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Anorexia nervosa, often referred to simply as anorexia, is an e

ating disorder characterized by low weight, food restriction, b
ody image disturbance, fear of gaining weight,
and an overpowering desire to be thin.

Individuals with anorexia nervosa have a fear of being overwei
ght or being seen as such, although they are in fact underweig

In fact Anorexia is related with body dysmorphia which is a

mental disorder characterized by persistent fears about an
unsightly apperance or body structure

What is behind the anorexia nervosa?
Poor self – esteem which is deepened by the ubiquitous hate
Striving for false perfection - which is mainly driven by social
media and fake image of humans body
Other psychiatric problems

Behind the anorexia may be even family situation, broken

heart or dissapointment, because everybody has different
problems they can’t deal with.
5. how anorexia affects our body on the inside?
• Anemia – over 50% of patients have anemia
• Cardiac issues – around 80% of patients have arrhythmia,
hypotension, bradycardia or hypotonia
• Osteoporosis --> increased risk of fractures
• Brain problems like lack of memmory
• Loss of muscles
• Hormonal disorders : Absence of menstruation- this is the
one of main symptom of anorexia in women
• Decreased testosterone- symptom of anorexia in men
• Disturbed concentration of growth hormone
• disturbed concentraction of thydroid hormones
• Gastrointestinal problems – almost every patient has
flatulence, constipation, malabsorption syndrome and
• Electrolyte abnormalities -
• Kidney issues- kidney failure
• malnutrition
• metabolism slowdown- it can be almost stopped. For
example normally you should consume 2400 calories,
after severe anorexia your organism will be able to get
around 400 calories or even less.
• death – around 10 % of all patients
hair loss
yellow skintone –which is caused by carotenoderma
problems with oral cavity – xerostomia, non- carious tooth
cavities, tooth discoloration, angular stomatitis, even oral
cavity cancer, throat cancer or tooth loss.
acne, dullnes of the complexion
Brittle nails
Lanugo hair - pigmented hair that starts to grow on the whole
body, for example on back or neck or even face

Treatment of anorexia is associated with a gradual increase in
the patient's weight, combined with ongoing therapy with a
psychiatrist or psychologist who prescribes medications and
locates behavioral factors that strengthen the tendency to
refuse meals. While the drugs themselves do not directly
affect weight gain, they improve well-being, eliminate anxiety
and depression, which indirectly contributes to the return to
proper eating habits.
The most importatnt thing is therapy and learning of self love
and self acceptance.
Hospital treatment – when the situation is serious and
individual theraphy doesn’t work
Enteral nutrition- when the patient still refuses to eat after the
therapy and taking the medications. This is the ultimate form
of treatment

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