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List of Project in ADP 2022-23

Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)

Prime Minister's Office
Prime Minister's Office
0301-1113 Special Shelter Project in Khurushkul LyiykK‚j we‡kl AvkÖvqb cÖKí 60,000.00
0301-5822 Development Assistance for Development of Special we‡kl GjvKvi Rb¨ Dbœqb mnvqZv (cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg e¨ZxZ) 10,000.00
Areas (Except Chittagong Hill Tracts)
Asrayan Projects Implementation Agency
0331-5000 Ashrayan-3 (Development of Shelter House for Total AvkÖqb-3 (†bvqvLvjx †Rjvi nvwZqv Dc‡Rjvaxb PiCk¦i 1.00
01 Lac Forcibly Displaced Myanmer Nationals and BDwbqb¯’ fvmvbP‡i ejc~e©K ev¯‘Pz¨Ë gvbvqbgv‡ii 01 j¶
Necessary Island Security Infructure at Bhasan Char bvMwi‡Ki Avevmb Ges Øx‡ci wbivcËvi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq
in Char Isshor Union, Hatia, Noakhali) AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY)
0331-6530 Asrayan Project - 2. AvkªvqY-2 118,999.00
Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority (BEZA)
0305-1111 BEPZA Economic Zone, Mirsarai ( 1st Phase) ‡ecRv A_©‰bwZK AÂj, gximivB (1g ch©vq) 40,000.00
0305-1113 Basic Infrastructure Development for Japanese bvivqbM‡Äi AvovBnvRv‡i RvcvbxR A_©‰bwZK A‡ji Rb¨ 130,719.00
Economic Zone (JEZ) at Araihazar (Narayanganj) AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb
under Foreign Direct Investment Promotion Project
(FDIPP) in Bangladesh
0305-1114 Establishment of Indian Economic Zone in Mirsarai wgimivB‡q fviZxq A_©‰bwZK AÂj ¯n'vcb 11,365.00
0305-1115 Establishment of WTP and DTW at Bangabandhu e½eÜz †kL gywRe wkí bMi-G cvwb †kvabvMvi I Mfxi bjK~c 15,000.00
Sheikh Mujib Shilpanagar ¯'nvcb
0305-1117 Establishment of water treatment plant and milk pipe e½eÜz †kL gywRe wkíbMi (weGmGgGmGb) Dbœqb cÖKí 18,387.00
at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Industrial City
0305-5001 Acquisition of Land for Establishment of Economic A_©‰bwZK AÂj ¯'nvc‡bi wbwgË f~'wg AwaMÖnY (AvovBnvRvi, 77,792.00
Zones (Araihazar, Narayangonj and Mirsarai bvivqYMÄ I gximivB, PÆMÖvg A_©‰bwZK AÂj|
Economic Zone).
National Skills Development Authority(NSDA)
0305-1118 National Skills Development Authority. RvZxq `ÿZv Dbœqb KZ…©cÿ| 1,640.00

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Cabinet Division
Ministry's Own
0401-1111 Platforms for Dialogue-Strengthening Inclusion and cø¨vUdg© di WvqvjM †÷ªs‡`wbs BbK¬zmb GÛ cvwU©wm‡ckb Bb 804.00
Participation in Decision Making and Accountability wWwmkb †gwKs GÛ A¨vKvD‡›UwewjwU †gKvwbRgm Bb
Mechanisms in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k (10401-223014100)
0401-1114 Support to the Central Management Committee's mv‡cvU© Uz w` †m›Uªvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U KwgwUÕm cwjwm MvB‡WÝ Ab 197.00
(CMC) Policy Guidance on Child Component of the PvBì K‡¤cv‡b›U Ae w` GbGmGmGm
0401-1115 Technical Assistance for promoting Nutrition cÖ‡gvwUs wbDwUªkb †mbwmwUf †m¨vmvj wmwKDwiwU †cÖvMÖvgm 150.00
Sensitive Social Security Programmes (PNSSSP) (wcGbGmGmGmwc)
0401-1118 Technical Support for CRVS System Improvement in ‡UKwbK¨vj mv‡cvU© di wmAviwfGm wm‡÷g Bgcªyf‡g›U Bb 136.00
Bangladesh (Phase-4). evsjv‡`k (†dBR-4)|
0401-5015 Social Security Policy Support Programme (SSPS) ‡mvm¨vj wmwKDwiwU cwjwm mv‡cvU© †cÖvMÖvg (GmGmwcGm)| 581.00

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Bangladesh Election Commission Secretariat
Ministry's Own
0601-1111 Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) In Order to Apply wbe©vPb e¨e¯’vq Z_¨ cÖhyw³ cÖ‡qv‡Mi j‡ÿ¨ B‡jKUªwbK †fvwUs 28,199.00
ICT in Election System †gwkb (BwfGg)
0601-1112 Strengthening and Capacity Development of Electionwbe©vPb Kwgkb mwPevj‡qi mÿgZv e„w× I kw³kvjxKiY 1.00
Commission Secretariat
0601-1113 Identification System for Enhancing Access to AvB‡Ww›Uwd‡Kkb wm‡÷g di Gb‡nwÝs GK‡mm Uz mvwf©‡mm 46,700.00
Services (IDES) Project (Phase II) (AvBwWBG) cÖKí (2q ch©vq)

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Public Administration
Ministry's Own
0701-1113 Construction of Kustia Circuit House Building Kzwóqv mvwK©U nvD‡Ri feb wbg©vY 2,542.00
0701-1114 Construction of Divisional Commissioner's New Lyjbv wefvMxq Kwgkbv‡ii bZzb feb I AwWUwiqvg wbg©vY 3,950.00
Office Building and Auditorium, Khulna
0701-1115 Extension of Sorkari Karmochari Haspatal into 500 miKvix Kg©Pvix nvmcvZvj‡K 500 kh¨vwewkó nvmcvZv‡j 10,000.00
Bed Hospital DbœxZKiY
0701-1116 Construction of Training Centre cum Dormitory weqvg dvD‡Ûkb-Gi AvIZvq cÖwkÿY †K›`ª Kvg WiwgUix 2,000.00
Bhaban at BIAM Foundation feb wbg©vY
0701-1117 Lift Addition Project at 33 Circuit Houses of evsjv‡`‡ki 33wU mvwK©U nvDR I †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki Kvh©vjq, 3,998.00
Bangladesh and Deputy Commissioner's Office, VvKziMvuI G wjdU ms‡hvRb cÖKí
0701-1118 Construction of New Circuit House at Rangpur iscyi †Rjvq bZzb mvwK©U nvDR wbg©vY 1,000.00
0701-1119 Establishment of National Academy for DevelopmentRvZxq Dbœqb cÖkvmb GKv‡Wgx cÖwZôv (2q ms‡kvwaZ)| 5,000.00
Administration (2nd Revised)
0701-5004 Strengthening Government Through Capacity wewmGm K¨vWvi Kg©KZ©v‡`i m¶gZv e„w×i gva¨‡g miKvi‡K 6,569.00
Development of The BCS Cadre Officials (phase-2) kw³kvjxKiY (2q ch©vq)
0701-5005 Construction of Administrative Convention Centre in Lyjbv kn‡i GWwgwb‡÷ªwUf Kb‡fbkb †m›Uvi wbg©vY 5,000.00
Khulna City (10701-224215100)
0705-1111 Installation of the latest automatic perfecting printing we.wR †cÖ‡mi g~`ªYKvh© m¤cv`bv‡_© ¯^qswµq Gbwµ‡ÞW 51.00
machine, the latest stitching machine, the latest wWwRUvj gy`ªY hšÎ ¯’vcb (1g ms‡kvwaZ)
cutting machine for printing purposes of B.G. Press (10701-224189800)
(1st Revised)
0705-5002 Enhancement of Training Capacity of BPATC wewcGwUwmÕi cÖwk¶Y m¶gZv e„yw×KiY 20,000.00
Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Academy (BCSAA)
0707-1111 Survey Project for Establishment of Extended XvKv ‡Rjvi ‡KivYxMÄ Dc‡Rjvq gyMviP‡i wewmGm c&ikvmb 32.00
Campus of BCS Administration Academy at GKv‡Wwgi mgc&imvwiZ K¨v¤úvm ¯’vc‡Yi mgxÿv c&iKí|
Mugarchar in Keraniganj Upazila of Dhaka District.
0707-5000 Capacity Building of Bangladesh civil Service wewmGm cÖkvmb GKv‡Wwgi mÿgZv e„w×KiY 411.00
Administration Academy.
Bangladesh Institute of Administration and Management
0705-1113 Strengthening Institutional Capacity of BIAM for ‡Kvi †Kvm©mg~n cwiPvjbvi †ÿ‡Î weqvg-Gi cÖvwZôvwbK 2,470.00
Conducting Core Courses mÿgZv e„w×

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Bangladesh Public Service Commission
Public Service Commission
0801-1111 Establishment of 7 Regional Offices of the BPSC evsjv‡`k miKvix Kg© Kwgkb mwPevj‡qi 7wU AvÂwjK 3,600.00
Secretariat including its Strengthening Kvh©vjq cÖwZôvmn mÿgZv e„w×KiY

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Finance Division
Ministry's Own
0901-1111 Supporting Technical Education and Skill mv‡cvwUs U¨vKwbK¨vj GWz‡Kkb GÛ w¯‹j †W‡fjc‡g›U 1.00
Development Facility (STESDF) d¨vmvwjwU (GmwUBGmwWGd)
0901-5014 Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP) w¯‹jm di Bgc­q‡g›U Bb‡f÷‡g›U †cÖvMªvg (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| 63,648.00
(1st Revised)
Autonomous Bodies and Other Institutions
0905-5000 Investment promotion and Financing Facility-2 Bb‡f÷‡g›U cÖ‡gvkb GÛ dvBb¨vwÝs d¨vwmwjwU-2 1,010.00
(IPFF-2) (AvBwcGdGd-2)

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Internal Resources Division (IRD)
Ministry's Own
1101-1113 Construction of Khulna tax building Lyjbv Ki feb wbg©vY 5,176.00
National Board of Revenue
1103-1111 Construction of LC Station at Hili, Burimari & wnwj, eywogvwi I evsjvevÜv Gjwm †÷kb wbg©vY 2,540.00
1103-5001 Bond Management Automation Project (BMAP) eÛ e¨e¯’vcbv ¯^qswµqKiY 7,087.00
1103-5002 Bangladesh Regional Connectivity Project 1: evsjv‡`k AÂwjK †hvMv‡hvM cÖKí-1t b¨vkbvj wm‡½j DB‡Ûv 21,500.00
National Single Window Implementation and Ges Kv÷gm AvaywbKvqb †Rvi`viKiY
Strengthening Customs Modernization.

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Financial Institution Division
Bangladesh Bank
1205-1114 Program to Support Safety Retrofits and evsjv‡`‡ki ˆZix †cvkvK Lv‡Zi wbivcËvRwbZ ms¯‹vi I 2,266.00
Environment Upgrades in the Bangladeshi Ready cwi‡ekMZ Dbœqb cÖKí (11201-223032200)
Garments (RMG) Sector Project
Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB)
1205-0002 Construction of 40 Storied ICB Building with 4 4-‡eR‡g›Umn 40 Zjv wewkó AvBwmwe feb wbg©vY 4,598.00
Insurance Development and Regularity Authority
1205-1111 Development Insurance Sector of Bangladesh evsjv‡`‡ki exgv LvZ Dbœqb (11201-224223900) 34,176.00

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Economic Relations Division (ERD)
Ministry's Own
1301-1111 Support to Bangladesh's Smooth and Sustainable mv‡cvU© Uz evsjv‡`k ¯§y_ GÛ mvm‡UB‡bej MÖvRy‡qkb d«g 1,781.00
Graduation From LDC Status GjwWwm ֬vUvm
1301-1113 Strengthening Capacity of ERD Officials ‡÷ªs‡`wbs K¨vcvwmwU Ae BAviwW Awdwmqvjm 243.00
1301-1114 World Bank-assisted Central Coordination Unit of thewek¦e¨vsK mvnvh¨cyó †m›Uªvj ‡Kv-AwW©‡bkb BDwbU Ae `¨v 515.00
Private Investment and Digital Entrepreneurship cÖvB‡fU Bb‡fó‡g›U G¨vÛ wWwRUvj Bw›UªwcÖbvikxc (wmwmBD
1301-1115 Knowledge for Development Management (K4DM) b‡jR di †W‡fjc‡g›U g¨v‡bR‡g›U †K4wWGg) †dR-2 1,109.00
1301-5151 Japan Human Resources Development Programme Rvcvb wnDg¨vb wi‡mv‡m©m †W‡fjc‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg (†RwWm)| 3,321.00

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Planning Division
Ministry's Own
1401-1111 Special Research Program for the Government of evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii Rb¨ we‡kl M‡elYv Kvh©µg 600.00
1401-1114 National Resilience Programme (Programming b¨vkbvj †iwRwj‡qÝ †cÖvMÖvg (†cÖvMÖvwgs wWwfkb cvU©) 91.00
Division Part)
1401-1115 Strengthening the capacity of officers and staffs of cwiKíbv wefvM/Kwgk‡bi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i Kg©`ÿZv e 1,200.00
Planning Division/Commission „w×KiY
1401-1116 Masters Programme in Bangladesh Institute of evsjv‡`k Dbœqb M‡elYv cÖwZôvb (weAvBwWGm)-Gi gv÷vm© 154.00
Development Studies Kvh©µg
1401-1117 Preparation and Monitoring of Medium Term ‡UKmB Dbœqb Afxó I iƒcKí-2041 ev¯Íevq‡b ga¨‡gqv`x 418.00
Development Plans (8th Five Year Plan) to Dbœqb cwiKíbv (Aóg cÂevwl©K cwiKíbv) cÖYqb I
Implement SDGs and Vision-2041 cwiexÿY
1401-1121 Demonstration of Bangladesh Development evsjv‡`‡ki Dbœqb Kg©Kv‡Ûi cÖ`k©b (2q ch©vq) 918.00
Activities (Phase II)
1401-5005 Enhanceability of NEC-ECNEC and Co-ordination wWwRUvj WvUv‡eR wm‡÷g I AvK©vBf cÖwZôvi gva¨‡g 215.00
wing by establishing digital database system and GbBwm-GK‡bK I mgš^q Abywefv‡Mi m¶gZv e„w×KiY|
1401-5012 Strengthening Development Budget Management Kvh©µg wefv‡M GKwU bZzb wWwRUvj WvUv‡eR wm‡÷g ¯’vc‡bi 631.00
System by Setting up a New Digital database systemgva¨‡g Dbœqb ev‡RU e¨e¯’vcbv c×wZ kw³kvjxKiY
in the Programming Division
1401-5022 Strengthening Public Investment Management ‡÷«s‡`wbs cvewjK Bb‡f÷‡g›U g¨v‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g cÖKí| 585.00
System (SPIMS).
1401-5024 Urban Resilience Project (URP): Project Avievb wiwRwj‡qÝ cÖ‡R± t cÖ‡R± †Kv-AwW©‡bkb GÛ gwbUwis 647.00
Coordination and Monitoring Unit (PCMU) Part BDwbU (BDAviwcwmGgBD) cvU©
1401-5090 Special Purpose Development Assistance. we‡kl cÖ‡qvR‡b Dbœqb mnvqZv| 115,900.00
General Economic division (GED)
1401-1118 Support to the Implementation of the Bangladesh mv‡cvU© Uz w` Bgwcø‡g‡›Ukb Ae w` evsjv‡`k †Wëv 1,613.00
Delta Plan-2100 cøvb-2100
1401-1119 Strengthening Digital Processing of Project (SDPP) Dbœqb cÖK‡íi wWwRUvj cÖwµqvKi‡Y mÿgZv e„w×KiY 2,000.00
1401-5029 Formulation of Sectoral Plan and Capacity miKvwi wewb‡qvM AwaKZi Kvh©Ki Kivi Rb¨ †m±i cwiKíbv 400.00
Development of Concerned Officials for More cÖYqb I mswk­ó Kg©KZv©‡`i m¶gZv Dbœqb
Effictive Public Investment
1401-5032 Strengthening the Capacity of Development DbœZ †`‡ki gh©v`v AR©‡bi j‡¶¨ cwiKíbv cwiKvVv‡gvi 500.00
Planning Super Structure for Achieving the m¶gZv e„w×KiY
Developed Country Status
Socio Economic Infrastructure Division
1401-1122 Enhancement of overall capacity including Av_©-mvgvwRK AeKvVv‡gv wefv‡Mi AvIZvaxb ‡m±img~‡ni 450.00
preparation and monitoring of Sector Action Plan for Rb¨ ‡m±i A¨vKkb c­¨vb c«Yqb I cwiex¶Ymn mvwe©K m¶gZv
the sectors covered by the Department of e…w×KiY
Socio-Economic Infrastructure.

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED)
Ministry's Own
1501-1111 Strengthening of Capacity of IMED by Utilizing djvdjwfwËK cwiexÿY I g~j¨vqb c×wZi Kvh©Ki e¨env‡ii 500.00
Result based Monitoring & Evaluation Method AvBGgBwWÕi mÿgZv e"w×
1501-5001 Digitizining Implementation Monitoring and Public wWwRUvBwRs Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb gwbUwis GÛ cvewjK †cÖvwKDi‡g›U 20,000.00
Procurement Project (DIMAPPP). cÖ‡R±
1501-5002 Capacity Development for Monitoring and Reporing K¨vcvwmwU †W‡fjc‡g›U di gwbUwis GÛ wi‡cvwUs Uz BbwµR 204.00
to Increase the Effective Coverage of Basic Social w` B‡dKwUf Kfv‡iR Ad †ewmK †mvm¨vj mvwf©m (wmwW GÛ
Services (CDMRI-ECBSS) for Children and Women GgAviAvBBwmweGmGm) di w` wPj‡Wªb GÛ DB‡gb Bb
in Bangladesh (Phase-2) evsjv‡`k (†dR-2)

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Statistics and Informatics Division
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
1631-1113 Improvement of GDP compilation and Rebasing of BgcÖywfs Ae wRwWwc K¤cvB‡jkb GÛ wi‡ewms Ae BbwW‡mm 184.00
Indices Project cÖ‡R± (11602-224217400)
1631-1115 National Strategy for the Development of Statistics b¨vkbvj †÷ª‡UwR di w` †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae †÷‡Uw÷Km 4,400.00
(NSDS) Implementation Support Bgwcø‡g‡›Ukb mv‡cvU© (GbGmwWGm)
1631-1117 Strengthening Environment, Climate Change and cwi‡ek Rjevq~ cwieZ©b I `y‡h©vM cwimsL¨vb kw³kvjxKiY 620.00
Disaster Statistics (ECDS) Project
1631-1118 Survey on Persons with Disability 2019 Project RvZxq cÖwZeÜx e¨w³ Rwic 2019 48.00
1631-1120 Population and Housing Census 2021 Project Rbïgvwi I M„nMYbv 2021 3,157.00
1631-1121 Khanar Expenditure Sensus Lvbvi Avq I e¨q Rwic 2020-2021 565.00
1631-1122 Development of information in the labour market kÖgkw³ Rwi‡ci gva¨‡g kÖgevRvi Z‡_¨i Dbœqb cÖKí 301.00
through labour force survey
1631-1123 Sustainable Development Objective Monitoring †UKmB Dbœqb Afxó cwiexÿ‡Y cÖv‡qvwMK mvÿiZv wbiƒcY 373.00
Practical Literacy Assessment Survey (LAS) Project Rwic (GjGGm) cÖKí
1631-1124 Measurement ICT Access and Use by Households †gRvi‡g›U AvBwmwU G¨vK‡mm G¨vÛ BDR evB nvDm‡nvìm 210.00
and Individuals Project GÛ BwÛwfRyqvjm cÖ‡R±
1631-1125 Sample Vital Registration System (SVRS) in Digital m¨v¤új fvBUvj ‡iwR‡÷"kb wm‡÷g (GmwfAviGm) Bb 80.00
Platform Project wWwRUvj c­vUdg© c"Kí
1631-1126 Food Security Statistics Project Lv`¨ wbivcËv cwimsL¨vb cÖKí 300.00
1631-5008 Agriculture (Crops, Fisheries & Livestock) K…wl (km¨, grm¨ I cÖvwYm¤•`) ïgvwi-2018 (1g ms‡kvwaZ) 1,053.00
Census-2018 Project (1st Revised).
1631-5013 National Household Database (NHD). b¨vkbvj nvDR‡nvì WvUv‡eBR (GbGBPwW)| 1,609.00

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Commerce
Ministry's Own
1701-0005 Eradication of Rural Poverty by Extension of Small GivwW‡Kkb Ae i“ivj cÖfvwU© evB G·‡Ukb Ae ¯§j †nvwìs wU 173.00
Holding Tea Cultivation in Lalmonirhat. Kvwë‡fkb Bb jvjgwbinvU
1701-1112 Export Diversification and Competitiveness G·‡cvU© WvBfviwmwd‡Kkb GÛ Kgw¤cwUwUf‡bm 684.00
Development Project (EIF Tier-II) †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (BAvBGd wUqvi-2)
1701-1115 Diagnostic Trade Integrated Study Update (DTISU) WvqvMbwóK †UªW BbwU‡MÖ‡UW ÷vwW Avc‡WU (wWwUAvBGmBD) 97.00
of Bangladesh Trade Roadmap Another Sustainable Ae evsjv`‡k †UªW †ivWg¨vc Aci mvm‡UB‡bej MÖvRy‡qkb
Graduation (TRSG) (wUAviGmwR)
1701-5004 Bangladesh Regional Connectivity Project-1: MOC evsjv‡`k wiwRIbvj Kv‡bKwUwfwU cÖ‡R±-1: GgIwm K‡ 2,065.00
Component ¤cv‡b›U
1701-5005 Export Competitiveness for Jobs G·‡cvU© KgwcwUwUf‡bm di Rem 18,051.00
Export Development Bureau
1705-5011 Construction of Bangladesh-China Friendship evsjv‡`k-Pvqbv †dªÛkxc Gw·wekb ‡m›Uvi wbg©vY 1,389.00
Exhibition Centre.
Bangladesh Tea Board
1705-5000 Extension of Small Holding Tea Cultivation in G·‡Ubkb Ae ¯§j †nvwìs wU KvjwU‡fkb Bb wPUvMvs wnj Uªv 132.00
Chittagong Hill Tracts. ±m|
Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB)
1705-1111 Construction of warehouses for Chattogram, Sylhet wUwmwei Ac`Kvjxb gRy` ÿgZv e„w×i j‡ÿ¨ PÆMÖvg, wm‡jU 1,500.00
and Rangpur Regional Offices to increase TCB's I iscyi AvÂwjK Kvh©vvj‡qi Rb¨ ¸`vg wbg©vY
emergency stockpile capacity
Bangladesh Trade and Tariff Commission
1705-1112 Capacity Building project of Bangladesh Trend and evsjv‡`k †UªÛ GÛ U¨vwid Kwgk‡bi mÿgZv e„w×KiY cÖKí| 170.00
Tariff Commission.

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry's Own
1801-1111 Construction of Bangladesh Chancery Complex and f~Uv‡bi w_¤cy‡Z evsjv‡`k P¨vÝvix Kg‡¤c· Ges ivó`~‡Zi 1,050.00
Ambassador's Residence in Thimpu evm feb wbg©vY
1801-1112 Construction of Bangladesh Chancery Building and Rvg©vwbi evwj©‡b evsjv‡`k P¨vÝvwi Kg‡¤c· wbg©vY I ivóª`~‡Zi 934.00
Ambassador's Residence in Berlin, Germany evmfeb wbg©vY
1801-1114 Construction of Bangladesh House (Ambassador ‡mŠw` Avi‡ei wiqv‡` evsjv‡`k nvDm (ivóª`~Z feb) wbg©vY 964.00
Residence) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
1801-1115 Construction of Bangladesh Chancery Complex in ‡mŠw` Avi‡ei †RÏvq evsjv‡`k P¨vÝvix Kg‡¤c· wbg©vY 423.00
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
1801-1116 Construction of Bangladesh Chancery Bhaban A‡÷ªwjqvi K¨vb‡‡eªivq evsjv‡`k P¨vÝvwi feb wbg©vY 3,565.00
Canberra, Australia
High Commissions
1812-5000 Construction of Bangladesh Chancery Complex and e›`i‡mwi †eMIqvb evsjv‡`k P¨vÝvix Kg‡c­· I 1,735.00
High Commissioner's Residence in Bandar Seri nvBKwgkbv‡ii evmfeb wbg©vY
Begawan, Brunei
1812-5010 Construction of Bangladesh Chancery Complex in cvwK¯v‡bi Bmjvgvev‡` evsjv‡`k P¨vÝvix Kg‡c­· wbg©vY| 1,470.00
Islamabad, Pakistan.

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Defence
Survey of Bangladesh
1911-1111 Preparation of large scale topographical maps of AvKvk Av‡jvKwPÎ avi‡Yi gva¨‡g XvKv kni I cvk¦eZ©x 200.00
Dhaka city and surroundings by acquisition of aerial GjvKvi e„nr †¯‹‡ji U‡cvcÖvwdK¨vj gvbwPÎ cÖYqb
1911-1112 Densification of Global Navigation Satellite System wRGbGmGm Kim Gi †bUIqvK© cwiwa m¤cÖmviY Ges UvBfvj 6,500.00
(GNSS) Continuously Operating Reference Station †÷kb AvaywbKxKiY
(CORS) and Modernization of Tidal Station in
1911-1113 Establishment of National Spatial Data Infrastructure ‡÷ewj÷‡g›U Mv b¨vkbvk †¯ckvj WvUv Bbd«vmUvKPvi 300.00
(NSDI) for Bangladesh (GbGmwWAvB) di evsjv‡`k
Meteorological Department
1913-5000 Strengthening Meteorological Information Services AvenvIqv Z_¨ †mev I AvMvg mZK©evbx c×wZ †Rvi`viKiY 5,663.00
and Early Warning System (Component-A). (K‡¤cv‡b›U-G)|
1913-5001 Development of weather radar in Dhaka and XvKv I iscyi¯¯’ AvenvIqv ivWv‡ii Dbœqb| 5,876.00
Bangladesh Army
1931-1111 Expansion of infrastructure facilities of 12 existing we`¨gvb 12wU K¨v‡WU K‡j‡Ri AeKvVv‡gvMZ myweavw` m 4,956.00
cadet collages ¤cÖmviY
1931-1114 Construction of Officer's Mass & BOQ for DSCS's in wgicyi †mbvwbev‡m wWGmwmGmwmÕi Rb¨ Awdmvm© †gm I 8,000.00
Mirpur Cantonment weIwKD wbg©vY
1931-1115 Vertical Extension of Existing 'C/D' Type Quarter wgicyi †mbvwbev‡m b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡jR (GbwWwm) Gi 764.00
National Defence College (NDC) at Mirpur we`¨gvb Ôwm/wWÕ UvBc evm¯'v‡bi DaŸ©gyLx m¤úªmviY
1931-1116 Modernization of Chittagong, Comilla and yPUªMÖvg, Kzwgjøv Ges gqgbwmsn (wGkvj) wgwjUvwi dvg© 3,010.00
Mymensingh (Eishal) Military Farm AvaywbKvqY
1931-5000 Establishment of 99 Composite Bridge for Security cÙv eûg~Lx †mZz cÖK‡íi mvwe©K wbivcËv weavbK‡í 99 K‡ 22,247.00
and Technical Support of Padma Multipurpose ¤cvwRU weª‡MW ¯'nvcb|
Bridge Project.
1931-5021 Establishment of Sheikh Hasina Cantonment Barisal.†kL nvwmbv †mbvwbevm ewikvj ¯’vcb 43,300.00
1931-5022 Construction of Mujib Battery Complex at Artillery PÆMÖvg AvwU©bvwi †m›Uvi I ¯‹z‡j gywRe e¨vUvwi Kg‡c­· wbg©vY 3,618.00
Centre and School Chatogram.
Bangladesh Navy
1933-1111 Infrastructure Development of Mongla Commander ‡gvsjv KgvÛvi †d¬vwUjv I‡q÷ (Kg‡d¬vU I‡q÷) Gi 4,000.00
Flotilla West (Comflot West). AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb|
1933-5011 Constraction of BNA Bangabandhu Complex, weGbG e½eÜz Kg‡c­· wbg©vY, c‡Z½v, PÆMÖvg| 35,000.00
Patenga, Chittagong.
Bangladesh Air Force
1934-1111 Establishment of Airmen Training Institute of BAF weGGd NuvwU Rûiyj nK PÆMÖvg wegvb †mbv cÖwkÿY 3,466.00
Zahurul Haque in Chattogram Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb (11908-224229700)
Directorate General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI)
1905-1111 Telecommunication, ICT Infrastructure, Human wWwRGdAvB Gi †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM I AvBwmwU AeKvVvv‡gv, 35,000.00
Resource Development and Technical Capacity gvbem¤c` Ges KvwiMix mÿgZv Dbœqb
Building of DGFI. (TIHDTCB)
Directorate General Defence Purchase
1905-1114 Electronic Defense Procurement B‡jUªwbK wW‡dÝ cÖwKDi‡g›U (B-wWwc) wm‡÷g 1,000.00
Department of Military Lands & Cantonments

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Defence
Department of Military Lands & Cantonments
1905-1115 Construction of 02 (two) school buildings in ‡cv¯—‡Mvjv I Kvw`ivev` ‡mbvwbev‡m 02 (`yB)wU we`¨vjq 1,500.00
Postagola and Kadirabad cantonments and feb Ges PÆM«vg ‡mbvwbev‡m wmBIÕi Awdm I GgBI Awdm
construction of CEO's office and MEO office Kg‡c­· wbg©vY
complex in Chittagong cantonment.

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Law and Justice Division
Ministry's Own
2101-1112 Strengthening Capacity of Judicial System for Child ‡÷ªs‡`wbs K¨vcvwmwU Ae RywWwmqvj wm‡÷g di PvBì 231.00
Protection in Bangladesh cÖ‡UKkb Bb evsjv‡`k (12101-223030700)
2101-1113 Construction of 15-storied building at the present siteevsjv‡`k evi KvDwÝj fe‡bi eZ©gvb RvqMvq 15 Zjv feb 1.00
of Bangladesh Bar Council building wbg©vY
2101-5000 Capacity Building of Law and Justice Division for Aa:¯Zb Av`vjZ e¨e¯’vcbv kw³kvjxKiY AvBb I wePvi 1,593.00
Strengthening Subordinate Judiciary Management. wefv‡Mi m¶gZv e„w×KiY|
2101-5020 Construction of Chief Judicial Magistrate Court evsjv‡`‡ki 64wU †Rjv m`‡i Pxd RywWwmqvj g¨vwR‡¯UªU 19,824.00
Building in 64 Districts Head Quarter of Bangladesh Av`vjZ feb wbg©vY (1g ch©vq)|
(1st phase).
Directorate of Registration
2161-5000 Construction of Registry and Sub-Registry Office ‡`‡ki wewfbœ †Rjvq †Rjv ‡iwRw÷ª I mve-‡iwRw÷ª Awdm feb 9,204.00
Bahabn in Several District (2nd Phase). wbg©vY (2q ch©vq)

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Public Security Division
Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions
2205-1111 Child Protection and Monitoring PvBì cÖ‡UKkb GÛ gwbUwis (12201-223028400) 1.00
Bangladesh Police Directorate
2211-1111 Construction of RAB Forces HQ Complex i¨ve †dv‡m©m m`i `ßi wbg©vY (12202-224201100) 10,000.00
2211-1114 Construction of 9 residential tower buildings for evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ ¯n'v‡b cyywj‡ki 9wU AvevwmK UvIqvi feb 25,355.00
Bangladesh Police at different places in Bangladesh wbg©vY
2211-1115 9 residential tower buildings for police members in XvKv †g‡UªvcwjUb GjvKvq 9wU AvevwmK UvIqvi feb wbg©vY 28,000.00
the Dhaka Metropolitan area
2211-1116 Construction of residential buildings for senior evsjv‡`k cywj‡ki DaŸ©Zb Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ AvevwmK feb 4,800.00
officials of Bangladesh Police wbg©vY
2211-1117 Construction of Counter Terrorism and Transitionall evsjv‡`k cyywj‡ki mšÎvm `gb I AvšZR©vwZK cÖwZ‡iva 6,000.00
Crime Prevention Center for Bangladesh Police †K›`ª wbg©vY
2211-1121 Highway police capacity increase nvBI‡q cywj‡ki mÿgZv e„w× 5,000.00
2211-1122 Enhance the vocational and technical capabilities of i¨ve Gi KvwiMwi I cÖhyw³MZ mÿgZv e„w×KiY 5,000.00
2211-1124 Increasing the capacity of RAB Forces i¨v‡ei AvwfhvwbK mÿgZv e„w× 10,000.00
2211-1125 Enhancement the Capacity of Dhaka Metropolitan mšÎvmev` I RbwbivcËv wbwðZK‡í XvKv †g‡UªvcwjUb 1.00
Police on Counter terrorism and Public Security cywj‡ki mÿgZv e„w×
2211-5014 Construction 5 nos RAB Complax and One RAB 5wU i¨ve Kg‡c­· Ges GKwU i¨ve †Uªwbs ¯‹zj Kg‡c­· wbg©vY 10,650.00
Training School Complex (2nd revised) (2q ms‡kvwaZ)|
2211-5017 Strengthening the Operational Capacity and XvKv †g‡UªvcwjUb cywj‡ki Acv‡ikb mgZv I `Zv e„w×KiY| 900.00
Efficiency of Dhaka Metropolitan Police.
2211-5018 Construction of RRF Police Lines and APBN Police ewikvj I wm‡jU Avg©W cywjk e¨vUvwjqb (GwcweGb) Ges †iÄ 6,600.00
Lines in Barisal and Sylhe. wiRvf© (AviAviGd) cywjk jvBb wbg©vY
2211-5019 Construction of Barisal Metropolitan and Khulna ewikvj †g‡UªvcwjUb I Lyjbv †Rjv cywjk jvBb wbg©vY 1.00
District Police Line.
Boarder Guard Bangladesh
2231-1112 Construction of 73 BOP's in Border Areas of Border mxgvšZ GjvKvq wewRweÕi 73wU K‡¤cvwRU/AvaywbK we&Iwc 9,748.00
Guard Bangladesh. wbg©vY cÖKí
2231-1113 Construction of Different Infrastructure of New eW©vi MvW© evsjv‡`k Gi bemw¾Z bvivqbMÄ (62 wewRwe) 10,000.00
formed Battalion Narayanganj (62 BGB) of Border e¨vUvwjq‡bi AeKvVv‡gvMZ wewfbœ ¯'vcbv wbg©vY
Guard Bangladesh
Coast Guard
2271-1111 Building the Logistics and Fleet Maintenance Facility evsjv‡`k †Kv÷Mv‡W©i jwRw÷Km I wdU †gBbU¨v‡bÝ 16,300.00
for Bangladesh Coast Guard c¨vwmwjwUR M‡o ‡Zvjv
2271-1112 Improvement of rescue capacities in the coastal and DcK~jxq Ges Af¨šZixY Rjmxgvq D×vi mÿgZv e„w×KiY 20.00
inland waters.

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Primary and Mass Education
Department of Primary Education
2431-1111 Fourth Primary Education Development Program PZz_© cÖv_wgK wkÿv Dbœqb Kg©m~wP (wcBwWwc-4) 875,857.00
2431-1114 Establishment of Computer and Language Labs in evsjv‡`‡ki 509wU miKvwi cªv_wgK we`¨vj‡q Kw¤cDUvi I 1,694.00
509 Govt. primary schools in Bangladesh fvlv j¨ve ¯n'vcb
2431-1115 Expansion of Cub Scouting in Primary Schools (4th cÖv_wgK we`¨vjqmg~‡n Kve-¯‹vDwUs m¤cÖmviY (4_© ch©vq) 5,000.00
2431-1116 Project on Preparation of Primary Level Student cÖv_wgK ch©v‡qi wkÿv_©x‡`i †cÖvdvBj cÖYqb 5,780.00
2431-1117 Establishment & Infrastructure Development XvKv gnvbMix I c~e©vP‡j miKvix cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq ¯'nvcb I 30,000.00
including Beautificatic of Govt. Primary Schools in AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqbmn `„wób›`bKiY
Dhaka City and Purbachal Project
2431-1118 Support to Quality Enhancement in Primary mv‡c©vU Uz †KvqvwjwU Gbn¨v݇g›U Bb cÖvBgvwi GWz‡Kkb 455.00
2431-1119 Bangladesh Covid-19 School Sector Response evsjv‡`k †KvwfW-19 ¯‹zj †m±i †imcÝ (wmGmGmAvi) 5,368.00
2431-5001 Need-based Infrastructure Dev. of Government Pvwn`vwfwËK miKvwi cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq Dbœqb (1g ch©vq)| 150,000.00
Primary School (1st Phase).
2431-5006 Need-based Infrastructure Development of new Pvwn`vwfwËK bZzb RvZxqKiYK…Z miKvwi cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq 80,000.00
nationalized government primary school Dbœqb (1g ch©vq)
development (1st Phase)

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Secondary and Higher Education Division
Department of Secondary & Higher Education
2531-1111 Establishment of 9 Government Secondary Schools 9wU miKvix gva¨wgK we`¨vjq ¯n'vcb 5,000.00
2531-1113 Generation Breakthrough Project (Phase-II) ‡Rbv‡ikb †eªK _ªy cÖKí, ch©vq-2 44.00
2531-5000 Fostering Opportunities of Science Education for miKvwi K‡jRmg~‡n weÁvb wk¶vvi my‡hvM m¤cÖmviY 45,000.00
Government Colleges. (FOSEP)
2531-5001 Development of Government Secondery Schools. miKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjqmg~‡ni Dbœqb 35,000.00
2531-5002 ICT for Education in Secondary and Higher AvBwmwUi gva¨‡g gva¨wgK I D”P gva¨wgK ¯Z‡i wkÿvi 27,182.00
Secondary Level (2nd Phase). cÖPjb (2q ch©vq)
2531-5003 Establishment of 10 Secondary Schools XvKv kni mwbœKUeZx© GjvKvq 10wU miKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjq 24,815.00
(government) at the Peripheral Areas of Dhaka City ¯’vcb
2531-5015 Development of the Selected Non-government Z_¨ cÖhyw³i mnvqZvq wk¶vi gv‡bvbœq‡bi j‡¶ wbe©vwPZ 40,000.00
Colleges for Improvement of Education through (†emiKvix K‡jRmg~‡ni Dbœqb)|
2531-5026 Secondary Education Sector Investment Program. ‡m‡KÛvix GWz‡Kkb Bb‡f÷‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg (‡mwmc)| 27,400.00
2531-5028 National academy for autism and neurodevelopment b¨vkbvj GKv‡Wgx di AwURg GÛ wbD‡iv‡W‡fjc‡g›U 840.00
disability (NAAND) (2nd Revised) wWmGwewjwU (GbGGGbwW) (2q ms‡kvwaZ)
2531-8064 Development of Post Graduate Government wk¶vi gvb Dbœq‡bi j‡¶¨ †Rjv m`‡i Aew¯’Z 70 miKvix 10,000.00
Colleges at the District Headquarters for Improving †cv÷ MÖ¨vRy‡qU K‡jRmg~‡ni Dbœqb|
Quality of Education.
University Grants Commission
2561-1111 Development of Bangladesh University evsjv‡`k BDwbfvwm©wU Ae cÖ‡dkbvjm& Gi Dbœqb (1g ch©vq) 17,127.00
Professionals (Phase-1)
2561-1112 Further Development of Bangladesh Agricultural evsjv‡`k K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb 20,000.00
2561-1113 Establishment of New Campus of Jagannath RMbœv_ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi bZzb K¨v¤cvm ¯n'vcb, f~wg AwaMÖnY I 47,044.00
University: Land Acquisition and Development Dbœqb
2561-1114 Further Development of Comilla University Kzwgjøv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb 30,405.00
2561-1115 Further Development Project for Jahangir Nagar Rvnv½xibMi wek¦we`¨vjq Gi AwaKZi Dbœqb 39,712.00
2561-1116 Establishment of Sheikh Hasina University ‡kL nvwmbv wek¦we`¨vjq ¯n'vcb cÖKí 78,996.00
2561-1117 Development of Islamic University (3rd Phase) Bmjvgx wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb (3q ch©vq) 21,200.00
2561-1118 Expansion of Academic Activities of Khulna Lyjbv cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AeKvVv‡gv I 42,959.00
University of Engineering & Technology GKv‡WwgK Kvh©µg m¤cÖmviY
2561-1119 Establishment of Permanent Campus of e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb †gwiUvBg BDwbfvwm©wU, evsjv‡`k 71,900.00
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime Gi ¯n'vqx K¨v¤cvm wbg©vY
2561-1120 Development of Pabna University of Science and cvebv weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb 19,891.00
2561-1121 German-Bangladesh Higher Education Network for Rvg©vb-evsjv‡`k nvqvi GWz‡Kkb †bU&IqvK© di mvm‡UB‡bej 84.00
Sustainable Textiles (HEST) †U·UvBjm
2561-1124 Further Development of Patuakhali Science and cUzqvLvjx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb 16,451.00
Technology University
2561-1126 Further Development of Shahjalal University of kvnRvjvj weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb 18,400.00
Science & Technology
2561-1127 Establishment of an Applied Bioengineering evsjv‡`k cÖ‡KŠkj wek¦we`¨vj‡q GKwU A¨vcøvBW 15.00
Research Incubator at Bangladesh Engineering ev‡qvBwÄwbqvwis M‡elYv BbwKD‡eUi ¯’vcb

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Secondary and Higher Education Division
University Grants Commission
2561-1128 Integrated Feasibility Study for the Bangamata BbwUª‡M‡UW wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW di `¨v e½gvZv †kL 3.00
Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib Science and TechnologydwRjvZz‡bœQv gywRe mvBÝ G¨vÛ †UK‡bvjwR †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R
Development Project ±
2561-1129 Establishment of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb A¨vwf‡qkb A¨vÛ A¨v‡iv‡¯úm 363.00
Rahman Aviation and Aerospace University wek¦we`¨vjq ¯'vcb
2561-5000 Academic and Infrastructural Development of h‡kvi weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi GKv‡WwgK I AeKvVv‡gv 2,334.00
Jessore University of Science and Technology Dbœœqb|
2561-5001 Eablishment of Chittagong Veterinary and the PÆMÖvg †f‡Uwibvwi I Gwbg¨vj mv‡q‡Ým wek¦we`¨vj‡qi 2q K¨v 5,000.00
Second Campuses Animal Sciences University, ¤cvm ¯’vcb
2561-5002 Enhancement of Physical and Academic facilities of ‡bvqvLvjx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi †fŠZ I GKv‡WwgK 4,500.00
Noakhali Science and Technology University. myweav e„w×KiY|
2561-5003 Further Infrastructure Development of Khulna Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 18,738.00
2561-5005 Further development of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural ‡k‡i evsjv K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb| 4,000.00
2561-5007 Further development of Dhaka University of XvKv cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb| 12,730.00
Engineering and Technology
2561-5009 The College Education Development Project. K‡jR GWz‡Kkb †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R±| 38,978.00
2561-5012 Strengthening the physical facilities and research e½eÜz †kL gywReyi mingvb K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi ‡fŠZ myweavw` 5,145.00
capabilities of the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Ges M‡elYv mgZv kw³kvjxKiY|
Rahman Agricultural University. of
2561-5013 Physical infrastructure development of Rajshahi ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vj‡qi ‡fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 19,618.00
2561-5016 Construction of academic and residential buildings ofXvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi GKv‡WwgK I AvevwmK feb wbg©vY| 3,160.00
Dhaka University
2561-5018 Improvement of Chittagong Engineering and PÆMÖvg cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb 10,020.00
Technology University.
2561-5019 Further Development of Rajshahi University of ivRkvnx cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb 12,000.00
Engineering & Technology
2561-5030 Project for Research and Capacity Building of the PÆMÖvg wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Bbw÷wUDU Ae †gwib mvB‡Ým I 121.00
Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries of The wdmvwiR M‡elYv I m¶gZv e„w×
University of Chittagong
2561-5032 Islamic Arabic University Bmjvwg Aviwe wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb 3,096.00
2561-5034 Establishment of Three Regional Offices for National RvZxq wek¦we`¨vjq 3wU AvÂwjK Awdm ¯’vcb 3,700.00
University Project
2561-5035 Further Development of Sahjalal Science & kvnRvjvj weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb (2q 7,500.00
Technology University (Phase-II) ch©vq)
2561-5036 Development of Physical Infrastructure of Jatiya KabiRvZxq Kwe KvRx bRi“j Bmjvg wek¦we`¨vj‡qi †fŠZ 59,800.00
Kazi Nazrul Islam University AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb
2561-5065 Special Development of Begum Rokeya University, ‡eMg †iv‡Kqv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi we‡kl Dbœqb| 1,500.00
2561-5073 Establishment of Rangamati Science and iv½vgvwU weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb| 3,400.00
Technology University.
2561-5074 Construction of two Academic Buildings and an wm‡jU K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi `ywU GKv‡WwgK feb Ges GKwU 1,090.00
Auditorium Building at Sylhet Agricultural University. AwWUwiqvg feb wbg©vY|
2561-5078 Development of Bangladesh University of Textiles evsjv‡`k †U·UvBj wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb| 5,612.00
2561-5079 Further Expansion and Development of e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi 8,200.00
Bangabandhu Sheik Mujibur Rahman Science and AwaKZi m¤cÖmviY I Dbœqb (ms‡kvwaZ)|
Technology University (Revised).

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Secondary and Higher Education Division
University Grants Commission
2561-5092 Development of Bangladesh University of evsjv‡`k BDwbfviwmwU Ae cÖ‡dkbvj Gi Dbœqb| 12,422.00
Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics
2579-1111 Establishment of the 160 Upazila ICT Trainging and G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae 160 Dc‡Rjv AvBwmwU †Uªwbs GÐ wi‡mvm© 40,157.00
Resource Centre of Education (UITRCE) - Phase-2 †m›Uvi, di GWz‡Kkb (BDAvBwUAviwmB) e¨vb‡eBm,
GgIBwWBD (2q ch©vq) (12507-223015700)
2579-1112 Establishment of Integrated Education Information G÷vewjm‡g›U Ae Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW GWz‡Kkbvj Bbdi‡gkb 11,669.00
Management System (IEIMS) g¨v‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g (AvBBAvBGgGm)
Department of Education Engineering
2571-1111 Infrastructure Development of Birsreshtha Munshi exi‡kô gyÝx Avãyi iDd cvewjK K‡jR, wewRwe †nW 1,353.00
Abdur Rouf Public College, B.G.B Headquarter, †KvqvU©vi, XvKv Gi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (12503-224123600)
2571-1112 Development of Secected Non-government wbe©vwPZ †emiKvix gva¨wgK we`ªvjqmg~‡ni Dbœqb 199,500.00
Secondary Schools (12503-224149300)
2571-1113 Vertical Extension of Selected Non-government wbe©vwPZ †emiKvix we`¨vjqmg~‡ni Dשg~Lx m¤cÖmviY 150,000.00
Secondary Schools (12503-224149400)
2571-1114 Infrastructure development of 3 non-government ‡MvcvjMÄ, gv`vixcyi I ivRevox †Rjvi 3wU †emiKvwi 1,000.00
colleges of Gopalgonj, Madaripur and Rajbari DistrictK‡j‡Ri AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb
2571-1115 Infrastructure development of Military collegiate wgwjUvwi KwjwR‡qU ¯‹zj Lyjbv Gi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 2,500.00
school, Khulna
2571-1117 Infrastructure development of Sheikh Rasel high ‡kL iv‡mj D”P we`¨vjq, m`i †MvcvjMÄ I †k‡i evsjv 3,000.00
school, sadar, Gopalgonj and Sher-e-Bangla evwjKv gnvwe`¨vjq, myÎvcyi, XvKv Gi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb
Women college, Sutrapur, Dhaka
2571-1118 Development of selected 9 government colleges wbe©vwPZ 9wU miKvwi K‡j‡Ri Dbœqb 15,000.00
2571-1119 Infrastructure development of 2 government and 1 ‡bvqvLvjx I †dbx †Rjvq 2wU miKvwi I 1wU †emiKvwi wkÿv 2,500.00
non-government educational institute in Noakhali cÖwZôv‡bi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb
and Feni district
2571-1120 Development of selected educational institutes in the wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi nvIi GjvKvq wbe©vwPZ wkÿv cÖwZôvbmg~‡ni 15,145.00
Haor area of Kishoreganj District Dbœqb
2571-1121 Development of Infrastructure 3 Colleges at Dhaka XvKv, gv`vixcyi I iscyi †Rjvi 3wU K‡j‡Ri AeKvVv‡gv 5,000.00
Madaripur & Rangpur Dbœqb
2571-1122 Infrastructure Development of 5 Educational wm‡jU I mybvgMÄ †Rjvi 5wU wkÿv cÖwZôv‡bi AeKvVv‡gv 2,500.00
Institutions in Sylhet and Sunamganj Districts Dbœqb
2571-1123 Development of Selected educational Institutions in nvIi GjvKvi wbe©vwPZ wkÿv cÖwZôvbmg~‡ni Dbœqb 35,000.00
Haor Area
2571-5001 Improvement of Maligaon Adarsha High School at Kzwgjøv †Rjvi `vD`Kvw›` Dc‡Rjvi gvwjMvuI Av`k© D”P 692.00
Daudkandi Upazilain Comilla district. we`¨vjq Dbœqb
2571-5019 Establishment of Paikgacha Agriculral College, cvBKMvQv K…wl K‡jR ¯’'vcb, Lyjbv| 3,000.00
2571-5021 Strengthening the Education Engineering m`i `ßi I †Rjv Kvh©vjh ¯’vc‡bi gva¨‡g wk¶v cÖ‡KŠkj 10,000.00
Department by establishing head Quarter and Awa`ßi kw³kvjxKiY|
District Offfices.
Bangladesh Scouts
2505-1111 Development of Regional Scout Training Centre, AvÂwjK ¯‹vDU cªwkÿY †K›`ª, jvjgvB, Kzwgjøv Gi Dbœqb 1,890.00
Lalmai, Cumilla
2505-1112 Construction of Sylhet Regional and Maulovibazar wm‡jU AÂj I ‡gŠjfxevRvi ‡Rjvi ¯‹vDU feb wbg©vY 1,990.00
District Scout Bhaban

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Secondary and Higher Education Division
Bangladesh Scouts
2505-5000 Construction of scout extension and scout building ofevsjv‡`k ¯‹vDwUs m¤cÖmviY I ¯‹vDU kZvwã feb wbg©vY| 2,911.00
Bangladesh Scouts

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Science and Technology
Ministry's Own
2601-1112 Establishment of Physical Protection System of iƒccyi cvigvYweK we`y¨r †K‡›`ªi †fŠZ myiÿv e¨e¯n'v 79,513.00
Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant (PPS) (wcwcGm)
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission
2605-1112 Improvement and modernization of the laboratory Bbw÷wUDU Ae B‡jKUªwb· Gi M‡elYvMvi myweav Dbœqb I 624.00
Facilities of Institute of Electronics AvaywbKvqb
2605-1113 Establishment of Cyclotron & PET-CT at Institute of Bbw÷wUDU Ae wbDwKqvi †gwWwmb GÛ G¨vjv‡qW mv‡q‡Ým 35,200.00
Nuclear Medicine & Allied Siences (INMAS) (Bbgvm) gqgbwmsn I PÆMÖv‡g mvB‡KvUªb I †cU-wmwU Ges
Mymensingh & Chattogrom and Cyclotron facilities Bbw÷wUDU Ae wbDwKqvi †gwW‡Kj wdwR· (AvBGbGgwc),
at intitute of nuclear Medical Physics (INMP) mvfv‡i mvB‡KvUªb myweavw` ¯n'vcb
2605-1115 establishment of Calibration and Quality control ‡iwWI‡_ivwc WvqvMbw÷K I wbDUªb µgvsKb I gvb 1,071.00
Facilities laboratory for Radiotherapy Diagonstic wbqšÎ‡Yi myweavw` ¯n'vcb
Radiology and Neutron Radiation
2605-1116 Balancing, Modernization, Refurbishment and mvfvi¯n' cigvYy kw³ M‡elYv cÖwZôv‡bi 3 †gMvIqvU ÿgZv 1,829.00
Extension (BMRE) of Safety Facilities of 3 MW m¤cbœ M‡elYv wiA¨v±i d¨vwmwjwUi †mdwU wm‡÷‡gi
Research Reactor Facility at AERE, saver, Dhaka. mgš^qmvab, AvaywbKxKiY, iÿYv‡eÿY I ewa©ZKiY
2605-1127 Strengthening the existing gamma source of evsjv‡`k cigvby kw³ Kwgk‡bi we`¨gvb Mvgv †mvm© 2,086.00
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission kw³kvjxKiY
2605-1130 Modernization and expansion of services and Bbw÷wUDU Ae wUmy¨ e¨vswKs GÛ ev‡qv‡gwUqvj wimvP© Gi †mev 4,872.00
research facilities of Institute of Tissue Banking and I M‡elYv myweavw`i AvaywbKvqb I m¤úªmviY
Biometallic Research
2605-1131 Modernization of laboratory and enhancement of XvKv¯' cigvYy kw³ †K›`ªi 3wU wefv‡Mi (imvqb wefvM, ¯^v¯'¨ 2,414.00
service capacity in 3 departments of Atomic Energy c`v_© weÁvb wefvM, cixÿY c`v_© weÁvb wefvM) c‡elYvMvi
Center, Dhaka (Department of Chemistry, AvaywbKvqb I †mevi mÿgZv e"w×KiY)
Department of Health Physics, Department of
Testing Physics)
2605-5002 Construction of Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant iƒccyi cvigvbweK we`¨yr †K›`ª wbg©vY 1,339,560.00
2605-5008 Establishment of Institute of Nuclear Medicine and †`‡ki 8wU †gwW‡Kj K‡jR nvmcvZvj K¨v¤•v‡m Bbw÷wUDU 25,580.00
Allied Sciences (INMAS) at 8 Medical collage Ae wbDwK¬qvi †gwWwmb GÛ G¨vjv‡qW mv‡q‡Ým (Bbgvm)
Hospital campuses in the country ¯’vcb
Bangladesh Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
2605-1111 Augmentation of Chemical Metrology Infrastructure ‡KwgK¨vj †g‡UªvjwR AeKvVv‡gv mg„×KiY 2,857.00
2605-1118 Strengthening Institute of Glass and Ceramic ResearwewmGmAvBAvi-Gi KuvP I wmivwgK M‡elYv I cixÿY 96.00
ch and testing (IGCRT) of BCSIR Bbw÷wUDU (AvBwRwmAviwU) kw³kvjxKiY
2605-1119 estrablishment of Hydorgen Energy labrotary nvB‡Wªv‡Rb GbvwR© M‡elYvMvi ¯n'vcb 747.00
2605-1124 Establishment of Research Facilities on Processing wewmGmAvBAvi XvKv I PÆMÖvg †K‡›`ª wbivc` I ¯^v¯n'¨Ki 3,541.00
of safe and healthy dry fish and indoor farming at ïUKx gvQ cÖwµqvKiY Ges Bb‡Wvi dvwg©s M‡elYv msµvšZ
BCSIR centre Dhaka and Chattogram myweavw` ¯n'vcb
2605-1125 Mobile Science Fair-BCSIR åvg¨gvb weÁvb cÖ`k©bx-wewmGmAvBAvi 624.00
2605-1129 Development of practical capacity in IFST's food AvBGdGmwU Gi Lv`¨cY¨ cÖwµqvRvZKiY M‡elYvq cÖv‡qvwMK 3,024.00
processing research ÿgZv Dbœqb
2605-5009 Establishment of Bio-equivalence studies and Bbw÷wUDU Ae ev‡qvBKf¨v‡jÝ ÷vwWR GÛ dvg©vwmDwUK¨vj 2,195.00
Pharmaceutical sciences. mvB‡Ým cÖwZôvKiY
National Science and Technology Museum
2605-1134 Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Space e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb gnvKvk Ae‡jvKb †K›`ª 8,500.00
Observation Center
National Institute of Bio-Technology (NIB)
2605-1120 Establisment of National Gene Bank RvZxq Rxb e¨vsK ¯n'vcb 20,928.00

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Science and Technology
National Institute of Bio-Technology (NIB)
2605-1132 Center for Next Generation Sequencing and ‡m›Uvi di †b·U †Rbv‡ikb wm‡Kv‡qwÝs GÛ GbvjvBwUKm 3,564.00
Analytics ¯'vcb
2605-1133 Establishment of Advanced Laboratory Facilities for G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae A¨vWfvÝW j¨ve‡ iUwi d¨vwmwjwUm di 1,525.00
Transgenic and Space Research. Uªv݇RwbK GÛ †¯úm wimvP©|
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Novo Theatre (BSMRN)
2605-1126 Establishment of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur e½eÜz †kL gywRei ingvb b‡fvw_‡qUvi, ewikvj ¯’vcb 11,648.00
Rahman Novo Theater, Barishal.
2605-1128 Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Novo e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb b‡fvw_‡qUvi, iscyi ¯'vcb kxl©K 5,600.00
Theater, Rangpur Establishment Project cÖKí
2605-5084 Establishment of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur e½eÜz †kL gywRei ingvb b‡fvw_‡qUvi ivRkvnx ¯n'vcb 7,948.00
Rahman Novotheatre, Rajshahi.
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority (BAERA)
2605-1123 Development of Nuclear Regulatory Infrastructure cvigvYweK we`y¨r †K‡›`ªi cvigvYweK wbivcËv Z`viwKKi‡Yi 20,140.00
for Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority j‡ÿ¨ evsjv‡`k cigvYy wbqšÎY KZ©„c‡ÿi wbDwKqvi
to Supervise the Nuclear Safety of Rooppur Nuclear †i¸‡jUix Bbdªv÷ªvKPvi Dbœqb
power plants

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Health Services Division
Ministry's Own
2701-1112 Extension and Modernization of Armed Forces AvgW© †dv‡m©m Bbw÷wUDU Ae c¨v_jwR (GGdAvBwc) Gi m 9,846.00
Institute of Pathology(AFIP) ¤cÖmviY I AvaywbKvqb
2701-5002 Sector-Wide Program Management and Monitoring 4_© ¯^v¯'n¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 1,485.00
(SWPMM). (GBPwcGbGmwWwc)
(†m±i IqvBW †cÖvMÖvg g¨v‡bR‡g›U gwbUwis)
2701-5003 Health Economics and Financing(HEF) 4_© ¯^v¯n'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 7,733.00
(‡nj&_ B‡KvbwgKm GÛ dvBbvwÝs)
2701-5004 Human Resource Development (HRD). 4_© ¯^v¯n'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 1,171.00
(wnDg¨vb wi‡mvm© †W‡fjc‡g›U (GBPAviwW))
2701-5005 Physical Facilities Development (PFD). 4_© ¯^v¯'n¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 284,096.00
( ## wdwRK¨vj d¨vwmwjwUR †W‡fjc‡g›U (wcGdwW))
2701-5006 Improved Financial Management (IFM). 4_© ¯^v¯n'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 700.00
( BgcÖæfW dvBb¨vbwmqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U (AvBGdGg))
2701-5220 Establish of the 3rd Plant of the Essential Drugs ‡MvcvjM‡Ä G¨v‡mbwmqvj WªvMm& †Kv¤•vbx wjt Gi 3q kvLv 2,531.00
Company ltd in Gopalgonj. ¯’vcb|
Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions
2705-5011 Safe Motherhood Promotion Operations Research ‡mBd gv`viûW †cÖv‡gvkb Acv‡ikbm wimvP© Ab †mBd 97.00
on Safe Motherhood and Newborn Survival. gv`viûW GÛ wbDeb© mvf©vBfvj|
Department of Health Services
2711-1111 Expansion of National institute of Neurosciences andG·cvbkb Ae b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU Ae wbD‡ivmv‡q‡Ým GÛ 35,626.00
Hospital nvmcvZvj (12702-224218400)
2711-1112 Establishment of 500 Bedded Hospital & Ancillary G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae 500 †e‡WW nmwcUvj GÛ Gbwmjvix feb 10,000.00
Building in Jessore, Cox'sbazar, Pabna and Abdul Bb h‡kvi, K·evRvi, cvebv I Avãyj gv‡jK DwKj †gwW‡Kj
Malek Ukil Medical College and Jononeta Nurul K‡jR Ges Rb‡bZv byiyj nK AvaywbK nvmcvZvj, †bvqvLvjx
Hoque Modern Hospital, Noakhali
2711-1113 Establishment of Bangabandhu Medical College and e½eÜz †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I nvmcvZvj ¯'nvcb, mybvgMÄ 30,000.00
Hospital, Sunamgonj
2711-1116 Establishment of 100 Bedded Complete Cancer wefvM kn‡i miKvix †gwW‡Kj K‡jR nvmcvZv‡j 100 kh¨v 80,000.00
Treatment Centre at Government Medical College wewkó c~Y©v½ K¨vÝvi wPwKrmv BDwbU ¯'nvcb
Hospitals in Divisional cities
2711-1118 COVID-19 Emergency Response and Pandemic ‡KvwfW-19 Bgvi‡RwÝ †imcÝ GÛ c¨vb‡WwgK wcÖ‡cqvW©‡bm 425,404.00
2711-1120 Upgradation of existing Kidney Dialysis Centers to ‡gwW‡Kj K‡jR nvmcvZvj mg~‡n we`¨gvb wKWbx WvqvjvBwmm 8,000.00
50 beds in Medical College Hospitals and †m›Uvi 50 kh¨vq DbœxZKiY Ges †Rjv m`i WvqvjvBwmm
Establishment of Kidney Dialysis Centers to 10 beds †m›Uvi ¯’vcb
in District Headquarters Hospitals.
2711-1121 Covid-19 Response Emergency Assistant ‡KvwfW-19 †imcÝ Bgvi‡RÝx G¨vwmm‡UÝ 33,400.00
2711-1122 Upazilla Health Care (UHC) Dc‡Rjv †nj_ †Kqvi (BDGBPwm) 29,585.00
2711-1123 Operation Plan on Health and Gender Support in ‡nj_ GÛ †RÛvi mv‡c©vU Bb K·evRvi wWwóª± (GBPwRGm - 85,745.00
Cox's Bazar District (HGSCXB) wmG·we) kxl©K Acv‡ikb cø¨vb
2711-1124 Hospital based medical waste management in 15 15wU miKvwi nvmcvZv‡j nvmcvZvj wfwËK wPwKrmv eR¨© 2,000.00
government hospitals e¨e¯’vcbv

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Health Services Division
Department of Health Services
2711-1125 Establishment of Burn and Plastic Surgery Unit in 5 5wU wba©vwiZ ‡gwW‡Kj K‡jR nvmcvZv‡j (wm‡jU, ewikvj, 9,459.00
designated Medical College iscyi, ivRkvnx Ges dwi`cyi) evY© GÛ cøvw÷K mvR©vwi
BDwbU ¯'vcb
2711-5004 Establishment of Sheikh Hasina Medical College & †kL nvwmbv †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I nvmcvZvj Ges Rvgvjcyi 5,000.00
Hospital and Jamalpur Nursing College. bvwm©s K‡jR ¯'vcb|
2711-5005 Establishment of Patuakhali Medical College and cUzqvLvjx †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb| 5,102.00
2711-5007 Development of Newborn, Infant and Maternal beRvZK, wkï I gvZ…¯^v¯’¨ Ges ¯^v¯’'¨e¨e¯'vi Dbœqb (K‡ 27,100.00
Health and Health System (Component 2: ¤cv‡b›U-2: †`‡ki 8wU wefv‡M Aew¯'Z †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I
Modernization of Diagnostic and Imaging Systems of nvmcvZv‡ji WvqvMbw÷K I B‡gwRs e¨e¯’vi AvaywbKxKiY|
Medical Colleges and Hospitals Located in 8
Divisions of the country.
2711-5008 Planning Monitoring and Research (PMR). 4_© ¯^v¯n'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 2,210.00
(cø¨vwbs, gwbUwis GÛ wimvP© (wcGgAvi))
2711-5009 Health Information Systems and e-Health (HIS & 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 16,329.00
E-Health). (GBPwcGbGmwWwc)
(‡nj&_ Bbdi‡gkb wmm‡Ugm GÛ B-‡nj&_)
2711-5011 Establishment of a Kushtia Medical College. Kzwóqv †gwW‡Kj K‡jR ¯’vcb| 33,000.00
2711-5014 Procurement Stroage and Supplies Management - 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 25,075.00
HS (PSSM-HS). (GBPwcGbGmwWwc)
(‡cÖvwKDi‡g›U, †÷v‡iR GÛ mvcøvBm g¨v‡bR‡g›U-GBP.Gm
2711-5017 Establishment of Sheikh Lutfar Rahman Dental G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae †kL jyrdi ingvb †W›Uvj K‡jR, 2,202.00
College. †MvcvjMÄ|
2711-5018 Maternal, Child Reproductive and Adolescent Health 4_© ¯^v¯n'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 120,987.00
(MNCAH). (GBPwcGbGmwWwc)
( g¨vUvibvj, wbD‡bUvj, PvBì GÛ G‡Wv‡jm‡m›U †nj&_ †Kqvi
2711-5019 National Nutrition Services (NNS). 4_© ¯^v¯n'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 8,600.00
( b¨vkbvj wbDwUªkb mvwf©‡mm (GbGbGm))
2711-5022 Communicable Diseases Control (CDC). 4_© ¯^v¯n'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 16,154.00
(KwgDwb‡Kej wWwR‡Rm K‡›Uªvj (wmwWwm))
2711-5025 TB-Leprosy & AIDS/STD Programme (TBL & ASP) 4_© ¯^v¯'n¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 33,986.00
(wUwe-‡jc‡ivwm GBWm/GmwUwW †cÖvMÖvg (wUweGj GÛ
2711-5026 Non-Communicable Diseases Control (NCDC). 4_© ¯^v¯n'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 24,950.00
(bb KwgDwb‡Kej wWwR‡Rm (GbwmwWwm))
2711-5027 National Eye Care (NEC). 4_© ¯^v¯n'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 7,800.00
(b¨vkbvj AvB †Kqvi)
2711-5028 Community Based Health Care (CBHC). 4_© ¯^v¯n'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 84,200.00
(## KwgDwbwU †eBRW †nj&_ †Kqvi)

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Health Services Division
Department of Health Services
2711-5029 Hospital Services Management (HSM). 4_© ¯^v¯n'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 80,200.00
(### nmwcUvj mvwf©m g¨v‡bR‡g›U)
2711-5031 Life Style and Health Education & Promotion 4_© ¯^v¯'n¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 6,150.00
(LHEP). (GBPwcGbGmwWwc)
(jvBd ÷vBj GÛ †nj&_ GWz‡Kkb GÛ †cÖv‡gvkb)
2711-5032 Alternative Medical Care (AMC). 4_© ¯^v¯'n¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 7,670.00
(Aëvi‡bwUf †gwWK¨vj †Kqvi)
2711-5033 Eye Health Promotion and Prevention of Blindness AvB †nj_ †cÖv‡gkb GÛ wcÖ‡fbkb Ae e­vBÛ‡bm Bb wm‡j‡±W 830.00
in Selected areas in Bangladesh Gwiqvm Bb evsjv‡`k
2711-5250 Sheik Saira Khatun Medical College & Hospital and ‡kL mv‡qiv LvZzb †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I nvmcvZvj Ges bvwms 5,250.00
Nursing Institute. Bbw÷wUBU|
Directorate of Drug Administration
2715-5000 Strengthening of Drug Administration and 4_© ¯^v¯n'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 6,484.00
Management (SDAM). (GBPwcGbGmwWwc)
(†÷ªs‡`wbs Ae WªvM GWwgwb‡÷kb GÛ g¨v‡bR‡g›U)
Directorate of Nursing
2716-5000 Establishment of Universal Nursing Institute BDwbfv‡m©j bvwms Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb 1,043.00
National Heart Foundation (NHF)
2705-1112 Establishment of 150 bedded Cardio Vascular Unit inb¨vkbvj nvW© dvD‡Ûk‡b 150 kh¨v wewkó KvwW©I fvmKzjvi 741.00
National Heart Foundation BDwbU ¯n'vcb

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Social Welfare
Department of Social Services
2931-1111 Extablishment of Social Service Complex in 64 64 †Rjvq †Rjv mgvR‡mev Kg‡cø· wbg©vY 9,488.00
Districts (1st Phase-22 Districts) (12902-224128500)
2931-1112 Child Sensitive Social Protection in Bangladesh PvBì †mbwmwUf †mvm¨vj †cÖv‡UKkb Bb evsjv‡`k 4,783.00
(CSPB) (Phase-2) (wmGmwcwe) †dBR-2) (12902-224128600)
2931-1116 Establishment/re-establishment of miKvwi wkï cwievi Ges †QvUgwY wbevm wbg©vY/cybtwbg©vY 9,567.00
SarkariShishuParibar and Baby Home
2931-1119 Establishment of a Hundred Bedded Specialized Kzwgjøvq 100 kh¨v wewkó we‡klvwqZ nvmcvZvj ¯n'vcb 1,532.00
Hospital in Cumilla
2931-1122 Establishment of National Heart Foundation G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj nvU© dvD‡Ûkb nmwcUvj, ivRkvnx 1,821.00
Hospital, Rajshahi
2931-1123 Establishment of Sunamgonj Diabetic Hospital mybvgMÄ Wvqv‡ewUK nvmcvZvj ¯n'vcb 643.00
2931-1124 Establishment of Advanced Pediatric Surgery & XvKv wkï nvmcvZv‡j G¨vWfvÝW wkï mvR©vix GÛ †÷g‡mj 401.00
Stem cell Therapy Unit at Dhaka Shishu (Children) †_ivcx BDwbU ¯'nvcb
2931-1125 Safe Motherhood Activities in 06 Upazillas of ComillaKzwgjøv †Rjvi 6wU Dc‡Rjvq wbivc` gvZ…Z¡ Kvh©µg (2q 1.00
District (2nd Phase) ch©vq)
2931-1126 Establishment of Karimpur Noorjahan Kwigcyi byiRvnvb-mvgmybœvnvi gv I wkï we‡klvwqZ nvmcvZvj 1,310.00
Shamsunnahar Mother and Child Specialized ¯'nvcb
2931-1127 Cash Transfer Modernization (CTM) K¨vk UªvÝdvi gWvb©vB‡Rkb 4,710.00
2931-1130 Establishment of Madaripur Diabetic Hospital gv`vixcyi Wvqv‡ewUK nvmcvZvj wbg©vY 763.00
2931-1131 Amader Gram Cancer Care & Research Center Avgv‡`i MÖvg K¨vÝvi †Kqvi GÛ wimvP© ‡m›Uvi wbg©vY 1,337.00
2931-1132 Construction of Mohangonj Samajkallyan Balika Etim‡b·KvYv †Rjvq †gvnbMÄ mgvRKj¨vY GwZgLvbv wbg©vY 408.00
2931-1133 Re-construction of the Training and Rehabilitation `yt¯'n I wkï cÖwkÿY I cybe©vmb †K›`ª cybtwbg©vY †Kvbvevox, 3,248.00
Centre of the Destitute Children, Konabari, Gazipur MvRxcyi
2931-1139 Establishment of Gazipur-6 Diabetic Hospital 6-MvRxcyi Wvqv‡ewUK nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb 741.00
2931-1140 Setara Safiullah Kidney and Disability Service ‡QZviv QwdDjøvn wKWbx I cÖwZeÜx †mev †K›`ª ¯’vcb, 1,284.00
Center, Narsingdi biwms`x
2931-1141 Establishment of Kidney Hospital, Sylhet wKWbx nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb, wm‡jU 820.00
2931-1142 Establishment of Bangladesh Poverty Alleviation Pid¨vkb Dc‡Rjvq evsjv‡`k `vwi`ª we‡gvPb ms¯’v ¯^v¯’¨ †K›`ª 1,373.00
Organization Health Service Center in Char Fashion ¯’vcb
2931-1143 Establishment of Heart Foundation Hospital ÷vewjk‡g›U Ab nvU© dvD‡Ûkb nmwcUvj PvcvBbeveMÄ 1,242.00
2931-1144 Establishment of Khan Bari Community Hospital, Lvb evox KwgDwbwU nvmcvZvj, cvP‡Lvjv, gv`vixcyi ¯’vcb 1,804.00
Pachkhola, Madaripur.
2931-1145 Construction of Shahjadpur Fazlul Haque Veterans wmivRMÄ †Rjvi kvnRv`Uzi dRjyj nK cÖexY wbevm †_ivcx 1.00
Home (including Therapy Center) and Vocational †m›Uvimn Ges AbMÖmi wK‡kvi-wK‡kvix‡`i Rb¨ e„wËg~jK
Training Center for Backward Adolescents in cÖwkÿY ‡K›`ª wbg©vY
Sirajganj District
2931-1146 Establishment of Samsuddin Golejan Training cÖwZeÜx, weaev I `yt¯’‡`i Kj¨v‡Y gvmmyÏxb †Mv‡jRvb †Uªwbs 1,300.00
Complex and Health Center for the welfare of the Kg‡cø· Ges ¯^v¯’¨ †K›`ª ¯’vcb
disabled, widows and the destitute.
2931-1148 Establishment of 25-bed Peace Shelter in 8 8wU miKvwi wkï cwiev‡i 25 kh¨v wewkó kvwšÍ wbevm ¯’vcb 3,320.00
Government Children's Families. kxl©K cÖKí
2931-1149 Sustainable training in improving the living standards `yt¯’, weaev, ‡eKvi, cÖwZeÜx, cÖvwšZK &I myweavewÂZ 1,026.00
of the poor, widows, unemployed, disabled, Rb‡Mvôxi Rxebgvb Dbœq‡b †UKmB cÖwkÿY
marginalized and disadvantaged people

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Social Welfare
Department of Social Services
2931-1150 Mitigation of Corona economic losses by increasing ‡UKmB MÖxb nvDR cÖhyw³ e¨envi I DbœZ K…wl DcKiY 2,935.00
agricultural production through the use of miev‡ni gva¨‡g K…wl Drcv`b e„w× K‡i K‡ivbv A_©‰bwZK
sustainable greenhouse technologies and the supply ÿwZ cÖkgb
of improved agricultural inputs
2931-1151 Establishment of Inclusive Eye Care Facilities BbK¬zwmf AvB †Kqvi d¨vwmwjwUR nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb 1,374.00
2931-1152 Prafulla Pratibha Veterans Home, Orphanage and cÖdzjø cÖwZfv cÖexY wbevm, GwZgLvbv Ges we‡kl Pvwn`vm 1,650.00
Help Center for Special Needs Magura ¤cbœ e¨w³‡`i mvnvh¨ †K›`ª, gv¸iv
2931-1153 Provide training in various trades for social wQbœg~j, AbMÖmi, GwZg I myweavewÂZ Rb‡Mvôxi mvgvwRK 989.00
development and empowerment of marginalized, Dbœqb I ÿgZvq‡bi Rb¨ wewfbœ †Uª‡W cÖwkÿY cÖ`vb
backward, orphaned and disadvantaged people
2931-1154 Av‡m©wb‡Kvwmm †ivMx‡`i m‡PZbZv m"wó Ges wPwKrmv 795.00
Awareness raising and medical management of e¨e¯'vcbv
arsenicosis patients
2931-1155 cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi Amnvq, `y¯' &I K‡ivbvKvjxb ÿwZMÖš' 996.00
Improving the quality of life through various trainings †eKvi hye &I hye gwnjv‡`i wewea cÖwkÿ‡Yi gva¨‡g Rxebgvb
for the helpless, destitute and unemployed people of Dbœqb
Patuakhali district.
2931-1156 Socio-economic development project by providing `y:¯' weaev ¯^vgx cwiZ¨³v &I nZ`wi`ª Rb‡Mvôx‡K 1,783.00
employment opportunities to poor widows, Kg©ms¯'vbg~jK Kv‡Ri cÖwkÿ‡Yi gva¨‡g Av_©-mvgvwRK
abandoned husbands and the poorest of the poor. Ae¯'vi Dbœqb cÖKí
2931-1157 Suffix: Prosperity through youth training cªZ¨q:hye cÖwkÿ‡Yi gva¨‡g mg"w× 1,200.00
2931-1158 Protection and intensive care of 85 government child wbqwš—Z cÖ‡ek I cÖhyw³MZ gwbUwis e¨e¯'vcbvi gva¨‡g 85 1,770.00
families through controlled access and technical wU miKvwi wkï cwiev‡ii myiÿv I wbweo ZË¡veavb
monitoring management
2931-1159 Rehabilitation and socio-economic development of Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi Bmjvgcyi, †gjv›`n eKwkMÄ Dc‡Rjvi 500.00
poor and helpless people of Islampur, Melandah `y:¯' I Amnvq Rb‡Mvwói wewfbœ †UªW cÖwkÿ‡Yi gva¨‡g
Bakshiganj Upazila of Jamalpur District through cybe©vmb I Av_©-mvgvwRK Dbœqb
various trade trainings.
2931-1160 Poverty alleviation through development of trade ‡MvcvjMÄ †Rjvi †KvUvjxcvov, Uz½xcvov I gKmy`cyi 500.00
based skills and capacity building through training Dc‡Rjvi `y:¯' Amnvq I `wi`ª Rb‡Mvóxi g‡a¨ cÖwkÿ‡Yi
among the destitute and poor people of Kotalipara, gva¨‡g †UªWwfwËK `ÿZv Dbœqb I Avq DcvR©‡b mÿgZv
Tungipara and Moksudpur upazilas of Gopalganj e"w×i gva¨‡g `vwi`ªwe‡gvPb
2931-1161 Urban Management of Internal Migration Due to Avievb g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ae B›Uvibvj gvB‡MÖkb wWD Uz KvB‡gU 1,244.00
Climate Change (UMMCC) Phase-II †PÄ (BDGgGgwmwm) †dR-2
2931-1163 Mobile Servicing, Driving, TV, Fridge Repair and AbMÖmi Rb‡Mvwôi Av_©-mvgvwRK Dbœq‡b †gvevBj mvwf©wms, 600.00
Tailoring Science and Embroidery Training for WªvBwfs, wUwf, wd"R †givgZ Ges `wR© weÁvb I GgeªqWix
Socio-Economic Development of Backward cÖwkÿY
2931-5016 Development of the Living Standard of the Marginal evsj‡`‡ki cÖvwšZK Rb‡Mvôxi Rxeb gvb Dbœqb 1,278.00
People of Bangladesh
2931-5059 Establishment of Magura Diabetic Hospital gv¸iv Wvqv‡ewUK nmwcUvj ¯’vcb 1.00
National Handicapped Development Foundation
2905-1112 Construction of sports complex for people with we‡kl Pvwn`v m¤úbœ e¨w³‡`i Rb¨ µxov Kg‡cø· wbg©vY cÖKí 12,000.00
special needs
Social Welfare Council
2905-1111 Establishment of Social Welfare Building mgvRKj¨vY feb wbg©vY 3,000.00

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Social Welfare

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Women and Children Affairs
Ministry's Own
3001-1111 Accelerating Protection for Children Gw·jv‡iwUs †cÖv‡UKkb di wPj‡Wªb (Gwcwm) 4,063.00
3001-5000 Multi-Sectoral Programme on Violence Against bvix wbh©vZb cÖwZ‡ivaK‡í gvwë-‡m±ivj †cÖvMÖvg (4_© ce©) 1,100.00
Women (4th Phase).
3001-5001 Strengthening Gender Responsive Budgeting in †÷ªs‡`wbs †RÛvi †imcbwme ev‡RwUs Bb evsjv‡`k 142.00
Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions
3005-1111 Establishment of Joyeeta Tower RwqZv UvIqvi wbg©vY (13001-224232100) 5,250.00
3005-1112 Capacity Development of Joyeeta Foundation RwqZv dvD‡Ûk‡bi mÿgZv wewbg©vY 3,000.00
Department of Women Affairs
3021-1111 Establishment of Kishor Kishori Club wK‡kvi wK‡kvix K¬ve ¯’vcb (13002-224232200) 11,250.00
3021-1114 National Resilience Programe (DWA part) b¨vkbvj †iwR‡jÝ †cÖvMÖvg (wWWweøDG cvU©) 179.00
3021-1115 Enhancing Adaptive Capacities of Coastal DcK~jxq Rb‡Mvôxi we‡klZ Rjevqy cwieZ©bRwbZ jeYv³Zv 8,706.00
Communities Especially Women, to Cope with †gvKv‡ejvq Awf‡hvRb mÿgZv e„w× (MÖxb KvB‡gU dvÛ)
Climate Change Induced Salinity
3021-1116 Investment Component for Vulnerable Group Bb‡f÷‡g›U K‡¤cv‡b›U di fvjbviGej MÖyc †W‡fjc‡g›U 5,719.00
Devlopment (ICVGD) (2nd phase) †cÖvMÖvg (AvBwmwfwRwW) (2q ch©vq)
3021-1117 Construction of women's training center cum hostel gv`vixcyi †Rjvi wkePi Dc‡Rjvq gwnjv cÖwkÿY †K›`ª Kvg 1,073.00
at Shibchar upazila in Madaripur district †nv‡÷j wbg©vY cÖKí
3021-5002 Establishment of 20 Child Daycare Center Project 20wU wkï w`ev hZœ †K›`ª ¯’vcb| 1,520.00
3021-5004 Income Generating Activities (IGA) Training for Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q gwnjv‡`i Rb¨ Avqea©K cÖwkÿY 16,982.00
Women at Upazila Level
3021-5039 Establishment of Vocational Training Centre and †mvbvBgyox, KvjxMÄ, AvovBnvRvi I gVevoxqv †U«wbs †m›Uvi I 479.00
Hostel at Sonaimuri, Kaligong, Araihazar & †nv‡ój wbg©vY|
Modhbaria Upazilla.
Bangladesh Shishu Academy
3005-1114 Providing early child development and protection mgvRwfwËK mgwš^Z wkï-hZœ †K‡›`ªi gva¨‡g wkïi cÖviw¤¢K 1,000.00
and swimming facilities through community-based weKvk &I myiÿv Ges muvZvi myweav cÖ`vb
integrated child-care centres
National Women Agency
3005-1113 Promoting the development of women entrepreneurs Z…Yg~j ch©v‡q A_©‰bwZK ÿgZvq‡b bvix D‡`¨v³v‡`i weKvk 5,250.00
in economic empowerment at the grassroots level mvab cÖKí
3005-5002 Tottha Apa : Empowering Women through ICT Z_¨ Avcvt wWwRUvj evsjv‡`k Movi j‡¶¨ Z_¨ †hvMv‡hvM 7,125.00
Towards Digital Bangladesh Project (2nd Phase) cÖhyw³i ga¨‡g gwnjv‡`i ¶gZvqb (2q ch©vq)
3005-5020 District based Women Computer Training Project †Rjv wfwËK gwnjv Kw¤cDUvi cÖwk¶Y cÖKí (64 †Rjv)| 1,887.00
(64 district).

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Labour and Employment
Ministry's Own
3101-1111 Improving Working Conditions in the Ready-made ‰Zwi †cvkvK Lv‡Z Kg©cwi‡ek Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) 2,800.00
Garment Sector-RMGP (Phase-2)
Directorate of Labour
3141-1111 Eradication of Hazardous Child Labour in evsjv‡`k SzuwKc~Y© wkï kÖg wbimb (4_© ch©vq) 8,000.00
Bangladesh (4th Phase)
Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments
3105-1114 Establishment of 13 DIG Office Building and KjKviLvbv I cÖwZôvb cwi`k©b Awa`߇ii AvaywbKvqb I 4,350.00
Strengthening the Department of Inspection for kw³kvjxKiY Ges 13wU †Rjv Kvhv©jq ¯n'vcb
Factories and Establishments

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Housing and Public Works
Department of Urban Development
3235-1112 Pilot Project to Formulate Integrated Development bqwU Dc‡Rjvq mgwš^Z Dbœqb cwiKíbv cÖYq‡bi cvBjU cÖKí 500.00
Plan in Nine Upazilas
3235-5002 Formulation of Integrated Planning Based on cvqiv e›`i bMix I KzqvKvUv DcK‚jxq A‡ji cwi‡ek ch©Ub 500.00
Tourism of Environment at Kuakata Coastal Area wfwËK mgwš^Z cwiKíbv cÖYqb kxl©K
and Paira Port Area
Public Works Department
3251-1111 Renovation Work and Internal Change of Different cÖavbgšÎxi Kvh©vj‡qi K¨v‡dUwiqv I wewfbœ n‡ji Af¨šZixY 1.00
Halls and Cafeteria of Prime Minister Office cwieZ©b I cwiea©b KvR (13205-224217200)
3251-1117 Flats) for Govt. offcers/staffs at CGS colony, PUªMÖvg AvMÖvev`¯n' wmwRGm K‡jvbx‡Z RivRxY©© 11wU fe‡bi 12,500.00
Agarabad, Chiottagong. ¯'n‡j 9wU eûZj AvevwmK fe‡b miKvwi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i
Rb¨ 684 wU d¬¨vU wbg©vY
3251-1118 Modernization of required Electrical/Mechanical cÖavbgšÎxi Kvh©vjq Ges MYfe‡bi cÖ‡qvRbxq 565.00
system of prime Minister's Office and Ganobhaban ‰e`y¨wZK/hvwšÎK wm‡÷‡gi AvaywbKvqb
3251-1121 Construction of Multisroried govt. residential XvKv¯n' AvwRgcyi miKvwi K‡jvbxi Af¨šZ‡i miKvwi 27,500.00
buildings at ajimpur Govt.Colony (Zone-A) Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ eûZj AvevwmK d¬¨vU wbg©vY (†Rvb-G)
3251-1122 Construction of 20 storied new office builiding in evsjv‡`k mwPevj‡q 20 Zjv wewkó bZzb Awdm feb wbg©vY 10,000.00
Bangladesh Secretariat
3251-1123 Construction of Govrnment residential flats at 36 PUªMªv‡gi 36wU cwiZ¨³ evwo‡Z miKvwi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvwi‡`i 7,000.00
nos. abandoned plots in Chittagong Rb¨ AvevwmK d¬¨vU wbg©vY
3251-1124 Construction of Residential Flats for Government XvKv¯n' wgicyi cvBK cvovq miKvix Kg©KZ©v-Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ 16,469.00
Employees at Paikpara, Mirpur, Dhaka eûZj AvevwmK d¨vU wbg©vY
3251-1125 Construction of Multistoried Govt. Office Building at gvwbKMÄ eûZj wewkó mgwš^Z miKvix Awdm feb wbg©vY 2,500.00
3251-1126 Construction of Multi storied Building for officers Awdmvm© Kve, XvKv Gi K¨v¤cv‡m eûZj feb wbg©vY 7,000.00
Club Complex in Dhaka
3251-1127 mordanization and vertical Extentsion of Sobhanbag XvKv¯n' †mvenvbevM gmwR‡`i AvaywbKvqb Ges DaŸ©gyLx m 3,000.00
Mosque in Dhaka ¤cÖmviY
3251-1128 Construction and Modernization of Relevant Works evsjv‡`k RvZxq msm` feb, msm` m`m¨ feb I Ggwc 7,892.00
of Bangladesh Parliament, Member of Parliament †nv‡÷jmn Avbylvw½K ¯'nvcbvi wbg©vY I AvaywbKvqb
Building and MP Hostels
3251-1130 Modernization of Special Security Force (SSF) Firing ‡¯ckvj wmwKDwiwU †dv‡m©i (GmGmGd) dvqvwis †i‡Äi 4,000.00
Range AvaywbKvqb
3251-1131 Vertical Expansion of Architectural Building at XvKv¯' †m¸bevwMPvq Aew¯'Z ¯'vcZ¨ fe‡bi EaŸ©gyLx m 2,500.00
Segunbagicha, Dhaka (Upgradation of Existing 7th ¤úªmviY KvR (we`¨gvb 7g Zjv feb‡K 10g Zjvq
Floor Building to 10th Floor) DbœxZKiY)
3251-1132 Ancillary works including conversion of North Plaza evsjv‡`k RvZxq msm` fe‡bi DËi cøvRv‡K Awd‡m 1,500.00
of Bangladesh Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban into office iycvšÍimn Avbylw½K KvR
3251-5013 Building Protection Projects in the Town bMiv‡j feb myiv cÖKí 7,435.00
3251-5017 Construction of 672 Residential Flats Eight 15 bvivqYMÄ AvjxM‡Ä miKvwi Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ 8wU 15 Zjv 7,000.00
storied building for Govt. Officers at Aligonj fe‡b 672wU AvevwmK d¨vU wbg©vY
3251-5022 398 residential flats in 20 abandoned homes in XvKv kn‡i ¸jkvb, avbgwÛ I ‡gvnv¤§`cy‡i 20wU cwiZ¨³ 8,000.00
Dhaka city, Gulshan, Dhanmondi and evwo‡Z 398wU AvevwmK d¨vU wbgv©Y|
3251-5025 Construction of Government Residential Flats & PÆMÖvg kn‡i cwiZ¨³ evox‡Z miKvwi AvevwmK d¨vU I 7,500.00
Dormitory at Abandoned House in Chittagong. WiwgUix feb wbg©vY
3251-5028 Multistoried Govt. Office Building at Gopalgonj †MvcvjM‡Ä eûZj wewkó mgwš^Z miKvwi Awdm feb wbg©vY 3,500.00

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Housing and Public Works
Public Works Department
3251-5032 Construction of 288 Residential Flats for Govt. XvKv¯’ wRMvZjvq miKvwi Kg©KZ©v Kg©Pvwi‡`i (MYcZ© I 4,000.00
Officials (PWD and Architectural Department) at ¯’vcZ¨ Awa`ßi) Rb¨ 288wU AvevwmK d¬¨vU wbg©vY
Gigatola, Dhaka.
Chittagong Development Authority
3205-0076 Construction of CDA Squire at Nasirabad, Kb÷ªvKkb Ae wmwWG ¯‹qvi G¨vU bvwmivev`, PÆMÖvg| 3,000.00
3205-0089 Construction of 10-Storied Apartment Complex at Ki÷ªvKkb Ae 10 †÷vi‡qW GcvU©‡g›U Kg‡c­· G¨vU 1,370.00
Dewanhat, Chittagong. †`IqvbnvU, wPUvMvs|
3205-0120 Development of Ananna Residential Area (2nd Abb¨v AvevwmK GjvKvi Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) 5.00
3205-1111 Re-excavation, Expansion Renovation and PÆMÖvg kn‡ii Rjve×Zv wbimbK‡í Lvj cyb:Lbb m¤cÖmviY, 50,000.00
Development of Khal for Mitigation Water Laging at ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb (13201-224149200)
Chattogram City
3205-1119 Preparation of Chittagong Metropoliton Master Plan wcÖcv‡ikb Ae PÆMÖvg †g‡UªvcwjUb gv÷vi cø¨vb 560.00
3205-5004 Construction of link road from Sirajuddaula road to wmivRD‡ÏŠjv †ivW n‡Z kvn AvgvbZ eªxR ch©šZ ms‡hvM 1,700.00
Shah Amanat Bridge. moK wbg©vY|
3205-5008 Construction of Road Along the Karnafuli River KY©dzjx b`xi Zxi eivei KvjyNvU †mZz n‡Z Pv³vB Lvj ch©šZ 36,050.00
(Kalurghat to Chaktai) moK wbg©vY
3205-5009 Construction of Elevated Expressway at Chattogram PÆMÖvg kn‡ii jvjLvb evRvi n‡Z kvn AvgvbZ wegvbe›`i 44,500.00
from Lalkhan Bazar to Shah Amanat Airport ch©šZ Gwj‡f‡UW G·‡cÖmI‡q wbgvY
3205-5018 Construction of Link Road from Dhaka Trunk Road Gwkqvb BDwbfvwm©wU di DB‡gb Gi ewn:mxgvbv w`‡q jyc †ivW 1,700.00
to Baizid Bostami Road including Loop Road at the wbg©vYmn XvKv UªvsK †ivW n‡Z ev‡qwR` †ev¯Zvgx †ivW ch©šZ
outer pheriphery of Asian University for Women ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY
(AUW) at Chittagong.
3205-9991 Chittagong City Outer Ring Road (from Patenga to PÆMÖvg wmwU AvDUvi wis †ivW (c‡Z½v n‡Z mvMwiKv ch©šZ)| 13,250.00
Sagorica ).
Khulna Development Authority
3205-0142 Khulna KDA Bipani Bitan Project. Lyjbv †KwWG wecbx weZvb cÖKí| 3,025.00
3205-0143 Site and Services Residential Plot Development in XvKv †Rjvi †`vnvi Dc‡Rjvq mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK 283.00
Dohar Upazila of Dhaka District cøU Dbœqb
3205-1115 Construction of 3 Link Roads Connecting Satkhira mvZÿxiv moK I wmwU evBcvm moK‡K mshy³ K‡i ms‡hvM 8,000.00
Road and City Bypass road moKmn wZbwU wjsK ‡ivW wbg©vY
3205-9860 Widening and Improvement of Khulna Shipyard Lyjbv kxcBqvW© moK cÖk¯ZKiY I Dbœqb| 12,030.00
Rajshahi Development Authority
3205-0064 Development of PRANTIK Residential Area. cÖvwšZK AvevwmK GjvKv Dbœqb| 7,000.00
3205-1120 Beautification and Modernization of Shaheed 687 knx` K¨v‡Þb gybmyi Avjx cv‡K©i †mŠ›`h© ea©b &I 3,924.00
Captain Munsur Ali Park and Development of Parijat AvaywbKvqb Ges cvwiRvZ †jK Dbœqb
3205-5013 Construction of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu ZvjvBgvix PË¡‡i RvwZi RbK e½eÜz †kLgywReyi ingvb ¯‹qvi 1,661.00
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Square at Talaimary wbg©vY
Rajdhani Unnayon Kartripakhya
3205-0040 Purbachal New Town (Yousufgonj) Project. c~e©vPj bZzb kni (BDmydMÄ) cÖKí| 50,000.00

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Housing and Public Works
Rajdhani Unnayon Kartripakhya
3205-0044 Construction of Residential Flats in Sector-18 of DËiv¯’ 18bs †m±‡i ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi Rb‡Mvôxi Rb¨ 9,999.00
Uttara for low and middle income group people (1st GcvU©‡g›U wbg©vY (1g ms‡kvwaZ)
3205-0128 Development of Physical Infrastructure for wSjwgj AvevwmK cÖKí GjvKvi Avevmb I evwYwR¨K 30,000.00
Residential and commercial in Jhilmil Residential AeKvVv‡gvi Dbœqb
Project Area
3205-0132 Contruction of Multistoried apartment in nine XvKvi ¸jkvb, †gvnv¤§`cyi, jvjgvwUqv I avbgwÛ GjvKvq 4,000.00
abandoned house at Gulshan, Mohammadpur, 09wU cwiZ¨³ evox‡Z eûZj GcvU©‡g›U feb wbg©vY cÖKí
Lalmatia and Dhanmondi area of Dhaka
3205-1114 Madani avenue to Balu river (Major Road-5) gv`vbx GwfwbD n‡Z evjy b`x ch©šZ (†gRi †ivW 5) 20,000.00
Widening and Balu river to Shitalkkhya (Major cÖk¯ZKiY Ges evjy b`x n‡Z kxZjv b`x ch©šZ (†gRi †ivW
Road-5) road project 5K) moK wbg©vY (cÖ_g ce©)
3205-5001 Development and Excavation of 100-foot-wide Canal Kzwoj c~e©vPj wjsK †iv‡Wi cv‡k¦© (Kzwoj n‡Z evjy b`x ch©šZ) 107,402.00
beside Kuril Purbachal link Road (Kuril to sand river).100 dzU PIov Lvj Lbb I Dbœqb
3205-5020 Uttara Lake Development Project. DËiv †jK Dbœqb| 1.00
3205-5025 Urban Resilience Project (RAJUK part). Avievb wiwRwj‡qÝ cÖKí (ivRDK Ask) 9,800.00
3205-8080 Development of Gulshan-Banani-Baridhara Lake. ¸jkvb-ebvbx-evwiaviv †jK Dbœqb| 100.00
Housing and Building Research Institute (IHBR)
3205-5007 Technical Development to Upgrade Structure of ‡UKwbK¨vj †W‡fjc‡g›U Uz Avc‡MÖW ÷ªvKPvi Ad wewìs Bb 1.00
Buildings in Desely Popolated Urbarn Areas and It's †Wbmwj cycy‡j‡UW Avievb Gwiqvm GÛ BUm ÷ªv‡UwRK
Strategic Implementation Towards Resilient Cities in Bgwcø‡g‡›Ukb Uz&IqvW©m †iwRwj‡q›U wmwUBm Bb evsjv‡`k
National Housing Authority
3205-0028 Construction of 1230. 75 sqft.676 residential flats for XvKvi wgicyi 15bs †mKk‡b RqbMi miKvix/AvavmiKvix 3,000.00
Govt/Semi Government officers at Joynagar, Section Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ 1230.75 eM©dzU AvqZ‡bi 676 wU AvevwmK
15,Mirpur,Dhaka. d¬¨vU wbg©vY cÖKí|
3205-0070 Development Residential Plot at sadar Upazila in wSbvB`n †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvq mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK 1.00
the District of Jhenidah. c­U Dbœqb|
3205-0091 Development of Sites and Services Residential Plot cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi evDdj Dc‡Rjvq ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi 1.00
for low and middle income group people at Baoufal †jvK‡`i Rb¨ mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK c­U (182wU)
Upazila of Patuakhali District Dbœqb|
3205-0103 Development of Site and Services Residential and PÆMÖvg †Rjvi wgimivB Dc‡Rjvi wKmgZ Rvdivev` ‡gŠRvq 350.00
Commercial Plots for Low and Middle Income Group wb¤§ I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm
of People at Kismat Zafrabad Mouza, Mirsarai AvevwmK I evwYwR¨K c­U Dbœqb
Upazilla, Chittagong District
3205-0104 Construction of Residential Building at Firozshah & PÆMÖvg¯’ wd‡ivRkvn I nvwjkni nvDwRs G‡÷‡Ui wR-eø‡K 2,300.00
Halishahar Housing Estate in Chittagong (Phase-III). AvevwmK feb wbg©vY cªKí (3q ce©)|
3205-0109 Development of Sites and Services Residential SvjKvwV †Rjvi bjwmwU Dc‡Rjvq c~e©Pi `c`wcqv †gŠRvq 22.00
Plots for the Low and Middle-income people at at ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ mvBUm GÛ mvwf©‡mm
Purbachar mouja, Nolcity upazila in Jhalokati AvevwmK c­U Dbœqb
3205-0110 Development of Sites and Services Residential Plots Kzwóqv nvDwRs G‡÷‡U mvBUm GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK c­U 1.00
in Kushtia Housing Estate (4th Phase). Dbœqb (4_© ch©vq)
3205-0112 Development of Sites and Services Residential Plots †kicyi †Rjvi kÖxe`©x Dc‡Rjvq ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i 1.00
for Law and Middle-income Group People at Sribodi Rb¨ mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK c­U Dbœqb
Upazila of Sherpur District

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Housing and Public Works
National Housing Authority
3205-0113 Construction of 10-storey residential flat at PÆMÖvg wd‡ivRkvn I nvwjkni nvDwRs G‡ó‡U 10-Zjv wewkó 2,500.00
Chittagong Firoz Shah and Halishahar Housing AvevwmK d¬¨vU wbg©vY|
3205-0115 Construction of NHA Commercial Complex at h‡kvi nvDwRs G‡ó‡U GbGBPG evwYwR¨K Kg‡c­· wbg©vY| 1,000.00
Jessore Housing Estate.
3205-0116 Site and Services Residential Plot Development for nweMÄ †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvq ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i 500.00
small and middle-income people in Sadar upazila of Rb¨ mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK c­U Dbœqb|
Habiganj district.
3205-0118 Construction of 15 14-storeid residential flats XvKvi wgicyi¯’' 9bs †mKk‡b 15wU 14 Zjv wewkó AvevwmK 9,500.00
(second phase) in section 9 of Mirpur, Dhaka . d¨vU wbg©vY (2q ch©vq)|
3205-0119 Construction of 54 residential flats for sale to the XvKvi jvjgvwUqvq nvDwRs G‡ó‡U RvZxq M„nvqb KZ©„c‡¶i 51.00
National Housing Authority's own employees at wbR¯^ Kg©Pvix‡`i wbKU weµ‡qi Rb¨ 54wU AvevwmK d¬¨vU
Lalmatia Housing Estate of Dhaka. wbg©vY|
3205-0121 Construction of Residential Flats 72 (Revised 88) for XvKvi jvjgvwUqv nvDwRs G‡÷‡U miKvwi Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ 53.00
Government Officer of Housing Estate in Lalmatia 72wU (ms‡kvwaZ 88wU) AvevwmK d¬¨vU wbg©vY
3205-0123 Residential Flat Construction Project for sale to the XvKvi wgicyi-16 †mKk‡b miKvwi Avav-miKvwi I 10,000.00
government, semi-government and autonomous ¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ cÖwZôv‡bi Kg©KZ©v‡`i wbKU weµ‡qi Rb¨
establishment officials at Section-16 Mirpur AvevwmK d¬¨vU wbg©vY
3205-0126 Residentail Plot development for low and middle ‡bvqvLvjx †Rjvi †mvbvcy‡i ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ 1.00
income people under site and services at Sonapur, mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK c­U Dbœqb
Noakhali District.
3205-0127 Development of sites and services Residential plots ‡bvqvLvjx †Rjvi gvBR`x‡Z (†ijI‡q †÷k‡b msjMœ) ¯^í I 388.00
for low and middle income people at Maijdee ga¨g Av‡qi ‡jvK‡`i Rb¨ mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK c­U
(Adjacent to Railway Station), Noakhali District. Dbœqb
3205-0130 Dadavai Satellite Town Commercial and Residential gv`vixcyi †Rjvi wkePi Dc‡Rjvi `v`vfvB Dckni Kgvwk©qvj 240.00
Zone Development Project at Shibchar Upazila, I AvevwmK †Rvb Dbœqb (3q ch©vq)
Madaripur District (3rd Phase)
3205-0131 Construction of 253 NOS Residential Flats of XvKvi avbgwÛ I †gvnv¤§`cyi¯’ 10wU cø‡U wewfbœ AvqZ‡bi 800.00
Different Size at 10 (Ten) Points of Dhanmondi and 253wU (51wU Awdmvm© †KvqvU©vm Ges 202wU weµ‡qi Rb¨) M
Mohammadpur „nvqb avbgwÛ AvevwmK d¬¨vU wbg©vY
3205-0133 Construction of residential flat at G-block of Hlisahar PÆMÖvg¯'n nvwjkni nvDwRs G‡÷‡Ui wR eø‡K AvevwmK d¨vU 1,564.00
housing estate in Chittogram wbg©vY cÖKí (4_© ch©vq)
3205-0135 Construction of modern NHA multipurpose tower at PÆMÖvg¯n' nvwjkni nvDwRs G‡÷‡Ui G eø‡K AZ¨vaywbK 2,200.00
A-block of Halisahar Housing estate in Chottogram GbGBPG gvwë-cvicvm UvIqvi wbg©vY cÖKí
3205-0137 Development of site and services Residential Plots wc‡ivRcyi †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvq ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i 90.00
for Low and Middle Income group of people at Rb¨ mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK cøU Dbœqb
Pirojpur Sadar upazila, Pirojpur
3205-0140 Site and Services Residential Plot Development PU&iM&ivg †Rjvi iv½ywbqv DcR‡jvq ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi 1.00
Project for Self and Low Income People in Rangunia †jvK‡`i Rb¨ mvBU GÛ mvwi&f‡mm AvevwmK cøU Dbœqb
Upazila of Chittagong District. c&iKí (¯^ Ai&_vqb)
3205-0141 Construction project of residential flats on Asad XvKv¯’ †gvnv¤§`cyi nvDwRs G‡÷‡Ui Avmv` GwfwbD (M„nvqY 1,400.00
Avenue (Housing Konakchampa) and Saat Masjid KbKPvucv) Ges mvZ gmwR` †iv‡W (M„nvqY †`vjbPvucv)
Road (Housing Dolanchampa) in Mohammadpur AvevwmK d¬¨vU wbg©vY cÖKí|
Housing Estate, Dhaka.
3205-5005 Low Income Community Housing Support Project ¯^í Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ DbœZ Rxeb e¨e¯’'v| 6,877.00
Cox’s Bazar Development Authority
3205-0138 Bazar Development Authority Residential Flat K·evRvi Dbœqb KZ©„c‡ÿi AvevwmK d¬¨vU Dbœqb cÖKí-1 4,826.00
Development Project-1

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Housing and Public Works
Cox’s Bazar Development Authority
3205-1118 Holyday Mor Bazarghata Larpara (Bus stand) Main K·evRvi †Rjvi nwj‡W †gvo-evRviNvUv-jvicvov (ev÷¨vÛ) 10,000.00
Road Reconstruction & Widening Project of Cox's cÖavb moK ms¯‹vimn cÖk¯ZKiY
Bazar District
3205-1121 Survey for Master Plan Preparation of Cox'sBazar K·evRvi †Rjvi gnvcwiKíbv cÖYqb kxl©K mgxÿv cÖKí 2,000.00

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Department of Mass Communication
3335-1112 Construction of modern information complex at ‡Rjv ch©v‡q AvaywbK Z_¨ Kg‡cøv· wbg©vY cÖKí 3,262.00
district level
Bangladesh Betar
3351-1111 Modernization and Installation of Digital evsjv‡`k †eZv‡ii wm‡jU †K›`ª AvaywbKvqb I kw³kvjxKiY 2,200.00
Broadcasting Equipment at Bangladesh Betar,
3351-1112 Bangladesh Betar, Chittagong Center modernization evsjv‡`k †eZvi, PÆMÖvg †K›`ª AvaywbKvqb I wWwRUvj m¤úªPvi 1,000.00
and installation of digital broadcasting equipment hš—cvwZ ¯'vcb
3351-5001 Establishment of modern and digital broadcasting RvZxq †eZvi fe‡b AvaywbK I wWwRUvj m¤cÖPvi hšÎcvwZ 1.00
Mechenary in NationalRadio Building. ¯n'vcb|
3351-5015 Shifting, Construction & Modernization of evsjv‡`k †eZvi kvnevM Kg‡c­· AvMviMvuI XvKvq ¯’vbvšZi, 313.00
Bangladesh Betar, Shahbag Complex at Agargaon, wbg©vY I AvaywbKvqb (1g ch©vq)|
Dhaka. (1st Phase) (Revised)
Bangladesh Television
3353-1111 Establishment of Nationwide Digital Terrestrial evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi †`ke¨vcx wWwRUvj ‡Uwiw÷ªqvj m¤cÖPvi 4,200.00
Television Broadcasting of Bangladesh Television cÖeZ©b (1g ch©vq)
(1st Phase)
3353-1112 Modernization, Digitalization & Automation of evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi †K›`ªxq m¤cÖPvi e¨e¯n'vi AvaywbKvqb, 7,000.00
Bangladesh Television Central System (1st Phase) wWwRUvjvB‡Rkb I A‡Uv‡gkb (1g ch©vq)
3353-1113 Transformation of Bangladesh Television's evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi PÆMÖvg †K›`ª‡K c~Y©v½ wUwf †K‡›`ª 1,000.00
Chittagong Center into a Full TV Center (Phase 1) iƒcvšÍi (1g ch©vq)
3353-5002 Establishment of 6 (Six) ful Fledged stations of evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi 6wU c~Y©v½ wUwf †K›`ª ¯'nvcb| 10.00
Bangladesh Television.
Bangladesh Film Archives
3373-1111 Collection and preservation of Audio Visual ‡`kx I we‡`kx Drm †_‡K gyw³hy‡×i AwWI wfRy¨qvj `wjj 800.00
Documents of Liberation War from local and foreign msMÖn I msiÿY Ges evsjv‡`k wdj¥ AvK©vB‡fi mgÿZv
sources and increase the capacity of Bangladesh e"w×
Film Archive.
Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha
3305-1111 Promoting audio visual news & capacity building of AwWI wfRy¨qvj msev` cÖeZ©b Ges AwWI wfRy¨qvj msev` 1,300.00
BSS Journalists for creating audio visual news ˆZwi‡Z evmmÕi mvsevw`K‡`i mÿgZv e„w×
Bangladesh Film Development Corporation (BFDC)
3305-1112 Infrastructure Development and Expansion of Digital weGdwWwm Kg‡cø· wbg©vY 6,000.00
Technology in BFDC

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Cultural Affairs
Ministry's Own
3401-1113 Construction of Shilajaranjan cultural center in ‡gvnbMÄ Dc‡Rjvq ˆkjRv-iÄb ms¯‹…wZ †K›`ª wbg©vY 1,159.00
Mohganj upazila of Netrokona district
3401-1114 1971:Construction of the Genocide- Torture archive 1971: MYnZ¨v-wbh©vZb AvK©vBf I Rv`yN‡ii feb wbg©vY 1,169.00
and museum
3401-5000 Setting up research centers for genocide-torture and MYnZ¨v-wbh©vZb I gyw³hy× welqK M‡elYv †K›`ª ¯’vcb| 530.00
liberation war
Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions
3405-5008 Establishment of Muslim Institute Cultural Complex, PÆMÖvg gymwjg Bbw÷wUDU mvs¯‹…wZK Kg‡c­· ¯’vcb 7,559.00
Department of Archaeology
3431-1111 Archaeological restoration-preservation of historic HwZnvwmK ‡ivR Mv‡W©b-Gi c"ZœZvwË&eK ms¯‹vi-msiY Ges 700.00
Rose Garden and establishment of Dhaka XvKv gnvbMi Rv`yNi ¯'vcb
Metropolitan Museum
Department of Public Libraries
3435-1111 Countrywide Mobile Libraries ‡`ke¨vcx åvg¨gvb jvB‡eªwi 970.00
Copyright Office
3437-5000 Construction of Bangladesh Copyright Bhaban evsjv‡`k KwcivBU feb wbg©vY 639.00
Bangladesh Lok and Karushilpa Foundation
3405-1112 Construction and renovation of physical evsjv‡`k †jvK I Kviywkí dvD‡Ûk‡bi Rv`yNi febmn 2,000.00
infrastructure including museum of Bangladesh Folk Ab¨vb¨ ‡fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY I ms¯‹vi
and Crafts Foundation
Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy
3405-5007 Extension and Completion the Remaining Work of RvZxq wPÎkvjv Ges RvZxq msMxZ I b„Z¨Kjv †K‡›`ªi m 2,130.00
National Art Gallery and National Music & Dance ¤•ÖmviY I Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY
Nazrul Institute
3405-1111 Construction of new building of Nazrul Institute in XvKv¯n' bRiyj Bbw÷wUD‡Ui bZzb feb wbg©vY Ges XvKv, 1,350.00
Dhaka and the renovation of existing buildings in gqgbwmsn I Kzwgjøvq we`¨gvb fe‡bi wi‡bv‡ekb
Dhaka, Mymensingh and Comilla
Tribal Cultural Institute, Rangamati
3405-1113 Construction of Minority Cultural Institute, Rangamatiÿz`ª, b„‡Mvôxi mvs¯‹…wZK BbwówUDU, iv½vgvwUi Awdm Kvg 200.00
Office cum Multifunctional Building gvwëdvskbvj feb wbg©vY
Department of Public Libraries
3405-1115 Expansion of Online Service Activities of miKvwi MYMÖš’vMvimg~‡ni AbjvBb †mev Kvh©µg m¤cªviY 2,000.00
Government Public Libraries
3405-1117 Construction of multi-storied building for the MYcÖš'vMvi Awa`߇ii m`i `߇ii eûZj feb wbg©vY 2,750.00
headquarters of the Department of Public Works

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Religious Affairs
Ministry's Own
3501-1111 Enhancing of Religious Harmony and Awareness ag©xq m¤cÖxwZ I m‡PZbZv e„w×KiY 1.00
Islamic Foundation
3505-0002 Islamic Book Publishing Program (Step 3) Bmjvgx cy¯ÍK c&iKvkbv Kvi&hK&ig (3q ci&hvq) 1,200.00
3505-1112 Inspirational activities through Imams to improve the nvIo GjvKvi RbM‡Yi Rxebgvb Dbœqb I Rxe‰ewPΨ 1,188.00
quality of life and conserve biodiversity of the people msiÿ‡Y Bgvg‡`i gva¨‡g DØy×KiY Kvh©µg
in Haor area
3505-1115 Mosque Based Children and Mass Education mgwR` wfwËK wkï I MYwkÿv Kvh©µg (7g ch©vq) 50,000.00
Program (Phase 7)
3505-1116 Modernization by adding new equipment to the BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûk‡bi we`¨gvb QvcvLvbvq bZzb hšÎcvwZ 1,945.00
existing printing press of the Islamic Foundation ms‡hvR‡bi gva¨‡g AvaywbKxKiY cÖKí
3505-1118 Expansion and strengthening of mosque library 3rd gmwR` cvVvMvi m¤úªmviY I kw³kvjxKiY 3q ch©vq 1,802.00
3505-5002 Establishing 560 Model Mosques and Islamic cÖwZwU †Rjv I Dc‡Rjvq GKwU K‡i 560wU g‡Wj gmwR` I 126,850.00
Cultural Centers in Zila & Upazila of Bangladesh (1st BmjvwgK mvs¯‹zwZK †K›`ª ¯’vcb
3505-5003 Gopalganj Islamic Foundation complex †MvcvjMÄ BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb Kg‡c­· ¯’vcb 1.00
Establishment Project
Hindu Religion Welfare Trust (HRWT)
3505-1113 Development and Renouation of Hindo Temples and mgMÖ †`‡k mbvZb ag©vej¤^x‡`i gw›`i I ag©xq cÖwZôv‡bi 4,342.00
Hindo Religious Institutes Dbœqb I ms¯‹vi
3505-1117 Skill Enhancement of Priests and Servants in ag©xq I Av_© mvgvwRK †cÖÿvc‡U cy‡ivwnZ I †mevBZ‡`i 2,000.00
Religious and Socio-economicl Context - Phase II `ÿZve„w×KiY-2q ch©vq

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Youth and Sports
Department of Youth Development
3640-1112 Project for Training in Automibile Driving hvbevnb Pvjbv cÖwkÿY cÖKí 2,623.00
3640-1114 Extensive technology based integrated resource `vwi`ª¨ we‡gvP‡bi j‡ÿ¨ e¨vcK cÖhyw³ wbf©i mgw¯^Z m¤ú` 3,500.00
management (Part 3) project aimed at alleviating e¨e¯'vcbv (3q ce©) cÖKí|
3640-1115 Technology Empowerment Center on Wheels for ‡UK‡bvjwR Ggcv&Iqvi‡g›U †m›Uvi Ab ûBjm di 500.00
Underprivileged Rural Young People of Bangladesh AvÛviwcÖwf‡jRW iyivj Bqs wccj Ae evsjv‡`k (†UKve 2q
(TECAB 2nd Phase) ch©vq)
Bangladesh Krira Shiksha Pratisthan
3605-1127 Modernization of BKSP shooting zone we‡KGmwci k~¨wUs †Rv‡bi AvaywbKvqb 2,808.00
3605-5034 Establishment of Sports School under BKSP at we‡KGmwcÕi AvIZvq PÆMÖvg I ivRkvnx‡Z µxov ¯‹yj cÖwZôv| 4,076.00
Chittagong and Rajshahi (2 Revised).
National Sports Council
3605-1122 Further Development of Bangabandhu National XvKv¯n' e½eÜz RvZxq †÷wWqv‡gi AwaKZi Dbœqb 1,500.00
Stadium at Dhaka
3605-1126 Development of Pabna Shaheed Advocate Ameen cvebv knx` G¨vW‡fv‡KU Avwgb DwÏb †÷whqvg Ges we`¨gvb 650.00
Uddin Stadium and Swimming Pool, Construction of myBwgscy‡ji Dbœqb, Bb‡Wvi wµ‡KU †bU cÖvKwUm †mW wbg©vY
Indoor Cricket net Practice sheed and Greater Ges kixqZcyi †Rjv †÷wWqv‡gi AwaKZi Dbœqb
Improvement of Shariatpur Zila Stadium
3605-1129 Further development of Ghaznabi Stadium, ‡fvjv †Rjv¯’ MRbex †÷wWqvg AwaKZi Dbœqb, Bb‡Wvi 1,200.00
Construction of Iindoor Stadium and Swimming Pool †÷wWqvg Ges myBwgscyj wbg©vY
in Bhola District,
3605-1130 Further development of Sheikh Kamal Stadium, ‡kL Kvgvj †÷wWqvg, Kzwóqv Gi AwaKiZ Dbœqb 600.00
3605-1131 Upgradation of Barisal Abdur Rab Seniabat Stadium ewikvj Avãyi ie †mwbqvevZ †÷wWqvg‡K AvšÍR©vwZK gv‡b 500.00
to International Standard and Development of DbœxZKib Ges we`¨gvb †Rjv myBwgscy‡ji Dbœqb cÖKí
Existing District Swimming Pool
3605-1132 Feasibility study project for construction of gvwbKMÄ †Rjvq AvšÍR©vwZKgv‡bi wµ‡KU †÷wWqvg wbg©v‡Yi 135.00
international standard cricket stadium in Manikganj j‡ÿ¨ wdwRwewjwU ÷¨vwW cÖKí
3605-1133 Construction of Mini Stadium (Sheikh Russell Mini Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q wgwb †÷wWqvg (‡kL iv‡mj wgwb ‡÷wWqvg) 10,000.00
Stadium) at Upazila level - Phase II wbg©vY-2q ch©vq
3605-1134 cÖwZeÜx µxovwe`‡`i Rb¨ c¨vwfwjqb feb wbg©vYmn †Ljvi 1,195.00
Playground development project including gvV Dbœqb cÖKí
construction of pavilion building for disabled athletes
3605-1135 Development of Sheikh Russell Mini Stadium in gv`vixcyi †Rjv¯' wkePi Dc‡Rjv I †fvjv †Rjv¯' Pid¨vkb 1,000.00
Shibchar Upazila of Madaripur District and Char Dc‡Rjv †kL iv‡mj wgwb ‡÷wWqvg AwaKiZ Dbœqb Ges
Fashion Upazila of Bhola District and construction of MvRxcyi †Rjv m`‡i myBwgscyj wbg©vY cÖKí
swimming pool at Gazipur District Headquarters.

29/08/22 Page 42 of 107

List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Local Government Division
Ministry's Own
3701-1111 Effecient and Accountable Local Governance Bwdwm‡q›U GÛ G¨vKvD‡›Uej †jvKvj Mf‡b©Ý (BGGjwR) 736.00
(EALG) (13701-224229200)
3701-1112 Livelihoods Improvement of urban poor communities cÖvwšZK Rb‡Mvôxi Rxebgvb Dbœqb cÖKí 26,400.00
3701-1113 Urban primary Health care services Delivery Avievb cÖvBgvix †nj_ †Kqvi mvwf©‡mm †Wwjfvix cÖ‡R± (2q 36,700.00
project-phase-2 (UPHCSDP) ch©vq)
3701-1114 Local Government limitation on Climate Change ‡jvKvj MfY©‡g›U Bwbwm‡qwUf Ab KvB‡gU †PÄ (jwRK) 1,417.00
3701-1115 Upazila Integrated Capacity Development project Dc‡Rjv Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW K¨vcvwmwU †Wfjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± 1,336.00
3701-1119 Technical Support to Improvement Timely Failure ‡UKwbK¨vj mv‡cvU© Uz Bgcªyf‡g›U UvBgwj e¨_© G¨vÛ †W_ 247.00
and Death Registration System in Bangladesh. †iwR‡óªkb wm‡÷g Bb evsjv‡`k|
3701-1120 Support for Modeling Planning and Improving Daka's mv‡cvU© di g‡Wwjs cø¨vwbs GÛ B¤úªywfs WvKvÕm dzW wm‡÷g| 7,019.00
Food System.
3701-1121 Growth-Local Economic Development Technical cÖe„w×-‡jvKvj B‡KvbwgK †W‡fjc‡g›U KvwiMwi mnvqZv cÖKí 1,704.00
Assistance Project
3701-5005 Upazila Governance and Development. Dc‡Rjv cwiPvjb I Dbœqb| 31,478.00
3701-5009 Third Local Governance Support Project (LGSP-3) Z…Zxq †jvKvj Mf©b¨vÝ mv‡cvU© cÖ‡R± (GjwRGmwc-3)| 4,334.00
3701-5010 Block allocation for development assistance to Dc‡Rjvmg‡ni Rb¨ Dbœqb mnvqZv †_vKeivÏ| 65,000.00
3701-5020 Block allocation for development assistance to ‡cŠimfvmg‡ni Rb¨ Dbœqb mnvqZv †_vKeivÏ| 40,000.00
3701-5080 Block allocation for Zilla Parishad. ‡Rjv cwil` eve` †_vKeivÏ| 50,000.00
3701-5110 Block Allocation for Union Parishad. BDwbqb cwil‡` Dbœqb mnvqZv| 75,000.00
3701-7460 City Corporations Development Assistance. wmwU K‡cv©‡ikb Dbœqb mnvqZv| 35,000.00
Local Government Engineering Department
3731-0001 Flood and Disaster Damage Rural Road eb¨v I `~‡h©v‡M ÿwZMÖ¯Z cjøx moK AeKvVv‡gv cybe©vmb 35,000.00
Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project (13703-224215300)
3731-0002 Climate Resilient Infrastructure Institutionalization Rjevqy mwnòz AeKvVv‡gv cÖvwZôvwbKxKiY 12,000.00
Project (13703-224215200)
3731-1111 Important Urban Infrastructure Development Project ¸iyZ¡c~Y© bMi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) 60,000.00
(2nd Phase) (13703-224215400)
3731-1112 Construction of kadamrasul Bridge over the river bvivqYMÄ wmwU K‡‡c©v‡ik‡bi 5bs ¸`vivNv‡Ui wbKU 2,000.00
shitalakya near 5no Gudaraghat of Narayanganj City kxZjÿ¨v b`xi Dci K`gimyj eªxR wbg©vY
Corporation (KCCKB)
3731-1114 KuakataPourashava Infrastructure Improvement KzqvKvUv †cŠimfvi †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 296.00
3731-1116 Construction of Connection Road with "Sheik PvucvBbeveMÄ †cŠimfvi AvIZvaxb gnvb›`v b`xi Õ‡kL 7,000.00
Hasina" Bridge on Mohanonda River Under nvwmbvÕ †mZzi mv‡_ ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY
3731-1117 Second City Region Development Project (CRDP-2) wØZxq bMi AÂj Dbœqb cÖKí 63,032.00
3731-1118 TangailPourashava Infrastructure Development UvsMvBj ‡cŠimfvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 5,000.00
3731-1119 PatuakhaliPouroshava Infrastructure Development cUzqvLvjx †cŠimfv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 1,550.00
3731-1120 Infrastructure Development of 5 (Five) Pourashava Kzwgjøv †Rjvi 05wU †cŠimfv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 4,500.00
Under Cumilla District
3731-1121 Tepakhola Lake Development at Faridpur City dwi`cyi kn‡ii †Ucv‡Lvjv †jK Dbœqb 2,000.00
3731-1122 Physical Infrastructure ImpovementPfoject of Eight Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi 8wU †cŠimfvi †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 6,000.00
Pourashava of Jamalpur District

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Local Government Division
Local Government Engineering Department
3731-1123 Masterplan Preparation and Fundamental Dc‡Rjv kni (bb-wgDwbwmc¨vj) gvóvicø¨vb cÖYqb I 13,000.00
Infrastructure Development Project of Upazila Town †gŠwjK AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí
3731-1124 Urban Infrastructure Development Project bMi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 18,828.00
3731-1125 Southern Country Iron Bridge ‡`‡ki `wÿYv‡ji AvqiY eªxR cyb:wbg©vY/cybe©vmb 40,000.00
Reconstruction/Rehabilitation Project
3731-1128 Promoting Resilient of Vulnerable Through Access toAeKvVv‡gvMZ `ÿZv Dbœqb I Z‡_¨i gva¨‡g SzuwKc~Y© 14,620.00
Infrastructure, Improved Skills and Information. Rb‡Mvôxi mnbkxjZv e„w× (cÖfvZx) kxl©K cÖKí
3731-1129 Project for Completion of Incomplete PC Girder cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi †jvnvwjqv b`xi Dci wbg©vYvaxb wcwm MvW©vi 1,900.00
Bridge over Lohalia River in Patuakhali District weª‡Ri Amgvß wbg©vY KvR mgvß KiY cÖKí
3731-1130 Khulna, Bagerhat&Satkhira District's Rural Lyjbv, ev‡MinvU I mvZÿxiv †Rjvi cjøx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 10,000.00
Infrastructure Improvement Pfoject cªKí
3731-1131 Jashore Region Rural Infrastructure Development h‡kvi AÂj MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 10,000.00
3731-1132 Rural Connectivity Improvement Project. (RCIP) iyivj Kv‡bKwUwfwU BgcÖyf‡g›U cÖ‡R± 117,496.00
3731-1133 Program for Supporting Rural Bridges MÖvgxY mo‡K †mZz Dbœqb mnvqZv Kg©m~wP 130,383.00
3731-1134 Bangladesh Emergency AssistanceProject (LGED evsjv‡`k Ggv‡R©wÝ GwmmU¨vÝ cÖ‡R± (GjwRBwW Ask) 2,000.00
3731-1135 Emergency Multi-Sector Rohingya Crisis Response Riyix wfwˇZ †ivwn½v m¼U †gvKv‡ejvq gvwë-†m±i cÖKí 39,700.00
3731-1136 Greater Kushtia District Rural Infrastructure e„nËi Kzwóqv †Rjv MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 9,000.00
Development Project
3731-1137 Disaster Risk Management Enhancement Project wWRv÷vi wiKm& g¨v‡bR‡g›U Gb‡n݇g›U cÖ‡R± (GjwRBwW 9,500.00
(LGED Part) cvU©)
3731-1138 Village Road Rehabilitation Project MÖvg moK cybe©vmb cÖKí 39,000.00
3731-1139 Greater Dhaka Rural Infrastructure Development e„nËi XvKv MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí-4 10,000.00
3731-1140 Disaster Damage Rural Road Improvement Project; wZb cve©Z¨ †‡Rjvq `~‡hv©‡M ÿwZMÖ¯Z Ges Ab¨vb¨ ¸iyZ¡c~Y© 20,000.00
3 Hill Districts cjøx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí
3731-1144 Construction of Under 100m bridge on upazil, Union Dc‡Rjv, BDwbqb I MÖvg mo‡K Ab~aŸ© 100 wgUvi †mZz wbg©vY 34,000.00
& Village road Project cÖKí
3731-1145 LGED's Human Resources Development and GjwRBwWÕi gvbe m¤c` Dbœqb I mÿgZv e„w×KiY cÖKí 1,600.00
Capacity Building Project
3731-1146 Construction of bridge over Feni river on Sonagazi ‡mvbvMvRx I wgimivB A_©‰bwZK AÂj ms‡hvM mo‡K b`xi 4,803.00
and Mirsharai Economic Zone link road Dci †mZz wbg©vY
3731-1150 Widening and Strengthning of important Upazila and XvKv wefv‡Mi ¸iyZ¡c~Y© Dc‡Rjv I BDwbqb moK cÖk¯ZKiY 22,700.00
Union Road Under Dhaka Division. I kw³kvjxKiY
3731-1151 Nine Bridge Construction Project in Brahmanbaria we.evwoqv †Rjvq 9wU †mZz wbg©vY 3,400.00
Distitct (NBCPL).
3731-1152 Institutionalizing Gender Equity Practices in Local Bbw÷wUDkbvjvBwRs †RÛvi BKz¨wU cÖvKwU‡mm Bb †jvKvj 455.00
Government Engineering Department Mfvb©‡g›U BwÄwbqvwis wWcvU©‡g›U
3731-1153 Rural Employment and Road Maintenance cjøx Kg©ms¯n'vb I moK iÿYv‡eÿY Kg©m~Px-3 42,000.00
Programm-3 (RERMP-3)
3731-1154 National Resilience Program (LGED Part) b¨vkbvj †iwRj¨vÝ †cÖvMÖvg (GjwRBwW cvU©) 144.00
3731-1155 Construction of Bridge over Dakatiya River under Pvu`cyi †Rjvi dwi`MÄ Dc‡Rjvaxb WvKvwZqv b`xi Dci †mZz 2,000.00
Faridganj Upazila of Chandpur District wbg©vY
3731-1157 Priority basis Important Rural Infrastructure AMÖvwaKvi wfwˇZ ¸iyZ¡c~Y© cjøx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí-3 45,000.00
Development Project-3

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Local Government Division
Local Government Engineering Department
3731-1158 Cyclone Ampan and Flood Damaged Rural Road N~wY©So Av¤cvb I eb¨vq ÿwZMÖ¯’ cjøx moK AeKvVv‡gv 50,000.00
Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project cybe©vmb kxl©K cÖKí
3731-1159 Feasibility study project for construction of long Dc‡Rjv, BDwbqb I MÖvg mo‡K `xN© †mZz wbg©vY Kv‡Ri m¤ 981.00
bridges on upazila, union and village roads ¢ve¨Zv hvPvB cÖKí
3731-1160 Western Economic Corridor & Regional I‡q÷vY© BKbwgK Kwi‡Wvi I wiRbvj Gbn¨v݇g›U †cÖvMÖvg 15,720.00
Enhancement Program (WeCARE) Phase-1: Rural †cBR-1: iyivj Kv‡bw±wfwU, gv‡K©U GÛ jwRw÷K
Connectivity, Market and Logistic Infrastructure Bbdªv÷ªvKPvi BgcÖæf‡g›U cÖ‡R± (AviwmGgGjAvBAvBwc)
Improvement Project (RCMLIIP)
3731-1162 Infrastructure Development of Patia Municipality in PÆMÖvg †Rjvi cwUqv †cŠimfvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 1,000.00
Chittagong District
3731-1163 Noakhali District Infrastructure Development ‡bvqvLvjx †Rjvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 1,500.00
3731-1164 Bashurhat Pourashava Infrastucture Development emyinvU †cŠimfvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 1,200.00
3731-1165 10 Pourasava Infrastructure Development of Tangail Uv½vBj †Rjvi 10 (`k)wU †cŠimfvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 2,000.00
3731-1166 'My Village My City' Technical Assistance Project to ÕAvgvi MÖvg Avgvi kniÕ wbe©vPbx A½xKvi ev¯Zevqb KvwiMwi 500.00
Implement Electoral Commitment mnvqZv cÖKí
3731-1167 Rural Infrastructure Development Project in Pirojpur wc‡ivRcyi †Rjvq cjøx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| 10,000.00
3731-1168 Narsingdi District Rural Infrastructure Development biwms`x ‡Rjvi cjøx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| 2,500.00
3731-1169 Construction of Mithmin Rest House. wgVgvBb †ió nvDR wbg©vY| 2,000.00
3731-1170 | Infrastructure development of Gazipur district. MvRxcyi †Rjvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 4,000.00
3731-1171 Development of important rural infrastructure in Kzwgjøv, eªvL¥Yevoxqv I Pv`cyi ‡Rjvi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© MÖvgxb 15,000.00
Comilla, Brahmanbaria and Chadpur districts. AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb|
3731-1172 Important road development project of Keraniganj XvKv ‡Rjvi †KivbxMÄ Dc‡Rjvi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© moK Dbœqb 1,000.00
upazila of Dhaka district. cÖKí|
3731-1173 Feasibility study project titled NILG Building GbAvBGjwR feb mgc&ªmviY I cÖwkÿY myweav e„w× KiY (2wU 247.00
Expansion and Increase Training Facilities (13 †eR‡g›U mn 13 Zjv feb) kxl©K m¤¢¨veZv mgxÿv cÖKí|
storey building with 2 basements).
3731-1174 Rural infrastructure development project in h‡kvi ‡Rjvi gwbivgcyi Dc‡Rjvi MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 2,700.00
Monirampur upazila of Jessore district. cÖKí|
3731-1175 Road development and bridge / culvert construction iv½vgvwU R‡jvi KvwiMi cvov n‡Z wejvBQwo ch©šÍ moK 1,000.00
project from Rangamati Jalo Karigar Para to Dbœqb I weªR/KvjfvU© wbg©vY cÖKí|
3731-1176 Important Rural Infrastructure Development Project ¸iæZ¡c~Y© MÖvgxb AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí †Rjv UvsMvBj| 10,000.00
District Tangail.
3731-1177 Flying road and physical infrastructure development nvIi GjvKvq Dovj moK I †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| 1,000.00
project in Haor area.
3731-1178 Char Development and Settlement Project Bridging Pi †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ ‡m‡Uj‡g›U cÖ‡R± weªwRs (AwZwi³ 5,202.00
(additional funding) (LGED part) A_©vqb)(GjwRBwW Ask)
3731-1179 Infrastructure Development Project including cUzqvLvjx ‡cŠimfvi gv÷vicøvb PzovšÍKiYmn AeKvVv‡gv 1,596.00
Finalization of Master Plan of Patuakhali Municipality Dbœqb cÖKí
3731-1180 Infrastructure Development of 2 Pauroshova at ‡g‡nicyi †Rjvaxb 2wU ‡cŠimfvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 2,000.00
Meherpur District
3731-1181 Construction of Residential Building for Pourashova ‡cŠimfvq cwi"QbœZv Kg©x‡`i Rb¨ AvevwmK feb wbg©vY 2,100.00
Sweeper cÖKí|
3731-1182 Technical Assistance Project on Integrated Waste UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmmU¨vÝ cª‡R± Ab Bw›Uª‡M‡UW Iqv÷ 1,777.00
Management Improvement Project (ISWMIP) g¨vb‡Rg¨v›U B¤úªyf‡g›U cÖ‡R± (AvBGmWeøDGgAvBwc)
3731-1183 Feni Municipality Infrastructure Development Project ‡dbx †cŠimfv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 1,500.00

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Local Government Division
Local Government Engineering Department
3731-5022 Important Rural Infrastructure Development Project ¸iyZ¡c~Y© MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) 5,000.00
(2nd phase)
3731-5054 Haor Infrastructure and Livelihood Improvement nvIo A‡ji AeKvVv‡gv I Rxebgvb Dbœqb cÖKí| 4,462.00
3731-5057 Rural Transport Improvement Project-2 (RTIP-2). iyivj Uªv݇cvU© BgcÖyf‡g›U cÖ‡R±-2 (AviwUAvBwc-2)| 31,772.00
3731-5094 Construction of 1490 m. Long PC Girder Bridge on MvBevÜv †Rjv my›`iMÄ Dc‡Rjvaxb cvuPcxi evRvi-wPjgvix 18,000.00
Panchpir Bazar to Chilmari Upazilla H/Q. Road over Dc‡Rjv †nW †KvqvU©vi mo‡K wZ¯Zv b`xi Dci 1490 wgt
Teesta River at Sundargonj Upazilla under `xN© wcÖ-‡÷mW KbwµU MvW©vi eªxR wbg©vY cÖKí|
Gaibandha District.
3731-5103 Construction Cleaners' Colony of Dhaka City XvKv wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi cwiPQbœZv Kgx© wbevm wbg©vY| 814.00
3731-5123 Third Urban Governance and Infrastructure Z…Zxq bMi cwiPvjb I AeKvVv‡gv DbœwZKiY| 18,500.00
Improvement (Sector) Project (UGIIP-III)
3731-5128 Haor Flood Management and Livelihood nvIo A‡ji eb¨v e¨e¯’vcbv I Rxebgvb Dbœqb cÖKí 2,593.00
Improvement Project.
3731-5131 Establishment of Multipurpose Disaster Shelter eûgyLx `y‡h©vM Avkªq‡K›`ª wbg©vY cÖKí 62,840.00
3731-5154 Important RuralI Infrastructure Development of ‡MvcvjMÄ †Rjvi ¸iyZ¡c~Y© cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 20,000.00
Gopalganj district.
3731-5166 Rural Infrastructure Development.of Greater e„nËi ivRkvnx †Rjvi MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 2,847.00
Rajshahi district (Rajshahi, Naogaon, Natore and (ivRkvnx,bIMuv, bv‡Uvi I PuvcvBbevMÄ) cÖKí|
campainabaganj) project.
3731-5167 Development of Sylhet Division rural access roads. wm‡jU wefvM MÖvgxY G¨vK‡mm moK Dbœqb| 12,088.00
3731-5169 Construction of Sheikh Hasina Cultural Village ‡kL nvwmbv mvs¯‹…wZK cjøx wbg©vY cÖKí (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| 2,762.00
project (1st revision)
3731-5197 Roopganj Jalsiri Housing Connector Infrastructure iƒcMÄ Rjwmwo Avevmb ms‡hvMKvix AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKít 4,765.00
Development Project: Rupganj Upazila Narayanganj.iƒcMÄ Dc‡Rjv bvivqYMÄ|
3731-5199 Faridpur district's important rural infrastructure dwi`cyi ‡Rjvi ¸iyZ¡c~Y© cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 10,000.00
3731-5206 Rural infrastructure development of Jamalpur and Rvgvjcyi I †kicyi †Rjvi cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 7,000.00
Sherpur districts.
3731-5208 Gaibandha municipality's Ghagat Lake development. MvBevÜv †cŠimfvi NvMU †jK Dbœqb| 971.00
3731-5213 Construction of Important bridges on rural roads. cj­x mo‡K ¸iyZ¡c~Y© †mZz wbg©vY| 35,000.00
3731-5214 The important rural infrastructure development of Lyjbv wefv‡Mi ¸iyZ¡c~Y© MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 26,000.00
Khulna Division
3731-5216 Climate Resilient Rural Infrastructure Development. Rjevqy mnbkxj MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 6,006.00
3731-5224 Development of Langalband Mahashtami Purnyan jv½je›` gnvógx c~b¨¯œvb Drm‡ei AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 3,291.00
festival infrastructure
3731-5233 Sustainable small scale Water Resources ‡UKmB ¶z`ªvvKvi cvwb m¤c` Dbœqb| 6,500.00
Development Project
3731-5235 Greater Patuakhali Important Rural Infrastructure e„nËi cUzqvLvjx ‡Rjvi ¸iyZ¡c~Y© MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 15,000.00
Development Project (Patuakhali and Barguna
3731-5244 Improvement of ponds, Cannels across the country mviv‡`‡k cyKzi, Lvj Dbœqb 13,000.00
3731-5246 Greater Cumilla District Important Rural e„nËi Kzwgj­v †Rjvi ¸iZ¡cY© MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 20,000.00
Infrastructure Development Project (3rd Phase) (3q ch©vq)
3731-5251 Important Rural Infrastructure Development Project wm‡jU wefv‡Mi ¸i“Z¡cY© MÖvgxb AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 10,000.00
in Sylhet Division

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Local Government Division
Local Government Engineering Department
3731-5252 Greater Dhaka Rural Infrastructure Improvement e„nËi XvKv MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí-3 13,000.00
3731-5254 Countrywide Rural Market Infrastructure †`ke¨vcx MÖvgxY evRvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 16,000.00
Development Project
3731-5255 Small Scale water Resources Development Project ¶z`ªvKvi cvwb m¤•` Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) 26,100.00
(2nd Phase)
3731-5257 Rural Infrastructure Development of Madaripur, gv`vixcyi, kixqZcyi I ivRevox †Rjvi MÖvgxb AeKvVv‡gv 19,500.00
Sariatpur and Rajbari District. Dbœqb
3731-5258 Important Rural Infrastructure Development Project: ¸i“Z¡cY© cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí ewikvj SvjKvwV 20,000.00
Barishal, Jhalokhati & Perojpur District wc‡ivRcyi †Rjv
3731-5259 Mymensingh Region Rural Infrastructure gqgbwmsn AÂj cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 28,653.00
Development Project
3731-5261 Rajshahi Division (Except Sirajgonj) Rural ivRkvnx wefvM (wmivRMÄ e¨vZxZ) cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 20,000.00
Infrastructure Development Project
3731-5262 Important Rural Infrastructure Development Project wmivRMÄ †Rjvi ¸iZ¡cY© MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 8,500.00
of Sirajgonj District
3731-5263 Rangpur Division Rural Infrastructures Improvement iscyi wefvM MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí-2q ch©vq 26,000.00
Project-2nd Phase
3731-5265 Upazilla Complex Bhaban Expanded Project (2nd Dc‡Rjv Kg‡c­· m¤•ÖmviY (2q ch©vq) 10,000.00
3731-5266 Greater Chattogram Rural Infrastructure e„nËi PÆMÖvg MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí-3 25,239.00
Development Project-3
3731-5267 Greater Noakhali District Rural Infrastructure e„nËi †bvqvLvjx cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí-3 16,000.00
Project-3rd Phase
3731-8070 Construction of Large Bridge in Upazilla and Union. Dc‡Rjv I BDwbqb mo‡K `xN© †mZz wbg©vY| 12,510.00
Public Health Engineering Directorate
3741-1111 Arsenic Risk Reduction Project for Water Supply cvwb mieiv‡n Av‡m©wbK SzuwK wbimb (13704-224206400) 22,000.00
3741-1113 Water Supply & Environmental Sanitation including 32wU †cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn I gvbe eR©¨ e¨e¯’vcbvmn 15,000.00
Fecal sludge Management Project in 32 Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj m¨vwb‡Ukb (13704-224206500)
3741-1115 Emergency Assistance project for water supply and K·evRvi †Rjvi DwLqv I †UKbvd Dc‡Rjvq cvwb mieivn I 10,638.00
sanitation at Ukhia and Teknafupazila in Cox's Bazar m¨vwb‡Ukb Kvh©µ‡g Riyix mnvqZv cÖKí
3741-1121 Emergency Multi-sector Rohingya Crisis Response Riyix wfwˇZ †ivwn½v msKU †gvKvwejvq gvwë †m±i cÖKí 15,230.00
Project (EMCRP) (DPHE part) (wWwcGBP Ask)
3741-1122 Safe water supply project by installing environmental cwi‡ekevÜe ‡mvjvi IqvUvi wWm¨vjvB‡bkb BDwbU ¯n'vc‡bi 1,022.00
friendly solar water desalination unit gva¨‡g wbivc` cvwb mieivn
3741-1123 Bangladesh Municipal Water Supply and Sanitation evsjv‡`‡ki 30wU †cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb 41,000.00
Project (30 Pourashavas)
3741-1124 Expansion and Development Project of Water ‡bvqvLvjx †Rjvaxb ‡PŠgynbx †cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn I 734.00
Supply & Sanitation System in Chowmuhani m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯n'vi m¤cÖmviY I Dbœqb
Pourashava under Noakhali District
3741-1125 Safe Water Supply and Sanitation Project at South mybvgMÄ †Rjvi `wÿY mybvgMÄ Dc‡Rjv cjøx GjvKvq 500.00
Sunamganj Upazila in Sunamganj wbivc` cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb
3741-1126 Safe Water Supply and Sanitation Project at mybvgMÄ †Rjvi RMbœv_cyi Dc‡Rjvi cjøx GjvKvq wbivc` 500.00
Jagannathpur Upazila in sunamganj cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb
3741-1127 Safe water supply and sanitation management LvMovQwo †Rjvi wewfbœ MÖvgmg~‡n wbivc` cvwb mieivn I 2,465.00
project in different villages of Khagrachari district m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯'nvcbv

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Local Government Division
Public Health Engineering Directorate
3741-1128 Water Quality Testing Management Strengthening cvwbi ¸bMZgvb cixÿv e¨e¯'ivcbv kw³kvjxKiY 10,172.00
3741-1129 Project for Regenaration of Production Tubewells in ‡`‡ki †cŠimfv¸‡jvi Drcv`K bjK~cmg~‡ni cybiy¾xweZKiY 810.00
Countrywide Pourashavas
3741-1131 Project for safe water Supply throughout the country mgMÖ †`‡k wbivc` cvwb mieivn cÖKí 176,699.00
3741-1133 Urban Infrastructure Preparatory Facility (DPHE kni AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí cÖYqb (wWwcGBPB Ask) 1,400.00
3741-1134 Development of Water Supply and Environmental KzjvDov I †MvjvcMÄ †cŠimfvi cvwb mieivn I 279.00
Sanitation in Kulaura and Gopalganj Municipalities Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯’vi DbœwZKiY
3741-1135 Community Based Water Supply in low Water Level bIMv †Rjvaxb wb¤œ cvwb¯Zi GjvKvq KwgDwbwU wfwËK cvwb 1,240.00
Areas under Naogaon District mieivn
3741-1136 Development of Sustainable Water nvIi A‡j †UKmB cvwb mieivn, m¨vwb‡Ukb I nvBwRb 24,000.00
Supply,Sanitation and Hygiene System in the Haor e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb
3741-1137 Expansion and development project of safe water ev›`ievb †cŠimfv I ev›`iev` †Rjvi 3wU Dc‡Rjv m`imn 1,500.00
supply and sanitation system in Bandarban cvk¦eZ©x GjvKvmg~‡n wbivc` cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb
municipality and 3 upazila headquarters of e¨e¯’vi m¤cÖmviY I Dbœqb cÖKí
Bandarban district and surrounding areas.
3741-1138 Safe Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Rupsha,Lyjbv †Rjvi iƒcmv, w`Nwjqv I †ZiLv`v Dc‡Rjvq wbivc` 768.00
Dighalia and Terkhada Upazilas of Khunla District cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí
3741-1139 Rural water supply, sanitation and hygiene projects gvbem¤c` Dbœq‡b MÖvgxb cvwb mieivn, m¨vwb‡Ukb Ges 37,785.00
for human resource development ¯^v¯’¨wewa cÖKí
3741-1140 Char Development and Settlement Project-4 Pi †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ ‡m‡Uj‡g›U cÖ‡R±-4 (AwZwi³ A_©vqb) 2,279.00
(Additional Financing) (DPHE Part) (wWwcGBPB Ask)
3741-1141 Safe water supply and sanitation in Kaliakair upazila MvRxcyi †Rjvi Kvwjqv‰Ki Dc‡Rjvq wbivc` cvwb mieivn I 3,653.00
of Gazipur district m¨vwb‡Ukb
3741-1142 Expansion and development of water supply system Uv½vBj ‡cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn e¨e¯'vi m¤úªmviY I Dbœqb 3,206.00
in Tangail Municipality
3741-1143 Development of safe water supply and sanitation ‡MvcvjMÄ †Rjvi cjøx GjvKvq wbivc` cvwb mieivn I 17,026.00
system in rural areas of Gopalganj district m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯'vi Dbœqb
3741-1144 Expansion and development project of safe water VvKziMuvI †cŠimfvq wbivc` cvwb mieivn I Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj 3,000.00
supply and environmental sanitation system in m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯'vi m¤úªmviY I Dbœqb cÖKí|
Thakurgaon municipality.
3741-1145 Development of safe water supply and sanitation wm‡jU †Rjvi wek¦bv_ Dc‡Rjvq wbivc` cvwb mieivn I 1,003.00
system in Bishwanath upazila of Sylhet district m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯'vi Dbœqb
3741-1146 Preparation of water development plan in ·evRvi †Rjvi g‡nkLvjx gvZvievox GjvKvq cvwb Dbœqb 116.00
Maheshkhali Matarbari area of ??Cox's Bazar cwiKíbv cÖYqb|
3741-1147 Safe water supply and sanitation project in rural iscyi ‡Rjvi cxiMvQv Dc‡Rjvi cjøx GjvKvq wbivc` cvwb 2,000.00
areas of Pirgacha upazila of Rangpur district mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb c"Kí
3741-1148 Expansion and Development Project of Safe Water gv`vixcyi ‡Rjvi wkePi ‡cŠimfv Ges wkePi Dc‡Rjvq 2,000.00
Supply and Sanitation System in Shibchar wbivc` cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯'vi m¤ú"mviY I
Municipality and Shibchar Upazila of Madaripur Dbœqb c"Kí
3741-1149 Safe Water Supply and Sanitation Project in wc‡ivRcyi ‡Rjvi fvÛvwiqv Dc‡Rjvq wbivc` cvwb mieivn I 1,800.00
Bhandaria Upazila of Pirojpur District m¨vwb‡Ukb c"Kí
3741-1150 Safe water supply and sanitation project in Lyjbv ‡Rjvi cvBKMvQv I Kqiv Dc‡Rjvq wbivc` cvwb 1,800.00
Paikgacha and Koira upazilas of Khulna district mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb c"Kí

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Local Government Division
Public Health Engineering Directorate
3741-1151 Integrated Sanitation and Hygiene (Integrated Solid evsjv‡`‡ki 10wU (`k) AM"vwaKvi wfwËK kn‡i mgwš^Z 7,010.00
and Human Waste Management) Project in 10 (Ten) m¨vwb‡Ukb I nvBwRb (mgwš^Z KwVb I gvbe eR¨© e¨e¯'vcbv)
Priority Based Cities of Bangladesh c"Kí
3741-5003 Re-excavation / renovation of pond / dighies / water cvwb msi¶b I wbivc` cvwb mieiv‡ni j‡¶¨ †Rjv cwil‡`i 3,000.00
bodies of the district council for water conservation cyKzi/w`wN/Rjvkqmg~n cyb:Lbb/ms¯‹vi|
and supply of safe water.
3741-5014 Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation System Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi wZbwU †cŠi mfvq cvwb mieivn I 655.00
Improvement Project for three Pourashava in GbfvqiY‡g›Uvj m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯’vi DbœwZKiY
Jamalpur District
3741-5022 Urban Water Supply and Sanitation in 23 evsjv‡`‡ki 23wU †cŠimfvi cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí 25,000.00
Pourashavas Project in Bangladesh (GoB-IDB)
Dhaka City Corporation
3705-1115 Construction and development of ECB chattor to Bwmwe PZ¡i n‡Z wgicyi moK cÖk¯’KiY I Dbœqb Ges Kvjmx 27,411.00
Mirpur roads and construction of flyover Kalshi turn †gv‡o d¬vBIfvi wbg©vY (13701-224214700)
3705-1126 Improvement of damaged roads, draninage, footpath XvKv DËi wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wewfbœ A‡j ÿwZMÖ¯n' moK, 8,771.00
and road safety of different zones under Dhaka norty b`©gv dzUcvZ wbg©vY I Dbœqbmn moK wbivcËv
city corporation
3705-1127 Construction of Community Centre under Dhaka XvKv `wÿY wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AvIZvq KwgDwbwU ‡m›Uvi 8,811.00
South City Corporation wbg©vY
3705-1142 Development of road cleaning and waste AvaywbK hšÎcvwZ msMÖ‡ni gva¨‡g moK cwi®‹vi I eR©¨ 1.00
management works through procurement of modern e¨e¯'nvcbv Kv‡Ri Dbœqb
3705-1143 Dhaka City Neighborhood Upgrading Project XvKv wmwU †bBeviûW Avc‡MÖwWs cÖ‡R± (wWwmGbBDwc) 15,030.00
3705-1159 Construction and Development of Road XvKv DËi wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi bZzbfv‡e AšZ©fz³ 18 (AvVv‡iv) 30,000.00
Infrastructure and Drainage System in 16 wards of wU Iqv‡W©i moK AeKvVv‡gv &I †Wª‡bR e¨e¯’vi wbg©vb I Dbœqb
Dhaka North City Corporation (Phase-I) †dR-1)
3705-1160 Road Safety IDncluding Development of Traffic XvKv DËi wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb GjvKvi cÖvwdK AeKvVv‡gv 10,000.00
Infrastructure in Dhaka North City Corporation area. Dbœqbmn moK wbivcËv cÖKí
3705-1161 Expansion and modernization of Aminbazar landfill Avwgb evRvi j¨vÛwdj m¤cÖmviY I AvaywbKxKiY 38,626.00
3705-1162 A vehicle-equipment procurement project to AvaywbK c×wZ‡Z wewfbœ mo‡Ki cU †nvÝ †givgZ I UªvwdK 2,755.00
repairing pot hons on various roads in a modern e¨e¯’vcbv Dbœq‡bi j‡ÿ¨ hvb hšGcvwb msMÖn cÖKí
manner and developing traffic management
3705-5029 Development of Different Infrastructures Under XvKv `w¶Y wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wewfbœ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 37,474.00
Dhaka South City Corporation
3705-5062 Supply and installation of road development, LED XvKv DËi wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb GjvKvq moK Dbœqb, GjBwW moK 377.00
road lights, CCTV cameras and CCTV control evwZ, wmwmwUwf K¨v‡giv I wmwmwUwf K‡›Uªvj †m›Uvi mieivn
centers in Dhaka North City Corporation area. ¯’vcb|
3705-5081 Urban Resilience Project (DNCC part). Avievb wiwRwj‡qÝ cÖKí (wWGbwmwm Ask)| 152.00
3705-5084 Mordanization, Development and Afforastation of XvKv DËi wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi Db¥y³ ¯n'vbmg~‡ni AvaywbKvqb, 2.00
Open Places of Dhaka North City Corporation Dbœqb I meyRvqb
3705-5085 Construction of Multistoried Cleaners Residential MveZjx wmwU cjøx‡Z XvKv DËi wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wKbvi 5,022.00
Complex at Gabtoli City Polli under Dhaka North Cityevwm‡`i Rb¨ eûZjv wewkó AvevwmK feb wbg©vY
3705-5086 Expansion of Matuail Sanitary Landfill Including LandgvZzqvBj m¨vwbUvix j¨vÛwdì m¤úªmviYmn 15,303.00
Chittagong City Corporation

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Local Government Division
Chittagong City Corporation
3705-1124 Development of Road Network at different wards PUªMÖvg wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wewfbœ Iqv‡W©i moK †bUIqvK© Dbœqb 19,500.00
and Construction of Bus/Truck terminal under Ges evm/UªvK Uvwg©bvj wbg©vY
Chittagong City Corporation
3705-1125 Construction of Poricchonno Kormi Nibash Under PUªMÖvg wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AvIZvaxb cwi”Qbœ Kg©x wbevm wbg©vY 6,000.00
Chittagong City Corporation
3705-1141 Modernization of City Street light System at Different gW©vbvB‡Rkb Ae wmwU ÷ªxU jvBU wm‡÷g G¨U wWdv‡i›U 10,000.00
area under Chattogram City Corporation Gwiqv AvÛvi PÆMÖvg wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb
3705-1173 Development of various roads including Airport RoadPÆM"vg wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AvIZvq Gqvi‡cvU© ‡ivWmn wewfbœ 50,276.00
and important infrastructure development under moKmg~n Dbœqb I ¸i"Z¡c~Y© AeKvVv‡gvMZ Dbœqb
Chittagong City Corporation
3705-5071 Excavation of Khal from Baddarhat Baroipara to enÏvinvU eviBcvov n‡Z KY©dzwj b`x ch©šZ Lvj Lbb (1g 1,724.00
Karnofuli River (1st Revised). ms‡kvwaZ)|
Rajshahi City Corporation
3705-1163 Development of integrated urban infrastructure of ivRkvnx gnvbMixi mgwš^Z bMi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 39,100.00
Rajshahi metropolis
3705-1174 Development of Hazrat Shah Makhdoom Ruposh nhiZ kvn gL`yg iæ‡cvk (i.) `iMvn kix‡di Dbœqb 1,000.00
(RA.) Dargah Sharif
Khulna City Corporation
3705-1122 Improvement of Drainage System for Reducing Lyjbv kn‡ii Rjve×Zv `~ixKi‡Y †Wª‡bR e¨e¯n'vi Dbœqb 20,206.00
Water Logging Problem in Khulna City Corporation
3705-1123 Development and Rehabilitation of Important and Lyjbv wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi ¸iyZ¡c~Y© I ÿwZMÖ¯'n iv¯Zv Dbœqb I 12,068.00
Damaged Roads in Khulna City Corporation cybe©vmb
3705-1168 Waste Management Development of Khulna City Lyjbv wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi eR©¨ e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb 10,000.00
Dhaka WASA
3705-1137 Land Acquisition for Construction of Sewage DËiv GjvKvq cq:‡kvabvMvi wbg©v‡Yi Rb¨ Rwg AwaMÖnY 96.00
Treatment Plant at Uttara
3705-1149 Emergency Water Supply Project Riyix cvwb mieivn cÖKí 24,000.00
3705-1156 Dhaka Sanitation Improvement Project (DCP) XvKv m¨vwb‡Ukb BgcÖæf‡g›U cÖ‡R± (wWwmwc) 31,000.00
3705-5002 Saidabad Water Treatment Plant (phase 3). mv‡q`vev` cvwb †kvabvMvi (‡dR-3)| 2,587.00
3705-5057 Dhaka Environmentally Sustainable Water Supply XvKv Gbfvqib‡g›U mvm‡UB‡bej IqvUvi mvc­vB cÖ‡R± (1g 141,705.00
Project (1st revised) ms‡kvwaZ)
3705-5059 Dhaka Water Supply Network Improvement Project. XvKv cvwb mieivn †bUIqvK© Dbœqb| 80,700.00
3705-5083 Dasherkandi Sewage Treatment Plant Project. `v‡kiKvw›` cqt‡kvabvMvi| 22,479.00
Chittagong WASA
3705-1118 Establishment of Sewerage System in Chattogram PUªMÖvg gnvbMixi cqtwb®‹vkb e¨e¯n'v ¯'nvcb cÖKí (1g 50,000.00
Metropolitan (Phase-1) ch©vq)
3705-5003 Bhandal Jury Water Supply Project (1st revised) fvÛvj Ryix cvwb mieivn (1g ms‡kvwaZ) 26,995.00
3705-5051 Karnafuly Water Supply Project Phase-2 (KWSP-II). KY©dzjx cvwb mieivn cÖKí (2q ch©vq)| 56,566.00
National Institute of Local Government
3705-1136 Institutionalization of Horizontal Learning Program Bbw÷wUDkbvjvB‡Rkb w` nivBR›Uvj jvwb©s †cÖvMÖvg 145.00
(HLP) in Bangladesh (GBPGjwc) Bb evsjv‡`k
Sylhet City Corporation
3705-1140 Reducing Water Logging, Supplying of pure water & wm‡jU wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi Rjve×Zv wbimb, weï× cvwb 42,000.00
Construction of infrastructure in Sylhet City mieivn I AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Local Government Division
Sylhet City Corporation
3705-1172 Upward expansion of the city building of Sylhet Nitty wm‡jU wbwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi bMi fe‡bi DשgyLx m¤úªmviY 2,200.00
Barisal City Corporation
3705-1121 Climate change adapted urban development ewikvj kn‡ii Rjevq~ cwieZ©b Awf‡hvwRZ bMi Dbœqb 452.00
(CCAUD) programme for Barisal component †cÖvMÖvg
Khulna WASA
3705-1158 Khulna Sewerage System Development Project Lyjbv cqtwb¯‹vkb e¨e¯’v Dbœqb cÖKí 35,255.00
Rajshahi WASA (RWASA)
3705-1120 Rajshahi WASA Surface Water Treatment Plant ivRkvnxi Iqvmvi f~- Dcwiw¯n'Z cvwb †kvabvMvi wbg©vY cÖKí 52,313.00
3705-1154 Construction of Rajshahi WASA Bhaban ivRkvnx Iqvmv feb wbg©vY 2,200.00
3705-1157 Rehabilitation of Water Supply System in Rajshahi ivRkvnx gnvbMix‡Z cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vi cybe©vmb 2,100.00
Narayangonj City Corporation (NCC)
3705-1129 Construction & Improvement of Infrastructure in bvivqYMÄ wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY I Dbœqb 2,992.00
Narayanganj City Corporation
3705-1144 Construction of Aparajita Nagar School in the area ÿz`ª e¨emvqx‡`i cybe©vmbmn bvivqYMÄ wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi 557.00
under Narayanganj City Corporation including AvIZvaxb GjvKvq AcivwRZv bMi we`¨vjq wbg©vY
rehabilitation of small traders
3705-1145 Urban Infrastructure Improvement Preparatory Avievb Bbdªv÷ªvKPvi BgcÖyf‡g›U wcÖcv‡iUwi d¨vwmwjwU di 1.00
Facility for Narayanganj City Corporation bvivqbMÄ wmwU Ki‡cv‡ikb
3705-1150 Vertical Extension of Nagar Bhaban of Narayanganj bvivqbMÄ wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi bMi feb Dשg~Lx m¤cÖmviY 261.00
City Corporation
3705-1167 Land Acquisition and Development for Solid Waste bvivqbMÄ wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi K`gimyj A‡j KwVb eR©¨ 26,619.00
Management in Kadmarsul Area of ??Narayanganj e¨e¯’vcbvi Rb¨ f‚wg AwaMÖnY I Dbœqb
City Corporation
3705-5099 Construction of Cleaner House in Narayangang City bvivqbMÄ wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi cwiQbœ Kg©x wbevm wbg©vY 1,510.00
Comilla City Corporation
3705-1171 Kzwgjøv wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi mgwš^Z AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 22,082.00
Integrated Infrastructure Development Project of
Comilla City Corporation
Gazipur City Corporation (G.C.T)
3705-1133 Infrastructure Improvement in Gazipur city MvRxcyi wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 1.00
corporation (Roads and Drains) (iv¯Zv I †Wªb)
3705-1134 Construction of Internal Road, Drain & Footpath fromMvRxcyi wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi 01 ‡_‡K 05 bs †Rv‡bi 1.00
Zone 01 to 05 of Gazipur City Corporation Af¨šZixY iv¯Zv, b`©gv I dyUcvZ wbg©vY
3705-1135 Establish an asphalt plant for road development of MvRxcyi wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi iv¯Zv Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ GKwU 1.00
Gazipur city corporation G¨vmdë cø¨v›U ¯n'vcb
3705-1148 Construction of drains and footpaths including MvRxcyi wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wewfbœ †Rv‡bi cÖavb ms‡hvM 60,000.00
widening of main connecting roads in different zones iv¯Zv¸wj cÖk¯ZKiYmn b`©gv I dzUcv_ wbg©vY
of Gazipur City Corporation
3705-1155 Preparation of Urban Development Plan for Gazipur wcªcv‡ikb Ae Avievb ‡W‡fjc‡g›U cø¨vb di MvRxcyi wmwU 367.00
City Corporation Area K‡i©vcv‡ikb Gwiqv

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Local Government Division
Gazipur City Corporation (G.C.T)
3705-1170 Land Acquisition for Solid Waste Management and MvRxcyi wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi KwVb eR©¨ e¨e¯'vcbvi Rb¨ Ges 39,633.00
Construction of Bus-Truck Terminals in Different wewfbœ A‡j evm-UªvK Uvwg©bvj wbg©v‡Yi wbwg‡Ë Rwg AwaMÖnY
Areas of Gazipur City Corporation kxl©K cÖKí
Rangpur City Corporation
3705-1146 Installation of street lights in 33 wards of Rangpur iscyi wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi 33wU Iqv‡W© wewfbœ iv¯Zvq moK 1,900.00
City Corporation evwZ ¯'nvcb
3705-1151 Purchase of vehicles and equipment for Rangpur iscyi wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi Rb¨ hvbevnb I hšÎcvwZ µq 3,024.00
City Corporation
Mymensingh City Corporation
3705-1152 Development of Infrastructures of Different Areas in gqgbwmsn wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wewfbœ GjvKvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 468.00
Mymensingh City Corporation Area
3705-1153 Establishment of Streetlights on Roads of various gqgbwmsn wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wewfbœ GjvKvi mo‡K moKevwZ 405.00
areas in Mymensingh City Corporation ¯’vcb
3705-1169 Improving civic services including road development gqgbwmsn wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi moK Dbœqb I †Wª‡bR 30,000.00
and drainage network of Mymensingh City ‡bUIqvK©mn bvMwiK †mev DbœZKiY

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Rural Development and Co-operatives Division
Ministry's Own
3801-0001 Comprehensive Village Development Program mvwe©K MÖvg Dbœqb Kg©m~wP (wmwfwWwc) 3q ch©vq 14,620.00
(CVDP) (3rd Phase) (13801-224199700)
Department of Co-operatives
3831-1111 Expansion of cooperative activities in Jessore and `y» I gvsk Drcv`‡bi gva¨‡g MÖªvgxb Kg©ms¯’vb m„wói j‡ÿ 1,540.00
Meherpur districts to create rural employment h‡kvi I ‡g‡nicyi †Rjvq mgev‡qi Kvh©µg m¤úªmviY
through milk and meat production.
3831-1112 Bangabandhu Model Village Establishment Pilot e½eÜz MYgyLx mgevq fvebvi Av‡jv‡K e½eÜz g‡Wj MÖvg 3,484.00
Project in the light of Bangabandhu People Oriented cÖwZôv cvBjU cÖKí|
Cooperative Thought.
Bangladesh Academy for Rural development, Comilla
3805-5007 Physical Facilities Development of BARD ev‡W©i †fŠZ myweavw` Dbœqb| 1,632.00
Rural Development Academy, Bogra
3805-1112 Project on Poverty Reduction of Marginalized PeopleKzwoMÖvg I Rvgvjcyi ‡Rjvi cÖvwšZK Rb‡Mvôxi `vwi`ª 6,350.00
of Kurigram and Jamalpur Districts nªvmKiY kxl©K cÖKí
3805-1118 Making Markets Work for the Charas (MFORCI) ‡gwKs gv‡K©wUm IqvK© di w` Pim(Gg‡dviwm)-2q ch©vq kxl©K 1,563.00
Phase II project. cªKí|
3805-5062 Action Research Project on Construction of MªvgxY Rb‡Mvôxi Rxebgvb Dbœqb Ges AvaywbK bvMwiK my‡hvM 1.00
Co-operative based Multistoried 'Palli Janapad' myweav m¤¦wjZ mgevqwfwËK eûZj feb wewkó Ôcj­x Rbc`Õ
Housing with Modern Urban Amenities for Livelihood wbg©vY
Improvement of the Rural People.
Bangladesh Rural Development Board
3805-1113 Poverty Reduction through production and marketingcywómg„× D”P g~‡j¨i km¨ Drcv`b I evRviRvZKiY Kg©m~wP 4,290.00
of high valued minors crops program
3805-1114 Enlightened Rural Road Light Project Av‡jvwKZ cjøx moK evwZ cÖKí 3,600.00
3805-1116 Integrated Rural Employment Assistance Project `wi`ª gwnjv‡`i Rb¨ mgwš^Z cjøx Kg©ms¯’vb mnvqZv cÖKí 8,000.00
(ERESPO) for poor women (Phase II) (B‡im‡cv) 2q ch©vq|
3805-1117 Rural Livelihood Project 3rd Phase. cjøx RxweKvqb cÖKí 3q ch©vq| 27,600.00
3805-5001 Paricipatory Rural Development Project-3rd Phase Askx`vwiZ¡g~jK cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí-3q ch©vq (wcAviwcwW-3) 5,000.00
3805-5017 Gaibandha Integrated Rural Poverty Alleviation MvBevÜv mgwš^Z cj­x `vwi`ª `ixKiY cÖKí 920.00
3805-7001 Employment Guarantee Scheme for Hard Core Poor DËiv‡ji nZ `wi`ª‡`i Kg©ms¯’vb wbwðZKiY cÖKí (2q 1.00
of Northern Region. ch©vq)
Milk Vita, Bangladesh
3805-0001 Establishment of Diversified Milk Product Plant and e„nËi dwi`cy‡ii Piv‡ji Ges cvk¦©eZ©x GjvKvq Mevw` cïi 11,824.00
Cattle Development in Greater Faridpur Chars and RvZ Dbœqb I `y‡»i eûgyLx e¨envi wbwðZKiY KviLvbv ¯’vcb
Adjacent Areas (13801-224201200)
3805-5067 Extablishment of Super Instant Powder Milk Plant at wmivRM‡Äi evNvevox‡Z ¸‡ov `y» KviLvbv ¯’vcb| 1.00
Bangabarighat, Sirajgonj

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Industry
Ministry's Own
3901-5000 Establishment of National Quality Policy and RvZxq ¸YMZ gvbbxwZ ev¯Zevqb I evsjv‡`k RvZxq ¸YMZ 20.00
establishment of Bangladesh National Quality gvb I KvwiMix wbqšÎY KvDwÝj cÖwZôv|
Standards and Technical Regulatory Council.
National Productivity Organisation
3937-1111 Capacity enhancement of manpower of National b¨vkbvj cÖWvw±wfwU AM¨vbvB‡Rkb (GbwcI)- Gi Rbe‡ji 395.00
Productvity Organizatio (NPO) and Awareness mÿgZv e„wØ Ges †`ke¨vcx Drcv`bkxjZv welq AewnZKiY
Raising on Productivity the Country
3937-5001 Construction of Office Building for National AvaywbK my‡hvM myweavmn b¨vkbvj †cÖvWvw±wfwU AM©vbvB‡Rkb 5.00
Productivity Organization (NPO) and Department of (GbwcI) I †c‡U›U, wWRvBb I †UªWgvK©m Awa`ßi
Patents, Designs and Trademarks (DPDT) with (wWwcwWwU) Gi Awdm feb wbg©vY|
Modern Facilities.
Bangladesh Small & Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC)
3905-1114 BSCIC Chemical Industrial Park, Munshiganj (1st wewmK †KwgK¨vj BÛvw÷ªqvj cvK©, gywÝMÄ (1g ms‡kvwaZ) 8,270.00
3905-1124 Repair and Rehabilitation of 8 BISIC industrial Parks wewm‡Ki 8wU wkíbMixmg~‡ni †givgZ I iÿYv‡eÿY 260.00
3905-1126 BSCIC Food Processing Industry Area, Thakurgaon wewmK Lv`¨ cÖwµqvRvZKiY wkíbMix, VvKziMvuI 500.00
3905-5000 BSCIC Industrial Park, Tangail (1st Revised) wewmK wkí cvK© UvsMvBj (1g ms‡kvwaZ) 970.00
3905-5002 BSCIC Plastic industrial Estate. wewmK c­vwóK G‡óU| 87.00
3905-5025 Poverty Reduction through Inclusive and Sustainable†cÖvfvwU© wiWvKkb _ª“ BbK¬ywmf GÛ mvm‡UUbej gv‡K©Um 1.00
Markets (PRISM). (wcÖRg)|
3905-5031 BSCIC Printing Industrial Estate. wewmK g~`ªY wkí bMix| 3,400.00
3905-5035 BSCIC Industrial City, Raozan. wewmK wkí bMix, ivDRvb| 712.00
3905-5038 Development of Underdevelopt area and Repair & ewikvj †ewmK wkíbMixi AbybœZ GjvKv Dbœqb Ges DbœZ 3,300.00
Reconstruction of Developed area of BSCIC GjvKvi AeKvVv‡gv †givgZ I cybtwbg©vY
Industrial Estate, Barishal.
3905-7380 BSCIC Industrial Park, Sirajganj (3rd Revised). wewmK wkí cvK©, wmivRMÄ (3q ms‡kvwaZ)| 15,000.00
Bangladesh Standard and Testing Institute (BSTI)
3905-5032 Modernization of BSTI Regional Offices at gW©vbvB‡Rkb Ae weGmwUAvB wiwRIbvj Awd‡mm G¨vU 6,010.00
Chittagong and Khulna. wPUvMvs G¨vÛ Lyjbv|
Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCIC)
3905-1111 Construction of 34 no. of Buffer Godowns at mvi msiÿY I weZiY myyweavi Rb¨ ‡`‡ki wewfbœ RvqMvq 10,000.00
Different Districts for facilitating fertilizer Distribution 34wU evdvi ¸`vg wbg©vY
3905-1112 Ghorashal Polash Urea Fertilizer Project ‡Nvivkvj cjvk BDwiqv dvwU©jvBRvi cÖKí 183,199.00
3905-1113 Establishment of 14 No. ETP at Sugar Mills 14wU wPwbK‡j eR©¨ cwi‡kvabvMvi ¯'nvcb 1,200.00
3905-1120 Godown Construction for Temporary Facilitating A¯'nvqx wfwˇZ ivmvqwbK `ªe¨ msiÿ‡Yi Rb¨ ¸`vg wbg©vY 1.00
Chemical Storage Project
3905-1128 Establisment of Urea Formaldehyde-85 (US-85) BDwiqv digvjWwnvBW-85 (BDGm-85)cø¨vb ¯’vcb kxl©K 1,200.00
Plant cÖKí
3905-5008 Conversion of Wet Process to Dry Process of QvZK wm‡g›U †Kvs wj: Gi Drcv`b c×wZ I‡qU cÖ‡mm †_‡K 10,435.00
Chatak Cement Company Ltd. WªvB cÖ‡mm G i~cvšZi|
3905-5039 Construction of 13 (thirteen) no. of New Buffer mvi-msi¶Y I weZiY myweavi Rb¨ †`‡ki wewfbœ †Rjvq bZzb 11,500.00
Godowns at Different Districts for facilitating fertilizer 13(†Zi) wU evdvi †MvWvDb wbg©vY
Bangladesh Industries Technical Assistance Center

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Industry
Bangladesh Industries Technical Assistance Center
3905-1125 Poverty alleviation and Creating self-employment nv‡Z Kj‡g KviMwi cªwkÿY gwnjv‡`i‡K ¸iyZ¡ w`‡q weUv‡Ki 2,000.00
by expanding BITAC Activities with Emphasis on Kvh©µg m¤cÖimviY c~iy
Women hands-on technical training AvZ¥Kg©ms¯’vb m„wó I `vwi`ª we‡gvPb †dR-2
3905-1127 Establisment of 6 centers of BITAC in ‡MvcvjMÄ-mybvgMÄ, ewikvj, iscyi, Rvgvjcyi Ges h‡kvi 2,000.00
Gopalganj-Sunamganj, Barisal, Rangpur, Jamalpur †Rjvq weUv‡Ki 6 wU †Kb`&ª ¯'vcY kxl©K cÖKí|
and JessoreDistricts
Bangladesh Sugar and Food Industries Corporation (BSFIC)
3905-5011 BMR of Carew & Co. (BD) ltd. (1st Revised). weGgAvi Ae †Kiy GÛ †Kvs wewW wjt (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| 1,800.00
Bangladesh Steel and Engineering Corporation (BSEC)
3905-1119 Installation of disposable razor blade plant and wWm‡cv‡Rej †iRi ‡eøW cøv›U ¯n'vcb Ges we`¨gvb 700.00
modernization of existing machineries †gwkbvwiR AvaywbKvqb
3905-1122 Construction of Chemical Warehouse ivmvqwbK ¸`vg wbg©vY 1,600.00
Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM)
3905-1118 Strengthening of Bangladesh Institutions of XvKv¯n' evsjv‡`k Bbw÷wUDU Ae g¨v‡bR‡g›U (weAvBGg)‡K 2,500.00
Management(BIM), Dhaka kw³kvjxKiY

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Textiles & Jute
Department of Textiles
4131-1111 Establishment of Shekh Hasina Textile Engineering ‡kL nvwmbv †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, wkePi, gv`vixcyi 1,200.00
College, Shibchar, Madaripur ¯n'vcb
4131-1113 Images for 7 textile vocational institute development we`¨gvb 7wU †U·UvBj †fv‡Kkbvj Bbw÷wUD‡Ui Dbœqb I 3,000.00
and 6 textiles vocational institute establish 6wU †U·UvBj †fv‡Kkbvj Bwbw÷wUDU ¯n'vcb
4131-1114 Establishment of late Abdur Rab Talukder Textile giûg Ave`yi ie ZvjyK`vi †U·vUvBj ‡fv‡Kkbvj 600.00
Vocational Institute, Madaripur BbwówUDkb, gv`vixcyi ¯’vcb
4131-1115 Establishment of Sahiuddin Textile Vocational QwnDwÏb †U·vUvBj †fv‡Kkbvj Bbw÷wUDU, †g‡nicyi ¯’vcb 700.00
Institute, Meherpur
4131-1116 Azizunnesa Textile Vocational Institute, Dungria, AvwRRyb‡bmv †U·UvBj †fv‡Kkbvj BÝwUwUDU, Wzswiqv, `wÿY 700.00
South Sunamganj mybvgMÄ
4131-1117 Establishment of Textile Vocational Institute, ‡U·UvBj †fv‡Kkbvj Bbw›UwUDU RMbœv_cyi,mybvgMÄ ¯'vcb 300.00
Jagannathpur, Sunamganj
4131-1118 Establishment of Textile Vocational Institute, †U·UvBj †fv‡Kkbvj Bbw÷wUDU, bvwRicyi ¯'vcb 250.00
4131-1119 Establishment of Shaheed Sukant Babu Textile knx` myKvšÍ evey †U·UvBj †fv‡Kkbvj Bbw÷wUDU, †MŠib`x 200.00
Vocational Institute, Gournadi ¯’vcb
4131-5003 Establishment of Sunamgong Textile Institute mybvgMÄ †U·UvBj Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb 3,528.00
4131-5004 Establishment of Faridpur Textile Institute dwi`cyi †U·UvBj BÝwUwUDU ¯’vcb 1,862.00
4131-5005 Establishment of Sylhet Textile Institute wm‡jU †U·UvBj BÝwUwUDU ¯’vcb 1,800.00
4131-5006 Establishment of Sheikh Rasel Textile Engineering ‡kL iv‡mj †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR wm‡jU ¯’vcb 2,090.00
College Sylhet
4131-5007 Establishment of Lalmonirhat Textile Institute jvjgwbinvU †U·UvBj BÝw÷wUDU ¯’vcb 1,200.00
4131-5014 Establishment of Sheikh Rasel Textile Institute, ‡kL iv‡mj †U·UvBj Bbw÷wUDU gv`viMÄ, Rvgvjcyi 3,667.00
Mathergonj, Jamalpur Project.
Bangladesh Handloom Board
4105-1112 Reviving The Technology of Muslin Yarn and Muslin evsjv‡`ki †mvbvjx HwZn¨ gmwj‡bi myZv ˆZwii cÖhyw³ I 400.00
Fabrics, The Golden Heritage of Bangladesh (1st gmwjb Kvco cybiy×vi (1g ch©vq)
4105-1113 Establishment of Sheikh Hasina Tantpalli (1st ‡kL nvwmbv ZvuZ cjøx ¯n'vcb (1g ch©vq) 600.00
Phase) Project
4105-1114 Establishment of 5 Training Centres in 5 Basic evsjv‡`k ZvuZ †ev‡W©i AvIZvq 5wU †ewmK †m›Uv‡i 5wU 4,000.00
Centres, 1 Fashion Design Institute and 2 Market cÖwkÿY †K›`ª, 1wU d¨vkb wWRvBb Bbw÷wUDU Ges 2wU gv‡K©U
Promotion Centres Under Bangladesh Handloom cÖ‡gvkb †K›`ª ¯n'vcb
Board Projet.
4105-1115 Up gradation of Diploma Endibeering course of evsjv‡`k ZvuZ wkÿv I cÖwkÿY Bbw÷wUDU, biwms`x Gi 2,000.00
Bangladesh Handloom Education and Training AvaywbKvqb I AeKvVv‡gvMZ m¤cÖmviY
Institute, Narsingdi
4105-1120 Sheikh Hasina Nakshi Palli, Jamalpur (1st phase) ‡kL nvwmbv bKwkcwjø, Rvgvjcyi (1g ch©vq) 1,500.00
4105-1121 Providing Working Capital and Modernization of ZvuwZ‡`i Av_©-mvgvwRK Ae¯n'vi Dbœq‡b PjwZ g~jab mieivn 3,500.00
Handloom With a View to Development of I Zvu‡Zi AvaywbKvqb
Socio-economic Conditions of Handloom Weavers
Bangladesh Sericulture Board
4105-1111 Poverty Alleviation in Hill Districts through ‡ikb Pvl m¤cÖmviY I Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg 551.00
Sericulture Extension and Development †Rjvmg~‡ni `ªvwi`¨ we‡gvPb (14101-224223500)
4105-1119 Poverty Reduction in Greater Rangpur District ‡ikg Pvl m¤cªmvi‡Yi gva¨‡g e„nËi iscyi ‡Rjvi `vwi`ª¨ 833.00
Through Sericulture (Extension) n«vmKiY
4105-1122 Integrated Plan for Extension & Development of evsjv‡`‡k †ikg wk‡íi m¤úªmviY I Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ mgwš^Z 1,116.00
Bangladesh Handloom Industry (2nd Phase) cwiKíbv (2q ch©vq)

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Textiles & Jute
Department of Jute
4135-1111 Advanced Technology Based Jute and Jute Seed DbœZ cÖhyw³wbf©i cvU I cvU exR Drcv`b Ges m¤cÖmviY 4,400.00
Production & Extension Project
Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation (B.J.M.C)
4105-1116 Sheikh Hasina Specialized Jute Textile Mill †kL nvwmbv †¯ckvjvBRW RyU ‡U·UvBj wgj 1.00
4105-1117 Balancing, Modrngization, Rehabilitation and evsjv‡`k cvUKj Ki‡cv‡ik‡bi AvIZvaxb 3wU wgj 1.00
Expansion (BMRE) Of 03 (three) Mills Under mylgKiY, AvayywbKvqb, c~be©vmb Ges ewa©ZKiY
Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation
4105-1118 Establishment of felt factory at Karim Jute Mills Ltd & Kwig RyU wgjm& wjwg‡UW I †`ŠjZcyi RyU wgjm& wjwg‡UW G 1.00
Daulatpur Jute Mills Ltd. And Development & ‡dë KviLvbv ¯n'vcb Ges †KGdwW wgjm& wjwg‡UW Gi
Modernization of Diversified unit of KFD Mills Ltd. eûgyLx BDwb‡Ui Dbœqb I AvaywbKvqb

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Energy and Mineral Resources Division
Geological Survey of Bangladesh
4205-1111 Geo-information for Urban Planning and Adaptation wRI Bbdi‡gkb di Avievb cøvwbs GÛ GWvc‡Ukb Uz 150.00
to Climate Change (GeoUPAC) K¬vB‡gU †PÄ evsjv‡`k (wRBIwcGwm)
Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation (Petrobagla)
4205-0097 Sylhet-6, Beanibazar-1 and Kailashtila-6 Cop wm‡jU-8, weqvwbevRvi-1 I ˆKjvkwUjv-7bs K‚c 9,000.00
Workover. Iqvi&KIfvi|
4205-0098 Installation of 50,000 Prepaid Gas Meters in ‡RwRwUwWGmGj Awafz³ GjvKvq 50000 wc&i-‡cBW M¨vm 100.00
JGTDSL affiliated areas wgUvi ¯’vcY
4205-0099 Excavation of Kailashtila-8 Co. (Search Co.) ‰KjvkwUjv-8 bs K‚c (AbymÜvb K‚c) Lbb 327.00
4205-0100 Installation of Wellheld Compressors at Locations-E wZZvm M¨vm wd‡ìi †jv‡Kkb-B Ges wR ‡Z I‡qj‡nì K‡ 5,000.00
and G of Titas Gas Field ¤ú&imvi ¯’vcY
4205-1112 Construction of Bogura-Rangpur-Sayedpur Gas e¸ov-iscyi-‰mq`cyi M¨vm mÂvjb cvBcjvBb wbg©vY cÖKí 39,890.00
Transmission Pipeline Project
4205-1113 Rangpur, Nilphamari, Pirganj city and adjoining iscyi, bxjdvgvix, cxiMÄ kni I ZrmsjMœ GjvKvq M¨vm 6,221.00
areas gas distribution pipeline network construction weZib cvBcjvBb †bUIqvK© wbg©vY cªKí|
4205-1114 Bakharabadh, Meghnaghat-Haripur Gas evLviveva, ‡gNbvNvU-nwicyi M¨vm mÂvjb cvBcjvBb wbg©vY 33,000.00
Transmission Pipeline Construction Project. cªKí|
4205-5002 Installation of Wellhead Compressors at Location-A wZZvm M¨vm wd‡ìi †jv‡Kkb-G I‡qj‡nW K‡¤cÖmi ¯n'vcb| 16,000.00
of Titas Gas Field.
4205-5022 Installation of Pre-paid Gas Meter for TGTDCL B›mU‡jkb Ae wcÖ‡cBW M¨vm wgUvi di wUwRwUwWwmGj 6,891.00
(BD-P78: Natural Gas Efficiency Project (1st (wewW-wc 78t b¨vPvivj M¨vm B‡dwm‡qw›m cÖ‡R±) (1g
Revised). ms‡kvwaZ)|
Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (BPC)
4205-0059 Project Mangement Consultency Services for cÖ‡R± g¨v‡bR‡g›U Kbmvj‡UwÝ mvwf©‡mm di BÝU‡jkb Ae 10.00
Installetion of ERL Unit-2. BAviGj BDwbU-2
4205-0067 FEED Services for the Installation of ERL Unit-2. dW mvwf©‡mm di w` Bbó‡jkb Ad BAviGj BDwbU-2| 1.00
4205-0069 Construction of 20 storied Jamuna Office Building Kb÷ªvKkb Ae 20 †óvwiR hgybv Awdm wewìs (hgybv feb) 10.00
(Jamuna Bhaban) at Kawran Bazar, Dhaka G¨vU KvIivb evRvi, XvKv (†di-2)|
4205-0070 Construction of 19 storied Meghna building with 03 Kb÷ªvKkb Ae 19 †óvwiR †gNbv feb DB_ 03 †eBR‡g›U 1.00
basement floor at Agrabad Commercial Area, †dvi G¨vU AvMÖvev` Kgvwm©qvj Gwiqv, PÆMÖvg|
4205-0071 The Pipeline for Transportation of Petrolium Fuel PÆMÖvg n‡Z XvKv ch©šZ cvBcjvB‡b R¡vjvbx †Zj cwienY| 50,000.00
from Chattogram to Dhaka.
4205-0086 Construction of Head Office Building of Padma Oil KÝUªvKkb Ae †nW Awdm wewìs Ae cÙv A‡qj †Kv¤cvwb 20.00
Company Limited wjwg‡UW
4205-0088 Jet A-1 Pipeline from Pitolgonj (Near Kanchan †RW-G-1 cvBc jvBb d«g wcZjMÄ (wbqvi KvÂb eªxR) Uz 5,000.00
Bridge ) to Kurmitola Aviation Dipo (KDA) Including Kywg©‡Uvjv Gwf‡qkb wW‡cv) †KGwW) BbK¬zwWs cvw¤cs
pumping facilities one oil pipeline from Chattogram d¨vwmwjwUR Iqvb A‡qj cvBc jvBb d«g PÆMÖvg Uz XvKv
to Dhaka
4205-0090 Land Acquisition and Occupancy of BwÛqv-evsjv‡`k †dÛwkc cvBcjvBb cÖK‡íi cÖ‡qvRbxq Rwg 5,000.00
India-Bangladesh Friendship Pipeline Project and AwaMÖnY I ûKzg `Lj Ges Ab¨vb¨ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb/Ab¨vb¨
Development of Other Infrastructure / Other Related Avbylw½K myweav`x Dbœqb
Facilities Development.
4205-0091 Desing, Supply Installation, Testing and wWRvBb, mvcøvB Bb÷‡jkb, †Uw÷s GÛ Kwgkwbs Ae Kv÷wW 3,800.00
Commissioning of Custody Transfer Flo Metter UªvÝdvi †d¬v wgUvi DB_ mycviwfRwi K‡›Uªvj G¨vU BAviGj
Youth Supervisory Control at ERL Tank Farm U¨vsK dvg©

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Energy and Mineral Resources Division
Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (BPC)
4205-0092 Jet A-1 Pipeline from MI Shah Amanat International ‡RU G -1 cvBcjvBb d&ig Gg AvB Uz kvn AvgvbZ 10.00
Airport, Chattogram B›Uvib¨vkbvj Gqvi‡cvU©, PÆMÖvg
4205-0093 Techno-Economic Feasibility Study, Engineering K·evRv‡i gvZvievwo‡Z ¯’jwfwËK GjGbwR Uvwi¥bvj wbg©v‡Yi 1,000.00
services and tender management services for j‡ÿ¨ KviMix I A_©‰bwZK m¤fe¨Zv mgxÿv, BwÄwbqvwis
construction of land based LNG terminal at Ges `icG e¨e¯’vcbv †mev KvR m¤cv`b
Matarbari, Cox's Bazar.
4205-0094 Procurement and Installation of 60 MMSCfD ProcesskvnvevRcyi M¨vm‡ÿ‡Z&ii Rb¨ 60 GgGgwmGdwW ÿgZv m 504.00
Plant for Shahbazpur Gas Field ¤cbœ c&i‡mm cøv›U msM&in I ¯’vcbv cªKí
4205-0095 3D seismic survey at Beanibazar Field under Sylhet wm‡jU M¨vm wdì wjwg‡UW (GmwRGdGj)- Gi weqvbxevRvi 100.00
Gas Fields Limited (SGFL) wd‡ì 3-wW mvBwgK Rwic
4205-0096 Consultancy Services for Implementing the KÝvj‡UwÝ mvwf©‡mm di Bgwcø‡gbwUs w` A‡Uv‡gkb Ad M¨vm 10.00
Automation of Gas Transmission and Distribution UvÝwgkb G¨vÛ wWw÷&iweDkb cvBcjvBb †bUIqvi&Km AvÛvi
Pipeline Networks Under Different Companies of wWdv‡i›U †Kv¤cvwbR Ad †c‡Uªvevsjv
4205-0101 Construction of 12 (G = 11) Stored Modern Kb÷ªvKkb Ae 12 (wR=11)‡÷vwiW gWvb© †iwm‡WwÝqvj Kvg 5,000.00
Residential cum Commercial Office Building with 2 Kgvwk©qvj Awdm wewìs DB_ 2 (Uz) †eBm‡g›U Ae cÙv A‡qj
(2) Basement of Padma Oil Company Limited App 8 †Kv¤úvwb wjwg‡UW Av¨vc 6 cwievM, XvKv-1000
Paribagh, Dhaka-1000
4205-0102 Excavation of 2 exploration wells (Tobgi-1 and 2 wU AbymÜvb Kzc (UewM-1 I Bwjkv-1) I GKwU g~j¨vqb Kvg 20,252.00
Ilisha-1) and an evaluation work development well Dbœqb Kzc (†fvjv b_©-2) Lbb|
(Bhola North-2).
4205-0103 Gas Distribution Network Upgradation in ‰dvR`vinvU-mxZvKzÛ-gximivB GjvKvq M¨vm weZiY 9,000.00
Faizdarhat-Sitakunda-Mirsarai Area †bUIqvK© Avc‡Mª¨‡Wkb|
4205-0104 Installation of Prepaid Gas Meters for KGDCL †KwRwWwmGj Gi AvevwmK MªvnKM‡Yi Rb¨ wcª-‡cBW M¨vm 253.00
Residential Customers wgUvi ¯'vcY
4205-0105 Procurement of an Individual League Consultant for cÖwKD‡g›U Ad Gb BwÛwfRyqvwj wjMvi Kbmvj‡U›U di 190.00
LNG Terminal Development LNG Import and Other GjGbwR Uvwg©bvj †W‡fjc‡g›U GjGbwR B‡¤úvU© GÛ Av`vi
LNG Activities. GjGbwR GKwUwfwUm
4205-0106 Collection and installation of wellhead compressors kÖxKvBj M¨vm †ÿ‡Z&ii Rb¨ I‡qj‡nW K‡¤cÖmvi msMªn I 200.00
for Srikail gas field ¯'vcY|
4205-0107 Vijay 10,11,12 Ideco rig repair, IPS rig upgrade and weRq 10,11,12 AvBwW‡Kv wiM ‡givgZ, AvBwcGm wiM 637.00
rig auxiliary equipment replacement project Avc‡MÖkb Ges wiM mnvqK hšÍ&icvwZ cÖwZ¯'vcY cÖKí|
4205-0108 Installation and modification project of gas station at wRwUwmGjGi Ad UªvÝwgkb c‡q‡›U M¨vm †ókb ¯'vcb I 5,940.00
GTCLA Off Transmission Point. gwWwd‡Kkb cÖKí|
4205-0109 Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Railway Bridge Gas e½eÜz †kL gywRe †ijI‡q †mZz‡Z M¨vm mÂvjb cvBcjvBb 2,500.00
Transmission Pipeline Construction Project. wbg©vY cÖKí|
4205-0110 Excavation of Sylhet-10 well (search well). wm‡jU-10 bs K~c (AbymÜvb K~c) Lbb| 338.00
4205-0111 3D seismic survey in the obstruction area of G¨vK‡iR eé 13-14 Gi Aegy³ GjvKvq 3wW mvBmwgK 85.00
??Acreage Bulk 13-14. Rwic |
4205-0112 Shariatpur-1 exploration well excavation project. kixqZcyi-1 AbymÜvb K~c Lbb cÖKí| 3,061.00
4205-0113 2D Seismic Survey Over Accomplishment Block 15 2wW mvBmwgK mv‡f© Ifvi Gµ‡cv‡ikb eøK 15 Ges 22| 7,116.00
and 22.
4205-0114 Construction of gas gathering pipeline from 0114 iwk`cyi 9 bs K~c n‡Z cÖ‡mm cø¨v›U ch©šÍ M¨vm 10.00
Rashidpur No. 9 well to process plant M¨v`vwis cvBcjvBb wbg©vY
4205-5000 Installation of Single Point Mooring (SPM) with a BÝU‡jkb Ae wm‡½j c‡q›U gywis (GmwcGg) DB_ Wvej 80,000.00
double pipe line. cvBc jvBb|

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Agriculture
Ministry's Own
4301-5002 National Agricultural Technology Program-2nd b¨vkbvj GwMÖKvjPvi †UK‡bvjwR-2q ch©vq (GbGwUwU-2) 1,872.00
Phase (NATP-2) (Project Management Unit). (cÖKí e¨e¯’vcbv BDwbU)|
Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions
4305-1128 Rangpur Division Agriculture and Rural iscyi wefvM K…wl I MÖvgxb Dbœqb (GjwRBwW A½) 12,729.00
Development(LGED Part)
Department of Agricultural Extension
4331-0002 Farmers Training at the Upazilla Level for Transfer Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q cÖhyw³ n¯ÍvšÍ‡ii Rb¨ K…lK cÖwkÿY (3q 4,404.00
of Technology (3rd Phase) Project ch©vq) cÖKí (14302-224188300)
4331-1113 Greater Kushtia and Josor Region Agriculture e„nËi Kzwóqv I h‡kvi AÂj K…wl Dbœqb 1,614.00
Development project
4331-1115 Gopalgang-khulna-Bargerhat-Shatkhira-Pirojpur ‡MvcvjMÄ-Lyjbv-ev‡MinvU-mvZÿxiv-wc‡ivRcyi K…wl Dbœqb 1,700.00
Agricultural Development project (GKBSP ADP) (wWGB A½)
4331-1116 Safe Horticultural Crop production and post Harvest wbivc` D`¨vbZvwË¡K dmj Drcv`b I msMÖ‡nvËi e¨e¯'vcbv 1.00
Technology Transfer project
4331-1117 Noakhali, Feni, Lakshmipur, Chattogram, and ‡bvqvLvjx, ‡dbx jÿxcyi, PUªMÖvg I Pvu`cyi K…wl Dbœqb 2,051.00
Chandpur Agricultural Development project
4331-1118 Barishal, Patuakhali, Bhola, Jhalokathi, Borguna, ewikvj, cUzqvLvjx, ‡fvjv, SvjKvVx, ei¸bv, gv`vixcyyi I 2,017.00
Madaripur, and Shariatpur, Agricultural Development kwiqZcyi K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí
4331-1119 Safe Crop Production project Through Eco-friendly cwi‡ekevÜe †KŠk‡ji gva¨‡g wbivc` dmj Drcv`b 4,000.00
4331-1120 Smallholder Agricultural Competitiveness project ¯§j‡nvìvi GwMÖKvjPvivj Kw¤cwUwUf‡bm cÖ‡R± (GmGwmwc) 4,811.00
(SACP) (wWGB I g¨v‡bR‡g›U A½)
4331-1121 Rangpur Division Agriculture and Rural Developmentiscyi wefvM K…wl I MÖvgxb Dbœqb (wWGB A½) 965.00
4331-1122 Capacity Development of Agriculture Training K…wl cÖwkÿY Bbw÷wUDUmg~‡ni Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY 800.00
Institutes project (CDATIP)
4331-1123 Citrus Crops Extension, Management and ‡jey RvZxq dm‡ji m¤cÖmviY, e¨e¯’vcbv I Drcv`b e„w× 3,000.00
Production Enhancement Project cªKí
4331-1124 Production, Storage and Distribution of Quality AvaywbK cÖhyw³i gva¨‡g K…lK ch©v‡q DbœZgv‡bi avb, Mg I 2,100.00
Seeds of Rice, Wheat and Jute at Farmers' Level cvU exR Drcv`b msiÿY I weZiY cÖKí
through Modern Technology Project
4331-1126 Tuber Crops Development Project K›`vj dmj Dbœqb 4,500.00
4331-1128 Survey Project on Groundwater Conservation and f~-Mf©¯Z' cvwbi msÿY Ges evsjv‡`‡ki †mP wbf©i K…wl 70.00
Efficiency and Productivity Enhancement of Irrigatione¨e¯'_vi `ÿZv I Drcv`bkxjZv e„w×KiY kxl©K mgxÿv
Based Agriculture System of Bangladesh (DAE part) cÖKí (wWGB AsM)
4331-1129 Survey Project on Groundwater Conservation and f~-Mf©¯Z' cvwbi msiÿY Ges evsjv‡`‡ki †mP wbf©i K…wl 7.00
Efficiency and Productivity Enhancement of Irrigatione¨e¯'vi `ÿZv I Drcv`bkxjZv e„w×KiY kxl©K mgxÿv cÖKí
Based Agriculture System of Bangladesh (BARI part)(evwi AsM)
4331-1130 Survey Project on Groundwater Conservation and f~-Mf©¯'Z cvwbi msiÿY Ges evsjv‡`‡ki †mP wbf©i K…wl 84.00
Efficiency and Productivity Enhancement of Irrigatione¨e¯_vi `ÿZv I Drcv`bkxjZv e„w×KiY kxl©K mgxÿv
Based Agriculture System of Bangladesh (BMDA cÖKí (weGgwWG AsM)
4331-1131 Survey Project on Groundwater Conservation and f~-Mf©¯Z' cvwbi msiÿY Ges evsjv‡`‡ki †mP wbf©i K…wl 4.00
Efficiency and Productivity Enhancement of Irrigatione¨e¯'_vi `ÿZv I Drcv`bkxjZv e„w×KiY kxl©K mgxÿv
Based Agriculture System of Bangladesh (BADC cÖKí (weGwWwm AsM)
4331-1133 Oilseed Production Increasing Project (DAE Part) †ZjRvZxq dm‡ji Drcv`b e„w× cÖKí (wWGB AsM) 6,800.00

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Agriculture
Department of Agricultural Extension
4331-1134 Oilseed Production Increasing Project (BINA Part) †ZjRvZxq dm‡ji Drcv`b e„w× cÖKí (webv AsM) 469.00
4331-1135 Oilseed Production Increasing Project (BADC Part) †ZjRvZxq dm‡ji Drcv`b e„w× cÖKí (weGwWwm AsM) 650.00
4331-1136 Oilseed Production Increasing Project (BARI Part) †ZjRvZxq dm‡ji Drcv`b e„w× cÖKí (evwi AsM) 498.00
4331-1137 Agricultural Mechanization Project through mgwš^Z e¨e¯'_vcbvi gva¨‡g K…wl hvwšÎKxKiY cÖKí 66,030.00
Integrated Management
4331-1138 Agriculture Development of Rajshahi division AvaywbK cÖhyw³ m¤cÖmvi‡Yi gva¨‡g ivRkvnx wefv‡Mi K…wl 3,000.00
through expansion of modern technology Dbœqb
4331-1139 Crop Intensity Enhancement Project in Greater e„nËi gqgbwmsn A‡ji dm‡ji wbweoZv e„w×KiY cÖKí 3,500.00
Mymensingh Region
4331-1140 Almond and Coffee Cultivation Research, KvRyev`vg I Kwd Pvl M‡elYv, Dbœqb &I m¤cÖmviY (wWGB 5,500.00
Development and Extension (DAE part) A½)
4331-1141 Establishment of family nutrition garden in Abvevw` cwZZ Rwg I emZevwoi Avw½bvq cvwevwiK cywó 14,500.00
uncultivated fallow land and backyard evMvb ¯’vcb cÖKí
4331-1142 Project to transform the Plant Quarantine Laboratory †K›`ªxq c¨vwKs nvD‡R ¯'vwcZ Dw™¢` msMwb‡iva j¨ve‡iUix‡K 11,600.00
at the Central Packing House into an international AvšÍR©vwZK gvbm¤úbœ j¨ve‡iUix‡Z iƒcvšÍi cÖKí
standard laboratory
4331-1143 Climate change adaptation in Khulna Agricultural KvB‡gU-¯§vU© cÖhyw³i gva¨‡g Lyjbv K…wl A‡ji Rjevqy 2,200.00
Region through Climate-Smart Technology cwieZ©b Awf‡hvRb
4331-1144 Establishment of two Agricultural Training Institutes RMbœv_cyi Ges †gvnbMÄ Dc‡Rjvq `ywU K…wl cÖwkÿY 11,000.00
(ATI) at Jagannathpur and Mohanganj Upazilas Bbw÷wUDU (GwUAvB) ¯'vcb
4331-1145 AvaywbK cÖhyw³i gva¨‡g wm‡jU A‡ji K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí 3,900.00
Agriculture development project of Sylhet region
through modern technology
4331-1146 Smart Krishi Card and Digital Agriculture (Pilot) ¯§vU© K…wl KvW© I wWwRUvj K…wl (cvBjU) cÖKí 3,200.00
4331-1147 Climate Smart Agriculture and Water Management K¬vB‡gU m¥vU© GwMÖKvjPvi GÛ IqvUvi g¨v‡bRg¨v›U 4,280.00
(TSWBM) (DAE Part) (wUGmGWweøDGg) (wWGB cvU©)
4331-5001 National Agricultural Technology Program-2nd b¨vkbvj GwMÖKvjPvi †UK‡bvjwR-2q ch©vq (GbGwUwU-2) 5,530.00
Phase (NATP-2) (DAE Part). (wWGB AsM)|
4331-5003 Agro-Meteorological Information Systems K…wl AvenvIqv Z_¨ c×wZ DbœZKiY (K‡¤cv‡b›U-wm)| 2,580.00
Development (Component-C).
4331-5005 Enhancing Crop Production through Extension of †mŠikw³ I cvwb mvkÖqx AvaywbK cÖhyw³ m¤•Ömvi‡Yi gva¨‡g 2,232.00
Solar Energy and Modern Water Saving dmj Drcv`b e„w× (cvBjU)
Technologies Pilot Project
4331-5006 Research, Extension and Popularization of fvmgvb †e‡W mewR I gmjv Pvl M‡elYv, m¤•ÖmviY I 714.00
Vegetables and Spices Cultivation on Floating Bed RbwcÖqKiY (wWGB A½)
Project (DAE Part)
4331-5039 Year Round Fruit Production for Nutrition eQie¨vcx dj Drcv`‡bi gva¨‡g cywó Dbœqb| 7,400.00
Improvement Project
Seed Certification Agency
4338-1111 Strengthening Seed Certification Activities exR cªZ¨qb Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY 2,490.00
Cotton Development Board
4339-1111 Enhanching Capacity in Cotton Varaities Gbn¨vwÝs K¨vcvwmwU Bb KUb f¨vivBwUm †W‡fjc‡g›U 61.00
4339-1112 Cotton Research Development and Technology Zzjvi M‡elYv Dbœqb I cÖhyw³ n¯ZvšZi 1,841.00
4339-5011 Expansion of Cotton Cultivation Project (Phase-1). m¤•ªmvwiZ Zyjv Pvl (†dR-1) cÖKí| 3,285.00

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Agriculture
Agricultural Information Service
4341-5000 Modernization of Agriculture Information Service and K…wl Z_¨ mvwf©m AvaywbKvqb I wWwRUvj K…wl Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM 4,209.00
Digital Agriculture Information and Communication kw³kvjxKiY
Strengthening Project
Department of Agricultural Marketing
4343-1112 Small-Holder agriculture Competitiveness ¯§j‡nvìvi GwMÖKvjPvivj Kw¤cwUwUf‡bm cÖ‡R± (GmGwmwc) 4,331.00
Project(SACP) (DAM Part) (wWGGg A½)
4343-1113 Strengthening the Department of Agricultural K…wl wecYb Awa`ßi †Rvi`viKiY 6,670.00
4343-1114 Modernization of Onion and Garlic Conservation K…lK ch©v‡q †cuqvR I imyb msiÿY c×wZ AvaywbKvqb Ges 704.00
Methods at Farmer Level and Development of wecYb Kvh©µg Dbœqb
Marketing Activities
Soil Research and Other Research Facilities
4345-1111 Construction and Capacity Building of SRDI (CCBS) GmAviwWAvB-Gi feb wbg©vY I mÿgZv e„w× (wmwmweGm) 9,385.00
4345-5000 Strengthening of Soil Research and Research g„wËKv M‡elYv Ges M‡elYv myweav †Rv`viKiY 1,365.00
Barindra Multipurpose Development Agency
4305-1132 Expansion of Irrigation in Natore District Through f~-Dcwi¯n' cvwbi m‡e©vËg e¨envi I e"wói cvwb msiÿ‡Yi 3,825.00
Best Uses of Surface Water and Conservation of gva¨‡g bv‡Uvi †Rjvq †mP m¤cÖmviY
Rain Water
4305-1133 Minor Irrigation Through Pond Re-Excavation and cyKzi cybtLbb f~-Dcwi¯n' cvwb Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g ÿz`ª ‡m‡P 4,682.00
Surface Water Augmentation e¨envi
4305-1134 Expansion of Irrigation in Greater Rangpur District f~-Dcwi¯n' cvwbi m‡e©vËg e¨envi I e„wói cvwb msiÿ‡Yi 6,328.00
Through Best Uses of Surface Water and gva¨‡g e„nËi iscyi †Rjvq †mP m¤cÖmviY
Conservation of Rain Water
4305-1139 Popularization of cultivation of high value e‡i›`ª GjvKvq D”Pg~j¨ AcÖPwjZ dj I Jlwa dmj Pvlvev` 522.00
non-conventional fruits and medicinal crops in RbwcÖqKiY cÖKí
Barind area
4305-1142 Enhancement of Irrigation through Surface Water f~-Dcwi¯Z' cvwb Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g e„nËi w`bvRcyi I 9,620.00
Augmentation in Greater Dinajpur and Joypurhat RqcyinvU †Rjvq †mP m¤úªmviY
xpansion of Irrigation in Greater Rangpur District
through Optimal use of Surface Water and
Conservation of Rain Water
4305-1151 Irrigation Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project ‡mP AeKvVv‡gv cybe©vmb cÖKí 8,700.00
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
4305-0005 Strengthening of Spices Crop Research in evsjv‡`‡k gmjv RvZxq dm‡ji M‡elbv †Rvi`viKiY 1,130.00
Bangladesh (14301-224188500)
4305-1117 Establishment of Agriculture Research Station, ‡MvcvjMÄ †Rjvq weGAviAvB-Gi K…wl M‡elYv †K›`ª ¯'vcb I 3,800.00
BARI, Gopalganj and Eco-friendly Agricultural ‡`‡ki `wÿY-cwðgv‡ji cwi‡ek-cÖwZ‡ek Dc‡hvMx M‡elYv
Development Project in South-Western Part through Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKi‡Yi gva¨‡g K…wl Dbœqb
Strengthening of Research
4305-1118 Upgrading Regional Horticulture Research Station, AvÂwjK D`¨vbZË¡ M‡elbv †K›`ª Kzwgjøv‡K AvÂwjK K…wl 1,789.00
Cumilla to Regional Agricultural Research Station M‡elYv ‡K‡›`ª DbœxZKiY
4305-1126 Smallholder Agricultural Competitiveness Project ¯§j‡nvìvi GwMÖKvjPvivj Kw¤cwUwUf‡bm cÖ‡R± (GmGwmwc) 143.00
(SACP) (BARI Component) (weGAviAvB A½)

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Agriculture
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
4305-1138 To make the Crop Production System more K…wl hšÎcvwZ I jvMmB cÖhyw³ D™¢ve‡bi gva¨‡g dmj 2,543.00
Profitable through the Innovation of Agricultural Drcv`b e¨e¯'v‡K AwaKZi jvfRbK Kiv
Machinery and Appropriate Technology
4305-1144 Almond and Coffee Cultivation Research, KvRyev`vg I Kwd Pvl M‡elYv, Dbœqb &I m¤cÖmviY (evwi AsM) 3,276.00
Development and Extension (BARI part)
4305-1147 Capacity Development of Regional Pulse Research AvÂwjK Wvj M‡elYv †K›`ª gv`vixcy‡i mÿgZv e"w× Ges 8,572.00
Centre, Madaripur & Extension of Pulse Production e"nËi ewikvj, dwi`cyi A‡j Wvj dm‡ji Drcv`b e"w×
of Greater Barishal, Faridpur area
4305-5053 Research, Extension and Popularization of fvmgvb †e‡W mewR I gmjv Pvl M‡elYv, m¤•ÖmviY I 628.00
Vegetables and Spices Cultivation on Floating Bed RbwcÖqKiY (evwi A½)
Project (BARI Part)
Bangladesh Agriculture Development Corporation
4305-1115 Enhancing the Capability of Vegetables Seed weGwWwmÕi mewR exR wefv‡Mi mgZv e"w×i gva¨‡g nvBweªW 415.00
Division, BADC by Strengthening Hybrid Vegetables mewR exR Drcv`b, cÖwµqvRvZKiY,msiÿY I weZiY
Seed Production, Processing, Preservation and Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY
Distribution Activities Project
4305-1121 Project for Renovation, Modernization and evsjv‡`k K…wl Dbœqb K‡c©v‡ikb (weGwWwm)Õi Awdm feb Ges 6,148.00
Construction of Office Buildings and Other AeKvVv‡gvmg~n ms¯‹vi, AvaywbKxKiY I wbg©vY
Infrastructures of BADC
4305-1122 Minor Irrigation Development Project by using Solar ‡mŠikw³ e¨env‡ii gva¨‡g ÿz`ª‡mP Dbœqb 2,127.00
4305-1123 Greater Dhaka District Irrigation Area Development e„nËi XvKv †Rjv †mP GjvKv Dbœqb 5,193.00
Project (3rd Phase)
4305-1127 Smallholder Agricultural Competitiveness Project ¯§j‡nvìvi GwMÖKvjPvivj Kw¤cwUwUf‡bm cÖ‡R± (GmGwmwc) 6,059.00
(SACP) (weGwWwm A½)
4305-1129 Maintenance, Rehabilitation of BADC's Existing weGwWwmÕi we`¨gvb mvi¸`vgmg~‡ni iÿYv‡eÿY cybe©vmb 11,963.00
Fertilizer Godowns and Construction of New Ges bZzb ¸`vg wbg©v‡Yi gva¨‡g mvi e¨e¯n'vcbv Kvh©µg
Godowns for Strengthening of Fertilizer †Rvi`viKiY-2q ch©vq
Management Activities Project (2nd Phase)
4305-1130 Strengthening Production, Preservation & gvbm¤cbœ exR Avjy Drcv`b I msiÿY Ges K…lK ch©v‡q 24,693.00
Distribution of Quality Seed Potato to the Farmers weZiY †Rvi`viKiY-2q ch©vq
4305-1135 Cumilla-Chandpur-Brahmanbaria District Irrigation Kzwgjøv-Pvu`cyi-eªvþYevwoqv †Rjv †mP GjvKv Dbœqb 15,685.00
Area Development Project
4305-1136 Irrigation development project through surface water cvebv-bv‡Uvi-wmivRMÄ †Rjvq f~-Dcwi¯'n cvwbi gva¨‡g †mP 18,343.00
in Pabna-Natore-Sirajganj district Dbœqb
4305-1137 Greater Faridpur Irrigation Area Development e„nËi dwi`cyi †mP GjvKv Dbœqb (4_© ch©vq) 9,000.00
Project (4th Phase)
4305-1140 Quality Spice Seed Production Processing and gvbm¤cbœ gmjv exR Drcv`b cÖwµqvRvZKiY I weZiY cÖKí 1,573.00
Distribution Project
4305-1141 Modernization of Pulses and Oilseed Growth Farms †bvqvLvjx †Rjvi myeY©Pi Dc‡Rjvq Wvj I ˆZjexR ea©Y 400.00
in Subarnachar Upazila of Noakhali District and Lvgvi AvaywbKxKiY Ges Pzw³e× Pvwl‡`i gva¨‡g exR Drcv`b
Production and Processing of Seeds through I cÖwµqvRvZKiY
Contract Farmers
4305-1143 Mujibnagar Irrigation Development gywRebMi †mP Dbœqb 6,641.00
4305-1150 Development & Extension of Agriculture Seed by Rxe cÖhyw³i gva¨‡g K…wl exR Dbœqb I ewa©ZKiY cÖKí 2,334.00
using Biotechnology
4305-5061 Noakhali, Feni and Laksmipur Zilla Minor Irrigation †bvqvLvjx, †dbx I j¶xcyi †Rjvq ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb 1,161.00
Development Project

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Agriculture
Bangladesh Jute Research Institute
4305-1119 Establishment of Jute Research Sub-station and Rvgvjcyi †‡Rjvi gv`viM‡Ä cvU M‡elYv Dc‡K›`ª ¯’'vcb Ges 1,025.00
Strengthening of Research Activities at Madarganj of M‡elYv Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY
Jamalpur District
4305-8450 Applied and Basic Research of Jute Affairs. cvU welqK †gŠwjK I dwjZ M‡elYv| 529.00
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute
4305-1131 Strengthening Farm Machinery Research Activity for hvwšÎK c×wZ‡Z avb Pvlvev‡`i j‡ÿ¨ Lvgvi hšÎcvwZ 1,305.00
Mechanized Rice Cultivation M‡elYv Kvh©µg e„w×KiY
4305-1146 Invention, Research Modernization of High Yield AwaK djbkxj nvBweªW av‡bi RvZ D™¢veb, M‡elYv 1,208.00
Hybrid Rice Spices AvaywbKvqb
Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute
4305-1148 Production & Expansion of Insect free Sugarcane K…lK ch©v‡q Av‡Li †ivMgy³ cwi"Qbœ exR Drcv`b I we¯Ívi 1,248.00
Seed Farmers Label
4305-1149 Production of Pulse, Spices, Vegetable crop attach Av‡Li mv‡_ mv_xdmj wn‡m‡e Wvj, gmjv I mewR RvZxq 752.00
Sugarcane dmj Drcv`b
Soil Resources Development Institute
4305-1125 Gopalganj-Khulna-Bagerhat-Shatkhira-Pirojpur ‡MvcvjMÄ-Lyjbv-ev‡MinvU-mvZÿxiv-wc‡ivRcyi K…wl Dbœqb 415.00
Agricultural Development Project (GKBSPADP) (GmAviwWAvB A½)
Bangladesh Agriculture Research Council (BARC)
4305-5004 National Agriculture Technology- 2nd b¨vkbvj GwMÖKvjPvi †UK‡bvjwR-2q ch©vq (GbGwUwwc-2) 3,416.00
phase(NATP-2) )BARC Part) (weGAviwm AsM)|
Bangladesh Wheat and Maize Research Institute
4305-1145 Wheat blast disease prevention management and M‡gi eøvó †ivM cÖwZ‡iva e¨e¯’vcbv Ges bZzb Rv‡Zi exR 40.00
increase in seed production of new varieties of Dscv`b I e„w×KiY

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock
Ministry's Own
4401-1111 Introduction of E-Service in the area of Fisheries and grm¨ I cÖvYxm¤c` Lv‡Z B-‡mev Kvh©µg PvjyKiY 306.00
Livestock Sector
Department of Fisheries
4431-1111 Sustainable Coastal and Marine Fisheries Project mvm‡UB‡bej ‡Kv÷vj GÛ †gwib wdkvixR cÖKí 45,117.00
4431-1112 Fisheries Development in Rajshahi Division ivRkvnx wefv‡Mi grm¨m¤c` Dbœqb 1,000.00
4431-1113 Chattogram Hill Tracts Fisheries Resources cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg Aćj grm¨ m¤c` Dbœqb 2,700.00
4431-1114 Conservation and Development of Native Species of †`wkq cÖRvwZi gvQ Ges kvgyK msiÿY I Dbœqb cÖKí 4,284.00
Fish and Snails
4431-1115 Pilot Project to Extract Tuna and similar pelagic fish Mfxi mgy‡`ª Uzbv I mgRvZxq †cjvwRK gvQ Avni‡Y cvBjU 4,000.00
in Deep Sea cÖKí
4431-1116 Hilsa Resource Development and Management Bwjk m¤c` Dbœqb I e¨e¯_'vcbv cÖKí 4,000.00
4431-1117 Community Based Climate Resilient Fisheries and KwgDwbwU ‡eRW K¬vB‡gU ‡iwRwj‡q›U wdmvwiR GÛ 1,371.00
Aquaculture Development in Bangladesh Av¨v‡KvqvKvjPvi †W‡fjc‡g›U Bb evsjv‡`k
4431-1119 Climate Smart Agricultural and Water Management K¬vB‡gU ¯§vU© GwMÖKvjPvivj GÛ IqvUvi g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖ‡R± 2,517.00
Project (Fisheries Department Part) (grm¨ Awa`ßi Ask)
Climate Smart Agricultural & Water Management
Project (Fisheries Dept. Part)
4431-5004 National Agricultureal Technology Program-2nd b¨vkbvj GwMÖKvjPvi †UK‡bvjwR-2q ch©vq (GbGwUwU-2) 4,899.00
Phase (NATP-2) (Department of Fisheries Part). (grm¨ Awa`ßi AsM)|
Department of Livestock
4441-1111 Integrated Livestock Development in Coastal Area DcK~jxq Piv‡j mgwš^Z cÖvwYm¤c` Dbœqb cÖKí (1g 4,000.00
(1st Revised) ms‡kvwaZ)
4441-1112 Livestock and Dairy Development jvBf÷K GÛ †WBix †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖKí 71,988.00
4441-1113 Buffalo Development Project (2nd Phase) gwnl Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) 1,426.00
4441-1115 Cattle Fattening through Modern Technology Project AvaywbK cÖhyw³‡Z Miy üó-cyóKiY cÖKí 1,039.00
4441-1117 Eliminate of PPR Disease and FMD Control wcwcAvi ‡ivM wbg©~j Ges ÿziv‡ivM wbqšÎY 7,500.00
4441-1118 Improvement of Socio-Economic and Livelihood mgZj f~wg‡Z emevmiZ AbMÖmi ÿz`ª b„-‡Mvwôi Av_©-mvgvwRK 6,000.00
Development of Tribal/ Minor races People Through I Rxeb gv‡bvbœ‡bi j‡ÿ¨ mgwš^Z cÖvwYm¤c` Dbœqb
Integrated Livestock Project
4441-1119 Veterinary Public Health Service Strengthening and Rb¯^v¯n'¨ myiÿvq †f‡Uwibvix cvewjK †nj_ mvwf©m 1,756.00
Protection Project †Rvi`viKiY
4441-1120 Establishment of Institute of Livestock Science and wm‡jU, jvjgwbinvU/KzwoMÖvg Ges ewikvj Bbw÷wUDU Ae 5,000.00
Technology Project in Sylhet, Lalmonirhat/ Kurigram jvBf÷K mv‡qÝ GÛ †UK‡bvjwR ¯n'vcb
and Barisal District
4441-1121 Strengthening the Capacity of Department of cÖvwYm¤c` Awa`߇ii mÿgZv †Rvi`viKiY 5,960.00
Livestock Services
4441-1122 Integrated Livestock Development in the Haor Area nvIi A‡j mgwš^Z cÖvwYm¤ú` Dbœqb 2,500.00
4441-1123 Integrated Livestock Development Project in 7 DËiv‡ji mxgvšZeZ©x myweavewÂZ 86wU GjvKv I b`x 1,500.00
Disadvantaged Areas and Riverside Chars in the we‡aŠZ Piv‡j mgwš^Z cÖvwYm¤c` Dbœqb cÖKí
Northern Border
4441-1124 Expansion of Improved Varieties of Grass CultivationcÖvwYcywói Dbœq‡b DbœZ Rv‡Zi Nvm Pvl m¤úªmviY I jvMmB 1,172.00
for Development of Animal Nutrition and Transfer of cÖhyw³ n¯ÍvšÍi cÖKí
Appropriate Technology
4441-5003 National Agricultureal Technology Program-2nd b¨vkbvj GwMÖKvjPvi †UK‡bvjwR-2q ch©vq (GbGwUwU-2) 8,439.00
Phase (NATP-2) (Department of Livestock Part). (cÖvYxm¤c` Awa`ßi AsM)|

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock
Department of Livestock
4441-7056 Artificial Insemination (AI) Activities Extension and K…wÎg cÖRbb Kvh©µg m¤cÖmviY I åyY ¯’vbvšZi cÖhyw³b (1g 7,500.00
Embryo transfer (ET) echnology Implementation ms‡kvwaZ)
project (3rd Phase) (1st Revised)
Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute
4405-1115 Black Bengal Goat Conservation and Development eø¨vK †e½j QvM‡ji RvZ msiÿY I Dbœqb M‡elYv 1,100.00
Research Project
4405-1116 Strengthening of Poultry Research Development ‡cvwëª M‡elYv I Dbœqb †Rvi`viKiY 2,000.00
4405-1117 Zoonoses and Transboundary Animal Diseases Ry‡bvwmm I AvšZtmxgvšZxq cÖvwY‡ivM cÖwZ‡iva I wbšÎY 1,000.00
Prevention and Control Research Project M‡elYv
4405-1118 Buffalo Research and Development Project gwnl M‡elYv I Dbœqb cÖKí 1,000.00
Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute
4405-5003 Strengthening Marine Fisheries Research and mvgyw`ªK grm¨ M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY I AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (1g 500.00
Infrastructure Development (1st Revised) ms‡kvwaZ)
Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation (BFDC)
4405-1119 Establishment of Dry Fish Processing Industry in K·evRvi †Rjvq ïUwK cÖwµqvKiY wkí ¯'_vcb 5,000.00
Cox's Bazar District
4405-1120 Establishment of Fish Landing Center at Dirai mybvgMÄ †Rjvi w`ivB Dc‡Rjvq grm¨ AeZiY †K›`ª ¯'vcb 500.00
Upazilla of Sunamganj District

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Department of Forests
4531-1111 Sustainable Forests and Livelihoods (SUFAL) mvm‡UB‡bej d‡i÷ GÛ jvBfwjûW (mydj) 35,000.00
4531-1116 Development and expansion of Bangabandhu e½eÜz †kL gywRe mvdvix cvK©, K·evRvi Gi Dbœqb I m 1,900.00
Sheikh Mujib Safari Park, Cox's Bazar (2nd Phase) ¤cÖmviY (2q ch©vq)
4531-1117 Establishment of Greenbelt, Eco-restoration and K·evRvi †Rjvq †eóbx, m„Rb, cÖwZ‡ek cybiy×vi Ges 1,500.00
Eco-tourism Development in Cox's Bazar District B‡Kv-Uz¨wiRg Dbœqb
4531-1118 Reforestation and Infrastructure Development in Rjevqy cwieZ©‡bi weiƒc cÖfve wbim‡b wm‡jU eb wefv‡M 1,924.00
Sylhet Forest Division to Mitigate Adverse Effect of cyYtebvqb I AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb
Climate Change
4531-1119 Biodiversity Conservation and Eco-system gnvgvqv B‡Kv-cv‡K©i Rxe‰ewPΨ msiÿY I cÖwZ‡ek Dbœqb 412.00
Development of Mahamaya Eco-park Project
4531-1121 Modernization of existing Charmuguria Eco-Park gv`vixcyi †Rjvi AvIZvq we`¨gvb Pigy¸wiqv B‡Kvcv‡K©i 500.00
under Madaripur Disbrict AvaywbKvqb
4531-1125 Expansion and Development of eco-tourism my›`ie‡b cwi‡ek evÜe ch©Ub (B‡KvUz¨wiRg) myweav m¤cÖmviY 990.00
Facilities in the Sundarban I Dbœqb cÖKí
4531-1126 Char Development and Settlement Project - Bridging Pi Dbœqb I emwZ ¯’vcb cÖKí- weªwRs (wmwWGmwc-we) (eb 278.00
(CDSP-B) (Department of Forests) Awa`ßi AsM) (AwZwi³ A_©vqb)
4531-1127 Environmental protection project of Greater Rajshahi mvgvwRK ebvq‡bi gva¨‡g e„nËi ivRkvnx e‡i›`ª A‡ji 1,409.00
Barind region through social forestry cwi‡ek myiÿv cÖKí
4531-1128 Feasibility Study for Infrastructural Development and eb Awa`߇ii we`¨gvb KvVv‡gvi AeKvVv‡gvMZ Dbœqb Ges 124.00
Renovation work of Existing Structure of Forest ms¯‹vi Kv‡Ri Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxÿv
4531-1129 Sundarban Protection Project my›`ieb myiÿv cÖKí 2,147.00
4531-1130 Sundarban Management Assistance Project-2 my›`ieb e¨e¯'vcbv mnvqZv cÖKí-2 850.00
4531-5005 Widening of Approach Road and Development of e½eÜz †kL gywRe mvdvix cvK© MvRxcyi Gi G‡cÖvP moK 2,800.00
Other Infrastructure of Bangladesh Sheikh Mujib cÖm¯Z'KiY I Ab¨vb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (2q
Safari Park, Gazipur (2nd Revised) ms‡kvwaZ)
4531-5012 Wildlife Conservation and Habitat Development in evsjv‡`‡ki eb¨cÖvYxi ¸i“Z¡ I Avevm¯’j Dbœqb (1g 601.00
Bangladesh (1st Revised) ms‡kvwaZ)
4531-5013 Establishment of Sheik Russel Aviary and Eco-Park †kL iv‡mj Gwfqvix GÛ B‡Kv cvK© iv½ywbqv ”ÆMÖvg (2q ch©vq) 900.00
at Rangunia, Chattogram (2nd Phase)
4531-5018 Afforestation in Coastal Region Including the Newly e‡½vcmvM‡ii DcK‚‡j †R‡M IVv bZzb Pi ebvqb 1,013.00
Accreted Chars of Bay of Bengal
Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
4535-1111 Innovation of High Quality Agar Resin Storage m¤ú~Y© e"‡ÿ DbœZgv‡bi AvMi †iwRb mÂqb cÖhyw³ D™¢veb 1,123.00
Technology in Whole Trees
Bangladesh National Herbarium
4537-1111 Vascular Plant Species Survey of Barisal and Sylhet ewikvj Ges wm‡jU wefv‡Mi fv¯‹zjvi Dw™¢` cÖRvwZ Rwic 300.00
Division (SDFBS) (GmwWGdweGm)
Department of Environment
4541-1112 Environmentally Sound Development of the Power Gbevqib‡g›Uvwj mvDÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae `¨v cvIqvi †m±i 647.00
Sector with the Final Disposal of Poly Chlorinated Bi-DB_ w` dvBbvj wWm‡cvmvj Ad cwj †Kv‡iv‡b‡UW evB
phenyls (PCBs) wdbvBj (wcwmwW)
4541-1113 Development of Institutional Infrastructure, Setting cwi‡ek Awa`߇ii AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb, M‡elYvMvi ¯n'vcb I 800.00
up Laboratories and Enhancement Capacity of the mÿgZv e„w× (1g ce©)
Department of Environment (1st Part)

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Department of Environment
4541-1114 Ecosystem Based Approaches to Adaption (EBA) B‡Kvwm‡÷g †eRW G‡cÖvPm Uz G¨vWvc‡Ukb (BweG) w` WªvDU 1,000.00
The Drought Prone Barind Tract and Haor Aitland †cÖvb evwi›` Uª¨v± GÛ nvIi GqUb¨vÛ Gwiqv
4541-1115 Assessment of Coastal and Marine Biodiverity mybxj A_©bxwZ Kg©cwiKíbv ev¯Zevq‡b DcK‚jxq I mvgyw`ªK 50.00
Resources and Ecosystems to Implement the Blue Rxe‰ewPÎ Ges cÖwZ‡ek mgxÿv
Economy Action Plan
4541-1116 Integrated and Participatory Project on Noise kã`~lY wbqšÎ‡Y mgwš^Z I Askx`vwiZ¡g~jK cÖKí 900.00
pollution control
4541-1117 Bangladesh Environmental Sustainability and evsjv‡`k Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj mvm‡UB‡bwewjwU GÛ 492.00
Transformation (BEST) Project. U&ivÝdi‡gkvb (weGmwU) cªKí
4541-1118 Bangladesh Fast Biennial Update Report to the evsjv‡`k dvó evBwbqvj Avc‡WU wi‡cvi&U U¨y w` 181.00
4541-1119 Strengthening capacity for monitoring envoironment evsjv‡`k c¨viwm Pzw³i AvIZvq cwi‡ek wbM©gb ch©‡eÿ‡Yi 274.00
emissions Agrrment in Banglaes. mÿgZv †Rvi`vi Kiv
4541-1121 Renewal of Institutional Strengthening for the wi‡bvqvj Ae BbwówUDkYvj B‡÷š’Bb di `¨v ‡dR-AvDU Ad 26.00
Phase-out of ODS (Phase-IX) IwWGm †dR-9)
4541-1122 HCFC Phase-Out Management Plant (HPMP GBPwmGdwm ‡dR-AvDU g¨vb‡Rg¨v›U cø¨v›U (GBPwcGgwc 1,500.00
Stage-II) †÷R-2)
4541-1123 Pesticide Risk Reduction in Bangladesh †cw÷mvBW wi¯‹ wiWvKkb Bb evsjv‡`k 960.00

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Land
Ministry's Own
4601-1111 Establishment of Digital Land Management System G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae wWwRUvj j¨vÛ g¨‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g 15,581.00
(DLMS) through Digital Survey and Settlement (wWGjGgGm) _yª wWwRUvj mv‡f© GÛ †m‡Uj‡g›U Acv‡ikb Ae
Operations of 3 (three) City Corporations, 1(one) 3 (_ªx) wmwU K‡c©v‡‡ikb, 1 (Iqvb) †cŠimfv G›W 2 (Uy) iyivj
Pourasava & 2 (two) Rural Upazilla of Bangladesh Dc‡Rjv Ae evsjv‡`k
4601-1112 Char Development and Settlement Project-Bridging Pi †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKí-weªwRs (wmwWGmwc-we) 154.00
(CDSP-Bridging) (part of Ministry of Land) (f~wg gšÎYvjq Ask)
4601-1113 Digital Survey Management Capacity Building wWwRUvj c×wZ‡Z f‚wg Rwic Kivi Rb¨ f‚wg †iKW© I Rwic 10,000.00
Project of the Department of Land Records and Awa`߇ii wWwRUvj Rwic cwiPvjbv mÿgZv e„w×KiY cÖKí
Survey for Digital Land Survey
4601-1114 Mouza and plot based digital national land zoning †gŠRv I cøUwfwËK wWwRUvj RvZxq f‚wg †Rvwbs cÖKí 12,500.00
4601-1115 Land Management Automation Project f‚wg e¨e¯’vcbv A‡Uv‡gkb cÖKí 21,000.00
4601-5001 Construction of land and city land offices throughout mgMÖ †`‡k kni I BDwbqb f~wg Awdm wbg©vY (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| 14,100.00
the country (1st Revised).
4601-5019 Cluster villages (Climate Victims Rehabilitation) ¸”QMÖvg (KvB‡gU wfKwUgm& win¨vwewj‡Ukb) (2q ch©vq)| 9,400.00
(second phase).

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Water Resources
Bangladesh Water Development Board
4705-0026 Rehabilitation of Polder's (67/A,67, 67/B &68) along K·evRvi †Rjvi evsjv‡`k-gvqvbgvi--G mxgvšZ wbivcËv 4,000.00
Border River of Naf for Improving DbœZ Kivi Rb¨ DwLqv I †UKbvd Dc‡Rjvq bvd b`x eivei
Bangladesh-Myanmar Security at Ukhia & Teknaf †cvìvimg~n (67/G, 67, 67/we I 68) cyb©evmb
Upazilla in Cox's Bazar District (14701-224207400)
4705-0027 Dredging of Mohananda River and Rubber Dam PuvcvBbeveMÄ †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvq gnvb›`v b`x †WªwRs I 6,000.00
Project in Sadar Upazilla of Chapai Nawabganj ivevi W¨vg wbg©vY (14701-224207200)
4705-1111 Rehabilitation of Charbagadi Pump House and Pvu`cyyi †mP cÖK‡íi Pi evMv`x cv¤c nvDm I nvwRgviv 200.00
Hajimara Regulator of Chandpur Irrigation Project †i¸‡jUi cybe©vmb cªKí
4705-1115 Re-excavation of Bhuboneshwar River and wc‡ivRcyyi †Rjvi fvÛvwiqv Dc‡Rjvq f~e‡bk¦i b`x cyb:Lbb 3,900.00
Protection of Structures/Properties from the Erosion Ges †cvbv b`x fze‡bk¦i b`xi fv½b n‡Z wewfbœ ¯n'vcbv/m
of Pona River & Bhuboneshwar River in Bhandaria ¤c` iÿv cÖKí
Upazila of Perojpur District
4705-1118 Dredging and Bank Protective Work along the Left XvKv †Rjvi †`vnvi Dc‡Rjvaxb gvwSiPi †_‡K bvwikv evRvi 34,000.00
Bank of Padma River from Majhir Char to n‡q †gvK‡Q`cyi ch©šZ cÙv b`x †WwRs I evgZxi msiÿY
Moksedpur via Narishabazar at Dohar Upazila under cÖKí
Dhaka District
4705-1124 River Bank Protection Work along the both Bank of PUªMÖvg †Rjvi iv½ywbqv I †evqvjLvjx Dc‡Rjv Ges iv½vgvwU 6,000.00
Karnafuli & Ichamati River and Shilok Khal at cve©Z¨ †Rjvi KvßvB Dc‡Rjvq KY©dyjx I BQvgwZ b`x Ges
Different Locations in Rangunia and Boalkhali wkjK Lvjmn Ab¨vb¨ Lv‡ji Dfq Zx‡ii fv½b n‡Z iÿv
Upazila of Chittagong District and Kaptai Upazila of cÖKí
Rangamati Hill District
4705-1127 Bank Protective Work & Dredging Project in the dwi`cyi †Rjvi Pif`ªvmb Dc‡Rjvaxb cÙv b`xi Wvb Zxi 1.00
Right Bank of Padma River in Upazila : msiÿYg~jK I †WªwRs cÖKí
Charbhadrasan, District: Faridpur
4705-1129 Gorai River Dredging & Bank Protection Project MovB b`x ‡WªwRs I Zxi msiÿY cÖKí 10,999.00
4705-1131 Dredging/Re-excavation of Bangali- ev½vjx-Ki‡Zvqv-dzyj‡Rvi-ûivmvMi b`x wm‡÷g 32,000.00
Karotoa-Fuljor-Hurasagor River System with Bank ‡WªwRs/cyb:Lbbmn Zxi msiÿY
4705-1134 Re-excavation of Small River, Khal & Water Bodies 64wU †Rjvi Af¨šZi¯n' ‡QvU b`x, Lvj I Rjvkq cyb:Lbb 32,019.00
in 64 Districts (Phase-1) cÖKí (1g ch©vq)
4705-1136 Protection of Right Bank from the Erosion of KzwoMªvg †Rjvi wPjgvix I Dwjcyi Dc‡Rjvq eªþcyÎ b‡`i 4,000.00
Brahmaputra River in Chilmari and Ulipur Upazila of WvbZxi fv½b †iva
Kurigram District
4705-1143 Protection of Brahmaputra River Laft Bank from KzwoMÖvg †Rjvi ‡iŠgvix Dc‡Rjvi NyNygvix n‡Z dzjyqvi Pi NvU 5,000.00
Ghughumari to Fuluar Char of Roumari Upazilla and I ivwecyi Dc‡Rjv m`i (†g¤^vicvov) n‡Z †gvnbMÄ evRvi
from rajaibpur Upazilla Sadar (Member para) to ch©šZ eªþcyÎ b‡`i fv½b n‡Z evg Zxi msiÿY
Mhongonj bazar to Razibpur Upazilla in Kurrigram
4705-1144 Straitening of charalkata River and bank Protection bxjdvgvix †Rjvi PvivjKvUv b`x †mvRvKiY Ges eywowZ¯Zv 5,000.00
Work of Buri Teesta River in Nilphamari District. b`x Zxi msiÿY
4705-1148 flood Control,Drainage Improvment and Water PÆMÖvg gnvbMixi eb¨v wbqšÎY, RjgMœZv/Rjve×Zv wbimb I 16,000.00
Logging Mitigation of Chittagong City. wb®‹vkb Dbœqb
4705-1150 Rehabilition of Madhumoti-Nabaganga Sub-Pro ject gaygwZ-beM½v Dc-cÖKí cybe©vmb I beM½v b`x cybtLbb/ 6,000.00
and Re-Excavation/Dredging of Nabaganga River to †WªwRs Gi gva¨‡g cybiy¾xeb I cwi‡ekMZ fvimvg¨ iÿv
Revival and Conservation of Environmental Balance.
4705-1151 Bank Protection Work of the Meghna River from eªvþYevwoqv †Rjvi bexbMi Dc‡Rjvi ewoKvw›` n‡Z aivfv½v 1,500.00
Borikandi to Mp Bunath in Nabinagar Upazilla in Ggwc evua ch©šZ †gNbv b`xi evgZxi msiÿY
Brahmaanbaria District.

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Water Resources
Bangladesh Water Development Board
4705-1154 Procurement of Small Size Water Vessel for cvwb m¤c` gšÎYvjq I ms¯'nvmg~‡ni mÿgZv e„w×K‡í †QvU 500.00
Capacity Buildup of Ministry of Water resources & of AvKv‡ii Rjhvb µq
its Organizations
4705-1155 Protection from Erosion of Right Bank of Padma kixqZcyi †Rjvi bwoqv Dc‡Rjvq cÙv kvLv b`xi Wvb Zx‡ii 19,000.00
Branch River at Nowapara and Left Bank of Padma fv½b n‡Z bIqvcvov GjvKv Ges cÙv b`xi evg Zx‡ii fv½b
River at Charatra of Naria Upazila in Shariatpur n‡Z PiAvÎv GjvKv iÿv
4705-1156 Bank Protection Along tha Both Bank of Surma Riverwm‡jU †Rjvi wm‡jU m`i I wek¦bv_ Dc‡Rjvq `kMÖvg, 3,000.00
at Dashgram, Mahtabpur & Rajapur Porgona Bazar gvnvZvecyi I ivRvcyi ciMYv evRvi GjvKv myigv b`xi Dfq
area of Sylhet Sadar & Bishwnath Upazila of Sylhet Zx‡ii fv½b n‡Z iÿv
4705-1157 Protective Work along the right bank of Surma river mybvgMÄ †Rjvi †`vqvivevRvi I QvZK Dc‡Rjvi AvIZvaxb 5,000.00
at Dowarabazar Upazila Comples, Laxmibazar and myigv b`xi Wvb Zx‡i Aew¯’Z †`vqvivevRvi Dc‡Rjv cwil`
Betura in Upazila Dowarabazar and Chatak in Kg‡cø·, jÿxevDi I †eZziv GjvKvq b`x Zxi msiÿY
Sunamganj District
4705-1158 Bank Protective Work & dredging in Arial Khan River gv`vixcyi †Rjvi wkePi Dc‡Rjvq Avwoqvj Luv b‡`i Zxi 6,500.00
at Shibchar Upazila of Madaripur msiÿY I †WªwRs
4705-1159 Bank Protective Work along the Both Bank of nweMÄ †Rjvi weweqvbv we`y¨r †K›`ªmg~‡ni m¤§y‡L Kzwkqviv 7,000.00
Kushiyara River in front of Bibiyana Power Plants in b`xi Dfq Zx‡ii cÖwZiÿv
Habiganj District
4705-1160 Protection of Establishments from Erosion of Padma ivRkvnx †Rjvi PviNvU I evNv Dc‡Rjvq M½v b`xi evg 13,000.00
River on the Left Bank at Charghat & Bagha Zx‡ii ¯’vcbvmg~n b`x fv½b n‡Z iÿv
Upazilas of Rajshahi District
4705-1161 River Bank Protection work along the Right and Left KzwoMÖvg †Rjvi KzwoMÖvg m`i, ivRvinvU I dzjevwo 6,000.00
Bank of Dharla River with Flood control in Kurigram Dc‡Rjvaxb aijv b`xi eb¨v wbqšÎY, Wvb I evg Zxi
Sadar, Rajarhat & Fulbari Upazila in Kurigram msiÿY
4705-1162 Riverbank Protective work along the Right Bank of cvebv †Rjvi †eov Dc‡Rjvi gywÝMÄ n‡Z Lvbcyiv Ges 6,000.00
Jamuna River from Munsigonj to Khanpara and KvRxinvU n‡Z ivRaiw`qv bvgK GjvKvq hgybv b`xi Wvb Zxi
Kazirhat Rajdhordia in Bera Upazila of Pabna DistrictmsiÿY
4705-1163 Protection of Charbagdanga and Shajahanpur Area cÙv b`xi fv½b n‡Z PvcvBbeveMÄ †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvi 7,000.00
in Sadar Upazila of Chapainawabganj District from PievMWv½v I kvnvRvbcyi GjvKv iÿv
the Erosion of the Padma
4705-1164 Protection from Erosion of Jamuna River at Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi gv`viMÄ Dc‡Rjvaxb cv‡Ki`n I evwjRywi 15,000.00
Pakerdaha & Balahuri of Madarganj Upazila of BDwbqb Ges e¸ov †Rjv mvwiqvKvw›` Dc‡Rjvaxb KvRjv
Jamalpur Districts and at Jamthal of Sariakandi BDwbq‡bi Rvg_j bvgK ¯’vbwU hgybv b`xi fv½b n‡Z iÿv
Upazila of Bogura District
4705-1167 Development of Drainage System of Polders 1, 2, mvZÿxiv †Rjvi †cvìvi 1, 2, 6-8 Ges 6-8 (G·‡Ubkb) 3,541.00
6-8 and 6-8 (Extension) of Satkhira District Gi wb®‹vkb e¨e¯_'vi Dbœqb
4705-1168 Canal re-excavation to remove waterlogging in †bvqvLvjx †Rjvi †eMgMÄ, PvUwLj, †mbevM I †mvbvBgyox 3,500.00
Begumganj, Chatkhil, Senbagh and Sonaimuri Dc‡Rjvi Rjve×Zv `~ixKi‡Yi j‡ÿ¨ Lvj cybtLbb cÖKí
upazilas of Noakhali district
4705-1170 Protected from erosion on the right bank of Jamuna MvBevÜv †Rjvi m`i I my›`iMÄ Dc‡Rjvi †MvNvU I 10,000.00
river of Surrounding areas including Goghat and Lvbvevoxmn cvk¦©eZ©x GjvKv hgybv b`xi Wvb Zx‡ii fv½b n‡Z
Khanabari of Sadar and Sundarganj upazilas of iÿv
Gaibandha District
4705-1173 Protection od Sadar, Rajnagar and Kulaura upazilas gby b`xi fv½b n‡Z †gŠjfxevRvi †Rjvi m`i, ivRbMi I 9,000.00
of Moulvibazar District from erosion of Manu river KzjvDov Dc‡Rjv iÿv cÖKí

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Water Resources
Bangladesh Water Development Board
4705-1174 Rehabilitation of Dinajpur City Protection Project and w`bvRcyi kni iÿv cÖK‡íi cybe©vmb Ges w`bvRcyi kni 6,500.00
dredging / excavation of Dhepa and Garbheswari iÿv msjMœ ‡Xcv I M‡f©k¦ix b`x wm‡÷g †Wªwns/Lbb
river systems adjacent to Dinajpur City Protection
4705-1175 Rehabilitation of 3 projects under Dhamuirhat, bIMvu †Rjvi avgyBinvU, cZœxZjv I gnv‡`ecyi Dc‡Rjvaxb 6,500.00
Patnitala and Mahadevpur upazilas of Naogaon 3wU cÖK‡íi cybe©vmb Ges AvÎvB b`xi †WªwRsmn Zxi msiÿY
district and bank conservation projects including cÖKí
dredging of Atrai river.
4705-1176 Titas river (Lower Titas) re-excavation project in Kzwgjøv †Rjvi wZZvm I †nvgbv Dc‡Rjvq wZZvm b`x 2,500.00
Titas and Homna upazilas of Comilla district (†jvqvi wZZvm) cybtLbb cÖKí
4705-1177 Protection at Durgapasha of Bakerganj upazila in †ZuZzwjqv b`xi fv½b n‡Z cUzqvLvjx †Rjvaxb evDdj 15,000.00
Barisal district from Dhulia launch ghat of Baufal Dc‡Rjvi aywjqv jÂNvU n‡Z ewikvj †Rjvaxb ev‡KiMÄ
upazila under Patuakhali district Dc‡Rjvi `yM©vcvkv iÿv
4705-1178 Re-excavation of Bhairab river (Phase II) ‰fie b` cybtLbb (2q ch©vq) 4,500.00
4705-1179 Preservation of Singrabari, Patagram and Baikhola hgybv b`xi fv½b n‡Z wmivRMÄ †Rjvi KvwRcyi Dc‡Rjvaxb 9,000.00
areas under Kazipur upazila of Sirajganj district from wmsovevox, cvUvMÖvg I evH‡Lvjv GjvKv msiÿY
erosion of river Jamuna
4705-1180 char Development and Settlement Project-Bridgig Pi †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ †m‡Uj‡g›U c‡R±-4 (wmwWGmwc-4) 6,548.00
(Additional Financing)(BWDB-Part) AwZwi³ A_©vqb (evcvD‡ev Ask)
4705-1181 Kopotaksh River Waterlogging Removal Project K‡cvZvÿ b‡`i Rjve×Zv `~ixKiY cÖKí (2q ch©vq) 6,000.00
(Phase II)
4705-1182 Project to protect Katalmari under Fulchhari upazila hgybv b`xi fv½b n‡Z MvBevÜv †Rjvi dzjQwo Dc‡Rjvaxb 9,000.00
of Gaibandha district and Gobindi and Haldia area KvZjgvix I mvNvUv Dc‡Rjvaxb ‡Mvwew›` Ges njw`qv GjvKv
under Saghata upazila from erosion of river Jamuna. iÿv c&iKí
4705-1183 Avwoqvj Lvu b`xi fv½b n‡Z ewikvj †Rivi †MŠib`x 2,000.00
Implementing permanent river bank protection work Dc‡Rjvi †nvmbvev` evRvi jÂNvU IZrmOjMœ GjvKv
to protect the area adjacent to Hosnabad Bazar iÿv‡i&_ ¯’vqx b`x Zxi c&iwZiÿvg~jK KvR ev¯Íevqb
Launchghat in Gournadi upazila of Barisal Jara from
erosion of Arial Khan river.
4705-1184 Daulatkhan Municipality and Chakighat under ‡fvjv ‡Rjvi †`ŠjZLvb Dc‡Rjvaxb †`ŠjZLvb †cŠimfv I 10,000.00
Daulatkhan upazila of Bhola district and other high PwKNvU Ges Ab¨bvb¨ AwaKZi SuywKc~i&Y GjvKv †gNbv b`xi
risk areas are protected from erosion of Meghna fv½b n‡Z iÿv c&iKí|
4705-1186 Rehabilitation & Expansion project of Teesta Barage wZ¯Ív †mP cÖK‡íi KgvÛ GjvKvi cybe©vmb I m¤úªmviY cÖKí 10,000.00
Irregation Commad Area
4705-1188 Rehabilitation of Tangon Barrage, Buri Dam and VvKziMuvI †Rjvi UvsMb e¨v‡iR, eywo euva I fzwjø euva †mP 4,000.00
Bhulli Dam irrigation projects in Thakurgaon district, cÖKímg~n cybe©vmb, b`x Zxi msiÿY Ges mw¤§wjZ cvwb
protection of river banks and construction of wbqš—Y KvVv‡gv wbg©vY
integrated water control structures
4705-1189 Flood control, drainage and irrigation project in Patia PÆMÖvg †Rjvi cwUqv Dc‡Rjvi eb¨v wbqš—Y, wb®‹vkb I †mP 4,000.00
upazila of Chittagong District cÖKí
4705-1190 River bank Conservation in Pirganj upazila of iscyi †Rjvi cxiMÄ Dc‡Rjvi b`x Zxi msiÿY, †QvU b`x, 3,000.00
Rangpur District, Re-excavation of small rivers, Lvj-wej cyb:Lbb I Rjve×Zv wbimb
canals and beels and removal of waterlogging
4705-1191 Possibility of conservation of rain water and PUªMÖvg †Rjvi mwZvKzÛ Dc‡Rjvi Kzwgiv Qov Ges gximivB 389.00
construction of eco-friendly water bodies in Kumira Dc‡Rjvi ˆLqv I †Mvfvwbqv Qovq e„wói cvwb msiÿY I
Chhara of Satiakund Upazila of Chittagong District eªenv‡i cwi‡ek evÜe Rjaviv wbg©v‡Yi m¤¢ve¨Zv|
and Khaiya and Govania Chhara of Mirsarai Upazila.

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Water Resources
Bangladesh Water Development Board
4705-1192 eva e¨_©Zvi KviY (wmBGd) Ges ‡UKmB mgvav‡bi Rb¨ 196.00
An investigation into the cause of barrier failure mycvwi‡ki Rb¨ GKwU Z`šÍ|
(CEF) and recommendations for a sustainable
4705-1193 evcvD‡evÕi ¯’vcbv mg~‡n cÖ‡qvRbxq AvevwmK, cÖkvmwbK ,I 1.00
Construction of necessary residential, administrative,Ab¨vb¨ ‡fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY|
and other physical infrastructure at Bapaubo's
4705-1194 K·evRvi †Rjvq PKwiqv Dc‡Rjvaxb LyUvLvwj BDwbq‡bi 2,000.00
Waterlogging-removal and erosion prevention Rjve×Zv-`~ixKiY I mwbœwnZ GjvKvi fv½b‡iva KiY cÖKí|
project of Khutakhali union under Chakaria upazila in
Cox's Bazar district.
4705-1195 West Gopalganj Integrated Water Management cwðg †MvcvjMÄ mgwš^Z cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí| (2q ch©vq) 6,000.00
Project. (2nd stage)
4705-1196 jÿxcyi †Rjvi ivgMZx I KgjbMi Dc‡Rjvaxb eo‡Lix I 18,500.00
Meghna river bank protection project to prevent ja~qv evRvi I Kv‡`i cwÛ‡Zi nvU GjvKv n‡Z fv½b
erosion from Barakheri and Ladhua Bazar and iÿvK‡í ‡gNbv b`xi Zxi msiÿY cÖKí|
Kader Pandit's Hat area under Ramgati and
Kamalnagar upazilas of Laxmipur district.
4705-1197 Protection of Bachamara, Bahadurpur and Dhulsura gvwbKMÄ †Rjvi evPvgviv, evnv`yicyi I a~jmyiv GjvKv b`x 2,900.00
areas of Manikganj district from river erosion. fv½b n‡Z iÿvKiY|
4705-1198 Preservation of right bank of river Yamrina and wmivRMÄ ‡Rjvi kvnvRv`cyi Dc‡Rjvaxb f¥vgbMªvg-nvUcvwPj 6,000.00
strengthening of Betil Upar-1 and Enayetpur Spar-2 I ZrmsjMœ GjvKvq hg„bv b`xi Wvb Zxi msiÿY Ges †ewZj
in Vhamnagram-Hatpachil and adjoining areas under¯cvi-1 I Gbv‡qZcyi ¯úvi-2 kw³kvjxKiY KvR|
Shahjadpur upazila of Sirajganj district.
4705-1199 Management and development of Dudhkumar river KzwoMÖvg †Rjvi ga¨ w`‡q cªevwnZ `yaKzgvo b`x e¨e¯’vcbv I 4,000.00
flowing through Kurigram district. Dbœqb |
4705-1200 Conservation of Dhepa, Punarbhaba and Tangan w`bvRcyi ‡Rjvi †Xcv,c~Yf©ev I Uv½b b`xi Zxi msiÿY| 6,000.00
river banks in Dinajpur district.
4705-1201 Preservation of left bank of Padma river at various cÙv eûgyLx †mZzi fvwU‡Z gywÝMÄ †Rjvi †jŠnRs I XsMxevox 6,000.00
places under Louhjong and Dhangibari upazilas of Dc‡Rjvaxb wewfbœ ¯’v‡b cÙv b`xi evg Zxi msiÿY|
Munshiganj district downstream of Padma
Multipurpose Bridge.
4705-1202 Pv`cyi kni msiÿY cÖK‡íi cybe©vm‡bi j‡ÿ we¯ÍvwiZ m¤ 1.00
Detailed feasibility study for rehabilitation of Chadpur ¢¨eKv mgxÿv|
city conservation project.
4705-1203 UvsMvBj †Rjvi f~qvcyi Dc‡Rjvq cª¯ÍvweZ A_©‰bwZK AÂj 1.00
Detailed feasibility study for identification and wewbg©v‡b fv½b cÖeb GjvKv wPwýZKiY I cÖwZiÿvK‡í wbwgË
protection of erosion prone areas in the proposed we¯ÍvwiZ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgwÿv|
economic zone construction in Bhuapur upazila of
Tangail district.
4705-1204 Sustainable management plan for integrated g¨_‡gwUK¨vj g‡W‡ji gva¨‡g †jvqvi †gNbv b`xi kvnevRcyi 196.00
development of Lower Meghna river Shahbazpur P¨v‡b‡ji mgš^xZ DbœqbI †UKmB e¨e¯’vcbv cwiKíbv
channel through mathematical model.
4705-1205 Survey on environmental and social impact gvwbKMÄ †Rjvi hgybv b`xi Ievg Zxi fv½b iÿv‡_© e½eÜz 331.00
assessment including exploration of morphological †mZz Gi fvwU‡Z gi‡dvjwRK¨vj cÖwµqv AbymÜvbmn cwi‡ek
processes downstream of Bangabandhu Bridge to I mvgwRK cÖfve wbiæcY m¤úwK©Z mgxÿv|
prevent erosion of river bank of Jamuna river in
Manikganj district.

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Water Resources
Bangladesh Water Development Board
4705-1206 kixqZcyi †Rjvi KxwZ©bvkv b`xi Wvb I evg Zxi iÿA 5,000.00
Right and left bank protection project of Kirtinasha cÖKí|
river in Shariatpur district.
4705-1207 Polder No. 15 Rehabilitation Project of Satkhira mvZÿxiv †Rjvi †cvìvi bs 15 cyb:e©vmb cÖKí| 6,000.00
4705-1208 KzZzew`qv-gvZvievox Øx‡ci mgwš^Z cvwb m¤ú` e¨e¯’vcbv 326.00
Feasibility study for the development of integrated Dbœqb Gi wbwgË m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxÿv|
water resources management of Kutubdia-Matarbari
4705-1209 Feasibility study for protection of Sheikh Hasina ewikvj †Rjvi KviLvbv, weNvB I cvqiv b`xi fv½b n‡Z †kL 1.00
Sena residence area from erosion of Karkhana, nvwmbv †mbv wbevm GjvKv iÿvi wbgwË m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxÿv|
Bighai and Payra rivers in Barisal district.
4705-1210 Feasibility study for conservation and proper use of wZ¯Ív e¨‡i‡Ri DRv‡b †WªwRs Gi gva¨‡g f‚-Dcwi¯’ cvwb m 399.00
surface water resources through dredging upstream ¤ú‡`i msiÿY I h_v_© e¨envi Ges KzwoMªvg †Rjvi wZ¯Ív
of Teesta Barrage and conservation of left bank of b`xi evg Zxi msiÿY KvR‡i m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxÿv
Teesta river in Kurigram district
4705-1211 Risk Management Investment Program for Flood eb¨v I b`x Zxi ÿq‡i SzwK e¨e¯’vcbvi wewb‡qvM Kg©m~wP 28,839.00
and River Erosion (Project-II) (cÖKí-2)
4705-1212 Disaster Risk Management Extension Project `y‡h©vM SzwK e¨e¯’vcbv mgc&ªmviY cÖKí (K‡¤úv‡b›U-1, 17,473.00
(Component-1, Bapaubo Section). evcvD‡ev Assk)|
4705-1213 Preservation of left bank of Teesta river at jvjgwbinvU †Rjvi Avw`Zgvix Dc‡Rjvi gwnl‡LvPv bvgK 2,000.00
Mahishkhocha of Aditmari upazila of Lalmonirhat ¯'v‡b wZ¯Zv b`xi evgZxi msÿY KvR
4705-1214 Feasibility Study for Integrated Water Resource PÆMÖvg †Rjvi AvIZvaxb m›Øxc Dc‡Rjv¯' †cvÛvi bs-72 Gi 361.00
Management and Development of Ponder No. 72 at mgwš^Z cvwb m¤ú` e¨e¯'vcbv I Dbœqb Gi wbwgË m¤¢veZ¨v
Sandwip Upazila in Chittagong District mgxÿv
4705-1215 Feasibility Study of Brahmaputra and Gingeram eb¨v wbqš—Y, wb¯‹vkb Ges b`xZxi msiÿ‡bi gva¨‡g 498.00
River Basin Management in Kurigram District KzwoMÖvg †Rjvq eªþcyÎ Ges wRwÄivg b`xi †ewmb e¨e¯'vcbv
through Flood Control, Drainage and Riparian msµvß Kv‡Ri m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxÿv
4705-1216 Protection of Shitalaksha River Erosion of Taraganj MvRxci †Rjvi Kvcvwmqv Dc‡Rjvaxb `~M©vcyi BDwbq‡bi 500.00
Bazar and adjacent areas at Durgapur Union under ZvivMÄ evRvi Ges msjMœ GjvKv kxZjÿ¨v b`xi fv½b n‡Z
Kapasia Upazila in Gazipar District iÿv cÖKí|
4705-1217 Feasibility Study on Management of Karatoa River e¸ov †Rjvq Ki‡Zvqv b`x wm‡÷g e¨e¯'vcbv Ges bvMi b`xi 499.00
System in Bogra District and Advancement of Flood Dfq Zx‡i eb¨v wbqš—Y I wb¯‹vkb cÖKímg~‡ni c~e©vmb m
Control and Drainage Projects on Both Banks of ¤úwK©Z m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxÿv
Nagar River
4705-1218 Rehabilitation of Polders 43/1 and 44B under ei¸bv †Rjvi Aaxb †cvìvi 43/1 I 44we cybe©vmb Ges 8,000.00
Barguna District and Erosion Protection Project of SywKc~Y© Ask cvqiv b`xi fvOb n‡Z iÿv cÖKí|
Payra River at risk.
4705-1219 Rehabilitation Project of Polder No. 14/ of Khulna Lyjbv †Rjvi †cvìvi bs 14/ Gi cyb©evmb cÖKí| 1,000.00
4705-5015 Removal of Water Logging and Sustainable Water ‰fie wifvi †ewmb GjvKvq Rjve×Zv `~ixKiY I †UKmB cvwb 5,000.00
Management in Bhairab River Basin Area. e¨e¯n'vcbv Dbœqb|
4705-5019 Development of drainage system in XvKv-bvivqYMÄ †Wgiv wWGbwW GjvKvi wb®‹vkb e¨e¯nvi 40,573.00
Dhaka-Narayanganj Demra DND area (2nd Phase). Dbœqb (2q ch©vq)|
4705-5025 Polder no. 62 (Patenga), Polder no. 63/1a (Anwara), PÆMÖvg †Rjvi DcK~jxq GjvKvi †cvìvi bs 62 (c‡Z½v), 6,000.00
Polder no. 63/1 B (Anwara and Patiya) rehabilitation †cvìvi bs 63/1 G (Av‡bvqviv), †cvìvi bs 63/1 we
of Coastal Area of Chittagong district (1st Revised). (Av‡bvqviv I cwUqv) cybe©vmb (1g ms‡kvwaZ)|

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Water Resources
Bangladesh Water Development Board
4705-5031 Mirsarai of Chittagong district Bangladesh Economic PÆMÖvg †Rjvi wgimivB evsjv‡`k A_©‰bwZK AÂj ‡eRv eb¨v 28,000.00
Zone Beja flood control, road and embankment wbqšÎY moK Kvg †ewoevua cÖwZiÿv Ges wb®‹vkb (1g
Protection and drainage (1st Revised). ms‡kvwaZ)|
4705-5033 Development of flood and drainage system for ‡bvqvLvjx GjvKvi Rjve×Zv `~ixKi‡Yi Rb¨ eb¨v I wb®‹vkb 1.00
discharging waterlogging in Noakhali area. e¨e¯'vi Dbœqb|
4705-5048 Reconstruction of the Kumar River. Kzgvi b` cyb:Lbb| 1,500.00
4705-5061 Protraction of the Both Bank of Halda River by Bank PÆMÖvg ‡Rjvaxb nvUnvRvix I ivDRvb Dc‡Rjvq nvj`v b`xi 9,500.00
Protective Work at Different Locations in Hathazari & Dfq Zx‡ii fv½b n‡Z wewfbœ GjvKv iÿvK‡í Zxi msiY
Rauzan Upzaila in Chittagong District. KvR|
4705-5075 Bangladesh Weather and Climate services Regional cvwb weÁvb m¤cwK©Z Z_¨ †mev I AvMvg mZK©xKiY e¨e¯n'v 12,380.00
project (BWCSRP) Cmponent-B Strengthening kw³kvjxKiY (K‡¤cv‡b›U-we)|
Hydrological Infromation Services and Early Warning
System (Component-B)
4705-5076 Re-excavation of Arialkha River, Haridoya River, biwms`x †Rjvi Ašfz©³ Avwoqvj Luv b`x, nvwo‡`vqv b`x, 33,000.00
Brahmaputra River, Paharia River, Meghna Branch eª¶cyÎ b`, cvnvwoqv b`x, †gNbv kvLv b`x I cyivZb eª¶cyÎ
River and Old Brahmaputra Branch River Project kvLv b` cybtLbb
under Narsingdi District.
4705-5078 Protection of Horina Ferryghat Area in Sadar Upazila†gNbv b`xi fv½b n‡Z Puv`cyi †Rjvi nwiYv †dwiNvU Ges Pi 4,500.00
and Charbhairabi Katakhal Bazar in Haimchar ‰fiex GjvKvi KvUvLvj evRvi i¶v
Upazila in the District Chandpur from the Erosion of
the Meghna River.
4705-5081 Border Rivers Bank Protection and Development mxgvšZ b`x Zxi msi¶Y I Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) 9,000.00
Project(Phase -2)
4705-5097 River Bank Protection Work to Protect Charbaria ewikvj ‡Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvaxb KxZ©Y‡Lvjv b`xi fv½b n‡Z 2,000.00
Area from the Erosion of Kirtonkhola River at Barisal Pievoxqv GjvKv i¶v cÖKí
sadar Upazila in Barisal District
4705-5124 Coastal Embankment Improvement Project †Kv÷vj GgevK‡g›U Bgcªyf‡g›U cÖ‡R± †dR-1 (wmAvBwc-1) 35,000.00
-Phase-1(CEIP-1) in Satkhira, Khulna, Bagerhat, Bb mvZw¶iv, Lyjbv, cUzqvLvjx, wc‡ivRcyi, ei¸bv GÛ
Patuakhali, Pirojpur, Barguna & Patuakhali District. cUzqvLvjx wWw÷ª±|
4705-5131 Irrigation Management Improvement Project Bwi‡Mkb g¨v‡bR‡g›U B¤•ª“f‡g›U cÖ‡R± (AvBGgAvBwc)-di 9,123.00
(IMIP)-for Muhuri Irrigation Project (MIP) (1st gyûwi Bwi‡Mkb cÖ‡R± (GgAvBwc) (1g ms‡kvwaZ)|
4705-5135 Haor Flood Management and Livelihood nvIi GjvKvq eb¨v e¨e¯’vcbv I Rxeb hvÎvi gvb Dbœqb (1g 8,623.00
Improvement Project (BWDB Part) (1st Revised). ms‡kvwaZ)|
4705-5151 Southwest Area Integrated Water Resources mvD_I‡qó Gwiqv Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW IqvUvi wi‡mv‡m©m c­¨vwbs GÛ 8,000.00
Planning and Management (Phase-2) g¨v‡bR‡g›U (‡dBR-2)|
4705-5152 Climate-Smart Agriculture and Water Management KvB‡gU-¯§vU© GwMªKvjPvi GÛ IqvUvi g¨v‡bRg¨v›U 4,100.00
(CSWM) (Part of BWDB) Project. (wmGmGWweøDGg)(evcvD‡ev Ask) cÖ‡R±|
4705-5155 Protection of Right Bank of Padma River at Naria & kixqZcyi †Rjvi RvwRqv I bwoqv Dc‡Rjvq cÙv b`xi Wvb 32,800.00
Janjira Upazila of Shariatpur District Zxi i¶v
4705-5157 Bank Protection Wrok of the Sangu and Dalu Rivers PÆMÖvg †Rjvi mvZKvwbqv I †jvnvMov Dc‡Rjvi mv½y Ges Wjy 8,000.00
in Stkania and Lohagara Upazilas of Chittagong b`xi Zxi msi¶Y
4705-5158 Protection of Proposed Economic Zone and wmivRMÄ †Rjvq hgybv b`x n‡Z cybi“×viK…Z f‚wgi Dbœqb 18,000.00
Development of Reclaimed Land from Jamuna River Ges cÖ¯vweZ A_©‰bwZK AÂj i¶v
in Sirajganj District
Water Resources Planning Organization (WARPO)

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Water Resources
Water Resources Planning Organization (WARPO)
4705-1165 Operationalining Integrated Water Resourse mgwš^Z cvwb m¤c` e¨e¯’vcbvq evsjv‡`k cvwb wewagvjv, 690.00
Management (IWRM) In Compliance with the 2018 Kvh©KiKiY
Bangladesh Water Rules, 2018

29/08/22 Page 76 of 107

List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Food
Directorate of Food
4831-1111 Repair of Dilapidated Godowns with Ancillary mviv‡`‡k cyivZb Lv`¨ ¸`vg I Avbylw½K myweavw`i †givgZ 7,000.00
Facilities and New Construction of Infrastructure Ges bZzb AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY (1g ms‡kvwaZ)
across the Country (1st Revised)
4831-1112 Establishment of Premix Kernel Machine with Lv`¨k‡m¨i cywógvb wbwðZ Kivi j‡ÿ¨ wcÖwg· Kv‡b©j †gwkb 2,939.00
Laboratory and Construction of Infrastructure to I j¨ve‡iUwi ¯n'vcb Ges AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY
Ensure Nutrition in Food Grains
4831-1114 Construction of modern paddy silos including first †`‡ki wewfbœ ¯'v‡b avb ïKv‡bv, msiÿY I Ab¨vb¨ Avbylw½K 4,256.00
drying, storage and other ancillary facilities in m"weavmn AvaywbK av‡bi mvB‡jv wbg©vY (cÖ_g 30wU mvB‡jv
different parts of the country (first 30 silo wbg©vY cvBjU cÖKí)
construction pilot projects)
4831-5015 Modern Food Storage Facilities Project (MFSP). AvaywbK Lv`¨ msi¶bvMvi cÖKí| 112,443.00
Bangladesh Food Safety Authority
4805-1111 Capacity Building of Bangladesh Safe Food evsjv‡`k wbivc` Lv`¨ KZ…©c‡ÿi mÿgZv e"w×KiY 4,863.00
4805-1112 Strengthening the Inspection Regulatory and ÷ªb‡`wbs `¨v B‡b‡¯úKkb †i¸‡jUwi G¨vÛ †KviAwW‡bwUs 1,088.00
Coordinating Function of the Bangladesh Food dvskb Ad `¨v evsjv‡`k dzW †mdwU A_‡iwU|
Safety Authority.

29/08/22 Page 77 of 107

List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief
Directorate of Disaster Management
4932-0001 The disaster risk management enhancement project w` wWRv÷vim wi¯‹ g¨v‡bR‡g›U Gbn¨v݇g›U cÖ‡R± K‡ 17,000.00
component-2 and component-3 ¤cv‡b›U-2 GÛ K‡¤úv‡b›U-3) (14902-224230800)
4932-0002 Construction of flood shelters in flood prone and eb¨vcÖeY I b`x fv½b GjvKvq eb¨v AvkÖq‡K›`ª wbg©vY (3q 29,000.00
river erosion areas (3rd phase) ch©vq) (14902-224230900)
4932-0003 Construction of district relief godown cum disaster ‡Rjv ÎvY ¸`vg Kvg `~‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv Z_¨ †K›`ª wbg©vY 2,391.00
management information centers (14902-224231000)
4932-1111 Construction of Bridges/Culverts up to 15m long on MÖvgxY iv¯Zvq 15 wgUvi ‰`N©¨ ch©šZ †mZz/KvjfvU© wbg©vY 34,400.00
the Rural Roads
4932-1112 Construction of Herring Bone Bond (HBB) Road for MªvgxY gvwUi iv¯Zvmg~n †UKmB Ki‡Yi j‡ÿ¨ ‡nwis ‡evb eÛ 52,000.00
Sustainable Rural Earthen Road (2nd Phase) (GBwewe) KiY (2q ch©vq)
4932-1113 Construction, Maintenance and Renovation of Mujib gywRe wKjøv wbg©vY,ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb 25,000.00
4932-1114 Emergency Multisector Rohingya Crisis Response Bgvi‡RwÝ gvwë †m±i †ivwn½v µvBwmm ‡imcÝ cÖ‡R± 27,523.00
4932-1115 National Resilience Programme (Department of b¨vkbvj †iwR‡jÝ †cÖvMÖvg (wWwWGg cvU©) 560.00
Disaster Management Part)
4932-1116 Earthquake and other Disaster Search, Rescue fzwgK¤c I Ab¨vb¨ `~‡h©vMKv‡j AbymÜvb, D×vi Awfhvb 30,000.00
Operations and Emergency Communication cwiPvjbv Ges Riyix †hvMv‡hv‡Mi Rb¨ hšÎcvwZ msMÖn cÖKí
Equipment Procurement Project (Phase 3) (3q ch©vq)
4932-1117 The Project for Capacity Enhancement on `¨v cÖ‡R± di K¨vcvwmwU Gb‡nÝg¨v›U Ab digy‡jkb GÛ 721.00
Formulation and Implementation of Local Disaster Bgwcø‡g‡›Ukb Ad †jvKvj wWRvóvi wi¯‹ wiWvKkb cø¨v›U
Risk Reduction Plant
4932-5035 Strengthening of the Ministry of Disaster †÷ªs‡`wbs Ae `¨v wgwbwóª Ae wWRvóvi †g‡bR‡g›U GÛ wiwjd 5,250.00
Management and Relief (MODMR) Programm (Gg. I. wW. Gg. Avi) †cÖvMÖvg G¨vWwgwb‡óªkb (1g ms‡kvwaZ)
Administration (1st Revised)
4932-5043 Urban Resilience Project (DDM Part). Avievb wiwRwj‡qÝ cÖKí (wWwWGg Ask)| 5,087.00

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Road Transport and Highways Division
Ministry's Own
5001-1111 Road Transport and Highways Department related moK cwienb I gnvmoK wefvM mswkøó cwiKíbv cÖYqb, 385.00
planning formulation, implementation policy survey ev¯Zevqb bxwZ msµvšZ mgxÿv
Department of Roads and Highways
5041-1117 Construction of Border road (Rangamati, Bandarban mxgvšZ moK (iv½vgvwU, LvMovQwo I ev›`ievb cve©Z¨ †Rjv) 70,000.00
and Khagrachari Hill-tracts Districts) (1st phase) wbg©vY (1g ch©vq) (15002-224222300)
5041-1120 Construction of link road from Bogra town to Medical e¸ov kni †_‡K †gwW‡Kj K‡jR ch©šZ ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY 212.00
college (N-519) (15002-224200900)
5041-1122 Widening and Strengthing of Rvgvjcyi-‡PPzqv-gy³MvQv gnvmoK cÖk¯ZKiY I gReywZKiY 3,000.00
Jamalpur-Chechua-Muktagacha Highway (including (eªþcyÎ G‡cÖvPmn) (15002-224200600)
Brahmaputra Bridge Approach)
5041-1123 Widening of Elenga-Jamalpur National Highway G‡j½v-Rvgvjcyi RvZxq gnvmoK (Gb-4) cÖk¯’KiY 2,900.00
(N-4) (15002-224222400)
5041-1125 Improvement of Zila Highways to appropriate Level ‡Rjv gnvmoKmg~n h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯’Zvq DbœxZKiY 100.00
of Standard and Width (Comilla Zone) (Kzwgjøv †Rvb) (15002-224222600)
5041-1126 Development of Netrakona ‡b·KvYv (VvKziv‡KvYv)-KjgvKv›`v †Rjv gnvmoK Dbœqb 2,400.00
(Thakurakona)-Kalmakanda Zila Highway (15002-224199800)
5041-1130 Improvement of One Regional Highways (R-549) & bIMuv moK wefvMvaxb 01wU AvÂwjK (Avi-549) I 2wU †Rjv 8,000.00
Two Zilla Roads (Z-6852, Z-5207) to Appropriate (‡RW-6852, ‡RW-5207) gnvmoK h_vh_ I cÖk¯'nZvq
Standard and width Under Road Division, Naogon DbœxZKiY
5041-1133 Development of Joypurhat (Hichmi)-Puran RqcyinvU (wnPgx)-cyivb AvBcj-cuvPwewe-wnwj (kni 3,000.00
Ipol-Panchbibi-Hili (Including Town Link) road - RoadwjswKmn) gnvmoK Dbœqb
Division, Department of Roads and Highways,
5041-1134 Construction of Ullapara Railway Overpass Djøvcvov †ijI‡q Ifvicvm wbg©vY 3,150.00
5041-1137 Improvement of Important Zilla Highways under ‡Rjv gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY cÖKí 5,000.00
Sylhet Zone to Appropriate Level of Standard & (wm‡jU †Rvb)
Width (under Sylhet Zone) Project
5041-1139 Improvement of District Road to Appropriate Level of ‡Rjv gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY cÖKí 5,000.00
Standard and Width (Rajshahi Zone) (ivRkvnx †Rvb)
5041-1140 Improvement of District Road to Appropriate Level of ‡Rjv gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY cÖKí 267.00
Standard and Width (Rangpur Zone) (iscyi †Rvb)
5041-1145 Improvement of gvBR`x-ivRMÄ-Qqvbx-emyinvU-P›`ªMÄ (Avi-143) AvÂwjK 3,000.00
Maijdee-Rajgonj-Chayani-Bashurhat-Chandragonj gnvmo‡K h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY
(R-143) Regional Highway to Appropriate Level of
Standard & Width Project
5041-1149 Construction of PC Girder Bridge (Rajapur Bridge) at KyjvDov-c„w_¡gcvkv-nvRxcyi-kixdcyi (†RW-2822) mo‡Ki 2,500.00
14th km and 7.5km Connecting Road of Kulaura - 14Zg wK‡jvwgUv‡i wcwm MvW©vi †mZy (ivRvcyi †mZz) wbg©vY I
Prithimpasha - Hajipur - Sharifur ( Z-2822) Road 7.5 wK‡jvwgUvi ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY
5041-1150 Development of Nabinagar-Asugang road (Z-2031) bexbMi-AvïMÄ moK Dbœqb cÖKí (†RW-2031) 10,000.00
5041-1157 Widening and strenghtening of Rvgvjcyi-avbyqv-Kvgvjcyi-‡iŠgvix-`vuZfv½v †Rjv gnvmoK 8,000.00
Jamalpur-Dhanua-Kamalpur- Roumari- Datvanga cÖk¯ZKiY I gReyZxKiY (†RW-4606) (KzwoMÖvg Ask)
Zilla Highway (Z-4606) (Kurigram part)
5041-1159 Imporvement of Hathazari-Raujan to 4 lane of PUªMÖvg-iv½vgvwU RvZxq gnvmoK (Gb-106) Gi nvUnvRvix 12,000.00
chittagong-Rangamati National Highway (N-106) n‡Z ivDRvb ch©šZ moKvsk 4-†j‡b DbœxZKiY
5041-1162 Development of nvUnvRvix-dwUKQwo-gvwbKQwo-gvwUivOv-LvMovQwo moK 5,000.00
Hathazari-Faticchari-manikchari-matiranga-Khagrac (Avi-160) Dbœqb (PUªMÖvg Ask)
hari road (R-160)(Chittagonj portion)

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Road Transport and Highways Division
Department of Roads and Highways
5041-1163 Construction of Sonahat Bridge over Dudhkumor f~i~½vgvix-‡mvbvnvU ¯'nj e›`i-wfZie›`-bv‡Mk¦ix gnvmo‡Ki 5,000.00
river of Bhurungamari-Sonahat `yaKygvi b`xi Dci †mvbvnvU †mZz wbg©vY
Landport-Bhitarband-Nageshawri highway
5041-1164 Improvement of ‡Mvwe›`MÄ-‡NvovNvU-weivgcyi-dzjevox-w`bvRcyi (Avi-585) 5,000.00
Gobindagonj-Ghoraghat-Birampur-Phulbari-Dinajpur AvÂwjK gnvmoK‡K h_vh_ gv‡b DbœxZKiY
Regional Highway (R-585) into Appropriate Standard
5041-1165 Emergency Assistance Project Coxs Bazar-Teknaf K·evRvi-‡UKbvd moK (Gb-1) Dbœqb 5,871.00
Road (N-1) Improvement Project
5041-1166 Land Acquisition for Improvement of dwi`cyi-fv½v-ewikvj-cUzqvLvjx-KzqvKvUv RvZxq gnvmoK 70,000.00
Faridpur-Vanga-Barisal National Highway to 4 lane Pvi †j‡b DbœxZKi‡Yi Rb¨ f~wg AwaMÖnY
including separate lane for slow moving vehicle
5041-1167 Improvement of Barishal ‰eivMxicyj (ewikvj)-UzgPi-evDdj (cUzqvLvjx) ‡Rjv 4,000.00
(Bairagirpool)-Tumchar-Baufal gnvmoK (‡RW-8910) h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY
5041-1170 Land Equisition and Utility Transfer Project; f~wg AwaMÖnY I BDwUwjwU ¯'nvbvšZi cÖKí: mv‡cvU© Uz XvKv 236,768.00
Improvment of Suport to Dhaka (KvPucyi)-wm‡jU-Zvgvwej gnvmoK Pvi †j‡b DbœxZKiY
(Kachpur)-Sylhet-Tamabil highway to 4 lane
5041-1171 Improvement of Keranirhat-Bandarban National ‡KivbxnvU-ev›`ievb RvZxq gnvmoK (Gb-108) h_vh_ gvb, 5,000.00
Highway (N-108) to Appropriate Standard, Width & cÖk¯ZZv I D”PZvq DbœxZKiY
5041-1172 Imprvement of Kansakhola-Ashtamitala link road zila ‡kicyi †Rjvq Kvbvmv‡Lvjv-AógxZjv ‡Rjv gnvmoK‡K 270.00
Highway in Sherpur District to Appropriate Level of AvÂwjK gnvmo‡Ki h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY
Standard and width
5041-1173 Construction of Rajuk Purbachal 300 ft. highway to ivRDK cye©vPj 300 dzU gnvmoK n‡Z gv`vbx GwfwbD-wm‡jU 4,000.00
madani Avenue-Sylhet highway link road gnvmoK ch©šZ ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY
5041-1178 Improvement of jatrabari (mayar Hanif hvÎvevox (†gqi nvwbd dvBIfvi)- †Wgiv (myjZvbv Kvgvj 5,000.00
Flyover)-Demra (sultana Kamal Bridge) portion of †mZz) gnvmoK (Avi-110) 4 †j‡b DbœxZKiY
(Chashara)Road (R-110) to 4 lane
5041-1180 Improvement of Mohipal to Choumuhani prurba ‡dbx-†bvqvLvjx RvZxq gnvmo‡Ki (Gb-104) 2-†jb Ask 10,000.00
bazar portion to 4 lane of Feni To Noakhali National (gwncvj n‡Z †PŠgynbx c~e© evRvi ch©šZ) 4-†j‡b DbœxZKiY
Highway (N-104) 2 lane portion
5041-1181 Construction of Challisha ‡b·KvYv †Rjvi Pwjøkv (evMov)-Kzwbqv-‡g`bx-ivRyievRvi 5,000.00
(Bagra)-Kunia-Medini-Rajur Bazar road connecting ms‡hvM gnvmoK wbg©vY
highway in Netrokuna District
5041-1184 Nilfamari-Dumar (Z-5707) Road & Boda-Dabigonj bxjdvgvix-‡Wvgvi (†RW-5707) moK I †ev`v-‡`exMÄ 5,000.00
(Z-5857) Road Appropriates Standard and Width (†RW-5857) moK h_vh_ gv‡b DbœxZKiY
5041-1186 Development of Shariatpur (Monohar kixqZcyi (g‡bvni evRvi)-Beªvwngcyi †dixNvU ch©šZ moK 15,000.00
Bazar)-Ibrahimpur Farighat Roads (R-860) (Avi-860) Dbœqb
5041-1189 Widening of Bamandanga (Gaibandha)- evgbWvsMv (MvBevÜv)-kwVevox-AvdZveMÄ (w`bvRcyi) †Rjv 20,000.00
Shathibari-Aftabgonj (Dinajpur) Zilla Road (Z-5013) gnvmoK (†RW-5013) cÖk¯ZKiY
5041-1190 Improvement of Bogra (Jahangirabad)-Natore e¸ov (Rvnv½xivev`)-bv‡Uvi RvZxq gnvmoK (Gb-502) 10,000.00
National Highway (N-502) to proper standard & h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY
5041-1193 Barisal-Bhola-Laxmipur (N-809) from Barisal (Char ewikvj-‡fvjv-jÿxcyi RvZxq gnvmo‡Ki (Gb-809) ewikvj 5,962.00
Kaowa) to Bhola(llisha Ferryghat) to Appropriate (Pi KvDqv) n‡Z †fvj (Bwjkv †dixNvU) n‡q jÿxcyi ch©šZ
Level of Standard and Width h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY
5041-1194 Extension of Magura-Sreepur Road including Curve gv¸iv-kÖxcyi †Rjv gnvmoK SvuK mijxKiYmn m¤cÖmviY 3,000.00
Strengthening (Z-7011)

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Road Transport and Highways Division
Department of Roads and Highways
5041-1195 Improvement of ‡b·KvYv-‡K›`yqv-AvVvievox-Ck¦iMÄ †Rjv gnvmoK Dbœqb 10,000.00
Netrokona-Kendua-Atharbari-Eshwargonj Zila
Highway Road
5041-1196 Construction of Bus bay including dedicated lane at XvKv (wgicyi)-D_yjx-cvUzwiqv RvZxq gnvmoK (Gb-5) Gi 19,000.00
different bus stand from Dhaka (Mirpur)- bexbMi n‡Z bqvnvU I cvUzwiqvNvU GjvKv cÖk¯ZKiYmn
Utholy-Paturia National Road (N-5) Nobinager to AvwgbevRvi n‡Z cvUzwiqv NvU ch©šZ wewfbœ evm÷¨vÛ GjvKv
Nayarhat and Paturia Ferri ghat area †WwW‡KUW †jbmn mvwf©m †jb I evm-‡e wbg©vY
5041-1197 Construction of mybvgMÄ-g`bcyi-w`ivB-kvjøv-RjmyLv-AvRwgwiMÄ-nweMÄ 10,000.00
Sunamgonj-Modonpur-Derai-Sullah-Jalsukha-Azmiri gnvmo‡Ki kvjøv-RjmyLv moKvsk wbg©vY
gonj-Habigonj Highway Roads Sullah-Jalsukha part
5041-1198 Construction of Permanent Protective work RCC iv½vgvwU moK wefv‡Mi Aaxb cvnvo/f~wg aŸ‡m ÿwZMÖ¯Z 10,000.00
Retaining wall including drain in Different Kilometers mo‡Ki wewfbœ wK‡jvwgUv‡i †Wªbmn ¯'nvqx cÖwZiÿvg~jK
of Damaged Roads by landslides under Rangamati Aviwmwm wi‡UBwbs Iqvj wbg©vY
Road Division
5041-1199 Establishment of restrooms with parking facilities for ‡UKmB I wbivc` gnvmoK M‡o †Zvjvi Rb¨ 4wU RvZxq 6,663.00
freight drivers along 4 National Highways to build gnvmo‡Ki cv‡k¦© cb¨evnx Mvwo PvjK‡`i Rb¨ cvwK©s myweav m
sustainable and safe highways ¤^wjZ wekÖvgvMvi ¯n'vcb
5041-1200 4-Laning of Khulna Town Portion (4.00km) of Khulna Lyjbv-PzKbMi-mvZÿxiv gnvmo‡Ki Lyjbv knivsk (4.00 1,172.00
Chuknagor Satkhira Road wK‡jvwgUvi) Pvi †j‡b DbœxZKiY
5041-1201 Development of Kurigram KzwoMÖvg (`v‡minvU)-bv‡Mk¦ix-fziy½vgvix-‡mvbvnvU ¯n'je›`i 20,000.00
(Dasherhat)-Nageshwari-Bhurungamary-Sonahat moK‡K RvZxq gnvmo‡K DbœxZKiY
Land port Road into a National Highway
5041-1202 Establishment of Excel Load Control Center at the moK I Rbc_ Awa`߇ii AvIZvaxb ¸iyZ¡c~Y© gnvmo‡K cY¨ 30,000.00
source of transport of goods on important highways cwien‡Yi Drmgy‡L G‡·j †jvW wbqšÎY †K›`ª ¯'nvcb
under the Department of Roads and Highways.
5041-1203 Improvement of Bhuapur-Tarakandi (Z-4801) Zilla f~qvcyi-ZvivKvw›` †Rjv gnvmoK (‡RW-4801) h_vh_ gvb I 7,500.00
Highway to appropriate Standard & Width) cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY
5041-1204 Performance-Based operation for 4 (four) years and 4-‡j‡b DbœxZ XvKv-PÆMÖvg RvZxq gnvmoK (Gb-1) 45,000.00
Strengthening of 4-lane Dhaka- Chittagong National (`vD`Kvw›`-PÆMÖvg Ask) Gi 4 (Pvi) eQ‡ii Rb¨ cvidig¨vÝ
Highway (N-1) (Daudkandi -Chittagong Portion) †eBRW Acv‡ikb I `„pKiY
5041-1205 Mymensingh (Raghurampur)-Phulpur-Nakla-Sherpur gqgbwmsn (iNyivgcyi)-dzjcyi-bKjv-‡kicyi (Avi-371) 20,000.00
(R-371) Regional Highway Improvement Project AvÂwjK gnvmoK Dbœqb
5041-1206 Upgradation of Rajshahi-Nawhata-Chowmasia Road ivRkvnx-bInvUv-‡PŠgvwmqv mo‡Ki we›`yi †gvo n‡Z wegvb 11,000.00
(R-685) From Bindur more to Nawhata bridge Via e›`i n‡q bInvUv weªR ch©šZ †cf‡g›U 4 †j‡b DbœxZKiY
Shah Mokdam Airport into four lane Highway
5041-1209 Upgration of Domar-Chilahati-Bhaulaganj (Z-5606), ‡Wvgvi-wPjvnvwU-fvDjvMÄ (‡RW-5706), †Wvgvi- 8,000.00
Domar- (Boragari) -Jaldhaka- (Bhadurdargah) (†evovMvox)-RjXvKv-(fv`yi`iMvn) (†RW-5704) Ges
(Z-5604) and Jaldhaka-Bhadurdargah-Dimla RjXvKv-fv`yi`iMvn-wWgjv (†RW-5703) †Rjv gnvmoK
(Z-5603) district highways with proper standard and h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY
5041-1210 Construction of Kishoregonj-Karimgonj-Chamraghat wK‡kviMÄ-KwigMÄ-PvgovNvU †Rjv gnvmoK h_vh_ gv‡b 10,000.00
Zilla Highway Road to appropriate Standard & Width DbœxZKiYmn Qqbv-h‡kv`j-‡PŠÏkZ evRvi ms‡hvM moK
with Soyna-Joshudhol-Choddoshoto Bazar Link wbg©vY
5041-1211 Improvement of wK‡kviMÄ (webœvwU)-cvKzw›`qv-wgR©vcyi-‡UvK †Rjv gnvmoK‡K 10,000.00
Kishoregonj-Pakundia-Mirjapur-Toke Zilla Highway h_vh_gv‡b DbœxZKiY
to appropriate Standard & Width)

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Road Transport and Highways Division
Department of Roads and Highways
5041-1212 Construction of 3 Nos. Bridge at Aminbazar, XvKv-AvwiPv gnvmo‡Ki Avwgb evRvi, mv‡jncyi I bqvinvU 15,000.00
Salehpur & Nayarhat of Dhaka-Aricha National bvgK ¯'nv‡b 3wU †mZz wbg©vY
Highway (N-5)
5041-1213 Improvement of Jashore h‡kvi (ivRvinvU)-gwbivgcyi-‡Kkecyi-PzKbMi (Avi-755) 12,000.00
(Rajarhat)-Monirampur-Keshobpur-Chuknagar AvÂwjK gnvmoK Dbœqb
(R-755) Regional Highway
5041-1215 Improvement Project of "Ekota Bazar To Banowza K·evRvi †Rjvi GKZvevRvi n‡Z ev‡bŠRv †kL nvwmbv NvwU 5,000.00
Sheikh Hasina Road (Z-1125) Under Cox's Bazar ch©šZ moK (‡RW-1125) Dbœqb
5041-1216 Construction of Chasara Pvlvov-Lvbcyi-nvRxMÄ-‡Mv`bvBj-Av`gRx Bwc‡RW moK 5,000.00
(Narayangonj)-Khanpur-Hazigonj-Godenail-Adamjee wbg©vY
EPZ Road
5041-1217 Darshana-Mujibnagar Regional Highway (R-749) `k©bv-gywRebMi AvÂwjK gnvmoK (Avi-749) Dbœqb cÖKí 6,000.00
5041-1218 Construction of 4-lane from monihar to muroli part at cvjevox-`ovUvbv-gwbnvi-gyovjx RvZxq gnvmoK (Gb-707) 3,000.00
palbari-daratana-monihar-murli (N-707) National Gi gwbnvi n‡Z gyovjx ch©šZ 8-‡j‡b DbœxZKiY
highway road
5041-1219 Upgradation of Magura-Narail (R-620) Regional gv¸iv-bovBj (Avi-720) AvÂwjK gnvmo‡Ki evuK 19,275.00
Highway to appropriate standards and width mijxKiYmn h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY
5041-1220 Improvement of Feni (Masterpara)-Alokdia-Valukia- ‡dbx (gv÷vicvov)-Av‡jvKw`qv-fvjywKqv-j¯‹invU-QvMjbvBqv 2,493.00
Laskerhat-Chagalnaiya (Shantirhat) District Highway (kvwšZinvU) †Rjv gnvmoKwU h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq
to appropiate Standard and Width DbœxZKiY
5041-1221 Procurement of state-of-the-art ASFONT plant, ‡UKmB gnvmoK wbg©vY, †givgZ I iÿYv‡eÿ‡Yi Rb¨ 1.00
equipment and machinery for construction, repair AvaywbK cÖhyw³i A¨vmd›U cøv›U, miÄvg Ges hšÎcvwZ msMÖn
and maintenance of sustainable highways
5041-1223 Up gradation of Zilla Highway (Z-8203) from XvKvi †KivYxMÄ †_‡K gyÝxM‡Äi nvmvov ch©šZ †Rjv 12,000.00
Keraniganj (Dhaka) to Hasara (Munshigonj) into gnvmoK (‡RW-8203) h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY
Appropriates Standard and Width
5041-1224 Improvement of existing pavement to 4-lane in wSbvB`n-Kzwóqv-cvKkx-`vïwiqv RvZxq gnvmoK (Gb-704) 20,000.00
Kushtia town part along with rest part of Gi Kzwóqv knivsk 4-‡j‡b DbœxZKiYmn Aewkóvsk h_vh_
Jhenaidah-Kushtia-Paksey Ferry-Dasuria Road gv‡b DbœxZKiY
(N-704) to appropriate level
5041-1225 Bhairab Bridge over Bhairab River at 1st km of w`Nwjqv ( †iwj‡MU)-Avoyqv-MvRxinvU-‡ZiLv`v mo‡Ki 12,000.00
Digholia (Railgate)-Arua-Gazirhat-Terokhada (‡RW-7040) 1g wK‡jvwgUv‡i ‰fie b`xi Dci †mZz wbg©vY
(Z-7040) Road
5041-1226 Improvement of Sirajganj-Kazipur-Dhunat-Sherpur wmivRMÄ-KvwRcyi-aybU-‡kicyi (†RW-5401) Ges wmivRMÄ 10,000.00
(Z-5401) and Sirajgonj (Bagbati)-Dhunot (evMevwU)-aybU (†mvbvgyLx) (‡RW-5405) gnvmoK h_vh_
(Sonamukhi) (Z-5405) Road to Appropriate Standard gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY
and Width)
5041-1228 Construction of 4 Nos. Bridges in Different Roads j²xcyi moK wefvMvaxb wewfbœ mo‡K 4wU †mZz wbg©vY 1,050.00
Under Lakshmipur Road Division
5041-1229 Improvement of Baneswer- ev‡bk¦i (ivRkvnx)-mvi`v-PviNvU-evNv-jvjcyi 10,000.00
(Rajshahi)-Sharda-Charghat-Bagha-Lalpur (Nator) (bv‡Uvi)-Ck¦i`x (cvebv) (Avi-606) †Rjv gnvmoK‡K
-Iswardi (Pabna) Zila Highway Road (R-606) to AvÂwjK gnvmoK gv‡b DbœxZKiY
Regional Highway
5041-1230 Development of Bir Muktijoddha Late Haji Kamal ‡bvqvLvjx †Rjvi exi gyw³‡hv×v giûg nvRx Kvgvj DwÏb moK 5,000.00
Uddin Road (From Globe Factory of Begumganj to (†eMgM‡Äi †Møve d¨v±ix n‡Z Kweinv‡Ui djvnvix ch©šZ)
Kabirhat Up to Falahari (Z -1453) in Noakhali (‡RW-1453) Dbœqb

29/08/22 Page 82 of 107

List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Road Transport and Highways Division
Department of Roads and Highways
5041-1235 Development of Shariatpur Jajira Naodoba (Padma kixqZcyi-RvwRiv-bvI‡Wvev (cÙv eªxR) G‡cÖvP moK Dbœqb 50,000.00
Bridge) Approach Road
5041-1236 Construction of Labukhali Rampur Mirjagonj ‡jeyLvjx-ivgcyi-wR©vMÄ ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY 10,000.00
Connecting road
5041-1238 Replacement of existing Bailey Bridge at dilapidated, RivRxY©, Acªk¯’ I MyiæZ¡c~Y© c‡q‡›U we`¨gvb †eBjx †mZz 25,000.00
narrow and important points (Dhaka Zone cªwZ¯’vcY cªKí (XvKv †Rvb)
5041-1239 Development of Bogra-Sariakandi District Highway e¸ov-mvwiqvKvw›` ‡Rjv gnvmoK ( †RW-5032) Dbœqb Ges 3,500.00
(Z-5032) and construction of Ariarghat Bridge over evOvjx b`xi Dci Avwoqvj NvvU ‡mZz wbg©vY
Bengali River
5041-1240 Upgradation of Betgram-Tala-Paikgachha-Koyra ‡eZMªvg-Zvjv-cvBKMvQv-Kqiv moK h_vh_ gv‡b DbœxZKib 8,000.00
5041-1241 Narayanganj Link Road (R-111) bvivqbMÄ wjsK moK (Avi-111) (mvBb‡evW©-Pvlvov) 6 20,000.00
(Signboard-Chashara) 8-Lane Upgradation †j‡b DbœxZKiY
5041-1242 Re-construction & widening of pavement with raising wmsiv-¸iy`vmcyi-PvU‡gvni mo‡Ki (‡RW-5209) wmsiv As‡ki 4,000.00
of road embankment at Singra portion of moK eva DPz KiYmn †cf‡g›U c~btwbg©vY I cªk¯ZKiY
Singra-Gurudaspur-Chatmohor Road
5041-1243 Upgradation of Bhuiyanhat-Dudhmukha, RHD Road ‡bvqvLvwj moK wefvMvaxb fzBqvinvU-`yagyLv AviGBPwW moK 432.00
(AZ-1435) under Noakhali Road Division and (†RW-1435) h_vh_ gv‡b DbœZxKiY Ges †ckKvinvU-Pi
Construction of a PC Girder Bridge at 6th km of Gjvnx mo‡Ki †RW-1431) 6ô wK‡jvwgUvi G GKwU wcwm
Peshkarhat-Char Elahi Road (Z-1431 wMiWvi †mZz wbg©vY
5041-1244 Sheikhpara (Jhenaidah)) - Shailkupa-Langalbadh ‡kLcvo v(SbvB`n)-‰kjKzcv-jv½jeva (kªxcyi)- Iqvc`v‡gvo 6,000.00
(Sreepur) -Wapda Junction (Magura) Ezla Highway (gv¸ov) †Rjv gnvmoK cªk¯’KiY I gRgywZKiY
Widening and Strengthening
5041-1245 Upgradation of Puthia-Bagmara Highway (Z-6004) tocywUqv-evMgviv gnvmoK †RW-6004) h_vh_ gvb I 3,000.00
proper standard and width. cªik¯’Zvq DbœxZKiY
5041-1246 Upgradation of Anwara Upazila Connection Road to Av‡bvqviv Dc‡Rjv ms‡hvM moKmn KY©dzwj Uv‡bj ms‡hvM 17,500.00
Karnafuli Tunnel Connection Road to 4 Lane mo‡K 4-‡j‡b DbœxZKiY (wkKjevnv-Av‡bvqviv moK)
5041-1247 Widening of Laxmipur City Link Road (R-145) and jÿxcyi kni ms‡hvM moK (Avi-145) I 2,500.00
Laxmipur, Chara Alexander-Sonapur-Maijdi (Z-1405) j·xcyi-PiAv‡jKRvÛvi-‡mvbvcyi-gvBR`x (†RW-1405)
(Chainage-0 + 000 to 2 + 000) Road (†PB‡bR 0+000 n‡Z 2+000) moK cªk¯’KiY
5041-1248 Development of bv‡Mk¦ix-Kvwkcyi-dzjevwo-KzjvNvU-jvjgwbinvU ‡Rjv 675.00
Nageshwari-Kashipur-Fulbari-Kulaghat-Lalmonirhat gnvmoK Dbœqb
District Highway.
5041-1249 3.75 km of Permanent Protective work along the myMÜv b`xi fv½b n‡Z exi‡kªô K¨v‡Þb gwnDwÏb Rvnv½xi 8,000.00
River to protect Birshreshtha Captain Mohiuddin †mZz (†`vqvwiKv †mZz) iÿv‡iÿb 3.765 wK.wg. b`xZx‡i
Jahangir Bridge (Doarika Bridge) from the Erosion of ¯’vqx iÿvcª` KvR
Sugandha River.
5041-1250 Hatirjheel Rampura cvewjK cªB‡fU cvU©bvikxc (wcwcwc) wfwˇZ 30,000.00
Bridge-Banasree-Shekherjayaga-Amulia-Demra nvwZiwSj-ivgcyiv †mZz-ebkÖx-‡g‡LiRvqMv-Avgywjqv-‡Wgiv
Highway (including Chittagong Road Junction and gnvmoK (wPUvMvs †ivW †gvo Ges Zvov‡ev wjsK gnvmoKmn)
Tarabo Link Highway) on Public Private Partnership Pvi‡j‡b DbœxZKi‡Yi mnvqZv cªKí
(PPP) basis is helpful for upgrading to four lane.
5041-1251 Expansion and Development of gZje-‡gNbv-ab‡Mv`v-‡eoxevau (†RW-1069) moK Dbœqb 3,000.00
Matlab-Meghna-Dhanagoda-Beribandh (Z-1069) I m¤cÖmviY
5041-1252 Construction of narrow and risky old concrete bridge Lyjbv moK †Rv‡bi AvIZvaxb gnvmo‡K wbwg©Z miy I SzwKc~Y© 23,000.00
/ Bailey bridge on the highway under Khulna road cyivZb KswKªU †mZz/‡eBjx †mZzi ¯’‡j KswKªU †mZz wbi¥vY

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Road Transport and Highways Division
Department of Roads and Highways
5041-1253 Development of Bhola (Paran Talukdar Hat) -Char ‡fvjv (cyivZb ZvjyK`vi nvU)-Pi d¨vkb (PigvwbKv) AvÂwjK 32,000.00
Fashion (Charmanika) - Regional Highway gnvmoK Dbœqb
5041-1254 Upgradation of Tekerhat-Gopalganj (Haridaspur) ‡U‡KinvU-‡MvcvjMÄ (nwi`vmcyi)- †gvjjvvnvU †Nvbvcvov 10,000.00
-Mollahat (Ghonpara) Regional Highway to proper AvÂwjK gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I cªk¯’vZvq DbœxZKiY cªKí
standard and width
5041-1255 Upgradation of Daudkandi-Goyalmari-Srirayarchar `vD`Kvw›`-‡Mvqvjgvix-kªxiv‡qiPi (Kzwgjøv)-gZje DËi 10,000.00
(Comilla) -Meaning North (Chhengarchar) District †QbMviPi) †Rjv gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I cªk¯’Zvq DbœxZKiY
Highway to proper standard and width cªKí
5041-1256 Upgradation of Digpait-Sarishabari-Tarakandi road Rvgvjcyi ‡Rjvi w`McvBZ-mwilvevwo-ZvivKvw›` moK h_vh_ 12,000.00
in Jamalpur district to proper standard and width gvb I cªk¯’Zvq DbœZxKiY
5041-1257 Upgradation of Sylhet-Tamabil highway to 4 lanes wm‡jU Zvgvwej gnvmoK c„_K GmGgwfwU †jbmn Pvi †j‡b 12,300.00
with separate SMVT lanes DbœZxKiY
5041-1258 Widening of Bariarhat-Heyako-Ramgarh road ev‰iqvnvU-‡nqv‡Kv-ivgMov moK cªk¯’KiY 17,500.00
5041-1259 We CARE Phase-1: Jhenaidah Jessore Highway DB‡Kqvi †dR 1: wSbvB`n h‡kvi gnvmoK (Gb-7) Dbœqb 96,027.00
(N-6) Development
5041-1260 Technical Assistance for Road Transport ‡UKwbK¨vj Gwm÷¨vÝ di †ivW UªvÝcv‡i›U Kv‡bw±wfwU 3,950.00
Connectivity Improvement Project Preparatory BgcÖyf‡g›U cª‡R± wcªcv‡iUix d¨vwmwjwU (AviwUwmAvBwcwcGd)
Facility (RTCIPPPF)
5041-1261 Development of Sasek Dhaka Sylhet Corridor Road mv‡mK XvKv wm‡jU Kwi‡Wvi moK Dbœqb 106,841.00
5041-1262 Development of Bagerhat-Rampal-Mongla district ev‡MinvU-ivgcvj-gsjv †Rjv gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I 5,000.00
highway at proper quality and width. cÖk¯’Zvq Dbœqb|
5041-1263 Development of damaged Kabirhat-Chamirmunsirhat‡bvqvLvjx moK wefvMvaxY ÿwZMÖ¯’ KweinvU-Qwgig~wÝinvU 4,000.00
Sonaimuri road Z-1410) and Senbagh-Begumganj ‡mvbvBg~wo moK †RW-1410) Ges †mbevM-‡eMgMÄ
gasfield-Sonaimuri road (Z-1448) under Noakhali M¨vmwdì -‡mvbvBg~wo moK (‡RW-1446) Dbœqb|
road division.
5041-1264 Upgradation of Kushtia (Emohoni) Kzwóqv (wG‡gvnbx)-‡g‡nic~i-PzqvWv½v-wSbvB`n (Avi-745) 4,000.00
-Meherpur-Chuadanga-Jhenaidah (R-845) Regional AvÂwjK gnvmoKwUi K~wóqv n‡Z †g‡nic~i ch©šÍ h_vh_ gvb
Highway from Kushtia to Meherpur at appropriate I cªk¯’Zvq DbœxZKiY
quality and width
5041-1265 Construction project of 03 underpasses and XvKv-PUªMÖvg RvZxq gnvmo‡K 03wU AvÛvicvm Ges c`~qvi 5,000.00
intersection of Paduar Bazar Ulup on evRvi B›Uvi‡mKkb BDj~c wbg©vY cªKí|
Dhaka-Chittagong National Highway.
5041-1266 Upgradation of Madhupur-Mymensingh National g`ycyi-gqgbwmsn RvZxq gnvmoK (Gb-401) h_vh_ gvb I 25,200.00
Highway (N-401) to proper standard and width. cÖk¯’vZvq DbœxZKiY|
5041-1267 Construction of Vhoyapur Link Road. f‚qvcyi wjsK moK wbg©vb| 2,000.00
5041-1268 Madarganj-Koyra-Mansurnagar (Kazipur) -Abdullah gv`viMÄ-Kqiv-gbmyibMi (KvRxcyi)-Ave`yjøvn †gvo 12,000.00
Mor (Sarsibari) Dhanbari road development. (miwlvevox)abevox moK Dbœqb|
5041-1269 Upgradation of UvsMvBj-‡`j`yqvi-jvDnvwU-mvUzwiqv-KvIqvjxcvov-Kvjvgcyi 20,000.00
Tangail-Delduar-Lauhati-Saturia-Kawalipara-Kalamp evm ÷¨vÛ moK AvÂwjK gnvmo‡Ki h_vh_ gvb I cªk¯’Zvq
ur bus stand road to proper standard and width of DbœxZKiY|
regional highway.
5041-1270 Upgradation of Kumargaon-Badhaghat-Airport road KzgvoMvuI-evavNvU-Gqvi‡cvU© moK‡K RvZxq gnvmo‡Ki gvb 15,000.00
to the standard and width of National Highway. I cªk¯’Zvq DbœxZKiY|
5041-1271 Bailey and Other Risky Bridge Replacement Project RivRxY©, AcÖk¯’ I ¸iyZ¡c~b© c‡q‡›U we`¨gvb †eBjx I 22,000.00
at existing Dilapidated, Widened and Important Ab¨vb¨ SzuwKc~Y© †mZy cÖwZ¯’vcb cÖKí (iscyi †Rvb)
Points (Rangpur Zone)

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Road Transport and Highways Division
Department of Roads and Highways
5041-1272 Construction of Panguchi Bridge over Panguchi mvBb‡evW©-‡gv‡ojÄ-iv‡q›`v-kiY‡Lvjv-eMx mo‡Ki 3,000.00
River at 17th km of (Avi-773) 17Zg wK‡jvwgUv‡i cvb¸wP b`xi Dci cvb¸Px
Signboard-Morelanj-Rayenda-Sharankhola-Bugi †mZz wbg©vY|
Road (R-773)
5041-1273 Barisal (Dinarerpool) - Construction of ewikvj (w`bv‡iicyj)- jÿxcvkv-`ygwK mo‡Ki 1,050.00
Nalua-Baherchar bridge over the Pandav-Payra river (†RW-8044) 27 Zg wK: wg: G cvÛe-cvqiv b`xi Dci
on the 27th km of Laxmipasha-Dumki road (Z-8044). bjyqv-ev‡niPi ‡mZz wbg©vY|
5041-1274 Construction of Kewatkhali Bridge in Mymensingh. gqgbwms‡n †KIqvULvjx †mZz wbg©vY| 62,000.00
5041-1275 Developmen and Widening t of National Highway bovBj knivs‡ki RvZxq gnvmoK (Gb-806) cÖk¯ÍKiY I 2,000.00
(N-806) in Narail Township Dbœqb
5041-1276 Upgradation of Aricha (Barangail) Ghior Daulatpur AvwiPv (ei½vBj) wNIi ‡`ŠjZcyi bvMicyi Uv½vBj AvÂwjK 20,000.00
Nagarpur Tangail Regional Highway (R-506) to gnvmoK (Avi-506) h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ÍZvq DbœxZKiY
proper standard and width.
5041-5005 Western Bangladesh Bridge Improvement. I‡qóvb© evsjv‡`k eªxR Bgcyªf‡g›U| 16,265.00
5041-5007 Construction of Matarabari coal-based Power Plant gvZvievox Kqjv wbf©i we`y¨r Drcv`b †K‡›`ªi ms‡hvM moK 5.00
link Road. wbg©vY|
5041-5062 Construction of Inter-district Roads: Mymensingh AvšZ:‡Rjv mxgvšZ moK wbg©vYt gqgbwmsn I †b·Kvbv| 4,000.00
and Netrokona.
5041-5115 Development of Sarail-Alfadanga-Kashani mmªvBj-AvjdvWv½v-Kvwkqvbx mo‡Ki Dbœqbmn dwi`cyi 2,500.00
along with development of Faridpur (Maijakandi) (gvBRKvw›`)-‡evqvjgvix-‡MvcvjMÄ (fvwUqvcvov) mo‡Ki
Boyalamari-Gopalganj (Bhatiapara) Roads. Dbœqb|
5041-5141 Support to Jaydebpur-Debgram-Bhulta-Madanpur mv‡cvU© Uz Rq‡`eci-‡`eMÖvg-fzjZv-g`bcyi moK (XvKv 14,781.00
Road (Dhaka Bypass) PPP projects. evBcvm) wcwcwc cÖKí|
5041-5175 Construction of 3rd Shitalakhya Bridge at Bandar bvivqbM‡Äi e›`i Dc‡Rjvq 3q kxZj¶¨v †mZz wbg©vY| 4,996.00
Upazilla in Narayangonj
5041-5208 Cross-Border Road Network Improvement Project µm-eW©vi †ivW †bUIqvK© BgcÖyf‡g›U cÖ‡R± (evsjv‡`k)| 53,000.00
5041-5231 Construction of Paira Bridge (Lebokhali Bridge) over ewikvj-cUzqvLvjx gnvmo‡K cvqiv b`xi Dci cvqiv †mZz 100.00
the Paira River on the Barisal-Patuakhali Highway. (†jeyLvjx †mZz) wbg©vY|
5041-5234 Greater Dhaka Sustainable Urban Transport Project †MÖUvi XvKv mvm‡UBb¨ve&j Avievb Uªv݇cvU© cÖ‡R± (weAviwU 42,000.00
(BRT Gazipur-Airport). MvRxcyi-Gqvi‡cvU©)|
5041-5241 SASEC Road Connectivity : Improvement of mv‡mK †ivW Kv‡bw±wfwU t BgcÖyf‡g›U Ae 51,500.00
Joydebpur-Chandra-Elenga Road to 4-Lane Rq‡`ecyi-P›`ªv-Uv½vBj-G‡j½v †ivW Uz 4-‡jBb nvBI‡q
Highway. cÖKí|
5041-5335 Sasek Road Link Project-2: Upgradation of mv‡mK moK ms‡hvM cÖKí-2 t G‡j½v-nvwUKvgiyj-iscyi 172,400.00
Alenga-Hatikamrul-Rangpur Highway in four lanes. gnvmoK Pvi †j‡b DbœxZKiY|
5041-5344 Collection of Tools and equipment for construction, moK AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY, †givgZ I iÿYv‡eÿ‡Yi Rb¨ 500.00
repair and maintenance of road infrastructure. miÄvg I hšGcvwZ msMÖn|
5041-5346 Panchdona-Danga-Palash (Ghorashal) road cvuP‡`vbv-Wv½v-cjvk(‡Nvovkvj) moK 25,000.00
development (Panchdona-Danga-Islampur ferry Dbœqb(cvuP‡`vbv-Wv½v-Bmjvgcyi †LqvNvU Ask)|
5041-5355 Improvement of Jessore portion (Palbari to Rajghat h‡kvi-Lyjbv RvZxq gnvmo‡Ki h‡kvi As‡k (cvjevox n‡Z 1,675.00
protion) of Jessore-khulna National Highway to ivRNvU Ask) h_vh_gv‡b DbœxZKiY|
appropriate level Standard
5041-5356 Construction of Bridge over Nabaganga River at bovBj-Kvwjqv †Rjv gnvmo‡Ki 21Zg wK‡jvwgUv‡i Kvwjqv 2,200.00
21th km of Narail-Kalia District Road bvgK ¯n'v‡b beM½v b`xi Dci Kvwjqv †mZz wbg©vY|
5041-5360 Improvement of Important Regional Highways to ¸i“Z¡c~Y© AvÂwjK gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I c«k¯Zvq 18,000.00
Appropriate Level of Standared and Width (Rangpur DbœxZKiY c«Kí (iscyi ‡Rvb)

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Road Transport and Highways Division
Department of Roads and Highways
5041-5361 Construction of Thanchi-Rimakari-Likri Road. _vbwP-wigvKwi-g`K-wjKwi moK wbg©vY 18,000.00
5041-5365 Construction of link road from Hetemdi to Sagordi biwms`x ‡Rjvi g‡bvni`x Dc‡Rjvi ‡n‡Zg`x ‡_‡K mvMi`x 4,000.00
Bazar of Monohardi Upazilla of Narsingdi district. evRvi ch©šZ ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY
5041-5366 Improvement of Important Regional Highway to ¸i“Z¡c~Y© AvÂwjK gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I c«k¯Zvq 5,800.00
approtriate Standard and Width (Chittagong Zone) DbœxZKiY c«Kí (PÆM«vg ‡Rvb)
5041-5367 Improvement of Netrakona-Bishiura-Ishwargonj ‡b·Kvbv-wewkDov-Ck¦iMÄ moK (‡RW-3710) DbœqY 10,000.00
Road (Z-3710)
5041-5374 Improvement of Ashuganj River AvïMÄ b`xe›`i-mivBj-aiLvi-AvLvDov ¯’je›`i gnvmoK 115,000.00
Port-Darkhar-Akhaura Land Port Road as 4- Lane Pvi‡jb RvZxq gnvmo‡K DbœxZKiY
National Highway.
5041-5375 Widening of the road from Langalbandh to Minarbari jv½je›`-KvBKvi‡UK-bexMÄ ‡Rjv gnvmo‡Ki jv½je›` n‡Z 4,000.00
of Langalbandh-Kaikertek-Nabigonj Zilla highway wgbvi evox ch©šZ moK c«k¯KiY (‡RW-1061) (f~wg
(Z-1061) AwaM«nY)
5041-5376 Construction & Improvement of bexbMi-wkecyi-ivwaKv AvÂwjK gnvmoK wbg©vY I Dbœqb 5,000.00
Nabinagor-Shibpur-Radhika Regional Highway (Avi-203)
5041-5377 Construction of Railway Overpass on Gatepar area Rvgvjcyi kn‡ii †MBUcvo GjvKvq †ijI‡q Ifvicvm wbg©vY 2,400.00
rail crossing on Jamalpur Town
5041-5378 Widening & Strengthening of Jamalpur-Dhanua Rvgvjcyi-avbyqv Kvgvjcyi-K`gZjv (†iŠgvix) †Rjv gnvmoK 9,000.00
Kamalpur-Kodomtola (Raumari) Zilla Road (with (Kvgvjcyi ¯’j e›`i wjsKmn) cÖk¯’KiY I gReywZKiY
Kamalpur Land port Link)
5041-5383 Development of Feni-Noakhali National Highways to ‡dbx-†bvqvLvjx RvZxq gnvmo‡Ki †eMgMÄ †_‡K †mvbvcyi 8,000.00
4 Lane at Begumgonj to Sonapur. ch©šZ 4 †j‡b DbœxZKiY
5041-5385 Widening & Improvement of bKjv-wmivRMÄ-mq`vev` AvÂwjK gnvmo‡Ki wmivRMÄ kni 3,000.00
Nalka-Sirajgonj-Saydabad Regional Highway Town Ask (knx` Gg gbmyi Avjx †gwW‡Kj K‡jR n‡Z KvUv
Portion (Shaheed M Monsur Ali Medical College to Iqvc`v †gvo ch©šZ) 4†j‡b DbœxZKiY I Aewkó Ask 2
Katawapda Mour) To 4-Lane and the Rest Part To †j‡b DbœxZKiY
5041-5387 Construction of 8th Bangladesh-China Friendship ivRvcyi-ˆbKvVx-†eKzwUqv-wc‡ivRcyi mo‡Ki (†RW-8702) 12 5,250.00
Bridge at Bekutia over the river Kocha at 12th Km of Zg wK‡jvwgUvi †eKzwUqvq KPv b`xi Dci 8g evsjv‡`k-Pxb
Rajapur-Naikathi-Bekutia-Pirojpur Road (Z-8702) ˆgÎx †mZz wbg©vY cÖKí
5041-5388 Improvement of Cumilla (Tomsom Bridge)-Noakhali Kzwgj­v (UgQgeªxR)-†bvqvLvwj (†eMgMÄ) AvÂwjK gnvmoK 20,000.00
(Begumganj) Regional Highway. 4-†jb DbœxZKiY
5041-5391 Widening and Strengthening of Saidpur-Nilphamari ˆmq`cyi-bxjdvgvix gnvmoK (Avi 570) cÖk¯KiY I 3,000.00
Road (R-570) gReywZKiY
5041-5392 Construction of PC Girder (Goma Bridge) at 14th Kmewikvj (w`bv‡iicyj)-j¶xcvkv †Rjv gnvmo‡Ki 14Zg 2,206.00
of Barisal (Dinererpool) Laxmipasha-Dumki Road wK‡jvwgUvi iv½vgvwU b`xi Dci †Mvgv †mZz wbg©vY
5041-5393 Improvement and Completion of Incomplete Portion bIMuv AvÎvB-bv‡Uvi gnvmo‡K Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY 2,700.00
of Naogaon-Atrai-Natore Highway
5041-5396 Widening & Strengthening of Rvgvjcyi-Kvwjevox-mwilvevox moK cÖ¯KiY I gReywZKiY 2,000.00
Japalpur-Kalibari-Sharishabari Road
5041-5397 Widening & Strengthening of Sherpur (Akher Bazar) †kicyi (Av‡Li evRvi)-j½icvov-kÖxe`x (gvg`vgvix) moK 1,279.00
Longorapara-Sribardi (mamdamari) Road cyªk¯KiY I gReywZKiY
Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation
5005-1111 Modernization and Strengthening of 03 Training `ÿ PvjK ˆZixi j‡ÿ¨ cÖwkÿY cÖ`v‡bi Rb¨ weAviwUwmi 1,730.00
Institutes and 17 Training Centers of BRTC for the 03wU cÖwkÿY Bbw÷wUDU I 17wU cÖwkÿY †K›`ª AvaywbKvqb
Training of Skilled Drivers kw³kvjxKiY (15001-224215600)
Dhaka Transport Co-ordination Authority (DTCA)

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Road Transport and Highways Division
Dhaka Transport Co-ordination Authority (DTCA)
5005-1120 Feasibility Study on Outer Ring Road Eastern wdwRwewjwU óvwW Ab AvDUvi wis †ivWt Bóvb© I‡qóvb© Av¨Û 1,185.00
Western and Northern Part b`©vb cvU©
Translation results
Feasibility Study on Outer Ring Road: Eastern
Western and Northern Part
5005-1121 Preparation of Concept Design & Implementation wcÖcv‡ikb Ad Kb‡mÞ wWRvBb GÛ Bgwcø‡g›U‡Ukb cøvb 872.00
Plan for Bus Route Rationalization and Company di evm iyU b¨v‡kvbvjvB‡Rkb GÛ †Kv¤cvwb ‡eRW Acv‡ikb
Based Operation of Bus Service in Dhaka Ae evm mvwf©m Bb XvKv|
5005-1122 Preparation of Cooperative Transport Master Plan wcÖcv‡ikb Ae KwcÖ‡nwÝf Uªv݇cvU© gvóvi cø¨vb di 1,738.00
for Narayanganj and Gazipur City Corporation. bvivqbMÄ GÛ MvRxcyi wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb|
5005-1123 Establishment of Clearing House for Integrating G÷vweøk‡g›U Ae wKqvwis nvDR di Bw›U‡MªwUs Uªv݇cvU© 3,240.00
Transport Ticketing System in Dhaka City and wU‡KwUs wm‡÷g Bb XvKv wmwU GÛ GWhv‡P›U wWmwUª±m
Adjacent Districts (Phase-II) (†dR-2)
5005-1124 Mid Term Review of the Revised Strategic Transport wgW Uvg© wiwfD Ae `¨v wifvBRW ÷ªv‡UwRK Uªv݇cvU© cø¨vb 1,545.00
Plan (MTRRSTP) for Dhaka (GgwU Avi Avi Gm wU wc) di XvKv
5005-5000 Dhaka Integreted Traffic Management Project. XvKv Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW UªvwdK g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖ‡R±| 329.00
Dhaka Mass Transit Company Limited
5005-1113 Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development Project XvKv g¨vm i¨vwcW UªvbwRU †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (jvBb-5): 288,060.00
(Line-5): Northern Route b`©vb iyU
5005-1115 Technical Assistant for Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit ‡UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡UÝ di XvKv g¨vm i¨vwcW UªvbwRU 9,912.00
Development Project (MRT Line-1) (E/S) †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (GgAviwU jvBb-1) (B/Gm)
5005-1116 Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development Project XvKv g¨vm i¨vwcW UªvbwRU †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (jvBb-1) 227,600.00
5005-1119 Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development Project XvKv g¨vm i¨vwcW UªvbwRU †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (jvBb-5): 13,117.00
(Line-5): Southern Route [PRF] mvD`vb© iyU
5005-5236 Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development Project XvKv g¨vm i¨vwcW UªvbwRU †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (jvBb-6)| 288,288.00

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Railway
Bangladesh Railway
5131-1111 Conversion of Metre Gauge Line into Dual Gauge evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cve©Zxcyi n‡Z KvDwbqv ch©šZ wgUvi †MR 4,734.00
Line from Parbatipur to Kaunia Section of †ijI‡q jvBb‡K Wz‡qj‡M‡R iƒcvšZi
Bangladesh Railway (15102-224149600)
5131-1113 Feasibility study for construction of a railway link to PUªMÖv‡gi c‡Z½vq cÖ¯ZvweZ †e-Uvwg©bvj †ijI‡q ms‡hv‡Mi 216.00
proposed Bay Terminal at Potenga, Chittagong Rb¨ m¤fve¨Zv mgxÿv Ges wek` wWRvBb
5131-1114 Construction of Broad Gauge Rail Line From gayLvjx n‡Z KvgviLvjx n‡q gv¸iv kni ch©šZ eªW‡MR 25,000.00
Madhukhali to Magura Via Kamarkhali †ijc_ wbg©vY
5131-1115 Rolling Stock Operations Improvement Project of evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ †ivwjs ÷K Acv‡ikb Dbœqb 75,000.00
Bangladesh Railway (Rolling Stock Procurement)
5131-1116 Constructions of Double Line Track Between evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Lyjbv-`k©bv Rskb †mKk‡b Wvej jvBb 7,800.00
Khulna-Darsana Junction Section of Bangladesh †ijc_ wbg©vY
5131-1117 Feasibily Study and Details Design for Construction `k©bv n‡Z Wvgyiû`v Ges gywRebMi n‡q ‡gn‡icyi ch©šZ bZzb 1.00
of New Broad Gauge Railway line from Darshana to eªW‡MR ‡ij jvBb wbg©v‡Yi Rb¨ m¤fve¨Zv hvPvB I wek`
Meherpur via Damurhuda & Mujibnagar wWRvBb
5131-1118 Construction of Dual Gauge Double line between Rq‡`ecyi-Bk¦i`x †mKk‡b Wz‡qj †MR Wvej jvBb wbg©vY 4,722.00
Joydebpur-Ishurdi section of Bangladesh Railway
5131-1119 Construction of Dual Gauge Railway Line from e¸ov n‡Z knx` Gg gbmyi Avjx ‡÷kb ch©šZ bZzb Wz‡qj 21,800.00
Bogra to Shahid M. Mansur Ali Station, Sirajganj of ‡MR †ijI‡q jvBb wbg©vY
Bangladesh Railway
5131-1120 Construction of Broad Gauge Rail line between fvi‡Zi mv‡_ †ij ms‡hvM ¯nvc‡bi j‡ÿ¨ wPjnvwU Ges 360.00
Chilahati and Chilahati Border for connectivity with wPjvnvwU eW©v‡ii g‡a¨ ‡ijc_ wbg©vY
5131-1122 Technical Assistance for Capacity Development of ‡`vnvRvix n‡Z ivgy n‡q K·evRvi Ges ivgy n‡Z gvqvbgv‡ii 100.00
Bangladesh Railway for Implementation of wbK‡U ¸b`yg ch©šZ wm‡½j jvBb Wz‡qj †MR Uª¨vK wbg©vY
Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway cÖKí Gi cÖKí ev¯Zevqb e¨e¯n'vcbvq evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi
Track from Dohazari to Cox's Bazar Via Ramu and mvg_©¨ e„w×i j‡ÿ¨ KvwiMwi mnvqZv cÖKí
Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar
5131-1123 Feasibility Study and Detail Design for Construction mybvgMÄ †Rjv m`‡i †ijI‡q ms‡hv‡Mi Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxÿv 385.00
of Railway connectivity to Sunamganj District Ges wek` wWRvBb
5131-1124 Conversion of Meter Gauge Rail Line into Dual evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi AvLvDov-wm‡jU †mKk‡bi wgUvi‡MR †ij 1.00
Gauge in Akhaura-Sylhet Section of Bangladesh jvBb‡K Wz‡qj‡MR †ij jvB‡b iƒcvšZi
5131-1125 Feasibility Study and Details Design for Construction ‡Mveiv n‡Z wc‡ivRcyi ch©šZ eªW‡MR †ij jvBb wbg©vY Ges 1.00
of New Broad Guage Railway line from Gobra to ev‡Minv‡U †ijms‡hvM ¯nvc‡bi Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv hvPvB I wek`
Pirojpur and Rail Connection to Bagerhat wWRvBb
5131-1126 Renovation of 21 Nos. Meter Gauge Diesel Electric evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi 21wU wgUvi‡MR wW‡Rj B‡jwUªK 1.00
Locomotives for Bangladesh Railway †jv‡Kv‡gwUf beiƒcvqb
5131-1127 Feasibility Study with Detail Design and Bid ivRevwo‡Z GKwU bZzb K¨v‡iR †givgZ KviLvbv wbg©v‡Yi Rb¨ 2,005.00
Document Preparation for Construction of a New wek` bKkv I `icÎ `wjj ˆZixmn m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxÿv
Carriage Maintenance Workshop at Rajbari
5131-1128 Rolling Stock Operations Improvement of evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi †ivwjs ÷K Acv‡ikb Dbœqb (KvwiMix 1.00
Bangladesh Railway (Technical assistance) mnvqZv)
5131-1129 Bangladesh Railway 100 Meter Gauge Passenger evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi 100wU wgUvi †MR hvÎxevnx K¨v‡iR 3,174.00
Carriage Rehabilitation (Phase II) cybi¦vmb (2q ci&hvq)
5131-1130 Facilities Preparation Technical Assistance Project ‡ij †hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’vi Dbœq‡b myweavw` cÖ¯ZzwZg~jK KvwiMwi 7,200.00
for Development of Rail Communication System mnvqZv cªKí

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Railway
Bangladesh Railway
5131-1131 Feasibility study for introduction of electric traction evsjv‡`k ‡ijI‡q bvivqbMÄ n‡Z XvKv n‡q PUªMÖvg ch©šÍ 1,084.00
(including construction of overhead catenary and B‡j‡±ªK Uª¨vKkb (Ifvi‡nW K¨v‡Ubvwi I mve-‡ókb
sub-station) from Bangladesh Railway Narayanganj wbg©vYmn) cÖeZ©‡bi Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxÿv|
to Chittagong via Dhaka.
5131-1132 Bangladesh Railway Rolling Stock Operation evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q †ivwjs óK Acv‡ikb R¡vjvbx e¨env‡ii 20.00
Technical Assistance to Increase Fuel Utilization `ÿZv e„w×i KvwiMwi mnvqZv
5131-5000 Rehabilitation and Improvement of Estarn Gates evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi c~e©v‡ji †j‡fj µwms †MBUmg~‡ni 424.00
level Crossings of Bangladesh Railway . cybe©vmb I gvb Dbœqb|
5131-5002 Rehabilitation and Improvement of Western Gates evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cwðgv‡ji †j‡fj µwms †MBUmg~‡ni 330.00
level Crossings of Bangladesh Railway . cybe©vmb I gvb Dbœqb|
5131-5009 Technical Assistance for Dhaka-Chittagong-Cox's XvKv-PÆMÖvg-K·evRvi †ij cÖKí cÖ¯Z'wZg~jK myweavi Rb¨ 2.00
Bazar Rail Project Preparatory Facility KvwiMix mnvqZv|
5131-5015 Construction of 3rd and 4th Dual Gauge Line of evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi XvKv - U½x †mKk‡bi 3q I 4_© Wz‡qj 23,970.00
Dhaka-Tongi Section and Dual Gauge Double Line †MR jvBb Ges U½x - Rq‡`ecyi †mKk‡b Wz‡qj †MR Wvej
in Tongi-Joydevpur Section of Bangladesh Railway. jvBb wbg©vY|
5131-5020 Construction of Dual Gauge Double Rail Line and AvLvDov †_‡K jvKmvg ch©šZ Wy‡qj‡MR Wvej †ijjvBb 43,610.00
Conversion of existing rail line into Dual Gauge wbg©vY Ges we`¨gvb †ij jvBb‡K Wy‡qj‡M‡R iƒcvšZi|
between Akhaura and Laksam.
5131-5023 Construction of a Dual Gauge Line parallel to the XvKv bvivqbMÄ †mKk‡b we`¨gvb wgUvi †MR †ij jvB‡bi 9,900.00
Existing Meter Gauge Line in Dhaka-Narayangonj cwie‡Z© mgvšZivj GKwU Wy‡qj †MR Wvej jvBb wbg©vY|
5131-5029 Padma Bridge rail link. cÙv †mZz †ij ms‡hvM| 580,945.00
5131-5031 Construction of Akhaura-Agartala Dual Gauge rail AvLvDov-AvMiZjv Wz‡qj‡MR †ij ms‡hvM wbg©vY| 10,690.00
5131-5032 200 meter gauge passenger carriage collection for evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 200wU wgUvi‡MR c¨v‡mÄvi K¨v‡iR 990.00
Bangladesh Railway. msMÖn|
5131-5034 Construction of Bangabandhu railway bridge e½eÜy †ijI‡q †mZz wbg©vY| 385,050.00
5131-5037 Recurement of 20 Nos Meter Gauge Diesel Electric evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 20wU wgUvi‡MR †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf Ges 64,515.00
Locomotives and 150 Nos Meter Gauge passenger 150wU wgUvi‡MR hvÎxevnx K¨v‡iR msMÖn
Carriages for Bangladesh Railway
5131-5200 Construction of Single line MG Railway Track from ‡`vnvRvix n‡Z ivgy n‡q K·evRvi Ges ivgy n‡Z gvqvbgv‡ii 145,000.00
Dohazari-Ramu-Cox's Bazar and Ramu to Gundum wbK‡U ¸b`yg ch©šZ wgUvi‡MR wms‡Mj jvBb Uª¨vK wbg©vY|
near Mayanmar .
5131-5560 Construction of Khulna-Mongla Port Rail Link wdwRwewjwU ÷vwWmn Lyjbv n‡Z gsjv †cvU© ch©šZ †ijc_ 60,791.00
Including Feasibility Study. wbg©vY|
5131-6020 Rehabilitation of Kulaura-Shahbazpur Section of evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi KzjvDov-kvnevRcyi †mKkY cybe©vmb| 8,722.00
Bangladesh Railway.
5131-6040 Procurement of 70 Nos. MG Diesel Electric (DE) evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 70wU wgUvi‡MR (GgwR) wW‡Rj 76.00
Locomotives for Bangladesh Railway. B‡jKwUªK (wWB) †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf msMÖn|

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Shipping
Department of Shipping
5231-5010 Establishment of GMDSS and Integrated Maritime wRGgwWGmGm I Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW †gwiUvBg †bwf‡Mkb wm‡÷g 18,800.00
Navigation System (EGIMNS) (1st Revised) ¯’vcb (1g ms‡kvwaZ)|
Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA)
5205-1115 Establishment of inland Container River port of AvïMÄ Af¨šZixY K‡›UBbvi b`x e›`i ¯n'vcb 650.00
5205-1116 Construction & Installation of demarcation pillar, eywoM½v, ZzivM, kxZjÿ¨v I evjy b`xi D‡”Q`K…Z Zxi f~wg‡Z 17,000.00
walkway, Bank Protection, Jetty with Allied work on wcjvi ¯'nvcb, Zxi iÿv, IqvKI‡q I †RwUmn Avbylvw½K
Evicted foreshore land of river Buriganga, Turag, AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY (2q ch©vq)
Shitalakka & Balu.
5205-1117 Establishment of river port with allied facilities at bMievox‡Z Avbylvw½K myweavmn b`x e›`i wbg©vY 10,000.00
5205-1118 Procurement of 35 dredger & supporting vessels & 35wU ‡WªRvi I mnvqK Rjhvbmn AvbylswMK miÄvgvw` msMÖn 32,015.00
5205-1120 Improvement & restoration of Navigability for Old cyivZb eþcyÎ, aijv, ZzjvB Ges c~bf©ev b`xi bve¨Zv Dbœqb 33,500.00
Brahmaputra, Dharla, Tulai & Punarvaba river I cybiy×vi
5205-1137 Establishment of Dhaka-Laksmipur Navigational XvKv-j²xcyi †bŠ-c‡_i j²xcyi cÖv‡šZ †gNbv b`x †WªwRs Gi 2,471.00
route on Meghna (lower) River gva¨‡g bve¨Zv Dbœqb
5205-1148 Construction of walkway and necessary Pv`cyi †Rjvi kvnivw¯Í Dc‡Rjvi wQKwUqv weªR n‡Z m~Pxcvov 1,714.00
infrastructure on the north bank of Dakatiya river e&ixR ch©šZ WvKvwZqv b`xi DËi cv‡o IqvKI‡q I
from Chikhtia bridge to Suchipara bridge in cª‡qvRbxq AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY
Shahrasti upazila of Chandpur district.
5205-1149 Modernization of River Ports at Paturia and cvUzwiqv I ‡`Šjw`qvq Avbylvw½K myweavw`mn b`x e›`i 11,000.00
Daulatdia with ancillary facilities Ava~wbKvqb
5205-1152 Construction of river ports in Chilmari area (Ramna, wPjgvix GjvKvq (igbv, †RviMvQ, ivwRecyi, bqvinvU) b`x 3,850.00
Jorgach, Rajibpur, Nayarhat). e›`i wbg©vY|
5205-1153 Determination of Bangladesh Standard High Water evsjv‡`k ó¨vÛvW© nvB IqvUvi ‡j‡fj ó¨vÛvW© ‡jv IqvUvi 1,000.00
Level Standard Low Water Level and ‡j‡fj wba©viY Ges AfšÍ¨ixY ‡bŠc‡_i cyb:‡kªYx
re-classification of inland waterways. web¨vmKiY|
5205-5009 Bangladesh Regional Inland Water Transportation evsjv‡`k AvÂwjK Af¨šZixY †bŠ-cwienY cÖKí-1 42,300.00
Project-1 (Construction of related facilities including (PÆMÖvg-XvKv-AvïMÄ I mshy³ †bŠc_ Lbb Ges Uvwg©bvjmn
excavation of Chittagong-Dhaka-Ashuganj and AvbylswMK ¯'vcbvw` wbg©vY|
connected waterways and terminals.
5205-5027 Improvement of Navigability from Mongla to Pakshi †gvsjv e›`i n‡Z Puv`cyi gvIqv †Mvqvj›` n‡q cvKkx ch©š †bŠ 10,000.00
River Route Via Chandpur-Mawa-Gualanda i“‡Ui bve¨Zv Dbœqb
Bangladesh Land Port Authority
5205-1142 Balla Land Port Development evjøv ¯’je›`i Dbœqb 2,316.00
5205-1143 Belonia Land Port Development we‡jvwbqv ¯’je›`i Dbœqb 500.00
5205-1145 Dhanua-Kamalpur Land Port Development avbyqv Kvgvjcyi ¯’j e›`i Dbœqb 2,267.00
5205-1146 Construction of Cargo Vehicle Terminal at Benapole ‡ebv‡cvj ¯’j e›`‡ii Kv‡M©v f¨vwnK¨vj Uvwg©bvj wbg©vY 10,000.00
Land Port
5205-1147 Development of Bangladesh Regional Connectivity evsjv‡`k wiwRIbvj Kv‡bKwUwfwU cª‡R±-1 †kIjv, †fvgiv, 30,240.00
Project-1, Sheola, Bhomra, Ramganjam, Land Port ivgMo, ¯’je›`‡ii Dbœqb Ges ¯’je›`‡ii wbivcËv e¨e¯’vi
Security System and Benapole Land Port Security Dbœqb
System Development
Marine Academy
5205-1155 Modernization of Bangladesh Marine Academy AeKvVv‡gvMZ cybMV‡bi gva¨‡g evsjv‡`k ‡gwib GKv‡Wwgi 1,000.00
through Infrastructural Reconstruction. AvaywbKx KiY|

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Shipping
Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation (BIWTC)
5205-1124 Procurement of 35 nos Commercial & 8 nos auxiliary 35wU evwYwR¨K I 8wU mnvqK Rjhvb msMÖn Ges 2wU bZyb 20,977.00
vesseles & construction of 2 New Slipways for w¯jcI‡q wbg©vY
5205-1154 Construction of Marine Container and bulk terminal bvivqYM‡Äi Lvbcy‡i Af¨šÍixY K‡›UBbvi Ges evé Uvwg©bvj 1,000.00
at Khanpur, Narayanganj wbg©vY
Mongla Port Authority
5205-1125 Installion of surface water treatment Plant for mvi‡dm IqvUvvi wUªU‡g›U cø¨v›U ¯n'vcb 700.00
Mongla port
5205-1133 Establishment of Modern Waste and Spilled Oil ‡gvsjv e›`‡ii AvaywbK eR©¨ wbtm„Z †Zj AcmviY e¨e¯n'v 13,200.00
Management at Mongla Port
5205-1134 Procurement of Service Vessels for Mongla Port ‡gvsjv e›`‡ii Rb¨ mnvqK Rjhvb msMÖn 24,100.00
5205-1138 Upgradation of Mongla Port Avc‡MÖ‡Wkb Ae †gvsjv †cvU© 50,100.00
5205-1139 Dredging at the lnner Bar of Mongla ‡gvsjv e›`i P¨v‡b‡ji Bbvi ev‡i †WªwRs 30,000.00
Chittagong Port Authority (CPA)
5205-0528 Improvement of Navigation by Dreging in Karnafuly KY©dzjxi b`xi m`iNvU n‡Z evKwjqvi Pi ch©šZ †WªwRs Gi 5,000.00
River from Sadar Ghat to Bakaliar Char. gva¨‡g bve¨Zv e„w×
5205-0539 Procurement of Equipments for different Yards and PÆMÖvg e›`‡ii wewfbœ BqvW© Ges Uvwg©bv‡ji Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq 59,797.00
Terminals at Chattogram Port hšÎcvwZ msMÖn
5205-0541 Installation of container scanners at the PÆMªvg e›`‡i ISPS Code ev¯Íevq‡bi j‡ÿ¨ ißvwbgyLx 8,748.00
export-oriented gate for the purpose of implementing †MB‡U K‡›UBbvi ¯‹¨vbvi ¯'vcY|
ISPS Code at Chittagong port.
5205-1140 Improvement of Matabari Port (Chittagong Port gvZvievox e›`i Dbœqb (PÆMÖvg e›`i KZ©„cÿ Ask) 83,722.00
Authority Part)
5205-1150 Improvement of Matabari Port (Roads & Highway gvZvievox e›`i Dbœqb (moK I Rbc_ Ask) 81,000.00
Payra port Authority
5205-1128 Construction of 1st terminal & allied facilities at cvqiv mgy`ª e›`‡ii cÖ_g Uvwg©bvj Ges Avbylw½K myweavw` 51,390.00
Pyra port Authority wbg©vY cÖKí
5205-5066 Payra Deep Sea Port Operations Infrastructure / cvqiv Mfxi mgy`ª e›`‡ii Kvh©µg cwiPvjbvi j‡¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq 28,600.00
Facilities Development. AeKvVv‡gv/myweavw`i Dbœqb|
National Maritime Institite (N.M.I)
5236-5000 Establishment of National Maritime Institution b¨vkbvj †gwiUvBg BÝwUwUDU ¯’vcb gv`vixcyyi kvLv 1.00
National River Protection Commission
5205-1114 Detailed Study on 48 Rivers for Building Batabase wW‡UBjW ÷vwW Ab 48 wifvim di wewìs WvUv‡eR GÛ 334.00
and Conservation of River from Pollution, illegal KbRvi‡fkb Ad wifvim d«g cjykb, BwjøMvj AKz‡ckb GÛ
Occupation and Others Abuses of Rivers (1st Av`vi GweD‡Wwm Ad wifvim (1g ch©vq)
Phase) (15201-224109000)

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism
Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation
5305-1113 Construction of Tourism Centre at Hatiya and ‡bvqvvLvjx †Rjvi nvwZqv I wbSzg Øx‡c ch©Ub †K›`ª wbg©vY 500.00
Nijuhm Dwip, Noakhali
5305-1114 Construction of Tourism Centre at adjacent area of PvcvBbeveMÄ †Rjvi gnvb›`vq †kL nvwmbv †mZy msjMœ 500.00
Sheikh Hasina Bridge of Mohananda, GjvKvq ch©Ub †K›`ª wbg©vY
5305-1115 Construction of Tourism Centre at Panchagarh cÂM‡o ch©Ub †K›`ª wbg©vY 500.00
5305-1118 Creation of Tourism Facilities at Durgasagor, Barisal ewikvj †Rjvi `yM©vmvMi GjvKvq ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b 720.00
5305-1122 Collection of Tourist Coaches for Conducting Tours ‡`‡ki Af¨šZ‡i ch©Ub AvKl©Yxq GjvKvi U¨yi cwiPvjbvi 300.00
in Tourist attractions within the Country j‡ÿ¨ Uzwió †KvP msM&in
5305-1123 Feasibility study project for setting up of tourist zone K·evRvi¯’ LyiykKz‡j ‡kL nvwmbv UvIqvimn ch©Ub †Rvb 30.00
including Sheikh Hasina Tower at Khurushkul in ¯’vc‡bi j‡ÿ¨ m¤f¨Zv mgxÿv cªKí
Cox's Bazar
5305-5000 Creation of Tourism Facilities at Parki, Chittagong. PÆMÖvg¯’ cviwK‡Z ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b| 2,500.00
5305-5005 Development of some Places of Tourist Attractions ch©Ub el© Dcj‡ÿ¨ †`‡ki KwZcq ch©Ub AvKl©Yxq GjvKvi 800.00
in Country During Observance of Tourism Year. ch©Ub myweavw`i Dbœqb|
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh
5305-0010 Construction of General Aviation Hangar, Hangar nhiZ kvnRvjvj AvšÍR©vwZK wegvbe›`‡i †Rbv‡ij Gwf‡qkb 4.00
Apron & Apron at North side of fire station at Hazrat n¨v½vi, n¨v½vi G‡cøvb Ges dvqvi †÷k‡bi DËi w`‡K
Shahjalal International Airport G‡cøvb wbg©vY
5305-0011 Construction of International Passenger Terminal K·evRvi wegvbe›`‡i AvšZR©vwZK c¨v‡mÄvi Uvwg©bvj feb 10,000.00
Building at Cox's Bazar (1st Revised). wbg©vY (1g ms‡kvwaZ)|
5305-0014 Consulting Services for Chittagong Shah Amanat PÆMÖvg kvn AvgvbZ AvšZR©vwZK wegvbe›`i m¤cÖmvi‡Yi Rb¨ 300.00
International Airport Expansion (Design Face) civgk©K †mev (wWRvBb †dBR)
5305-0015 Cox's Bazar Airport Development (Phase II) (Design K·evRvi wegvbe›`i Dbœqb (2q ci&hvq) (wWRvBb †dBR) 310.00
Face) Consulting Services civk©K †mev
5305-0016 Installation of radar with CNS-ATM (Communication, nhiZ kvnRvjvj AvšÍR©vwZK wegvbe›`‡i wmGbGm-GwUGg 25,000.00
Navigation and Surveillance Air Traffic Management (KwgDwb‡Kkb, †bwf‡Mkb G¨vÛ mvifvBj¨vÝ Gqvi UªvwdK
System) at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport. g¨v‡bRg¨v›U wm‡÷gmn ivWvi ¯’vcb|
5305-0017 Construction of Source Line by DESCO for Third nhiZ kvnRvjvj AvšÍR©vwZK wegvbe›`‡ii _vW© Uvwg©bvj I 4.00
Terminal and New Cargo Complex Operation at bZzb Kv‡M©v Kg‡c· Acvi‡k‡bi Rb¨ ‡Wm‡Kv KZ©"K †mvm©
Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport jvBb wbg©vY
5305-1111 Extension of Runway at Cox's Bazar Airport K·evRvi wegvbe›`‡ii ivbI‡q m¤cÖmviY cÖKí 30,000.00
5305-1112 Expansion of Sylhet Osmani International Airport wm‡jU Imgvbx AvšZR©vwZK wegvbe›`‡ii Dbœqb cÖKí 15,038.00
5305-1120 Enhancement of Capacity of Civil Aviation Authority nhiZ kvnRvjvj AvšZR©vwZK wegvbe›`‡ii Rb¨ wbivcËv 4,814.00
of Bangladesh on Public Security at Hazrat wbwðZK‡í evsjv‡`k †emvgwiK wegvb PjvPj KZ©„c‡ÿi
Shahjahal International Airport mÿgZv e„w×
5305-1124 Asphalt Concrete Overlaying Project on Runway h‡kvi wegvbe›`i, ˆmq`cyi wegvbe›`i , kvn gM`yg 11,114.00
Surface of Jessore Airport, Syedpur Airport and wegvbe›`i, ivRkvnxi ivbI‡q mvi‡d‡m Av¨vmdë KswKªU
Shah Makhdum Airport, Rajshahi Ifvi‡jKKiY
5305-5004 Strengthening of Existing Taxiway, Runway of Sylhetwm‡jU Imgvbx AvšZR©vwZK wegvbe›`i we`¨gvb ivbI‡q I 5,120.00
Osmani International Airport. U¨vw·I‡qi kw³ e„×KiY|
5305-5008 Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport Expension nhiZ kvnRvjvj AvšR©vwZK wegvbe›`i m¤•ÖmviY (1g ch©vq) 601,900.00
Project (Phase-I)
5305-5009 Strengthening of Existing Runway & Taxiway at PÆMÖvg kvn AvgvbZ AvšR©vwZK wegvbe›`i we`¨gvb ivbI‡q I 18,900.00
Shah Amanat International Airport, Chattogram †Uw·I‡qi kw³ e„w×KiY
5305-7100 Development Project of Cox's-bazar Airport (1st K·evRvi wegvb e›`‡ii Dbœqb cÖKí (1g ch©vq) (3q 8,200.00
phase) (3rd Revised) ms‡kvwaZ)

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Post and Telecommunications Division
Bangladesh Postal Department
5431-1111 Construction of Physical Infrastructure of WvK Awa`߇ii †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I m¤cÖmviY 9,000.00
Bangladesh post office
5431-1113 Construction of Automotive Mail Processing Center evsjv‡`k †cvó Awd‡mi Rb¨ A‡Uv‡gvwUf ‡gBj cÖ‡mwms 136.00
for Bangladesh Post Office. †m›Uvi wbg©vY|
5431-5001 Construction & Reconstruction of Dilapidated Post RivRxY© WvKNimg~‡ni wbg©vY/cybtwbg©vY (2q ch©vq)| 5,000.00
Offices in Bangladesh (2nd Phase).
Bangladesh Telecommunication Company Ltd. (BTCL)
5405-1111 Modernization of Telecommunication Network for wWwRUvj ms‡hv‡Mi Rb¨ †UwjKwgDwb‡Kkb †bUIqvK© 41,131.00
Digital Connectivity AvaywbKxKiY (15401-224123400)
5405-1113 Construction of Bangladesh Telecommunication evsjv‡`k †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM wbqšÎY Kwgkb feb wbg©vY 5,500.00
Regulatory Commission's Office Building
5405-1114 Switching & Transmission Network Development for wWwRUvj Kv‡bKwUwfwU kw³kvjxKi‡Y myBwPs I UªvÝwgkb 2,000.00
Strengthening Digital Connectivity Project †bUIqvK© Dbœqb
5405-1115 Installation of telecommunication Network at PÆMÖvg wgimivB A_©‰bwZK A‡j †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM †bUIqvK© 1,500.00
Mirsharai Economic Zone in Chattogram ¯'nvcb
5405-1117 Improving and expanding BTCL's IP network wewUwmGj Gi AvBwc †bUIqvi&K DbœZKiY I m¤ú&imviY 10,000.00
5405-1118 Establishment of Telecommunication Network in A_©‰bwZK AÂjmg~‡n †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM †bUIqvK© ¯’vcY (1g 500.00
Economic Zones (Phase I) Project. ch©vq)
Teletalk Bangladesh Limited (TBL)
5405-1112 Establishment of Solar bored based stations in hard G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae †mvjvi †eBRW †eR †÷kb Bb nvW© Uz ixP 500.00
to reach areas for strengthening Teletalk Network Gwiqv di †÷ªs‡`wbs †UwjUK †bUIqvK© Kfv‡iR
5405-1119 Expansion of Teletalk network at village level and MÖvg ch©v‡q †UwjU‡Ki †bUIqvK© m¤úªmviY Ges 5wR †mev 46,427.00
modernization of network to provide 5G services. cÖ`v‡b †bUIqvK© AvaywbKvqb|
Bangladesh Submarine CablecCompany Limited (BSCCL)
5405-1116 Establishment of third submarine cable for the evsjv‡`‡ki AvšZiRvwZ©K †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’v m¤cÖmvi‡Yi 18,000.00
expansion of Bangladesh International j‡ÿ¨ Z„Zxq mve‡gwib K¨vej ¯’vcb
Telecommunication System

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs
Ministry's Own
5501-5001 Strengthening Inclusive Development in Chattogram †÷ªs‡`wbs BbK¬zwmf †W‡fjc‡g›U Bb PÆMÖvg wnj UªvKm 1,700.00
Hill Tracts
5501-5010 Development Assistance to Chittagong Hill Tracts. cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg Dbœqb eve` †_vK eivÏ| 28,000.00
Chittagong Hill Tracks Development Board
5505-0001 Sustainable Social Services in Chittagong Hill Tracts cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg GjvKvq ‡UKmB mvgvwRK †mev cÖ`vb 10,513.00
(SSSCHT) (15501-224231300)
5505-1111 High Values Spices Cultivation Project in the cve©Z¨ PUªMÖv‡gi cÖZ¨šZ GjvKvq D"Pg~‡j¨i gmjv Pvl 1,000.00
Remote Areas of Chittagong Hill Track's
5505-1112 Construction of Rural Road from Roanchari Sadar evš`ievb cve©Z¨ †Rjvi †ivqvsQwo Dc‡Rjv m`i n‡Z iygv 1,129.00
Upazila to Ruma Upazila in Bandarban Hill District Dc‡Rjv ch©šZ cjøx moK wbg©vY
5505-1114 Construction of 2 bridges over Sangu river and 1 ev›`ievb cve©Z¨ †Rjvq mvs¸ b`xi Dci 2wU Ges †mvbvLvjx 1,200.00
bridge over Sonakhali canal in Bandarban Hill Lv‡ji Dci 1wU eªxR wbg©vY
5505-1115 Construction of Master Drain for Development of LvMovQwo †Rjv m`‡ii cvwb wb®‹vkb e¨e¯n'v Dbœqb I 1,540.00
Drainage System and Elimination of Waterlogging in Rjve×Zv `~ixKi‡Yi j‡ÿ¨ gvóvi †Wªb wbg©vY
Khagrachhari District Sadar
5505-1118 Construction of Irrigation Drains in different Upazilas cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi LvMovQwo †Rjvi wewfbœ Dc‡Rjvq †mP †WªBb 2,560.00
of Khagrachhari District of Chittagong Hill Tracts wbg©vY
5505-1119 Construction of irrigation drains in different upazilas ev›`ievb cve©Z¨ †Rjvi wewfbœ Dc‡Rjvq †mP †WªBb wbg©vY 3,000.00
of Bandarban Hill District cÖKí
5505-1122 Power Supply through Installation of Solar Panels in cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi cÖZ¨šZ GjvKvq ‡mvjvi c¨v‡bj ¯’vc‡bi 8,000.00
Remote Areas of Chittagong Hill Tracts (Phase II) gva¨‡g we`¨yr mieivn (2q ch©vq)|
5505-1124 Intensification of Sugar crop cultivation in Chittagong cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg GjvKvi myMviµc Pvlvev` †Rvi`viKiY 500.00
Hill Tracts
5505-5000 Mixed Fruit Cultivation at Remote Areas of cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi cÖZ¨šZ GjvKvq wgkÖ dj Pvl| 800.00
Chittagong Hill Tracts.
5505-5009 Rural Infrastructure development of Bandhban Hill ev›`ievb cve©Z¨ †Rjvi cõx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 567.00
5505-7020 Lump provision for three local Government cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi ¯’vbxq miKvi cwil‡`i Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ| 9,000.00
Parishads of Chittagong Hill Tracts.
5505-7030 Development Assistance to Chittagong Hill Tracts cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg Dbœqb †ev‡W©i Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ| 9,000.00
Development Board.
Chittagong Hill Tracts Regional Council
5505-1116 Construction of Chittagong Hill Tracts Regional cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg AvÂwjK cwil` Kg‡cø· wbg©vY 4,000.00
Council Complex
Bandarban Hill District Council
5505-1121 Drinking water supply project through GFS and dip ev›`ievb †Rjvi wewfbœ Dc‡Rjvi cv_y‡i GjvKvq wRGdGm I 2,000.00
tubewell in rocky areas of different upazilas of mKj GjvKvq wWcwUDeI‡q‡ji gva¨‡g my‡cq cvbxq Rj
Bandarban district mievnKiY cÖKí
Khagrachari Hill District Council
5505-1125 Water Supply and Sanitation Arrangements in the LvMovQwo †Rjvi evRvimg~n I wbKUeZ©x GjvKvq cvwb 1,500.00
markets and nearby areas of Khagrachhari District mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯'vKiY cÖKí|

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Power Division
Ministry's Own
5601-5000 Technical Assistance For Power sector development †UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ di cvIqvi †m±i †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ 2,520.00
and capacity building KvmvwmwU wewìs
Bangladesh Power Development Board
5605-0032 Construction of Shahjibazar 100 MW Gas Turbine kvnRxevRvi 100 †g:I: M¨vm UvievBb cvIqvi c­¨v›U wbg©vY 1.00
Power Plant
5605-0033 400 MW and +/- 10% Combined Cycle Power Plant 400 †gt It +/- 10% K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj we`¨yr ‡K›`ª wbg©vY 17,000.00
Construction Project, Raozan, Chattogram. cªKí, ivDRvb, PU&iMªvg
5605-1113 Construction of Saidpur 150 MW +/-10% Simple ‰mq`cyyi 150 †g:I:+/-10% wm¤cj mvB‡Kj (GBPGmwW 23,150.00
Cycle (HSD Based) Power Plant Project wfwËK) we`~¨r †K›`ª wbg©vY
5605-1147 nvwZqv Øxc, wbSzc Øxc, KzZzevw`qv Øxc kZfvM wbi&fi‡hvM¨ I 16,425.00
Hatia Island, Nijhup Island, Kutubadia Island 100% †UKmB we`y¨Zvqb
Reliable and Sustainable Electrification
5605-5007 Rangpur Zone Power System Development Project. cvIqvi wm‡÷g †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± iscyi †Rvb| 13,041.00
5605-5019 Re-powering Project of Ghorashal 4th Unit . ‡Nvovkvj-4_© BDwbU wi-cvIqvwis cÖKí| 22,250.00
5605-5053 Power distribution system development project, we`y¨r weZiY e¨e¯’v Dbœqb cÖKí, wm‡jU wefvM| 24,400.00
Sylhet division
5605-5094 Pre-payment Metering for Distribution, Comilla and wcÖ-‡c‡g›U wgUvwis di wWw÷ªweDkb Kzwgj­v GÛ gqgqwmsn| 350.00
5605-5101 Khulna 330 MW: Construction of Dual-Fuel Lyjbv 330 †g:I: Wz‡qj-dz‡qj K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj we`y¨r †K›`ª 37,100.00
Combined Cycle Power Station wbg©vY|
5605-5119 Mymenshing Zone Power Distribution system we`y¨r weZib e¨e¯’v Dbœqb cÖKí gqgbwmsn †Rvb 25,150.00
development project
5605-5125 Comilla Zone Power Distribution system we`y¨r weZiY e¨e¯’v Dbœqb, Kzwgj­v †Rvb 28,250.00
development project
5605-5129 Power Distribution system Development Project PÆMÖvg †Rv‡bi we`y¨r weZiY wm‡÷g Dbœqb| 36,225.00
Chittagong Zone.
5605-5134 Re-powering Project of Ghorasal 3rd Unit. ‡Nvovkvj-3 wi‡cqvwis cÖ‡R±| 23,900.00
Power Grid Company of Bangladesh
5605-1111 Enhancement & Strengthening of Power Network in c~e©vÂjxq MÖxW †bUIqv‡K©i cwiea©b Ges ÿgZvea©b 94,121.00
Eastern Region (15601-224231100)
5605-1120 Replacement of Ashuganj Old 132 KV AIS AvïyMÄ 132 †Kwf cyyivZb GAvBGm Dc‡K›`ª‡K 132 †Kwf 15,263.00
Substation by New 132 KV GIS Substation Project bZzb wRAvBGm Dc‡K›`ª Øviv cÖwZ¯n'vcb cÖKí
5605-1121 Infrastructure Development for Power Evacuation iƒccyi cvigvbweK we`~¨r †K‡›`ªi Drcvw`Z we`y¨r 150,721.00
Facilities of Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant BfvKzy‡qk‡bi Rb¨ mÂvjb AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb
5605-1123 Southwest Transmission Grid Expansion Project `wÿY-cwðgvÂjxq UªvÝwgkb MÖxW m¤cÖmviY cÖKí 66,911.00
5605-1138 Barapukuria-Bogura-Kaliakoir 400 kV Line Project eocyKzwiqv-e¸ov-Kvwjqv‰Ki 400 †K:wf: jvBb 75,046.00
5605-1139 Expansion and Strengthening of Power System PÆMÖvg A‡ji we`y¨r mÂvjb e¨e¯n'vi m¤cÖmviY I 10,295.00
Network under Chattogram Area kw³kvjxKiY
5605-1141 Dhaka and Western Zone Transmission Grid XvKv Ges cwðgvÂjxq MÖxW mÂvjb e¨e¯'nv m¤cÖmviY 42,095.00
Expansion Project
5605-1145 Intregrated Capacity Development Project in the evsjv‡`‡ki we`y¨r mÂvjb e¨e¯’vcbvq mgwš^Z mÿgZv 308.00
power Transmission System of Bangladesh
5605-1149 Construction of existing grid substations we`¨gvb wMªW Dc‡K›`ª wbg©vY 5,448.00
5605-1151 Technical Assistance Project with g`ybvNvU-fzjZv 756 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb m¤¢ve¨Zv hvPvB mn 470.00
Madunaghat-Bhulta 658 KV Transmission Line KvwiMwi mnvqZv cªKí
Feasibility Study
5605-5026 Aminbazar-Maowa 400 kv Transmission Line AvwgbevRvi-gvIqv-gsjv 400 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb| 11,757.00

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Power Division
Power Grid Company of Bangladesh
5605-5052 400/230/132 KV Grid Network Development. 400/230/132 †K wf MÖxW †bUIqvK© †W‡fjc‡g›U| 27,902.00
5605-5076 Energy Efficiency in Grid Based Power Supply MÖxW wfwËK we`y¨r mieiv‡n `ÿZv Dbœqb cÖKí| 66,052.00
5605-5082 Dhaka-Chittagong Main Power Grid Strengthening XvKv-PÆMÖvg †gBb cvIqvi MÖxW †÷ªs‡`wbs cÖKí| 97,157.00
5605-5097 Power Grid Networking Strengthening Project Under cvIqvi MÖxW †bUIqvwK©s †÷ªs‡`wbs cÖ‡R± AvÛvi wcwRwmwe| 169,738.00
5605-5112 Construction of Patuakhali (Pigeon) - Gopalganj 400cUzqvLvjx (cvqiv)-†MvcvjMÄ 400 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb Ges 2,800.00
KV Transmission Line and Gopalganj 400 KV grid †MvcvjMÄ 400 †Kwf MÖxW Dc‡K›`ª wbgv©Y
5605-5122 Bangladesh power system reliability and efficiency evsjv‡`k cvIqvi wm‡÷g wijv‡qwewjwU GÛ Bwdwm‡qwÝ 1,223.00
improvement project BgcÖ“f‡g›U
Rural Electrification Board
5605-1125 Solar Pump Photovoltaic Agriculture Irrigation ‡mŠi we`¨~r PvwjZ cv‡¤ci gva¨‡g K…wl †mP 27,102.00
5605-1150 Modernization and Capacity Building of Bapbibor's evcwe‡eviÕi ˆe`y¨wZK weZib e¨e¯’vi AvaywbKvqb I 94,199.00
Electric Distribution System (Khulna Division) ÿgZvea©b (Lyjbv wefvM)
5605-5113 Distribution network expansion for 100% Rural kZfvM cj­x we`y¨Zvq‡bi Rb¨ weZiY †bUIqvK© m¤•ÖmviY 1.00
Electrification (Dhaka, Mymensingh, Chittagong and (XvKv, gqgbwmsn, PÆMÖvg I wm‡jU wefvM)
Sylhet Division)
5605-5114 Distribution network expansion for 100% Rural kZfvM cj­x we`y¨Zvq‡bi Rb¨ weZiY †bUIqvK© m¤•ÖmviY 1.00
Electrification (Rajshahi, Rangpur, Khulna, Barisal (ivRkvnx, iscyi, Lyjbv I ewikvj wefvM)
Dhaka Electric Supply Company (DESCO)
5605-1130 Construction of 132/33/11 KV Under Ground Grid Kb÷ªvKkb Ae 132/33/11 †Kwf AvÛviMÖvDÛ MªxW 8,750.00
Sub-Station at Gulshan in Dhaka mve-‡÷kb G¨vU ¸jkvb Bb XvKv
5605-1131 Installation and Supply of Smart Pre Payment Meter ‡Wm‡Kv GjvKvq ¯§vU© wcÖ-‡c‡g›U wgUvi mieivn I ¯'nvcb 5,292.00
in DESCO Area cÖKí
Dhaka Power Distribution Company (DPDC)
5605-1127 Dhaka Underground Substation Construction Project wWwcwWwmÕi AvIZvq XvKvi KvIivbevRv‡i f~-Mf©¯n' Dc‡K›`ª 6,500.00
at Kawranbazar Under DPDC wbg©vY cÖKí
5605-1128 Power Distribution system Development Project wWwcwWwmÕi AvIZvaxb GjvKvq we`y¨Z weZiY e¨e¯n'v Dbœqb 51,715.00
under DPDC Area cÖKí
5605-1129 Installation of Eight Lakh and Fifty Thousend Smart wWwcwWwmÕi AvIZvaxb GjvKvq AvU jÿ cÂvk nvRvi ¯§vU© 14,160.00
Pre-payment Meters under DPDC Area wcÖ-‡c‡g›U wgUvi ¯'nvcb cÖKí
5605-1146 Construction and Rehabilitation of Substations under wWwcwWwmi AvIZvaxb GjvKvi Dc‡K‡›`ª wbg©vY I c~Y©evmb, 19,392.00
DPDC, Establishment of Power Capacity Banks and we`~¨r e¨e¯’vq K¨vcvwmwUi e¨vsK ¯’vcb Ges ¯§vU© MÖxW e¨e¯’vi
Introduction of Smart Grid System. cÖeZ©b
5605-5085 Expansion and Strengthening of Power System G·cvbkb GÛ †÷ªs‡`wbs Ae cvIqvi wm‡÷g †bUIqvK© 317,258.00
Network Under DPDC Area. AvÛvi wWwcwWwm Gwiqv|
5605-9691 Pre-paid Metering Project of Six NOCS Division wcÖ-‡cBW wgUvwis cÖ‡R± di wm· GbIwmGm wWwfkb AvÛvi 1.00
under DPDC. wWwcwWwm|
Electric Generation Company of Bangladesh Ltd. (EGCBL)
5606-1111 Construction of Sonagazi 50 MW Solar power plant ‡mvbvMvRx 50 †g:I: †mŠi we`y¨r †K›`ª wbg©vY 23,900.00
Ashugonj Power Station Company Ltd. (APSCL)

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Power Division
Ashugonj Power Station Company Ltd. (APSCL)
5605-1112 Land Acquisition, land Development and cUzqvLvjx 1320 †gMvIqvU mycvi _vg©vj cvIqvi cøv›U Gi 49,749.00
resettlement for Implementation of Patuakhali 1320 Rb¨ f‚wg AwaMÖnY, f‚wg Dbœqb I msiÿY
(2x660) MW Coal Fired Thermal Power Plant (15601-224231200)
5605-5004 Ashugonj 400 (+ -5%) mw Combined Cycle Power AvïMÄ 400 (+-5%) †gtIt K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi c­v›U 1.00
Plant Construction Project (East). wbg©vY cÖKí (b_)©|
West Zone Power Distribution Company Ltd. (WGPDCL)
5605-5068 Extension and upgradation of electricity distribution I‡q÷ †Rvb GjvKvq we`y¨r weZiY e¨e¯n'vi m¤cÖmviY I 45,327.00
system in the West Zone area Avc‡MÖ‡Wkb|
5605-5116 Extension & Augmentation of power distribution I‡q÷ †Rvb GjvKvq we`y¨r weZiY e¨e¯’vi m¤•ÖmviY I 16,375.00
system project in West Zone Area cwiea©b cÖKí
5605-5124 Smart Pre-payment Metering Project for West Zone I‡q÷ †Rvb cvIqvi wWw÷ªweDkb †Kv¤•vwb wjt 8,232.00
Power Distribution Company Ltd. (I‡RvcvwW‡Kv) GjvKvi Rb¨ ¯§vU© wcÖ †c‡g›U wgUvwis cÖKí
North-West Power Generation Company (NWPGC)
5605-1116 Rupsha 800 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant iƒcmv 800 †gtIt K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj we`y¨r †K›`ª 47,763.00
5605-1117 Long Trem Service Agreement for Bheramara jsUvg© mvwf©m GwMÖ‡‡g›U di †fivgviv K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi 23,200.00
combind Cycle Power Plant cø¨v›U
Coal Power Generation Company Ltd.(CPGC)
5605-1114 land acquisition, Development and Feasibility Study wmwcwRwmweGj-myywg‡Zv‡gv 1200 ‡g^^t It Avëv myycvi 782.00
Project of CPGCBL- Sumitomo 1200 MW Ultra wµwUK¨vj Kqjv wfwËK we`y¨r †K›`ª ¯n'vc‡bi j‡ÿ¨ f~wg
Supercritical Coal Fired Power Plant AwaMÖnY I Avbylw½K Kvh©µg
5605-1115 To Conduct Feasibility Study for installation of 500-600 †gt It GjGbwR †eBRW K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi 172.00
500-600 MW LNG Based Combined Cycle Power cøv‡›Ui Rb¨ wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW m¤cv`b Ges M¨vm mÂvjb
Plant along with Gas Transmission Line ConstructionjvBb wbgv©Y
5605-5093 Matarbari Coal Fired Power Plan Project. gvZvievwo 2*600 ‡gt It AvjUªv mycvi wµwUK¨vj †Kvj 681,500.00
dvqvW© cvIqvi cÖ‡R±|
Power Cell
5601-1111 TA for Strengthening and Development of wUG di †ób‡`wbs GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae mvm‡UB‡bej cvIqvi 1,250.00
Sustainable Power Sector in Bangladesh. †m±i Bb evsjv‡`k
Rural Power Company Ltd. (R.P.C.L)
5605-0035 Mymensingh 360 (+ / 10%) May: O: Dual Fuel (Gas / gqgbwmsn 360(+/10%) †g:I: Wz‡qj dz‡qj 97,864.00
HSD) Combined Cycle Power Plant Construction (M¨vm/GBPGmwW)K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj we`¨yr †K›`ª wbg©vY cÖKí
5605-1148 Construction of 100 MW solar power plant at Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi gv`viM‡Ä 100 †gMv&IqvU ‡mŠi we`y¨r †K›`ª 15,376.00
Madarganj in Jamalpur district. wbg©vY
Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority
5605-1132 Financing in activities of increasing Energy EfficiencyR¡vjvwb `ÿZv I msiÿY e„w× Kvh©µ‡g A_©vqb cÖKí 1,271.00
& Preservation of Energy
5605-5069 House Hold Energy Platform Programme in nvDR‡nvì GbvwR© cøvUdg© †cÖvMÖvg Bb evsjv‡`k| 1,869.00
B-R Poweren Company Ltd. (B-R PCL)
5605-5121 Mirsarai 150 MW duel fuel power plant construction wgimivB 150 †gtIt Wz‡qj dz‡qj we`y¨r †K›`ª wbg©vY 1.00
Northern Electric Supply Company Ltd. (NESCO)

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Power Division
Northern Electric Supply Company Ltd. (NESCO)
5605-1135 Expansion and rehabilitation of power distribution ivRkvnx wefvM we`y¨r weZiY jvBb I Dc‡K›`ª m¤cªmviY Ges 43,900.00
lines and sub-stations in Rajshahi Division cybe©vmb
5605-1136 Expansion and rehabilitation of power distribution iscyi wefvM we`y¨r weZiY jvBb I Dc‡K›`ª m¤cªmviY Ges 35,415.00
lines and sub-stations in Rangpur Division cybe©vmb

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
MInistry of Liberation War Affairs
Ministry's Own
6301-1113 Construction and Preservation of Monuments at 1971 G gnvb gyw³hy× PjvKv‡j cvvwK¯Zvbx nvbv`vi evwnbx 4,500.00
Slaughter Places Created by Hanadar Forces DuringKZ©„K MYnZ¨vi Rb¨ e¨eüZ ea¨f~wgmg~n msiÿY I ¯§„wZ¯Z
Liberation War of 1971 (2nd Phase) ¤f wbg©vY (2q ch©vq)
6301-1114 Preservation and Development of Burial Places of knx` gyw³‡hv×v I Ab¨vb¨ gyw³‡hv×v‡`i mgvwa¯n'j msiÿY 4,500.00
the Freedom Fighters I Dbœqb
6301-1115 Construction of Housing Under Privileged A¯^”Qj exi gyw³‡hv×v‡`i Rb¨ Avevmb wbg©vY cÖKí 76,183.00
Muktijudhas Project
6301-1116 Feasibility study of the project titled Establishment of dwi`cy‡i gyw³hy× ¯§"wZ‡mŠa I Rv`yNimn e½eÜz D`¨vb ¯'vcb 100.00
Bangabandhu Udyan with Liberation War Memorial kxl©K cÖK‡íi m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxÿv
and Museum at Faridpur
6301-1117 Construction of a Naval Museum at Narayanganj by gyw³hy‡×i mgq ÿwZMÖ¯Í RvnvR Ggwf AvKivg‡K DcRxe¨ 1.00
MV Akram, a ship damaged during the War of K‡i bvivqbM‡Ä GKwU ‡bŠ-Rv`yNi wbg©vY
6301-1118 Making a full-length film about Operation Jackpot evsjv‡`‡ki gnvb ¯^vaxbZvhy‡×i †bŠKgv‡Ûv Awfhvb Acv‡ikb 2,325.00
R¨vKcU wel‡q c~Y©‰`N¨© Pjw"PÎ wbg©vY
6301-1119 Technical assistance project for construction of gyw³hy× wfwËK c¨v‡bvigv wbg©v‡Yi Rb¨ KvwiMwi mnvqZv cÖKí 4,446.00
liberation war based panorama
6301-5001 Construction of Monument for the Martyr of Mitro gyw³hy×Kv‡j knx` wgÎ evwnbxi m`m¨‡`i ¯§i‡Y ¯§„wZ¯¤¢ 1,942.00
Bahini During Liberation War of Bangladesh wbg©vY
6301-5003 Construction of Liberation War Memorial Museum gyw³hy‡×i HwZnvwmK ¯’vcbmgn msi¶Y I gyw³hy× ¯§„wZ 3,500.00
and Preservation of Historic Establishments of Rv`yNi wbg©vY (1g ms‡kvwaZ)
Liberation War (1st Revised)
6301-5004 Construction of Swadhinata Stambha at Suhrawardy XvKv¯’ †mvnivIqv`x© D`¨v‡b ¯^vaxbZv ¯Z¤¢ wbg©vY (3q ch©vq) 7,000.00
Udyan, Dhaka (3rd Phase)
6301-5013 Construction of Upazilla Muktijoddha Complex Dc‡Rjv gyw³‡hv×v Kg‡c­· feb wbg©vY (1g ms‡kvwaZ) 7,000.00
Bhaban (1st Revised)
Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions
6305-5000 Motivation of the New Generation in the Spirit of bZzb cÖRš§‡K gyw³hy‡×i †PZbvq DØy×KiY 376.00
Liberation War Project

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Expatriates' Welfare and Overseas Employment
Ministry's Own
6501-5000 Application of Migration Policy for Dissent Work for Gwcø‡Kkb Ae gvB‡MÖkb cwjwm di wW‡m›U IqvK© di 119.00
Migrant Workers gvBMÖv›U IqvK©vim
Manpower, Employment and Training Bureau
6531-1111 Strengthening and Modernization of apprenticeship XvKv, PÆMÖvg I Lyjbv¯'n wkÿvbwewm cÖwkÿY `ßimg~‡ni 175.00
Offices under BMET at Dhaka, Chittagong, and ms¯‹vi I AvaywbKvqb
6531-1112 Provide driving training for employment at home and ‡`‡k we‡`‡k Kg©ms¯n'v‡bi Rb¨ WªvBwfs cÖwkÿY cÖ`vb 6,000.00
6531-5001 Establishment of 40 (forty) Technical Training Centre40wU Dc‡Rjvq 40wU KvwiMix cÖwkÿY ‡K›`ª I PÆMÖv‡g 1wU 23,388.00
(TTC) at Upazila Level and 01 (one) Institute of Bbw÷wUDU Ae ‡gwib †UK‡bvjwR ¯'vcb
Marine Technology (IMT) at Chittagong.
6531-5003 Establishment of Dhaka Technicall Teachers XvKv KvwiMwi wkÿK cÖwkÿY Bbw÷wUDU ¯n'vcb 3,150.00
Training Institute (DTTTI).
Wage Earner’s Welfare Board (WEWB)
6505-1111 Informal sector employment support projects for cÖZ¨vMZ Awfevmx Kg©x‡`i cyb:GKÎxKi‡Yi j‡ÿ¨ AbvbyôvwbK 24,940.00
reintegration of returning migrant workers Lv‡Z Kg©ms¯'vb m"R‡b mnvqK cÖKí
6505-1112 Promoting Diaspora Investment and Optimal Uses of ‡cÖv‡gvwUs Wvqvmciv Bb‡f÷‡g›U Av¨vÛ AcwUgvj BD‡Rm Ad 498.00
Remittance †iwg‡UÝ

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Anti Corruption Commision
Anti Corruption Commission Own
6701-1111 Strengthening Capacity of Anti-Corruption `yb©xwZ `gb Kwgkb kw³kvjxKiY 1,671.00
Commission Project

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Bridge Division
Bangladesh Bridge Authority
7105-0026 Human Resource Development and Capacity evsjv‡`k †mZz KZ©„c‡¶i gvbem¤c` Dbœqb I m¶gZv e„w× 200.00
building of Bangladesh Bridge Authority
7105-0027 Feasibility study for construction of bridge over Pvu`cyi-kixqZcyi mo‡K I MRvwiqv-gywÝMÄ mo‡K ‡gNbv 12,900.00
Meghna river at Chandpur Shariatpur road and b`xi Dci †mZz wbg©v‡bi m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxÿv cwiPvjbv Ges
Gazaria Munshiganj road and preparation of master evsjv‡`k †mZz KiÍ„c‡ÿi Rb¨ gvóvi cøvb cªbqb
plan for Bangladesh Bridge Authority
7105-1111 Construction of Brdge at 17th Kilometer (Z-8052) on KPzqv-‡eZvMx-cUzqvLvjx-‡jvnvwjqv-KvjvBqv mo‡Ki 17Zg 14,900.00
Kachua Betagi Patuakhali Lohalia Kalaiya Road overwK‡jvwgUv‡i †RW-8052) cvqiv b`xi Dci †mZz wbg©vY
the Paira river
7105-1112 Road widening and construction of two-storey road cÂewU n‡Z gy³vicyi †mZz ci&hšÍ moK c&ik¯’KiY I 47,308.00
from Panchabati to Muktarpur Bridge †`vZjv iv¯Ív wbi¥vY
7105-5000 Construction of Dhaka-Ashulia Elevated Expressway XvKv-Avïwjqv Gwj‡f‡UW G·‡cÖmI‡q wbg©vY 370,260.00
7105-5001 Feasibility Study for Construction of Subway XvKv kn‡i mveI‡q (AvÛvi MÖvDÛ †g‡Uªv) wbg©v‡Y m¤¢ve¨Zv 33,692.00
(Underground Metro) in Dhaka City. mgx¶v cwiPvjbv
7105-5015 Construction a multi-lane Road Tunnel under the KY©dzjx b`xi Zj‡`‡k eû‡jb moK Uv‡bj wbg©vY| 200,000.00
Karnaphuli river.
7105-9030 Construction of Padma Multipurpose Bridge cÙv eûgyLx †mZz wbg©vY| 220,282.00

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Information and Communication Technology Division
Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC)
2805-0002 Broadband connectivity in areas deprived of ‡Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM myweav ewÂZ GjvKvmg~‡n eªWe¨vÛ Kv‡bw±wfwU 6,584.00
telecommunication facilities ¯'vcb
2805-1111 Establishment of Safe E-mail and Digital Literacy evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii Rb¨ wbivc` B-‡gBj I wWwRUvj wjUv‡iwm 1,500.00
Centre for the Government of Bangladesh †m›Uvi ¯’vcb (12801-224230100)
2805-1113 Bangabandhu High-Tech City-2 e½eÜz nvB-‡UK wmwU-2 Gi mnvqK AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY 6,040.00
2805-1123 Strengthening the government's video conferencing miKv‡ii wfwWI Kbdv‡iwÝs cøvUdg© kw³kvjxKiY 3,032.00
2805-1124 Strengthening digital government and economy wWwRUvj miKvi I A_©bxwZ kw³kvjxKiY 15,950.00
2805-5003 Innovation and Founding of Entrepreneurship D™¢veb I D‡`¨v³v Dbœqb GKv‡Wwg cÖwZôvKiY (1g 7,692.00
Development Academy (1st Revised) ms‡kvwaZ)|
2805-5006 National Information and Communication RvZxq Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb, 1.00
Technology Infrastructure Development, Bb‡dv-miKvi (3q ch©vq)|
Info-Government (3rd phase).
2805-5007 Enhancement of Bangla Language in ICT thorough M‡elYv I Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g Z_¨ cÖhyw³‡Z evsjv fvlv mg„×KiY 1,200.00
Research and development
2805-5022 Digital Sylhet City wWwRUvj wm‡jU wmwU 1.00
Ministry's Own
2801-1111 Development of ICT INfrastructure, Human RvZxq msm` mwPevj‡qi AvBwmwU AeKvVv‡gv, gvbem¤c` I 1,891.00
Resources and Tecnology Skills in the National cÖhyw³ `ÿZv Dbœqb (1g ms‡kvwaZ)
Parliament secretariate
2801-1112 Aspire to Innouvate (a2i) Programme Gmcvqvi Uz B‡bv‡fU (GUzAvB) †cÖvMÖvg 9,600.00
2801-1113 Establishment of Sheikh Russell Digital Lab (Phase ‡kL iv‡mj wWwRUvj j¨ve ¯’vcb (2q ch©vq) 25,000.00
2801-1115 Education Online (initiation) project to develop `xÿv-`ÿZv Dbœq‡b wkÿv AbjvB‡b (`xÿv) cÖKí 586.00
initiation skills
2801-5000 Development of mobile game and application skills. ‡gvevBj †MBg I G¨vwcø‡Kkb Gi `ÿZv Dbœqb| 5,000.00
2801-5013 Learning and Earning Development Project. jvwbs GÛ Avwbs †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R±| 1,527.00
Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority
2805-1119 Establishment of Sheikh Kamal IT Training and ‡kL Kvgvj AvBwU †Uªiwbs I Bb‡KD‡ekb †m›Uvi ¯’vcY 6,037.00
Incubation Center (11) (11wU)
2805-1120 Establishment of Bangladesh-India Digital Services evsjv‡`k fviZ wWwRUvj †mev I Ki©ms¯’vb cªwkÿY 1,689.00
and Employment Training (BDSET) Center (wewW‡mU) †K›`ªi cªwZôvKiY cªKí
2805-1121 Feasibility Study for Establishment of Sheikh Kamal †`‡ki 32wU †Rjvq †kL Kvgvj AvBwU †Uªwbs GÛ BbwKD‡ekb 1.00
IT Training & Incubation Cent at 32 Districts in the †m‡›Ui ¯'vcb m¤¢ve¨Zv hvPvB
2805-1122 Development of Digital Entrepreneurship and wWwRUvj D‡`¨v³v Ges D™¢veb B‡Kv-wm‡÷g Dbœqb cÖKí 2,398.00
Innovation Eco-System Project
2805-5001 Construction of the primary infrastructure of e½eÜz †kL gywRe nvB-‡UK cvK©, wm‡jU (wm‡jU B‡jKUªwb· 2,858.00
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib High-Tech Park, Sylhet wmwU) Gi cÖv_wgK AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY (2q ms‡kvwaZ)
(Sylhet Electronics City) (2nd Revised)
2805-5008 Establishment of Bangabandhu High-Tech Park, e½eÜz nvB-‡UK cvK©, ivRkvnx (e‡i›`ª wmwjKb wmwU) ¯n'vcb| 9,028.00
Rajshahi (Barind Silicon City)
2805-5009 Establishment of Sheak Kamal IT Training & ‡kL Kvgvj AvBwU †Uªwbs GÛ BbwKD‡ekb †m›Uvi ¯n'vcb 7,036.00
Incubation Centre
2805-5012 Establishment of Twelve IT Parks Project †Rjv chv©‡q AvBwU/nvB-†UK cvK© ¯’vcb (12wU †Rjvq) 32,454.00
2805-5017 Establishment of IT Business Incubator in PÆMÖvg cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡q AvBwU weR‡bm 1.00
Chattogram University of Engineering & Technology BbKz‡eUi ¯’vcb

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Information and Communication Technology Division
Directorate of Information and Communication Technology
2811-1111 wWwRUvj ms‡hvM ¯'vcb 2,600.00
Digital connection
Office of the Electronic Signature Certifying Authority (C.C.A)
2805-1115 Establishment of CA Monitoring System (CAMS) andwmwmG Kvh©vj‡q wmG gwbUwis wm‡÷g ¯'nvcb Ges wbivcËv 2,000.00
Security in the office of the Controller of Certitying weavb
2805-1117 Strengthening of BGD E-GOV CIRT wewRwW B-Mf wmAvBAviwU Gi mÿgZv e„w× 3,000.00

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Technical and Madrasa Education Division
Department of Technical Education
7231-1111 Strenghthening Land Survey Education in evsjv‡`k fzwg Rwic wkÿvi Dbœqb (16002-224231800) 4,240.00
7231-1112 Establishment of polytechnic institute in 23 districts 23wU †Rjvq cwj‡UKwbK BÝwUwUDU ¯n'vcb 7,000.00
7231-1113 Establishment of oneengineering college in PÆMÖvg, Lyjbv, ivRkvnx Ges iscyi wefv‡Mi 1wU K‡i 4,000.00
Chattagram, Khulna, Rajshahi and Rangpur BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR ¯n'vcb
7231-1114 Skills-21 empowering citizens for inclusive and w¯‹j 21 GgcvIqvwis wmwU‡Rbm di BbKzwmf GÛ 1.00
sustainable groth mvm‡UBbGej ‡MÖv_
7231-1115 CapacityDevelopment of 64 Technical School and KvwiMwi wkÿv Awa`ßivaxb 64wU †UKwbK¨vj ¯‹zj I K‡j‡Ri 25,000.00
Colleges under Department of Technical Education mÿgZv e„w×
7231-1116 Establishment of 329 Technical Schools and Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q 329wU †UKwbK¨vj ¯‹zj I K‡jR ¯’vcb 10,000.00
Colleges at Upazilla Level.
7231-1117 Accelerating and Strengthening Skills for Economic G‡·jv‡iwUs GÛ †÷ªs‡`wbs w¯‹jm di B‡KvbwgK UªvÝd‡g©kb 60,000.00
Transformation (Asset) (G‡mU)
7231-1118 Development of technical education for creation of wkí KviLvbvi Dc‡hvMx gvbem¤ú` m"wói Rb¨ KvwiMwi 308.00
useful human resources for industrial factories wkÿvi Dbœqb
7231-5003 Establishment of 04 Mohila Polytechnic Institute at wm‡jU, ewikvj, gqgbwmsn I iscyi wefvMxq kn‡i 4wU gwnjv 5,000.00
Sylhet, Barishal, Rangpur and Mymensingh Division cwj‡UKwbK Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb cÖKí
7231-5015 Estalbishment of Technical Schools and Colleges in 100wU Dc‡Rjvq 1wU K‡i †UKwbK¨vj ¯‹zj Ges K‡jR 30,000.00
100 Upazillas (1st Revised). ¯n'vcb (1g ms‡kvwaZ)|
Department of Madrasa Education
7281-1111 Development of selected madrashas wbe©vwPZ gv`ªvmv mg~‡ni Dbœqb 95,290.00
7281-1112 Training of Madrasa teachers to enhance their gv`ªvmv wkÿKM‡Yi wkÿY `ÿZv e"w×i Rb¨ cÖwkÿY 1,484.00
teaching skills
7281-1113 Construction of Madrasa Education Building gv`ªvmv wkÿv feb wbg©vY 1,409.00
7281-5000 Establishment of multimedia classrooms in 653 †`‡ki 653wU gv`ªvmv gvwëwgwWqv K¬vmi“g ¯’vcb ¯’vcb 1,805.00
madrasas of the country
7281-5001 Establishment of Madrasah Educational gv`ªvmv wk¶v Awa`߇i gv`ªvmv GWz‡Kkb g¨v‡bR‡g›U GÛ 163.00
Management and Information System (MEMIS) Bbdi‡gkb wm‡÷g (GgBGgAvBGm) mv‡c©vU ¯’vcb
Support in the Directorate of Madrasah Education

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Security Services Division
Department of Prisons
7351-1111 The history of old Dhaka Central prison, the cyivZb XvKv ‡K›`ªxq KvivMvi Gi BwZnvm, HwZnvwmK feb 39,821.00
preservation of historical buildings and the msiÿY I cvwicvwk©¦K Dbœqb
surrounding development
7351-1112 Recconstruction of Comilla central jail Kzwgjøv †K›`ªxq KvivMvi cyb:wbg©vY 10,000.00
7351-1113 Construction of Narshingdi District Jail biwms`x †Rjv KvivMvi wbg©vY 12,000.00
7351-1114 Reconstruction of Jamalpur District Jail Rvgvjcyi †Rjv KvivMvi cyb: wbg©vY 9,500.00
7351-5000 Construction of Prison Training Academy, Rajshahi. Kviv cÖwkY GKv‡Wgx, ivRkvnx wbg©vY 1,500.00
7351-5001 Modernization of Prison Security. Kviv wbivcËv AvaywbKvqb| 1.00
7351-5007 Modernization and Expansion of Mymensingh gqgbwmsn †K›`ªxq KvivMvi m¤cÖmviY I AvaywbKxKiY 4,000.00
Central Prisoner
7351-5040 Transfer of Khulna District Prison House. Lyjbv †Rjv KvivMvi ¯’'vbvšZi| 7,500.00
Department of Fire Service and Civil Defence
7361-1112 Construction of 11 modern fire service & Civil 11wU gWvY© dvqvi mvwf©m I wmwfj wW‡dÝ †÷kb ¯n'vcb 17,500.00
7361-1114 Strengthening Ability of Fire Emergency Response ‡÷ªs‡`wbs GwewjwU Ae dvqvi Bgv‡R©wÝ †imcÝ (mvdvi) cÖ‡R 2,591.00
(Safar) Project ±
Department of Passport and Immigration
7375-1112 Introducing e-passports and automatic border evsjv‡`k B-cvm‡cvU© I ¯^qswµq eW©vi wbqšÎY e¨e¯n'vcbv 48,000.00
control management in Bangladesh cÖeZ©b
7375-5000 Construction of 17 regional passport office buildings. 17wU AvÂwjK cvm‡cvU© Awdm feb wbg©vY| 6,020.00

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List of Project in ADP 2022-23
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Health Education and Family Welfare Division
Ministry’s Own
7401-5000 Medical Education & Health Manpower Development‡gwW‡Kj GWz‡Kkb GÛ †nj_ g¨vbcvIqvi †W‡fjc‡g›U 28,189.00
(ME & HMD). (GgB GÛ GBPGgwW)|
7401-5001 Nursing and Midwifery Education Services (NMES). bvwm©s GÛ wgWIqvBdvwi GWz‡Kkb mvwf©‡mm (GbGgBGm)| 10,090.00
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
7405-1111 Electronic Data Tracking with Population-based B‡jKUªwbK WvUv UªvwKsmn RbmsL¨vwfwËK RivqygyL I ¯Zb 845.00
Cervical and Breast Cancer Screening Programme K¨vÝvi ¯Œxwbs Kg©m~wP
7405-1113 Establishment of Pediatric Cardiology and Pediatric e½eÜz †kL gywRe †gwWK¨vj wek¦we`¨vj‡q c~Y©v½ wkï 2,400.00
Cardiac Surgery Unit at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib KvwW©IjwR I wkï KvwW©qvK mvR©vwi BDwbU ¯'vcb
Medical University
7405-5000 Construction of Super Specialised Hospital under e½eÜz †kL gywRe †gwW‡Kj wek¦we`¨vjq (weGmGgGgBD) Gi 16,600.00
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Aax‡b mycvi †¯cwmqvjvDRW nmwcUvj ¯’vcb|
Department of Family Planning
7481-5000 Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation (PME) c­¨vwbs gwbUwis GÛ Bfvjy‡qkb | 384.00
7481-5002 Management Information System (MIS). g¨v‡bR‡g›U Bbdi‡gkb wm‡÷gm| 5,445.00
7481-5003 Procurement , Storage & Supply Management-FP. cÖwKDi‡g›U †÷v‡iR GÛ mvc­vBm g¨v‡bR‡g›U -Gdwc 3,645.00
7481-5004 Maternal Child Reproductive and Adolescent Health g¨vUvibvj PvBì wi‡cÖvWvKwUf GÛ G‡Wv‡jm‡m›U †nj_ 24,073.00
(MCRAH). (GgwmAviGGBP)|
7481-5005 Clinical Contraception Services Delivery wKwbK¨vj K›Uªv‡mckb mvwf©‡mm †Wwjfvix †cÖvMÖvg| 32,986.00
7481-5006 Family Planning Field Services Delivery (FPFSD). d¨vwgwj c­¨vwbs wdì mvwf©‡mm †Wwjfvix| 54,630.00
7481-5007 Information Education & Communication (IEC). Bbdi‡gkb, GWz‡Kkb GÛ KwgDwb‡Kkb AvBBwm)| 5,981.00
Other Family Welfare Facilities
7491-5000 Training , Research and Development (TRD). ‡Uªwbs wimvP© GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U (wUAviwW)| 5,590.00
Department of Health Services
7411-6800 Establishment of Shahid Tajuddin Ahmad Medical knx` ZvRDwÏb Avn‡g` †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I nvmcvZvj, 20,928.00
college and Hospital, Gazipur MvRxcyi ¯’vcb (16201-224216800)
Bangladesh Medical Research Council
7405-1112 Establishment of National Cellular and Molecular e½gvZv b¨vkbvj †mj~jvi GÛ gwjKzjvi wimvP© †m›Uvi ¯n'vcb 38,074.00
Research Centre
Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons (BCPS)
7405-1114 Modernization and expansion of Bangladesh Collegeevsjv‡`k K‡jR Ae wdwRwkqvbm&& GÛ mvR©bm&& Gi AvaywbKvqb 6,283.00
of Physicians and Surgeons Ges m¤úªmviY
Sheikh Hasina Medical University, Khulna
7405-1115 Establishment of Sheikh Hasina Medical University, ‡kL nvwmbv †gwW‡Kj wek¦we`¨vjq ¯'vcb, Lyjbv Gi m¤¢ve¨Zv 1.00
conducting feasibility study of Khulna mgxÿv cwiPvjb

Total Number of Projects 1,497 ADP Total: 25,097,318.00

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