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Name : Dzihni Khairina Tamami

NIM : 2088203056

Class : 3A1

September 15, 2021

Study log week 1 & LINK:


Nama and Wind Spirit 2088203056

Topic Curriculum definition
Date September 15, 2021
Sources/ Brown (1995). The Element of Language Curriculum, mrs. Dwi’s presentation slides.
Learned 1. Curriculum = [kəˈrikyələm]
es, Part of speech : Noun
pronunciati Indonesian : Kurikulum
on & part Definition : the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.
of speech,
definition, e.g., “course components of the school curriculum”
and in
(e.g., in a synonyms : syllabus, course of study/studies , program of study/studies ,
sentence) educational program, subjects , modules, time table, schedule

2. Development = [dəˈveləpmənt]

Part of speech : noun

Indonesian : Perkembangan

Definition : the process of developing or being developed.

e.g., "the development of brittle bones"

synonyms : evolution,growth,maturing,expansion,enlargement,spread,buildout,progr

3. Guidance = [ˈɡīdəns]
part of speech : noun

Indonesian : Panduan
Definition : advice or information aimed at resolving a problem or difficulty,
especially as given by someone in authority.
e.g., “he looked to his father for inspiration and guidance”
Synonyms : advice,counsel,direction,instruction,teaching,counselling,enlightenment,i
ntelligence ,information, recommendations, suggestions, tips, hints, pointers,
guidelines, ideas, facts, data, direction, control, leadership, management, supervision

4. Syllabus = [siləbəs]
Part of speech: Noun
Indonesian: Silabus
Definition: an outline of the subjects in a course of study or teaching.
e.g., “There isn't time to cover the syllabus.”
Synonyms: Curriculum, course, course of study, program of study, educational
program, course outline, timetable, schedule
Learning before the class started, I was preparing myself to attend the first meeting of
strategies curriculum development. When the class started online, the lecturer shared the book
that will be our guide in learning curriculum development with us. The book is
“Curriculum Development in Language Teaching” by Jack C. Richards. And after that
we began to learn about curriculum and curriculum development from the slides, I
learned a lot about curriculum and curriculum developments also the examples from
the slides and the explanation from my lecturer. It helps me to understand more
about curriculum and curriculum development that I am able to write this study log
and write about my reflection about this topic. After the class, I read more about
Curriculum Development in Language Teaching by Jack C. Richards, and I found
information and knowledge that helped me to work on this study log. I am grateful to
Allah S.W.T for giving me the chance to learn about curriculum development and gain
more knowledge that will be useful in the future.

Synopsis / Summary:

on September 15th, 2021 We learned about Curriculum & curriculum development in the
class. Richards, Platt, and Platt (1993) define curriculum as an educational program which
states “the educational purpose of the program (the ends); the content of teaching procedures
and learning experience which will be necessary to achieve this purpose (the means); and
some means for assessing whether or not the educational ends have been achieved.”

Mrs. Dwi explained in her slides that

curriculum is a series of things which children and youth must do and experience by way of
developing abilities to do the things well that make up the affairs of adult life. And to be in all
respects what an adult should be. Bobbit, F., (1918)

Definition of Curriculum According to Taba, H. (1962) is “curriculum is a plan for learning

that consists of the elements, such as goals and objectives, distinct content selection and
organizational approaches that inform styles of learning and teaching, concluding with
assignment methodology to determine whether the objectives were met.”
After learning from the slides, I can conclude that curriculum is a course of study and
Everything that goes on within the school, including extracurricular, guidance, and
interpersonal relationships.

I also learned that curriculum is Directed by the school, and is taught both inside the school
and outside of school and planned by school personnel.

I now understand that curriculum is a series of experiences undergone by the learners in

school and what individual learner experiences as the result of schooling.

Reflection :
Having learned about curriculum and curriculum development in today’s meeting, and
figuring out that curriculum is a course of study that is planned by school personnel and is
experienced by every individual especially the learners that goes on within the school to
finally achieve the result in the end, I now think that in the future if I become a teacher, I
might try to design a curriculum that is fitting with the needs of the students, to prepare the
learner to become an adult who can survive in the society and becoming someone that will be
respected. And for that to happen, I have to know exactly what skills are needed to be able to
participate in society and implement it in the curriculum.

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