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Unit 5

?Did You Hurt Yourself

:A- Choose the correct answer

1. To ....................injury, always wear safety equipment.

a- obey b- help c-keep d- avoid

2. Skateboarders wear ................................ so they don’t hurt themselves.

a-seatbelts b-helmets c-skateboards d-shoes

3. ................................drivers don’t pay attention to the road.

a-Distracted b-Fatigue c- Bad weather d-Safe

4. Drowsy is another word for .............................

a-aggressive b-sleepy c-distracted d-happy

.You should always ........................... the traffic signs .5

a-obey b-avoid c-injure d-adjust

:B. Match each word with its meaning

bald .1 to explode
to challenge .2 to get better
to burst .3 having no hair on the head
to recover .4 to contest or fight against
to move

:C. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words

average- accidents - electric - aggressive – fell off

.driving is ignoring the safety of others………….…………… -1

.He ………………….….. his bike. He was riding too fast -2

.The child got an ……..…..……….…shock. He put his finger in the socket -3

.Most road …………………… are caused by the drivers themselves -4

D- Complete the following sentences with so or because:
1. I didn’t want to wake up late,.........................I used two alarm clocks.
2. Jerry called the emergency number 112...........................there was an emergency.
3. I put my hand under cold running water..............................I burned myself.
.More people turned up than I expected, ............................I cooked more food .4

:E - Do as shown between brackets

You should stop at the traffic lights. ( Rewrite the sentence using -1
................................................................................................................... "must")

You shouldn’t eating too many sweets. (Correct the verb) -2


The floor was wet. Ahmed slipped and fell. ( Join the sentences using "so") .3


Abdullah fell off his bike. He was riding too fast. ( Join the sentences using "because") .4


:F- Complete the following agreement statements

.I haven’t eaten anything all day. Neither ............... I -1
.I went to bed late last night. So ................. I -2
.I visited my uncle last weekend. So ................. I -3
.I very seldom cut myself. Neither ............... I -4

:G- Choose the correct answer

.What you are doing is very.......................... . You must stop immediately .1
a- dangerously b-well c-hardly d-dangerous
............................. .I never drive over the speed limit .2
.a-So do I. b-So I do. c-Neither do I. d-Neither I do
.........................Yesterday, he fell off his bike and hurt .3
a-myself b-herself c-himself d-yourself
.She cut ............................while she was using the knife .4
a-yourself b-herself c-myself d-himself
.Careful! Don’t hurt ................................ This knife is sharp .5
a-yourself b-herself c-myself d-himself
6- My grandfather slipped on a rug and hurt .......................................
a-yourself b-herself c-myself d-himself
7- I burned ......................................when I was making fries.
a-yourself b-herself c-myself d-himself

.H- Write a paragraph about your favorite sport


I- Write about an accident you saw or heard about in the news.
.You can use these ideas
What happened?
Who caused it?
When it happened?
Who it happened to?
Where it happened?
Why it happened?
?How it happened


Unit 6
Take My Advice
A. Match each expression with its meaning:
1. feeling down an expression used to make a statement stronger
2. look out for myself feeling depressed
3. to be honest think only about yourself and not care about other people
to be helpful

B. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words:

take up - put off - throw away - broke down

1. Some people never ........................... anything. They keep things they don’t use anymore.
2. I’m sorry I’m late. My car ................................ this morning on the highway.
3. Derek shouldn’t ........................... applying to college. If he waits any longer, he may not
get accepted.

C. Choose the correct answer:

1- They ………………..… the meeting until next week.
a-put off b-gave up c- threw away d- took up

2- He ………………….. smoking for health reasons.

a-put off b-gave up c- threw away d- took up

3- I'm going to …………………. karate.

a-put off b-give up c- throw away d- take up

4- Don't …………………… your old clothes.

a-put off b-give up c- throw away d- take up
:D. Choose the correct answer

.It is freezing outside! You …………………. wear a warmer coat .1

a-had better b-better had c-might d-could

2. Sara is waiting for you. You ………………….. go meet her.

a-are b-should c-have d-has

3. It doesn’t matter which car you buy. You ………………buy the blue one or the red one.
a- had better b- ought to c- could d- should

4. He feels much more relaxed since he…………………… yoga.

a-took up it b-took it up c-took up d-take up

5. I didn’t wear those shoes anymore so I ………………….

a-threw away it b-threw it away c-threw away them d-threw them away

6…………………….. sugar do you eat?

a-How many b-How c- How old d-How much

7- You should ……………………... this medicine.

a-take b-takes c-took d-taking

8- She'd better ………………… a doctor.

a- see b-sees c-saw d-seeing

E. Do as shown between brackets:

1- He should stop smoking. ( Use " had
better") ...................................................................................................
2- They'd better study hard. (Change the sentence into negative)
3- He ought to sleep early. (Use "should")

:F - Read the passage and then answer the questions below
People don’t normally think of rabbits as heroes. Here are two stories that will
hopefully change your mind. Hans Steich of Stuttgart, Germany and his family were asleep
in their home one night when two burglars broke into. Gerd, the pet rabbit, who was hiding
behind a bookcase jumped and landed with all four feet and sharp teeth on the face of one
burglar. When Gerd was finished with the first burglar, he jumped on the other burglar’s leg
and bit him hard on the leg. The family woke up from all the screaming and immediately
called the police. When the police arrived, they discovered that these two burglars were
.wanted for many other burglaries

In Devon, England the Gumbley family was asleep in their home when Fido, an eight-
month-old pet rabbit, smelled smoke in the middle of the night. Instead of running outside
to safety, the rabbit went straight to nine year- old Megan’s room. He started scratching the
door until she woke up and realized that the house was on fire. Megan went to her parents’
.bedroom and everyone managed to get out safely

:A- Answer the following questions

?Where is Gumbley family from .1
?How old is Megan .2

:B- Choose the correct answer

.There are ........................ stories in the text .1
a- two b- three c- four d-five
...................... Hans Steich is from .2
a- England b- Germany c- Finland d- Brazil

.C- Put ( T ) for True and ( F ) for False

) ( .Gerd was asleep when the burglars broke into the house .1
) ( .Fido woke up Megan first .2

Unit 7
You've Got Mail
A. Choose the correct answer:
1. When a phone call is "urgent", it is ….................
a. very important b. not necessary c. related to work d. exciting

2. To "import" means to …………………..

a. sell something internationally b. bring something in from another country
c.make something at home d. buy something expensive

3. "No way" means ...........................

a.OK b. I apologize c. congratulations d. impossible

4. "Be straight" means ...........................

a. OK b. I apologize c. be honest and frank d. impossible

5. "Let someone down" means ...........................

a. disappoint b. apologize c. encourage d. escape

B- Match each expression with its definition:

1- urgent be excited about
2- take advantage of benefit from
3- import very important
4- look forward to bring in from another country
be on a trip

C. Do as shown between brackets.
1- I am interested in ................................. (watch) sports. (Correct the verb)

2- I'm thinking of ................................... (move) to a new house. (Correct the verb)

3- I apologized ....................... coming late. (Complete with a preposition)

4- Omar is looking forward .................... visiting Paris. (Complete with a preposition)

D. Choose the correct answer:
1. After studying for weeks, she succeeded ..................... passing the exam.
a. on b. in c. to d. about

2. Are you looking forward ……............... visiting your relatives next week?
a. on b. in c. to d. about

3. Our teacher insists ..................... speaking to us only in English.

a. on b. in c. for d. about

4. He should apologize ..................... arriving late.

a. on b. in c. to d. for

5. I am thinking ..................... moving to a new house soon.

a. on b. of c. to d. about

6. I am dreaming ..................... going on vacation.

a. on b. of c. to d. against

7. I am used .................. having coffee at breakfast.

a. on b. of c. to d. about

8. We had fun at the beach ......................... the cold weather.

a. although b. in spite of c. even though d. because

9. ................................. I was sick, I still went to school.

a. Even though b. Because c. In spite of d. But

10. .............................. it rained, we enjoyed the vacation.

a. why b. In spite of c. Even d. Although

11-.................................... her busy schedule, she always remembers her friends’ events.
a. why b. In spite of c. Even d. Although

12. Did you .......................... have a blue car?

a. use to b. used to c. use d. used

13. There ...................... a man standing in the street.

a. is b. are c. were d. have
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14. There ....................... three children in the class.
a. is b. are c. were d. have
15. ....................... sun shines every day.
a. an b. a c. the d. - (no article

:E- Read the following passage, then answer the questions below

There is always a lot of crowd in the city centre because big companies, banks, offices
and malls are there. There are car parks but they are not enough for all cars. Last week,
Hamad and his family went shopping in the city centre of Riyadh. As usual their poor
father drove them there although he doesn't like going to these crowded places. He left
them at the nearest place to their favorite mall and went to look for a parking place. While
he was driving his car , a truck hit his car at the back. He got down to see what happened
and he was very surprised to find that hisback lights were broken. He was very angry and
wanted to call the police but the driver of the truck told him that he didn't mean it .There
was an old woman who fell in front of his truck so he hit his father's car instead of her.
.Hamad's family went home very sad without buying their needs that day

:A. Answer the following questions

Why is the city centre always -1

................................................................................................................... ?crowded

Where did Hamad’s father leave his .2

................................................................................................................. ?family

.B. Put true (T) or false (F)

) ( . There are enough parks for all cars in the city centre -1

) ( . Hamad's father doesn't like driving in crowded places -2

:C. Choose the correct answer

.An old woman fell………………………………the truck-1

a) in front of b) behind c) over d) next to

.The …………………………………. of the car were broken-2

a) back doors b) front lights c) back lights d) boot

Unit 8
Wishful Thinking
:A. Match the words with their meanings
this guy-1 have a good time
have a ball -2 unhappy
sad -3 "informal way to say " this person
in my opinion

:B. Match to form new words or expressions

desert-1 round
keep -2 the prize
whole year-3 in touch
split -4 island

C. Choose the correct answer :
1- If I ………………………… a very rich person, I wouldn’t have to work.
a. is b. were c. am d. did

2- I’d call the police if I ……………….. someone stealing in a store.

a. saw b. seen c. see d. seeing

3- If I had more experience, I might ……………………. for the job.

a. applies b. applying c. applied d. apply

4- If I could ……………….. something to the president, I’d tell him to cut taxes..
a. says b. saying c. say d. said

..If I had to leave my home, I might……...………….. with my aunt -5

a. live b. living c. lived d. lives

.D. Do as shown between brackets

My family isn’t rich. ( Write a sentence with "I wish" ) -1


Ahmed can’t come to the game. ( Write a sentence with "I wish") -2

I don’t speak German. ( Write a sentence with "I wish") -3


I don't have enough money, so I can't buy this car. ( Write a sentence using "If" ) -4

You want to buy a laptop, but you don't have enough money. (Write a sentence using"If") -5

.E- Write a paragraph about the importance of money
…………………………………… .

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