentence:
Together with the effects of country-specific financial shocks, this has led to increasing poverty and a growing chasm between rich and poor in many LAC

Question 7: Find an appropriate word which can fill in the three blanks. Can you explain the three meanings of the word? (+1000 points)
The poll shows that the government is leading by the narrowest of ______. This is probably because of their lack of attention to people on the ______ of
society. The media supposed that was their unwise decision as native laborers could contribute hugely to the profit ______ of the area.
Answer: margins
margins (1): difference
margins (2): periphery
margins (3): profit

Question 8: Which word/phrase do the two pictures imply? (You have a chance to silence 1 team for the next question.)

Week 14 | Social and Global Issues By Doan Phuong Linh, Bui The Vinh – QH2020. E21. SP. CLC

Answer: sleep rough

Question 9: The letters have been jumbled up. Can you tell us the correct order? What is the meaning of the word? (+1200 points)
very serious or bad
in desperate need of sth (collocation)

Question 10: Can you make a sentence with 3 words/phrases below? (You can steal 500 points from another team.)
Suggested sentence: Non-renewable resources being depleted has caused irreparable damage to the environment, which may lead to devastating
consequences in the next 20 years.

Question 11: Which word/phrase do the three pictures imply? (+700 points)

Week 14 | Social and Global Issues By Doan Phuong Linh, Bui The Vinh – QH2020. E21. SP. CLC

Answer: third-world debt repayment(s)

Question 12: Which word in the vocabulary list can replace the underlined word? (You have a chance to silence 1 team for the next question.)
A number of measures were taken to ease the problem.
Answer: alleviate, relieve, lessen

Question 13: The missing word has 4 letters. What is that? (+700 points)
Americans are keenly aware of the widening ______ between rich and poor but are divided over how to combat the problem, according to a new study from
the Pew Research Center and USA Today.
Answer: gulf

Question 14: Which word/phrase do the two pictures imply? Can you make a sentence with that word/phrase? (+900 points)

Answer: escape poverty

Week 14 | Social and Global Issues By Doan Phuong Linh, Bui The Vinh – QH2020. E21. SP. CLC

Suggested sentence: Several measures have been taken to help people living in rural areas escape poverty.

Question 15: Make a sentence with 3 random words in the vocabulary list. (+500 points)
Any sentence with 3 words in the list which is grammatically correct is acceptable.

Question 16: Name a synonym of the word “irreparable”. Can you make a sentence with that word/phrase? (+600 points)
Answer: irreversible
Suggested sentence: Smoking has caused irreversible damage to his lungs.

Question 17: We’ve got a mysterious envelope. Let’s see what’s inside. (x2 your current points)
“Go to the next floor to get a fortune.”
What is the hidden word/phrase?
Answer: lift somebody out of poverty

Question 18: The letters have been jumbled up. Can you tell us the correct order? What is the meaning of the word? (You have a chance to silence 1
person in our class for the next question.)
Explanation: the number of people who die because of an event such as a war or an accident

Question 19: Pronounce and tell us the meaning of the word “chasm”. (+600 points)
Answer: chasm /ˈkæz.əm/: a very large difference between two opinions or groups of people

Question 20: We’ve got a mysterious envelope. Let’s see what’s inside. (+700 points)
The three verbs are talking about a word/phrase in the vocabulary list. What is that word/phrase?
Answer: sexual exploitation


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