Endocrine System - Quizizz

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2/6/24, 7:31 PM endocrine system | Quizizz

Worksheets Name

endocrine system
Total questions: 19
Worksheet time: 14mins
Instructor name: Michelle Snyder

1. Endocrine glands secrete _

a) Neurotransmitters b) Hormones

c) A wide range of chemical substances

2. What is the main function of the endocrine system?

a) It creates chemicals, or hormones, that are b) It releases waste from the body to maintain
sent around the body to maintain homeostasis.

c) It maintains the correct level of oxygen in the d) It creates electrical messages that are sent
body to maintain homeostasis. around the body to maintain homeostasis.

3. An organ that produces secretions called hormones is known as a :

a) chemical b) duct

c) gland d) hormone

4. This gland is located between the lungs behind the sternum and secretes thymosin that helps
mature WBC's in our bodies when we are children.

a) parathyroid b) brain stem

c) thymus d) thyroid

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What is gland #3?

a) Pancreas b) Adrenal Gland

c) Testes d) Ovaries


Letter H is pointing to

a) Pineal b) Pituitary

c) Thymus d) Pancreas

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Letter I is pointing to

a) Oviducts b) Ovaries

c) Adrenals d) Testes


Letter J is pointing to

a) Testes b) Adrenal

c) Ovaries d) Pineal Gland

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The gland labeled 4 in the diagram is?

a) the thyroid gland b) the adrenal glands

c) the thymus gland d) the parathyroid glands

10. The process by which an organism’s internal environment is kept stable in spite of changes in the
external environment.

a) Negative Feedback b) Positive Feedback

c) Targeted Cells d) Homeostasis


What structure(s) shown in the picture above the kidneys?

a) Parathyroids b) Testes

c) Thyroids d) Adrenal glands

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What structure is this?

a) Parathyroid b) Adrenal glands

c) Pancreas d) Thyroid

13. The "cause" for something to happen is the

a) response b) effect

c) stimulus d) homeostasis

14. The "effect" of a given stimulus is the...

a) result b) response

c) cause d) stimulus

15. Negative Feedback Loops:

a) are initiated during childbirth b) prevent small changes from getting larger

c) amplify processes d) are found only in plants

16. The two types of feedback systems that help organisms maintain homeostasis are:

a) static and dynamic b) receptor and effector

c) minor and major d) positive and negative

17. When you get cut, your skin cells release hormones that signal platelets to come and stop the
bleeding. Platelets then release more hormones that signal even more platelets to help stop
bleeding. The hormone signals continue until the cut is closed. This is an example of what type of

a) Positive Feedback Response b) Negative Feedback Loop

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18. Cells that have receptors for a particular hormone.

a) target cells b) hormones

c) gland cells d) neurons


This structure releases what hormones?

a) epinephrine and testosterone b) calcitonin and estrogen

c) insulin and glucagon d) Parathyroid hormone and antidiuretic


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Answer Keys

1. b) Hormones 2. a) It creates chemicals, or 3. c) gland

hormones, that are sent
around the body to
maintain homeostasis.

4. c) thymus 5. b) Adrenal Gland 6. d) Pancreas

7. b) Ovaries 8. a) Testes 9. a) the thyroid gland

10. d) Homeostasis 11. d) Adrenal glands 12. c) Pancreas

13. c) stimulus 14. b) response 15. b) prevent small changes

from getting larger

16. d) positive and negative 17. a) Positive Feedback 18. a) target cells

19. c) insulin and glucagon

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