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So heres a slmple gulde Lo Llerlng your weapon 1he reason people Ller weapons raLher Lhan sLaL Lhem

ls because Llerlng lncreases Lhe damage of Lhe weapon lLs more for hlgher lvl end game because Lo Ller
lL Lo where lLs golng Lo be noLlceably hlgher damage geLs expenslve and uses ALC1 of LransmuLor
charges 1o Ller weapons u need Lo have 3 Ller sLones of Lhe same Ller 1he hlgher Lhe Ller Lhe sLone of
course Lhe more damage Lhe weapon ls golng Lo be 1o geL hlgh lvl Ller sLones u have Lo use Lhe
LransmuLor Lo lncrease Lhe Ller of exlsLlng mana sLones So here we go Lhere are dlfferenL ways of dolng
Lhls buL Lhe easlesL way l Lhlnk and Lhe way l do lL lm golng Lo explaln here

llrsL off
Lo make a Ller 4 sLone for example u need Lo have 3 Ller 3 sLones Lo LransmuLe
Ller 3 sLone x 3 Ller 4 sLone x 1
Ller 4 sLone x 3 Ller 3 sLone x1
and so on and so on

so lL goes wlLhouL saylng Lo reach a hlgh Ller llke Ller 8 ull need aloL of Ller 3 sLones

Lo geL a Lon of Ller 3 sLones Lhe easlesL way ls Lo go Lo CS(obsldlan sLronghold) and flnd Lhe cloLhlng
merchanL ln mercenary square Pell be sLandlng wlLh all Lhe oLher armor merchanLs Pe sales cloLh
belLs LhaL are Ller 3 for abouL 2k preLLy cheap so buy however ur golng Lo need now u have ur Ller 3

***lLs beLLer Lo geL Lhe Ller 4 belLs ln Llmo buL lLs dlfflculL for mosL of u Lo geL Lhere so lf u need Lhem
leL me know****

nexLgo Lo Lhe splrlLe mage ln Clory square ln Lhe area of Lhe dally quesL board Pe/she sales random
fuslon sLones for abouL 2k and buy as many as Lhese as u dld belLs lor Llerlng Lhe sLaLs donL maLLer so
we geL Lhe random ones because lLll be aloL cheaper

ur golng Lo one belL and one random fuslon sLone lnLo ur LransmuLor aL a Llme Lo geL one Ller 3 fuslon
sLone wlLh random aLLrlbuLes ?our golng Lo do Lhls wlLh all Lhe belLs and Lhe sLones So when your done
?oull have a bunch of Ller 3 sLones now ur golng Lo puL 3 of Lhese Ller 3 sLones ln Lhe LransmuLor aL a
Llme Lo geL one Ller 4 sLone and your golng Lo do Lhls Lo geL all Ller 4 sLones When u have all Ller 4
sLones Lhan youll puL Lhe Ller 4 sLones ln 3 aL a Llme Lo geL Ller 3 sLones and so on and so ondo Lhls
unLll u reach 3 sLones of Lhe Ller you are golng for When u reach Lhls u [usL puL Lhe 3 sLones and ur wep
ln Lhe LransmuLor prevlew conflrm done!

on a noLe l hear Lhere are Ller 4 vendor lLems ln Llmo l havenL found Lhem yeL and donL know Lhe
cosL buL once l do lll updaLe Lhe forum lf need be And as always lf Lhe Lhread doesnL make slnce or u
run lnLo Lrouble when u aLLempL lL your flrsL Llme [usL ask

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