Фонетика емтихан

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Билет 8

1. Which suffixes carry primary stress themselves? Give some examples

If the stem consists of more than one syllable, there will be a secondary
stress on one of the syllables of the stem. There are the most common
suffixes that carry primary stress on their first syllable.
“ –ain”( for verbs only): entertain, ascertain
“ –ee” : employee, refugee
“ –eer” mountaineer, volunteer
“ –ese” Portuguese, Vietnamese
“ –ette” cigarette
“ –esque” “ –ique” picturesque, unique
2. How is a nasal sound produced?
The air stream from the lungs comes up through the wind pipe, and goes to the
larynx. Then it goes through the vocal cords into the pharynx and up to the uvula.
At the uvula, if the soft palate is lowed, the air-stream can get into the nasal tract
and get out through the nostrils. The sounds are produced by the way, we call
nasal sounds.
Eg: /m/, /n/, /ŋ/
3. Preposition. Preposition of place, time, reason. Шылаулар. Іс қимыл, уақыт,
мекен шылаулар.

Билет 9
1. What are affricates?
Affricates are sounds which begin as plosives and end as fricatives.
Eg: /tʃ/ , /dʒ/
2. Preposition of direction their uses in sentences. Бағытты білдіретін
шылауларжәне олардың сөйлемде қолданылуы.
What are prepositions of direction. Prepositions are words that show the relationship
between nouns and other words in a sentence. For you to describe a certain direction you
need to relate it with movement. A preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns,
or phrases to other words within a sentence. They act to connect the people, objects,
time and locations of a sentence. Prepositions are usually short words, and they are
normally placed directly in front of nouns. Prepositions of direction tell us about the way
which a person or thing moves or is directed, in relation to other people and things.
To is used to express motion from one place to another.
For example:
We walked to the river and back.
Towards refers to a particular direction.
For example:
a) He saw me running towards him.
b) She glanced towards the mirror.
3. Numerals. Types of numerals. Сан есім. Сан есімнің түрлері және сөйлем
Numeral is a part of speech, denotes the number of objects, their number, and also the order
when counting objects. Тypes of numbers
There are three common types of English numbers:
cardinal (showing quantity)
ordinal (showing order)
nominal (showing identity)
1. Cardinal numbers
Cardinal numbers are also known as "counting numbers" and are used to count things.
Cardinal numbers tell us "how many."
We have two dogs.
I have $15.00.
There are 12 birds.
He is six years old today.
2. Ordinal numbers
Ordinal numbers are used to tell the order of things. They tell us level or position in a
I am third in line.
That was your fifth cookie!
Happy 50th birthday!
First, combine eggs, sugar, flour, and salt.
He finished first in the race!
3. Nominal numbers
Nominal numbers are used to name and identify things. Nominal numbers can be single or
grouped numbers.
Nominal numbers include:
social security numbersDriver's license
bank account numbers
driver's license numbers
employee and student identification numbers

Билет 10
1. What is the function of rise-fall tones in English? Give an example.
This tone is used to convey rather strong feelings of approval, disapproval or surprise.
Eg: A: Isn’t the view lovely!
B: ^yes
2. Сан есімді жасалуы және оларды қолдану жолдары.

3. Adverb. Types of adverbs. Үстеу және оның түрлері. Үстеу шырайлары және
олардың сөйлемдегі алатын орны мен қызметі
An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, a clause, or another adverb. Adverbs
provide more information in a sentence by modifying another word. For example, the adverb
quickly in the sentence Jeremiah ran quickly tells us that Jeremiah ran with high speed. As
another example, the adverb really in the sentence The movie was really boring tells us that the
movie wasn’t just boring but that it was a colossal snooze-fest.
Like other parts of speech such as nouns and verbs, there are several different types of
adverbs. For the most part, adverbs are usually separated by what kind of questions they
answer or what kind of information they provide to us. Right now, we are going to look
at six common types of adverbs:
Conjunctive adverbs
Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of time
Adverbs of manner
Adverbs of degree
Adverbs of place
1. Conjunctive adverbs
Unlike the other types of adverbs we will look at, conjunctive adverbs play an important
grammatical role in sentences. Basically, a conjunctive adverb is an adverb that acts like
a conjunction; a conjunctive adverb is used to connect two clauses or two sentences
together. For example I went to the store to buy new shoes. However, the store was
already closed when I got there.
2. Adverbs of frequency
A number of adverbs are used to describe the frequency of an event. By doing so, these
adverbs describe how often something happens.
constantly, frequently, occasionally, sometimes, usually, never, always, rarely, daily,
weekly, monthly, yearly
3. Adverbs of time
Some adverbs tell us when something happens. Adverbs of time include words that refer
to specific times and more general time periods.
today, yesterday, tomorrow, tonight, soon, later, now, eventually, forever, still, yet, early,
late, recently, since
4. Adverbs of manner
Adverbs of manner tell us how something happens. A huge number of adverbs fall under
this type and many of the -ly adverbs formed from adjectives fit into this group.
angrily, cautiously, hungrily, nicely, slowly, deftly, precisely, unknowingly, loudly
5. Adverbs of degree
Generally, adverbs of degree describe the intensity of an action or quality. These adverbs
are often used as intensifiers to describe adjectives and other adverbs.
very, really, extremely, incredibly, too, quite, barely, deeply, fairly, greatly, hardly,
highly, intensely, somewhat, totally, little, less, least, much, more, most
6. Adverbs of place
Adverbs of place tell us where something happens.
here, there, everywhere, nowhere, somewhere, anywhere, in, out, inside, outside,
wherever, on, off, over, under, away, left, right, north, south, east, west

Билет 11
1. What are front vowels and back vowel? Give some examples.
Front vowels and back vowels relate to the change of the shape of tongue in producing the vowel. If the
front part of the tongue is raised, we have front vowels, for example /i:/, /æ/. On the other hand, if the
back of the tongue is the highest point, we have a back vowel, for example: /a: /, /u:/
2. The verb “to be” in the Present tenses. Осы шақтағы «to be»етістігі.
3. The verb “to have” in the Present tenses. Осы шақтағы “To have” етістігі

Билет 12
1. What is the definition of Pitch?
2. The Future Indefinite tense. Келер шақ. Сөйлемде қолданысы көрсету;
3. The Future Continuous tense. Созылыңқы келер шақ және сөйлемде қолданысы

Билет 13
1. According to the manner of articulation, how many plosives are there in English?
2. The Future Perfect Tense. Нақ келер шақ сөйлемде қолданысы.
3. The Future Perfect Continuous Tense. Созылыңқы нақ келер шақ сөйлемде қолданысы

Билет 14
2. The Future Indefinite in the Past tense. Өткен шақтағы келер шақ. Сөйлемдегі
3. The Future Continuous in the Past tense. Өткен шақтағы созылыңқы келер шақ,
сөйлемдегі қолданылуы, ерекшелігі.

Билет 15

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