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The graph illustrates the paper and packaging, wood pulp and sawn-wood production in England

between 1980 and 2000.

It can be seen that for all categories the overall trend was downward with the exception of paper
and packaging production. In addition, the figure for paper and packaging was highest the entire
time, followed closely by wood pulp.

Looking at the graph for more detail, there was a steady fall in the sawn-wood production in the
first 10 years from 200 million to 150 million tonnes, and continued to decrease to about 145
million tonnes at the end of the period. Similarly, that of the Wood Pulp witnessed a marginal
decline by 3 million tonnes from 153 million tonnes in the first year before slightly recovering to
151 million tonnes in 2000.

By contrast, after rising slowly from 240 million to 250 million tonnes between 1980 and 1990,
the figure for Paper and Packaging rose more dramatically to about 350 million tonnes at the end
of the period to become the highest in the chart.

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