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Q1: You remove a paused container from Docker?

a None

b None

c None

d True

e None

f False

Q2: What is the most common procedure for compiling programs under Linux??

a compile file_name

b None

c ./configure && make && make install

d make file_name

e gcc file_name

f None

Q3: What is Hypervisor??

a A hypervisor is a software that makes optimization possible. It is also called

Virtual Machine Monitor.

b A hypervisor is a software that makes virtualization possible. It is also called

Virtual Machine Monitor.

c A hypervisor is a hardware that makes optimization possible. It is also called

Virtual Machine Monitor.

d None

e None

f None
Q4: What is the correct HTML for making a hyperlink??

a <a name="http://mcqsets.com">MCQ Sets Quiz</a>

b None

c <http://mcqsets.com</a>

d <a href="http://mcqsets.com">MCQ Sets Quiz</a>

e None

f url="http://mcqsets.com">MCQ Sets Quiz

Q5: What is the use of SQL??

a None

b Manipulating data in database

c Storing data in database

d Displaying images

e Retrieving data in database

f Managing queries

Q6: Which of the following values would give you the hostname of the remote host in your
Ansible Playbook??

a None

b "{{ server_hostname }}"

c None

d "{{ host }}"

e "{{ ansible_hostname }}"

f "{{ hostname }}"

Q7: How are objects in PHP passed by??

a None

b Objects are passed by reference.

c None

d Objects are passed by value.

e Neither of the mentioned

f None

Q8: Can you insert multiple rows with only one INSERT query??

a Yes but these inserts cause data corruption

b None

c It's possible but only with newer MySQL versions

d None

e False

f True

Q9: What is the function func_num_args() used for??

a The function func_num_args() is used to give the string of parameters passed into
a function.

b The function func_num_args() is used to give the number of parameters passed

into a function.

c None

d The function func_num_args() is used to give the boolean r of parameters passed

into a function.

e None

f None

Q10: How to retrieve the join token for manager nodes in Docker Swarm??
a None

b docker get join-token manager

c docker swarm join-token manager

d None

e docker print join-token manager

f docker swarm token manager

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