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Historical Antecedents in which Social

considerations changed the course of

Science and Technology

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Historical Antecedents

A. Greek and Roman Times

1. Ancient Greek – the first culture to undertake true
scientific inquiry.
• Basic elements of mathematics

• Astronomy

• Mechanics

• Physics

• Geography

• Medicine

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
First Five Centuries, B. C.

⚫ Dominated by the two greatest personality in history,

⚫ Plato – founder of the Academy of Athens and

⚫ Aristotle – founder of the Lyceum of Athens

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
15th century

⚫ Invention of typography – about the middle of the 15th


⚫ Geographic discoveries –
⚫ Printing – opened the production of standard text and
a little later, standard illustrations.

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc

Growths of Academics
⚫ Improved communication of Scientific Knowledge
⚫ Factor in the scientific revolution was the rise of learned
societies and academics.
⚫ (Academia del Lincel in Rome, Academia del Cimneto in
Florence, Royal Society in Florence, Academia des Science
in Paris)

⚫ Rebirth and development of science began with the

publication of books
⚫ (On the Revolution of Heavenly Spheres by Nicolaus
Copernicus, Principia Mathematica of Sir Isaac Newton)
Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc
& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc

⚫ The Rejection of Traditional Paradigm

⚫ Copernicus broke the traditional belief that the earth

was at the center of the universe. He proposed that
the earth and other planets move in circular orbits
around the sun.

⚫ Johanes Kepler’s works show that the planetary orbits

are elliptical rather than the circular.

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Development of instruments
⚫ Microscope – extended the human knowledge of living
⚫ Telescope – extended the human knowledge of the
⚫ Mechanical clock – perfected by Christian Huygens
⚫ X-ray – Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
⚫ Radioactivity – Antoine Henry Becquerel
⚫ Psychoanalysis – Sigmund Freud
⚫ Special and general theories of relativity – Albert
Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc
& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Ancient Scientist & their Achievements

Years of Work Scientist Achievement

624-548 BC Thales of Miletus Astronomer – predicted eclipse of sun
un 585 BC, Geometry of the Circle
611-547 BC Anaximander Cartography, Ogliquity of the ecliptic
570-500 BC Anaximenes Laws of Conservation of Matter and
532-500 BC Pythagoras of Relations between sides of right angled
Crotona triangle, Tone of Vibrations
500 BC Meton of Athens Metonic cycle
Pappus of Synagogue – ancient Greek
Alexandria Mathematics
480 BC Philolaus of Pythgorean Cosmology
460-370 BC Democritus Atomic theory
Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc
& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Ancient Scientist & their Achievements

Years of Work Scientist Achievement

430-377 BC Hippocrates of Cos Father of Medicine
400-347 BC Eudoxus of Cnidus Planetary Motion Theory
384-322 BC Aristotle Classified Plants and Animals
335-280 BC Herophilus of Humans dissection, brain as the
Alexandria center of thought and divides the
nervous system
Crates of Males Globe
280 BC Philon of Flow of liquids and gases, instrument
Byzantium to show expansion of air
190-120 BC Diocles First Greek Treatise on Medicine
300 BC Euclid Systematized Geometry
220 BC Apollonius of Conic Sections (Geometry)
Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc
& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Ancient Scientist & their Achievements

Years of Work Scientist Achievement

212 BC Archimedes Area of circle, Principles of lever,
screw, bouyancy
194 BC Erathosthenes Ptolemic system, Mathematics,
Geography, Optics
190-120 BC Theodorus of Size of earth, Climate
161-122 BC Hipparchus of Pattern of cosmos, latitude, longitude,
Rhodes triangular measure
100-170 AD Ptolemy Ptolemic system, Mathematics,
Geogrpahy, Optics
45BC Julius Ceazar, Calendar reform

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Foreign Scientists

⚫ Alfred Adler (1870 –


⚫ Austrian Psychiatrist,
founded Individual

⚫ Developed

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Foreign Scientists

⚫ Andre Marie Ampere

(1725 – 1836)

⚫ French Physicist and


⚫ Developed the unit of

electric current, Ampere.

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Foreign Scientists

⚫ Alexander Graham Bell (1847 – 1922)

⚫ Father of Electric Telephone.

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc
& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Foreign Scientists

⚫ Antoine Henri Becquerel

(1852 – 1908)

⚫ Study on radioactivity.

⚫ His study lead to

knowledge of nuclear
physics, and half century
later, the atomic bomb.

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Foreign Scientists

⚫ Louis Bleriot (1872 – 1936)

⚫ World’s Greatest
Aeronautical Engineers
and Aviators.

⚫ Invented “biplane” or the

“horseless carriage”.

⚫ The first man to fly the

English channel in an

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Foreign Scientists

⚫ Louis Braille (1809 – 1852)

⚫ Braille system for the blind.

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Foreign Scientists

⚫ Marie Curie (1867 – 1934)

⚫ Recieved Nobel Prize for

Physics for the discovery of
radioactivity together with her
husband Pierre Currie and
Henri Becquerel.

⚫ Discovered the element,

radium and polonium.

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Foreign Scientists

⚫ John Dalton (1766 – 1844)

⚫ Dalton’s Atomic Theory

⚫ It states that matter is made

up of small particles called
atoms and that chemical
changes takes place
between atoms or group of

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Foreign Scientists

⚫ Rudolf Diesel (1859-1913)

⚫ Inventor of diesel engine

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Foreign Scientists

⚫ Thomas Alva Edison (1847-


⚫ At the age of 21, he had the

patent for electric vote counter

⚫ When he died at the age of 84,

he had patented 1093

⚫ Some these are motion-picture

projector, phonograph, electric
light bulb incandescent

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Foreign Scientists

⚫ Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

⚫ Greatest theoretical physicist
⚫ Creator of the theory of
⚫ Contribution to the emergence
of quantum mechanics
⚫ Contribution to statistical

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Foreign Scientists

⚫ Alexander Fleming
⚫ Discovered penicillin,
considered as miracle
⚫ Discovered lysozyme, an
antibacterial agent in
tears and saliva

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Foreign Scientists

⚫ Benjamin Franklin (1706-


⚫ Experiment on electricity

⚫ Invention of lighting rod

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Foreign Scientists

⚫ Galileo Galilei (1564-


⚫ Remembered for his

work on free fall

⚫ Used the telescope

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Foreign Scientists

⚫ Joseph Lister (1827-1912)

⚫ The first to solve the

problem of wound infection
after surgery

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Foreign Scientists

⚫ Dmitri Ivanovich
Mendeleyev (1826-1910)

⚫ Discovered of the
Periodic Table of

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Foreign Scientists

⚫ Isaac Newton (1642-

⚫ Formulated the laws of
universal gravitation,
established the
fundamental features of
physical optics, invented
⚫ Application of the
mathematical method in
the study of nature

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Foreign Scientists

⚫ Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)

⚫ Founder of Microbiology
⚫ Known for his work on
Pasteurization of food and on
preventive vaccines
⚫ Germ theory – different types
of microbes could be
separated from each other
⚫ Many disease are caused by
specific microorganisms
⚫ Microbiology of Fermentation

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Foreign Scientists

⚫ Joseph T. Thompson (1856-1946)

⚫ Discuss the theory of electrical

nature of matter.

⚫ Thompson Cathode Ray


⚫ Discovered negatively charged

particles (now called electrons).

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Foreign Scientists

⚫ Clyde Thombaugh (born 1906)

⚫ Discovered Pluto.

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Foreign Scientists

⚫ Carl Zeiss (1816-1888)

⚫ Manufacturer of lenses.

⚫ Famous invention was the

apochromatic lens of the microscope
which made it possible to bring a clear
image of an object into focus.

⚫ First planetarium projecter.

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Filipino Scientists

⚫ Dr. Abelardo Aguilar

⚫ Discover an antibiotic named Ilotycin

and Ilosone in honor of the Iloilo

⚫ Earned billion of dollars for a giant US

drug firm.

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Filipino Scientists

⚫ Angel C. Alcala, PhD

⚫ Discover species of frogs whose newly

laid eggs develop directly into froglets,
not tadpoles.

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Filipino Scientists

⚫ Ramon Ilejay Castillo

⚫ A electrical engineer who

worked with Intel, Philippines

⚫ After retirement, he founded

his own company Innovatrix

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Filipino Scientists
⚫ Ramon Ilejay Castillo

⚫ Some of his famous works are the ff:

⚫ Power-on delay mechanisms – delay turning on of power
after a brownout

⚫ Lantern blinker

⚫ Portable lamp dimmer

⚫ Dancing light and three channel lamp cluster

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Filipino Scientists

⚫ Dr. Fe Del Mundo

⚫ Invented the incubator and

the jaundice relieving device.

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Filipino Scientists

⚫ Pedro B. Escuro

⚫ Scientist and plant breeder.

⚫ He provided leadership in the

development, isolation and
release of nine (9) Seed
Board rice varieties.

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Filipino Scientists

⚫ Dr. Ramon Gustilo

⚫ Invented Different Hip

Replacement Systems for hip
joints (Prime Cemented Hip

⚫ Knee Replacement Systems

(Exodus and Genesis).

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Filipino Scientists

⚫ Carmen L. Intengan

⚫ Contributed much to the advancement of nutrition

in our country.

⚫ “Nutrition is definitely the key to a healthy

individual. Healthy individuals make a healthy

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Filipino Scientists

⚫ Alfredo V. Lagmay

⚫ Experimental Analysis of
behaviour, behaviour
modification, relaxation and

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Filipino Scientists

⚫ Geminiano T. De Ocampo

⚫ Most notable ophthalmologist

in the country.

⚫ Introduced corneal
transplantation and designed
corneal dissector.

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Filipino Scientists

⚫ Geminiano T. De Ocampo

⚫ Amends R.A. 343 creating R.A. 349, allowing

donation of part of the human body for specific
purpose by any person before he dies.

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Filipino Scientists

⚫ Eduardo A. Quisimbing

⚫ A foremost botanist, Pioneer

in the study of Philippine
Medicinal Plants.

⚫ Published a book entitled

“Medicinal Plants in the

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Filipino Scientists

⚫ Francisco Quisimbing

⚫ Invented the Quink Trademark Ink, an indelible ink

which is a Parker commercial ink.

⚫ His ink cleans the pen as writes and dries quickly on

paper but remains liquid inside the pen.

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Filipino Scientists

⚫ Jose N. Rodriguez

⚫ Renowned Filipino

⚫ Proposed Leprosy Control

Program which was adopted
by Philippines and other
Asian countries.

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Filipino Scientists

⚫ Carmen C. Velasquez

⚫ Discover 32 species of

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Well Known Filipino Scientists

⚫ Gregorio Y. Zara

⚫ Invented the two-way television-


⚫ Electric kinetic resistance known as

Zara effect

⚫ Alcohol fuel on airplane engine

⚫ Solar energy.

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc
Fun facts to watch

Filipino Inventor who changed the world of technology

Juan’s Top 5 Filipino Inventions

Prepared by: Karmina N. Barrogo, MSc

& Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, MSc

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