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Infantil 4 Grade January 25 th

TEACHER:Patricia Medeiros and Fabiane Rodrigues

GOAL: Sts Iwill be able to say what they love, like, dislike and hate
CONTENT: Review Foods, Toys, Animals
Teachers Introduce themselves.
2’ warmer Explain the Game: Four Corners
Label the four corners of you classroom

Label the four corners of you classroom

‘love’, ‘like’, ‘dislike’ and ‘hate’. As you
show differents flashcards. Sts move to the
corner that corresponds to their preference.
For example, if you show ‘chocolate’ and a
18’ Activity student loves chocolate they move to the Flashcards
‘love’ corner. Joining in allows the students
to learn something about you too.
These activities will help you and your
students to get to know each other in a fun
and interactive way.

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