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Dealer/Factory Maintenance


January 1984

Heci<ler and Koch, Ine.

14601 Lee Road
Chanti lly, Virginia 22021
(703) 631 ·2800

1 WNpon Oescrip!ion ••...

1 1 G-al ....... •• •• " •• -- · . 4
• ••. •. i

• • • • • • • •

• •
' .
' •y•·····r·•···
1.1.1 Oirnensions . ..• • • ,,,,, t 1 • ,6
l 1.2 Welghls . . . . .. .• •••.... ••• •.•••.. . , . . 1• 2 , • •• • ••• 6
1.1.3 OperatingOata , • ...•••. • . . . . ...• •...•• . . . . . . ...• •. , .. 7
l 2 Major Assembly GrO\!ps •.• " ....••. , • • . , •• 1 , , • • • . • • _• •7

1.2.1 Slide . ••• , ... ~-·. .."". ," ,, .. 7

1.2.2 Rocelver • . . ... •.•. ! • , • , , • , 1 • , , , , , 1 " , . , •••• ~ ••• , . , ••• , 7
1.2.3 Magazine . . • . . . . . .. .. ... , ... , . • . • . . • , . , , . • . . . .. , .7
1.3 Component PèrW . . ••, .. , , . " • , .. " •. •• . .•... • " ....... , . 7
2 01S8 91Qmbty .. . , ........... , .... ~. . , .. , , ... , . , •.•• , , ..... , , 10
2. 1 Group Oisassernbly ,. . ... , .. ", • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .., .... . . . 10
21.1 Cla&r lhe Ploca .• . ... .•..• . . . ". """ ", •.... ,. . •..... .10
2.1.2 MagazineAssemblyGroup •. ..... " •• ...... • " .... . " . " . . . . . , , 10
2.1.3 Dlsasscmbly of SUde Assembly G1oup From BBrrel and Aecel•e< Group . 10
2.2 Dlsasumbly of the Sllde . . " .• " " • • .. " " ••. . . . 12
2 2 1 Flrmg Pin Assembly .... _•• " • . , • " . . . . •. . . . .. 12.
2.22 Fitlng Pin B•ock and Ftrlng Black Spring • . . • •• . ".. • .12
2.2.3 Rcmoval ot Slghts . ."" . .•• ••• ••• . ..• " 12
2 2 4 Ei<lractor Exlractor Detent.and E•trac!O( SP<lng • 13
2.2.5 Piston .......... .. ... . •. . . .• •••. . . . " .... " 13
2.3 DlsasSGmblyol the Barteland Rece1verGroup • • . • • . • • ••.. 13
2.3 t Ae<:ool Spring " " " •• " • 13
2.3.2 SIOCl<s. . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • • "., " . • 13
2.3.3 Sear lever Spring • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • . .... • 13
2.3 4 Cockmg Lever and Grip Pin • " • • ••• " • ". " ••••• 14
2 3.5 Cocklng Grip and Cocking Lever " " . • , " . . .... . •. ..••••. 14
2.36 Soarl.ever' ,,, , . . . . . ..... ... .... . .. ,, . ···~ · ·~···--·· 14
2.3.T Trlgger and Grip Pin, Trigger. Trigger Bar TrlggfH Relum Spring.
and D i ~nector , ......... ..... . .. , .. , . .... . ...... 14
2.3.8 l.ocking Pin. Sl1de Slop. and Sllde Releasc Sprong " " .. " " .•.. .. " 14
2.3.9 l.ock111g Pin, Aoci<er, Magazine Calch, Megailne Ca1ch Spring, Cocklng Lalch,
Cockong Lalch Spring, Cocklng Level Slop, •nel Cocklng Leve1 Slop Pin . . . . . . . 14
2.3. 10 Cocklr>g Lever Stop Pin and Cocking Lever Spring . , . . . . . . . • 15
2.3.11 D1sassembly Bu11on, Disassembly Bulton Spring. Dlsassembly Button/
F1ont Sighl Pin . , ,.. . •" . . " " " 15
2.3.12 T1lgger Guard Cove<.. . . . . ... , . • ... .. 15
2.4 Oisaasombly ot the Maganne , , . . • "" .• , . .. .• •• . • • . . . . 1~
3 Assembly ····-- ·· ···· . 4 ., ,
16 ••••• •


3.1 Magazine ...... -· •• .. •••••• •. . .. - . --
3.2 Barrel and Recet'l<lf Group . • . . . . . . . . • • . _. " 16
3.2.1 Tngge<Gua1dCovef •.••.•. ". • lti
3.2.2 D1sassembly Button. D!sassernbly 91111on Spring. and 01sassemoly
Button/Front Slght Pin. . . . . . . . . . " . . .. .. .. . 16
3.2.3 Cocking LeYér Stop Pins and Cocklf10 Lew>r Spnng 16
3.2.4 Coci<lng La1ch, Cocking Latch Spring, Cocking Lever Stop, Roci<er.
Magazine Catch. Mag~lne Catch Spring and Locklng Pin , . 16
3.2.5 Locking Pin, Slide Stop, and Sllde Release Sprmg . . .. 16
3.2.6 Dlsconnector .. . .. . , . , . . . . . . . ,,,,, . . . . . . .. , . . . . . . . . . iG
3.2.7 Trlgger Bar, 1rlgge<, Trlgger Rel urn Spring, and Trlgger and Grip Pin . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3.2.8 Sear Leve• . " " " . . . . . . . •. " " " " . ... " . " " " " " . 17
3.2.9 Cocking Lever, Cocking Grip, and Cocking Lever and Grip Pin . . _. _. .. ___ _.. ~ __.. . 17
32.10 Saar Leve<Sprfng. , . ........... . • ••• , , 17
3.2-.11 Stoeks ,,,,,,, ~· · · · · · ··· .•. . ... ... . . . . · ·· ·~ ······ • .... .. . . 17
3.2.12 Aecoil Spring ... .. , , , • . . . . . . .. • .•.. . , • .. ..... . •• . , , , . .. . . . • . , . , , , . . 17
3.3 Assembly of tne Sllde " " " . " " " " . " . • " " •• . . . • " " , " 17
3.3.1 Piston ·· ······ · ······ · · · · ~······ · ····~~·· · · , 1 , 1 • •••• • • • • • ,,, ,, ,7
3.32 Extractor, Extractor Oe tant and ExtroC10f Spring ,. , , •• , • . , , , • , • , • 17
3.3.3 Front and Rear Slghts , ". " " . . •" ." • " " •• " ••• " " . 17
3.3.4 Fl ring Pin Bleek and Flrlng Pin Black Spring ". "" • , • 17
3.3.5 Fifing Pin Assambly . ... . ... , , . . . , . . , , •, , ... , , , 17
3.~ AssemblyoftheGroups " " " " " . . . " . " ••• " ••• " . •• ". " " . 17
3.4. t Slld~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T + ' ' + • 1. ' • • • ' ' ' ' • 1 . • • . . . ' ' ' ' 17
3.4 2 Ma.gaz1ne . ,.,., . ...... ,,,,.. . .... ,,.,. .,. , , , . 18
4 Functioolng . . . .. . . . .. .. ~ , ~, . . ,, .. , . . , . , . , . , 18
4.1 S1aps ,,, .... " ..... . . . ... . ... ... ..... 1 • 1 • • , , , , , , 18
4. 1. 1 First Siep Weapon Loaded and Uncocked . . • . •••• • ••• 18
4.1.2 Second Step-We•~o11 Loaded and Oocked .. • " "_. __• _____ ____ " ___. ___ " " . 18
4.1 3 ThirdSlep- Weapon Fired " " .. . . " . " , . . . " 19
4.1.4 Fourth Step-Weapon Af!or Flrlna L~st Round , •" ,,• 19
5 rrouble Shooling " " " " " •• .. . " " " " " " " .. " " " " _. " . . ?.A
5.1 Genera!. ,,, . .. . . .... . . . ,,.. ,,,, .. . ....... " ... ...... . .• " . .. ... 24
5.2 lmrnedlate Actloo . . . , .. ... .. , , . . . . . . . •• . . , , ...• .... •• .... • . • .. .•• .. , , . 2•1
5.2.1 Failure 10 Feed _. " . " • . " " " " ." .• " " " ." 24
5,2.2 Fallure to Eject . . . . . . " . " . . . . . " . . " . ".. • . . • • • • • . , . , 24
5.2.3 FaJlure to Extract . . . . . . . . . . , , , , , , • . . . . . • , , , , , • • • . . . • . , . • • • . • 24
5.3 OtherStoppages , ,, , .,, , , . . . . ... • • ... , , .. ..... ... , • .... • . . ,, 2A
5.3.1 Fallure to Fire . . .. . ... . . . .... . . , , . , , , , , , .. .. . , ... , , , . . . . . , . .. 24
5.3.2 Slide Fails to Open Af1era Rouno es Flred .....• " ... " .... • . . .. __ ... 24
5.3.3 Carirldge Case Fails to Eject " " " " " " .. " . " " " " " •• " " • • • • • • " . 24
5.3.4 Failure to Feed " .. " " " " • " " • • . . • " . _" " "_ ... _" . . "_ ... 24
5.3.5 Sfide Failure 10 Remah1 Open Afler Last Round Fired " ... • " •• " " ... " " " " • . 25
5.3.6 SllCle Fall ure to Snap Forward . " " . .. . . " " " " " , . . . • , • " .. 25
5.3.7 Firing Pin Falluro to Cock " " . " " • " " " .• . " . " " • " . . . " 25
5.3.8 Flrlng Pin Falls 10Snap" " . • •• " " " • .. " " " _" . • " . . " " " . " " . " 25
5.3,9 Change of Bullet lmpaçl Po1n1 , , . " " " " " • . • . .. , . , • , .. , , , • , . . . .• . 25
6 Care and Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • ,,,., 1 • • , , , • • • , , , •• • • • • •• , •• , • • • • • • , , 25
6.1 ResPQnsJbllity . " .. ~ ~ .. . .... . .... ~ , , . • • • • • • ... , •• . . , • , , , , • • . . . . , 25
6.2 Tools and Materials . . . " .. " • • • " ... • • ••• " " . " " " " " .... . _"" . 26
6.2.1 Clearilng Rags , , . , , . • . . . . . . . . .. , , , • . • • . . . . • • . . . . . • • . . . . . . . .. . 26
6,2.2 Pelfoteum .. . ... . .. . , .. .. ... ..• " ·····~---·-···- · · · ,..-- ·· ·· ·· ·· ···· · ··· 26
6.2.3 Gun Dil or Grease .. . • •••• _. " . , . • " " " " • ... . __" " " . . , _" . " 26
62.4 Chlporwooo ....... " .... . . .. .. . . .... ~,, .. •• .• , .... , •• .... . .. 26
6.3 Ordinary Cleaning and Lubrlcallon " . • " •• " " .... " . _" ". _" • " " ". " " , " 26
6.3.1 Sllde .. ,,,, ,, , .. . • .. . . . .. . . . . , . •• .. . . •• .. , .. ••. . .26
6.3 2 Barrel and Receiver . . . " . . .... •••• " •• " • , , . • " •• " " " . • • " " • ._ ... _" 26
6.3.3 Magazine " " " " .. "_" . " ••. _" " , , 26
B.4 Thorough Clearllng .. . . " ". " " " " " •• " " -· • ••• ". " . _•• " " ... . • 26
6.4.1 Sllde . . . . . . . , , , , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .. ..• , , , , • , . . • , , , , •. , , . 26

6.4.2 Barrel and Receiver ...••••..•....•• " .... ,_ • .. . . " . • " .. " . " .. .. . . " . . . • . 27
6.4.3 Magazine .. .. . .. ,, ................ ,, ...... .... ...•. . · ~·~.,, • ...... . . .. . 28
7 lnspectlons .. . . " •. .... " • ... . ... ... " ....... " . . . . ..• • . . . .•.. •.... " .. . .•......•28
7.1 When .. , .. . .... .... ...... .... ........ , ....... .. .... ,, .................. , .. . .. 28
7.2 How .... . . . ..... ... ~ .•............•. " ........ .. ................ .. ... .. . ... . . 28
7.2.1 First Step . ". " ••• " ... " . " " . " . " .•. " .. " " .. " .... .. " .. . ...•...... 28
7.2.2 Second Step ... ~---·· ..... ..•••••.•.••........••• . .•... .... .. . ...•.... ... 28
7.2.3 Thlrd Stap •. .... " . " . . • .... " " .. . . . • " " . . " ••••..• " •...... " . " ...... 28
7.2.4 FourthStep •• ... ••• " ... " " ••• " • .. . " " " .. " " .. " .. . " . • ...• " .. ... . . 28
7.2.5 Fifth Step ... .... . .. .. .... .. ". " .... . " " . . .. " .. . .. " .. " . " " • .. .• " .. 28
8 Opera!ional Testing " • ..... " •.. ... . " " " " .... " •. .. .. " • .. . . " . . ". " •• . . ..• ". 30
8.1 Steps ....... .. .... . .... • .... .. .. - - --~ . . .. ~·· •.. ...... .•• . ......... "• .. •.•... . 30
8.1.1 Step One .. .... "i•······· · · · ······ ···· ····· ···· ····· ········· · · ·· · ·-··· · ·30
8.1 .2 StepT1,vo . . . .•.• . . . •••... ... ..•••.. . •.•..•.. .... ...•• ..... . . ... • ... ...... 30
8. 1.3 Step Three .. " " .... . " . ... " . ••• ... .•••... . .. " " " .. . " " . " " . . • • " .. 30
8.1 .4 Step Four . ... ..•....... .... ....•. , ...... . .... ..••• , .. •.. . .. .. .. .. 1 ~" • • • • 30
8.1.5 Stap Five .. ..... ... . " .. .. ... " •. .... " . " ...• " • " • " " .... .. . " ... ... •. 30
8. 1.6 Step Six •.. " • " .. . " ... ... . " • • • .. . ...... ... .... . .. " " ...... " . . . " •. . . 30
8.1 .7 StepSeven .. . . " • .. •••... ... .•. • • 4 . , • • • • • • . . • •••• . . • • •• • . . . . • . • • . . . . . . . . . 30
8.1.8 Stap Elght .. " " ... • " ... .. . " " • .... • " " .. " " • .. " " •.. " " • " .. " .. .. .30
9 Barrel Replacement . ... " ... • " " • ... " " " .. • " " ... . " • " . " .. . .. " .... ... .... . . 30

Numbef Descrlpllon Poge

1 H&K Plstol P7M13 . ' . . . . .. ' ' • T•T"T"T"T"·• • • • • • • • • Q

2 Ma:jorassembly groUp$, H&K Pislol P7Mf 3 .. . .. .......... , " ... .•..•. • . . .. . . . .. 7

3 Cornponent parts o f theH&KF'lslol P7M13 .. . ...•. . ..... , ..•.......•.. .. " .....9
4 Clearing the piece and disaSS<>mbly of slicJe. assernbly group

!rom tne barrel and receiver g1oup . " . • " " " " . " ''
RemovaJoftnemagazioo .. , ~· , ... . .. . . . . . , , . . . . ... ... .. .... . . .••.. , .... . t1
. ...

1l Dlsassembty o f sllde assembly group from tt1a baffeJ and receiver g101Jp .••. " •••.•.. 11
7 Removal of the firing pin assembly ... . . . . ... . . .. . .... ... ...• .- ..... ... _. . . ... . . 12
a Ramoval or the liri11g pin lllock and spring , , ... " . . .... " .. " ... ... _, . . " ,_13
9 Removál oflhe H&K Pislol P7Mt 3 extractor . • , . . " , .. ... • " " .. , ... " . " " 14
10 Dls~ssamblyof tha ma.gazlne " " . " . " . "., .• , ". 15
'l Replacîng: the firîng pin black ar.Cl spring .........• . , , . . . . . . . . . . _1 . , . 1 - ~ • ~ • • • te
12 First Siep of fu11cllo11lng, H&K Plstol r>7M 1~(right slde view) . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . . . 19
13 First step of l unctlonlng, H&K Pistol PIM 13:Qefl sfde view) . • . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . 20
14 Se<:oll(J >lep ol lunClloolng, H&K Plstt>I P7M13(loaded and cocl<ed) . . . . . . . . . . • ...• 2J
1 !; îhlfd step of functio111ng, 11&K Pislol P7M 13 (pistol aftar firing) ... .. ... . . . .. . . . ..• . . 22
16 "outlh step ol funclloning, H&K Pis tol P7M13 (pi stol art er firing ot last round) , .• _, ... 22
17 Creaningkit,H&KPistolP7M13 .. • , •. .. .•..... . .. • ,,,,, ,, . , , , , , . , ... 21
ia Gaugfog equtpm-eint . . . . . , . . , . . .... , .• J • , • • • , • , , ••• 29
19 Inspeel.ion of tlrfog pin rear protrusion . ... . - r • 1 . , • 1 . , " • • • • • , • , , , . , " . , . , , • • • "31
20 lnspecUon or flrtng pin fro11t protrusioo •.. .. " ••. .. . •. .. . . .•• .... ••• _•• , " . ... . 31
Flgvre 1. H&K Pistol, P7M13.

1. Weapon Descriptlon Dl.mens ion Measurement

Overall length 6.65 Inches (169 mm\
Height 5.31 inches (135 mm)
Wldlll aeross grlps J .30 inches ( 33 mm}
1.1 General. The Hecl<ler and Koch, Ine. (HK, Barrel tength 4.13 inches (105 mm)
Ine.) Pistol P7M13 (Figure 1) l s a 1ecoll Slght radius 5.83 inches 1146 mlll}
operated semlau1omatle handgun designed
lor ambidextrous single hand use. Il has a gas 1.1.2 Weights. welghts of the H&K f>lstol
retarOO<J ioertia bolt system and polygon bar- P7M13 are as to1tov.1s:
rel. The weapon's 9rnm x 19mm Parabellum
ammunition Is fed from a 13--round straight llem Weighl
magazine. Pfstol wro mag~ lno 1.875 Ibs (850 grams)
Pistol wilh unloaded 2.15 Ibs (975 grams)
1.1.1 Dlmenslo11s. Dimensions of lhe H&K rnagazlne
Pistol P7M13 are as lollows: Weiglll or empty •.4 oz. {125 gramst
Figure 2. Maf01 assembty groups, H&K Plstol, P7Mt3.

1 Sllde 1
3 Maga7i"'1

3 \

We•ghl of loaded Approx. 10 05 oz

magazine (13 rds) {285 grams) t.2 Major Assembly Groups. The H&K PIStot
Welght of pislol Approx_ 2.5 lbS P7M13 has three (3) majo< group assemblles
wlloaded (1 t .3& groms) (Figure 2). These grouPS &<e:
1.2.1 Slido
1.1.3 Opo1atlng Data
1.2.2 Receiver
Item Da la
ActlOO Fle!arded lnertla bolt l.Z.3 MagazJ"
Muvle velocity Ammunltlon dependent
approximately 1,150- 1.3 Component Pans. C'.o<n ponom parts of
1,400 leet per second H&.K Pistol P7M1 3 assembly g<eups (Flgure 3)
(350-425 meters per are as follows·
f:>d1' No Nome<!C1at""' Part No, ID Nq
1 51,11e 92•9<21 :r.2'>&

! J:ront s~h: to~ ttm11
F1ri110 oin ti•uclo.
• l!•rl11Q oln ~Q,}I\ t.piUtO 9;i;!4-~006 221699
: EKlra.01or 92•9'20.0ll 222849
fJ E:A.tmotor 4CIOfH 92•9-20.0S 2228•~
7 é:•ctmcll!' 51>11!.g 9224-20.07 2.211!'.lb
b P.sar signt !1249-2.4 222811
9 R!lar stg111 """""' 9249-20.10 ma:!O
10 Fl1ng 9224-26.07 2;11889
11 A,f\9 pin 9224-25,09 221908
IJ Flring pui 1ebound -SpfÎl•V 9224-26,0!> 221H98
19 ~"''"spring 9224-26 o~ 22169<
I• Fîring Pr.n 924~~1 WB22
15 Ff11ng pit\ "'IJllnGI 92•::1-rore 222663
1& Pfsloo loc:kl"ll pin 3x1~01N IW l'Qll'."\:!J
Il Solt compre&.e•O!f 9ZZS.00.00 2224111
rB Pfsl0<1 toelllng •prlng 0224-20.0' '21tlr6
19 Pis'oo (êla~n1n.g pin DIN 1481·1 /4 ~In
20 Piston 92~.01 22285)
21 Îfigot:-1 lttlUU I .Spring 9224'1 Dl! 221an
22 ftJygei 92416 222670
23 Tfi?ll<!f W gtlD P"1 9224-11.04 a1600
24 r~ggc• ""' 922• ·11 .~ ~
l5 Ois,:onr.ector 922•·11 AJ;j 221t!S ~
2ó Slldes10~ 9249< 11 .21 ~2:1!)7"
27 ~f leYé1 924!HB 222!\ 14
28 Sua1 lever ?\r>r-lng 9241l-11 ,1U mm
29 S.lti= re~se sor•ng 92~1120 222e8
30 l.&Jc:loftg pn 922•·1 1.13 221000
31 Dtsa~1, c.u11on1trom lilflTil p1tt 1.S;>c5 DIN 14.,, 111•91~
J2 Olsa.ssamblV r>1itU')f1 92i!ll-11.01 e:ntr11
~ Olsassemt>ly uutturi SPflnQ &224 ' 1 o~ 221871
34 SIOcl\ scrow ~ .,.cN M4 >( B Ko 0 1111 ~'• 9~8139 1
~ Recoll •Drin~ 9224 11.2'1 221870
T ngger Qf.lafd COW:t
9l•9-1:: 2226611

31> Cocklng !l'IP
~o Cookln.g ICV,."f iln<l Qtlp riln 9~•9·11.19 222i>o4
4l Rocker 9224·1 " 11 22 1864
42 Lo~ing PIU 9;>.49-11 1A 222640
43 Cocl\fng •••"<$100 pin 12 •0<.11) 3 >< 10 Dltl 1481 9'&!000
•••5 Coeklng -
COc!<109 lelch
slnp 9224-11.09
4ö ~lng latch S9ft119 927A-11 11 22187;!
47 C«:ll!ng lo<Or SP•lllfl 922"-11 15 221trni
•IJl Lefr -slock !lóMIJ.17 22:105&
•19 Right Sl<><k 9'.1~1.9 222658
50 M•Q!llln• ca.lch 9249-15 2~G~D
~I M~g_azine vaion s.onog 9249- 1.0.1 222fl72
52 holt51ng 9'l4~1
iiJ[Jóline iollower 924S<i000 z~
54 MrJ:f!d21n&- foltower lnserl 9l49-fiO.a" :!2m•
!'l~ Maga.z:îne lollo'hOt Sl"Jflng 9~4960.0S 22266'
.5& Magaz.lne 1ook1f'\O pti:ttEt 9249-50.07 222662
57 Maga?.ine Hoor ~a te 92•9-00.0; 222003

5B Stcclo saro.w lf')(la!. ~à.u~ (:.!eer.hl DIN 6791·-' ) MnPh 1
SI! Shoo. Sf~llCCMedCW '~" 9224·14.05 22•81M
61! 9221H4.03 ::251U
61 Selfi sJQtlts fonly oo oomm"rr.I•' 110let.s)

F1gure 3. c;ompon•mr psrrs or r/Te H&I< plsrOI P7Ml3

5 & 7 , 61
31 ."fii! "'- " 1119
r 2 A ~8
cr-- 31& il
b ·. -
\ ,'LJ . - ;~ 10 12 -
,"7 . • , " "\ , f ......
• •1s ·:t -"
~ li


• ~~
11 36 ~ ~·
•" .
/ f

\ 1
1 34"'
38 \\
~ 46
• 1 1
,/,jo '
51~ so ;......,~
44 ·\ ~ 52 1
·~~ \ .~
0 41 43
1 ''
~2 ~ 6G?J'

Figure 4, Cteanng rne Pll>CS <1nd disassM1bly of si/de assembly {lfouo trom the
barrel 9nà receiver grouµ.

2. Oisassembly Ine shde (P"'1 1. F igure 2) 10 the rear wilh lhe

fait nand. As l h& sllde is pullod 10 Uw cear ar>J
loc~e<! In li s rearmost posJ!lon. look lnto th~
chambe< and 'lnsure that it Is empty.
21 Oroup Dl""ssembly. Dlsassembly ot the
H&l< Pistol P7"413 in10 •Is tnr..e prll\Clpal 2. f.2 Magazine Assembly Oroup. Afte< en><•·
groups IS all that is reou1red lor nonna! n1a1~ lng ltlal the piec:e IS Cleilf ot rourids. Il)<>
10nance. rhose weapons purchaseó drrectly magozloe assembly group (Part 3. Figure 2) Is
trom Hncktor anu Koch. lncorp01a1ed (HK. removed lrom lhe H8K Pistol P7M13 Ttli~ 18
Ine.) have a live-year llrnltad wa"anty, and atco111pllshOO by depreS.$lng lh"" magaz:nt
u,eir barto19 l;l(t:I guaranteed to flre up to ~.arch (Part 50, Flgure 3) wlih lh& \hUmo ol
10.000 rounds 11 malfunctoons oovered bi! •he e•ll>er hand and catctoing the •èleased maga·
wananty occur, t.'le weap0n wlll be replaced ~ine wlrh lhe ottwlr hand (F19ure 5).
Qf cwaired by ~I K, Ine. AlteT exolratlon 0 1 the
wamon1y, cfamaged weal)Ons will be rél<ir· 2.1.3 O/s~ssembly ol Slide .Assembly Group
blshed by HK. Ine, at a nominat co•I. Nave<- From Bs1rel and Rtu:.eiver Grou"' To dis·
theless. wnen and wl'e"lW" further d1se9- «&sembte lhe •hele assembty group trom rhe
semoly of H&K i'isto' P7"413 is required, baI1el end reoei~er grou~' le-t 1he shde
!hese opera.lions may ba accon,pl1sl'\ed as lo<ward by Squtoezlng the cocklng grip (Part
loilOW$ 38, Figure 3). W"6n Jr•e shd<> Is in i ls fol'Yloro
p<>Sihon. press 11\e disassérl\~IY button (Pari
i.1.1 Clear the Pisce. Hotd the H&K Plstol 32, Fogure 3) anci pull lhe slldt> \o Ule roar as
P7M13 wlll1 1"6 right hand (Flguro 4) and pull sllown rn Fioure 4. As the stld<l 1s pulled 10
Fl9ure s. RlifflOVBI of the magazine.

F19ure 6. Dlsassembly of slide assembly group trom the barrel and receiver group.

F/gure 7. Removst ol t/Je firing pin assemb1y.

llW'I ,,.._, hf1 •t up and oit tht: r>arrt:tl ani.I 1e- cornpt1s00d by rernowtng lht! f1t1"(1 pin ml.,;11niM
«•>ltl' t.JtQ\11> C\S.~et"fïbly &s snoNI\ In F1gu~ 6_ (Par! 15 Ftg"1<' 3\ and drlhtng lhe rir.g pfn
(Part 11, F1gur< Jl wl ol ll>e ru1ng pon'"'~" 14
2.2 01"ssembly of lhe Sflde. F1gor<> 3; Noto •he lorong pm Is suo1ec1 10
p res::s:ure ()1 IC$ '1\Jllf'I SQflnQ (Part 13, f1gurt 31
i .2.1 ,:ir1ng PitJ Assembly~ With the weapo11 Remove <he riqg (!"'-Ort 10 Fogur" 3), rhe flf•ng
tulfy ••>lEl'nbte<1. 1he tirioiJ pin osa6mbly IP3rts pin reoo11110 sp11ng IPart 12. ~lgure 3!. apJ thll
10- 1.51 F1gure 3) îs r-erT'Oved llON'l \hl\ J»l1de main spring, l)o nol pull 1 bend, tv1ist. or au•er
(Par t 1, r-19ur• 3) by holding tho p19101 wlth \Vlse dascroy the $prit1,g'e tens1on.
"llhor hand plac111g tt>e 1humb or th• oppos<te
11..}rid on 1hc firing pin reta1ne( (PS!I 1!>1 Flguro 2.2.2 Fi1/ng Pin Bloc~ 1nd Flrlng Pin Black
3) al f(ie rea.r o1 the slide ,F;gurf!o 7• Sprln<J. Th~ 1111ng pin olock (Part 3 f'IJU• e 31
SHgnlly 5<1ueeze tt>e coc~log 9r•p ".ni1e "'"'uJ. .snoutd nol repeal not be 'emoved tor
t3neously oep1~ss1ng aoci fotating tne ft•1ng ~'ntenanco 1n the fte4d dS thH:i is "\01 •"""
oin retarner clockw1se fOtty-Ove d&QrMs The qvired tor 'KM'fNI c:;,re and cte.aning OJ)e'"'
coct.;1ng grip 1s SQ~. and the (1t1'IQ pin tions Where ''" i;t.~Sl:Ptttrltlly Is rqcurrOO
a.>$01rlt;ily sl~s QUt oi its. recll5S w1th0ut nov.ewir lr can ba accomplished r~':tOllY ~
torca. All parts ol lhs hrlng p111 a~+'tt"IDly aro using a screw drivet Piess th1s cool a9alnsr
ren1ovea r1c,11n lhe slide as a s1rgle unit. Fur· l ~e c roppêd shank at the bottom ol tn11 r111ng

Qthred '°'
tt-.f"lr chsas-5ernb\y of this u11lt saldom is re·
n()fmal maîntenanc c ~& l tle fll!ng
pin (Part 14. F1gure 3) Is maoo or nlgh quatily
oin bloclç sprtnQ. 1..11,hlng:e lt, ana mo\te the
spring asido (F1gu1e. 8). 8ott1 11.e llr•ng ~· n
olock and """U pil\ blo•:k spring come out ó l
SIOOI thet scldom if eve1 b•eak~ Al• pa11s o f ttle s.lide upon relea:!& or \he press\~ro of 1t'IQ
tho 111111g pl11 asSP.mbly a lso can t>c c loaned firing C>lll ()IO<:k $prlnQ.
lhDfoughly without rurthe• n1sassambly 11 '"
&)l&Ctttl'~nt of a fir1ng pjn assembly part 1s '""" 2.2.J R• of SIQhlS. Botn ÎIO<\l (Part 2,
QU•red. how~ furlflef d·sassembly •S ao- Figute 3> and rea1 (Pari 8. Figu<e 3j S•gn!s ~rA
F/gur11 8. Remova/ ol the //ring pin block snd spring.

,...,,.,_ by remowng 1es1>•cuve pin (Part comclisned oy \;Sll\Q a oófl puoc.n to remote
:J• F1guro 3) er saew {Part 9. Flnu•~ 31 and the piston locktr>; pon 1Pat1 16 Flgure 3\ l>Oll
drtftu.g lhè s1ghls trom 1ne1r ffl$P<ICI"" com~ress on 1Pa11 17. FilllJ'e 31 piston locktng
rec:osses. In the case o; the rroot srght lts pin
•• drlllecl oul from tna rop
SP<ing \Pan 18. F•gU<e31
prn (Pa11 19 r1qure 3).
niston rotain1na

2.2. ~ Extracior, EKlractor Oetent, end Eiotr•<>- 2.3 Dlsossembly ol lh<> Banel and Receiver
tor S1>1/ng. rhe extractor (Part 5. Figure 3 1, e~ · Group. Follow1ng dlsassembly ot the sllde
11ncto• dotcnt ( 6, Flgure 3), ana axiractor assemo~ grouo, 1ht::t barrel rQca~V&r group
sp1lng tP<1rl 7. F lgure 3) are remcved trom the 1s disassembtecJ as toliows;
atltlo w1th tl'lé ~lef o f 1wo punches as shown 1n
fl1111rss 8 alld 9. A punch IS lnsened 1nto l he 2-S.1 Recoll Spt/f!ll. Lltl 111e •e<:oll sorlnfl (f>;vt
••tracte< C•OOYf! ol 1ne sOóe as shOwo rn ~. Flgure 3> off of the barrel.
Flguro 9. Pressure is then &Olllled 10 DtJSn lhe
ex1·ect0t aeteni ro rne. rear. As pres.isu1e Is aç; 2.3.Z Stocks. First. ,...,.,.. tne mag<id""
cneo. a small p1mcll 1S lnse1100 tmo the hole Both 11>6 lelt (Par1 48 Flguta 3) and 0ghl /Poll
°'' Il" bollom ot the sl1oe (Flgure 9) io dt1ft 49, F19ure 3) s1ocks ere , , , _ by voscrew
tri.. extraetor o"t tnrotJilh 1ne cartridQe ease iflll the stock 6cr!lW.- (Part 34, Figu•e 3) al'd
eleG!lon sloL fo1towl11g the removal o• the " " pusning the $1ocks 1owa1d tr>e muute end of
tructO•. the extractor detent and e1<t1a.r;tor the !>aftel wnlla llfllng tt>em ott of tne •ecelllflr
tering u1e 1emove<.1 by llghllY tapp1ng lhem In •emovtng 1~\8 s\oc:k screws. care be
oul of 100 slid e, e<erclsed to secure l lte stock scraw r6talner
(Pàrl 58. f"lg111~ 3).
2.2,5 l>l$1on. Th~ piston (Part 20. ~1gure 3)
mav t>e thorougf\I)' deaneo wnlle 11 •omains 2.3.3 Star Levor Spring. The 9éaf •evei sp"nQ
111acf'eci 10 the slide. Whe1e 11$ remove1 Is r& (Part 28 Flgur& .3) Is <lt&01'gaged trom the
OU!fed howeve<, lllîs 0PC"'"°" fl'3Y be UC· knobs on too coc:k1ng Je""r (Pan 39. ~lgure 31
Figutfl 9. Removal oi H&K Pislol P 7M13 extractot•

...,d 11'8 "'"'' lever (Part 27, Figura 3l wlth a F•g"'e 3) Is accompllshed w1111 a Pl)nr.n by
ponen or !.Gm\Y dr1.a. The sp1ug th!!f'l 1.s re- removing the llfOQe< Snd grip pm whlle
mOW>O 9\'0tfY 11'/ <nanipulat•ng 11 mrough tne 110kllng 1ne tnwer 1n placo 111110 a thun•lJ
hol~ on the Slde knot> ot the oocklng lever Alter tho pJn 1s •flmOve<l. the trlgger (Part 22.
caro musl Il& &.><erclse<l not 10 destroy the Flgure 3), !ligger bar (l"•n 24. Figure J). 1rlgge1
Sl)rlng's ten61on. return ~pnng (Pari 21, î-lgura 3) and diseorr
nector (Part 25, Fll)ur& 3) are removed from
2.3.4 Coc~/llg Lever and Grip Pin. The cocking the reoe1ver.
lever ancl grip pin {Part 40, Flgure 3) I~ re·
mova<J out or tne nole 111 the cocklng grip (Part 2.3..8 Locklng Pin. Slido Slop. and Sflde
.ia, Flg11r& 3) and eocking lever (Pari 39, Flg1ire Release SprinQ. Tho tocKlng pin !Pari 30,
S) wllh a punch. Whlle removlng tl!Eo leve< end Figore 3) is clrlll•<I up •nd o"I of tl>e recel~er
grip pin, mq•nt~1n p1essu•e on the COCl<lng Tlus permits removol trom tlle recel•er hous-
grlu wlth elttier hand. 1ng of !he sllde slop tP•rl 26. Figure 3~ and
the s•o<le '"'ease $pflng (Pan 29. Flgure 3)
2.3.5 Cock/ng Grip ond Cocldng UVtr, FOllO\'>·
ing rernovat ot the t"'"" af\d grip Pin. release 2.3.9 Pin, Rocl<et, M agazine CarthJ
J>(essure onIne cocking grip and remove Ina Magazine Catch Sptfng, Cocklng U.tch, Cool<-
oocilrng grip {Part 38, Figure 3) and cOCklng ing Lstch SfN/ng, Cock/ng Lerer Stop, and
lover tPan 39, Flgure 3) wll n the ltngera, Cocklng Lever Stop PllL The locklng pin (Pari
42, Frgure 3) is drlflod out of Ine receiver
2.3.6 Soar L•••r. Uit tha sear le•1e1 (Pon V. housing frarJ101 an(t ttle rocker (Part 4 t ~ Fi,,gure
Fiquro 3) 0111 o f the •ece!ver, 3) is removecJ along wlth the magazine catch
1Part 50, F1guro 3), mag<l'Zlne catch sprîng
2.11.1 Trlgger and Grip Pin. Trig~r. Trlgger !Pan 51, Flgu1e 3). <:ocking lever stop (Pari••,
Bar, Trlgger Return Spring and Olsconnectot. Figure 3). cocking laten (Part •S. Ftgure 3), and
Ae<novaJ of the lliggeraoo glip pin 1Pa<1 23. cocklng laten ~prlng (Pllrt AS, Figure 3). The

Figuro 10. DiS<Jssemb/y of the magazine.

fffSl cocking tever stop pin cPart 43. F1gure 3) upward and to the- ,ear. No turther o•S&S
serves onty to provt<J<> p suppo<t lor t'>e cock sembly Of lhe barrel and re<:olvei group I•
oog lover Stop and the cocktng levor spring. •eQulred.
Th1s oln was usec only- to tacilllate rnanutac·
ture Il CIOes nol oeed 10 be rcmoYeO untess 2.• DisassembCy of the Mag02lnc. The
•lsibly d11m<1gea m•oailnc assembly is d1sassembled by ws1>-
tng Wilh a Dunch on the llutton ot 11\e n1a9•·
2.3.10 Coc~lng Lev•rSlop Pin and Cockfng zine toct<lno plato (Pari 511, Ftgure. 3) lh&I
L"., Spt/nJI. The second cocklng lever '5top
pin cP;u1 ~3. F•gure 3) Is drilted out ol lts hole
emeJges uirougt1 tl'a hole 111 the- rr1aga.zJn~
f1oOf ptale (Part 57, Fogure 31 and sliding loo
t11 111e rece.11e1 trous1ng, aoo the cocking lever ""'°8Z'"" 1100< plale off ot 1toe Qf00\li!$ mthe
spring (Part 47 frgu1e 3) IS re~ magazine housini; (Part 62. Flgure 31 as ""°"'"
In Figurc 10 White doing !hls. wltn one han<S,
2.3.11 Di•••sembly Button. Dlsassomb/y BUI· rhe thurno of the othe• nand is usect 10 guard
ton Spring. and Disassombly Bullon/Fronl ogams1 l he magazine tocKtng ptate tlylng 001
Sight Pin. The disassen•lllv bullon (Pari~. or 1ne nous1f10 and beeom•ng tost as Il Is
Ftg"re 3j •S •enll>Yed by n•1><Wmg the dis- urider .,.essure of the magazine lotto.wir
asse.<r•bly button pon (Part 31. Figure 3) wlth $1>11ng {Pan 56. Foçure 3). Af lef <Il& magalllr&
,~. ••<l OI d Pu11Clt and dritll"9 O\tl both the ttc>or plat& has beén r&l'110\led fror11 the m.aga~
d1sassmnbty button and its spring (Part 33. l tn• houstng, 1t1e magazine locktng piste, tne
Figure 3). m•.(la1tne rollower spr1ng. and tne m~ga.tlne
lollower fP&n 53. Figure 3) wlth i ts ;nsert {Part
2.3.12 Trlggor Guötd Co""'· The togge1 guatd 5-d Flguro 3) aie lemowi<l. The magailne
rover CP&•l 37 Foçure 31 •S cemo.G<I by tnsèrl·
;n_g it &rnau screw dl'\vçr under tt.e rear odgill
lollower msort is "'"''"'e<l
from the ITl8!)l1Zlne
rolfowsr by lnse111ng tne tip of e 5':NfW driver
of the r..0Ye1 and disengBOjng i t~ tip trom the under 1ho tab ol the tnsert s ná turnlng ihe
r""""'"' housing hamo by pu$hl11g tho cover scre•N drlvQ1 "' a clockw1se dircctfon .
3 Assembly 1ne parts in place. n,e
IO()l(tn ~ pon !hen Is on
S5'l<>:l Tt11s I! doom by ••vmg 1ne p•Sle> wl1h
tts muzzJe oo·n•ed to tt'e ooera1ors 1etr: In·

S. I Magolne- "4agazme """''"boy I• "'-""""'

•<•lttflQ 11\a OOCl<lng tatcn •!>""Il onto
or ll>e coct<l11Q i.tco ..nd """' p1acmg U-•
!"" hole

DhSnecl 4" lh'" ,~se Ofder ol 1rs tfts.dJ\· pans înto 1ne1r hiule fr. lft-'1 reQêt\-e< frame
l\&n1bfv lho magaz.fn>e kliikwlef' IMürt 15 Att~r .:omplellon ol thrs step. tiotd 111;, i}'rtrf~ In
oressed tMck onfo tll~ magazine folf<iwAr ~·th p<ace eo !hal lh. llolc in tl><> rear ot lfle CO()>
In~ fll1f1"r ~ IO<lgues oo me m•g•zine. ln~q laten lil al1gned W1ll· t t'IH tl()fe 1n tr.e ro
IOfl~W~ \'Jlfh lls- lnsert 3re allg•160 WitU (he oel•,er The r.oci<lng lel/er •top !hen Is plaOe<t
groovos \n. the ma,gállne t-iouslng, and tba 1!'11· on 1op of t11e cocklng latcri, making su1e lhtt\
l irtt ltliStM1101\I Is. d Fc;ppetJ 111\0 lho hol.ICl(lg lhe 0011001 '>' 1110 cooklro9 lever •!Of' I• nalnq
.vnlch Is n••d upsld• down. Followic1g tnls. tt>o on Ine seoond C<>e~lng lé'lar s1op pin prevl·
f"0'1!Jh1l11i't &prlng Is inserlad ille .alo! on 1ha OLl~l y assom~ l od un<I thal lh• top nole In tllo
magl)Zl"e ~ing plate rs ;,,~erlp1J jnto 1'1e rocl<lng 11"v;.-1 "'op•• allijf'Gd \Vilt• the 1101a or
mogazino iollowe' s~~lnA, and 11>e •P<l"g I~ 11'8 oocklng IJ!c!I Al lr·o• f''""I. ensure thal
def"r11i-.i;eo D&press ttle fll8g.QZl11is follo\t.\fr tl>e oocklog 1a1C11 •ptln9 hliS not mo,,.d. Thoa
SPflnQ t'Y l'l.1Sn111g daWn Of' lhP t'Oll9S•oo• I"""· rr.ay De done tJy PoSf\ff'(J up aJ1d d:Q«n on 1tot-
•"Il PI&•• wrll• a lti1omo Tne spnn11. now-. cock1ng 1atch to ~life rl!b15ta~ Ptaca croe
sllwlO flCI> n.. comprasseo ar•y l1atM1 be1ow magaz."'e CoAlch ot\od tno ITW:gazi•li!:" c.a\ch
the oP<t ol !he m~ln,; hoo••"ll lllQn 16 re- spriqg •n aJfgnrnent lftf" •h9 lrocli '"tl pin llOI~
qolrerJ to slkkt on tN'. m~gat111.-1 r1oor ptatu ir. ttie reeeî~er tramo. t..ay Uie rOC.~.1::'' ''' .,"
Fully seat lil" b11Uan on thit bottom ol 111\. prcpef t>OSlhon on lha rec.Ff'/i!f v1î1h ·t.S trt-
•n•qiulnc lockong plale 11110 lhv lloor "1,11" lf.I arigt.1Jflr koobs tac:rng up and dOl/Jll and 'ts
Cl)IT!t'tl&t'l ma,ga:zlne assembly, point ia.-tnq forward Align th• nx~er 1101~
wllh (he tock1nt;1 t •ln OC•te In the. rocclver rrame
3.2 llnrr•I •ná llaoèlver Grovp, Tno bartt>I dnd afltl ",~11 l11P lor.k1og pin î~p. tr.e 1-.)ots,Jnq p•n
rooc1ve1 grt1up 1s a.ssernoled lcillo""if tnto plBoe. mähll'U •hJro 1hat lt ts tiITTllV sé1Jl,..1 I
1n tts N)le to ll~al" the tooker :t(!or \O p re,
3.2. l rr1g99' GuaYd Col'er. The ltlQ~er gu•rd ceoolng •urt'I~,, ~!'1lOC ,,., th.5l tt•e
CO'fG ca.tctl Is kOgnêd wlth 115 l'Jote 1n •l 1e ccc:1'1ng ta1co OOC!ofl119 ift'\c.1' •r<l1~. rr.acan"11
rPt'.1' 1Yttf 1rame .si"ii SWliO(•,..d lnto DOSi cat<;t. anct 11,aça21'l~ catct' ~pr·f ~ ~1~ fuf'c:
tJan won st•çht f1rtger Qf'eSSure tlOf\lr.g ptopetl} ono \tH! coc~;pg 'ever SlcOIP ts
fi;mlv secu-roo
32.2 01••658mi>ly Button, Dis••••mbly Bul·
Ion Spring, and Oisassembl1 Sut!on/Froat 3.2.5 Locklng Pin. SI/de Stop. and Slld•
Slgh1 Pin. Put the dtsassemb1y bvnon • I" onQ Re/oase Spring. Th• s llda release Sprlmi •11>i
1ntei lts pO!:i\l1on 1r ttfe ~celver hou:tlng. 1ne.ert st1i)e .stop are p laoecl In proper relatlonshfp 10
l~ e oltalisambly bullon 1nto ilS 1ece.,~. anti In· one anolh•' ~~ oh~wn on Flgura :; The locl<lng
sari lto" olsa&SQ'l'bl ~ bullonlfronl sogtil oln. pin 1n en fs inserteo to <ot<1l11 these par!S. T~ls
is <IOM 1JY first ptaoong Ine holê 1n l~o •lido
l.2.1 Cocklng Lovor Slop Plns • nd Cock/ng ;Stop spring In allgun10"' witll the loc~•ng uln
lover Spring. lh9 cocklog levor •prlng IS tiote 1n lh• ~l ver's lranie ancl parilall~ on
1il~"1d In •Is proper pos1110n •n lhè racolver se<ting lllè lociilng pl11 1"" l0<1g cl'OOl<ed am1
lra"'8. •ligMd "''"!he hole m Ine frame, and ol 1110 spfing Is pla,00<1 In !'on\ oo t"6 roc•ei.
ina nrst coc•i'lQ ,,,_ SlOI> pin Is •nsened ar.d the nor~ at the potnt ut ttoe sllde s1op ts
flllS •5 lollo..wd by the inserlton of llJ& $ecood placed on Ina sll•le slop/a<scoonector om The
coct<ong lever &tOI> pjn. 111116 first c:oe1<1ng <".a!cil ooar too 1nter1rn ar~Je ot the slide stop
IMr 11()1) pin also ~ re"'°"ed. tl Is ....,..,eq ltwl s1ra1g111 atm ol lhe spt1og. Hold-
re1nserted lnto Us hole in the. receiver frame. ing theSe parl6 m posluon. l ho long cr<JOked
a'm ol me slld& ro1eaoe spring Is~ With
3.2.4 Cooklng Latch. Cocking lalch Sprfng, a piJncn to its po.,lllor' or1 the rear side Of
Cocklng le•er Stop, Rock", Magazine Catch, too rocker. Tho looktng pl11 1s 11ow lnseried
M•goz/no Catch Spring and Locklng Pin. Th ~ lolly.
coel<.h1g Ja1oh, cocki ng latch spl'it1g, i:vclll11g
1ava1 stop, roc~er. rnagaz.1ne calch, magazine s.2.6 Oiscomrector. Wlth themllZ21e empl•ced
catct\ sp1lng placed inlo thel • pioper posl- on a lal>le at1d p01oted lo the operator'$ 11gh1,
tions in relaUvnshlp to the receiver and p)àce the '101• rn the discon•>eclor o-;er tllo
~hpnod uslog a punci1 or assooil>ly Dln to hold slide.stopldlscoon<i<:10< pin.
:;.2.7 Tligg11 Bar, Tt(gg o/, Ttlgger ReWnl
Sp111•g, •nd 111911•" end Grip Pia Alldch tno
3.2.72 Rocoll Sptlng. Pl..:e th1' r.:-;:oll
f1V<ef 1t10 balfe•
lflQgt-1f tou.1 to •CS knob Of"I llte UIQl)ûf" and
..-rr1oleoe 1no 1r,09e' a 1ir! tr•gger return S-l'ltl'lR 3,3 A5sembly of ril~ Sllda•
In propo1 •e4llllonsnlp to 011• ~1101her. Wn"'1
lhl< 'lil& been done, P'~"" the rrtgger an<l u1lp 9. 3.1 Pt.slon. h 1e:moved, tllti ptsltl'' locJ<'lri11
µio in lOO holil of tf'l.:I 1•1gt,;>er ® I\• ~11ffh.1en~ly -?Ot1r1:g, bolt compte:;-;!(,lrl dnd pr3ton 1e\1'ln1n9
eoouejh f!') 1folo1n lhe sprlrig wtllL-h rrtJs~ bi& oln ara '"""'ac~ In !~ P•!tein. "M'ie p1!\l :JW'\ 11
t''h)i1gt:'1 over '"" '® cf l~ tr1gçar~ !>l~W lPt" anacned to lt'c s:i~ bv d(tn1ng the p1stoi1
J f'nf1re assemOly f1nto !h!! lfa,mtl -ar.Q lnlo •la
J)roper pis1t1or1, ana sgat lt•"" 1rlgger !iod grip
loc~lng pin lnla Il• pr..t;•l•Ofl 0011~9 l'l•t Il dOO!
not pl"(JfttJdiJ !rom C?ifher Sldff,
pin fully lnto lts ~ole In 11>0 rocolver. Wl1en
th1s as50lflbty Is cotî1ptatflid1 check lo en~ur~ 3.3.2 ExtrD<lor, Extncto1 O•lont aild Exl11tCl01
tt;•t tn~ lr•Qger sor•ll!J relurn• tno tr1Q9"t iJY Sptfl'l!J. Plate tt"le-e)(traclcu Al111"g ir 1\$ holP 111
.:~ri9 properly 6"t)aQeo w1th TM •nrer l-noo of 1t"5. ,ec:11 ot ~ha E"''B"lor atot ro-1<M"flid by ,t)e
thé llM){jUf t>or e)!traGlor ..Ft~• 1'1e sma•I Pnd ui tt~ ttictrnc-
lo)f tJi...Jtl.ft\ 1:i towaf{J 111e ,P,.."'19· Place 111~ -.c;
J.2.8 StHJr LOl'flr. Emplacs 1ne !iei:\f le'ler, or>- lractor- 1n lttfl HIOI and pr11v. dnY/11 and t('I ni~
surlng l~~I l'le sear rld96 011 top of tllo rear untll it s11aps •nfo Pö"tll!nfl.
r~e1ver'!i tr,irtiot.
i!.S.3 FtOOI bOO Rear Siglns. T> e '""'' öllU
J.2.!I Cocl<lng u•e" Cock/no Grip. •nd Cock· 1~;..1 -,igh\~ 3f4 r-o10Ca1~1-JO tJy ..#lft•ng 1,.. !tl,Of1l::i
i/lg L6!.'0I end Grip PifL Pia..:,... tl~ lo."'9 3"11 l)f ïnta 1hel1 'P51>dcit\oe recctlttMi OrKe ahg"«S
!he Gt.··-c_.i'.1no 1~vsf sp~k'Sa 4Q(trM.t rhti 11PJ_'è1 the i.>1n lb driitoo tntc lt"'°' lront siig.h1 anll Ina
r'=-dii !-iourt-acll of t11a cook1nq Jov"r. ComprebS scr-ew ts lnfilirl.;,a ~nd t1çiht11-n~ in l tie rt:ü!lr
tfl.e 1? lrvef and 1ra ~r~'lng so (hat 111n "'gilt.
cac.1o.1n9 levttr hole 1~ C1Ve'r tht1 rounCed knob
Of"' the t.10•1 Qt lhe~ear lswPr \Ylrtl 11~ bp rld•ng 13.4 Flrlng Pin Sloçk and Firlny Pin Bl-
1n tne !-'il~ sKtt as •he st1~1, wt,ua the c\Jek•no Sp<lng. To r~ace 100 f · 1 ·~ (lln llloclr a ld llr-
' " - io ...,.aQ.>O ~·""'1 !Me oocklng lbtoh ir.g p•n bloCtc ~ttng. 1"1!' spt1flg IE t"tOU"lad :IS
Whlli ·h~ tc1r1;.J arm or the ct<.1'1ng lever ~Pnnij h1 r;"fgure 11 Th& 1111ank8 01 tha &Ot!f1g
is almosl lulf\' co1"~'•C; ploco ttie upptw a1e \;o()rnvressca bel \'/t'lf:ln the tnumb :i,111~ fl)ft-
lip oY: Ulo r..QC;l(1ng grip in lci lts race-ss on top iiilger. antJ \•lä spr1n.g Is pt11r.1:1d ove~ the
•lf ~h.:i t1oc:l\1t'\g 101/Et wllh 8n upward mmlan rClUntiatl knob that Is .:Jr1 lnte(lràt part of tt1'1l flr-
lhBI ocrnprcs.,.s !l•e shor1 at,., of lhe coc~lllO ing oin biock Tne l11ir19 pin hl<ld< ano sprlnq
ieva' s~ 1lU Aftw rr.a..:111.g t~ 31ig11me11t.s are l0SE1l«i rn10 the r pos111on iM th6 sU~
"""'"'ess '"" rothP -'!IOl:f, allgn 1he oocl< Oepress lil• crOl>l>Ed !;1\41* of "'" Olln.Q pro
ing lever .3CI h•.O pln notGi ano tnsert too coctt· black spring •nd ""''" 1t vlirlef il• loc~lnQ
lng leve• ana grip pin wlltl lho ald oi a µu11cn. Oanga
Followlng thls ass.emOly, ct1ock 10 eneure !hal
l~~ oocKlno gr1p will dapross l>y squoozlna 11 3.3.5 Ftrlng Pin Ass•mb/y, f\ssemblo lho r1nng
•I 11 will nol OOJ><ess the cock•ng l<!'lel' hu óin rebo\ll'ltl spring, mam IU)nng. ring. and In
snppOO lr1 fronr o' tre c:ock1ng lalct\. This ea11 5e<1 rha ring ""'· Alqn 1116 •>l<>I In lhe li11ng t11n
be P•e"oOmled. by "'""'"'ll thal both Ine eoc1< 1etai1>er wllh ltie Rring pin pawt an<l sllcJe omo
1119 tever and COC'krng grip are depfessod aur· tt':i.G f1nog pin Depre&s 1 t1~ tlrln g pin reial~Ar
lflt.l as&4:1t1hly operat i on.~ vntll lt can be rotatào t.o sa<1t rha flflllQ pin
pawl. Allgn ll\A 1111~9 pin ao•emcly Wllh he
9.2.10 Staf L.erer Sprirrg. Tt1read the recess In the alide and p11$'1 lnlo plaoe. Place
101161 &p•lng 1nroug11 the '10111 on ihe ra1sec1 the toumb on rne f1t1ng pin t•raine< and rotato
~naboo 1!10 10!) slde ot lho COCl<mg counte1cl0Mwnse uo1i11tte assert\tlly Slll>ll'I '"'
Vlit ll a PtJnc.h ongage the spnng's arm arouno to llO"lliOn.
llle ' aised notcl>As on l lla rop ol lhe cook109
and sear l&Vttrs. 3.4 Assemb!y or the Groupo

J.2.11 Stock s. Slide the lips on 100 rear of llle 3.4.t Sllde. The sliCW> is placed on the rocl!I""'
stocks unlJe< the fO<Wa10 protectioos of lhe ~ ootllng u 10 lhe rea1 and engagi"g 11 10 the
•eoei"'1 ,..,,,. a1'd snao them into po:;1hon barrel a n<I "'oe'"" Qfoup. 11 I~ 6lt<le does nol
w11n lll9 lhll111bs; emptace lhe stock screwe fl1 ooto ll" receiva, t~ atoe1<s have nol ~
w••h tneir loet< re1a11\e•s and ll9h1en ru11y sear~d .
Fl9ure 11. Rop/acJng 1he llring pin Olocf( and sp1111g.

3.4.2 Magazine. Th• magatme 16 piaceo lnlo w""1pon's c~a"1o•r, bJI the p1s1ol •1111 Is h•llv
Us f~SO. and 11M: IJOODOTi 15 c<>mpietel}' 1e- sale Th!s ·~ óua t< I"• ' '''"9 j)fn <eDO<Jnrl
aS$0mbled. &prlng (121 holding th6 llrtng P•n 1141 in tte r- 51
posllion whlle the coci<1ng fli'Je' spring (47)
alsc 'l<llCIS 1he coc~lr.g lever (39) In •I• lo1wa1d
oositfon. 1!11111 deliberala prassure Is applfed
aga1ns1 tlle eock!ng grip (38) by 1he OP9•ator.
the coct<lng lever w11I rot a11ow ll>e saai evar
r.rn undel poessOie of lhe sear 1.,_..,. ~rg
(28• to gl,01 dO"n ana d sengage 111c sw1
4. Functiooing Tt\e sear 1~ver therefore rema1"s- '" c;:~n1ael
wit h ttie recs1ve1 and positioneel '" 110111 of tho
f\Ung phi cocktng paw1. preventlng olst~1a.Jge
ot rne ~voapon as 11le tinr.g j)În c31"n-ot eogage
4. 1 Slaps. '"""' erv four l~l d.SllllCI stecs In the""" of the carlfldqe teal..O on tno
llle flJm:ll(lnlng of the H8.K P13!0I P7M13. Tl"'V wi!apon $ "'• (l11ng P<' bloei< (3!
are as lollows al60 prov1(jes a funher posltlve satery Aft
sat'!ty fr~atures ar1:1 r~talr1ed untll prcs.&ute I~
4.l.1 Ffrst Step-Woapon Lo~ded ond Un· •O!>lled to tne 1rigger.
cock«I. W'1en tl>e H&K Pisrol P7Ml31s lo;;tlad
w1l n a maijill'•"" and a rounu Is seol"" in ·•• 4.1.2 Second Step-Wo•pon U>B<l&d and
chamber. the waaoon is In tM rlrsi aleµ cl lts C<>cked. Oetibèra1e nancl press•re "" n...
funct1or111\g. 4t s varjOU.!> parts are In 100 posl cock'"Y yolp (38) cauoll> the H&K Plstol
11ons <lepicte<I "' Flgure$ t~ and 13. 111e P7M'3 to cuo~ W han l hlS Is done, tn~ p1stol
P••tol'$ <1lld• 1s c lo&ed with 1ha igco tcuc~lng oa in •IS second 5lep of lunotlonlng as
ll'Al base o! IM cartridge seattd on 11-e depicted IO Flgore ,4 In !hls sleG of lht

Figure 12. F/rot ~lf.'P ol fu nol/atllng, /1&11 Ptsrol P'7M18 (r@/11 stde view).

3 27 28 25

.,.e;.pcn'f. t"'ictr<><11ng1tne COC!<.lng 10"'31 (39) is 100 weapon by the lorward odge of 11" lip <il
pmssed b;\c~ t1'/ 111e oocillno grip (J8) Th• llie sllda ~ 1op. Whan recoll 1• ox1>11ndoo. the
cocklng 1erch (4~) !hen •ng~ges and hold<i 1111 tensklr1 or the "'"'"I SPll'll! moves tM sllde 10
(@Jng I~ il'\ ptace as 100 sear lover Cln IS •he tronL As 11 moYeS forward. the faoa of tne
'" iront ot the"''"""" edge of trie t1lgger ua1 bOll plcks up a 11ew round lorr..1)ct upwnrd by
(24), Wtron the sear lever rtlO\'$$o back, Il ovor- pressure of 111e magazine tollower .spring on
i:omes l hè rensloo or t'1a Il ring oln SP<lh!l I 131 the, anc:r tlle ,,.,..., tound fs sea100 1n
•nd pieparcs !he weaoon 10. atmtnp aoo 111~ QllaJnbB• •• tho sllde tully clo..,..
4.1.4 Fo•rth SfeP-W11ap0nAl1ot F1rfng L•sl
4. 1.3 Thlltl Step-Weopon F/re<J. RoJArwenl Round. Wl>e<r llte last <ound In a magazm•
(lngt!< pressure agalnst t11e u;gger 1221 P1.ots toadod lnl<> me H&K P1stbl P7M13 ha& i>ooen
the se~r lover r.>n c loor or lllff pawl 011 1110 llr· fire<I. the magazine lollower i53), pushoid up•
lng pin !141. Thl s p!Votlng movement or tne W~rd by ""' mal)aitn" follower spring (551,
se&< tover olso Pull• down tne lhlng pon block reacls agarns1 me s110e stoo 1261 to tloltJ the
(3). to allow troe linnQ pm tO ml>'le l0<6WBI<I sll<ltt (1) to 1110 1ear as st>ovm In Figure 11;. To
UndB! the pressur" ol tnQ (11109 pin spring (13). return rhe p1s101 to "" unlooded a11d unçqo«ed
l'ha 110 ol lhe l lring pin tril• the primer In the P<J'lillon. pras.;ure rs 80plîed to lhe cool</ng
OOiSe of 11'8 cartridge seat"'1 m the ..eapon·s qtlr \38), As the eoçt<lng gnp "10lle5 to •he
ohamber, ana 100 p1oce IS hrnd. Posr11ons ol rea•. lhe rock•• (41) is rotalod by l he nose on
lllff 11istol'5 r.ornpo1ïHlll pa1 t6 à ftaf f1r1ng are lt)o oocklng levet (39) This pivots lllP. ijlldc
&hown 10 F'lgura 1~ Roooll has overCU!le ttie stOP ck>ov" out of the poswon to llOld baei\ the
""""'"'e ot lhe recoO spring (Part 35, Fîgum shd& The slkl<l tnen l)'IOVes IO< ward under
3), ~nd me s lido 1\1\8 moved to the 1ear. In thl• pr&SSUrQ of l he tanalonoo r"corl sprit 10 tparl
n1om01lt1 Ulo err1pty c.;irtridgo o~se is ex· :Jó, Flgu'e 3), an<11he flri119 oln ( 14t «Q81n l s
rracle<1 trom the cllamOO< anrt ejectlld from coekeo bv '"" se3• ••w1
Flgure r.I. F1ts1 stop of lunct1onin9, H&K Pisrol P7Ml3 (lelt s1de ~few}


Figure 14. Second step of ft;rJcttoning H&K Prr;toJ P7M13 (loaded end cockeot

27 13 14 24
1 1
I 1

Flgure 15. Third srep of fur11;tloni119, H&K P1s101 P7M13 (c1s101 ~ftar f1rmg)

27 3 13 12 14 24

' )\ llt~

;fl -

II' •
l 1/

è. \
Flgur• 16. Founn s1ep of funct10ntng, H&K Pfstol P7M13 {pis tol alter firtng of last

1 53 26
/ 1
....,... ,.,
5. Trouble Shootlng rea:m, dnJ rE!ffra. lt tf't- (•••nd &1111 taus l•1
111~ 1 manua.Uy Ceed ä tltl'W rcund !fllr1 li'n
i:itJa"-rihAr ~fXI lire ttie wt11ï1pan ayRl11

S. l G.IMfai. In t~ -ttHf'1 01 a 'niill•ttic.i,...:lfl. the 5.~. t ~S

C•use. Dt.:eni.,&\~""3t't ol 1hw 'trl11Q
Jl"i>'tOI m .ei be 1re:tletJ ~s •f lr is lo4decJ .,nut 11 ptl1 btack :iS)c"rr..g
nC1::i l 1t-<Î<fl c.l::!af'ed
S.3, .4 Ae111Vdv. Engaqe •lrllll) ~în 1:>100•
S.2 lmmo<Siate AeflCM'\1M061 malft.iliC tlr.irr~ .,..111 ;:r;1111g und c'1ecl\ lf& hif"lct1on1ng.
ba c1llff1l1•aled bv tt•ç rt1.)f)hcatro11 .,, unmoa.fate
-lCJ;M ptoc;•fo(!YIPS desig1 '""''to 0Vf1'COrt\f! ~°'" 5.3.; S Caus-e. 8rc4\ç:n hr1'1Q ~n n:»tttlnec-
i:M!J'~ ;;- Ttl\t!.W s~R'f!i aoa. ~e>prnPf13td COf· lJf ,,,lfi\) • tf1
respond "'r1 1mrnoo1ate Mc;tlon.s tor ellm1r1::1:\lnp

1n ar" ;vo: S.3-.1 .ti Remecty, ?.11pl.-c-.e w~lh new nart::.

S.,2; f FMtlUte fo FUd. A iahtJfe 1.D f&&l1 -i naw 5.8.2 Slldo F•ils to o,,.n All•r ~ound I• f11ed.
{P;{lr•dr.o 111.o 1he l\rS104.9 \it"aMt>ii.r "10~ oflt-f1 Ceuse a1.d rem!Jlly 1.x la11 "" ", 'h~ slld-' to
~,erq" r ,,;_,m ltïe mau>U•oe. n04 be~ f•rlfv
seated, l1t11nertlate acl•o11 to flllT\tvJy tr111' rona1
c:ipen ahe ' ' 'JQ 13 c f0tK)'.\>,:1

'j<.• 1 C".<Jn:tlst::. of l"111'\011'1A the :>0ttom o f the. Cauae. Caitrt•lt1w jams in di11
magéll1ii6' wlth lh6 p$11'1 nf thG no1•snr..c1ttrig r:namber tlue to dîs.tont•Cl .;.A~. or roul&d
rtc1nr_J1 cock ttg 1he p1.-oe. 1e1:1llYl'O!'.'l •hr: c>h:1tc1 ctle,111ttAr
.vid rt-t•""flil lnie •&jpt'
S.3.22 RatnG<ly. C!!l:i< tlle plslo• /:Jy pu1lloç
S.l.2 F~1f1J'• to EJl"Ct- A failu:e l<> ~lf1Ct a fi'eo oa~ lhe s11dD manua11y And removlnç tht!
~rtrti.lae case rnay s!~rl" frtim " ~hort 'e<:oJI ~111PIV cartndo-s caao. Check \tte &\roe's
s_l1<1k.i) 0 1 tae :Gl l1l6. 1mn1Wiate ACl!on to ,,.,,,J ~rn ol moveman1. ir 11 •;; l~uled, c1e:u1
reME'Oy \f\l.14 condlt•on cc-nsls\S ot pv 11fl9 the lhe pl ~l(; I .
sttdft ft.olly to 1t,..., n.-ur ~ç0slnç; lt. WIO .s.e&ltr"g
-e •teW ''ll1od. in U-ti ""f\J.OOn·a chnmbct 5..13.. Cilrtrid'J'I Case F•lt• to f/eet Cau:c ;ind
f~•n.:tay fcr f1:1llU'e6 of c-arlrtJrt_., C"aS't.""15 t(.i eJdCt
S.Z..1 F&llure to Exlr•cL Comµle\ti lellures '" 'ltter •lr1ny +tri ~.s lotlows:
BXl'"dG'l 1;,1r'l îhe H&K P?M-13 resulfs t,. 1rtly ttom i'l c.x'racior. but .a ruptuted cartrtdge may 5.3.:S.1 Cau!ie. tAAU'1 iclc--r1I slidA IGCC.11
ca11sa tne ne-11 n~' fOUnd to be f90 only per·
l1>lli inl-> !he cilam'llel In IM .,.,,,,,l lh.<1 • 5.:1.3.2 Reme<IY. Oear lh~ P•Slol bV pU!hlfg
roll~ folls to be. saated 1n lhe r1Mm~r~ !C'CI-.~ bac-1< •h• •ll:le ma11ua11y and removing lne
lo se~ Il lh1s na• ">IPP< neo. WW.n lnl& occurs, • mpty t.Srtrldgc case. ChQcl< tllellliW'•
µush 111& 11'161gaz,no catch at\d <!!lease ttte l reedom ol movernon• Il Il Is foulr.d. a1eao
magaz1oe llom !Is noua1ng: pull 111• tlld• and the J>l&IDI
"""°"" '"" rup\ured c<1111ldge by pUltong me
sttt~ fulty to the reaf' ~mera1 11""3'$ or tM1r:g a S.J.4 1'•11111• to Feed. eaus... and <SmGCIEb Ie<
rup\ufeo eartridge CdS8 el\trdctor. ,jrallu;e to rP&i1 are a.s rouows:

5.3 Olne< Stoppa_geo. Othor commoo types ol C•uso. Ch~n>ber or pist.on flulos
maJiuncLJ~\&. ttte1r caU.e"61and remedl9S are 1110toulod
O.~ fOllOW5'

5.3.1 Fallures (o Flr11. Csuses and lrmnè<l1a.1~

5.3.42 A•mody. Unloaa and Clear
weapoo. Clear piston JIU1e• alld 1ne
achon procsdure$ IOt follurcs to flre ara as chamber ol Ine pis101
5,3..4.3 C•use. Car1ri0ga di~lortod.
5,3.1.1 Cause. Ammun<tian tallu"' lm•shre~ Remt<ly- Repla"" C<Jttrióge. Remody. Keep th<> piS!ol DOfnled
do~\111 rarigé, afld away trom any Causa. RBOOtl sptl~g weal<eneo o•
objects the firér <Joes not intend 10 !lhOOt dsrna9"ed.
~~ of! P<essure on ll>e cock•ng golp,
-·~ Il ag;.ln to recook the pcoce, Rom.a<IY. Rept- lecoii SQfillCI
s.s.A.T Cauot. Wi~• <Jr l'.><ûk•n maga!lne 6.a.7.5 Cause. Sear lever spono als.en
ft')tl\)V•'q~ ~pr!ng. gallQd.
5.3.4.B Rem<K!y. R'>DlaGe m•gazine 5.3.7 a RomodV E,,q~q<> se• t•ver ~";1110
ronO"Ner spt1ng
s.a.7.7 C11lltt. Fl<lng plo or linng pin,,.. c~ ..." Damaged Q( brok"" tahH!f da1n•9ed o< bfOke.-1
magavoo o• m;ioazlne lfps.
5.3.7 8 Rtmtót. R.>lllMe llnng P'•' <>• ''""Il
5.l.4.10 Remedy. R<Jjllace magaz•ni>. pi" l&fll Mli!

6.3.5 Sl/d~ Fallur• •a R•m•rn Opon Aher Lasl S.3.7 Ji Cau••· fl•"D Of nng nn ll'<l"en c1
Round Fir«I. CiluoOll ano remeOl9s fpr s11e1e !Ulrnaueo
ra11ure to rtlnialn ()pen af ter the last round in a
rnAge.ztne hes been fired are as folfOV.'S. Aemocfy. Aeplaoe 1îng or ring oin. Coose. Woák o• Drokef\ magaz1ne S.3.8 F/r/119 Pin Polls to Sn•p. C~uStl~ and
tot1owt11 sor1ng. r~rrtedlea lor flrlng p~n tnifure to -snap aro aJ;
tollows: Re1nedy. Aeplace magazin»
lollower spring S.S.8.1 Caus•. Brokon trlqger bar. 111<1'1••
teturn ;;iprtng, O• t119ger.
S.J.6.3 Co.,., Br<>~en or oamag•<t s1111e
slop 01 Shde release •P<IJ1'il. 5.3Jl.2 Remedy. Repl•ce trlg!J(lr. IOIJIJH
1e.•ur11 eor•no and1or tögger bar.
5.3..SA Remedy. Reola<:6 oomaged or
llfol<en peri Cause. Brol\1111 or <lama~ ""';kl•19
levt!'f se<tr fevtr-r- °'
5.3.5.S C1use. Magazme loll°'ver loul5d.
5.S.8.• R""19Cly. coc~lng leve• Romedy. Cl~•n followe1 and .eear levef 1 a.od/Of dlSCOf\"ecux
S.3.9. Chl"f/8 ol Bul/el Impact Poinl Gauseo
5.3.6 Slldo F•llurt to Snap FotWard. Ca~se ond romodJos too cnanqe ol ~i.001 lml'&cl CiO\~f
arid 1etT1tMjy •or :Slide tallure to snap torwarcJ ~'• os tolfow~
when cockJnq 1:11Jp 1s 'SQLiet:l'Z.arl ts as
follOW:i 5.3.9,1 Ceuso. Ranr <>t trom sighl mis•
S.:l-.6.1 Csuse, Unhlngoo demaged, Il'
brol<en slldo ro1aas• ttpring. l=lemody. AdluSI rear sights r>r
ternove ancl repldce front si.ght pin anct atl·
S.a.6.2 Ramedy. Ropl•ce sllde release ILrSI or 1eµl ~ce rrom slOhl tses paragraoh
spring. 2.2 ;J •bove)
5.3.7 Flrlng Pin Fallure fo Cock. Cal.IS"" and
rem«ile,c;. fey tlnng pin railure to coçk are a-s
'o"°"~· c.,.... F•""9 pin bloei< spnng Qts-
engag«I. dAmm;oa, Of t>rol<en.
6. Care and Cleanlng
5 :J.7.2 Rlm4ldy. En11aga lir•ng pin bloei<
"'""Y or ntplaee 11 11 damaged or b<ol(en

$.l.7.3 Couse. fwlsted oocking levei ior 6.1 Respontlbihly. Tlle user (fire~ IS resoQfl>
sea1 leYer. s lbfo fot lt1e care, c lean1ng, and condition af
11\e H&K PISIOI P7M13 al • Il times. Defects
5.3.7A Remody. Repiaoe cocking lever or anti n1al fu11cHons arr., reportea to the unil's
sua1 lever. aimoret. or eo1r1111erclal \Yeapons are reru10$1I
to Hl\ fnc_ ror ma1n1ttn.tQGa fn mlltlary ur,ilS. treated afi lotlows:
the armQf'fff" 1s respoo6'•btf;! for- tf!Qldc&rnent or
tep~tr of dolect.v& parts, malnlalnlng ano 3C· U.J.1 SI/do. Toe stla.. ot •he oretol Is°''" " ""'
counlîng tor replncetl"!an' p.:irts in 11.coordance whh a bt11<l1 o• clolh anCI •h•R llgHllY luh•I·
wllh prasor•be<I •llPOIY proceourcs. <lnO fOI'· C31ed wlth 011
ward'•JQ ontt weaoon5 to ttis dtract .suppcwt
unit ror Stty requrract ma.1nteneoce. beVOnd nis 6.3.2 Recef"1 aJ)d Ba11ef. The barrel Is
capahlllhes. lr1 the event ol brea~age, 6eta elMneo by p\llltng a brusn, patellll$, 0< w1c•s
lig ~18 (P.1't 151, Flgure 31 on SIQhl.$ (Items <hrough 11 wt1h the pull·tlirough HK ollelr1 or s
•vallaote only on Hl'>K P7M13 oommerc1aJ U.S. Governmao1 11ormally 1ssued cerci. All
mooelSI w1ll ba •eplacèd by HK. Ine. u11tle. ~05hes, patches, or \'itCka are pulled clean
terms 01 lhe p•s10• s wa;ranty or a1 nomlnal lhrou~ flOOI rhe weap00·s chamb6r lo lt.o
iJOSi- "•'121"- ln11lat eore ctean1ng should ""do-K<
as oocn Mtor firlng as POMlble whll• Ine bar·
6.2 Tool• ond Matarl•la. Cornm01r.l•I tools rol io s till wMm to the touch. Cleaning Wl111
a1~ mil\éditlli' ior the care and ote.anlng of the brusnos. polchos. or Wlcka con11nues untll no
tt&K "•stol PtM13 are shown m Flgu•o 11 d•r1 Is shown on ;, ~lCh vr wiek. Otllfff parts
u.s Cicl\'e"f'lfllSnJ i~ue cio.a.n1ng ma1erfais of the bal18' .a1td fecef'Yef Q•QOP èll6 cf~
eqll~hy ;>l{o acceptabho lor the matn~3/le& or l'lltn brusl>e!l ond cia<ll!I. BoU rh<i l"'51de ,;nd
tt'lfs p!",01 Howevttr1 no metallle objocts; syn- oU""..side of rha barrel t-s I na~-. l•U"-0
l l 1ttllC materlai., •.Q" 11yto11 or Perlon çlotn Cteanlng of the bore ts ntpeated on eaor1vl
;when it1e weapon 111; hoi •roJ'fl hnr1g)~ che{n•C'll three days ~Her lfrlng
&Ol•Dflt6, "~ pe1fo1eoun1 etno;r. or cojd m hot
wa\~ ShOllkS be used cwi: rtt•s weaport Jn addi· f.3.3 Mag1ume. Followlng llOll1"'• use, Olft
1fon to oaplcted in tnfl ~1t el F"1gure and impur1fl0.S are retf\OYIPCI from FJ'le1g;u1ne
17. lhe tollow1•ii malertars also rn~y oe used t111s a11e1 lhe lollowa< w1t11 urusnes •nd c1om 1r
1n lt\a r~re and c;11;ia1,i1Jg of ttr ~&.K Pislof the m•o•2tne ho.s ll een ~1.1b1ecte<l \o SllOd aml
P7Mi:t olher dlrt, 11 Is d isa$Sdi11bl..:I Olld ttiorc>UQnly
c•.-.aned. Followlng all clü•!lmg e>perotlons tllQ
&.2. ! Cloenm11 Rags. Exc;ept i\$ noted IOf Sf'I msga>lne ano •11 lls part$ a•e •1~1ty
tt1e1,c m.ttterla!s atx.we1 dean1ng r11ig:&- ma~ be tubrîcare<I
useo -Gt requh~1
6.4 Tt1orough Ctennlng. Whlle l ila <1ear"" ot
6.2.2 Pflml•um. f)(o"pl as MlBd aDcwc lor louli"9 of 1ha H&K Pl~l~I P7M13 and lho""
pçl•ol"um etitar procf\ICte, petro! 111.ay be 1•111 o! 11s normat ciean1ng cl\<l"'f'<l• on the
used •n lha c.-are •n<J Cl<laning of •llo H&K nornoer c,f rounds f,re<l 1n lhlil Waa!>On Aod the
Pist"' P7M13 as requ1red compound or lhG propet1a1111n used ammunl·
tltlft1 a thorougl\ cteaning of th-a weapon ifi •e-
6~ Gu11 011 or Greaso. Gun olt or grease quired al 1 flj~ula.r 1nte<V$IS of not l e~!i lhar1one.
lttdt is lree ot ch1or•ne Q1ld acids 1nav oo used voor aod/ö• w.ller ·nr1ng 1,000 rolJnds. Such
10 OIAl)n lhe H&K p,51Q1 1'1Mt3. cl"8nlng operollons ""' eonductEd on lhrt
vanous rnaJor assemtJ<l!'S ol llle H&K P•!tot
6.2.~ Chip of Wooa. A ct11p of wood mav oo P7M13 as rntrows:
usfld tn l ho care ~nd cloanlng of thg H~I(
Plstol l'TM t 3 For assemt>ly, dlsassembty, or 6.4.1 S/ido. R1F1se •he •lid~ Of 1he H&K Plorot
rubt>lr19 alt e;orb011 P7M13 m poUoleum and clean I\ thorouyhly
w1th 5. br11sh and ctotns 10 re.move a1I dlf" anq
l>.3 Otdlnary Cl• anlng and L•bftcal lOn. Tl>o> 1mpulfti"3; wtlJ<l 1116 sl•de wllh a dlV CIO\h, aM
H&K PIStol PIM•~ IS cleáned IOllOW!OQ each ughUy tullflcate lt Never u..e ns;o OUl&CIS to
us" by t'1fi user (füe1), For tnts purriose. me olaan the &lld<t as rhey rm" oosltoy ils hnlsll.
pb101 Is dlsassemblnd •• la1 ~s 11 ls neoos· rhe flclng pilt block sprlng <1o•mally Is not
sary Il> clean all fouled perll' Dl~s.semb4y. ternoved irom the lirlno pin blt>e11 as lts •pr1ng
- -· OO<IN!lly tS ""1 tt>Quired ~nd the ooutd be !lamaj)ed or dlSIO! •ed Wheii lh!ó fü.
lnree main Q'OW6 nl rhe weapoo. The ing pen OIOCk and '"' Sl'lf•flQ äJe bamg Cle;ine(f
of the \Y&a,POO-s d1$8$$embfY neverlhP.tess w1t1 wlth a brusll, care stioold ba exercr54;Cl !o pre
oef")nd on l lle n•mber ot rovnds llrod anct tno ve~1 brtst1cs trom bec:omlng >;\Uck 10 the fütnn
compound ol the propollan\ în 1110 ammunltlou pln blóck as l hey may cause tMei;e par•s 10
lJSed durlrt{) Oring. In rou1ire ciesrif,-,g opera srlcl< dunog llrlng. Il ra oot 11ecessart 10 dis
!io1.s the var•oos Pa.ris of ttle PttCOI a1e ass"fflblo the piston assembly 10 clean 1\. Tho
Figure 17. Cl1YJnlng ~Il, H&K PIS/Of P7M13.

1 Sro,8go Case
2 Oilar
3 CJealllfl{J bwsl>
4 Oil btlnh
5 Clean1ng brush
6 Pül/./nrough chaln
7 C1eaning w1~h

piston may tlfl uiorougnly çleaned wllh a c1ot11 llrlng l)•n retalne1 and de1och 1he firing prn
and llghtly lut>rleated. Never use sharp edges
to clean the Iron! secllon of t he piston as
•~sembly !rom lho sllde. rr",
rirlng pin •••
aembly os washed In pelrolellm, dl'ied, llgntty
lheY may damage lt. Pow<ler resklot bel~ luhncated •f)(l reassembletl
piston rlngs SIK>uldbe al'°"-""I to'-'" as Il
doos not a11ec1 operallon of the weapon s1nce fJ.,d.2 Barrol and Receft"et. Th1:1 pist0t1 r;yllndcr
thè pislon Is self-cleanlng cluring l lrlrig. Firing is c1eaned In a simita1 rne.nner to l tn~. barrel
pin assen\t)lies1 however, are disassernbted us1r•g a bras& btvsri, The brush is .screwtXJ up
duNt.g thorough deaning operatjons For thfs arl<I down lh(} •11$ide walls of lhe cyllri<ler prior
01sasseml)I~. the 1numb 1s used 10 rotate th8 IO betng soal\e<l. Aft€! b<\.ISNno,. tao lhP

r"""'"" t"me 1•111 óowh seve<&I fl!TMS en a dlecked to eosum tnnt a tree space rttr1"ah1s
1101 S\Jrface to remcwe Ina cartx>n ''°'" 1osid6
1h• ay1; Other mc•iflll pa11s of 1he
10 ttWJ magazine beloN t.ho IBiiit d\lmmy Cdt·
tr1~. dl"ld 1n!;Df'ted lnto tht! ,-~l~Q to 1tnsura
'f:ii.;Qiver groop llfè 11oaked in petrotttum, drfed, tna1 loodlng and ''1smtfon oper.iiions lal<-fj
and ligl1tly ollod. lho barrel also lti c l ~Bne<I plat'• In c1 trouole tree nusnrier wlth the
Wil h brusn..~. palc;hes. aod/or Wiei(s !IOal<lld m maQQtme belAg fully rm~1ned by ils calr.11
n11. D1trlnq borrel ol8'lnln!j, the flutee <>f t~e
c.nai"llbef it.'e c.:aaned wilt! a br:ise brush ",.cj 7.2.3 T/lltd Step. Pull me "11dé " " !r>t> v.•v
O!L Alter 1no b.mGI and cha.mbef lla"' beoo bftctli .eoY'eraJ times lmtlng fl snap forwato
c~aned. 01tect \Vtck.8 Of pa1che5 are ,.,,.&1ted 03'1• llm• lo ensure U>el Ounimv <:allndgea
1!1rol>Qfl ine 1>3""1 trom lh~ ol\amber to lts ate tl'ld lnlo ltli> Ol\iltnne<. B1'1raeted and
n1uzzl• to llgri•I~ lubrfca\e Ine bc"e Ourslde e1enlml In a trou~e fr~ manner. To determ1n"
sur1ace'1 of the barrel also arQ hghll]' Wtilith~r ()r tlOI \h~ -sllde Is retaif!OO In 1l.s 100.J
lubrlcated. Follnwlng initlsl c laanlng. 1no bar· rriolhon, \ hese OSJ<'r•llO•lb ara repeafed unlil
191 •nd cnarnt»<1 ""'clGafletl lm 1n. n•xt tNee ll1e til}S1 dumrn~ •ounct ha1s beer' loadecf lnro
days allM 11r1no by p1111111~ a brusn. wlc~s. or 'ho enomber, ~'tlr;lMr-d tl'H:lrefro1r1 1 af'rl
pa1cn"" trom \he Cll•mber to !"" mi.IZZle unlil OJ(!Cfl<l.
ll'<'v $1lo\v oo d1<t. The hor.; •'1<1 ctl•"1tler are
•1ohll)' <>llóá ~fter eacn ctea1"11g openitt"" 7.2.4 Fourlh Sfep. PrM• 1'1e coc~mg 9"~ to
the ;fich; snefw forwaro rreely IM1>
t>n&ltJP lt>al
6.4.3 M~gazlno. itie ma.g;ulne snou1<J be lis moa' fotWarn gosl11on.
dlSils!!€11\UfeO w11 h care as l>'.mr1111g of !he
ma_Qé:lni! tollower s'>t4ng (Pari 65., Fl_QU!A J) 7.2.5 Fllth Sl• I'· Use guuges 9224 L2·t.5
..oul(I cause tallu1e lo laed-proolems ov lflquro 1B) os follows:
••rylnp. lf\e te"•lon m tl\al sc1ln!) 11• com
JM"•N?Ot ootjs n1e. ~:i.hied 1n peuoteum: •tl 7 .l.5.1 Fh•I Gaugfng OperaliOfL 0$A
fs re<rlOYOO e'pecf•lii hom foo lnterlo- of f"" gauge 922~ L.:> to ct1<!cl< the luncilMlr'!J ol
onaqazine's llps; llHI parls ""' drl~ h~hlly the Ofscon11ec1or. Tlil$ 15 cl<ooo hl' ms...unu
lubrlc'3l<!d, and l'!>d~$emlll ed. toa g<UJge Info the oanel w1t1> lta clAmplng
l1<Ver releasect. Oepress the plstol onto ,,...
gauge unlll lh• muzzte touches n• npacc
plala. While keeplng \ho plstol depeS~ed
on lht! gaug<l, llgnien 1ne çt9mo1ll!l •over Cl!
ttio ga~-e and •etnove Ine gauge s ~pil.'4
,-..~1e Th•-s reta1n5 the slk:Je in ast ghll'i
unf-e:t po$tfl00 whete e pmperly lun<>
7. lnspectlons tlOOlng dîscooneetot wlll have pressed tha
trlgger bar out of t)'ie way of the- senr lo\lel
10 prohlbll fîrlng pin r11ove111em-a poalllve
ooloty feature 1f 0 o•uge is nol •vallnblt,
7.1 Wtien lnspectlone ••• ronducted •11~1 ao lht& operanon also mav b« conduded L>y
•hofoug1 ct...,n•ng opera110ns °'
ropalrs pla<:mg tlie 81'()9 Of\ the edge ol a WOá
bench or lable and PIJs/llog slighlly down
72 tlow. Upon compteUon of weapon on the sllde to a<:h<a"" toe samc el!oct e•
assembly, the t l&K F>istol f'"/M t3 Is lhopected wl1~ a gauge Squ...,.. 1h;o cocl<1og grip
'" Ine followlriO SIAps. ano p1•ll \he t rigger 11 lhe fiiillQ pin anaP'
forward. trie dlscC'lnneeto1 15 broke,1 or 11
7.2.1 First Sltp. The slidé 1~ pullad 10 !Me"''" Il•• baan assemb1ed 1rnproperly
••1'Pp9d lorw••d and ll>e trigge1 Is puJlad to
Cl'OC' 111<> """'1lll hmct1<>n1ng of 1110 weapoo Second Gouglng Operolion. lnspac
tlon of the safety ancJ IN! iîring pl~ f10rtt
72.2 Secoml Siep. Tne magazine catch Is dîs. ond rear p10Utt•lons il1" me<lF. w1ttt gauqe
• rlll•!ied and I~~ magazine 1s aJfoweo to fall 0224 LJ in tlle lotlo.vl119 menner:
t"'8 of the reçelver Il Is checKod vl~uallv to
ensufe tha1 I~ Is lr1 serv1oea111a condition and 7.2.5,2.1 Step OrHI. UoscreV/ the lighl 11rip
\hal Il!> llps •1'6 1101 bent. The magaune loek• hom lno recetve1
ino pta1e Is cneckèd to ênsure th•I Il Is !ully
enQdged. The magaz:1tie than ls l<>aded \O HS Step 7wo. Pull lhe si~ 10 lh1t
full caáacltv ~vUtt fhirteen f13• dummy rounds. rea1 w1tn °"" hand while clepressmg lhe
F/g11re 18. Gaugfng Equlpmenl

; l-


~ '
• 2.1

• Cî
4 ------H-

ltom Doslgnallon Drowlng No. ldenL No,

lnspoction gav~ lor disconr)flCtor functron 9224 L 2 323 779
Inspeel/on gauge lor flnng pin prot1usion
~1h gauge lor L3
9224 L3 323 772
3 lns(*'tion gauge lot trîggér pul/ !1224 L 4 323 782
4 Col/Ore plug gauge 922• L 5 324 242

dlsassombly bu11on wlth the other 10 dts· o.nd press down on the plstol until the
engage tha slicle aod remove the right grip. flrlng pin relalner can be Cfeprossed no
furthe< (Floure 19). Stop Th1H. Take up tne normal
slack dlstance ol the trlgger. Wilh the tr!Q- Step Four. Wilh tl>e plstOI con
ger stack held. ptaco the ptstol so 1t>al lts tinutng to tto Mld In the J>0$1lion ooscr!Dod
munle Is pointed In 11>0 air. Wlth IM In Step Thrl!ll, tnsert the depth gauge Po"
v.•eapon and lts parts $tlll remainlng In tlor1 or gauge 9224 l3 lnto me barrel and
lt'9so pasltlons. ptaco 1he firlng pin ,._ push lt down as lar as 11 wlll go wl1hou1
tatnei on tlle 9224 1..3 Jnspecting oaU<Je the appticat1on of force. rne centrally
IOCd!bd '"°'31l11' """'sortog peg Of the fOfmt:teJ 10 a ltoubte tf\!!e mt.nner Wllh tt\Q
gauge "'" .t bO! """" W!lll lhd telWe• surfacë. magazine tlcl"!) lully n.taonro tJy lts Cll!C~
ui in.; ene! ot th" depth s~U!l• 1Fl91J'e 20)
Il tt"i; IS''°'the case. th& rlnu may be
r lotaclive, allowtng the l inng pin 10 or<:i-
& l .Z Step 1wo. Pull tno slide ol the H~K
Pr!itot P7M1 3 all tPe Wüy tiack -SoveraJ t1m1aS.
tHJct.e 1no fat i•l hnu Il snap forw•nl eech 11me Thi6 •s dooe
to tnsure t.hat dummy c«irrridges afa led jrt\t'I
7.2.~.2.S Step Fi""- Applt ~ressufi< to •ne ""' <i1•rnbef, oxtracted, snu eJac1"'1 ln a
cocklng gnp w•t~ 1he •IQ111 tnumD and tro~e l(t'e lî\An(lef ThtlSe ot'EratJons 3'rt1 ,,"
agaul5t tilt; 1Jl1199r wim <he 1af1 tnumb PQ11ti!d unti• tl>e last clommv round has t>eeri
Th-s """"Sll!i tlle llrlng p10 <o 11'°"6 to 110 ioaoetl 1nlo the cf\arnber eo<l<!l<lled, aritt
Forwaru IJ05HIOn. l'tlsti dow.1 on t~e deplh nJoctl<d to oe!emunu wh•lt>er or oot th" alicle
!l:i\IQB wltho~ll tne appllcat1on ot u11due ,~ t~ f 4'.lned 1n its ro31 paalllQC!1
'"'"'"·The cool•ally rooatoo movebte
meas-ur1ou •"8Q of the Geplf1 QAIJgo must B.1.3 Stop Tllrec.. 015Pnl)Dge <hg magozlnc
tl!! DOSitlOt'>atJ lJefwooo lt>e uppeJ •ntl catcl• ot 11>• H&K P1s101 P7MIJ lo ~~•ur• tha
'ow9< ""'•"ulfng lel/els ol che gauge 11 1h1< ,,.,,,, tndgU.ra tlf'OP~ •(fit!( 'V CUI ot the l~!YA'
15. q<J1 IDe ·:cot"~. 1nspec:t ll'ld' flfillO pin
3=ir11'\g Por ~vfoo.ub11fty. IT f~ lS ~1ceabte1 f.1.A Siep Four. ~the 01111 to ensur" mat
the ttfi"!l p1n most ll~lr •~ ,,;orn Flepla<:• tn~ Sl•<Je snaps lo1wdrd Jroolt io!Q lts moel
lt or the ll11nu Ql11 ooring 8" epouc•bla rortNatd nasitloo.

7.2..5.3 THlrd Qauglng Opor.Ooos. Gauge a.1.s Step FIVe. Ftf+~S

In 1tiadisas.serr1blV 1".,
92.2il1 LA Is u~tt(I to rrt:ea.sura triotJ!Jf pufl. lts lr)!! a 1•d pull back lhb SllUH i:tU toe M~!
tlPJ)ef a1m us PIJoed 0-.01 th11: tn~, w•111e oe=t:-1criln,g 11 ffom tM ~vet. ~aJtar.11 1•-e
the muzz•tt ot tN pistol tS 4>f•lnfod 1n the- ~IJd.e and :o;iftOMri
;!!' The oocklng 9'~ ls ~ e1n..1
wei.,gt'!J6 Uiflft are added t6 lh& Q&IJ-ge untH B.t.5 StepSll<, Pu11 r:iaeK the coo~,"~ •.Pii "..,
i=uttlc;lent w~1ghr has be-En opi11tud 10 the l~öl< to sce 1f the 11rlnfi1 pin ptorruaes beyorifJ
1rtggo1 10 •llttMlse 1'1e wai1p<>n's litlng pin. lf l ~o 1031ui 1ho slldo Sllgt1t1y toosefl m~ ®Ok
moce lh»n 2,9 ~llograrns oi Wttl!Jt11 are re IOfJ grip about 3-4n-1A'1 and onsure tnal t>it
~b1r6d to relei.tse \ha f1rîng p1t\1 1n" flring c=oo",1no •arch engage" fhi; (1(1C"lr.g IEVar tJy
pln &t;A1 '-'"Bi'
mav be burf&d c1 ben! 1t see1n; t~I ltle tfr,OQ pin ttt41l prcrrt•IJ"W o t~·H·
1ess tna.o 1 ~ kllcJwrams 01 W'f!l!,gtl• are re. u fi' ot the stide
l!Mif!!d. replac~ 111<; lrigger •PMO
8.1.7 Siep Sé••n. Rmcaae the ooc~1ng gnp "" Fourth Gauglng Operallon. Gauge the way and fOOI\ ,.., S&A th a.t the flr1ng ptn has
(JZ'J L5 1!1 tJsed to <.taleITTlino lh"j.•OOr of dis"1ppeared into Jl5 'tlde rece$$,
l~e Î)Sl'l'AI lt the bore 16 11ot wl\1110 Govem-
n1l.itnl preseflbeo ltrntts for 9mm \V1;1iipons, 8. 7.8 Stop EighL SQuee1e lh" cooking g1lp
tl\e ~a1 rat cl tl!e p1s1.01 ll'uGt o~ replaced •nd pull tne trlg!Jör to ""sure 111a1 tnB flrone
pin snaps torwartl

B. Operational Testlng
9. Barrel Replacement

8 1 Staps. O!>oret10ns1 tesllng ol me H&K

Pi.tol P7M13 1$ COnducleO as fOllOWS: il~ffOI• or H&K Pi3lolS f>7M 13 may tl!! r~
plaoed by direct suppor1 rna1nte11anco unllb
a.1.1 Step Ooo. lo•d tho mag•zlno lo il• iUll o r 0\1 HK'., Ine In ll•e case o f c0'1'n1tirc1al
c•paclly wlth 1f\1r1een ( 131 oummy rounds, io- mo<tors. To disassa1TtU.e tr>e ba<rel trom U•e
scrf •t înto the rec~ver. and ensure tt\.;,l mcelve1, U>e stioe stop/aJ!!Conqector p•n (Part
Ml?.dtno atld '~fOn DOefattor\S are om-· 59 F11111re 3) IS drlttea out and tlle ban.,. I~

Flgure 19. Jnspectlon of firlng pin roar protrus/on.

Figure 20. lnspection of flrlng pin fronr protrus/on.

remove:i bv i:trh'lny wl IN! oorr~ woth ••OOlto!'< c:omiecto• tf) hou ot a Vice .a blor~ 01
Ol!l S>ivaged CGIO•I ""~ a t>omlllf'r To place a wOOd and 6 lla~ m.iy bf U5ed to <>ttVt 1~
(tQW barrnt on it-te reci:iiler, ahg11 tfie r·otcfl ;n b&r,el 1nto J)face so tt1.Qf lt\e. stros s:op1dlsoort-
l h" b•"e1 w1111 tha extractor notch m the nc:ctor ritn t'11)1e In bot" the bfitrt;I ~n-.:;i tCICOiver
receiv'er. p1..iÇ0 1 h~ p i!tOI 111 a vlSQ w lth 11s arPi ellqned. 1 he 1nsertlon r.>J the .::s11oe ~nop/
pans prornctoo by otolh (Figure 211, pres~ the CO'!>rJOl'lfJ.tir.Jof pm 8U!Ofnath:ally S.6l$ th& rö-
barre• \t1to place .so that lt'\6' -::-lldt1 stopldrsc<>n· QUlfOd headsµac• fçor rh<> ba"el as weil a•
nc!C!o< pin ~OIQ ln bo\/1 the b&rr•I anó rececv91 ~11g1111'0 the extfactor wlln 1flA. sum
are 3''!loed al'd 111""'1 1"6 slid6 Sl<>Pld••·

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