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0 Things they did that made the cell system successful

1. Setting goals and having faith to believe
At the beginning of the ministry, God taught his servant Pastor David Yonggi Cho
how to set goals and believe him for their manifestation. So, the first year he asked
God for members and got 150 members, the second year he asked God for 300
members, and he got 300 members and it continued that way every year
2. Prayers
Pastor David Cho made prayer his lifestyle always asking God for anything especially
strategies to make the church grow. And it’s through their consecration that gave
him and all the leaders that spiritual enablement to carry out the assignment that
God entrusted into their hands.
3. Division of the city to leaders
Dr David Yonggi Cho shared the city among the leaders, and everyone worked
tirelessly to make the vision successful and by God’s grace, they saw massive results
from all zones.
4. Carries evangelism through the home cell groups
Evangelism was done through a cell group system. Each cell group becomes the
nucleus of revival in its neighbourhood because of how lively the cells meeting were
they became a magnet in their neighbourhoods. When the home cell is full of life
and when people are happy and sharing their faith and witnessing to what the hand
has done in their lives, other people are drawn to them
5. Intentionally looking for people in trouble
Through this strategy many people were won by cell members by God’s grace. There
were a lot of people battling with something one way or the other and through this a
lot were rescued for Jesus.
6. Cell leaders are tasked to oversee the spiritual growth of the members and
encourage them in fellowship and evangelism.
Pastor David tasked every member and cell leaders to help their members to grow
spiritually and fire them up to be fruitful in God’s vineyard, help them to make soul
winning a priority and they did as they were told.
7. The pastor must commit his energy and leadership to laying the groundwork
a. Training leaders and motivating them to reach goals that have been established for each
cell group
b. Continue to have active relationships with the cell leaders
8. Reporting to the Pastor regularly.
Cell leaders are mandated to report on the happenings in their cell regularly
9. Selecting the right lay leaders.
Qualities of a right cell leader
a. Enthusiasm
b. Testimony
c. Dedication
d. Spirit-filled
e. Time and money
10. The meetings are required to be evangelistic. The lessons and the testimonies should
lead newcomers to the person of Jesus Christ
11. Dreaming; you are going to grow as big as your dream
12. Speak the vision to yourself and the members.

Things that when we do them the home cells will not be successful
1. Building cell or church around one person
2. Lack of Discipline
3. Lack of training
4. Failure to give directions to the cell groups regularly by the Senior pastor
9.0 Things we can adapt in our context
1. Setting goals and having faith to believe.

I believe that God taught his servant Dr David to set goals and believe in God for
manifestation that is the same way God’s servant should give every cell leader a target and
admonish them to deliver.

2. Prayer
Prayer was the key that made the cell groups very successful. So, if we adapt, it will help us
too. It was through continuous prayer that they could overcome any complications and
challenges that were deployed by the devil to impede the growth of the cells. Through
prayer, God gave Dr David strategies to share with the leaders and as they implemented it,
they saw God, increasing them yearly. This point can be adapted in our context.
3. Division of Kumasi city to leaders of TLS.
Since our catchment areas are the universities where youth are dominant, we should divide
available leaders to take charge of those universities to achieve the goals given to us by God
through his servants.
4. Evangelism us be carried through our cell groups.
For us to achieve effective evangelism we must carry it through the cells without doubt it
will give every member of a cell the burden to deliver their portion of the target of the
commission but if we evangelize together the effectiveness will be minimal.
5. Intentionally looking for people in trouble.
Since we are in a student setting and one problem that is common among students is CWA,
we should try and find people battling with their academic’s and find ways and means to
help them and with this approach may win for Christ.
6. Cell leaders must be tasked to oversee the spiritual growth of their members and encourage
them in fellowship and evangelism. This one can be adapted in our context, our cell leaders
must be mandated to raise and empower their cell members to develop passion and zeal for
the things of God.
7. Training leaders and motivating them to meet their goals that have been established for cell
In our context, leaders must train to know what to do in other to bring results.
8. Reporting to the Pastor regularly. Cell leaders are mandated to report regularly to their
leaders, so they have information about what is going on at the time.
9. Right leaders must be selected leaders who hold the values of TLS in high esteem. Leaders
who are enthusiastic, dedicated, spirit-filled and a leader who have time.

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