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Cert|f|cate Leve| L||te Sk||| Master Locat|on L||te Sk||| Master Cert|f|cate Mater|a|s kaw Mater|a|s

13 varanas Class Pall LlsLl ursdon 3x Ash Lumber

3x Zlnc nuggeL
3x MounLaln uemon Crass Sap
8000 Cold
36x Ash Wood
36x Zlnc Cre
36x MounLaln uemon Crass
8000 Cold
20 varanas Class Pall LlsLl ursdon 3x Wlllow Lumber
3x 1ln nuggeL
3x 8eeLrooL Sap
13000 Cold
36x Wlllow Wood
36x 1ln Cre
36x 8eeLrooL
13000 Cold
23 Sllversprlng (near lA) lay Ak[ad 13 CrysLals (see Lype below)
20000 Cold leces

30 Sllverfall Menqld 8eman 3x Cak Lumber
3x Copper nuggeL
3x Moxa Sap
28000 Cold

36x Cak Wood
36x Copper Cre
36x Moxa
28000 Cold

33 near necropolls Cf Mlrrors Slslleena Shab 13 Lssences(see Lype below)
33000 Cold leces
33000 Cold
40 Cbsldlan SLronghold (crafLlng square) 8elln ursdon 10 MlnoLaurs Soul
10 Sound of Wlnd
42000 Cold leces
42000 Cold
43 Cbsldlan SLronghold (crafLlng square) 8elln ursdon 20 Parpy Poly SplrlLs
38000 Cold leces

38000 Cold
30 varanas Class Pall Slgg lleLcher 1o have access Lo Lhese skllls players have Lo follow a new
unlque quesL llne

Level 25 Elite Skill Materials Notes
To get level 25 Elite Skills you need to hand in crystals obtained in Forsaken Abbey. The
crystals are not bound so those can also be purchased Irom the Auction House or other players.
The needed crystals depend on your secondary class, as listed below:

Class CrysLal needed

ScouL llluslon CrysLal
8ouge llluslon CrysLal
Warden Llfe CrysLal
knlghL Llfe CrysLal
rlesL Llfe CrysLal
uruld Llfe CrysLal
Warrlor 1ough CrysLal
Mage 1ough CrysLal

Level 35 Elite Skill Materials Notes
To get the level 35 Elite skills you need to hand in essences obtained in the Necropolis oI
Mirrors. The essences are not bound so those can also be purchased Irom the Auction House or
other players.
The needed essences depend on your secondary class, as listed below:

Class Lssence

Level 50 Elite Skill Materials Notes
ou have to Iollow a new questline, which takes you to the Iollowing places:
O Necropolis oI Mirrors and Paspers Shrine
O stra Labyrinth, Mystic Altar and Ruins oI the ice dwarI kingdom (50)
O Shrine oI Kalin, Paspers Shrine, Treasure Trove
O Aisha
O And one last class speciIic quest.

ScouL SLudy Lssence
8ouge SLudy Lssence
Warden AnclenL SplrlL Lssence
knlghL AnclenL SplrlL Lssence
rlesL AnclenL SplrlL Lssence
uruld AnclenL SplrlL Lssence
Warrlor Mlrror Lssence
Mage Mlrror Lssence

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