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is a reflection of the global increase in IT

How to boost IT exports and spending, with worldwide IT spending

promote import substitution projected to exceed $5 trillion by 2024. This
presents a significant opportunity for Pakistan
to tap into this growing market and boost its
Writer : Syed Ali Imran
Pakistan heavily relies on the textile industry
for its exports, with 55% of its exports coming
from this sector. However, the textile industry Let us first address some immediate problems
is dependent on factors such as the availability before delving into the solutions for the issues
of cheap cotton and export orders from faced by this industry. The Director of
countries that require finished or semi-finished Operations at Digitel, who oversees Data
products. Any increase in cotton prices or a Center solutions and business transformation
decrease in export orders, due to factors like a through automation, highlighted that the
recession or reduced consumer buying power, industry operates in various segments.
can negatively impact the industry. To However, the major segments include
mitigate these risks and diversify its export Technology, which is used in daily life and not
base, Pakistan should explore opportunities in limited to communication sector only, Services
the IT sector. Unlike the textile industry, the IT ranging from Digital Marketing to Software to
sector does not require expensive machinery embedded engineering, and Automation,
but relies on human capital to generate which is crucial for daily business operations.
software codes and energy resources. By These segments are not only directly or
focusing on improving embedded engineering indirectly linked to exports but also contribute
techniques and developing hardware cum to import substitution. For example, digital
software products, Pakistan can significantly marketing and social media platforms have
increase its IT exports and reduce its the potential to generate foreign exchange
dependence on imports. and create white-collar jobs for the youth who
possess universities, have knowledge and skills
but struggle to find employment in an
India, Pakistan's neighbouring country, has economically uncertain and inflationary
already achieved great success in IT exports, environment. The technology required for
reaching approximately $178 billion in the these segments, such as laptops, cameras,
fiscal year 2022. Out of this, IT services and microphones, is imported. However, a
accounted for $104 billion. Pakistan has the one-time import at subsidized rates can
potential to replicate this success and also stimulate economic activity, leading to not
benefit from import substitution, which would only the export of IT-based solutions but also
help save foreign exchange. The IT minister the integration of local and foreign
has revealed that Pakistani IT companies hold commodity markets. This integration would
approximately $1-2 billion outside the allow small-scale sellers to sell their products
country. Efforts are being made to create and services, ultimately contributing to the
arrangements that would encourage these country's GDP.
companies to bring back their funds. However,
fiscal policies also need to be revised to
facilitate this process. The growth in IT exports
Data Center technology is currently heavily IT companies that offer embedded
reliant on imported equipment, but there is engineering solutions, such as Data Center
potential for local production if a targeted infrastructure, also require logistics for
subsidy policy is implemented. While Pakistan transportation. These logistics services can be
is currently under the IMF regime for the next provided at subsidized rates. Another crucial
3 to 5 years, it is worth noting that the Biden component is the Colling Unit, which is
administration has introduced the Inflation imported to create a safe and rust-free
Reduction Act in the USA. This act aims to environment for these technologies to
make the country self-sufficient in green function efficiently and have a longer lifespan.
energy production, reducing reliance on If the government supports the manufacturing
Chinese Solar Panels and wafers. In my of these units within Pakistan, where our
opinion, if a proper plan is discussed with the white goods industry has the capability to
IMF regarding how Pakistan can control this meet this requirement, it could focus on
targeted subsidy and the benefits it will have providing subsidized loans for one-time import
on the Current Account, it could potentially be of machinery that can aid in producing these
exempted. units locally. However, some parts may still
need to be imported, where we may not have
a comparative advantage. Another widely
Now, let's shift our focus to Data Center used component is the UPS (uninterrupted
Technology and Business Transformation. The power supply), which is preferred to be
cost of implementing this technology ranges imported as the locally available options are
from Rs.10 Million to Rs.500 Million, not up to the mark. In such cases, regulating
depending on the size and usage of the and supporting the UPS industry can instill
business. The major components of a data confidence in end users to rely on domestically
center, such as racks made of steel, are produced units, thereby saving foreign
currently imported. However, these racks can exchange. It is also worth mentioning that
be produced in Pakistan by importing a during discussions, it was revealed that the
sophisticated molding machine, which costs main boards used in biotechnology can be
around Rs.20 Million. These racks require produced locally when replacements are
certifications before installation, and needed for overhauling or troubleshooting
fortunately, certification bodies are available hospital or laboratory machines. However, it is
in Pakistan. It is worth noting that imported important to note that these are main boards
racks cost around Rs.600,000, whereas locally and not wafers or microchips, in which China
certified racks cost only Rs.150,000. and Taiwan have a clear comparative
Additionally, these racks have potential export advantage. Producing these boards in
markets in Central Asian Republics and Pakistan could cost around 10% of the import
Afghanistan. The life cycle of these racks cost, saving foreign exchange in the process.
ranges from 1 to 3 years, depending on the
gauge. After this period, they can either be
recycled or replaced, which can further If we were to summarize the problems faced
contribute to exports. Moreover, for local use, by IT professionals, they can be generalized as
producing these racks domestically will save follows:
foreign exchange by reducing imports.
1. There is no centralized database for credit to IT companies. Proper documentation
freelancers and IT exporters. or government-backed refinancing facilities
can be implemented to facilitate financing for
2. The taxation on IT export services is registered IT companies and freelancers.
significantly higher compared to our Currently, the ISAAF scheme is available for
neighbouring country, India. SMEs, but the loan amount should be
3. IT studies are not given enough attention or increased from Rs.10 million to Rs.30 million
focus to increase exports. specifically for the IT sector. Additionally, an
Export Finance Scheme for the IT sector can be
4. IT companies and freelancers often struggle introduced to address the working capital
to obtain bank credit due to insufficient or requirements for export-based activities.
inadequate documentation, which may be a
result of tax evasion or other reasons. The Government of Pakistan can introduce
Invoice Credit Insurance for IT exporters
5. There is a lack of subsidized bank credit for through its special purpose bank, EXIM Bank.
the export of machinery for import This initiative aims to provide a Bank Master
substitution and exportable production. Policy to commercial banks, allowing them to
offer cheap funds for working capital to IT
6. IT companies do not have access to
exporters without requiring collateral. As IT
subsidized credit schemes like the Export
companies primarily deal with intangible
Facilitation Scheme, which is available to
assets, such as software and services, they can
industries like textiles. It is a notable fact that
offer invoice discounts instead of tangible
a mid-sized IT company may require Rs.4
assets at large. By insuring invoice bad debts,
million per month for working capital.
the Bank will be encouraged to support IT
exporters, while exporters will be motivated to
maintain proper documentation, contributing
To address these problems, the following to the GDP of Pakistan and attracting foreign
solutions can be considered: exchange. However, the taxation percentage
will also play a role in bringing the foreign
exchange to Pakistan’s exchequer.
1. The government should support IT-based
organizations and bodies in creating a
centralized database. To facilitate this process, the State Bank of
Pakistan (SBP), EXIM Bank, the Federal Board
2. Tax reforms similar to those in India should
of Revenue (FBR), and other regulatory
be introduced to alleviate the burden of
institutions need to work together. They
taxation on IT export services.
should provide prudential regulations
3. More IT parks and tax-free zones should be relaxation and tax reductions for IT exporters
established, specifically for universities who voluntarily comply with documentation
focusing on IT studies. This will help us remain requirements and aim to increase exports by
competitive with India and enable us to offer 25% annually if provided with such support by
competitive pricing. federation.

4. Once the aforementioned reforms are in

place, banks will be more willing to provide

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