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Major: E-commerce



Group: 3
Group Members:
Nguyễn Nhật Mai 2111110178
Kiều Ngọc Dung 2113150014
Dương Lâm Tuấn Anh 2112150009
Nguyễn Đặng Nhật Minh 2119090015
Ngô Hoàng Minh 2113150045
Class: TMAE306 1.2
Instructor: Dr. Nguyen Thi Hong Van

Hanoi, September 2023

CHAPTER 1: ABOUT OUR BUSINESS..................................................................................4
1. Business Overview...........................................................................................................4
2. Business Model Analysis.................................................................................................4
2.1. 8 Key Elements of Business Model..........................................................................4
2.2. SWOT Analysis........................................................................................................6
2.3. Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis........................................................................................8
3. Brand Identity Design......................................................................................................9
CHAPTER 2: MARKET ANALYSIS......................................................................................14
1. Target Customer.............................................................................................................14
2. Competitors Analysis.....................................................................................................15
CHAPTER 3: PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT..........................................................................18
1. Product Portfolio............................................................................................................18
2. Unique Selling Propositions..........................................................................................26
CHAPTER 4: MARKETING AND SALES PLAN.................................................................27
1. Objectives......................................................................................................................27
2. Marketing Mix (7Ps)......................................................................................................28
CHAPTER 4: FINANCIAL PLAN..........................................................................................35
CHAPTER 5: WEB PRESENCES...........................................................................................37
1. Gmail..............................................................................................................................37
2. Website..........................................................................................................................38
3. Facebook........................................................................................................................48
4. YouTube........................................................................................................................52
5. Instagram........................................................................................................................58
6. TikTok............................................................................................................................62
7. Pinterest..........................................................................................................................65
8. LinkedIn.........................................................................................................................70
9. Twitter............................................................................................................................74
CHAPTER 6: LIMITATIONS.................................................................................................77
CHAPTER 7: WORK EVALUATION....................................................................................80
E-commerce (electronic commerce) refers to the buying and selling of goods
and services over the internet. It involves conducting business transactions
online, which eliminates the need for physical storefronts and allows businesses
to reach a global customer base. E-commerce has become increasingly popular
and has revolutionized the way people shop, offering convenience, wider
product selection, and competitive pricing.
As technology continues to evolve, e-commerce is expected to further shape the
retail industry, with advancements in mobile commerce (m-commerce), social
commerce, and the integration of emerging technologies like artificial
intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR). Whether you're a consumer looking
for convenience or a business seeking to expand your reach, understanding e-
commerce and its potential is essential in today's digital age.
Therefore, our group has built up this e-commerce project: “Skinature - An
Organic Cosmetic E-commerce Company”. This report explores the journey of
Skinature - an e-commerce company specializing in organic skincare and beauty
products and aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of Skinature's e-
commerce operations, including its business model, target market, competitive
landscape, marketing strategies, and growth prospects.
1. Business Overview
Skinature - “Where Beauty Meets Nature”

Skinature is a premier e-commerce platform located in Hanoi, Vietnam,

dedicated to providing individuals with a holistic approach to beauty. We
specialize in offering a wide range of organic cosmetic products that enable our
customers to enhance their beauty naturally and maintain their health and well-
being. At Skinature, we believe that beauty should be nurtured, not
compromised, and we're committed to helping our customers achieve their
desired look while promoting a healthier lifestyle.

Our vision at Skinature is to become the go-to destination for individuals

seeking natural and organic beauty solutions. We aim to empower our customers
to embrace their unique beauty, offering a curated selection of products that are
not only effective but also environmentally conscious.

Skinature is not just an e-commerce platform; it's a commitment to a natural,

healthy, and sustainable approach to beauty. We invite you to embark on your
journey to natural beauty with us, explore our carefully curated product range,
and experience the transformative power of organic cosmetics. Join us in
embracing beauty that not only enhances your appearance but also nourishes
your body and supports a healthier planet.
2. Business Model Analysis
2.1. 8 Key Elements of Business Model
2.1.1. Value Proposition:
Skinature offers a curated selection of organic cosmetic products that
promote natural beauty and overall well-being. We provide high-quality,
environmentally-friendly beauty solutions that prioritize the health and beauty of
our customers.

2.1.2. Revenue Model:

Our primary revenue source is product sales through our e-commerce
platform. We also generate income through subscription-based services offering
exclusive product access and discounts.

2.1.3. Market Opportunity:

The market opportunity for Skinature is driven by the increasing demand
for organic and natural cosmetic products among health-conscious consumers in
Hanoi, Vietnam. This demand is fueled by a growing awareness of the benefits
of organic beauty solutions.

2.1.4. Competitive Environment:

Skinature operates in a competitive landscape with other e-commerce
platforms, both local and international, offering cosmetic products. The market
also includes traditional brick-and-mortar beauty stores and multi-brand
retailers. Specifically, the organic cosmetics market is a new and growing
market, attracting a great number of newcomers, since the market’s entry
barriers are considerably low.

2.1.5. Competitive Advantage:

Skinature's competitive advantage lies in its focus on organic and
sustainable beauty products, offering customers a unique and health-conscious
choice. We curate products from quality-verified manufacturers, emphasizing
quality and eco-consciousness.

2.1.6. Market Strategy: Our market strategy includes:

● Building a strong online presence through effective digital marketing and
● Collaborating with influencers and beauty experts to reach a wider
● Offering personalized customer support and loyalty programs to retain
● Continuously expanding our product range to meet evolving customer

These marketing strategies will be further explained in the following sections of

this report.

2.1.7. Organization Development

● Scalability: As the business grows, organization development involves
planning for scalability. This may include expanding the team, optimizing
processes, and adopting scalable technologies to support increased
● Adaptability: Skinature remains flexible and adaptable in response to
market changes and customer preferences. This includes the ability to
pivot product offerings, marketing strategies, and operational processes as

2.1.8. Organization Structure:

Figure 1. The Organizational Structure of Skinature

2.2. SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

● Growing demand for organic ● Limited consumer trust: Due to

products: The increasing the young nature of the Vietnamese
awareness and preference for cosmetics market and the
organic and natural products offer a dominance of foreign brands, local
great opportunity for an e- consumers may have limited trust
commerce shop specializing in in domestic e-commerce shops.
organic cosmetics in Vietnam. Building and maintaining trust can
Consumers are becoming more be a challenge for an organic
conscious about the ingredients in cosmetics shop in such a
their skincare and beauty products, competitive market.
making a dedicated organic ● Pricing pressure: As mentioned
cosmetics shop appealing. earlier, domestic brands in Vietnam
● Wide reach and accessibility: mainly focus on affordable, lower-
Operating online allows the e- end products that can compete on
commerce shop to reach a broader price. This could put pressure on an
customer base, both within Vietnam e-commerce shop selling organic
and internationally. This provides cosmetics to offer competitive
an advantage over physical stores prices while still maintaining
that have limited geographic reach. profitability.
● Cost-effective operation: ● Quality control: Maintaining
Compared to traditional brick-and- consistent product quality can be a
mortar stores, running an e- challenge, especially when dealing
commerce shop has lower overhead with organic cosmetics. Ensuring
costs. It eliminates the need for a that the products are genuine, safe,
physical storefront, reduces rental and meet customer expectations
expenses, and reduces the need for requires rigorous quality control
a large workforce. measures.
● Convenience and convenience: ● Online competition: There is
Customers can conveniently browse intense competition in the e-
and purchase organic cosmetics commerce space in Vietnam, and
products online, saving time and the organic cosmetics segment is no
effort compared to visiting physical exception. Competing against well-
stores. Additionally, the availability established e-commerce platforms
of delivery options with doorstep and other online retailers can make
delivery further enhances it difficult for a new e-commerce
convenience and customer shop to gain visibility and attract
satisfaction. customers.
● Targeted marketing and ● Limited financial resources:
customer engagement: E- financial resources plays a crucial
commerce platforms provide role in the success of any e-
advanced analytics and customer commerce shop. However, limited
data, enabling targeted marketing financial resources may pose a
strategies. This allows the shop to challenge for a new shop,
personalize promotions, discounts, especially when competing against
and recommendations to individual larger, well-funded competitors.
customers, enhancing customer ● Regulatory compliance:
engagement and improving Complying with regulations related
conversion rates. to product labeling, ingredient
● Flexibility and scalability: Online listing, and other legal requirements
platforms provide flexibility in can be a challenge for an e-
terms of inventory management and commerce shop selling organic
product range. It allows for quick cosmetics products. Ensuring
additions or adjustments to the compliance with applicable laws
product offerings. Moreover, with and regulations is essential to avoid
the right strategies and scalability, legal issues and maintain customer
an e-commerce shop can easily trust.
expand its operations to cater to
increasing customer demand.

Opportunities Threats

● Expanding middle class with ● Competition from established

increasing disposable income: players in the cosmetics industry:
With a growing middle class and The cosmetics market in Vietnam is
increasing disposable income in highly competitive, with many
Vietnam, there is an opportunity for established players dominating the
organic cosmetics to gain industry. Organic cosmetic brands
popularity. The middle class has may face strong competition from
more purchasing power and is these established brands, which
willing to spend on high-quality already have brand recognition and
and eco-friendly products. market share.
● Growing interest in wellness and ● Potential for regulatory changes:
self-care: Vietnamese consumers There is a possibility of regulatory
are showing an increased interest in changes in Vietnam, which could
wellness and self-care. This shift impact the production and
towards a healthier lifestyle marketing of organic cosmetics.
presents an opportunity for organic New regulations or stricter
cosmetics to cater to this demand requirements for certifications
and promote their products as part could increase compliance costs
of a holistic wellness routine. and affect the business operations
● The growth of the global organic of organic cosmetics companies.
cosmetics market: the global
Organic Cosmetics market size was
valued at USD 10956.79 million in
2022 and is expected to expand at a
CAGR of 9.65% during the forecast
period, reaching USD 19043.96
million by 2028.

2.3. Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis

2.3.1. Threat of New Entrants (Low to Moderate):
● Barrier to Entry: Although the market is considerably new, there is a great
number of newcomers in addition to 2 well established brands in the
market. Therefore establishing an e-commerce platform like Skinature
may require a significant initial investment in website development,
sourcing organic products manufacturers , and building a customer base. -
> The Threat of New Entrants is not high, but is considerable.

● Branding and Trust: The market's existing products emphasis on quality,

sustainability, and customer trust, which may make it challenging for new
entrants like Skinature to compete effectively.

2.3.2. Bargaining Power of Suppliers (Moderate):

● Multiple Suppliers: Skinature collaborates with multiple organic cosmetic
product suppliers, reducing dependency on any single supplier.
● Supplier Switching Costs: As an e-commerce platform, Skinature can
potentially switch suppliers more easily than brick-and-mortar stores,
giving it some negotiation power.

2.3.3. Bargaining Power of Buyers (Moderate-High):

● Many Alternatives: Buyers in the cosmetics industry often have numerous
alternatives and can easily switch between brands and products.

● Price Sensitivity: Buyers may be price-sensitive and seek competitive

prices and promotions, potentially limiting profit margins.

2.3.4. Threat of Substitutes (Moderate):

● Natural and Organic Trend: The growing preference for natural and
organic beauty products may reduce the threat of substitutes, as Skinature
caters to this specific demand.

● Potential Substitutes: However, there are still non-organic cosmetic

alternatives available in the market, which can be considered substitutes.

2.3.5. Competitive Rivalry (High):

● Intense Competition: The beauty and cosmetics industry is highly
competitive, with numerous local and international brands vying for
market share.

3. Brand Identity Design

- Color pallette:

The choice of Skinature's color palette, which includes #FAF1E4,

#CEDEDB, #9EB384, and #435334, can be justified for several reasons:

- Natural and Organic Aesthetic: The colors in this palette, such as

#9EB384 (a soft green) and #435334 (a deep green), evoke the
imagery of nature. These shades are often associated with organic
and natural products, aligning well with a brand focused on
skincare and beauty products with natural ingredients.
- Soft and Calming: The use of #FAF1E4 (a pale peach) and
#CEDEDB (a light grayish-blue) adds a soft and calming quality to
the palette. These colors can create a soothing and gentle
impression, which is ideal for a brand that promotes skincare and
- Eco-Friendly Impression: The palette's earthy tones, particularly the
greens and grays, convey an eco-friendly and sustainable image.
These colors suggest an environmentally conscious approach,
appealing to consumers who prioritize eco-friendly products.
- Versatile Branding: The combination of these colors allows for
versatility in branding. The soft and natural hues can be used for
both product packaging and website design, creating a consistent
and harmonious brand identity across various touchpoints.
- Gender-Neutral: The palette avoids overly feminine or masculine
colors, making it more inclusive and suitable for a diverse target
audience. This inclusivity can broaden the brand's appeal.
- High Contrast for Readability: The contrast between the light
background color (#FAF1E4) and darker text or graphics
(#435334) ensures good readability and accessibility on the website
and marketing materials.
- Timelessness: The colors chosen are relatively timeless and less
likely to go out of style. This can contribute to a lasting and
enduring brand identity.

In summary, Skinature's color palette selection is well-suited for a skincare and

beauty brand that emphasizes natural, soothing, and eco-friendly products. It
creates a versatile, gender-neutral, and timeless brand identity that resonates
with the brand's values and target audience.

Figure 2: Color Pallete

- Logo:

The choice of Skinature's logo, which combines a female face with elements of
leaves and vines, along with the word "Skinature" underneath, is well-founded
for several compelling reasons:
- Reflects Natural and Organic Values: The integration of leaves and
vines into the logo design conveys a strong association with nature
and organic ingredients. This aligns perfectly with Skinature's
commitment to providing natural and eco-friendly skincare and
beauty products.
- Feminine and Empowering: The inclusion of a female face in the
logo adds a feminine touch while empowering women to embrace
their natural beauty. It communicates that Skinature's products
enhance and celebrate the natural beauty of all individuals.
- Visual Identity: A logo is a visual representation of a brand's
identity, and this logo effectively captures Skinature's essence. It
communicates the brand's core values and mission in a visually
appealing and memorable way.
- Uniqueness and Recognition: The unique combination of elements
in the logo sets Skinature apart from competitors. It creates a
distinctive and memorable visual identity that customers can easily
recognize and associate with the brand.
- Emphasizes Skin Wellness: The female face in the logo emphasizes
skincare and beauty while the leaves and vines suggest wellness
and rejuvenation. This holistic approach signals that Skinature is
not just about cosmetics but also about nurturing and caring for the
- Versatile Design: The logo's design is versatile and can be used
across various marketing materials, from product packaging to
websites and social media profiles. It maintains its impact and
recognizability in different contexts and sizes.
- Brand Consistency: The logo ensures consistency in the brand's
visual identity. It can be incorporated seamlessly into all branding
efforts, providing a unified and professional appearance.
- Emotional Connection: The design of the logo has the potential to
evoke positive emotions related to natural beauty, wellness, and
self-care. This emotional connection can help customers relate to
the brand on a deeper level.
- Timelessness: The elements of nature and beauty in the logo design
are timeless and unlikely to become outdated. This means the logo
can serve the brand well for many years, ensuring brand continuity.
Figure 3: Skinature Logo

- Brand’s Design Principles and Guidelines, and Main Cover:

The choice of Skinature's cover design, featuring a subtle gradient background

from #FAF1E4 to #CEDEBD, with the "Skinature" text gently embedded in the
center and surrounded by the brand's products, reflects a deliberate design
approach with several meaningful reasons:

- Elegant Typography: Select polished and exceptionally legible fonts for

headings and body text to maintain a professional and refined look. When
it comes to communication design, reliable options encompass ‘Mija’ and
‘Montserrat’, both of which are Sans-Serif fonts known for their
contemporary and expressive qualities. For website design, the choice is
‘Fraunces’ and ‘Playfair Display’, as Serif fonts, to infuse a sense of
sophistication and elegance.
- Product-Centric Focus: Placing the brand's products surrounding the
central "Skinature" text underscores the company's primary focus on its
skincare and beauty offerings. This design approach immediately
communicates the core essence of the brand to the audience.
- Subtle Elegance: The gentle embedding of the "Skinature" text into the
background creates an elegant and understated appearance. It avoids
excessive prominence and aligns with the brand's commitment to
providing natural and subtle beauty solutions.
- Branding Continuity: The presence of the brand's name on the cover
ensures brand continuity and consistency across various marketing
materials. It reinforces brand recognition and recall among existing and
potential customers.
- Visual Harmony: The gradient background from #FAF1E4 to #CEDEBD
blends harmoniously with the overall design, creating a soothing and
calming visual experience. This complements Skinature's brand identity,
which emphasizes natural and calming skincare.
- Professional Aesthetic: The cover design exudes professionalism and
sophistication, aligning with Skinature's commitment to high-quality and
trusted skincare products. It assures customers of the brand's credibility
and dedication.
- Uniqueness: The specific combination of the gradient background,
embedded text, and product arrangement creates a unique and easily
recognizable visual signature for Skinature. This uniqueness sets the
brand apart from competitors.
- Versatility: The design's versatility allows it to be adapted for various
promotional materials, including social media banners, website headers,
and print materials. This ensures consistent branding across all
- Timelessness: The design's simplicity and focus on products and brand
name make it timeless and less susceptible to design trends. It ensures that
the cover remains relevant and appealing over the long term.

In conclusion, Skinature's cover design, with its gradient background and subtle
"Skinature" text embedded amidst the brand's products, is a strategic choice that
effectively communicates the brand's core values, product-centric focus, and
commitment to understated elegance in the skincare and beauty industry.

Figure 4: Skinature Cover

1. Target Customer
1.1. Demographics: Skinnature aims to target individuals who are beauty
enthusiasts passionate about natural beauty and skincare, with the following

● Gender: Women.
● Age: 16 to 40.
● Income levels: 7.000.000 VND to 15.000.000 VND per month.

1.2. Geographic Location: Primarily 4 cities: Ha Noi, Hai Phong, Da

Nang and Ho Chi Minh. These cities are witnessing a substantial surge in the
demand for cosmetic products, and this market is experiencing steady and
continuous growth. This burgeoning demand in these cities is driven by evolving
beauty trends and a growing awareness of skincare and self-care routines. As
consumers increasingly prioritize their appearance and well-being, the cosmetic
industry in these areas is poised for further expansion

1.3. Psychographics: The customers of this market tend to prioritize

environmental sustainability, health and wellness, ingredient awareness, ethical
values, minimalism, self-care, and a holistic approach to beauty.

1.4. Customer Insight:

We have used the Truth - Tension - Motivation Model to analyze Customer


● Truth: Skinature Vietnam is an online organic cosmetic shop that offers a

wide range of natural and chemical-free beauty products.
● Tension: Customers are increasingly concerned about the potential
harmful effects of synthetic ingredients found in conventional cosmetics.
They are seeking safer alternatives that prioritize their health and the
● Motivation: Skinature Vietnam provides customers with high-quality
organic cosmetics that are free from harmful chemicals and made from
natural ingredients. By using these products, customers can take care of
their skin without compromising their health or the planet.

Through Skinature Vietnam, customers can enjoy the benefits of using organic
cosmetics, which include nourishing and rejuvenating the skin, while also
supporting sustainable and ethical practices. By making a conscious choice to
shop at Skinature Vietnam, customers can align their beauty routine with their
values and contribute to a healthier and more sustainable future.

Overall, Skinature Vietnam aims to empower customers to make informed

choices about their skincare by providing them with organic cosmetic options
that are safe, effective, and environmentally friendly.

2. Competitors Analysis
2.1. Competitor’s Branding analysis:

Main sale
Name Type Target audience Base at

- Women at the age of 16

Direct to 40
Cỏ mềm Hanoi City Offline Stores
competition - Middle class to Upper
(35 sites)

- Women at the age of 16

Direct to 40 Shopee
Cocoon HCM City
competition - Middle class to Upper Lazada

The - Women at the age of 16
Direct Lazada (no
Naturfar to 40 HCM City
competition official store,
m - Lower to middle class
products only)

- Women at the age of 16 Shopee

Grace and Indirect to 40
HCM City
Glow competition - Middle class to Upper

- Women at the age of 16

Skinlosop Indirect
to 40 Hanoi City Shopee
hy competition
- Upper class

Most competitors of this market are newcomers, the only two established
players are “Cỏ mềm” and “Cocoon”. The market players share the same
targeted age and gender demographic, which are women from the age of 16 to
40. Almost every competitor has an established ecommerce presence on Shopee
and Lazada, which is understandable since these are the 2 current biggest
ecommerce platforms in Vietnam.

2.2. Competitor’s Product analysis:

No. of
Name Product Type of products Best seller Price range

- For lipstick
- Lipstick products: 100.000 -
- Body care such as - Soap 200.000 VND
sunscreen, face wash, - For body care
- Lipstick
Cỏ mềm 199 body wash, soap, products: 100.000 -
powdered mask, - Face 300.000 VND
deodorant Cleanser
- For make up
- Skin care products: 100.000

- For body care:

150.000 - 300.000
- Squash
- Hair care - For lipstick
- Body care products: 80.000 -
Cocoon 130 - Exfoliating
- Facial skin care 110.000 VND
- Lipsticks - For hair care and
- Hair Gel
skin care products:
100.000 - 250.000

The 384 - Powder made from - Shaving - For powder

Naturfar natural resources, made Wax (150.9k products: 5.000 -
m to apply as a mask for sales) 8.000 VND per 15g
facial cleanse - Red Bean - For body care &
- Shaving Wax Powdered essential oil
- Bath and body care Mask (63.1l products: 80.000 -
such as body wash, soap, sales) 100.000 VND
body cream - For wax products:
- Essential oil 20.000 VND

Grace - Body wash Body Wash 90.000 - 120.000

and Glow - Hair care (114k sales) VND

- Hair care - Makeup

Skinloso 400.000 - 600.000
31 - Essential oil and serums remover
phy VND
- Body care - Sunscreen

The range of products and pricing varies greatly in this market, from products
that go as low as 20.000 VND to luxurious products starting from 400.000
VND. However, we can narrow down the market into 4 main types of products:
Body Skincare, Facial Skincare and Haircare. Skinature will also be developing
products in these 3 categories.
1. Product Portfolio
- Mockup of Our Products: Mockup Skinature
- Product Portfolio: we divided our products into 3 main categories:
+ Skincare Product Line
+ Bodycare Product Line
+ Haircare Product Line
Product Products Product information Price Size

Skincar Natural - Description: 145,000 125ml

e Cleansing Natural Cleansing Balm is a VND
Balm product that helps cleanse the
skin, remove makeup, dirt,
excess oil on the skin, unclog
pores, help maintain natural
moisture, for soft, bright skin.
clean. The product is suitable
for oily, acne-prone, sensitive
skin and can be used for both
eye and lip areas.
- Outstanding advantages:
+ Gotu kola extract: Helps
improve acne
inflammation and
moisturize the skin.
+ Hyaluronic acid and Aloe
Vera leaf extract: Helps
moisturize, reduce dry
skin, make skin smooth
and soft, improve skin
elasticity and increase the
ability to absorb other
+ Gluconolactone: Helps
improve skin acne (both
inflammatory and non-
inflammatory acne).
+ Tea tree essential oil:
Helps fight bacteria and
improve acne on the skin.
+ Turmeric essential oil:
Helps restore skin, fades
post-acne dark spots on
the skin.
+ Peg 8 Caprylic/Capric
Glycerides: Helps limit
redness and dry skin.

Natural - Description: 165,000 150ml

Cleanser Natural Cleanser has the ability VND
to clean the skin, unclog pores,
maintain the skin's natural
moisture, and make the skin
look brighter, cleaner, and
smoother. The product is loved
by many beauty enthusiasts
because of its ability to prevent
acne on the skin, suitable for
oily, acne-prone, and sensitive
- Outstanding advantages:
+ Gotu kola extract: Helps
improve acne
inflammation and
moisturize the skin.
+ Panthenol (Vitamin B5):
Helps speed up the
process of restoring
damaged skin and
moisturizing the skin.
+ Niacinamide (Vitamin
B3): Helps brighten the
skin, fades dark spots on
the skin, and helps
improve skin elasticity.
+ Succinic Acid: Helps
prevent the growth of
acne-causing bacteria on
the skin and improves
acne on the skin.
+ Tea tree essential oil:
Helps fight bacteria and
improve acne on the skin.
+ Turmeric essential oil:
Helps restore skin, fades
post-acne dark spots on
the skin.

Natural - Description: 195,000 150ml

Active Natural Active Toner is a toner VND
Toner product that helps moisturize
the skin, maintain natural pH,
contribute to soothing the skin,
cleansing the skin, shrinking
pores, making the skin soft and
smooth, and effectively
preventing acne on the skin. The
product is suitable for oily,
acne-prone and sensitive skin.
- Outstanding advantages:
+ Niacinamide (Vitamin
B3): Helps brighten the
skin, fades dark spots on
the skin, and helps
improve skin elasticity.
+ Gluconolactone: Helps
improve skin acne (both
inflammatory and non-
inflammatory acne)
+ Succinic Acid: Helps
prevent the growth of
acne-causing bacteria on
the skin and improves
acne on the skin.
+ Gotu kola extract: Helps
improve acne
inflammation and
moisturize the skin.
+ Tea tree essential oil:
Helps fight bacteria and
improve acne on the skin.
+ Turmeric essential oil:
Helps restore skin, fades
post-acne dark spots on
the skin.

Natural - Description: 325,000 50g

Oil-free Natural Oil-free Moisturizer VND
Moisturize helps moisturize the skin,
r prevent and reduce acne,
improve skin oiliness, make
skin soft and healthy, and
contribute to fading post-acne
dark spots on the skin.
- Outstanding advantages:
+ Gotu kola extract: Helps
improve acne
inflammation and
moisturize the skin.
+ Water lily extract: Helps
improve excess oil on the
+ Niacinamide (Vitamin
B3): Helps brighten the
skin, fades dark spots on
the skin, and helps
improve skin elasticity.
+ Tea tree essential oil:
Helps fight bacteria and
improve acne on the skin.
+ Turmeric essential oil:
Helps restore skin, fades
post-acne dark spots on
the skin.

Natural - Description: 195,000 180ml

Hydrating Natural Hydrating Mist is a VND
Mist product that helps moisturize
the skin, soothe and maintain
the skin's natural pH. Using
Natural Hydrating Mist helps
keep skin soft and healthy. The
product also contributes to
brightening the skin and
limiting premature skin aging.
- Outstanding advantages:
+ Gotu kola extract: Helps
improve acne
inflammation and
moisturize the skin.
+ Rosa Damascena Flower
Water: Helps brighten
skin and limit premature
skin aging.
+ Nano silver: Helps fight
bacteria and soothes the
+ Hydrolyzed sodium
hyaluronate: Helps
moisturize, reduce dry
skin, making skin smooth
and soft.
+ Propanediol: Helps
moisturize and soften
+ Allantoin: Soothes skin
and helps keep skin

Natural - Description: 265,000 60g

Sunscreen Natural Sunscreen is a VND
sunscreen product that helps
protect your skin from the
negative effects of ultraviolet
rays, giving you softer, healthier
skin while contributing to
limiting the aging process of
your skin and skin. Improves
oily and acne-prone skin
- Outstanding advantages:
+ Protect the skin: Natural
Sunscreen has a sun
protection index of SPF
60, PA++++, applied to
the skin daily to help
protect the skin from the
harmful effects of
ultraviolet rays.
+ Light, quickly absorbed:
Sunscreen has a light
cream texture, absorbs
quickly into the skin, is
not greasy and does not
leave white streaks on the
skin, does not cause
discomfort, maintains
moisture and softness for
the skin.
+ Helps skin become
brighter: After applying
sunscreen to the skin, it
will create a coating on
the skin's surface, helping
the skin become brighter
and giving the foundation
a soft and smooth finish.
+ Tea Tree essential oil:
The product contains Tea
Tree essential oil with
antibacterial activity to
help prevent acne and
tighten acne spots.
+ Ingredients safe for skin:
Natural Sunscreen
contains ingredients that
are safe for the skin and
should be used daily for
best results.

Bodycar Natural - Description: 195,000 250ml

e Showing Natural Showing Gel is a VND
Gel shower gel line that many
people choose to use because
the product helps gently cleanse
the skin, helps maintain skin
moisture, and makes the skin
look softer, smoother, and
brighter. This is a shower gel
line that can be used for
sensitive skin.
- Outstanding advantages:
+ Niacinamide, Rice Bran
Oil: Helps brighten skin
+ Soapberry fruit extract:
Has the ability to create
foam and gently cleanse
+ Glycerin: Helps
moisturize the skin
+ The product does not
contain Sulfate-based
foaming agents,
Parabens, Silicones and
synthetic colors.

Natural - Description: 165,000 150ml

Body Natural Body Lotion is a whole VND
Lotion body skincare product with the
effect of moisturizing the skin,
softening the skin, brightening
the skin, making the skin softer,
smoother, more evenly colored
and brighter. The product also
contributes to preventing skin
- Outstanding advantages:
+ Niacinamide (Vitamin
B3), Rice Bran Oil: Helps
brighten skin
+ Marula Oil, Shea Butter:
Helps moisturize the skin
+ The product does not
contain Sulfate, Paraben
and Silicon-based
foaming agents.

Haircar Natural - Description: 325,000 300g

e Shampoo With extracts from Bodhi and VND
traditional herbs and natural
active ingredients, Natural
Shampoo helps clean hair and
scalp, preventing and improving
hair condition such as dandruff,
breakage, and split ends. The
product can be used for
pregnant mothers and people
with sensitive scalps.
- Outstanding advantages:
+ Soapberry, Soapnut,
Five-Colored Grass:
Contains saponin to help
create natural foam and
clean dandruff
+ Tulsi and Betel Grass:
Clean dandruff, prevent
hair loss
+ Grapefruit peel essential
oil: Contributes to
preventing hair loss
+ Tang leucorrhea:
Prevents hair loss
+ Lemongrass essential oil:
Has a gentle fragrance,
helping to bring a
relaxing feeling when
+ Avocado oil: Contains
lots of vitamins A, C, D,
E and is a great
supplement for dry hair,
restores damaged hair,
and keeps hair soft,
smooth, and strong.
+ Protein from peas
ium Succinoyl
Hydrolyzed Pea Protein):
Has the ability to replace
silicone to help smooth
hair and restore damaged
hair without clogging hair

Natural - Description: 245,000 200g

Conditione Natural Conditioner is the secret VND
r to hair care, providing nutrients
to the hair and scalp to help
keep hair soft and smooth,
reduce hair breakage and split
ends, contribute to hair
protection, and promote
recovery of damaged hair while
not causing hair loss.
- Outstanding advantages:
+ Grapefruit peel essential
oil: Contributes to
preventing hair loss
+ Tulsi essential oil:
Prevents hair loss, helps
relax when shampooing
+ Ylang Ylang essential oil:
Helps protect hair
+ Avocado Oil: Contains
lots of vitamins A, C, D,
E and is a great
supplement for dry hair,
restores damaged hair,
keeps hair soft and
strong, and provides
nutrients for hair.
+ Olive Oil: Rich in
phenolic compounds that
help prevent hair loss
+ Vitamin E: Keeps hair
soft and smooth, prevents
hair loss
+ Propanediol extracted
from corn: Moisturizes
hair and scalp
+ Protein extracted from
Peas: Prevents hair
damage, makes hair
smooth and shiny without
clogging hair follicles.

2. Unique Selling Propositions

When it comes to creating a unique selling proposition (USP) for an e-
commerce business selling organic cosmetics products as our Skinature, it's
important to consider what sets our business apart from competitors and appeals
to your target audience. Here are a few potential USPs for our e-commerce

- Organic and Natural Ingredients: Emphasize that our products are made
with 100% organic and natural ingredients. This can be a strong selling
point for customers who prioritize clean and eco-friendly beauty products.

- Cruelty-Free and Vegan: Highlight that our cosmetics are cruelty-free and
suitable for vegans, appealing to consumers who value ethical and animal-
friendly products.
- Sustainable Packaging: If our shop uses sustainable packaging materials
or offers refillable options, make this a key part of your USP. Many
consumers are increasingly conscious of the environmental impact of
packaging waste.

- Expertly Curated Selection: Differentiate our shop by offering a

thoughtfully curated selection of organic cosmetics products. This can
help customers navigate the overwhelming choices in the market and trust
the quality of our offerings.

Personalized Recommendations: Utilize technology to provide personalized

product recommendations based on user preferences and browsing history.


1. Objectives
Communication objectives: Increase awareness of 7 Million Vietnamese
women from 16 to 40 years old in 4 big cities: Hanoi, Hai Phong, Ho Chi Minh
City, Da Nang in 12 months. Engage with 2 Million target audience.

Facebook 100.000 followers

Tiktok 120.000 followers

Instagram 80.000 followers

Pinterest 50.000 followers

Twitter 20.000 followers

Website Traffic: 2000

Bounce rate: 20%
Conversion rate: 15%

Business Objectives: From October 2023 to October 2024.

Business Increasing revenue and profit In the 6 first months
Revenue demonstrate the brand's ability to launching the product, profit
and attract and retain customers, as well as is expected to equal at least
Profit generate economic value. 18% of Total revenue. In the
next 6 months is 22%

Custome Reaching the highest customer Repeated Purchase Ratio

r Loyalty retention and repeat purchases (RPR) = 65%
indicates the brand's ability to generate
customer satisfaction and trust.

Custome Positive feedback from customers 90% positive feedbacks in

r reviews through reviews, social media ratings, average from every Social
and customer surveys demonstrates the media network.
brand's business effectiveness.

2. Marketing Mix (7Ps)

2.1. Proposition
Skinature aims to provide women aged 16-40 in Vietnam with natural cosmetic
products that are effective, affordable, and environmentally friendly. Our
proposition is to offer a range of facial skincare, body skincare, and haircare
products that deliver visible results while prioritizing the use of natural
ingredients. Additionally, Skinature provides a personalized advisory service to
guide customers throughout their skincare journey.
2.2. Product
- Product Variety: Skinature's product lines include facial skincare, body
skincare, and hair care products. The comprehensive body care product
line helps customers save time searching for suitable products for their
individual needs. At the same time, the perfect itinerary according to the
instructions will make customers feel reassured and easy to use.
- Product Quality: Each product is carefully formulated with natural
ingredients and designed to address specific skin and hair concerns. The
products are dermatologically tested, ensuring their safety and efficacy,
are certificated by The Vegan Society and Peta (People for the ethical
Treatment of Animals)
- Unique selling points:
+ Use of Natural Ingredients: Skinature differentiates itself by using high-
quality, natural ingredients in its products. This can appeal to customers
who prioritize using products that are free from harmful chemicals and are
environmentally friendly.
+ Minimalistic and Clean Formulations: Focus on minimalistic and clean
formulations, avoiding unnecessary additives and fillers, can attract
customers who prefer simplicity and purity in their skincare routine.
+ Targeted Solutions for Specific Skin Concerns: Offering specialized
products that cater to specific skin concerns. Skinature provides product
for sensitive skin, acne-prone skin, aging skin

2.3. Price
Skinature offer 2 main Pricing Strategies:
- High-Low Pricing: Offering regular prices that are higher than the market
average, but also running frequent sales and discounts in special events of
the year, especially related to women: 20/10, 8/3, 20/11, Mid-Autumn
- Premium Pricing: Setting a higher price to position the product as
exclusive, luxurious, or of higher quality. This strategy relies on creating
a perception of value and attracting customers who are willing to pay a
premium. Skinature will apply this strategy for products that have deeply
functions such as: Moisturizing cream, Haircare products, etc.

2.4. Promotion: E-marketing strategy

- Social Media Campaigns: Engaging and informative content will be shared
across all social media platforms, showcasing product benefits, skincare tips,
and customer testimonials. Over the course of 6 months, Skinature will
implement 2 consecutive campaigns to increase brand awareness and make an
impression on the creativity of the brand across all social media platforms:
Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Website, Youtube, Twitter, Pinterest. In addition
to the advertising campaigns, there will be discount strategies to stimulate
consumer demand.

- Influencer Partnerships: Collaborating with beauty influencers and bloggers

who align with Skinature's values will help reach a wider audience and build
Some famous influencers that Skinature are going to collaborate with are: Trinh
Pham, Chloe Nguyen, Mai Van Trang. We will focus on educational content and
Product reviews on main platform such as Facebook and TikTok
- Content Marketing: Regular blog posts and informative articles on the website
will provide skincare tips, ingredient knowledge, and product recommendations.
+ Content Ideas:
- Skincare Tips: Share skincare tips and routines that incorporate the
brand's products. For example, create a series of posts on Instagram
featuring step-by-step skincare routines using the brand's facial skincare
- Ingredient Spotlight: Educate the audience about the natural ingredients
used in the brand's products. Create visually appealing graphics or short
videos that highlight the benefits of key ingredients.
- Before and After Transformations: Share before and after photos or
testimonials from customers who have experienced positive results using
the brand's products. This can be done through Instagram carousels or
TikTok videos.
- User-Generated Content: Encourage customers to share their experiences
with the brand's products by using a branded hashtag. Repost and share
user-generated content to showcase real-life results and build social proof.
- Giveaways and Contests: Run social media contests or giveaways to
incentivize engagement and increase brand visibility. For example, ask
followers to share their favorite skincare tips or tag friends for a chance to
win a product bundle.

- Email Marketing: A targeted email campaign will be implemented to nurture

leads, offer exclusive discounts, and share personalized skincare advice.
+ Welcome Emails: These emails are sent to new subscribers or customers
to introduce them to your brand, set expectations, and provide a warm
welcome. Promotional Emails:
+ Promotional emails are designed to promote specific products, services, or
offers. They can include discounts, limited-time promotions, new product
announcements, or exclusive deals.
+ Abandoned Cart Emails: These emails are sent to customers who have
added items to their shopping cart but haven't completed the purchase.
Abandoned cart emails remind customers of the items they left behind,
offer incentives like discounts or free shipping, and encourage them to
complete their purchase.
+ Event or Webinar Emails: These emails are sent to promote and invite
subscribers to attend events, webinars, workshops, or conferences. They
provide event details, registration links, and highlight the benefits of
+ Birthday or Anniversary Emails: These emails are personalized messages
sent to customers on their birthdays or anniversaries with your brand.
They can include special offers, discounts, or exclusive gifts to celebrate
the occasion.

2.5. Place
- Skinature's products will be available through multiple channels to
maximize accessibility:
- Online: Skinature's website will serve as the primary platform for product
sales, offering a user-friendly interface, detailed product information, and
secure payment options.
- Social Media: Skinature will utilize Website, Facebook, Instagram,
Pinterest, TikTokShop, YouTube, and Twitter to showcase products,
engage with customers, and drive traffic to the website.
- Retail Partnerships: Collaborations with local beauty stores, salons, and
spas will be pursued to expand distribution channels and increase brand
visibility. Some potential collaborators: Sammy Shop, Mint Cosmetics,
Guardian, Watsons.

2.6. Process
Skinature's personalized advisory service will be a key differentiator. Customers
will have access to personalized skincare consultations through live chat on the
website or by filling out an online consultation form. Skincare experts will
provide tailored recommendations based on individual needs and concerns. This
process ensures that customers receive the most suitable products and guidance
throughout their skincare journey.

2.7. Packaging
Skinature is committed to environmental sustainability. All products will be
packaged using environmentally friendly materials, such as recyclable
containers and biodegradable packaging. The packaging will reflect the brand's
values by using minimalistic and nature-inspired designs, highlighting the
natural ingredients used in the products.
Some materials that we use are:
- Biodegradable Plastics: Biodegradable plastics, such as PLA (polylactic
acid) or PHA (polyhydroxyalkanoates), are made from renewable
resources like cornstarch or sugarcane.
- Recycled Paperboard: Made from post-consumer waste and can be easily
recycled again after use.
- Cork: Lightweight, biodegradable, and can be recycled. Cork packaging
also provides excellent insulation and is resistant to moisture.
- Seed Paper: Seed paper is a unique and eco-friendly packaging option. It
is made from recycled paper embedded with seeds.
3. Integrated Marketing Communications Plan (IMC Plan)

Phase Phase 1: Awareness Phase 2: Phase 3:

Engagement Amplification

Timeline 01/10/2023- 01/02/2024- 01/07/2024-

31/01/2024 31/06/2024 31/09/2024
(4 months) (5 months) (4 months)

Objectives - Increase awareness - Create a - Embed in TA the

for customer in personalized idea of the “Nature of
Hanoi and HCM city connection with using natural product”
mainly consumers through - Help Skinature
- Educate TA about consumer-centric become the TOM in
using natural promotions the natural skincare
products through - Help TA realize the market
activities on social potential benefits of
media experiencing the
services and product
of skinature.

Key Hooks Viral Social Media - “Personal advisor - TVC: "The Art of
Video Ad “Discover program” and Natural Skincare"
the Magic of “Skin-
Skinature” understanding
program” at
university and Office
- Advertising video
“Beauty Redefined,

Supporting - Instagram, - Personalized - Social Media

tactics Facebook, and Promotions Campaigns: Instagram,
YouTube post and - Interactive social Facebook, and
videos media campaign on YouTube post and
- Beauty and lifestyle Instagram, videos
publications, Facebook, and - Influencer
bloggers, and YouTube post and Partnerships
influencers. videos - Events and
- OOH advertisement - Customer Experiences
Testimonials and - Packaging and
Reviews Branding
- Exclusive Events
or Experiences

KPIs - Overall: Raise - Overall: Raise - Overall: Raise

awareness of 2M TA awareness of 3M TA awareness of 2M TA
- 1500 discussions, - 25.000 interactions - 30.000 interactions
3M reach and 12.000 on social media. on social media.
interactions on social - 2000 trials. - 3000 trials.
media. - 3000 searching - 4000 searching times
- 1000 trials. times /month /month
- 2000 searching - Conversion rate: - Conversion rate: 4%
times /month 3%
- Conversion rate:

Budget 30% 40% 30%

4. Sales Plan

Phase Phase 1: Awareness Phase 2: Phase 3:

Engagement Amplification

Timeline 01/10/2023- 01/02/2024- 01/07/2024-

31/01/2024 31/06/2024 31/09/2024
(4 months) (5 months) (4 months)

Key Skin care, Body Skin care, Body Skin care, Body care,
Products care, Hair care care, Hair care Hair care

Sales - Discount 20% for - KOL's 15% - KOL's 10% discount

Strategy 1 first month discount code in code
- Free sample video, livestream - Affiliate sales
- Workshops and - Affiliate sales - PR campaign
Webinar - Free sample
- Email marketing - Collab with
universities, Offices
to hold workshop
- Skin Tone and
skin-type defining
- Email marketing

Sales goal 400 purchases 900 purchases 1300 purchases

(purchases) 500 products sold 1200 products sold 1800 product sold

Revenue 100 Million VND 200 Million VND 320 Million VND


Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2024
2023 2023 2023 2023 2024 2024 2024

E-commerce - - $50,000 $50,000 $75,000 $100,00 $150,00 $200,000

sales 0 0

Total - - $50,000 $50,000 $75,000 $100,00 $150,00 $200,000

Revenue 0 0

Cost of Goods Sold

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2024
2023 2023 2023 2023 2024 2024 2024

Raw - - $100,00
Materials 0

Manufacturi - - $50,000
ng and

Packaging - - $25,000

Shipping and - - $20,000


Total - - $195,00

Operating Expenses

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2024
2023 2023 2023 2023 2024 2024 2024

Research $125,00 $125,00 $75,000 $75,000 $25,000 - - -

and 0 0

Marketing - - $100,00 $100,00 $120,00

and 0 0 0

General and $25,000 $25,000 $50,000 $55,000 $60,000


Total $150,00 $150,00 $225,00

Operating 0 0 0


Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2024
2023 2023 2023 2023 2024 2024 2024

- - -
$150,00 $150,00 $370,00
0 0 0
1. Gmail
1. Gmail
● Account: Skinature -
● Password: Skinature123
● Creating process:
Step 1: Open Google Chrome.

Step 2: Click on Log in or “Đăng nhập” >> Click on Create new account/ Tạo
tài khoản.

Step 3: Fill in the required fields, such as name, date of birth, phone number.
Step 4: Choose a name for your email and a strong password.
Step 5: Complete the verification process and successfully create the email!

2. Website
● Front page:
● Back-end dashboard:
● WIX account:
- Account email:
- Account password: Skinature123
● Steps to create Skinature Website
Step 1: Create a WIX account by accessing, click “Sign up”
to fill the required informations and click “Sign up”.

Step 2: Choose to create a website for “my business” as we are creating an e-

commerce website for our own business, and then click “Continue”.

Step 3: As we are a beauty products brand, choose to create an “Online Beauty

Store” type of website and click “Continue”.
Step 4: As we are intened to set up the website as our main e-commerce store,
we choose “No, I’m just starting out” as we do not yet have other stores, and
then click “Continue”.

Step 5: As we sell tangible skincare products, choose “Physical products” to the

question “What kind of products are you selling?” and click “Continue”.
Step 6: An announcement saying “You’re all set!” will be display, suggesting
the completion of our registration, click “Continue to Dashboard” to head to the
Dashboard and start creating the website.

Step 7: On the “Site & App” section on the left-side navigation panel, choose
“Website” in order to create a new website if there has been no websites created
on the account yet.

Step 8: In the “Start designing your site from a template” section, choose a
suggested template to start with based on your preferences. Here we choose
“Beauty Shop” template to start with our website.
Step 9: Start customizing, beginning with the “Site Design” section to determine
the fonts and the color palette for the whole website.

Step 10: Edit the base colors to become #FAF1E4 and #435334, add any accent
colors if necessary. After that, go into the advanced settings to set up the colors
of details such as background colors, text colors, etc.
Step 11: Set up the pages inside the website in the “Site Pages and Menu”
section. Add Store Pages and Blog Pages as we need to showcase the products
as well as the news in the form of a blog.

Step 12: Further customize each page and connect them with each other until
the desired website has been created.
● Web Final Presence
● Uploading products onto the website steps
Step 1: In the WIX website editor view, enter “Category Page” in the “Store
Pages” section in “Site Pages and Menu” editor. In the page, choose “Manage
Alternatively, access the Store Products > Products section in the Dashboard of
the WIX account.

Step 2: Choose “+ New Product” and then choose “Physical product” as we sell
cosmetic products.
Step 3: Fill in the name of the product, the product information, product price,
upload the images of videos of the product, and optionally choose a category for
the product to be categorized into.

Step 4: Click “Save” to finish uploading the product.

● Development Plan
(1) Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
Optimize the website's content for search engines to improve organic visibility.
Conduct keyword research to identify relevant search terms and integrate them
into the website's content.
Develop a consistent blogging strategy to regularly publish SEO-optimized
articles on skincare and beauty topics.
(2) Content Marketing:
Create engaging and informative content that positions Skinature as an authority
in skincare and beauty.
Share blog posts, how-to guides, and skincare tips on social media platforms to
drive traffic to the website.
Encourage user-generated content, such as customer reviews and testimonials, to
showcase product effectiveness.
(3) Email Marketing:
Build and segment an email list to target specific customer groups with
personalized content and offers.
Send regular newsletters featuring product updates, skincare tips, and exclusive
Implement abandoned cart emails to recover potential lost sales.
(4) Social Media Integration:
Integrate social media accounts with the website to enable easy sharing of
website content.
Promote the website's blog articles, product launches, and special offers on
social media channels.
Engage with followers, respond to comments, and run social media contests to
foster brand loyalty.
(5) Influencer Partnerships:
Collaborate with beauty influencers and skincare experts for product reviews
and endorsements.
Encourage influencers to link back to the website when discussing Skinature
Leverage influencer reach to increase website traffic and brand exposure.
(6) Online Advertising:
Utilize pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns to drive targeted traffic to the
Run display ads on beauty and skincare-related websites to expand brand
Retarget website visitors with ads to encourage return visits and conversions.
(7) Customer Engagement:
Implement live chat or chatbot functionality for real-time customer support and
Collect and analyze customer feedback to identify areas for website
Create interactive quizzes or surveys related to skincare concerns to engage
users and collect data for personalized recommendations.
(8) Loyalty Program:
Launch a loyalty program that rewards repeat customers with discounts,
exclusive access, or free products.
Promote the loyalty program on the website to encourage sign-ups and repeat
(9) Data Analytics:
Continuously monitor website analytics to track user behavior, conversion rates,
and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
Make data-driven decisions to refine marketing strategies and website content.
(10) Partnerships and Collaborations:
Explore partnerships with complementary beauty and skincare brands for cross-
Collaborate with e-commerce platforms or marketplaces to expand distribution
channels and reach a broader audience.
(11) Website Updates:
Regularly update the website with new product releases, customer reviews, and
informative content.
Ensure that the website remains responsive, user-friendly, and optimized for
mobile devices.
By implementing these strategies and utilizing the website as a central hub for
brand engagement and sales, Skinature can effectively grow its brand presence,
attract a loyal customer base, and establish itself as a trusted name in the
skincare and beauty industry.
3. Facebook
● Link to front page:
● Link to administration site:
● Account:
- Login by Email address:
- Pasword: Skinature123
- Go to Pages -> Skinature Vietnam
● Email creating process:
Step 1: Click on “Pages” on the left toolbar after logging in
Step 2: Choose “Create New Page”

Step 3: Fill in the blank information required such as “Page name”, “Category”,

Step 4: Add Profile Picture and Cover Photo

Step 5: Choose “Skip” this step

Step 6: Choose “Next” in this step

Step 7: Choose “Done”

Step 8: Upload posts with images to gain more reaches on page

● Development Direction:
(1) Page Setup:
Create a Facebook business page for Skinature Vietnam.
Choose an appropriate profile picture and cover photo that represent your brand
and products.
Fill out the "About" section with a concise and engaging description of your
shop, highlighting the key features and benefits of your organic cosmetics.
Add contact information and website links for easy access.
(2) Content Strategy:
Establish a consistent posting schedule to keep our page active and engage our
Share high-quality images and videos showcasing our organic cosmetics
products, including before and after pictures if applicable.
Provide educational content about the benefits of organic cosmetics, skincare
routines, natural ingredients, and sustainability.
Encourage user-generated content by featuring customer testimonials, reviews,
and photos of customers using our products.
Run contests, giveaways, or promotions to increase engagement and reach.
(3) Building an Organic Following:
Invite friends, family, and existing customers to like and follow our page.
Utilize Facebook's targeting options to reach potential customers with relevant
interests in organic cosmetics, skincare, or environmental sustainability.
Collaborate with influencers or micro-influencers in the beauty and skincare
industry to promote our products and reach a wider audience.
Engage with our audience by responding to comments, messages, and reviews
promptly and professionally.
(4) Advertising and Promotions:
Utilize Facebook Ads to reach a broader audience and increase brand awareness.
Experiment with different ad formats such as carousel ads, video ads, or boosted
posts to gauge what resonates best with our target audience.
Consider running targeted promotions or discounts exclusively for our Facebook
followers to encourage more conversions.
(5) Customer Engagement and Community Building:
Create a sense of community by starting conversations, asking questions, and
requesting feedback from our audience.
Encourage customers to leave reviews and ratings on our Facebook page.
Use Facebook groups related to organic beauty, skincare, or sustainable living to
connect with potential customers and share valuable information.
Collaborate with other businesses or influencers in the beauty industry to cross-
promote each other's content or products.
4. YouTube
● Link to front page:
● Account:
- Login by Google account (Email account)
- Email:
- Password: Skinature123
● Creating process:
Step 1: After signing in Youtube by Google account, fill information in
“Name” and “Handle” then choose “Create channel”
Step 2: Edit profile picture and click on “Manage videos”, choose “Create” ->
“Upload videos”

Step 3: Choose “Select files”

Step 4: Choose the video you want to upload, then click on “Open”

Step 5: Finish steps of details, video elements, checks, visibility and choose
Step 6: Create and upload more videos to attract more subscribers and get more
● Development Direction:
(1) Content Strategy: Plan our content strategy to deliver value to your target
audience. Consider creating various types of videos, such as product
tutorials, skincare routines, ingredient spotlights, beauty tips, and
customer testimonials. This will help showcase our products, provide
informative content, and engage with our audience.
(2) Branding and Visual Identity: Create a consistent visual identity for our
YouTube channel. Design a professional logo, choose a color palette that
aligns with our brand's aesthetics, and develop visually appealing
thumbnails and channel art. Consistency in branding helps create brand
recognition and attracts viewers.
(3) High-Quality Videos: Invest in good equipment, including a high-
resolution camera and microphone, to ensure the quality of our videos. It's
important to have clear visuals and audio to maintain viewer engagement.
Use proper lighting and consider filming in a well-designed environment
that reflects our brand's image.
(4) SEO Optimization: Optimize our video titles, descriptions, and tags with
relevant keywords related to organic cosmetics, skincare, and our brand.
This will help our videos rank higher in search results and attract organic
traffic to your channel.
(5) Collaborations and Influencers: Collaborate with beauty influencers or
experts in the industry to expand our reach and gain credibility. We may
invite them to review your products, create joint content, or be featured in
our videos. This can help introduce our brand to a wider audience and
build trust among potential customers.
(6) Engage with Your Audience: Encourage viewers to subscribe, like,
comment, and share our videos. Respond to their comments and questions
promptly to foster a sense of community and loyalty. Consider organizing
giveaways, responding to customer feedback, and featuring user-
generated content to create a more interactive and engaging channel.
(7) Cross-Promotion: Leverage our other social media platforms, such as
Instagram and Facebook, to promote our YouTube channel. Share
snippets or teasers of our YouTube videos on these platforms to drive
traffic and increase visibility.
(8) Analytics and Optimization: Regularly analyze our YouTube analytics to
understand viewer behavior, engagement metrics, and trends. This data
will help us optimize our content strategy and make informed decisions
on what type of videos perform well and resonate with our audience.
(9) Consistent Schedule: Stick to a consistent upload schedule to build
anticipation and keep our audience engaged. Whether it's once a week or
bi-weekly, regular uploads will help grow our subscriber base and
maintain viewer interest.
5. Instagram
● Account:
- Link to first page:
- Login name: SkinatureVietnam
- Password: tmae306.2
● Creating process:
Step 1: From your personal Instagram homepage, go to the three
horizontal lines at the top right corner and select the "Settings & Privacy"
option. Then, click on "Add Account" and choose "Create New Account".
Enter the username: SkinatureVietnam.

Step 2: Select the Profile Picture. Tap on the plus sign at the top right
corner of the avatar, then choose the Skinature logo from your phone's
library and adjust it accordingly.
Step 3: Switch to the business account mode, press "Next", choose the
appropriate category, and press the "Done" button.

Step 4: Complete the business information by filling in the email, phone

number, and detailed address of the business, then press "next". After that,
copy the links from other platforms and paste them into the Instagram bio.
This will result in the desired outcome, as shown in the third image.
Step 5: Create a post on Instagram. Tap on the "+" icon in the middle of
the bottom of the screen, upload a photo, and write a complete caption for
the post.

● Here is our final Instagram account:

● Development Direction
Strategy for Instagram Posts and Videos for Skinature
To create a clear strategy for your Instagram posts and videos for Skinature, a
start-up brand in Vietnam focusing on natural skincare products, with the brand
proposition of being pure, simple, high quality, and user-friendly, we will
(1) Educational Content: Share informative posts and videos that educate
your audience about the benefits of natural skincare, the ingredients used
in Skinature products, and the importance of a skincare routine. This will
position Skinature as an authority in the natural skincare space.
(2) Product Showcasing: Highlight your skincare products through visually
appealing posts and videos. Showcase their packaging, textures, and
application methods. Emphasize the natural ingredients and their benefits.
Encourage user-generated content by asking customers to share their
experiences with Skinature products.
(3) Behind-the-Scenes: Give your audience a glimpse into the brand's story
and manufacturing process. Share behind-the-scenes content that
showcases the dedication to quality, sustainability, and the use of natural
ingredients. This will help build trust and authenticity with your audience.
(4) User Testimonials: Share testimonials from satisfied customers who have
experienced positive results with Skinature products. This social proof
will help build credibility and encourage potential customers to try your
(5) Skincare Tips and Tutorials: Provide skincare tips, tutorials, and step-by-
step guides on how to incorporate Skinature products into a daily skincare
routine. This will demonstrate the user-friendly aspect of the brand and
help customers make the most of their skincare products.
(6) Inspirational and Lifestyle Content: Create content that aligns with the
brand's proposition of being pure, simple, and high quality. Share
inspirational quotes, lifestyle images, and content that promotes self-care,
wellness, and a natural lifestyle. This will resonate with your target
audience and create a positive brand image.
(7) Engagement and Interaction: Actively engage with your audience by
responding to comments, direct messages, and mentions. Encourage
conversations, ask questions, and run interactive campaigns or contests to
foster a sense of community and loyalty among your followers.
We maintain a consistent visual aesthetic and tone of voice throughout your
posts and videos. Use high-quality images and videos that reflect the brand's
values and appeal to your target audience. Regularly analyze your Instagram
insights to understand what content resonates best with your audience and adjust
your strategy accordingly.
6. TikTok
 Link:
 Login name: SkinatureVietnam
 Password: tmae306.2
Step 1: Register for a new account. Go to the "Setting and Privacy" section.
Choose to add an account. Select to register using a phone number or email.
Enter your personal phone number and press "Send code" to receive a
confirmation code, then enter the 6-digit code.
Step 2: Go to the "Settings and Privacy" section, select "Account" -> "User
Information". Then complete your personal information.

Step 3: Upload a TikTok profile picture and add a bio to your profile. Go to the
homepage, select "Edit Profile," go to the "Change Photo" section, and upload
the Skinature avatar image to TikTok. Choose "Bio" and add the Skinature
brand's bio.
Step 4: Switch the account to a business account. Go to the "Settings" section ->
Select "Switch to Business Account". Choose the "Beauty" category, press
"Next", and add the business email address.

Step 5: Upload photos and videos to your business's TikTok page. Tap on the
"+" icon at the bottom of the page, select "Upload Photo or Video" as desired,
upload photos or videos from your phone's library, edit them as desired. Select
"Next", enter a caption, and publish the post.
7. Pinterest
 Link to front page:
 Dashboard: Please log in into the Skinature Pinterest account and access
 Account:
 Password: Skinature123
Step 1: In the registration menu, choose to create a business account.

Step 2: Fill in the required information like Profile name, the link to the e-
commerce website and the brand’s active region.
Step 3: Choose the field the business is running in, in this case, the beauty

Step 4: Choose to receive information on advertising on Pinterest as it can boost

the number of visitors to our profile and if we do good works, we can convert
them into our customers.
Step 5: After clicking “Continue”, Pinterest leading us to our dashboard
suggests that we have completed the registration.

● Pinterest Pin Upload Steps

Step 1: At profile page, choose the “+” sign to add a new board for new pins.
These boards are the category that pins should be categorized into.

Step 2: Fill in the desired name for the board, then click “Create” (Tạo).
Step 3: After the board has been created, click on the “+” plus sign and choose
to create a new pin (Ghim) in the board to upload a new pin to the profile.

Step 4: Fill in the title of the pin, the description, the e-commerce link that the
pin should lead to in order to convert viewers, and upload the image for the pin.
After filling in the information, click “Publish” (Phát hành). Pin upload should
be completed after this.

● Development Direction: Skinature can use Pinterest as a platform to

showcase its skincare and beauty products, share valuable beauty tips, and
connect with a broader audience interested in beauty and wellness.
Create Boards:
Organize boards around various skincare and beauty topics, including "Skincare
Tips," "Makeup Tutorials," "Product Reviews," and "Natural Ingredients."
Design visually captivating pins that align with the brand's style.

High-Quality Pins:
Design vertical pins that stand out with captivating visuals. Craft clear, concise
pin descriptions that include relevant keywords. Utilize design tools like Canva
for eye-catching pins.

Share Valuable Content:

Diversify Pinterest content, including blog posts, product images, infographics,
and user-generated content. Focus on providing educational value, such as
skincare routines, DIY remedies, and beauty trends, to be a helpful resource for
the audience.

Collaborate and Engage:

Collaborate with influencers, beauty experts, and skincare professionals to
enhance Pinterest presence. Invite them to contribute their pins or boards. Foster
audience engagement by responding to comments, repinning user-generated
content, and following relevant boards and profiles.

Promote Products:
Create dedicated boards for skincare and beauty products. Pin high-quality
images, add informative product descriptions, and include links to the e-
commerce website. Implement Buyable Pins for simplified purchases.

Use Pinterest Analytics:

Utilize Pinterest Analytics to understand what resonates with the audience.
Leverage data insights to tailor the content strategy for improved engagement.

Run Promoted Pins:

Invest in Pinterest advertising, particularly when expanding reach is a priority.
Promoted Pins effectively boost visibility and drive traffic to the website.

Consistency is Key:
Maintain a regular posting schedule to keep the audience engaged. Consistency
ensures content remains fresh and up to date.

Promote the Pinterest presence on other social media platforms and the website
to grow the audience. Encourage followers to join on Pinterest for exclusive
content and updates.

Monitor Trends:
Stay informed about skincare and beauty trends. Create content that aligns with
current trends to capture the interest of the audience.

By following this development plan and consistently delivering valuable

content, the brand can effectively use Pinterest to reach a broader audience,
showcase products, and establish itself as a trusted source of beauty and skincare
8. LinkedIn
● Link to front page:
● Link to administration site:
● Account: Sign in with Google account -> Continue as Skinature
● Gmail account:
● Password: Skinature123
● Creating process:
Step 1: Sign in personal LinkedIn profile with Email account provided

Step 2: Choose “For Business” on the toolbar, then click on “Create a

Company Page”
Step 3: On Company Setup page, choose “Company”

Step 4: Fill in the blank the required information

Step 5: After filling all information, click on “Create Page”

Step 6: Create posts to attract followers and get more interactions on page
● Development Direction
(1) Content Strategy:
a. Share engaging and informative content related to organic cosmetics,
skincare tips, ingredient benefits, etc.
b. Showcase our products with high-quality images, highlighting their
organic ingredients and benefits.
c. Share success stories, testimonials, and customer reviews to build trust
and credibility.
d. Publish industry-related articles, interviews, or thought leadership
content to position Skinature Vietnam as an authority in the organic
cosmetics industry.
(2) Networking and Engagement:
a. Connect with individuals and businesses relevant to the beauty
industry, influencers, bloggers, and potential customers.
b. Engage with our connections' content through meaningful comments,
likes, and shares.
c. Join relevant industry-related groups and actively participate in
d. Consider collaborating with influencers or beauty experts for sponsored
posts, reviews, or partnerships.
(3) Company Updates and Events:
a. Announce new product launches, promotions, or exclusive offers to
create buzz and drive engagement.
b. Share updates about company milestones, achievements, or awards to
build brand credibility.
c. Inform our LinkedIn audience about upcoming events, webinars, or
workshops related to organic cosmetics or skincare.
(4) Cross-Promotion:
Promote our LinkedIn page on other social media platforms: website, Facebook,
Instagram, TikTok, Youtube, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.
9. Twitter
● Account: Skinature - signed in with Email
● Account creating process:
Step 1: Open X (Twitter) on Google Chrome and click on “Sign in”.

Step 2: Click on “Sign in as Skinature” to sign in with the existing gmail. An X

account will be automatically created.
Step 3: Update the account with Skinature’s logo and background visuals and
the account is good to go!

● Development Direction:
(1) Branding and Profile Optimization:
Ensure that your Twitter handle (@SkinatureVN) aligns with your brand name
for easy recognition.
Create an eye-catching profile picture and header image that reflect your brand
identity and highlight the natural aspect of your products.
Craft a compelling bio that clearly communicates your values, mission, and
unique selling points.
(2) Content Strategy:
Share informative and educational content about organic skincare, emphasizing
the benefits of using natural ingredients.
Post beauty tips, DIY recipes, and skincare routines to establish your expertise
and provide value to your followers.
Highlight the quality and effectiveness of your products by sharing customer
testimonials, before-and-after pictures, and product reviews.
Collaborate with influencers, beauty experts, or dermatologists to amplify your
brand's credibility and reach a wider audience.
(3) Engage with Your Audience:
Respond promptly to customer inquiries, comments, and direct messages to
foster a strong connection and build trust.
Run interactive campaigns such as polls, Q&A sessions, or contests to
encourage user participation and generate buzz around your brand.
Utilize relevant hashtags like #organicskincare, #naturalbeauty, and
#greenbeauty to increase your visibility and attract organic traffic.
Retweet and engage with industry influencers, organic beauty advocates, and
related brands to expand your network and increase brand exposure.
(4) Visual Content:
Share visually appealing images and videos showcasing your products,
ingredients, and manufacturing processes.
Consider creating short tutorials or demonstrations on how to use your products
and their effectiveness.
Experiment with different formats like GIFs, infographics, and product
comparisons to keep your content fresh and engaging.
(5) Twitter Ads:
Consider utilizing Twitter Ads to target specific demographics, locations, and
interests, allowing you to reach a wider audience and drive traffic to your
website or physical store.
Collaborate with local influencers or micro-influencers to promote your
products through sponsored posts or partnerships.
As a startup business, Skinature has encountered several challenges during the
process of researching products and building the brand. Here are the limitations
we have faced:

- Financial Constraints: Like any startup, having sufficient financial

resources has been a major challenge for us. We have allocated 70% of
our funds to product research and development, as we consider the
product to be the core of our business. The remaining 30% is allocated to
human resources and marketing. While this allocation ensures the quality
of our products, it has limited our ability to reach a wider audience.
Additionally, the financial constraints have prevented us from conducting
extensive market surveys or creating breakthrough products with unique
and rare ingredients. Therefore, our company's leadership is actively
seeking ways to secure funding and increase our financial resources to
ensure the further development of our products.

- Human Resources: As a startup company, we initially had a small team

consisting of only 5 members. Two members focused on product
development, two on marketing and communications, and one on finance.
Each team member has had to take on multiple responsibilities, which
sometimes reduces efficiency. Providing competitive salaries for our
employees has also been challenging due to limited revenue and lower
profit margins resulting from our market penetration strategy, which
requires pricing our products reasonably.

- Product Development: Our products are almost 90% complete in terms of

functionality and quality. However, our long-term goal is to explore more
sources of rare and valuable ingredients and establish a closed-loop
production process with our own gardens and factories, rather than
outsourcing as we currently do. This would allow us to reduce production
costs and enhance product quality to reach 100%.

- Competition: In the cosmetics market, consumers are generally more

concerned about the effectiveness and cost of products rather than the
ingredient list, especially in the lower price segment. Therefore, indirect
competitors (non-natural cosmetics brands) often pose a greater challenge
than direct competitors (other natural cosmetics brands) such as Cocoon
and Soft Grass. To establish a strong position in the market, natural
cosmetics brands have to invest significant time and effort, typically
taking 5-6 years to develop products and build effective marketing
strategies. Skinature is aware of this long journey and is prepared to face
it in order to achieve greater success.

If we had additional time and financial resources, we believe we could improve

our marketing and branding efforts.
- Conducting nationwide market surveys is crucial for any business, and
this process requires significant time and resources. With a larger budget,
we would outsource a dedicated team to conduct market research,
enabling us to deeply analyze customer needs and create optimized
products. This would benefit both our research and development (R&D)
process and future marketing strategies.

- Investing in advertising on e-commerce platforms and collaborating with

Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and Key Opinion Consumers (KOCs) on
social media platforms would also be a priority. Increasing brand
visibility and generating curiosity among target customers is essential.
Therefore, we would allocate more funds to expand our presence across
various platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and
our website. Collaborating with influencers by sending them our products
for review would also be a part of our marketing strategy.

- Creating a dedicated design and content team for web presence and
product design is essential for optimizing effectiveness. This team should
have a deep understanding of user preferences and experience in digital
marketing and UX/UI design. We aim to make our platforms professional
and distinctive to leave a lasting impression on consumers and improve
customer retention.

- At the project level, we firmly believe that dedicating additional time to

meticulously craft a fully-developed Figma version of the website before
its ultimate completion is crucial to prevent errors during the website
development process. Nevertheless, the website has been completed
satisfactorily; however, we still maintain the perspective that it had
untapped potential for further enhancement. Regrettably, a fully
developed mobile version of the website has not yet been realized due to
time constraints.

- With an increased financial budget, our primary goal is to secure the

"" domain for our website, leveraging its strong branding
potential. This acquisition will provide us with the opportunity to connect
to Google Search Console, allowing us to identify and improve our SEO
strategies, thereby expanding our reach through organic searches.
Additionally, obtaining this domain will enable us to establish a
professional email address using the domain name, enhancing our
business communication and email marketing capabilities. Moreover,
opting for the WIX premium subscription would provide us with
expanded access to the SEO assistant feature, which plays a significant
role in improving our SEO efforts. Additionally, it unlocks a range of
other premium features that can significantly elevate the performance of
our website.

Furthermore, we are determined to build our website from the ground up,
utilizing both front-end and back-end coding, rather than resorting to a third-
party website builder such as WIX. This approach guarantees superior
responsiveness and a greater degree of customization.
No. Member Tasks Hours
1 Nguyễn Nhật Mai - Team leader 24
- SWOT Analysis
- Product Development
(Product Portfolio, USPs)
- Administrate 2 web
presences: Facebook and
- Create 5 posts on Facebook
- Create 5 posts on LinkedIn
- Build Word report
2 Kiều Ngọc Dung - Marketing objectives, 24
marketing plan and sales
- Administrate 2 web
presences: Instagram and
- Create 5 posts on Instagram
- Create 5 videos on TikTok
- Design image for posts on
Facebook, Instagram.
3 Dương Lâm Tuấn Anh - Administrate 2 web 24
presences: Website and
- Branding elements design,
product and product
mockups design, brand’s
design guidelines
- Website UX & UI design
- Created 5 posts on website
- Website SEO optimization
4 Nguyễn Đặng Nhật - Administrate 2 web 24
Minh presences: Website and
- Design the website
- Create the logo
- Create and upload 5 videos
on Youtube
- Create the Powerpoint
5 Ngô Hoàng Minh - 8 key elements of business 24
model and Porter’s 5 forces
- Administrate 2 web
presences: Gmail and
Twitter (X)

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