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AVEVA software increases operational efficiencies and

reporting capabilities for South African Mint through integrated
suite of MES and production management applications.
South African Mint
Industry - Metals, Minerals & Mining

Goals Solutions
y To enhance production and enable material y System Platform
traceability management reporting and business y InTouch HMI
y Historian
y To optimise inventory control.
y To improve plant availability and overall equipment
y Workflow Management
effectiveness (OEE).
y To reduce manual reporting and ensure data integrity
through formal production accounting. Results
y Achieved accurate production and performance
Challenges reporting.
y Accomplished successful implementation of
y The lack of detailed process information made it OEE reporting to optimise plant availability and
difficult to assess production information accurately. performance.
y With a host of disparate systems in place, it was y Improved inventory optimisation.
difficult to effectively manage processes.
y Plant floor equipment and processes are now
y The existing infrastructure was outdated and could integrated with other systems, including ERP.
no longer be supported by the original vendor.
AVEVA Plays Key Role in Sweeping for delivering consistently high-quality products on time
Operations Information Management and in large volumes, within an environment that has
Overhaul at South African Mint Co. little or no tolerance for unreliable performance or lack
of control.
CENTURION, Gauteng, South Africa –
As the official manufacturer of currency, a country’s The production process at SA Mint is complex, with key
minting facility may be its most important asset. The steps that must be precisely followed to successfully
history of coin minting dates back to 7th century BC produce a single coin of currency. While the production
and has played a significant historical role in the rise process itself was running smoothly, the real problem
and fall of human civilizations. SA Mint faced was the management of information, or
mainly the lack of it. This meant that business continuity
Responsible for minting all coins of the South African
couldn’t be guaranteed, and reporting was a tedious
rand on behalf of the South African Reserve Bank,
process which was seldom on time to be effective.
the South African Mint is responsible for the crucial
task of manufacturing coins and planchets, which are Other concerns were that the existing technology
metal disks used to make coins, for both domestic and solution couldn’t be integrated with other technologies
international markets. in use, and was based on outdated operating and
database management systems. In addition, the
Established in 1941, South African Mint (SA Mint)
original infrastructure was no longer supported by the
has prided itself on remaining on the cutting edge
original vendor.
of technology in the manufacturing of currency. The
company first established automation processes with
the use of Wonderware software in 1992, and has
remained vigilant on keeping is facilities updated with “After conducting a comprehensive review of
the latest technologies to ensure it produces the highest
our current system, the management team
quality product for the market.
concluded that a complete overhaul and
In recent years, the mint’s production team began enhancement of our factory systems was
experiencing issues with the overall manufacturing needed in order to meet our objectives. Since
information management system, which was installed the new system would serve as the core,
in 1992. In an effort to address these issues, the team
or heart, of the manufacturing process, the
decided to implement a complete overhaul and upgrade
of the manufacturing system.
team chose to name the project Pelo, which
in Sesotho, one of South Africa’s native
Rather than take a chance on unproven technology, languages, means heart.”
the SA Mint chose to implement the latest AVEVA MES -
and EMI technologies and strategies to achieve its Lungile Binza,
manufacturing objectives. CIO, South African Mint Company Ltd

Manufacturing quality, efficiency and security

is at top of list
The manufacturing process at SA Mint focuses on
efficiency, security and tight production accounting,
as well as, consistent product quality and dependable
automation. The company bears a unique responsibility

02 South African Mint

The project team’s goals were twofold: provide critical Ensuring production of any denomination at
material traceability and data integrity, as well as offer any time
the flexibility to accommodate changes in the SA Mint
In 2012, Pelo began with the first step focused on
manufacturing environment.
addressing the needs of the Plating Area, which
included enabling production scheduling of any
currency denomination at any time, as well as
ensuring on-time delivery of currency through planning
“In addition, it was necessary to optimise
methodologies such as theory of constraints (ToC) and
inventory management by providing lean manufacturing practices.
information regarding product location
and availability. We needed far greater These goals were achieved by delivering critical
production information to the management team
visibility into our key performance indicators
to identify areas for reducing manufacturing costs
(KPIs) to facilitate production flow without
which included replacing existing factory and material
compromising control or security. In addition, handling systems, and establishing processes to
we needed to manage important Overall interface with other systems such as the ERP and
Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) information.” material handling operations.
Lungile Binza, Next on the agenda was optimising the Plating Area’s
CIO, South African Mint Company Ltd operational requirements. This included facilitating the
flow of material through in-line processing, improving
material traceability to ensure off-loading capabilities
In 2010, project Pelo was in full swing, focusing on SA of WIP (work in process) at both the QA stations and
Mint’s business objectives and process requirements. the furnace exit in case breakdown of equipment
The firm’s management team selected system upstream. This was achieved by having off-loading bins
integrator Systems Anywhere Coastal to manage the stationed permanently on the line.
implementation. The company was chosen based on
its track record of successfully supplying multi-level, In addition, the team needed to eliminate storage of
decision-support solutions to companies in the mining raw materials on the shop floor, as well as minimise
and manufacturing industries, as well as, its expertise manual movement of the material in and out of the line
in rolling out comprehensive software solutions from and across the plating lines.
AVEVA provides actionable production
management information
To ensure that these objectives were met successfully,
“The integrator’s presentation of Wonderware SA Mint needed to track production processes,
technology solutions showed us their downtimes, shifts and run times, as well as monitor the
commitment to a future where model-driven status of machine and production weights.
MES and workflow management are the norm
not the exception, enabling overall customer
Lungile Binza,
CIO, South African Mint Company Ltd

03 South African Mint

AVEVA MES software manages the production
management information flow for SA Mint by
“All development had to comply with SA Mint
disseminating production management data to the
standards and quality criteria. This was plant floor or production facility. It transforms the
especially important in the case of validating company’s production schedule into operational
manual entries through the 14 InTouch HMI commands within the physical resources and delivers
stations, which display production input/ feedback to the business system in real-time.
output and stoppages in real-time. Our team
Standardisation of processes helps ensure more
also developed custom security features consistent production results. It equips central
for linking to other systems used within the engineering groups to build process models as base
facility.” templates to reduce total cost of ownership when
- MES is deployed across multiple plants or used as an
Paut Kotze,
enterprise standard.
Software Engineer, Systems Anywhere Coastal
In addition, the seamless integration of InTouch
System Platform was selected at the technology HMI provided the SA Mint production team with an
infrastructure for SA Mint’s applications and business enhanced Human Machine Interface (HMI) that offers
intelligence solutions. System Platform provides easier vivid graphics, is easy to use, and provides powerful
system maintenance and management of standards connectivity with the plant’s other manufacturing
through its centralised Integrated Development technology and equipment.

With System Platform, the team was provided

with a collection of integrated common services “By providing a single source for software
including visualisation, configuration, deployment, management, defining deployment and
communication, security, data connectivity, data maintenance of standards, as well as the
storage and management, people collaboration and
integration of third-party solutions, System
many others.
Platform delivered on its reputation as a true
This functionality enabled SA Mint to build a single, comprehensive Industrial Operating System.”
unified plant model that logically represents processes, -
physical equipment, industrial systems and even legacy Paut Kotze,
Software Engineer, Systems Anywhere Coastal
systems, making the design and maintenance of these
systems more flexible and efficient.

04 South African Mint

By improving real-time visibility into SA Mint processes, Accurate data collection and retrieval critical
InTouch HMI greatly improves operator effectiveness to effective SA Mint operations
and increases control of production activities to simplify
Essential production data collected from SA Mint
and enforce standardisation and change-management.
operations is stored for retrieval using Historian, the
Overall, InTouch HMI brings clarity, consistency and
first, large-volume plant data historian to unite high-
meaning to integrated data collected during SA Mint’s
speed data acquisition and storage with a traditional
manufacturing process.
relational database management system.

Advanced workflow capabilities document Historian facilitates smarter business decisions by

cross-company processes providing a secure, high-performance database that
SA Mint also implemented Workflow Management, consolidates disparate data sources. It also provides
which enables it to manage, enforce and for rapid retrieval of pertinent information used to keep
document activities cross-company, replacing facility processes operating smoothly.
manual processes and paperwork with electronic
In addition, the Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence
workflows. It encompasses everything from routine
(EMI) aspect of the project is not only helping SA Mint
operations to escalated responses to critical plant
collect valuable decision and management support
operating conditions.
information, but also provides access to the areas of
Workflow Management differs from generic BPM mobile reporting, data analysis and control, as well as
software through native integration with System cloud computing.
Platform. SA Mint operators can trigger processes
With AVEVA, SA Mint is able to continuously compute
directly from control system equipment conditions and
the metrics necessary to improve plant, multi-plant
process alerts, as well as from work order execution,
or infrastructure performance. It also enables the
quality, performance or inventory logistics events in
company to maintain tighter adherence to operating
goals with near real-time resolution and data access.

“No longer do we have to write multiple scripts

in order to check that something has been
completed. The application gave us drag-
and-drop simplicity so we can easily develop
and maintain workflows while referencing
various databases and SCADA systems. It
also has helped us enforce business rules and
standards, as well as traceability of users and
Lungile Binza,
CIO, South African Mint Company Ltd

05 South African Mint

Synchronising production control system and
“The combination of these AVEVA solutions business systems key to success
enables SA Mint to better understand the The proven effectiveness of modern process control
impact of planning, execution, staffing and principles on the shop floor using AVEVA software have
been applied by SA Mint to drive collaboration between
equipment behavior on key strategy variables
departments, processes and systems by streamlining
such as quality, performance, material
workflow, enforcing business rules and monitoring the
and energy consumption. These powerful responses of responsible parties.
tools enable us to maximise our return
on investment as well as offering critical Embedding workflow software within the production
environment enables SA Mint to implement standard
information and insight for more transparency
operating procedures and corrective actions by
to the actual cost and profitability of our structuring repeatable, managed responses to process
operations.” exceptions across the enterprise.
Lungile Binza, This can be especially effective for processes and
CIO, South African Mint Company Ltd
workflows that cross organisational boundaries
such as operations, maintenance, laboratories and
other business domains. Based on the success of this
implementation, it’s safe to say that these operating
principles will be replicated across the rest of SA Mint in
years to come.

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All product names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective holders.

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