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How 2.0 R U?

Please take moment to complete this inventory of your experiences with Web/Library 2.0 applications.
The survey is anonymous and is only designed to give us an aggregate picture of the staff's

Administered count: 116

Submitted count: 102
% taking survey: 87.9%

Response % of
1. Do you regularly participate in online chat? (single answer multiple choice)
count Total

Yes 16 15.7%

No 86 84.3%

Total: 102 100.0%

Answered count: 102

Skipped count: 0

% who answered: 100.0%

Response % of
2. Do you have a personal blog?? (single answer multiple choice)
count Total

Yes 20 19.6%

No 82 80.4%

Total: 102 100.0%

Answered count: 102

Skipped count: 0

% who answered: 100.0%

Response % of
3. Do you regularly contribute to other blogs? (single answer multiple choice)
count Total

Yes 16 15.7%

No 86 84.3%

Total: 102 100.0%

Answered count: 102

Skipped count: 0

% who answered: 100.0%

4. Do you subscribe to one or more news feeds/RSS? (single answer multiple Response % of
choice) count Total

Yes 27 26.5%

No 75 73.5%

Total: 102 100.0%

Answered count: 102

Skipped count: 0

% who answered: 100.0%

5. Do you have a personal page on a social networking site (ex: MySpace, Response % of
Facebook)? (single answer multiple choice) count Total

Yes, on MySpace 18 17.6%

Yes, on other service 11 10.8%

No 73 71.6%

Total: 102 100.0%

Answered count: 102

Skipped count: 0

% who answered: 100.0%

6. Have you shared photos online (other than email)? (single answer multiple Response % of
choice) count Total

Yes 42 41.2%

No 60 58.8%

Total: 102 100.0%

Answered count: 102

Skipped count: 0

% who answered: 100.0%

7. Have you shared video online (ex. on YouTube)? (single answer multiple Response % of
choice) count Total

Yes 19 18.6%

No 83 81.4%

Total: 102 100.0%

Answered count: 102

Skipped count: 0

% who answered: 100.0%

8. Have you ever posted an online product, book or movie review? (single Response % of
answer multiple choice) count Total

Yes 32 32.0%

No 68 68.0%

Total: 100 100.0%

Answered count: 100

Skipped count: 2

% who answered: 98.0%

9. How comfortable would you be "tagging" on the Web? (single answer Response % of
multiple choice) count Total

I'd give it a try 39 38.2%

I'd tag and tag an tag and... 17 16.7%

What's tagging? 46 45.1%

Total: 102 100.0%

Answered count: 102

Skipped count: 0

% who answered: 100.0%

10. Have you ever used any online productivity tools (calendars, tasks, Response % of
bookmark organizers, word processing, etc.)? (single answer multiple choice) count Total

Yes 77 76.2%

No 24 23.8%

Total: 101 100.0%

Answered count: 101

Skipped count: 1

% who answered: 99.0%

11. Do you participate in any Website that allows personalization (ex: Response % of
iGoogle, MyYahoo)? (single answer multiple choice) count Total

Yes 59 57.8%

No 43 42.2%

Total: 102 100.0%

Answered count: 102

Skipped count: 0

% who answered: 100.0%

Response % of
12. Do you download/listen to podcasts? (single answer multiple choice)
count Total

Yes, often 13 12.7%

I have, but not regularly 47 46.1%

No 42 41.2%

Total: 102 100.0%

Answered count: 102

Skipped count: 0

% who answered: 100.0%

13. Do you play online, collaborative games (like World of WarCraft, Response % of
Second Life)? (single answer multiple choice) count Total

Yes 11 10.8%

No 91 89.2%

Total: 102 100.0%

Answered count: 102

Skipped count: 0

% who answered: 100.0%

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