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CH4 Physical education and sports for CWSN

A disability is a restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within

the range considered normal for a human being.
It is an impairment that may be cognitive, developmental, intellectual, mental, physical,
It is an injury that restricts the functions or movements of an individual.
It may be present in an individual from birth or occur during one's lifetime.



1) Special Olympics

Started by Eunice Kennedy Shriver (Sister of John F. Kennedy, the former president of
She believed that with equal opportunities and experiences as anyone else, people with
special needs could compete far more than ever
thought possible.
She started a day camp for children with intellectual disabilities at her home.
She invested a lot of efforts to start these games.

First Special Olympics -

July 1968 in Chicago

In 1971, US Olympic Committee gave the Special Olympics' official approval to use the
name 'Olympics'.

Year of Special Olympics- 1986

In 1988, the Special Olympics were officially organised by International Olympic


The Special Olympics logo-
based on the sculpture "Joy and Happiness to All the Children of the World".

The logo is a symbol of growth, confidence and joy among children and adults with
disabilities who are learning coordination, mastering skills, participating in competitions
and preparing themselves for richer and more productive lives.

Special Olympic Flame

The "Flame of Hope" is the name given to the torch that is carried to and lit at Special
Olympic Games. 1/9
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2) Paralympic Games-:
Paralympic Games are a major international multi-sport events for the athletes with
various disabilities.
Paralympic Games are held every four years following the Olympic Games.

Governed by the International Paralympic Committee.

The first Paralympic Games- 1960 in Rome.

The 'Paralympic' word was used officially in 1988 Summer Olympic Games held in Seoul.
First Winter Paralympic Games- 1976 in Sweden.

International Paralympic Committee-:

Established on 22 September, 1989.
Headquarter is in Bonn (Germany).
Global governing body of the Paralympic movement.
The International Paralympic Committee organises the Summer and Winter Paralympic
It also serves as the International Federation for nine sports.

Vision of paralympic commitee-

To enable Paralympic athletes to achieve sporting excellence and inspire and excite the
Main aim of paralympic commitee -
Develop sports opportunities for all the people with an impairment from the beginner to
the elite level.

Categories of Disability
Physical, visual and intellectual impairment. 2/9
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Occasionally, they were also referred to as the "World Silent Games".
Since 2001, these games are known as "Deaflympics".

World's second oldest multiple sports after Olympics.

World's fastest growing sports events.
Earlier, the Deaflympics used to be called World Games for the Deaf.
The Deaflympics are an International Olympic Committee-sanctioned event in which
deaf athletes compete at an elite level.

The starter's gun, bull horn commands or referee whistles are not used as seen in the
Olympics, the Paralympics and the Special Olympics. Flags or any visual signal are used to
alert the participants.

The Deaflympics are held once in four years.

The First Games- Paris (France) in 1924, were also the first ever international sporting
event for athletes with a disability.
Deaflympic Winter Games started in 1949.

From 1924 to 1965, these games were officially called the "International Games for the
Deaf" and sometimes these games were called the "International Silent Games.

" From 1966 to 1999 they were called the "World Games for the Deaf".

The motto of Deaflympics is "equality through sports".

Main purpose of Deaflympics is to provide opportunities to persons with hearing

disability to participate in elite sports.

The athletes who have a hearing loss of at least 55 decibels in their better ear are allowed
to participate in Deaflympics.

Hearing aid, cochlear implants, etc., are not allowed to be used in the competition. 3/9
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Concept of classification and divisioning in sports

Main purpose-
Provide equal and fair competition to the athlete/sportspersons with various types of

Classification is a process of grouping related to Paralympics and Para-athletes.
The classification process provides categories to athletes or sportspersons based on
different types of disabilities.

Divisioning is a process of grouping related to Special Olympics.
It is a performance-based system of grouping of athletes/sportspersons.
It is based on their level of skill.
Special Olympics uses "divisioning" to structure
competitions so that athletes compete with other athletes of similar ability in equitable
All these athletes of all ability levels are encouraged to participate in Special Olympics.

Divisioning process for Special Olympics-

Step 1
Divide athletes by gender.

Step 2
Divide athletes by age.

Step 3
Divide athlete by their skill ability scores which are recorded by A committee through preliminary and at the
site of events. 4/9
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Classification in Paralympics-
Governed by International Paralympic Committee (IPC).
Classification in Paralympics is performed as per the rules and regulations of
International Paralympic Committee.
The Classification is used to decide which athletes are eligible to compete in each of
sports. Each athlete competing at paralympics goes through an evaluation conducted by
officials called "Classifiers". They are appointed by the International Governing Body.

Process of Classification-It is a long term process which takes place at all major-events,
before and during competition.
There are various steps which are involved in the process of classification.
FIRST STEP-Determine whether the athlete has an eligible impairment or not.

Eligible Impairments in Paralympics for Classification-:

These impairments must be permanent in nature.
Eligible Impairments, which are recognized by International Paralympic Committee (IPC)
These impairments can be divided into 10 eligible impairment-

i)Impaired muscle power:

Reduced force generate by muscles or group of muscles.
ii)Impaired passive range of movement:
Limitation or restriction in movement of one or more joints.
iii)Loss of limb or Limb deficiency:
Total or partial absence of bones or joints as a consequence of trauma, illness or
congenital Limb deficiency.
iv)Leg length difference
Difference in the length of legs due to a disturbance in Limb growth or as a result of
v)Short stature:
Reduce length in the bones of the lower limb or trunk.
Abnormal increase in muscle tension and reduced ability of a muscle to stretch caused by
damage to the central nervous system.
Lack of coordination of muscle movements
Caused by damaged to the central nervous system.
Continuous slow involuntary movements.
ix)Visual impairment:
Reduce or no vision caused by damaged to the eye structure, optical nerve or optical
Pathways or visual cortex of the brain.
x)Intellectual impairment:
Restriction or limitation in intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviour which affects
conceptual, social and practical adaptive skills required for everyday life. 5/9
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Second step-
Functional assessment which includes
First observing and athlete in training
Second observing and athlete in competition

Third step-
To decide athlete sports class.

Sports classes based on the level of impairment-

F 11- 13
Visual impairment

F 20
Intellectual impairment

F 31-34
Wheelchair for athletes with movement disorder.

F 40-41
Short stature

F 42-44
Leg impairment

F 51-57
Wheelchair events with a lower body impairment.

T 33-34 and T 51-54

Wheelchair racing 6/9
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Concept of inclusion-
Approach to educate both normal and students with disabilities or with special
educational needs together.
It bring all students together in one class and community

Inclusion in sports-
Students with disabilities to participate in all the activities.
Students with special needs to get equal chance to participate in all the activities.
Learn the same curriculum just like other students.
Idea of Breaking Down these barriers so that all the CWSN have equal chance to take
part in programmes of physical education and sports regardless of the disability.

Needs of inclusive education-

1. For self esteem
2. For better social skills and communication
3. For better sense of belongingness
4. Higher academic achievement
5. For improvement in motor skills
6. For improving physical fitness
7. For personal growth
8. For friendship and socialization

Implementation of inclusive education in India-

Government of India should emphasize on the following measures for effective
implementation of inclusive education -
Right to education to be made effective in all.
Differently able students should be treated equally as normal students.
Parents should be taken as a resource and be involved in decision making process to
enhance their child's learning.
Regular analysis of schools curriculum and amenities are to be done to developer support
team to give access to the regular curriculum methods to children with difficulties in
Inclusive education should be flexible.
A school should form a support team to develop strategies for the whole School to meet
the requirements of students with special educational needs.
Teachers should be trained well so they are equipped with the required knowledge to
teach children with special needs. 7/9
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Advantages of physical activities for children with special need-

1)Physical improvements:
Involvement in physical activities can help individuals to develop fundamental motor and
physical fitness skills
Improves level of well being and Physical health.

2)Mental improvements:
Improve general mode and Wellness.

3)Self esteem:
Interaction and environment with other students in physical activity gives a sense of
accomplishment and confidence.

4)Reduces the level of anxiety stress and depression:

Physical activities help in level of anxiety stress depression.

5)Cognitive benefits:
Social relations are developed during environment in physical activities.

6)Better emotional and psychological health:

Physical activities help in improving emotional and psychological health.

7)Reduces risk of health competitions:

Physical activities reduce or decrease risk of various health complications like high BP
diabetes. 8/9
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Strategies to make physical activities accessible for children with special needs-:

1)Medical checkup:
Understanding the type of disabilities of the children
One of the most important step.

2)Equipments should be according to the needs of children:

These equipments should wear inside shape colour and weight

3)Specific environment:
Area should be Limited as movement capabilities of CWSN are Limited.

4)Rules should be modified according to the needs of children with disabilities:

They can be provided extra attempt or time to perform a physical activity
Can also be given additional resting time

5)Different instructional strategies should be used:

Different instructional strategy such as verbal visual and fear teaching should be used.

6)Children's previous experience must be taken into consideration:

Comprehensive understanding & knowledge of children's previous experiences. 9/9

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