Food Waste: Aakifa Zehra 7F

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Aakifa zehra 7F


- Importance of food


What are the affects of food waste you may ask?
- When food is wasted All the resources needed to make the specific
food are also wasted the time to create them is also wasted. In fact
food waste also effects environment How so?
When food goes to the landfill and rots it creates methane. Methane in-
fact is a greenhouse gas more vigorous than carbon dioxide
And obviously food waste affects us humans as-well when food is
littered through filthy streets or alleys stray animals will eat it
unknowingly or a poor person when they have no food this way germs
are consumed causing diseases which spread and infect others
It can also affect their appearance such as when the needy don’t have
enough food they get slimmer And once food hasn’t been consumed for
a long time they will begin to starve later on dying.
Food is also an major daily item which is needed for proper
growth As each ingredient contained in the food contains
different components of food such as carbohydrates, fats etc
It is really disrespectful to waste or throw food as some people
don’t even get a meal a day and this is why world hunger is a
existing global issue which other huge world organizations have
to participate in
Below are a few causes for food waste
1 Unnecessary huge stocks
Food waste is also caused when people buy more food irreverently
when they do this extra food which has not been consumed for a
period will spoil or expire and when they buy more for no reason
others who actually needed food will not have enough to buy
2 Being picky with choices
The usual meaning of this is when people choose what they buy
based on appearances for example when you go to a market to buy
fruits you would usually pick the one with no scratches or patches
this is because we expect the displeasing ones to be spoiled or rotten
after many picky choices the food is then thrown to be replaced
3 Over productions of food products
Sometimes shops , markets or groceries produce / harvest more than
needed and the extra ones are stored in the storehouses for next time
and it may happen so that not a lot buy the products and the extras
are again stored for a extended time and end up spoiled / rotten —>
Theres many solutions for such a problem! They may be small but
can make huge differences
1 Stop buying to much – Buy the amount you need no more than that
2 don’t buy unnecessarily- buy what is needed don’t buy products
which you don’t need at the moment
3 Donate- If you have any leftovers you can give to your neighbors,
the poor people, friends, or anyone you think would need it
4 Take care of your stock – try to maintain your available food supply
up to when you consume it Don’t keep items laying around or at
places they’re not supposed to be
5 Read labels accurately
When you don’t read labels correctly you’ll think they’re expiring later
when they may be expired after a week or so
Which leads you to storing them and once you realize you’d surely
throw them away
7 Leftovers- finish your leftovers before later so that they’re not
8 aware others – spread awareness and posters for food waste so
that people are more alert

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