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Problem statement (Healthcare)

Day -01:
1. In the healthcare industry, EC2 instances (Elastic Compute Cloud) offered
by AWS (Amazon Web Services) can be a crucial component of various
systems and applications used for healthcare data management,
analysis, and processing. However, there are specific challenges and
considerations related to using EC2 instances in the healthcare sector,
Addressing these challenges requires below:
a. Combination of technical expertise,
b. Industry knowledge, and adherence to regulatory requirements to
ensure the secure, reliable, and cost-effective use of EC2 instances in
the healthcare industry.
c. Collaboration between healthcare IT professionals, AWS experts, and
compliance specialists is essential to develop and maintain robust
EC2-based solutions that meet the unique needs of healthcare
organizations while safeguarding patient data and ensuring regulatory
1. Data Security and Compliance: Healthcare data, including patient records
and sensitive medical information, is subject to strict regulatory
requirements such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act (HIPAA) in the United States. EC2 users must ensure that their
instances are configured and managed in compliance with these
regulations to protect patient privacy and prevent unauthorized access or
2. Data Encryption: Encryption of data both in transit and at rest is essential
to protect patient information from unauthorized access or interception.
EC2 users in the healthcare industry must implement appropriate
encryption mechanisms to safeguard sensitive data stored on their
3. High Availability and Disaster Recovery: Healthcare systems often
require high availability and robust disaster recovery mechanisms to
ensure continuous access to critical patient data and services. EC2 users
need to design their architectures with redundancy and failover
capabilities to minimize downtime and ensure business continuity in the
event of failures or disasters.
4. Scalability and Performance: Healthcare applications may experience
fluctuating demand and varying workloads, necessitating scalable and
high-performance EC2 instances to accommodate peak usage periods
effectively. EC2 users need to select instance types and configurations
that can scale dynamically to meet changing demand while maintaining
optimal performance.

5. Cost Management: Healthcare organizations must manage their IT

infrastructure costs effectively, including EC2 instance usage expenses.
Optimizing instance sizes, utilizing cost-saving strategies such as reserved
instances or spot instances, and regularly monitoring usage patterns are
essential for controlling costs while ensuring adequate resource
6. Integration with Healthcare Systems: EC2 instances often serve as
backend infrastructure for healthcare applications and systems, requiring
seamless integration with other healthcare IT systems, databases, and
applications. Ensuring compatibility, interoperability, and smooth data
exchange between EC2 instances and other healthcare systems is critical
for the overall effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare operations.
7. Data Analytics and Machine Learning: Healthcare organizations
increasingly leverage data analytics and machine learning algorithms to
derive insights from large volumes of healthcare data. EC2 instances
provide scalable computing resources for running data analytics and
machine learning workloads efficiently, but users must address challenges
related to data preprocessing, model training, and deployment in the
healthcare context.

Day -01 – Labs

1. Create EC2 instance window and Linux and perform the basic operation.
2. Create VPC on AWS console and perform the basic operation.
3. Install Terraform on local
4. Create the EC2 instance using terraform.
5. Instal J-meter in the local system
6. Verify the performance of EC2 instance using J-meter
7. Load testing using below tools (Only Installation and basic scenario).
a. Locust (for distributed load testing)- Open Source
b. Gatling (for protocol-based scenarios) - Open Source
c. Blaze Meter (for scalable load testing) - Not free/ Trial Version.

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