Lecture 5

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Lecture 5

Wednesday, 4 October 2023 2:42 pm

Project tips
- Need to show why you use that transcript if you choose a political speech

Exam tips
- Goffman's concepts
- Traditional vs alternative
- Text based no diagrams
- Anything in compulsory reading and slides are examinable
- Diff between the diff codes
- What is the def of oppositional and negotiated code

Race in the media

- Marked
○ Ethnic minority
- Unmarked
○ Ethnic majority or white people
- Nationhood
○ Ethnicity and race are bound up with ideas of nationhood
○ National identity often related to ethnic majority
- Racism: the everyday, mundane, negative opinion, attitudes and ideologies and the
seemingly subtle acts and conditions of discrimination (van dijk)
- Racial discourse premised on 'us' vs 'them' differentiations
○ Them: difference, deviance (diff in a bad way), threat
- Denial of racism

Sexism in the media

Hall's encoding and decoding model

- To analyse tv news media
- How we understand media will be diff to what creators want us to understand
- Encoder: who produce the media
- Decoder: who views the media
- Encoder vs decoder views -- 3 diff interpretive codes
○ Dominant: both same meaning
○ Negotiated: acknowledges part of the meaning, but challenges parts of it
○ Oppositional: the decoder rejects the meaning and constructs their own
understanding and interpretation

Van Dijk's model of news discourse

- Consider how news is produced and understood; Explore how media portray diff things
and the social theory behind it
- Aspects:
○ word choice, sentence structure
how is drama and danger constructed
Lecture 5 Page 1
○ how is drama and danger constructed
○ what are the different steps of the story and how they are presented
○ the headline and who wrote it
○ what is the purpose of the story
Ideologies are tied to the identities and interests of a particular gp
- Consider:
○ membership (who is part of the group)
○ activities (what does the group do)
○ goals(why do they do it)
○ values (how should they do it)
○ position (diff between our group and others)

5 features and what they tell of power relations

Lecture 5 Page 2

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