Day 3 AWS Storage Data Management, and Testing

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Problem statement (Healthcare)

Problem Statement:
In the healthcare domain, the storage and management of sensitive medical
data present significant challenges. Traditional storage systems often lack the
scalability, flexibility, and security required to handle the increasing volume of
patient records, medical images, and diagnostic reports. Healthcare
organizations need a reliable and secure storage solution that can
accommodate the dynamic nature of healthcare data while ensuring
compliance with regulatory standards such as HIPAA or GDPR.
Elastic Block Storage (EBS) offers a robust solution for healthcare organizations
to address their storage challenges effectively. By leveraging EBS, healthcare
providers can benefit from:
1. Scalability: EBS provides scalable storage volumes that can be easily
adjusted to accommodate the growing volume of healthcare data.
Healthcare organizations can dynamically resize EBS volumes based on
their changing storage requirements, ensuring that they have the
necessary storage capacity to support their operations.
2. Reliability and Durability: EBS offers high availability and durability, with
built-in redundancy and replication across multiple Availability Zones
(AZs) within a region. This ensures that healthcare data remains
accessible and protected against hardware failures or disasters, providing
continuity of care for patients.
3. Security and Compliance: EBS supports encryption at rest, ensuring that
healthcare data stored in EBS volumes is encrypted and protected from
unauthorized access. Healthcare organizations can also implement
access controls and audit trails to ensure compliance with regulatory
standards such as HIPAA or GDPR, safeguarding patient privacy and
4. Performance: EBS delivers high-performance block storage with low-
latency access, making it suitable for healthcare applications that require
fast and reliable access to data. Healthcare organizations can optimize
EBS performance by selecting the appropriate volume type and
configuration based on their workload requirements.
5. Cost-Effectiveness: EBS offers flexible pricing models based on usage and
performance tiers, allowing healthcare organizations to optimize storage
costs while meeting their performance requirements. Healthcare
providers can leverage features such as snapshots and data lifecycle
management to reduce storage costs and optimize resource utilization.
6. Integration: EBS seamlessly integrates with a wide range of healthcare
applications, electronic health records (EHR) systems, and clinical
software platforms, enabling healthcare organizations to store and
manage their data efficiently within their existing workflows.

Day -03 – Labs

1. EBS Volume Creation:
Objective: Introduce users to the process of creating EBS volumes.
a. Create an EBS volume with a specified size and type (e.g.,
General Purpose SSD).
b. Attach the volume to an EC2 instance.
c. Format and mount the volume on the instance.
2. Snapshots and Backups:
Objective: Familiarize users with creating snapshots for data backup.
a. Create a snapshot of an existing EBS volume.
b. Restore the volume from the snapshot.
c. Automate snapshot creation using AWS Lambda and
CloudWatch Events.
3. S3 Bucket Operations:
Objective: Introduce users to basic S3 bucket operations.
a. Create an S3 bucket using the AWS Management Console.
b. Upload objects (e.g., text files, images) to the bucket.
c. Configure bucket policies for public or private access.

4. Object Versioning and Lifecycle Policies:

Objective: Demonstrate object versioning and lifecycle policies in S3.
a. Enable versioning on an S3 bucket.
b. Upload multiple versions of an object and explore version
c. Implement lifecycle policies to transition objects to different
storage classes or delete expired objects.
5. Glacier Archive Setup:
Objective: Introduce users to basic Glacier archive creation and
a. Create a Glacier vault using the AWS Management Console.
b. Upload an archive (e.g., text file, image) to the vault.
c. Initiate a retrieval job to retrieve an archive from the vault.
6. Glacier Vault Policies:
Objective: Demonstrate Glacier vault access policies.
a. Create IAM policies to control access to Glacier vaults.
b. Attach IAM policies to IAM users or roles.
c. Test access permissions by attempting to upload, retrieve, or
delete archives based on IAM policies.
7. Snowball Setup and Data Transfer:
Objective: Introduce users to setting up a Snowball device and
transferring data.
a. Request a Snowball device through the AWS Management
b. Configure the Snowball device settings (e.g., encryption,
shipping address).
c. Transfer sample data to the Snowball device using the Snowball
client or AWS DataSync.
d. Prepare the Snowball device for shipping back to AWS.
8. Snowball Data Import:
Objective: Perform a data import operation using Snowball.
a. Set up an S3 bucket to receive the data from the Snowball
b. Use the Snowball client to unlock and connect the Snowball
c. Import data from the Snowball device into the designated S3
d. Verify the data integrity and completeness after the import
9. AWS Global Accelerator Setup:
Objective: Introduce users to setting up and configuring AWS Global
a. Create an AWS Global Accelerator using the AWS Management
b. Configure accelerator settings such as IP address type
(IPv4/IPv6), routing options, and health checks.
c. Associate endpoints (e.g., EC2 instances) with the accelerator
to route traffic to.

10.Traffic Distributions with Global Accelerator:

Objective: Understand how AWS Global Accelerator distributes traffic
across multiple endpoints.
a. Deploy multiple EC2 instances in different AWS Regions.
b. Create an AWS Global Accelerator and configure traffic policies
(e.g., static IP, traffic dials).
c. Observe how Global Accelerator routes traffic to the nearest
healthy endpoint based on the configured policy.

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