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import mainhelper

import dungeongenerator
import pygame

###All interface related things

def end_turn(dungeon, character):

print('End Turn clicked')

if dungeon.initiative_list[0] != dungeon.initiative_list[-1]:
dungeon.initiative_list.append(dungeon.initiative_list.pop(0)) # Move the
current character to the end of the list
dungeon.initiative_list.insert(0, dungeon.initiative_list.pop()) # Move
the last character to the beginning of the list

#resetting the stuff for the characters

character.current_move = 0
character.current_basicAction = 0
character.current_basicAttack = 0
character.current_special = 0

def get_clicked_tile(room, cell_width, cell_height):

while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if event.button == 1: # Left mouse button
pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
clicked_tile = mainhelper.get_tile_at_pos(pos, room, cell_width,
return clicked_tile

#this method should belong to the character class

def move_character(character, room, cell_width, cell_height):
print('move function engaged!')

# Check if the character has already moved this turn

if character.current_move >= character.max_move:
print('Already moved too much this turn!!!!')

# Calculate the clicked tile based on the mouse position

clicked_tile = get_clicked_tile(room, cell_width, cell_height)

# Find the current tile where the character is

current_tile = room.find_character_tile(character)

# Calculate the Manhattan distance between the current tile and the clicked tile
distance = room.manhattan_distance((current_tile.i, current_tile.j),
(clicked_tile.i, clicked_tile.j))

# If the clicked tile is within the character's movement range, move the
character to the clicked tile
if distance <= character.movement_rate:
current_tile.character = None
clicked_tile.character = character
character.current_move = character.current_move + 1
print('Cannot move to that location.')

####in here we need to do something for multiline output

def handle_mouse_motion(pos, room, cell_width, cell_height, initiative_list,
current_character, text_output_surface, font):
# Get the tile info for the tile at the mouse position
text = mainhelper.get_tile_info(pos, room, cell_width, cell_height,
initiative_list, current_character)
# Clear the text output surface
text_output_surface.fill((0, 0, 0))
# Render the tile info text onto the surface
text_surface = font.render(text, True, (255, 255, 255))
# Blit the text surface onto the text output surface
text_output_surface.blit(text_surface, (0, 0))

def handle_menu_selection(pos, menu_entries, menu_actions):

for i, entry in enumerate(menu_entries):
if pos[1] > i * 72 and pos[1] < (i + 1) * 72:

def update_display(display_surface, text_output_surface, menu_output_surface,

menu_entries, menu_font):
# Draw a rectangle around the text output surface
pygame.draw.rect(text_output_surface, (255, 255, 255), pygame.Rect(0, 0,
text_output_surface.get_width(), text_output_surface.get_height()), 1)
display_surface.blit(text_output_surface, (0, display_surface.get_height() -

# Draw the menu entries

for i, entry in enumerate(menu_entries):
text_surface = menu_font.render(entry, True, (255, 255, 255)) # Render in
menu_output_surface.blit(text_surface, (0, i * 72)) # Adjust the y position
as needed

# Draw a line below each entry

if i < len(menu_entries):
pygame.draw.line(menu_output_surface, (255, 255, 255), (0, (i + 1) * 72
- 5), (menu_output_surface.get_width(), (i + 1) * 72 - 5))

# Blit the menu surface onto the main display surface

display_surface.blit(menu_output_surface, (display_surface.get_width() -
menu_output_surface.get_width(), 0))

# Update the display

def switch_menu_wrapper(current_menu_actions_var, current_menu_list_var,
target_menu_actions, target_menu_list):
print('Switching menu!')
# Perform the switch by updating the variables
globals()[current_menu_actions_var] = target_menu_actions
globals()[current_menu_list_var] = target_menu_list
print('did we do globals?')

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