Lecture 1

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Lecture 1


- The abstract set of patterns and rules that operate simultaneously at diff levels in the
system (grammatical, semantic, phonological)

Project t

Wednesday, 6 September 2023 2:51 pm

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Play video of officer interrogating teenager_ Lesson discussions

Critical discourse studies

- Approach to study language that focuses on language, power and ideology

Micro (la


- Way and means through which we communicate with one another (not restricted to
what we say e.g. sign language)

Meso (in

How can we see language being used in relation to power in this context?

Lecture 1 Page 1
Meso (in

How can we see language being used in relation to power in this context?

- Critical lens-> do not be neutral, pick apart what is normal

and its p

- Components: grammar, meaning, sound, gesture

Macro: s

1. Suggestive language you understand right

○ 'understand, expose, and ultimately challenge social inequality

social co


- Traditionally/top down: People with more resources have more power-->as it gives them
status-->control, influence those with less power; control, influence, domination

2. Speed of the language is too fast-->Doesn't promote understanding

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Speed of the language is too fast-->Doesn't promote understanding

- Assumes that language reflects biased versions of reality and the dominant
ideologies and norms

- Alt view/Foucault's version: Power is not one-way, those below have the power to resist;
Power is constantly changing; negotiated, resistance, push-back,

○ reclamation=taking back control of words e.g. slut, queer ('the phenomenon of an

oppressed group repurposing language to its own ends)

3. Threatening tone+ language

4. Handcuffed--> already shaken before questioning

- Most CDA will ask questions about the way specific discourse(language)
structures are deployed in the reproduction of social dominance

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'the exercise of power is circulative, and its effect is always reciprocal


- Linking spoken language interactions and settings to 'the social' factors e.g.
culture, ethnicity and gender

Tangible vs intangible

Power and language:

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Power and language:

- Power can be shown through languages

- powerful people alter how others use language

- the weak could also use language to resist

- Think about how these impact language and interaction

Accents may reflect class and power



- Phonology

- The ways in which a person's beliefs, opinions and value systems intersect with the
broader social and political structures of the society in which they live

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- Morphology (word structure)

- Syntax (sentence structure)

- Semantics (meaning)

- Belief systems or ways of thinking and viewing the world around us

Language used in diff settings and actions

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Levels of analysis

- Language changes and mirrors our society and cultural worlds

Micro-> form conversations, texts, social media posts


- Word choice

e.g. the media, healthcare, law, politics, workplaces

- No. of interruptions

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- Colour of images

- Body position

Meso-> organisation and workplace

- Workplace policies

- Structure and hierarchy

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Macro-> norms, society culture

- Patriarchy

- White supremacy

- heteronormativity

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